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Siamo persone che hanno il privilegio di navigare uno dei mari più belli al mondo


Il consiglio viene rinnovato ogni 4 anni, ed è composto da 7 membri ordinari

Consiglio Direttivo


Grazie al paziente lavoro di Ottavio, il vecchio bunker è diventata una sede accogliente

Sede Sociale


Enti, associazioni, iniziative con cui il Club ha un proficuo rapporto di collaborazione



Il programma di iniziative estive è sempre ricco

Attività anni passati


50 barche hanno partecipato alla 33° edizione del trofeo

Trofeo Formenton 2024


  Gli scopi del Club sono:

favorire la diffusione della navigazione da diporto nelle sue varie forme: vela e motore, pesca d'altura, kayak, SUP, windsurf e kitesurf 

organizzare regate (trofeo Formenton, regata vele latine) 

organizzare attività legate al mare ( escursioni naturalistiche nelle isole e fitness)

istruire i giovani negli sport nautici (Open days di vela)

Questo per favorire i soci e agevolare la loro aggregazione sociale. La conoscenza reciproca è favorita dall'organizzazione di aperitivi e cene sociali.

Si è deciso anche di effettuare della beneficenza verso il territorio, devolvendo aiuti alle famiglie indigenti di Palau, e dell'assistenza alle disabilità, sostenendo la Onlus Benedetta D'Intino.

Il Club è uno dei sottoscrittori della Charta Smeralda,  codice etico per la difesa del mare, proposta da One Ocean

To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.


Attività 2024

Elenco delle attività estive ( lettera ai soci ). 

Bianchino da sbarco: da metà luglio,  ogni venerdì alle 19:00 

20 Agosto: Il Club organizza il 33° Trofeo Formenton

Introdotti limiti alla navigazione  nelle Bocche: i dettagli qui e qui

yachting club porto rafael

I Soci possono accedere ad un'area dedicata, mediante la propria autenticazione social (Facebook o Google), oppure tramite la creazione di un proprio identificativo email/ password

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Attenzione! Yacht Club e Marina sono due entità diverse, per quanto legate. Per richieste di ormeggi, affitto gommoni e cene si prega di contattare direttamente la direzione del Marina  (pagina Web)  , telefono (+39) 0789 700302

yachting club porto rafael

Programma Estivo 2023

27 luglio serata culturale con Giovanna Sotgiu

30 Luglio gita serale in canoa alla foce del Liscia

18 Agosto: Assemblea Soci

da metà luglio: Bianchino da sbarco, ogni venerdì alle 19:00

Agosto: corso Fitness bisettimanale

per i dettagli: Lettera ai Soci

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Meteo France

Webcam Palau

© 2024 Yacht Club Punta Sardegna

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who we are.jpg

We are people privileged with the possibility of navigating one of the most beautiful seas in the world.


The board is composed of 7 members appointed for a full term of 4 years


Thanks to Ottavio’s dedicated work, the old bunker has turned into our cozy headquarters


The Club boasts successful partnerships with several entities, associations and initiatives. 



The programme for the summer season is always rich

Past seasons


50 boats participated in the 33rd edition of the trophy

Formenton Trophy 2024

The Club’s purpose is:

To facilitate the practice of yachting in all its variants: sailing, motorboating, boat fishing, kayaking, SUP, windsurfing and kitesurfing

To organise regattas (Formenton Cup, Lateen regatta)

To organise sea activities (excursions in the nature of the islands and fitness classes)

To introduce young people to nautical sports (Sailing open days)

We aim to generate value for our members and facilitate networking through aperitifs and social dinners. 

We are also a charitable organisation, donating to those less fortunate families of Palau town, and to people with disabilites through the Benedetta D’Intino NGO. 

As a club we officially adhere to the ethic code of the Charta Smeralda by One Ocean, a foundation dedicated to the preservation of the marine ecosystem. 

To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.


List of summer activities ( letter to partners ). 

Bianchino da sbarco: from mid-July,  every Friday at 19:00 

20 August: The Club organizes the 33rd Formenton Trophy

New navigation restrictions in the Bonifacio area: details  here  and  here

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Members Area

YCPS Members can access the online members area via social authentication (Facebook or Google) or registering with email and password

yachting club porto rafael

Please note: The Yacht Club and the Marina, although strictly related, are two distinct entities. For moorings, dinghy rentals and dinners, please get in touch directly with the Marina management  (web page) , telephone (+39) 0789 700302

yachting club porto rafael

Summer 2023 Program

July 27 cultural evening with Giovanna Sotgiu

July 30 Evening canoe trip to the mouth of the Liscia

August 18: Members' Assembly

from mid-July: Bianchino da landing, every Friday at 19:00

August: Fitness course twice a week

for details: Letter to Members

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Consorzio Lamma

Meteo France

Webcam Porto Pollo

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34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda - Day 3

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Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship, Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2024. Photo credit: Rolex/Carlo Borlenghi

Yacht Club Costa Smeralda: a perfect day at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

  • Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

The fleet taking part in the 34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup in Porto Cervo were blessed with perfect weather conditions today, as a westerly breeze blowing at 10 to 16 knots joined clear skies and sunshine for the start of racing. Yesterday’s decision by the Race Committee to bring forward the start of today's racing to 10 a.m. CEST allowed the yachts to make the most of the weather window, before winds are set to pick up once again, according to the forecast models.

The YCCS set up two race courses today, one for the coastal race of around 27 miles, which took the fleet clockwise around the islands of La Maddalena and Caprera and then back to Porto Cervo, and the other for the windward-leeward races set for the 10 yachts competing in the inaugural Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship and the 4 yachts racing in the Maxi 2 class - former Maxi72 class boats now racing under the IRC rule.

The two races completed by the Maxi 1 boats vying to take home the first world title saw YCCS member Karel Komarek's Wallycento V and Alessandro Del Bono's new 82-footer Capricorno take the respective wins. “The boat proved to be very fast from the outset,” explained Capricorno's coach Tiziano Nava, ”we’re very happy, there’s definitely a lot of room for improvement. We won the second race through a good start and flawless tactics, but in the first race we paid dearly for an error in hoisting the gennaker.”

At the end of the day, however, it was Wendy Schmidt's Deep Blue that claimed the top spot on the leaderboard thanks to two solid performances, both of which concluded with a third place. Django HF owned by YCCS member Giovanni Lombardi Stronati, with Vasco Vascotto on tactics, and Joost Schuijff's Leopard 3, with tactician Ed Baird, follow in the standings, with just one point separating each yacht in the top three. The Maxi 1 class has now completed the two windward-leeward races set out in their regatta schedule. The Maxi 2s completed three races on the same windward-leeward course and with a first, a third and a second place, Jolt (formerly Cannonball), owned by YCCS member Peter Harrison with New Zealand's Hamish Pepper calling tactics, leads the provisional classification. On equal points and just one behind the leader, are Northstar of London, owned by YCCS member Peter Dubens', and Proteus, owned by George and Christina Sakellaris.

 Andrea Visintini, navigator on Deep Blue: “Today was a peculiar day, we had set the boat up for the rising Mistral that was forecast, instead we sailed in very shifty medium to light wind, never more than 17 knots. The key was to sail in clean air as much as possible, we are the slowest boat on paper, so it’s crucial to get free from the cover of the bigger boats. In the second race we had a very good start and we were leading for half of the race, then we had a problem lowering the gennaker, but we managed to contain the damage.”

 First off the line in the coastal race were the multihulls, with the Gunboat 80 Highland Fling XVIII owned YCCS member Lord Irvine Laidlaw showing immediate speed at the start and first across the finish line, victory in corrected time, however, went to Riccardo Pavoncelli's Gunboat 66 Gaetana. Second place went to Allegra, owned by YCCS member Adrian Keller.

J Class yachts Svea and Velsheda, stars of a splendid duel at close quarters. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2024. Photo credit: Rolex/Carlo Borlenghi

The Supermaxi class saw YCCS member Juan Ball's Moat, with Guillermo Parada on tactics, clinch both line honours and victory on handicap. “We had a good start on the left side, the favoured side,” commented Parada. “We took the lead and controlled Y3K, who came dangerously close in the light airs at the Passo del Bisce, then we stretched ahead and I must congratulate the crew for the countless sail changes perfectly executed on the downwind leg back to Porto Cervo. It’s difficult for us to control the J Class because the rating means we have to give them 1 minute per mile, but after a few miles we lost sight of them. We managed to beat them by a margin of just over a minute in corrected time.”

 Moat was followed by the two J Class yachts, Svea and Velsheda, second and third respectively in corrected time, who took centre stage in a splendid close-quarters duel along the entire length of the coastal course. 

Aldo Parisotto's Oscar 3 led the nine yachts in the Maxi 3 Class, followed by Rose and YCCS member Massimiliano Florio's Grande Orazio. The 10 yachts in the Maxi 4 group saw Vincenzo Addessi's Fra Diavolo get the better of Wallyño, owned by IMA President Benoît de Froidmont, and H2O, owned by YCCS member Riccardo de Michele. 

For tomorrow, Thursday 12th September, the Race Committee intends to set a coastal course for all classes, with the first start at 11 a.m. CEST. However, weather models indicate a return of the Mistral, with gusts that could reach and exceed 30 knots.

Early lead to Deep Blue in Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship

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Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, Mistral forces postponement until tomorrow

Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, Mistral forces postponement until tomorrow

Mistral wind delays Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup racing until tomorrow

Mistral wind delays Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup racing until tomorrow

34th edition of Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup gets underway in Porto Cervo

34th edition of Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup gets underway in Porto Cervo

Immagine Responsive



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34th Edition of Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup gets underway in Porto Cervo

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Porto Rafael is not only an expression of a queen nature of the territory but also a stage of a journey where places of rare beauty show themselves and make themselves known.

History has preserved this heritage for us and we hope so forever.

The Piazzetta Rafael de Neville

It is the history of the culture of Porto Rafael, where the sweet life of the 60s has traced the custom of meeting each year to tell each other moments, projects, emotions of one’s life.

In a romantic and at the same time joyful atmosphere, both musical and cultural events were the protagonists of an engaging and highly participatory way of being together. Events that have been an expression of joy and participation and at the same time have been the setting for parties that have become legends.

The personality of Count Rafael has signed the story, a story that tells a long and unforgettable fairy tale of love.

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The fortress of Monte Altura

It was built in 1887/89 to defend the coast and the archipelago of La Maddalena; it is considered the most beautiful fortress in Europe.

A highly strategic point at that time for the defense of the Tyrrhenian Sea from French naval military actions.

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Punta Sardegna lighthouse

A cage that science calls “Faraday cage” envelops the entire building; its architectural values enhance the beauty that stands out on the rocks and its extraordinary panoramic position increases its charm.

Since 1913, the year in which it was built by the Civil Engineer, several specialists called “fanalists”, who manage the lighthouse, have followed one another with their families. From this we can understand the presence of cast iron downpipes for the collection and disposal of rainwater.

In 1975 the Italian Navy automated the reporting systems. Today the lighthouse is home to the Coastal Observatory.

Il faro di Punta Sardegna

The little port of Punta Stroppello

In a unique position opens the little Port of Punta Stroppello which houses boats of great prestige from all over the world.

A corner of paradise that houses the Yacht Club of Punta Sardegna and from where you can attend international level regattas such as the Mario Formenton Trophy, a historic event for those who love sailing.

It is organized in August every two years in memory of Mario Formenton who was President of Mondadori.

The route is one of the most suggestive and has the islands of the archipelago as its backdrop. It starts from Porto Rafael sailing between Budelli and Spargi and then returns to Porto Rafael. A path of about 20 miles.

Il porticciolo

The lookout

A construction that dates back to the 19th century. A military post that was to serve strategically for sightings. Today it sees the presence of many who love to admire a panorama to say the least spectacular that embraces La Maddalena, Cala di Trana, always capable of a suggestive emotion, Corsica, the Bocche di Bonifacio among the typical colors of the sea and rocks.

La vedetta

The very small church of Santa Rita deserves special consideration. Count Rafael promised to build it if he could make his dream come true. The name could only be that of Santa Rita, patroness of the impossible. And so it was! … a chapel of rare beauty, an intimate place of prayers.

The floor that looks like a checkerboard, the altar covered with rosaries, the colors that accompany the atmosphere enhance the emotions that are experienced in this place.

Chiesetta Santa Rita

The church of Porto Rafael is also a destination on a path that brings great emotion and reflection to the faithful who participate in it.

The procession with torchlight procession from the small church of Santa Rita to the Parish Church of Palau is an anniversary that every year, in May, renews the intimacy of prayer.

Another moment of intense participation in the values of worship is the procession at sea, at the end of the summer, in honor of the Madonna del mare and San Mauro. A procession of naval units accompanies the celebration in the waters in front of the port of Palau and Porto Rafael.

Tennis and sailing… moments in which sport is combined with experiencing the beauty of this area. A green tennis court that excites, near the sea, among granite rocks that cut out representations as if they were sculptures; Illuminated in the evening for an unimaginable setting.

A few steps away is the sailing center of Porto Pollo, a destination for sailors and windsurfers. A naturalistic paradise caressed by the wind that tells its beauty. Wind surf, surf, sup, kite-surf and sailing manage the emotions that the sea transmits to us.

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The excursions

These are opportunities to learn about history! In Arzachena, near Porto Rafael, there is the Tomba dei Giganti by Coddu Vecchiu.

The Tombs of the Giants are tombs formed by a funeral chamber intended for collective burials dating back to the Nuragic age. A testimony of the life of that moment.

The Tomb of Coddu Vecchiu is an important funerary monument of the village of the time. Built in three phases, one of which dates back to 1600/1400 BC. C. is surrounded by a nature that makes you breathe infinite magic.

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Another thrilling excursion is a visit to the geomarine park in La Maddalena. A magic that has no end for the beauty that is all around those who observe it. Budelli, Razzoli, Santa Maria, Santo Stefano, Caprera, Sprinkle pearls of an archipelago that remains in your heart: everything draws an unforgettable scenario.

Among all the islands we remember Caprera, rich in a history that must be lived and not told. Garibaldi’s house is history that must be lived, the village of Stagnali is nature that must be admired.

Museo La Maddalena

At the mineralogical museum of Stagnali fossils, gems and rocks are splendid protagonists who recite a memory that is lost in time.

All this has its own stage which is the Archipelago of La Maddalena. A story that must be told: 230 years of social life; its islands which are a collection of splendid treasures covered and guarded by a sea that almost expresses a protective embrace.

La Maddalena

The archipelago should be remembered not only for its beauty but also for its history told by pages featuring Napoleon, Nelson, Garibaldi as witnesses to the strategic military value of this area.

In 1777 it was an important support for the ships of the Sardinian Royal Palace. Over the years there has been an increasingly significant military positioning. Just look at the many fortifications present and built in particular between the first and second world wars, such as on the island of Spargi, on the island of Caprera and on the island of La Maddalena.

Porto Rafael overlooks this wonderful panorama, located just a stone’s throw away.

A testimony of great historical importance is, then, the ship sunk in the waters of Spargi between 120 and 110 BC.

The National Park, then, is a place of great interest for the presence of over 700 plant species and is an unforgettable memory.

Lu Brandali

It is an area of immense historical value where a Tomb, Nuraghi, a Village and Tafoni are the absolute protagonists of this scenario.

The Tomb, of which only the foundations remain, dates back to the 14th century BC.

The Village dates back to the Nuragic age with its huts built in masonry and with covers of plants and shrubs.

The Tafoni, then, are large natural holes in the rocks used at the time as refuges or tombs.

yachting club porto rafael

Why tell this?

Because Porto Rafael is not only “Dreaming is Living”, it is not only a “Paradise of Nature”, it is not only the “Charm that Excites” but it is also the opportunity to deepen a culture that is millennial history, the opportunity to live a scenario that makes you seem that everything belongs only to you …

But it is not so because everything belongs to the whole of humanity!


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  3. Palau, Sardinia, Italy. Porto Rafael Yacht Club Stock Photo

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  4. Palau, Sardinia, Italy. Porto Rafael Yacht Club Stock Photo

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  5. Palau, Sardinia, Italy. Porto Rafael Yacht Club Stock Photo

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  6. Porto Rafael Paradise

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  2. Home

    CONTATTI. Attenzione! Yacht Club e Marina sono due entità diverse, per quanto legate. Per richieste di ormeggi, affitto gommoni e cene si prega di contattare direttamente la direzione del Marina (pagina Web) , telefono (+39) 0789 700302.

  3. Home

    Please note: The Yacht Club and the Marina, although strictly related, are two distinct entities. For moorings, dinghy rentals and dinners, please get in touch directly with the Marina management (web page), telephone (+39) 0789 700302. ... Webcam Porto Pollo. Windfinder. Weather forecast.

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