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B.C. welcomes high rollers: A peek into the world of superyacht tourism

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Greg Norris walks along the docks at Victoria International Marina on a sunny Friday afternoon, fielding phone calls and making sure everything is flowing well. 

On any given day, the marina welcomes many yachts that choose to stop in B.C.’s capital. Most recently, a US$35-million sailing yacht by the name of Athos docked. On July 14, crew members could be seen getting the 62-metre long vessel ready for its next sailing. 

Athos isn’t the only superyacht to enter B.C. waters; not far away off Cattle Point is a $100-million superyacht called Anawa. The Anawa is owned by a Brazilian billionaire and has been near Victoria since May 2023. 

Over on the mainland, a $200-million vessel called Attessa V (AV) has been  drawing attention in North Vancouver . Dennis Washington is listed as owning AV and his network of companies includes Washington Marine Group and Seaspan Shipyards in North Vancouver, where Kyle Washington, Dennis Washington’s son, is executive chairman.

For Norris, the CEO of Victoria International Marine, B.C. is starting to put itself on the map when it comes to attracting superyachts. For a long time, many international travellers would bypass the province altogether and head for Alaska, he says.

“Those yachts down in San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and Tacoma that used to come up and just bypass us because they didn't know there was anything to do and now they're turning in and stopping and spending some time,” says Norris.

Superyacht owners are spending locally 

As part of his job, Norris spends time arranging for superyacht owners to visit Victoria businesses. That includes connecting them with local jewellers. 

“When they are visiting here, they're looking to spend money on art, and in the community, on all kinds of things: food and real estate and buying from retailers,” explains Norris. “They're just like any one of us: they go into a store, they like something, they buy it. It's just that they might buy a lot more.”

Sometimes superyacht owners will fly their friends in, and will put them up in nearby hotels, he adds. Crew members will often stay in hotels, too.

"They're all spending [money] locally.”

Unfriendly Canadians? 

However, Canadians’ friendly demeanour and politeness appear to not have transferred to the superyacht community, Norris tells Glacier Media.

During his time marketing B.C. internationally, he says that specific boating community has been ‘grumpy’ towards him after learning he’s from Victoria. 

"They basically said B.C. and Victoria, in particular, is one of the most unfriendly boating places in the world that they've seen,” said Norris. "I would say barring pirates."

He questions if the animosity is because the public does not get to interact or be ‘welcomed into the community’ of superyachting. 

“They don't get a chance to meet these people and see them so they don't know who they are,” he says. "It’s this mystery."

The public can come down to the dock and walk around to see the boats, something Norris welcomes. 

‘Exciting way to see the world’

According to Norris, the superyacht industry creates job opportunities for young people.

He tells Glacier Media that the marina has a high staff turnover as employees end up working on the bigger yachts.

“We're open to it. We don't think that that's a bad thing if they come on, and that's their career,” he says. “If they're hard-working, the yachts pick them up. There’s not a lot of them being trained in the region purposefully for that."

Norris adds yachting is an exciting way to see the world.

“You come down, you work here for a little bit and you have a really good chance of getting on one of those boats and just seeing stuff you would never see.”

The marina, he says, is actively hiring and looking for people interested in the marine industry. 

Superyacht repairs being done in B.C. shipyards 

Superyachts need an incredible amount of work to keep them running, and much of that work is being done locally when they arrive, says the CEO. 

"There are well over 100 industries that it touches: everything from fuel, to ship repair to almost anything you would have in a house you would have in a yacht,” says Norris. 

He believes more yachts will start coming to Victoria and having their work done in the shipyard.

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Campaign against B.C. chlorine plant was secretly funded by rival

Big money is trying to covertly influence local government, politicians say.

superyacht north vancouver 2023

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This story is a collaboration between the Investigative Journalism Foundation  (IJF) and CBC Vancouver.

An online lobbying campaign against a North Vancouver chemical plant is secretly funded by one of that company's competitors. 

For months, the anonymous directors of the website " Keep North Vancouver Safe " have spent thousands of dollars trying to convince local elected officials to stop chlorine production at a facility run by Chemtrade Logistics Inc. in the District of North Vancouver. 

The group's Facebook page describes it as a local "environmental conservation organization" concerned about the environmental and safety risks posed by a hypothetical chlorine spill. 

But an IJF and CBC Vancouver investigation has found the campaign was created by a Toronto-based lobbying firm working for K2 Pure Solutions, a company co-founded by a former owner of the Toronto Argonauts. Chemtrade considers K2 to be a top competitor. 

The campaign appears designed to foil Chemtrade's bid to renew a lease that would allow it to keep producing chlorine.

In June, social media users in the Lower Mainland began seeing advertisements from Keep North Vancouver Safe suggesting a chlorine disaster related to Chemtrade's North Vancouver plant is imminent. 

One advertisement features a skull and crossbones and warns that "chlorine gas is invisible and can have severe health implications." Another , titled "Chlorine: A History of Danger," lists dates of chlorine disasters in North America and finishes with: "Vancouver, 20??." 

Lines of type give years of major disasters and the number of people affected before listing: Vancouver, 20??.

Elected officials targeted by the campaign say it is an example of big money trying to covertly influence local politics. 

"It's awful. It's a horrible feeling. It really is not fair," said District of North Vancouver Coun. Lisa Muri. She said K2 should have been transparent about its identity and intentions. 

"It's not honest. And certainly, in this day of division and divisiveness in society and in politics, why do we want to perpetuate dishonesty?" Muri said. 

K2 did not make a spokesperson available for an interview. Neither did Crestview Strategies, the public relations agency that created the website. 

A long-haired woman wearing a blue sweater over a dark top stands beside a tree.

Senior Crestview consultant Jason Craik, a former staffer for ex-B.C. premier John Horgan, said in a written statement that the anonymous campaign was meant to "provide information to the residents of the District of North Vancouver" in response to Chemtrade's own public lobbying efforts. 

K2 Pure Solutions co-founder David Cynamon, the former Argonauts owner, wrote in his own statement that the campaign was meant to "shed light on the behind-the-scenes activities by Chemtrade, and provide residents of North Vancouver with the facts, and let them decide whether they want to support the continued production and transport of chlorine in their community." 

Cynamon did not directly answer a question about whether running the anonymous campaign was ethical.

Late Wednesday afternoon, Cynamon issued a statement apologizing for how K2 Pure Solutions ran the campaign. The statement was also publicly posted on the Keep North Vancouver Safe website.

"We sincerely apologize if our lack of transparency has caused mistrust, and we hope that this mistake does not distract from the facts of the matter," Cynamon said.

A quiet campaign 

Crestview's campaign came at a decisive moment for Chemtrade.

The company's chemical plant in North Vancouver sits partially on land leased from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. 

That plant, which employs roughly 120 people, has produced chlorine for more than 60 years under various owners. 

The facility's current lease with the port authority, though, expires in 2030, when it will be required to stop making chlorine on port land. 

Chemtrade is negotiating with the port authority to extend that lease and has lobbied all levels of government to secure their support. 

An aerial view of tanker cars.

Alan Robinson, the company's group vice-president, commercial, said the company plans to submit an application for safety upgrades to the District of North Vancouver council. 

As of Sept. 6, the Meta Ad library estimates Keep North Vancouver Safe spent more than $18,400 on 11 advertisements on Facebook and Instagram, most of them garnering tens of thousands of impressions. 

Keep North Vancouver Safe has just a few dozen followers on those platforms, and the website — which contains multiple references to "the safety of our community" — contains no details about who runs it. 

The website encourages users to contact elected officials using an embedded email feature. Listed recipients include the District of North Vancouver mayor and councillors, two MLAs and Premier David Eby. 

District of North Vancouver Coun. Catherine Pope said in an August interview that she was receiving between 10 and 20 emails a day. She said that is the most correspondence she has received on any given issue since she was elected in 2022. 

A blond-haired woman in a white top uses a laptop that is sitting on her desk.

Pope said she was suspicious of those emails. She could not confirm the writers were residents, she said, and didn't like that the site's operators were anonymous. 

"There is nothing on that website that identifies who is behind it. That concerns me. It is not transparent," Pope said.

The office of Susie Chant, the NDP MLA for North Vancouver–Seymour, confirmed she was also receiving those emails — and raised questions about their authenticity. 

"From the around 30 emails they've received stemming from this website, only three seem to be possibly linked to real people, and of those three, it's unclear if they're even in her riding," B.C. NDP spokeswoman Julia Witte wrote in an email. 

Witte did not respond to multiple emails and calls seeking clarification about why the party believed those messages were fake. 

Robert Neubauer, a professor at the University of Winnipeg's Department of Rhetoric, Writing and Communications, said the campaign has the hallmarks of "astroturfing," when an interest group tries to imitate an organic, grassroots community campaign. 

Neubauer said such strategies are perfectly legal but morally dubious. 

"If you're transparent about [lobbying], that's just part of democracy. When you get into the astroturfing hiding who is behind the organization, then it becomes a problem," he said. 

'It's not going to sway my decision' 

Robinson, the Chemtrade vice-president, said his company noticed the advertisements but did not know who bought them. 

"Usually, when there is lobbying or anything, you'd be open about who you are or what you represent," Robinson said. 

Indeed, lobbyists at the provincial and federal levels typically have to publicly register who they work for, what they are lobbying for and the officials they have contacted. 

But the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists for B.C. says that rule doesn't apply to "grassroots lobbying efforts" wherein an organization encourages members of the public to contact officials about a given issue. That means it likely wouldn't apply to the emails sent to MLAs through the Keep North Vancouver Safe website. 

An email is shown with the subject line: Preventing a catastrophic chlorine leak.

"Lobbying legislation in some other jurisdictions does apply to grassroots lobbying, but the [provincial Lobbyists Transparency Act] does not," wrote Michelle Mitchell, a spokeswoman for the office. 

The IJF and CBC Vancouver were able to identify Crestview's role in creating the website thanks to code on the website that included Crestview's name. 

The IJF and CBC also found an older version of the website's email embed feature that listed a Crestview lobbyist as a recipient. 

Craik, the Crestview lobbyist, had also directly approached officials at the municipal level.

On April 1, he wrote an email to District of North Vancouver Mayor Mike Little asking to speak with him about Chemtrade's lease on behalf of "a group of concerned stakeholders," according to a copy of those messages the IJF obtained through Freedom of Information legislation.

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The IJF and CBC Vancouver have confirmed Craik also contacted Pope and Muri with a similar message. 

In his written response, Craik said K2 Pure Solutions had lobbied officials across North America to end the practice of transporting chlorine by rail. 

A danger skull-and-crossbones sign with the words chlorine on it next to a map of the Lower Mainland with the words, Protect Our Community in large type across it.

Craik said K2 aims to produce "exceptionally pure" bleach, which he argues can replace chlorine for water purification. 

"We hope that by shining a light on what has been happening behind closed doors in their community, residents of the District of North Vancouver can now start asking their elected councillors the right questions and, frankly, whether they have their constituents or Chemtrade's best interests in mind," Craik said. 

Robinson, though, said it would not be feasible for Chemtrade to switch wholesale to bleach production, in part because the product could not be transported long distances. 

"You can't ship it far enough to really do the ecological approach that they're really suggesting," Robinson said. 

Cynamon, K2's co-founder, argued in his statement that K2 Pure Solutions was not a direct competitor to Chemtrade because it does not transport chlorine and is located in a different region. But Chemtrade's latest quarterly reports do list K2 as a "key competitor" in the production of various chemicals, including chlorine. 

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"It's a competitor, so you can kind of assume what the benefits would be for a competitor if we had to close down our facility," Robinson said. 

Robinson said he is not concerned about the lobbying affecting a potential deal with the port authority and the district. Nor were district councillors convinced. 

'It's not going to sway my decision," Muri said. 

She and Pope said they were frustrated Crestview and K2 Pure Solutions conducted their campaign secretly. 

Muri compared it to the 2022 local election in Squamish, B.C., where an anonymous Facebook campaign spent more than $78,000 on advertisements targeting specific candidates, according to reporting from The Breach and The Tyee.

Muri's message to companies: "Honesty is the best policy." 

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"Why wouldn't they just come clean and present who they were and be honest about it?" Muri said. 


  • An earlier version of this story identified David Cynamon as a co-founder of Crestview Strategies. In fact, he is a co-founder of K2 Pure Solutions. Sep 11, 2024 10:47 AM PT


superyacht north vancouver 2023

Zak Vescera

Zak Vescera is a journalist based in Vancouver where he reports for the Investigative Journalism Foundation. He previously reported for the Tyee and the Saskatoon StarPhoenix.

With CBC files from Jon Hernandez and IJF files from Carly Penrose and Tori Marlan

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Riviera 46 Sports Motor Yacht 2023 "Kula"

  • Vancouver, BC, CA

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Riviera 46 Sports Motor Yacht 2023 Kula Vancouver BC for sale

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The all new Riviera 46 model is a Sports Motor Yacht. The 2023 Riviera 46 has been spec'd by a meticulous owner who thought of every possible detail to make it a truly spectacular vessel. Moreover, the boat has been lightly used, constantly maintained and docked inside a boathouse to keep it's pristine new feel. Currently displaying just shy of (230hrs total) on the meter.

With its spacious and unique 2-zone cockpit/mezzanine seating, highly functional galley and saloon, and large flybridge, this boat is equally perfect for entertaining friends and family and long trips. The guest accommodations offer a 3-stateroom 2-head layout paired with a forward master. The hull windows offer an abundance of light for the cabins, giving a very open and bright feel to the downstairs accommodations. Huge savings over ordering a new Riviera, this vessel is a must see!

Viewing by appointment.

  • Manufacturer Riviera
  • Model 46 Sports Motor Yacht
  • LOA 52 ft 2 in - 15.9 meter
  • Beam 15 ft 7 in - 4.75 meter
  • Draft - max 4 ft 3 in - 1.3 meter
  • Engine Brand Volvo
  • Engine Hours 230
  • Number of Rooms 3
  • Category Power
  • Condition Used
  • Location Vancouver, BC, CA
  • Vessel Name Kula
  • Boat Type Flybridge
  • Hull Material Fiberglass
  • Flag of Registry CA
  • Available for sale in U.S. waters Yes
  • Length 46 ft - 14.02 meter
  • LOA: 52 ft 2 in - 15.9 meter
  • Beam: 15 ft 7 in - 4.75 meter
  • Draft - max: 4 ft 3 in - 1.3 meter
  • Dry Weight: 49167 lbs
  • Make: Volvo
  • Model: D11 IPS 950
  • Engine(s): 2
  • Cruise Speed: 33 MPH
  • Joystick Control: No
  • Engine Type: Inboard
  • Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Horsepower: 725 (Individual), 1450 (combined)
  • Max Speed: 40 MPH
  • Fuel Tank: 660 gallons - 1 tank(s)
  • Fresh Water Tank: 132 gallons - 1 tank(s)
  • Holding Tank: 40 gallons - 1 tank(s)
  • Total Cabins: 3
  • Total Berths: 1
  • Total Heads: 2
  • Captains Cabin: No
  • 1 x Twin lever electronic control (helm)
  • 2 x joysticks (one at helm, one at cockpit port side only)
  • Low speed mode
  • Volvo Penta IPS propulsion units (x2)
  • Volvo active corrosion protection (ACP) system
  • Line cutters between props
  • Interceptors - Auto trim, list, & coordinated turn to Volvo interceptor system
  • Volvo Penta easy connect, for remote app based monitoring and recording data

NOTE: 49 of the engine hours were done by Riviera commissioning and shipping the vessel.

  • Air conditioning: Standard saloon/galley
  • Condenser unit - 1 x 24,000BTU
  • Air handlers:
  • 2 x 12,000 BTU (saloon/galley)
  • Fresh water pump (DC)
  • Secondary fresh water pump (switched independently as back-up)
  • Seakeeper 6
  • Webasto Thermo Top Pro 150 - 51,000By
  • 4 controlled zones (Flybridge, Mezzanine, Saloon, and both heads) plus 3 speed demisters on Flybridge windscreen and looped through hot water tank and large buffer tank
  • C Zone system to monitor & control all electrical and tank levels from 2 panels and iPad
  • Generator - Onan 13.5 Kw 110V @ 60Hz with muffler, fresh water-cooled including sound shield, remote stop/start diagnostic, hour meter - power management may be needed
  • Wireless remote for Glendinning Cablemaster
  • Batteries upgraded to 3 x 24V lithium ion batteries (300Ah total / 210 usable) - battery warranty 2 years
  • Multiple additional USB ports/outlets added by owner throughout Saloon and cabins
  • Siren Marine monitoring system includes many boat systems and functions remotely
  • Anchor Camera
  • Engine room camera (Garmin GC 200 IP Dome Camera, Infra red)
  • Cockpit camera mounted to rear of mezzanine outside optional enclosure
  • Port docking camera
  • Upgraded CZONE 10" control display
  • Master stateroom 32" LED TV, Fusion AM/FM panel stereo, Saloon 43" LED TV on electric lift, Fusion AM/FM stereo with bluetooth and Airplay, 4x speakers and subwoofer to saloon with 2 x 6.5" speakers and remote to mezzanine
  • Foredeck 2 x speakers (controlled from saloon stereo or Bluetooth)
  • Flybridge Fusion AM/FM Stereo with 4 x 6.5" speakers
  • All AC entertainment gear (TV's, Foxtel, routers) are powered from the inverter
  • Large freezer installed in lieu of washer/dryer
  • Connect Navigation display to saloon TV
  • full hydraulic function Davco davit (250 kg), with Launch and Retrieve kit
  • 2 x additional inverted outlets - 1 in galley (two total in galley) and 1 in starboard side FWD inside dash compartment (2 total in dash)
  • Painted Hardtop - Riviera Platinum - All non-skid areas to remain white
  • All hardtop electronics painted black
  • Philbrooks hardened MR10, bonded clear flybridge and mezzanine enclosures.
  • With flip up and sliding panels (and zippered-in screens) with washers and wipers
  • Flybridge wet bar & dash painted Storm Grey
  • Rear Awning - Seamark Charcoal Grey
  • Saloon Table - 680mm pedestal to be used instead of the standard 750mm - making the overall height to the top of the table approx. 29.5 inches
  • Vinyl Flooring - Blonde Limed Oak
  • Install additional outlet for customer installed Dyson vacuum
  • Czone - Configuration for ipad connectivity. Includes programming and Wi-fi interface (does not include ipad)
  • Rear GRP rail to have clears, not breezeway
  • Solid Surface benchtop colour - As fitted to galley, heads & Flybridge - Corian - SPARKLING GRANITA
  • Relocate Garmin cockpit camera to the FB GRP rail
  • Upgraded Carpet fitted to staterooms (Essentilist Milford)
  • Saloon Lounge Upholstery - Linen Leather
  • Bedheads - Carter Sand
  • Bed Surrounds and Cabin inlays - Arctic Ultraleather
  • Saloon blinds - Ceramic Blockout
  • Boot Stripe - Black
  • Pin Stripe - Vivid Red
  • Cockpit & Flybridge Upholstery - Shore Linen / Canvas Flax
  • Flybridge carpet - Beach / Cream
  • Pearl soft furnishings Package
  • Custom Exterior scatter package
  • Helm chairs and pedastals changed to Pompanette Platinum slim in standard White
  • Delete standard cassete style swim platform ladder, and install underslung ladder to aft of swim platform on centerline
  • 100ft of nylon rode added to 162ft of 3/8" chain with upgraded 77lb Ultra anchor
  • Fenders spliced to whips and colour coded for location
  • 8 Aacon folding cleats added for fenders
  • Dingy bridle
  • Underwater lights
  • Dynamic Position System
  • Mate Series rod/cup holders in cockpit coamings
  • Two downrigger outlets
  • Vision + (satellite images) chart chip of west coast of North America
  • Galleyware package
  • Grill for BBQ
  • 2 extra towel bars
  • Paint Touchup
  • Wireless Siren Pro Sensors
  • Spare fresh water filter and a black tank filter
  • 7 year warranty for structural
  • 5 year warranty on the drive train
  • 5 year warranty on all Garmin equipment

Riviera 46 Sports Motor Yacht

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Riviera 46 Sports Motor Yacht 2023 Kula Vancouver BC for sale

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Basic information.

  • Builder Jeanneau
  • Model 855 Merry Fisher
  • Category Cruisers
  • HIN/IMO SPBPV239G314
  • Condition Used
  • Fuel Type Gas/Petrol
  • Hull Material Fiberglass
  • LOA 28' 7"
  • Number of Engines 2
  • Make Yamaha
  • Power HP 150.00 HP
  • Hours 537.00
  • Hours 328.00

Liberte 2014 Jeanneau 855 Merry Fisher (4635463)

"Liberte" 2014 Jeanneau 28'

2014 Jeanneau 855 Sport Cruiser - LIBERTÉ THE PERFECT WEEKEND CRUISER! A truly incredible design by the team at Jeanneau has given this 29ft Sport Cruiser the feel and performance of a larger boat while still allowing her to fit into a smaller slip size and keep monthly costs at a minimum. Lib

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Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

Liberté lends herself to cruising in all seasons in comfort. The spacious cockpit provides fantastic visibility starting with a single molded windshield, helm seat door on starboard side that slides open, large opening windows on both sides that allow for a nice cross breeze, retractable skylights and sliding glass doors across the back. With the cockpit windows closed, the experience of cruising is oh so comfortable and quiet for conversation! She cruises at a fuel efficient speed of 23 knots with a top speed at WOT of more than 30 knots. Inside the cockpit, the seat adjacent to the drivers helm can be adjusted allowing passengers to face forward alongside the Captain while cruising. When the seat is in its forward most position, the table folds open providing ample space for meals and game nights with seating for four. And that's not all! The table also folds down into a twin bed for additional guest accommodation if needed!  The galley is situated behind the helm seat and across from the table. There is a built-in fridge and the countertop flips up where you will find a generous size sink and single propane burner. There is also a hidden standup cubby for three bottles of wine and storage cupboards below. The aft deck boasts an "L" shape seating configuration across the transom and port side. There is a table for outdoor entertaining that can also be folded down into a sun pad or outdoor sleeping space! The transom can be moved forward to allow the engines to lift and/or expose a swim platform. There is plenty of storage under the seats and in the lazarette. There is also a new outdoor shower on the back deck with hot water! Below deck in the cabin area, you will find the owners private stateroom in the bow with a central island bed, large windows on either side and a skylight above that make it bright and airy. This stateroom also has a hanging locker and additional storage under the berth. There are sliding wood doors that close for privacy. Situated below the cockpit area (inside the cabin), there is a guest stateroom with double bed accommodation. This room also has a wood door that can be closed for the privacy of guests or kids at rest. At the foot of the bed there is easy access to hot water tank and other components. The head is clean and bright with a large window and a small window that opens for ventilation. There is a sink, wet shower and manual toilet that is saltwater flush.  This boat has an exceptional layout with quality contemporary finishing that is clean and stylish. Upholstery shows like new. There are interior curtains and exterior covers that come with the boat. Compare this vessel with a 2024 model year that lists for close to $500K and you will see what incredible value she brings. Liberté is truly a gem, the ideal boat for a couple or family wanting to cruise, fish, explore the coast and spend nights aboard in comfort! Key Features Include:Twin Yamaha F150 hp Outboard MotorsBow Thruster for easy maneuverability in and out of the slipSimrad Electronics including GPS Navigation, Depth Sounder,Chart Plotter, VHFQueen size island bed in master state room, Double size bed in guest room, Cockpit table converts to twin size bed & exterior aft seating converts into twin size bedFusion Stereo System with Bluetooth connectivity through Simrad. Cockpit and cabin speakersRefrigerator and Single Propane Gas BurnerElectric windlass with remote controlElectric bilge pumps forward and aftDiesel Espar heating that is adjustable to heat both cockpit and cabinNewly installed outdoor shower with hot water featureTwo large retractable skylights in CockpitSought after "Legend Blue" hull (upgraded option)New Rolls AGM 230AH 12volt Batteries x 2 with bluetooth shunt monitor This boat has been exceptionally maintained with annual haul outs, cut wax and polish, full engine servicing and bottom maintenance (Records Available) Call "2 Prawn" to book your showing now! 604 789 6067 This beauty won't last long!  Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Yacht BC Yacht Sales. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel

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1993 West Bay Pilothouse

Boat Name: "Next Dance"

Next Dance is a 1993 West Bay Pilothouse currently available for sale in North Vancouver Alberta. This boat has a price of $584,940. Our team at Seattle Yachts is here to help you find the right boat for your needs, budget, and style. We have access to boats off the market that will never be seen online, so contact us today with your interest.

Price: $584,940

West Bay Pilothouse Yacht For Sale


Price: $584,940
Boat Name: Next Dance
Make: West Bay
Model: Pilothouse
Year: 1993
Condition: Used
Category: Flybridge
Construction: Fiberglass
Length: 57 ft
Display Length: 52 ft
Beam: 17 ft 1 in
Max Draft: --
Min Draft: --
Fuel Capacity (Gallons): 1,000
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fresh Water Capacity (Gallons): 250
Max Speed: 26 kn
Displacement: --
Number of Engines: 2
Engine Make MAN
Engine Model 2848 LXE
Engine Power 680.00 HP
City: North Vancouver
State: Alberta
Country: Canada

1993/2021 52’ West Bay 

For over 50 years West Bay SonShip has been producing high quality semi-custom yachts renowned for their engineering excellence, quality of construction and pride in the fit and finish of interiors.

The 52 was built from the same mould as was the venerable West Bay 58 and carries the same beam measurement (17' 1") and this is a beamier yacht than the 54 West Bay. The layout of the 52' pilothouse motor yacht is essentially the same as in the 58' model.

In 2021 Next Dance underwent a comprehensive 6 month refit at the West Bay yard. All onboard systems were examined and many were updated and a complete transformation of the salon, galley and pilothouse was carried out.

"Next Dance" represents a terrific and rare opportunity to own one of the most exceptional cruising motor yachts built in this size class. She's a classic Northwest cruiser that leaves little to be desired in comfort, style and safety. An ideal couple's or family boat boasting three staterooms with two heads, premium systems and luxury furnishings. Topping the large list of equipment is her stabilization. Something rarely seen on yachts this size.   The West Bay 52/58 series features a well-appointed galley a large fully equipped pilothouse, walk-in engine room with full standing headroom, walk-around side-decks with extended safety handrails and spacious flybridge with helm station and lounge seating.

‘Next Dance’ is a shed kept Alaska and Mexico veteran that is ready to cruise.

  • 3 staterooms
  • Westmar Stabilizers
  • Bow thruster
  • Diesel heat

In 2021 Next Dance underwent a comprehensive 6 month refit at the West Bay yard. This updated many of the onboard systems and included a complete transformation of the salon, galley and pilothouse.

Stepping aboard from the hull molded swim platform through a wide transom door you enter a large cockpit that is protected from weather with a partial hardtop and stainless framed canvas brow. There are side decks with high railings both port and starboard for easy line handling or to take you to the bow. The generous cockpit is well laid out with many features of a much larger boat and a floor hatch opens to access a deep lazarette that accommodates batteries, chargers, inverter, water maker and lots of storage.

Cockpit Features:

Flip up wing docking station on port side

Three burner propane cooktop on port side

Sink on starboard side

Stairs up to boat deck and flybridge on port side

Stairs down to walk in engine room

Propane locker

Swim shower

Entering the salon through double doors the extent of the retrofit is evident and you will think you have stepped aboard a much newer vessel. The double salon doors are wonderful for opening up the yachts interior to the outdoors and for entertaining aboard. The salon is surprisingly large, taking full advantage of the boat's wide 17 foot beam and it is an ideal spot for entertaining guests aboard. Large side windows bring in ample natural light.

All interior oak surfaces on the main level have been refinished in a chestnut stain and the wall coverings, carpet and upholstery are all in neutral and earth tone colours. To port is a comfortable built in L shaped settee and to starboard are two ultra-leather barrel chairs separated by a custom cabinet housing a large TV with hydraulic lift.

Forward to starboard is an L shaped side bar cabinet with the galley to port. Most West Bay have the galley in the pilothouse, this is one of a few built with the galley on the main level offering a much better layout. This galley has the counter space, features and storage to make any chef happy.

Galley Features:

Custom Corian countertops

Miele oven and cooktop

Ample countertop space

Trash compactor

Full size Haier double door Stainless fridge with 2 freezer drawers

Double Stainless square sinks with counter inserts to increase counter space

Hanging/pull out galley faucet

Numerous drawers and cupboards

Up three steps you arrive in the spacious pilothouse with excellent visibility for both captain and guests. A new built in L-settee ( raised 7” to improve site lines ) with a large table are to port behind the centerline helm, the refinished table is a hi-lo with a folding leaf. The increased space from not having the galley up enhances the well laid out dash and lower helm with large drawers and cupboard to port and doors both port and starboard to provide easy access to the side decks. 

Pilothouse Features:

Standard Horizon VHF

Dual Raymarine C120 displays (plotter, radar, and depth sounder)

Cameras display on C120

Autopilot (currently not working)

Rudder angle indicator(currently not working)

Wesmar stabilizer panel

Full engine gauges including transmission oil pressure

MMC Electronic engine controls

Lenco trim tab controls

Generator control panel

Brass ships clock and barometer

On the starboard side one set of steps leads to the second helm on the roomy flybridge and another staircase leads belowdecks to the boat's three staterooms.

The huge full beam owners cabin is amidships aft with the ensuite head on the port side. This stateroom features a walk around queen bed, ample drawers, cupboards and a big cedar lined hanging locker for storage. The large ensuite has separate stall shower, vanity cabinet and electric toilet. 

From the lower level moving forward the guest stateroom with twin bunks is to port complete with a cedar lined hanging locker and drawers for storage. Across to starboard is the guest/day head with a separate stall shower, vanity and electric toilet. 

Forward in the bow is the VIP stateroom with an island queen bed, overhead hatch, 2 cedar lined hanging lockers and drawers for storage.

A hatch in the lower companionway floor provides access to a cavernous storage area that also houses the bow thruster and Planar diesel furnace. All interior oak surfaces on the lower level are blond oak colour.

Interior Features:

Numerous opening portholes for light and ventilation

Hidden screen on salon to cockpit doors

LED lighting throughout

Valance lighting in salon

Built in Vacuum

New carpets

2 separate diesel forced air furnaces

All new mattresses for all beds

Starlink system for internet

Up the stairs you reach the upper boat deck that has a crane, tender storage and upper helm . The flybridge is expansive with a centerline helm, ample seating and excellent visibility for captain and guests. There are dual helm chairs for captain and mate behind a well laid out dash and controls including GPS, depth sounder, VHF radio, gauges, bow thruster and anchor windlass controls, and lots of built-in bench guest seating with storage underneath.

A hallmark feature of West Bay’s is the separate entrance stairs to a spacious stand up engine room. Opening the hatch from the cockpit you walk down a few steps, the generator is to port and a separate washer and dryer is to starboard. The stand up engine room and beam means the engines have reasonable room to work around. The reliable MAN engines have less than 1000 hours since being rebuilt by Philbrooks Boatyard in 2011 and are maintained annually by KNW Diesel.

Equipment Features:

MAN 2848 LXE 680 HP

Total hours on mains Port 3833, Starboard 3799,

Top end Rebuilt 2011 at 2982 Port

Total in frame at 2944 starboard

MMC electronic engine controls with trolling valve for Port engine

Onan 12.5 KW generator (834 hours)

FireBoy automatic Fire suppression in engine room

2 x 500 gallon fuel tanks

250 gallon water tank

Engine gauges in the engine room

Engine room camera

Aft looking camera

Front load separate washer and dryer

Remote oil change pump

Torrid 20 gallon hot water heater

Victron MultiPlus inverter charger

2 Mastervolt battery chargers for start and generator batteries

Carbon foam house batteries

12V DC, 24V DC and 120vAC systems with rewired panels and fuse/circuit breaker protection

50 A shorepower inlet

Glendinning retractable cable system

Maxwell 2200 windlass, approximately 400' 3/8" chain

50 KG claw anchor

Raymarine open array radar

Dual air horns

Lenco trim tabs

Wesmar bow thruster

ECH2OTec watermaker

1500-lb. Nick Jackson Electric dinghy crane

Tender is a 12' Zodiac RIB, on boat deck storage chocks, 30 HP Tohatsu (2023)

NOTE: The L.O.A. of the 52' West-Bay SonShip model is  57' 6"  including the bow pulpit and the swim grid. The yacht is 52' from stem to stern.

The following is a partial work list from in the 2021 refit:

New awning and stainless frame over cockpit

New helm seat covers

Rebed all bow railing bases

Recaulk all windows

Update PH doors

Vinyl wrap of exterior black stripe

Stabilizer service with new seals

Stabilizer cooler service

New anchor hatch

New anchor pulpit

Service windlass motor

Cut polish and wax hull

New Espar diesel furnace in salon 

New hatch shocks

Glendinning cable system repair

New washdown pump

New 3 wiper motors with pantograph arms

New interior cushions and upholstery in pilothouse

New dash panels

New towing cleats installed in transom

New swim ladder and cleats on swim grid

New valance lighting

New mattresses

New settee in salon

New 2 barrel chairs in Ultraleather

New Corian countertops in galley

New wallcovering in salon and main deck

Refinish all woodwork in salon and main deck

New screen at salon door

Refinish galley floor

New TV cabinet and hydraulic lift

Refinish pilothouse table

New 24v charger

Rewire 12v system and new 12v charger

New BlueSea AC meter

Rewired engine controls and batteries

New 24v alternator

New 12v alternator

New Tecma electric heads, new hoses, new Y valves, new macerator pump and new holding tank

In 2023 'Next Dance' returned to West Bay for her annual haul out and additional upgrades which included: 

New anchor 

New anchor chain

New carbon foam house batteries

New Victron 3000W inverter charger

New Planar diesel furnace in accommodation spaces

New hydraulic pump and hoses for Wesmar stabilizers

New Lenco trim tabs

New Starlink system installed

'Next Dance' cruises comfortably between 12 knots at 1400 RPM and 18 knots at 1800 RPM 

Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

For more information on this yacht, please contact us..


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Road reopened in North Vancouver after gas line damaged

The road closure on Mountain Highway due to a gas leak on Monday, Sept. 9 is shown. (Courtesy: North Vancouver RCMP/X)

A gas leak in North Vancouver Monday afternoon closed a busy section of road for about two hours during the evening commute, according to Mounties.

Mountain Highway was shut down between Bond and Crown streets, local RCMP wrote on social media around 4:15 p.m. The affected area was just west of Phibbs Exchange and Ironworkers Memorial Bridge.

Around 6:15 p.m., police said the road was back open.

In an alert, FortisBC said it shut down part of its system to make repairs, cutting off gas for about 320 customers.

It cited “external party damage” as the cause of the leak, and said it anticipates repairs to be complete sometime Monday evening.

“Important reminder: Always call before you dig,” police wrote. “Incidents like this can be avoided.”

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The Independent North Texas Professional Soccer News Source

FC Dallas at Vancouver Whitecaps – game info and lineup prediction

With the win in DC two weeks back, Dallas had given themselves a playoff chance. But Los Toros fumbled it against the Rapids and now need something special to happen to get that playoff spot.

11th in the West FC Dallas (33 points, 9-12-6) travels way up northwest to Canada to gace 5th in the West Vancouver Whitecaps (41 points, 12-8-5) at 9:30 pm CT at BC Place.

Vancouver also has 2 games in hand on pretty much everybody including FC Dallas.

Broadcast Info

TV:  MLS Season Pass on Apple TV Apple TV English: Blake Price, Paul Dolan Apple TV Spanish: Jesus Acosta, Carlos Suarez

English Radio:  1190 am and the FC Dallas App.  Owen Newkirk and Steve Davis are on the call. Pregame at 9 pm CT with Sam Hale.

Spanish Radio:   FC Dallas app with Carlos Alvarado and Jimmy Venegas.

MLS Injury/Player Availability Report

FC Dallas 

OUT:  Geovane Jesus (knee) OUT:  Paxton Pomykal (knee) OUT : Liam Fraser (leg) OUT : Ruan – (Pelvis) OUT : Patrickson Delgado – (Ecuador) OUT : Show – (Angola) OUT : Carl Sainte – (Haiti) OUT : Maarten Paes – (Indonesia)

Vancouver Whitecaps

OUT : Max Anchor – Finger (Out) OUT : Brian White – Concussion Protocol (Out) OUT : Sam Adekugbe – Groin (Questionable) OUT : Andrés Cubas – (Paraguay) OUT : Ryan Gauld – (Scotland) OUT : Fafa Picault – (Haiti) OUT : Pedro Vite – (Ecuador) OUT : Ali Ahmed – (Canada)

SUSPENDED NEXT YELLOW CARD VAN – Brian White DAL – Asier Illarramendi

FCD Lineup Prediction

Interim Coach Peter Luccin seems to have settled on the 3-4-3 … but that’s when he had Ruan . The simple answer is to bring Paul Arriola – who is coming off a one-game suspension for yellow cards – at right wingback and leave Sam Junqua left.

That allows him to keep Tsiki Ntsabeleng up high with Logan Farrington playing off Petar Musa . Sebastian Lletget is the best choice to drop into midfield with Asier Illarramendi . Nkosi Tafari is at right center back with Sebastien Ibeagha in the middle as we’ve seen in the last two games.

After the last game, Coach Luccin mentioned quite specifically that while it was nice to get his three DPs on the field, they needed to be careful and continue the slow return of Jesus Ferreira and Alan Velasco . Luccin followed that, quite adamantly, with a “however is the most fit will start.” So for me, that means Ferreira and Velasco on the bench.

I took a shot here with the veteran Jimmy Maurer in net over the kid Antonio Carrera.

3rd Degree's FC Dallas XI prediction at Vancouver Whitecaps, September 7, 2024.

Could Luccin go something different? Like a 4-2-3-1? Sure, he could. Your guess is as good as mine.

Bench Prediction Antonio Carrera Jesus Ferreira Ema Twumasi Alan Velasco Eugene Ansah Omar Gonzalez Bernard Kamungo Nolan Norris Dante Sealy

MLS Kit Assignments

MLS kit assignments for  FC Dallas at Vancouver, Sept 7, 2024. (Courtesy MLS)

REFEREE: Allen Chapman ASSISTANT REFEREES: Corey Rockwell, Nick Uranga 4TH OFFICIAL: Victor Rivas VAR: Daniel Radford ASSISTANT VAR: Mike Kampmeinert

More Game Info

FCD vs. VAN all-time : 11-9-8 (36 goals scored, 35 goals conceded) FCD vs. VAN away: 3-7-5 (14 goals scored, 20 goals conceded)

FC Dallas is 6-4-1 in MLS play and 6-7-1 in all competitions under interim head coach Peter Luccin.

On Tuesday, the ‘Caps announced the signing of Scottish international Stuart Armstron g, who penned a Designated Player contract through 2026.

Dallas is 4-10-0 in games decided by one goal.

Dallas is 3-9-3 when conceding first and 27 of their 44 goals have been scored in the second half. Bad combo.

Dallas has scored nine set-piece goals this season.

No FC Dallas player has been sent off during the current campaign with a straight red card.

FC Dallas has yet to concede a goal on a direct shot from a free kick.

Logan Farrington has six goal contributions in the last six games with two goals and four assists.

Petar Musa ranks 18th across MLS in xG (9.68) and the highest on FC Dallas.

Petar Musa ranks 5th across MLS in shot efficiency (4.31) and the highest on FC Dallas.

Pedro Vite and Patrickson Delgado are both Independiente del Valle youth academy products. They are both currently on international duty with Ecuador.

FC Dallas is 1-8-4 on the road this season.

FC Dallas Single Season Goals Record

Jason Kries199918
Kenny Cooper200818
Jesus Ferreira202218
Jeff Cunningham200917
Ariel Graziani200015

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Man wanted for murder arrested in Kelowna

Alanna Kelly

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A B.C. man has been charged with second-degree murder in connection to a fatal shooting in September 2023. 

Police responded to a Smithers residence on Sept. 8, 2023 and found a man had been shot.

He was transported to the hospital where he died. 

The North District RCMP major crime unit and Smithers RCMP worked together to gain evidence.

The BC Prosecution Service approved a charge against a man on Sept 6. 

Sylvester Gordon Joseph of Smithers was charged with second-degree murder. A warrant for his arrest was issued. 

Joseph was arrested without incident in Kelowna.   

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B.C. murder charge laid after 'intimate partner violence'

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Former BC United candidate James Mitchell confirms exit from race for North Vancouver-Seymour MLA

Nick Laba

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Former BC United candidate James Mitchell has officially dropped out of the provincial election.

Before his political party folded last week, Mitchell was campaigning as the BC United MLA candidate for the North-Vancouver Seymour riding.

When the bombshell news emerged that BC United – formally known as the BC Liberal Party – would end its run in the provincial election, Mitchell didn’t state his intentions publicly but deactivated his social media account on X, where he had been posting frequent campaign updates.

While some former BC United candidates have gone on to run for the BC Conservatives, that’s not the case for Mitchell.

He reactivated his X account on Thursday, announcing the end of his campaign.

“I just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be a candidate for the upcoming British Columbia provincial election,” he wrote on the social media platform.

“Through this journey I’ve been humbled by the support of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and the once complete strangers in our community who backed my campaign,” he said, giving thanks to everyone who volunteered or contributed financially to his campaign.

“I chose to run in this election because I wanted to make a difference in my community, to ensure that the challenges faced by the people of North Vancouver-Seymour were being met,” Mitchell said. “Chief among them, as I heard often at the doors: traffic, health care, the cost of living, child care, and long-term care.”

“North Vancouver is my home and always has been, it’s been an honour to have the chance to serve the people of my community through seeking elected office,” he said.

Mitchell provided the same statement to the North Shore News, but did not offer further comment.

Many offered kudos to Mitchell on X, including sitting North Vancouver-Seymour MLA Susie Chant of the BC NDP.

“Thank you James for stepping up to run for MLA here. I am sorry that this is the way it ended,” she wrote. “You have been involved in the community for many years, and I’ve enjoyed seeing you at events. I hope you continue to bring your voice forward in the political conversations ahead.”

With Mitchell out of the race, that leaves BC Conservative candidate Samarth Chandola  and independent Mitchell Baker to the right of the NDP on the North Van-Seymour ticket.

Chandola also offered kind words for Mitchell.

"Thank you James, for your efforts and commitment to [North Van-Seymour]," he posted on X. 

"Your love for our community shone through in these last few months and I am sorry for the way it ended. I wish you the very best in whatever comes next, and will always welcome your input," Chandola said.

BC Conservative candidacy less clear in West Vancouver-Capilano riding

Over in the West Vancouver-Capilano riding, the BC Conservative candidacy is less clear. The party’s current candidate is listed as Jaclyn Aubichon, a stay-at-home mom and small business owner.

But it has been revealed that last week’s negotiations between BC United leader Kevin Falcon and BC Conservative leader John Rustad was led by Caroline Elliott, the former BC United candidate for West Van-Capilano.

Elliott was former vice-president of the BC Liberals and is Falcon’s sister-in-law. When interviewed last week, Elliott said she was unsure of any future role within the BC Conservative Party.

The BC Conservatives were reached for comment, but did not respond by publication time.

As her former party collapsed, sitting West Van-Capilano MLA Karin Kirkpatrick said she was angered that she and dozens of other BC United candidates weren’t consulted on such an important decision.

Previously, Kirkpatrick was planning to retire, handing the candidacy over to Elliott.

But since then, Kirkpatrick said she’s considering courses of action that include cancelling her retirement to run as an independent or starting another political party to give voters a centre option on the ballot in October.

Thank you James for stepping up to run for MLA here. I am sorry that this is the way it ended. You have been involved in the community for many years, and I've enjoyed seeing you at events. I hope you continue to bring your voice forward in the political conversations ahead https://t.co/oov9KlZok8 pic.twitter.com/N4U4bbxSI8 — Susie Chant (@SusieChant_nvs) September 5, 2024
Thank you James, for your efforts and commitment to NVS. Your love for our community shone through in these last few months and I am sorry for the way it ended. I wish you the very best in whatever comes next, and will always welcome your input. https://t.co/OiBMkKYUWQ — Sam Chandola (@samchandola) September 5, 2024

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    Location North Vancouver, BC; Workplace information On site; Salary $ 20.00 to $ 30.00 HOUR hourly (To be negotiated) / 30 to 40 hours per week; Terms of employment Permanent employment Full time; Flexible Hours; Start date Starts as soon as 2024-10-01 Benefits: Other benefits vacancies 1 vacancy; Source Job Bank #3054064; Various locations

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  29. James Mitchell ends run for North Vancouver-Seymour MLA

    Many offered kudos to Mitchell on X, including sitting North Vancouver-Seymour MLA Susie Chant of the BC NDP. "Thank you James for stepping up to run for MLA here. I am sorry that this is the ...