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Photo by Alina Kacharho on Unsplash

George Town Yacht Owner Among Elite Billionaire Seafarers: A 2023 Deep Dive

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Key takeaways:

  • The ownership of luxury yachts continues to be a symbol of wealth among global billionaires.
  • George Town yacht owner holds a significant position among these affluent individuals.
  • Yachts, apart from being symbols of luxury, are often equipped with cutting-edge technology and bespoke features reflecting the owners’ personal tastes.

Understanding the Billionaire Yacht Landscape

The world of yacht ownership is a pinnacle of luxury. Often reserved for the ultra-wealthy, owning a yacht is a testament to an individual’s financial success and taste for the finer things in life. From the George Town yacht owner to globally recognized billionaires, the allure of owning a private yacht remains unwavering.

The Influence of Wealth and Taste

While vast wealth makes the purchase of such grand vessels possible, the individual taste of the owners is reflected in the design, features, and functionalities of these yachts. From classical to contemporary designs, luxurious amenities, state-of-the-art technology, and personalized details, these floating residences exhibit the distinct persona of their owners.

The George Town Yacht Owner’s Mark in Luxury Yachting

Among these billionaire yacht owners, the George Town yacht owner’s influence cannot be overlooked. Known for their exquisite taste and an eye for detail, they stand as a significant player in the realm of luxury yachting. The level of comfort, sophistication, and technology in their yacht sets a benchmark for luxury sea travel.

The Most Luxurious Yachts and Their Owners

The list of luxury yachts owned by billionaires is impressive. These range from the Musashi owned by Larry Elisson, the Senses owned by Larry Page, the Dragonfly owned by Sergey Brin, to the Symphony owned by Bernard Arnault, among others. Each yacht, uniquely designed and equipped with incredible features, represents the peak of luxury and technology at sea.

The Irresistible Appeal of the Ocean

Owning a yacht goes beyond flaunting wealth; it represents a love for the ocean and the freedom it offers. The ability to explore the world’s waters in absolute luxury is an irresistible prospect for these billionaires. As the global billionaire list expands, so too does the list of opulent yachts.

The Ever-evolving World of Luxury Yachting

The world of luxury yachting continues to evolve, with new yacht designs, sustainable technologies, and bespoke amenities becoming increasingly common. The trend is moving towards eco-friendly designs without compromising on luxury, a trend that the George Town yacht owner and other influential figures are likely to embrace in the future.

Whether it’s the George Town yacht owner or other billionaires, yacht ownership continues to be a defining aspect of their wealth and influence. As they navigate through the high seas in their luxury vessels, they set new standards for what it means to travel in style and luxury. As we move forward, we can expect to see an increasing emphasis on sustainable practices in the creation of these oceanic wonders, merging ultimate luxury with responsibility towards our planet.

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Levi Keswick

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Exploring the Different Types of Recreational Boats

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EuropeanLife Media

Inside Octopus: Origin story of the 126m superyacht finally revealed

ice george town yacht proprietario

The barest of details have been revealed about the mysterious  Octopus  over the past 19 years. But with a new owner and on the charter market for the first time, the 126-metre  Lürssen  superyacht is finally ready to reveal her secrets past and present…

One of the best things about flying into the South of France is the view. The brilliant blue coastline is peppered with hundreds of yachts. On this flight, however, just one of the boats below us demands our attention: the 126-metre explorer  Octopus .

ice george town yacht proprietario

The following day, in the port of Marseille where her new owner’s team is wrapping up a refit before  Octopus  departs for the Galápagos, I finally see her up close. Her navy-blue hull and skyscraper decks are incredibly impressive, while on the inside she is welcoming and warm. Although she has been refitted, her history is palpable. There’s much to learn about  Octopus , and everyone involved in her story is finally ready to talk, after decades of silence.

Why was  Octopus  such a secret? In 1998, strict non-disclosure agreements were issued all around to protect the privacy of her original owner, the late American entrepreneur and philanthropist Paul Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft. “It was the first time I was faced with an NDA,” says  Espen Øino , who has gone on to sign hundreds over the years. “NDAs are strict and long lasting and don’t necessarily pass when the client does,” notes  Jonathan Quinn Barnett , who created  Octopus ’s original interior. “I had deep respect and admiration for Mr Allen, so to be able to say even a few words about  Octopus  now is marvellous.”

ice george town yacht proprietario

For builder Lürssen, the story started with a bit of detective work. The German shipyard’s sales director, Michael Breman, heard about a mysterious box that was loaded onto Allen’s 60.6-metre Feadship  Méduse , which supposedly contained a scale model of a new vessel.

“I figured out that something was going on and we ought to be involved,” he says. “So I contacted Paul Allen’s broker, [ Fraser’s ] Stuart Larsen, to ask some questions.”

Some time after, during a trip to the South of France, Breman received the go-ahead to submit a bid and arranged for a fax containing the brief to be sent to Øino’s office in Monaco. “Put that into context, this is 1998!” Øino says with a laugh. “Michael was in our office as the fax came in and going through it, we just couldn’t believe the brief, we thought it was totally crazy.”

ice george town yacht proprietario

The brief called for an industrial-style yacht with the appearance and capability of the Finnish multipurpose icebreaker  Fennica , built in 1993. Luckily, Øino knew the vessel. “I had a photo of  Fennica  from a few years earlier when I visited her while cruising with another client in the fjords,” says the designer. What he went on to sketch in pencil and model for the presentation was a sturdy explorer with two interchangeable options for the bow and the wheelhouse. “What is remarkable is that the original sketches and ideas are so close to what it actually became,” Breman says.

Another key part of the brief was for all toys and tenders, including a helicopter, a submarine and a floatplane, to be carried in a concealed way. So Øino drew a methodical general arrangement that included a two-level 36-metre-long floodable garage opening at the stern. “Launching so many toys over the side of the boat wasn’t the optimum idea and would affect the stability; a lot of heeling would occur,” the designer says.

ice george town yacht proprietario

Instead, working with the rules that oversee subdivisions inside a ship’s hull – and deal with damage stability calculations – he created one very long and tall compartment on the yacht’s centreline with a floodable dock flanked by rows of smaller garages to store the entire toy inventory of what became known as Project Octopus.

“At Lürssen, we give everything a project name, and my daughter came up with  Octopus ,” says Breman. “Along with Paul’s love for diving, plus the fact that his previous yacht was  Méduse  [“jellyfish” in French], we thought  Octopus  was a perfect project name. Little did we know then that  Octopus  would be her name once completed and delivered.” Øino says. “She was our 15th project enquiry in 1998, and so in my office, she was known as 9815.”

ice george town yacht proprietario

The proposal Lürssen created with Øino was successful, but the German shipyard soon had to resolve its first quandary – it didn’t have a shed available. “We ended up having to build her with a partner in Kiel,” Breman says. It also had to solve the matter of the explorer’s floodable garage, which had to be approved by class. “After researching multiple alternatives, the first idea that Espen drew was the one that worked the best,” he adds. “Our in-house model department then built a scale model of the garage to demonstrate how it could work. We even tested it by driving a tender in and out.”

Octopus’ s interior, meanwhile, came from a young American designer who had recently relocated from London where he’d worked with  Jon Bannenberg , to Seattle. The owner’s team chose Barnett from a small pool of interior designers to embellish the complex GA of the largest and most advanced explorer yacht ever built at the time.

ice george town yacht proprietario

“Paul Allen’s team told me the safest route would be to follow the creative direction of the owner’s two previous  Feadship  designs,” the designer says. “I did the opposite!” And the result was what Barnett describes as a “floating laboratory”, a timeless design perfectly suited to a creative genius. Included in the layout were out-of-the-box features such as a fully equipped medical centre, a storm cabin made to keep those who needed it comfortable in bad weather and a professional recording studio. “Back then, no yacht was capable of non-stop circumnavigation, while cutting an album for U2,” he says. Mick Jagger, Usher and Joss Stone are also said to have spent time in the studio – a claim no other superyacht is ever likely to make.

ice george town yacht proprietario

Barnett took a simple approach to the interior decor. While some walls are painted a neutral colour, others are covered in bee’s wing-figured eucalyptus, and it’s this vast amount of wood panelling that gives the hardy explorer the warm, comfortable feeling of a home. For Allen and Barnett, the walls were just another fun puzzle to solve. “The geometry of the panels is elegant mathematics, something Mr Allen really appreciated,” Barnett says. “The handmade veneer arrived on custom-made grids, which fitted within the yacht’s own uniquely built steel frame spacing.” The walls do not just provide insulation and conceal cableways, but originally held the ever-changing art gallery on each deck. What’s on the walls today are snapshots of  Octopus ’s adventures over the years: panoramas of Patagonian icebergs, portraits of local tribe members in Tahiti and landscapes of Asia’s ancient golden temples.

ice george town yacht proprietario

An original feature that remains on the yacht to this day is an unusual timekeeping device. Braided stainless-steel shrouds from a sailing vessel are strung on either side of the grand staircase from lower to upper deck, and they function as a clock. “I combined the old tradition of having a central clock on board a ship with my client’s unique passions for modern sculpture, mathematics, art and music,” Barnett explains. “I subcontracted a 102-year-old German specialist clock company to make it, and – I’ll tell you a secret – I used digital audio software from Apple for the tunes. Sorry, Microsoft!” he says with a laugh. “I thought the clock might become a helpful visual cue to help guests find some critical orientation. Every 15 minutes, the strings could play anything from  The Bells of St Mary’s  to Jimi Hendrix!”

ice george town yacht proprietario

Octopus  was also fitted with an huge amount of onboard electronics. “Of course, the co-founder of Microsoft required more than 54 tonnes of AV and IT equipment on board,” Øino says with a smile. While the bulk of the wiring went to the studio, each cabin was assigned 60 cables for computers, entertainment systems and more, including touchscreens – which in 1998, was an exciting innovation. “They were amazing,” says Øino, “so far ahead of their time.” The touchscreens are still used today by the crew, who also use iPads as infotainment control panels for elements such as lighting and music in guest areas.

When  Octopus  launched in 2003, it was clear she had broken new ground. With diesel-electric propulsion consisting of two ABB electric motors and eight MTU 16V 4000 M50 diesel engines, she was perfectly equipped to travel anywhere in the world. “ Octopus  was always on the go,” Øino says. “Diesel-electric wasn’t commonplace in the early millennium,” he observes, and “ Octopus  was the first yacht with dynamic positioning.”

ice george town yacht proprietario

The project propelled Lürssen into the large-yacht segment and her designers had a huge career boost. “ Octopus  blew everyone away,” Breman says. “The idea and the design are something unprecedented.” What the first aerial photographs of the yacht could make out were her winged wheelhouse, long swimming pool, two helidecks and hangars and a basketball court. Whereas on the inside, areas such as the dive centre with hyperbaric chamber, 12 cabins and private owner’s deck with its own lift, terrace and spa pool were out of sight.

After a decade of extensive travelling,  Octopus ’s engines had to be overhauled. However, her interior had worn well. “There was nothing that required a major redesign or change,” Barnett says. “All the original architecture, spaces, surfaces and design details still performed exceptionally well. Seeing it made me immensely proud.”

ice george town yacht proprietario

Although she was well-maintained and in full working order, in 2019 she was sent for a refit at the Lürssen-owned  Blohm+Voss  shipyard to prepare her for the market several months after Allen passed in 2018. She had spent two decades playing host to many parties, concerts, discoveries and expeditions, and the legacy needed to continue.

In 2021, a new owner came along with plans to make her available for select charters. Transforming  Octopus  into the remarkable charter yacht that he envisioned required a few more changes. The owner’s team enlisted Adriana Monk of  Monk Design  to retouch several spaces. Top of the list was replacing the recording studio.

ice george town yacht proprietario

“Unless you’re really into music, a studio is a niche thing to have,” says Alan Pike, one of two rotational captains. Now in the studio’s prime position – aft on the bridge deck – is a modern bar/ lounge. On either side of the new bar, new guitars hang from the original wall mounts and the grand piano has stayed put. In keeping with the beach bar look Monk created, new bleached oak flooring matches the original weathered teak deck outside.

“The vocal booth is now a DJ booth,” says the captain. “We’ve kept the soundproofing, so this place is perfect for a party, or any kind of dining.” With a new sound system and outdoor lighting, “we can really go for it”. Outdoors, there’s a glass- bottom pool that, at the touch of a button, can be made into an on-water dance floor. There’s also a wood-fired pizza oven, a service bar with a beer tap and three barbecue cooking stations.

On the entertainment deck, the former formal dining room became a wine bar. On the ceiling are scenes from Allen’s 2015 shipwreck dive to the Second World War battleship  Musashi  in the Philippines. “I was granted exclusive access to the ROV footage of the  Musashi  expedition to select shipwreck stills for the backlit ceiling,” Monk says.

ice george town yacht proprietario

Nearby, the guest observation lounge was, and still is, a firm favourite. “To dine here while cruising is a joy that’s hard to describe,” says Barnett. “I like to think of this area’s design as a mid-century sunken living room.” The feeling is created by two large sofas that snake around the room looking out over the bow. The seats look low, but the view is perfect. The rest of the deck is fun and social, as there’s also a 12-seat 4D cinema, the owner’s chef ’s galley, a table-tennis table, gym, smoothie bar, hair and massage salons and a grand library, complete with an ethanol fireplace.

Soft beige and cream carpets with wave patterns have replaced patterned blue and green rugs, and in addition to the new custom-designed pieces, free-standing items of furniture selected by Monk have helped give the interior a feel that suits  Octopus ’s new charter lifestyle. But it’s nothing dramatic. “We have kept as much as possible true to the original,” the captain says. “I strove to respect the spirit of  Octopus  while capturing the new owner’s lifestyle and vision,” Monk adds. “It was an intense and challenging project.”

ice george town yacht proprietario

The yacht’s charter schedule was entrusted to  Camper & Nicholsons .  Octopus ’s range of 12,500 nautical miles and true explorer credentials offer a huge scope for charter, and as the ripples prove on the hull’s strong plating, she is more than capable of going the distance. “She can do anything!” says charter marketing manager Gayle Patterson, who has already booked the superyacht on two excursions to Antarctica. The demand has been equal to the yacht’s renown. “We’ve grown our yacht management team to give her the care she deserves,” she adds.

Since  Octopus  was delivered, many more superyachts have adopted technologically forward designs and groundbreaking engineering and have undertaken impressive expeditions. But none have achieved what  Octopus  has. As she continues to move around the world, more people will get the opportunity to step on board. And when they do, perhaps they will feel the undeniable magic that seems to linger. One thing is for sure: wherever  Octopus  carries her guests, it is a journey they will remember for the rest of their lives.

ice george town yacht proprietario

The Toy Chest

Built to explore,  Octopus  has an incredible fleet that revolves around the cavernous 36-metre internal wet dock where the two main tenders are stored and launched through a giant transom door. Today the main tender is an 18-metre Delta 54, built in carbon with an impressive range of 450nm at 30 knots; the original was  Man-of-War , an 18-metre custom Vikal, later replaced by a 13-metre Hinckley. Sharing that space was a yellow 10-person custom submarine, named  Pagoo . A new Triton 3300/6 will take that spot when it is delivered in early 2023. Most of the other tenders have dedicated garages on either side of the wet dock. They are a 9.3-metre custom Vikal limousine and two 8.7-metre custom Zodiacs, one for diving, the other for guests. Two 5.8-metre Zodiac Milpro MK-V are also available for watersports, as is an array of WaveRunners, jet skis, kayaks, surfboards, wakeboards, kitesurfers, windsurfers and electric foil Fliteboards, plus plenty of diving equipment, The icing on the cake is a remotely controlled submarine (ROV) able to dive to 2,700 metres. To conclude this impressive list,  Octopus  has two helipads and a helicopter hangar for two. Moving forward, helicopters will be chartered as needed.

ice george town yacht proprietario

The Voyages

Octopus  is one of the most active superyachts ever built. Multiple circumnavigations, the  Northwest Passage , the High Arctic,  Antarctica , Papua New Guinea and Challenger Deep were all on the menu. One of Paul Allen’s passions was naval history. A few missions that offered the opportunity for great discoveries were well publicised, like the discovery of the Japanese warship  Musashi  in the Sibuyan Sea in March 2015 after eight years of intense work. The largest battleship ever built (aside from her sistership) sank in October 1944, but the exact location was unknown.  OctoROV  took the first photos of this lost wreck in a depth of 1,000 metres. Later that year, in August, after two attempts, another expedition recovered the bell of HMS  Hood , sunk by the Germans off Greenland in 1941.

ice george town yacht proprietario

And it looks like the story will continue.  Octopus , according to BOAT Pro data, has already cruised 9,047 nautical miles since leaving Marseille after her refit in December. In less than three months, she had already crossed the Atlantic and visited Panama including Coiba, Costa Rica and Cocos Island and the Galápagos. This winter, Camper & Nicholsons has announced that she will be heading south to test her ice-class capabilities in the frozen landscapes of Antarctica once again.

For more information please visit: www.boatinternational.com

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ice george town yacht proprietario

Motor Yacht

Ice is a custom motor yacht launched in 2005 by Lurssen Yachts in Bremen, Germany and most recently refitted in 2008.

Lürssen has remained a family-run German shipyard since its inception in 1875 and is now in its fourth generation of private ownership. The company was founded by Friedrich Lürssen with a desire to create a leading shipyard in both quality and performance.

Ice measures 90.10 metres in length, with a max draft of 5.00 metres and a beam of 15.00 metres. She has a deck material of teak.

Ice has a steel hull with an aluminium superstructure.

Tim Heywood, the multi award-winning yacht designer, has produced some of the finest and largest yachts on the water. Among his exceptional designs is the stunning 133m Al Mirqab, which was awarded the coveted ‘Motor Yacht of the Year’ at the 2009 World Superyacht Awards.

Her interior design is by Terence Disdale.

Ice also features naval architecture by Lurssen Yachts.

Performance and Capabilities

Ice has a top speed of 17.50 knots and a cruising speed of 16.00 knots. She is powered by a twin azipods propulsion system.

Ice has a fuel capacity of 400,000 litres.

She also has a range of 6,000 nautical miles.


Ice accommodates up to 14 guests in 7 cabins. She also houses room for up to 27 crew members.

Other Specifications

Ice has a hull NB of 13628.

  • Yacht Builder Lurssen Yachts View profile
  • Naval Architect Lurssen Yachts View profile
  • Exterior Designer Tim Heywood Design View profile
  • Interior Designer Terence Disdale View profile

Yacht Specs

Other lurssen yachts, related news.

yacht ice george town proprietario

Levi Keswick Logo


Photo by Alina Kacharho on Unsplash

George Town Yacht Owner Among Elite Billionaire Seafarers: A 2023 Deep Dive

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Key takeaways:

  • The ownership of luxury yachts continues to be a symbol of wealth among global billionaires.
  • George Town yacht owner holds a significant position among these affluent individuals.
  • Yachts, apart from being symbols of luxury, are often equipped with cutting-edge technology and bespoke features reflecting the owners’ personal tastes.

Understanding the Billionaire Yacht Landscape

The world of yacht ownership is a pinnacle of luxury. Often reserved for the ultra-wealthy, owning a yacht is a testament to an individual’s financial success and taste for the finer things in life. From the George Town yacht owner to globally recognized billionaires, the allure of owning a private yacht remains unwavering.

The Influence of Wealth and Taste

While vast wealth makes the purchase of such grand vessels possible, the individual taste of the owners is reflected in the design, features, and functionalities of these yachts. From classical to contemporary designs, luxurious amenities, state-of-the-art technology, and personalized details, these floating residences exhibit the distinct persona of their owners.

The George Town Yacht Owner’s Mark in Luxury Yachting

Among these billionaire yacht owners, the George Town yacht owner’s influence cannot be overlooked. Known for their exquisite taste and an eye for detail, they stand as a significant player in the realm of luxury yachting. The level of comfort, sophistication, and technology in their yacht sets a benchmark for luxury sea travel.

The Most Luxurious Yachts and Their Owners

The list of luxury yachts owned by billionaires is impressive. These range from the Musashi owned by Larry Elisson, the Senses owned by Larry Page, the Dragonfly owned by Sergey Brin, to the Symphony owned by Bernard Arnault, among others. Each yacht, uniquely designed and equipped with incredible features, represents the peak of luxury and technology at sea.

The Irresistible Appeal of the Ocean

Owning a yacht goes beyond flaunting wealth; it represents a love for the ocean and the freedom it offers. The ability to explore the world’s waters in absolute luxury is an irresistible prospect for these billionaires. As the global billionaire list expands, so too does the list of opulent yachts.

The Ever-evolving World of Luxury Yachting

The world of luxury yachting continues to evolve, with new yacht designs, sustainable technologies, and bespoke amenities becoming increasingly common. The trend is moving towards eco-friendly designs without compromising on luxury, a trend that the George Town yacht owner and other influential figures are likely to embrace in the future.

Whether it’s the George Town yacht owner or other billionaires, yacht ownership continues to be a defining aspect of their wealth and influence. As they navigate through the high seas in their luxury vessels, they set new standards for what it means to travel in style and luxury. As we move forward, we can expect to see an increasing emphasis on sustainable practices in the creation of these oceanic wonders, merging ultimate luxury with responsibility towards our planet.

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Inside Octopus: Origin story of the 126m superyacht finally revealed

yacht ice george town proprietario

The barest of details have been revealed about the mysterious  Octopus  over the past 19 years. But with a new owner and on the charter market for the first time, the 126-metre  Lürssen  superyacht is finally ready to reveal her secrets past and present…

One of the best things about flying into the South of France is the view. The brilliant blue coastline is peppered with hundreds of yachts. On this flight, however, just one of the boats below us demands our attention: the 126-metre explorer  Octopus .

yacht ice george town proprietario

The following day, in the port of Marseille where her new owner’s team is wrapping up a refit before  Octopus  departs for the Galápagos, I finally see her up close. Her navy-blue hull and skyscraper decks are incredibly impressive, while on the inside she is welcoming and warm. Although she has been refitted, her history is palpable. There’s much to learn about  Octopus , and everyone involved in her story is finally ready to talk, after decades of silence.

Why was  Octopus  such a secret? In 1998, strict non-disclosure agreements were issued all around to protect the privacy of her original owner, the late American entrepreneur and philanthropist Paul Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft. “It was the first time I was faced with an NDA,” says  Espen Øino , who has gone on to sign hundreds over the years. “NDAs are strict and long lasting and don’t necessarily pass when the client does,” notes  Jonathan Quinn Barnett , who created  Octopus ’s original interior. “I had deep respect and admiration for Mr Allen, so to be able to say even a few words about  Octopus  now is marvellous.”

yacht ice george town proprietario

For builder Lürssen, the story started with a bit of detective work. The German shipyard’s sales director, Michael Breman, heard about a mysterious box that was loaded onto Allen’s 60.6-metre Feadship  Méduse , which supposedly contained a scale model of a new vessel.

“I figured out that something was going on and we ought to be involved,” he says. “So I contacted Paul Allen’s broker, [ Fraser’s ] Stuart Larsen, to ask some questions.”

Some time after, during a trip to the South of France, Breman received the go-ahead to submit a bid and arranged for a fax containing the brief to be sent to Øino’s office in Monaco. “Put that into context, this is 1998!” Øino says with a laugh. “Michael was in our office as the fax came in and going through it, we just couldn’t believe the brief, we thought it was totally crazy.”

yacht ice george town proprietario

The brief called for an industrial-style yacht with the appearance and capability of the Finnish multipurpose icebreaker  Fennica , built in 1993. Luckily, Øino knew the vessel. “I had a photo of  Fennica  from a few years earlier when I visited her while cruising with another client in the fjords,” says the designer. What he went on to sketch in pencil and model for the presentation was a sturdy explorer with two interchangeable options for the bow and the wheelhouse. “What is remarkable is that the original sketches and ideas are so close to what it actually became,” Breman says.

Another key part of the brief was for all toys and tenders, including a helicopter, a submarine and a floatplane, to be carried in a concealed way. So Øino drew a methodical general arrangement that included a two-level 36-metre-long floodable garage opening at the stern. “Launching so many toys over the side of the boat wasn’t the optimum idea and would affect the stability; a lot of heeling would occur,” the designer says.

yacht ice george town proprietario

Instead, working with the rules that oversee subdivisions inside a ship’s hull – and deal with damage stability calculations – he created one very long and tall compartment on the yacht’s centreline with a floodable dock flanked by rows of smaller garages to store the entire toy inventory of what became known as Project Octopus.

“At Lürssen, we give everything a project name, and my daughter came up with  Octopus ,” says Breman. “Along with Paul’s love for diving, plus the fact that his previous yacht was  Méduse  [“jellyfish” in French], we thought  Octopus  was a perfect project name. Little did we know then that  Octopus  would be her name once completed and delivered.” Øino says. “She was our 15th project enquiry in 1998, and so in my office, she was known as 9815.”

yacht ice george town proprietario

The proposal Lürssen created with Øino was successful, but the German shipyard soon had to resolve its first quandary – it didn’t have a shed available. “We ended up having to build her with a partner in Kiel,” Breman says. It also had to solve the matter of the explorer’s floodable garage, which had to be approved by class. “After researching multiple alternatives, the first idea that Espen drew was the one that worked the best,” he adds. “Our in-house model department then built a scale model of the garage to demonstrate how it could work. We even tested it by driving a tender in and out.”

Octopus’ s interior, meanwhile, came from a young American designer who had recently relocated from London where he’d worked with  Jon Bannenberg , to Seattle. The owner’s team chose Barnett from a small pool of interior designers to embellish the complex GA of the largest and most advanced explorer yacht ever built at the time.

yacht ice george town proprietario

“Paul Allen’s team told me the safest route would be to follow the creative direction of the owner’s two previous  Feadship  designs,” the designer says. “I did the opposite!” And the result was what Barnett describes as a “floating laboratory”, a timeless design perfectly suited to a creative genius. Included in the layout were out-of-the-box features such as a fully equipped medical centre, a storm cabin made to keep those who needed it comfortable in bad weather and a professional recording studio. “Back then, no yacht was capable of non-stop circumnavigation, while cutting an album for U2,” he says. Mick Jagger, Usher and Joss Stone are also said to have spent time in the studio – a claim no other superyacht is ever likely to make.

yacht ice george town proprietario

Barnett took a simple approach to the interior decor. While some walls are painted a neutral colour, others are covered in bee’s wing-figured eucalyptus, and it’s this vast amount of wood panelling that gives the hardy explorer the warm, comfortable feeling of a home. For Allen and Barnett, the walls were just another fun puzzle to solve. “The geometry of the panels is elegant mathematics, something Mr Allen really appreciated,” Barnett says. “The handmade veneer arrived on custom-made grids, which fitted within the yacht’s own uniquely built steel frame spacing.” The walls do not just provide insulation and conceal cableways, but originally held the ever-changing art gallery on each deck. What’s on the walls today are snapshots of  Octopus ’s adventures over the years: panoramas of Patagonian icebergs, portraits of local tribe members in Tahiti and landscapes of Asia’s ancient golden temples.

yacht ice george town proprietario

An original feature that remains on the yacht to this day is an unusual timekeeping device. Braided stainless-steel shrouds from a sailing vessel are strung on either side of the grand staircase from lower to upper deck, and they function as a clock. “I combined the old tradition of having a central clock on board a ship with my client’s unique passions for modern sculpture, mathematics, art and music,” Barnett explains. “I subcontracted a 102-year-old German specialist clock company to make it, and – I’ll tell you a secret – I used digital audio software from Apple for the tunes. Sorry, Microsoft!” he says with a laugh. “I thought the clock might become a helpful visual cue to help guests find some critical orientation. Every 15 minutes, the strings could play anything from  The Bells of St Mary’s  to Jimi Hendrix!”

yacht ice george town proprietario

Octopus  was also fitted with an huge amount of onboard electronics. “Of course, the co-founder of Microsoft required more than 54 tonnes of AV and IT equipment on board,” Øino says with a smile. While the bulk of the wiring went to the studio, each cabin was assigned 60 cables for computers, entertainment systems and more, including touchscreens – which in 1998, was an exciting innovation. “They were amazing,” says Øino, “so far ahead of their time.” The touchscreens are still used today by the crew, who also use iPads as infotainment control panels for elements such as lighting and music in guest areas.

When  Octopus  launched in 2003, it was clear she had broken new ground. With diesel-electric propulsion consisting of two ABB electric motors and eight MTU 16V 4000 M50 diesel engines, she was perfectly equipped to travel anywhere in the world. “ Octopus  was always on the go,” Øino says. “Diesel-electric wasn’t commonplace in the early millennium,” he observes, and “ Octopus  was the first yacht with dynamic positioning.”

yacht ice george town proprietario

The project propelled Lürssen into the large-yacht segment and her designers had a huge career boost. “ Octopus  blew everyone away,” Breman says. “The idea and the design are something unprecedented.” What the first aerial photographs of the yacht could make out were her winged wheelhouse, long swimming pool, two helidecks and hangars and a basketball court. Whereas on the inside, areas such as the dive centre with hyperbaric chamber, 12 cabins and private owner’s deck with its own lift, terrace and spa pool were out of sight.

After a decade of extensive travelling,  Octopus ’s engines had to be overhauled. However, her interior had worn well. “There was nothing that required a major redesign or change,” Barnett says. “All the original architecture, spaces, surfaces and design details still performed exceptionally well. Seeing it made me immensely proud.”

yacht ice george town proprietario

Although she was well-maintained and in full working order, in 2019 she was sent for a refit at the Lürssen-owned  Blohm+Voss  shipyard to prepare her for the market several months after Allen passed in 2018. She had spent two decades playing host to many parties, concerts, discoveries and expeditions, and the legacy needed to continue.

In 2021, a new owner came along with plans to make her available for select charters. Transforming  Octopus  into the remarkable charter yacht that he envisioned required a few more changes. The owner’s team enlisted Adriana Monk of  Monk Design  to retouch several spaces. Top of the list was replacing the recording studio.

yacht ice george town proprietario

“Unless you’re really into music, a studio is a niche thing to have,” says Alan Pike, one of two rotational captains. Now in the studio’s prime position – aft on the bridge deck – is a modern bar/ lounge. On either side of the new bar, new guitars hang from the original wall mounts and the grand piano has stayed put. In keeping with the beach bar look Monk created, new bleached oak flooring matches the original weathered teak deck outside.

“The vocal booth is now a DJ booth,” says the captain. “We’ve kept the soundproofing, so this place is perfect for a party, or any kind of dining.” With a new sound system and outdoor lighting, “we can really go for it”. Outdoors, there’s a glass- bottom pool that, at the touch of a button, can be made into an on-water dance floor. There’s also a wood-fired pizza oven, a service bar with a beer tap and three barbecue cooking stations.

On the entertainment deck, the former formal dining room became a wine bar. On the ceiling are scenes from Allen’s 2015 shipwreck dive to the Second World War battleship  Musashi  in the Philippines. “I was granted exclusive access to the ROV footage of the  Musashi  expedition to select shipwreck stills for the backlit ceiling,” Monk says.

yacht ice george town proprietario

Nearby, the guest observation lounge was, and still is, a firm favourite. “To dine here while cruising is a joy that’s hard to describe,” says Barnett. “I like to think of this area’s design as a mid-century sunken living room.” The feeling is created by two large sofas that snake around the room looking out over the bow. The seats look low, but the view is perfect. The rest of the deck is fun and social, as there’s also a 12-seat 4D cinema, the owner’s chef ’s galley, a table-tennis table, gym, smoothie bar, hair and massage salons and a grand library, complete with an ethanol fireplace.

Soft beige and cream carpets with wave patterns have replaced patterned blue and green rugs, and in addition to the new custom-designed pieces, free-standing items of furniture selected by Monk have helped give the interior a feel that suits  Octopus ’s new charter lifestyle. But it’s nothing dramatic. “We have kept as much as possible true to the original,” the captain says. “I strove to respect the spirit of  Octopus  while capturing the new owner’s lifestyle and vision,” Monk adds. “It was an intense and challenging project.”

yacht ice george town proprietario

The yacht’s charter schedule was entrusted to  Camper & Nicholsons .  Octopus ’s range of 12,500 nautical miles and true explorer credentials offer a huge scope for charter, and as the ripples prove on the hull’s strong plating, she is more than capable of going the distance. “She can do anything!” says charter marketing manager Gayle Patterson, who has already booked the superyacht on two excursions to Antarctica. The demand has been equal to the yacht’s renown. “We’ve grown our yacht management team to give her the care she deserves,” she adds.

Since  Octopus  was delivered, many more superyachts have adopted technologically forward designs and groundbreaking engineering and have undertaken impressive expeditions. But none have achieved what  Octopus  has. As she continues to move around the world, more people will get the opportunity to step on board. And when they do, perhaps they will feel the undeniable magic that seems to linger. One thing is for sure: wherever  Octopus  carries her guests, it is a journey they will remember for the rest of their lives.

yacht ice george town proprietario

The Toy Chest

Built to explore,  Octopus  has an incredible fleet that revolves around the cavernous 36-metre internal wet dock where the two main tenders are stored and launched through a giant transom door. Today the main tender is an 18-metre Delta 54, built in carbon with an impressive range of 450nm at 30 knots; the original was  Man-of-War , an 18-metre custom Vikal, later replaced by a 13-metre Hinckley. Sharing that space was a yellow 10-person custom submarine, named  Pagoo . A new Triton 3300/6 will take that spot when it is delivered in early 2023. Most of the other tenders have dedicated garages on either side of the wet dock. They are a 9.3-metre custom Vikal limousine and two 8.7-metre custom Zodiacs, one for diving, the other for guests. Two 5.8-metre Zodiac Milpro MK-V are also available for watersports, as is an array of WaveRunners, jet skis, kayaks, surfboards, wakeboards, kitesurfers, windsurfers and electric foil Fliteboards, plus plenty of diving equipment, The icing on the cake is a remotely controlled submarine (ROV) able to dive to 2,700 metres. To conclude this impressive list,  Octopus  has two helipads and a helicopter hangar for two. Moving forward, helicopters will be chartered as needed.

yacht ice george town proprietario

The Voyages

Octopus  is one of the most active superyachts ever built. Multiple circumnavigations, the  Northwest Passage , the High Arctic,  Antarctica , Papua New Guinea and Challenger Deep were all on the menu. One of Paul Allen’s passions was naval history. A few missions that offered the opportunity for great discoveries were well publicised, like the discovery of the Japanese warship  Musashi  in the Sibuyan Sea in March 2015 after eight years of intense work. The largest battleship ever built (aside from her sistership) sank in October 1944, but the exact location was unknown.  OctoROV  took the first photos of this lost wreck in a depth of 1,000 metres. Later that year, in August, after two attempts, another expedition recovered the bell of HMS  Hood , sunk by the Germans off Greenland in 1941.

yacht ice george town proprietario

And it looks like the story will continue.  Octopus , according to BOAT Pro data, has already cruised 9,047 nautical miles since leaving Marseille after her refit in December. In less than three months, she had already crossed the Atlantic and visited Panama including Coiba, Costa Rica and Cocos Island and the Galápagos. This winter, Camper & Nicholsons has announced that she will be heading south to test her ice-class capabilities in the frozen landscapes of Antarctica once again.

For more information please visit: www.boatinternational.com

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yacht ice george town proprietario

Motor Yacht

Ice is a custom motor yacht launched in 2005 by Lurssen Yachts in Bremen, Germany and most recently refitted in 2008.

Lürssen has remained a family-run German shipyard since its inception in 1875 and is now in its fourth generation of private ownership. The company was founded by Friedrich Lürssen with a desire to create a leading shipyard in both quality and performance.

Ice measures 90.10 metres in length, with a max draft of 5.00 metres and a beam of 15.00 metres. She has a deck material of teak.

Ice has a steel hull with an aluminium superstructure.

Tim Heywood, the multi award-winning yacht designer, has produced some of the finest and largest yachts on the water. Among his exceptional designs is the stunning 133m Al Mirqab, which was awarded the coveted ‘Motor Yacht of the Year’ at the 2009 World Superyacht Awards.

Her interior design is by Terence Disdale.

Ice also features naval architecture by Lurssen Yachts.

Performance and Capabilities

Ice has a top speed of 17.50 knots and a cruising speed of 16.00 knots. She is powered by a twin azipods propulsion system.

Ice has a fuel capacity of 400,000 litres.

She also has a range of 6,000 nautical miles.


Ice accommodates up to 14 guests in 7 cabins. She also houses room for up to 27 crew members.

Other Specifications

Ice has a hull NB of 13628.

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Dusur Charter Yacht


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Dusur (ex: Alfulk)

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DUSUR yacht NOT for charter*

51.85m  /  170'1 | bilgin yachts | 2015 / 2017.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

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Special Features:

  • High Volume of 795 GRT
  • Interior Styled with Rich Black Cherry & Chocolate Brown
  • Curved 55’ TVs in Main Saloon
  • Master Suite with Private Balcony & Jacuzzi
  • Apple Device-controlled Sound, Visual & Lighting Systems

The 51.85m/170'1" motor yacht 'Dusur' was built by Bilgin Yachts in Turkey at their Istanbul shipyard. Her interior is styled by English designer design house H2 Yacht Design and she was delivered to her owner in June 2015. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of H2 Yacht Design and she was last refitted in 2017.

Guest Accommodation

Dusur has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 12 guests in 6 suites comprising two VIP cabins. She is also capable of carrying up to 13 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Her features include a movie theatre, underwater lights, beach club, gym, WiFi and air conditioning.

Range & Performance

Dusur is built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by twin diesel Caterpillar (3512C) 1,650hp engines running at 1800rpm, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 15 knots. Dusur features at-anchor stabilizers providing exceptional comfort levels. Her water tanks store around 31,800 Litres of fresh water. She was built to RINA (Registro Italiano Navale) C ✠ HULL ● MACH classification society rules, and is MCA LY2 Compliant.

Length 51.85m / 170'1
Beam 9.5m / 31'2
Draft 3.32m / 10'11
Gross Tonnage 800 GT
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Bilgin Yachts
Model Custom
Exterior Designer H2 Yacht Design
Interior Design H2 Yacht Design

*Charter Dusur Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Dusur is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

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'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Dusur Photos

Dusur Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Dusur

Length 51.85m / 170'1
Exterior Designer H2 Yacht Design
Interior Design H2 Yacht Design
Built | Refit 2015 | 2017
Beam 9.5m / 31'2
Gross Tonnage 800 GT
Draft 3.32m / 10'11
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Top Speed 15 Knots


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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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  • 55.2m | Admiral Yachts | 2020
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Twenty years ago, Greece’s Captain George Ioannou made the leap from working in the fast lane of superfast ferries, into the fast lane of superyachting. Since then, he’s had the privilege of commanding some of the most beautiful, prestigious and most sought-after charter yachts in the world.

Captain Ioannou shares a particularly unique bond with his current yacht - the famous Geco - in that he has been with her since she was still under construction. When he’s not welcoming guests on board the yacht whose DNA he helped to shape, he can be found passionately extolling the virtues of Greece and her proud seagoing heritage.

Describing himself as a ‘friendly and enthusiastic’ leader, Captain George Ioannou talks us through all aspects of a charter on board Geco, from day trips with the crew to the huge selection of water toys available on board.

Please tell us a little about your background and how you got into yachting?

I started out working on ferries, specifically in a class known as ‘superfast ferries’. I had roles as both a second officer and a safety officer. From there, I moved into working on board private and charter yachts. I’ve enjoyed a twenty year career in this industry so far.

How long have you been a captain and what are some of the yachts you’ve worked on?

I’ve been fortunate to have captained yachts for twenty years now and have worked on some fantastic vessels. Some of those include Lertal, Flot, Ninemia, Tsouvali and Tacos of the Seas.

When did you join this yacht?

I came on board in 2019 in Italy whilst the yacht was still under construction. When it launched the following year, I became captain.

How would you describe the owner’s vision for the yacht?

The owner’s vision is for the yacht to advertise to the world that Greece is the number one destination for yachting lovers. We hope to achieve this through the world-class luxury service offered to our guests on board Geco.

How would you describe the style and personality of the yacht?

Geco is truly a masterpiece of modern design and a real standout yacht. She combines generous spaces with large volumes into a sleek package. Her elegant and contemporary interior is accompanied by large exterior decks, a huge pool and an open-air sundeck with a full gym. The bow features a Touch and Go helipad for convenient, seamless arrivals.

How would you describe the ambience on board? 

Geco offers its guests a sense of relaxation and freedom. That’s married with the yacht’s incredible luxury and the crew’s world-class service.

What’s your personal style as captain?

I’m friendly and enthusiastic; I’m always ready to personally welcome our guests. My objective is always to ensure a hospitable, comfortable and friendly ambience on board.

What’s the best thing about working on this yacht?

The amazing crew and working on Geco since it’s such a new, state-of-the-art yacht.

What are some of the standout features of the yacht?

There are plenty - it’s difficult to choose! But the big one has to be the yacht’s incredible beach club area. It delivers true on-water living and its high sides combined with windows allow for seclusion and privacy whilst still enjoying the water and all of Geco’s water toys.

Other than that, I can point to the large pool, the open-air movie theatre, the Buddha bar lounge and the yacht’s generally elegant and luxurious interior.

Which areas of the yacht do guests most tend to gather on board?

Geco is designed for socialising and so our guests can take their pick from numerous spaces around the yacht. The Buddha bar lounge is a popular spot but there are also several al fresco dining areas. And at the end of the day, the outdoor cinema is ideal for cosying up under the stars and enjoying a movie.

Which types of clients are most attracted to a charter on board Geco?

People who love the sea and the sense of freedom that Geco has to offer.

What types of experience can you offer charter guests?

Guests can enjoy the sun and sea on a yacht that effortlessly combines generous spaces, large volumes and total luxury. She is a masterpiece of modern design and a truly stand out yacht. Geco also offers a unique gastronomy experience.

How would you describe the style and approach of the crew?

The crew is highly professional.  They’re an enthusiastic team, full of positive energy, ready to please and to offer the best hospitality.  They’re children and pet friendly.

Please share some examples where you and your crew have gone above and beyond to make the guest experience as special as possible.

Organising theme nights, beach barbecues, land excursions and visiting beautiful beaches with no land access.

Are there some interesting personalities or talents among the crew?

All of the crew members have interesting personalities. Chef Panagiotis in particular is a very experienced and talented chef. He’s extremely passionate about his job.

How is the yacht and her crew prepared to accommodate children and teenagers on a charter?

The yacht is equipped with the necessary safety equipment and loads of fun water toys. The crew organizes all kinds of activities depending on the ages of the children on board.

Who is the chef on board Geco and what is his background?

Chef Panagiotis has an Advanced Professional Diploma in Culinary Arts from Le Monde Institute. He has twelve years of experience as a chef. Throughout his career, he has worked in various well-known restaurants and 5-star hotels in Athens, Mykonos and Santorini. He’s also attended seminars in Sushi Fusion and Japanese cuisine offered by well-known Greek and foreign chefs. In 2019 he won the first prize of the Chef Competition in the Mediterranean Yacht Show.

Tell us about the toys and tenders? Which toys are the most popular with guests?

Geco features an exciting inventory of water equipment designed to maximise guests’ fun on the water. The line-up includes PWCs, a flyboard, an inflatable water slide and climbing wall, transparent kayaks, and snorkelling and diving gear. The most popular toys are the PWCs and the SeaBob.

What are your usual cruising grounds?

Geco can cruise throughout the Mediterranean, but our usual cruising area is the Eastern Mediterranean, especially Greece since Geco is based in Athens.  In the winter of 2021, the yacht was relocated to the Red Sea.

Which destinations are your personal favourites and why?

My personal favourite destination is Greece.  It offers a variety of destinations, with some more developed spots and some that are more isolated.

What have been some of the highlights or favourite memories of yours as captain?

The Armata Festival in Spetses is always a highlight for me, as well as the Miaoulia Festival in Hydra. The Miaoulia Festival celebrates the Greek defeat of the Ottoman Empire’s attempted invasion. Part of the event recreates the historic sinking of the Ottoman Empire’s flagship.

Another highlight for me are the breathtaking views of Milos and of Santorini.

The George Town Yacht Owner's Mark in Luxury Yachting. Among these billionaire yacht owners, the George Town yacht owner's influence cannot be overlooked. Known for their exquisite taste and an eye for detail, they stand as a significant player in the realm of luxury yachting. The level of comfort, sophistication, and technology in their ...

The Ice Yacht registered in George Town, reportedly owned by billionaire industrialist, Suleiman Kerimov, is 300 feet long (90 meters). It was docked in the ...

Ice is a large private yacht, measuring 295 feet (90 m) in length. Launched in 2005 as Air, she was completed at the Lürssen yard in Bremen, Germany to the design of Tim Heywood. The yacht was owned by Russian billionaire Suleyman Kerimov from christening until 2015 when Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue of Equatorial Guinea acquired the yacht. [1] [2] [a]The ship has a crew of 27 and is equipped ...

Octopus (yacht) Octopus. (yacht) Octopus is a 126-metre (413 ft) megayacht built for Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. She is one of the world's largest yachts. Launched in 2003 at a cost of $200 million, [ 1] Octopus is a private vessel that has been loaned out for exploration projects, scientific research and rescue missions.

Special Features: The multi-award winning 90.1m/295'7" expedition yacht 'Ice' (ex. Air) was built by Lurssen in Germany at their Bremen shipyard. Her interior is styled by English designer design house Terence Disdale and she was delivered to her owner in May 2005. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Tim Heywood Design.

The World Superyacht Award-winning 90.1 metre explorer Ice, previously Air, is more than just imposing and stylish. She is also environmentally friendly. Built by Lürssen in 2005 and sold to Russian industrialist Suleiman Kerimov, Ice was the first yacht to have Azipod drive units in place of conventional shafted diesels, and Kerimov changed the yacht's name to Ice to reflect the purity of ...

By EuropeanLife May 9, 2022 13 min read. The barest of details have been revealed about the mysterious Octopus over the past 19 years. But with a new owner and on the charter market for the first time, the 126-metre Lürssen superyacht is finally ready to reveal her secrets past and present…. One of the best things about flying into the ...

Sunday Funday Summer Hosted By Paradise Sailing and Snorkeling. Event starts on Sunday, 25 August 2024 and happening at The Cayman Islands Yacht Club, 30713 George Town, Cayman Islands, George Town, SO. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.

Length 90.1m. Year2005. Ice. 2005. |. Motor Yacht. Ice is a custom motor yacht launched in 2005 by Lurssen Yachts in Bremen, Germany and most recently refitted in 2008. Lürssen has remained a family-run German shipyard since its inception in 1875 and is now in its fourth generation of private ownership. The company was founded by Friedrich ...

Commissioned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, Octopus was built in steel by German yard Lürssen and delivered in 2003. At the time of her launch, she was easily the largest explorer yacht ever built and heralded a new era of superyachts built to travel to the ends of the earth, equipped with scientific and research equipment and all the little (and not-so-little) luxuries expected of a ...

1/25. ALASKA OF GEORGETOWN is a 43.89m an exceptional motor yacht build by Shipworks Brisbane in 2004 to the highest standards. She was designed by Bernie Cohen with Burness Corlett developing the naval architecture. With a massive volume of 457GT she offers ample space for Owner and guests, she can accommodate up to 10 people with 9 crew members.

One of the best things about flying into the South of France is the view. The brilliant blue coastline is peppered with hundreds of yachts. On this flight, however, just one of the boats below us demands our attention: the 126-metre explorer Octopus.. The following day, in the port of Marseille where her new owner's team is wrapping up a refit before Octopus departs for the Galápagos, I ...

Stingray Sunsets Tuesdays Hosted By Paradise Sailing and Snorkeling. Event starts on Tuesday, 20 August 2024 and happening at The Cayman Islands Yacht Club, 30713 George Town, Cayman Islands, George Town, SO. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.

The 43.9m/144' motor yacht 'Alaska of George Town' (ex. Alaska of George Town) was built by Shipworks Brisbane in Australia. Her interior is styled by design house Bernie Cohen Design and she was delivered to her owner in February 2004. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Bernie Cohen Design and she was last refitted in 2015.

A General Description of Motor Yacht ICE. ICE was formerly named project/yacht name Rainbow; Air. This 90 m (295 foot) luxury yacht was manufactured at Lurssen Yachts in 2005. Motor Yacht ICE is a imposing superyacht. The firm of naval architecture who actualised her plans and general arangement in respect of the yacht was Lurssen and Tim ...

The Avantage Yacht, built in 2020 by Lurssen Yachts, showcases the exceptional design expertise of Bannenberg & Rowell. Powered by MTU engines, the yacht boasts a top speed of 16 knots and a cruising speed of 12 knots, with a range exceeding 4,500 nautical miles. Her luxurious interior, designed by Bannenberg and Rowell, can accommodate 14 ...

The Crazy Me Yacht, an epitome of opulence and technological advancement, graces the global yachting industry with its presence.This 50-meter (164 feet) striking aluminum yacht was a vision brought to life by Heesen Yachts, one of the world's top luxury yacht builders.The meticulously engineered vessel was finally ready to set sail in 2013, turning heads with its remarkable craftsmanship.

Sunday Funday Summer at The Cayman Islands Yacht Club, 30713 George Town, Cayman Islands, KPMG, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1000, Cayman Islands,George Town, Cayman Islands on Sun Aug 25 2024 at 02:00 pm to 06:00 pm ... Includes: • Great Sound System • Snorkeling Gear provided • Plenty of Ice and Shade • 2x Trampolines and Floaties ...

Special Features: The 51.85m/170'1" motor yacht 'Dusur' was built by Bilgin Yachts in Turkey at their Istanbul shipyard. Her interior is styled by English designer design house H2 Yacht Design and she was delivered to her owner in June 2015. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of H2 Yacht Design and she was last refitted in 2017.

672 - 775- George Town- Yacht Ships:CRAZY ME, I NOVA, ICE BEAR, MI SUENO, NOBLE HOUSE

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Twenty years ago, Greece's Captain George Ioannou made the leap from working in the fast lane of superfast ferries, into the fast lane of superyachting. Since then, he's had the privilege of commanding some of the most beautiful, prestigious and most sought-after charter yachts in the world. Captain Ioannou shares a particularly unique bond ...

It is Russian banker Oleg Tinkov who has ordered what will be the world's first private icebreaker for expedition sailings. According to Forbes, Tinkov is worth $2.2 billion. The six-deck €100 ...

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  • 55.2m | Admiral Yachts | 2020
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Twenty years ago, Greece’s Captain George Ioannou made the leap from working in the fast lane of superfast ferries, into the fast lane of superyachting. Since then, he’s had the privilege of commanding some of the most beautiful, prestigious and most sought-after charter yachts in the world.

Captain Ioannou shares a particularly unique bond with his current yacht - the famous Geco - in that he has been with her since she was still under construction. When he’s not welcoming guests on board the yacht whose DNA he helped to shape, he can be found passionately extolling the virtues of Greece and her proud seagoing heritage.

Describing himself as a ‘friendly and enthusiastic’ leader, Captain George Ioannou talks us through all aspects of a charter on board Geco, from day trips with the crew to the huge selection of water toys available on board.

Please tell us a little about your background and how you got into yachting?

I started out working on ferries, specifically in a class known as ‘superfast ferries’. I had roles as both a second officer and a safety officer. From there, I moved into working on board private and charter yachts. I’ve enjoyed a twenty year career in this industry so far.

How long have you been a captain and what are some of the yachts you’ve worked on?

I’ve been fortunate to have captained yachts for twenty years now and have worked on some fantastic vessels. Some of those include Lertal, Flot, Ninemia, Tsouvali and Tacos of the Seas.

When did you join this yacht?

I came on board in 2019 in Italy whilst the yacht was still under construction. When it launched the following year, I became captain.

How would you describe the owner’s vision for the yacht?

The owner’s vision is for the yacht to advertise to the world that Greece is the number one destination for yachting lovers. We hope to achieve this through the world-class luxury service offered to our guests on board Geco.

How would you describe the style and personality of the yacht?

Geco is truly a masterpiece of modern design and a real standout yacht. She combines generous spaces with large volumes into a sleek package. Her elegant and contemporary interior is accompanied by large exterior decks, a huge pool and an open-air sundeck with a full gym. The bow features a Touch and Go helipad for convenient, seamless arrivals.

How would you describe the ambience on board? 

Geco offers its guests a sense of relaxation and freedom. That’s married with the yacht’s incredible luxury and the crew’s world-class service.

What’s your personal style as captain?

I’m friendly and enthusiastic; I’m always ready to personally welcome our guests. My objective is always to ensure a hospitable, comfortable and friendly ambience on board.

What’s the best thing about working on this yacht?

The amazing crew and working on Geco since it’s such a new, state-of-the-art yacht.

What are some of the standout features of the yacht?

There are plenty - it’s difficult to choose! But the big one has to be the yacht’s incredible beach club area. It delivers true on-water living and its high sides combined with windows allow for seclusion and privacy whilst still enjoying the water and all of Geco’s water toys.

Other than that, I can point to the large pool, the open-air movie theatre, the Buddha bar lounge and the yacht’s generally elegant and luxurious interior.

Which areas of the yacht do guests most tend to gather on board?

Geco is designed for socialising and so our guests can take their pick from numerous spaces around the yacht. The Buddha bar lounge is a popular spot but there are also several al fresco dining areas. And at the end of the day, the outdoor cinema is ideal for cosying up under the stars and enjoying a movie.

Which types of clients are most attracted to a charter on board Geco?

People who love the sea and the sense of freedom that Geco has to offer.

What types of experience can you offer charter guests?

Guests can enjoy the sun and sea on a yacht that effortlessly combines generous spaces, large volumes and total luxury. She is a masterpiece of modern design and a truly stand out yacht. Geco also offers a unique gastronomy experience.

How would you describe the style and approach of the crew?

The crew is highly professional.  They’re an enthusiastic team, full of positive energy, ready to please and to offer the best hospitality.  They’re children and pet friendly.

Please share some examples where you and your crew have gone above and beyond to make the guest experience as special as possible.

Organising theme nights, beach barbecues, land excursions and visiting beautiful beaches with no land access.

Are there some interesting personalities or talents among the crew?

All of the crew members have interesting personalities. Chef Panagiotis in particular is a very experienced and talented chef. He’s extremely passionate about his job.

How is the yacht and her crew prepared to accommodate children and teenagers on a charter?

The yacht is equipped with the necessary safety equipment and loads of fun water toys. The crew organizes all kinds of activities depending on the ages of the children on board.

Who is the chef on board Geco and what is his background?

Chef Panagiotis has an Advanced Professional Diploma in Culinary Arts from Le Monde Institute. He has twelve years of experience as a chef. Throughout his career, he has worked in various well-known restaurants and 5-star hotels in Athens, Mykonos and Santorini. He’s also attended seminars in Sushi Fusion and Japanese cuisine offered by well-known Greek and foreign chefs. In 2019 he won the first prize of the Chef Competition in the Mediterranean Yacht Show.

Tell us about the toys and tenders? Which toys are the most popular with guests?

Geco features an exciting inventory of water equipment designed to maximise guests’ fun on the water. The line-up includes PWCs, a flyboard, an inflatable water slide and climbing wall, transparent kayaks, and snorkelling and diving gear. The most popular toys are the PWCs and the SeaBob.

What are your usual cruising grounds?

Geco can cruise throughout the Mediterranean, but our usual cruising area is the Eastern Mediterranean, especially Greece since Geco is based in Athens.  In the winter of 2021, the yacht was relocated to the Red Sea.

Which destinations are your personal favourites and why?

My personal favourite destination is Greece.  It offers a variety of destinations, with some more developed spots and some that are more isolated.

What have been some of the highlights or favourite memories of yours as captain?

The Armata Festival in Spetses is always a highlight for me, as well as the Miaoulia Festival in Hydra. The Miaoulia Festival celebrates the Greek defeat of the Ottoman Empire’s attempted invasion. Part of the event recreates the historic sinking of the Ottoman Empire’s flagship.

Another highlight for me are the breathtaking views of Milos and of Santorini.

ice george town yacht proprietario

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ice george town yacht proprietario

This is the Dynasty, the first megayacht to overwinter at Malaga's marina for luxury craft

The vessel is valued at an eye-watering 200 million dollars and it will be docked in the city until spring 2024, while it undergoes maintenance.

Ignacio Lillo

Monday, 16 October 2023 | Updated 17/10/2023 11:09h.

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It's name is I Dynasty and it is a 101-metre superyacht that has just anchored at the Port of Malaga and will remain there for the whole winter.

It's the first luxury vessel scheduled to spend the cooler months in the Marqués de Guadiaro basin, the reformed area in the city port for luxury craft and megayachts. The marina was designed and built several years ago to receive large vessels and provide them with the necessary services during the low season, such as high-power electrical connections.

The I Dynasty, with a crew of 30, is scheduled to remain in Malaga throughout the autumn and winter, until the spring of 2024, according to port sources.

Business opportunities

The megayacht will undergo maintenance throughout the winter, for which the concessionaire of the marina, IGY Málaga Marina, is looking for various suppliers in the province which specialise in various technical tasks.

Maintenance required may include sanding, hull painting, welding, electrical, mechanics, carpentry and plumbing. IGY Málaga Marina is creating a database of interested companies, for which they ask anyone interested to contact them directly.

The I Dynasty is a modern megayacht built in 2015 on behalf of Alijan Ibragimov, a billionaire from Kazakhstan. He is the co-founder of the multinational Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) and is involved in diversified natural resources such as mining, processing, energy and logistics. Its owner died in February 2021, reportedly due to Covid-19.

The vessel was built at the Kusch Yachts shipyard in Germany, with interior design by Massari Design. It can accommodate 22 guests in 11 luxury cabins; and 30 crew in another 15 cabins. Among its features, it has a 30-square-metre indoor swimming pool, which also serves as a dock for dinghies and pleasure boats.

The ship is powered by a Rolls-Royce diesel-electric propulsion system, with a top speed of 17 knots, and a cruising speed of 14 knots. It has a range of 6,500 nautical miles (about 12,000 kilometres), making it particularly suitable for journeys between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. It is valued at around 200 million dollars, with maintenance costs estimated at 15 to 20 million dollars a year.

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My Johanna Charter Yacht


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MY JOHANNA yacht NOT for charter*

41.93m  /  137'7 | benetti | 2011.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Impressive 4,000nm range
  • ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) ✠A1, Yachting Service, Ⓔ, ✠AMS classification
  • Interior design from Zuretti
  • Sleeps 10 overnight

The 41.93m/137'7" motor yacht 'My Johanna' was built by Benetti in Italy at their Viareggio shipyard. Her interior is styled by French designer design house Zuretti and she was delivered to her owner in April 2011. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Stefano Righini.

Guest Accommodation

My Johanna has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 7 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

My Johanna is built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by twin diesel Caterpillar (C32 ACERT) 12-cylinder 1,450hp engines running at 2300rpm, she comfortably cruises at 14 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 15 knots with a range of up to 4,000 nautical miles from her 58,000 litre fuel tanks at 12 knots. Her water tanks store around 8,000 Litres of fresh water. She was built to ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) ✠A1, Yachting Service, Ⓔ, ✠AMS classification society rules, and is MCA Compliant.

Length 41.93m / 137'7
Beam 9.05m / 29'8
Draft 2.28m / 7'6
Gross Tonnage 454 GT
Cruising Speed 14 Knots
Builder Benetti
Model Crystal 140'
Exterior Designer Stefano Righini
Interior Design Zuretti

*Charter My Johanna Motor Yacht

Motor yacht My Johanna is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

My Johanna Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

My Johanna Photos

My Johanna Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y My Johanna

Length 41.93m / 137'7
Exterior Designer Stefano Righini
Interior Design Zuretti
Built | Refit 2011
Beam 9.05m / 29'8
Gross Tonnage 454 GT
Draft 2.28m / 7'6
Cruising Speed 14 Knots
Top Speed 15 Knots


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to My Johanna yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

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37m | Sunseeker

from $137,000 p/week ♦︎

Ark Noble charter yacht

38m | Custom

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Bina charter yacht

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Camille charter yacht

38m | Broward

from $85,000 p/week

Excellence charter yacht

46m | Richmond Yachts

from $145,000 p/week

Gladiator charter yacht

45m | Feadship

from $245,000 p/week

Imperial Princess Beatrice charter yacht

Imperial Princess Beatrice

40m | Princess

from $188,000 p/week ♦︎

Indiana charter yacht

39m | Bilgin Yachts

from $105,000 p/week ♦︎

Latitude charter yacht

44m | Acico

from $155,000 p/week ♦︎

L'Equinox charter yacht


37m | Heesen

from $100,000 p/week ♦︎

Marina Wonder charter yacht

Marina Wonder

38m | Gulf Craft

from $118,000 p/week ♦︎

Mi Amore Julia charter yacht

Mi Amore Julia

37m | Benetti

from $134,000 p/week ♦︎

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2006 Viking

Boat Name: "Second Generation"

Second Generation is a 2006 Viking currently available for sale in Georgetown Maryland. This boat has a price of $1,594,900. Our team at Seattle Yachts is here to help you find the right boat for your needs, budget, and style. We have access to boats off the market that will never be seen online, so contact us today with your interest.

Price: $1,594,900

Viking  Yacht For Sale


Price: $1,594,900
Boat Name: Second Generation
Make: Viking
Model: --
Year: 2006
Condition: Used
Category: Sport Fishing
Construction: Fiberglass
Length: 68 ft
Display Length: 68 ft
Beam: --
Max Draft: --
Min Draft: --
Fuel Capacity (Gallons): --
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fresh Water Capacity (Gallons): --
Max Speed: --
Displacement: --
Number of Engines: 2
Engine Make MTU
Engine Model 16V2000
Engine Power 2030.00 HP
City: Georgetown
State: Maryland
Country: United States

"SECOND GENERATION" is everything you would hope to find in a pedigree Sportfisher. She was maintained by the Viking Service Center, along with a full crew nearly since new. Her engines have extensive service records available. Her current owners have invested nearly $300,000 in recent updates, making this Viking the nicest high hour 68 you'll find.

Notable options and equipment below:

MTU M91 2030HP Engines (5,300 SMOH) (10,300 SNEW)

Twin 27kw Onan Generators (8,200 hrs)

NEW Furuno Electronics including Triple 19" Displays, 12TZT12" on tower, DFF3 Sonar and Autopilot, 12" Touchscreen in Mezzanine

6' 12kw X-Class Furuno Radar

Furuno CH-303 Drop-down Sonar

New Spot Zero (20K)

New Yacht Controller (19K)

(6) Sea Vision SV-10 Full Color Underwater Lights (25K)

Tri-color Apeiron exterior LED's (NEW)

Real Teak Transom, Recently refinished

Teak cockpit and covering boards

Hull painted 11/2020

Topsides Awlgripped 2009

Sea Recovery Watermaker

Cockpit Misting System

Dometic EI-540 Ice Chipper

Bluewater Fighting Chair (recently refinished)

Bluewater Helm Chairs (recently refinished)

Non Skid Refreshed

New Painted Brow

Teak Toe Rail Stripped and Revarnished

New Props (47K)

New Bottom Paint and Prop Speed (spring 23)

New Cutlass Bearings

New Headliner

New Carpeting Throughout

New Salon Ice Maker

New Viking Stove, Oven, Microwave

New EZ2CY Enclosure

New Diamond Stitched Exterior Upholstery

New 4000Lb Maxwell Windlass

New Retractable Windlass in Cockpit

New Cockpit Grill

Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

For more information on this yacht, please contact us..


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  1. Ice (yacht)

    Ice is a large private yacht, measuring 295 feet (90 m) in length. Launched in 2005 as Air, she was completed at the Lürssen yard in Bremen, Germany to the design of Tim Heywood. The yacht was owned by Russian billionaire Suleyman Kerimov from christening until 2015 when Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue of Equatorial Guinea acquired the yacht. [1] [2] [a]The ship has a crew of 27 and is equipped ...

  2. Ice Yacht George Town

    The Ice Yacht registered in George Town, reportedly owned by billionaire industrialist, Suleiman Kerimov, is 300 feet long (90 meters). It was docked in the ...

  3. George Town Yacht Owner Among Elite Billionaire Seafarers: A 2023 Deep

    The George Town Yacht Owner's Mark in Luxury Yachting. Among these billionaire yacht owners, the George Town yacht owner's influence cannot be overlooked. Known for their exquisite taste and an eye for detail, they stand as a significant player in the realm of luxury yachting. The level of comfort, sophistication, and technology in their ...

  4. ICE Yacht • Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue $150M Superyacht

    Designed by Terence Disdale, the yacht's interior accommodates 14 guests. Recipient of the prestigious Superyacht of the Year award in 2006. Current owner is Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue. The yacht's value is estimated at $150 million. In August 2024 the yacht crashed with a 31 meter yacht named A. Mey near Bodrum Turkey.

  5. ICE Yacht

    Special Features: The multi-award winning 90.1m/295'7" expedition yacht 'Ice' (ex. Air) was built by Lurssen in Germany at their Bremen shipyard. Her interior is styled by English designer design house Terence Disdale and she was delivered to her owner in May 2005. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Tim Heywood Design.

  6. Octopus (yacht)

    Octopus (yacht) Octopus. (yacht) Octopus is a 126-metre (413 ft) megayacht built for Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. She is one of the world's largest yachts. Launched in 2003 at a cost of $200 million, [1] Octopus is a private vessel that has been loaned out for exploration projects, scientific research and rescue missions.

  7. Inside Octopus: Origin story of the 126m superyacht finally revealed

    By EuropeanLife May 9, 2022 13 min read. The barest of details have been revealed about the mysterious Octopus over the past 19 years. But with a new owner and on the charter market for the first time, the 126-metre Lürssen superyacht is finally ready to reveal her secrets past and present…. One of the best things about flying into the ...

  8. 90.1m Ice Superyacht

    Length 90.1m. Year2005. Ice. 2005. |. Motor Yacht. Ice is a custom motor yacht launched in 2005 by Lurssen Yachts in Bremen, Germany and most recently refitted in 2008. Lürssen has remained a family-run German shipyard since its inception in 1875 and is now in its fourth generation of private ownership. The company was founded by Friedrich ...

  9. belongers yacht proprietario

    Download the full charter brochure for luxury Motor Yacht "BELONGERS" to explore her beautiful interiors, guest accommodation and full range of amenities as well as outdoor living

  10. yacht ice george town proprietario

    Suggestions. George Town Yacht Owner Among Elite Billionaire Seafarers: A 2023 Deep Dive. Key takeaways: The ownership of luxury yachts continues to be a symbol of wealth among gl

  11. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN yacht NOT for charter*

    5.65m/18'6" Williams Jet Tender. The 43.9m/144' motor yacht 'Alaska of George Town' (ex. Alaska of George Town) was built by Shipworks Brisbane in Australia. Her interior is styled by design house Bernie Cohen Design and she was delivered to her owner in February 2004. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Bernie Cohen Design and ...


    1/25. ALASKA OF GEORGETOWN is a 43.89m an exceptional motor yacht build by Shipworks Brisbane in 2004 to the highest standards. She was designed by Bernie Cohen with Burness Corlett developing the naval architecture. With a massive volume of 457GT she offers ample space for Owner and guests, she can accommodate up to 10 people with 9 crew members.

  13. AVANTAGE Yacht • Bulat Utemuratov $200M Superyacht

    The Avantage Yacht, built in 2020 by Lurssen Yachts, showcases the exceptional design expertise of Bannenberg & Rowell. Powered by MTU engines, the yacht boasts a top speed of 16 knots and a cruising speed of 12 knots, with a range exceeding 4,500 nautical miles. Her luxurious interior, designed by Bannenberg and Rowell, can accommodate 14 ...

  14. MY Geco

    Twenty years ago, Greece's Captain George Ioannou made the leap from working in the fast lane of superfast ferries, into the fast lane of superyachting. Since then, he's had the privilege of commanding some of the most beautiful, prestigious and most sought-after charter yachts in the world. Captain Ioannou shares a particularly unique bond ...

  15. I DYNASTY Yacht • Alijan Ibragimov $200M Superyacht

    The I Dynasty Yacht is a 101-meter superyacht designed by The A Group and built by Kusch Yachts. The yacht is powered by a Rolls Royce diesel-electric propulsion package, and has a range of over 6,500 nautical miles. Capable of hosting 22 guests, the yacht is served by a crew of 33. The yacht boasts an indoor swimming pool which also serves as ...

  16. 1986 Custom Little Harbour 53 Cruiser for sale

    Yacht Brokers. Membership; Find a Broker; Sell Your Boat; Research; Toggle Navigation. ... La barca ha ricevuto molti molti caricati dal proprietario con una grande opere a bordo ogni anno. ... 2019 Ice Yachts ICE 60. €1,450,000 (£1,224,645) Sicilia, Italy.

  17. 1988 Canados 58 Flybridge for sale

    Find more information and images about the boat and contact the seller or search more boats for sale on YachtWorld.

  18. This is the Dynasty, the first megayacht to overwinter at Malaga's

    This is the Dynasty, the first megayacht to overwinter at Malaga's marina for luxury craft The vessel is valued at an eye-watering 200 million dollars and it will be docked in the city until spring 2024, while it undergoes maintenance

  19. MY JOHANNA Yacht

    Interior design from Zuretti. Sleeps 10 overnight. The 41.93m/137'7" motor yacht 'My Johanna' was built by Benetti in Italy at their Viareggio shipyard. Her interior is styled by French designer design house Zuretti and she was delivered to her owner in April 2011. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Stefano Righini.

  20. 2006 Viking 68' Yacht For Sale

    Second Generation is a 2006 68 for sale in Georgetown Maryland. SECOND GENERATION is everything you would hope to find in a pedigree Sportfisher. ... New Yacht Controller (19K) (6) Sea Vision SV-10 Full Color Underwater Lights (25K) Tri-color Apeiron exterior LED's (NEW) ... New Salon Ice Maker. New Viking Stove, Oven, Microwave. New EZ2CY ...

  21. Dragonfly 34ft 1989 Sabre Yacht For Sale East Coast Yacht Sales

    East Coast Yacht Sales provides expert and personable yacht sales and services world wide Search our huge database of yachts for sale now Dragonfly is a 1989 Sabre 34ft 34 Targa This Cruiser Racer for sale is located in Georgetown Maine Call today.

  22. Russian Billionaire Buys First Private Icebreaking Expedition Yacht

    It is Russian banker Oleg Tinkov who has ordered what will be the world's first private icebreaker for expedition sailings. According to Forbes, Tinkov is worth $2.2 billion. The six-deck €100 ...

  23. Russian Billionaire Buys First Private Icebreaking Expedition Yacht

    icebreaker for expedition sailings. According to Forbes, Tinkov is worth $2.2 billion. The six-deck €100 million ($112.5 billion) vessel will offer accommodation for up to 12 guests