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Wavecutter AUS 4439 For Sale

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Built 1989 and well maintained. Raced and moored in Port Hacking. Cronulla. Hull treated with antifoul July 2023 regularly rubbed back since

Included in sale;

  • 3 HP Tohatsu outboard and motor mount on stern
  • Full set of original bunk cushions still in plastic packaging
  • Emergency navigation lights
  • 7kg anchor, chain and warp
  • Anodised Sparloft mast with through-bar spreaders and boom
  • Halyards and all required rigging and sheets
  • Spinnaker pole & Mooring boat hook.
  • 2 x winches & winch handles
  • Sails –2 x Genoas (1 x Black & 1 x regular) 2 Spinnakers (1 new & 1 used), 2 x main sails & 1 x canopy cover
  • Raymarine wireless Race Master Display Tactical race compass and wind shift indicator

$14,000 ono. Call Emma on 0431 225 944

VIC States 2024

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RIP Raymond La Fontaine

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Raymond La Fontaine. 19/ 1/1962 – 19/2/2024.

Written by Hugo Ottaway  

Many individuals have contributed to making our J24 Class what it is today.

One of those is Raymond La Fontaine.

I first met Ray in 1985 when he, his father Barry, myself, Herschel Landers and Ian Torode (RIP) bought our first J24s. Discovering the Victorian class had disbanded, we sailed club course and Junior Offshore Group overnight bay races.

In 1986 Ray and I appointed ourselves President and Vice President, reforming the J24 Class Association of Victoria. That year despite having no experience, we secured a sponsorship with Club Marine Insurance for the Victorian and National Championships held at Royal Melbourne yacht Squadron.

The following year, Ray took ‘New Horizon’ KA 96 to Sydney for the 1987 Nationals, having no money, he slept on the boat at CYCA for a week before sailing down the coast to Port Hacking, establishing a camping ground in the club grounds, sleeping in tents.

In 1988 Ray took ‘New Horizon’ to the Worlds in Sydney. It was here that he met Ian Bashford the builder of J24s in Australia (RIP),  Ray formed a friendship with Ian that resulted in the purchase of a new J24, ‘French Connection’ AUS 146 which he sailed in the 1996 World Championship in Melbourne.

In 1998 Herschel Landers, President and Ray, Vice President, facilitated moving the remaining five Royal Brighton Yacht Club J24 fleet to Sandringham Yacht Club, initiating what remains today, a fleet of 21 J24’s on the hardstand.

It was this move that arrested the decline in numbers due to the Brighton J24s being overshadowed by the Etchell Class.

With a new home, it was identified that short courses and multiple races would keep the fleet together, the J24s ran their own races with self starts and laying their own marks . A totally new concept away from the traditional Saturday afternoon race around the cans.

In another pioneering concept, the class began racing on Sunday mornings with a rule that the boats must be back at the dock by midday. That decision helped those J members with young families, get back on the water. All of these totally new approaches to yacht racing, remain today, thanks to the committee and Ray, who made a significant contribution.

Ray’s crew included many SYC members, David Suda, Dee Telford, Andy White, Grant Robinson, Grant Wilmont and past Commodore  Phil Coombes to name but a few, competing in many J24 Nationals and World Championships in Sydney 1988, Melbourne 1996, Sardinia 2006 and Argentina 2007.

There are many wild and colourful stories about Ray that will be shared around bars where J’s are sailed, however on a brief sailing note, surfing down wind in 25 knots, two handed  with Robbie Hartnett passing most of the fleet with the kite up, sailing from Westernport Bay offshore, through Port Phillip heads in 30 Knots – pure madness! Putting a brand new genoa in a dump bin after race 3 at the Nationals (which was hilarious to watch from the bar) exemplifies Ray’s colourful personality.

The J24 class in Australia is richer thanks to the contribution of Raymond La Fontaine.

Ray is survived by James, Mitchell and Violet.                                              8 Bells.

2024 Nationals in Sydney

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Once again, the Australian J24 Nationals were held in Sydney, this time on the harbour. As opposed to huge swells off Cronulla last year this year were battling the traffic and their wakes, Sydney is a very congested place, especially on the weekend !

Held earlier this month in mostly jib weather, the smaller fleet size this year still contained the top sailors in Sydney, and only one entry from Victoria. The usual suspects from NSW mixed it up with new youth and female crews and it’s great to see them participating in the class. The Nationals were the qualifying regatta for the 2024 Worlds in Seattle USA, later this year and there is considerable interest in attending this regatta.

With three races a day for four days, it was a pretty solid and physical regatta with especially the female crews getting well bruised. Day one gave us a south easterly of 25 – 28 knots. Starting off Taylors bay and heading to the top mark off the northern end of Shark Island meant we were sailing across a number of ferry routes – it just adds to the excitement – and frustration. Tough sailing, but banging Bradleys Head out to the right hand side seemed to work quite well most of the time. Mixed results with Tinto (Steve Wright), Innamincka (John Crawford) and Ace (Dave West) taking out the wins.

Day two with 20 – 25kn SE winds was pretty much a re-run of day one, although we did have to pause the racing while the Virgin cruise liner (read … apartment block) left the harbour, completely blocking our race track. Day winners were Sailpac (Sean Kirkjian), Innamincka and Convicts Revenge (Simon Grain).

Day three saw us on genoas with around 15kn shifty easterly and then north easterly breezes. A tricky day with lots more traffic on the harbour being Saturday and many and large boat wakes. Starting off the west side of Bradleys Head this time and going across to the southern end of Shark Island, can’t say which side paid better as they both did at various times and the frustration came and went in the first race as the wind came and went. Winners were Sailpac, Innamincka x 2.

The last day saw us back on jibs with 20 – 25kn from the northeast. Starting down by Clark Island and racing up to the northern end of Shark Island. Banging Bradleys Head first pretty much gave you the win with a lifting breeze from there to the top mark. The Squadron laid their start line about 100m to windward of ours and that was a bit worrying but the two talked and we were away without interference from them. Winners were Tinto, Convicts Revenge and Sailpac. A day where quite a few of us had moments !

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So overall results were a convincing win for John Crawford in Innamincka, second was Sean Kirkjian in Sailpac and third was Simon Grain in Convicts Revenge. Full results in this link.


That’s the pointy end, but back in the fleet there was hot competition in the middle with three boats finishing on 38 and 39 points, two boats finishing on 69 and 70 points and then the rest of the fleet spread out a little.

The women’s and youth boats competed in their own tough racing in the pack with consistency being the key to the placings. Our women’s and youth crews sailed hard in the conditions, Isabel Schlegel (Checkmate) and Tegan Franklin (Okavango Delta) and their crews battled with the two youth crews skippered by Will Hough (Waterborne Again) and James Bednaic (Calypso).

Last but not least was Cameron Cooke, perhaps the keenest skipper in the regatta, after buying his boat for $200 (!) he entered knowing what an uphill battle this was going to be. With help from numerous skippers and crews he was on a vertical learning curve but loving it. Keep at it Cam – it’s a journey for all of us !

j24 yacht for sale

RANSA put on a great regatta for us, the club is informal and friendly. Personally, I got so much help from Roger Wragby of RANSA before and during the regatta that made our trip up from Melbourne so much easier. Nothing like a coldie sitting right on the water in such a scenic setting after a hard day. Accolades should go to the RANSA volunteer team running the racing for us and to John Allan for being the RO. A tough gig in Sydney Harbour.

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Thanks also to the NSW Committee who put on a great presentation dinner to round off the regatta, the crew of Tinto and Terry Wise on the BBQ and Marg Fraser-Martin for the great photos. To buy one of Marg’s photos, email her as below.

  • High resolution pictures are available, $40.00, for a digital file for printing. Email ( [email protected] ) with event name and photo number. Photo credit is always needed wherever used in public (posters, social media, websites etc.).
  • Facebook: Marg’s Yacht Photos
  • Instagram: margsyachtphotos
  • Contact: [email protected]

The next two Nationals will be held in Melbourne as a run up to the 2026 Worlds to be held at Sandringham Yacht Club.

Story by Simon and Dave West, Pics by Marg.

J24 2024 AGM

The Annual General Meeting will be held during the 2024 Nationals at RANSA next year on the Saturday the 9th at 9am as previously posted in the Nationals NoR. If you have any items you would like to add to the agenda or nominate for committee, please contact National President Steve Wright.

2024 J24 Australian Championships at RANSA

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Photo courtesy of Marg’s Yacht Photos

The NSW States are done and won, Sean Kirkjian in Sailpac, from Dave West in Ace and Dave McKay in Stamped Urgent. The ususal faces are set to do battle again in the Nationals.

To be held at RANSA (The Royal Australian Naval Sailing Association) in Rushcutters Bay next to the CYC on the 4th – 7th January. The 2024 Australian Championships NoR is out on the link below.

The J24 National Committee will use the 2024 Australian Championships to determine the eligibility for selection to the 2024 World J24 Championships in Seattle USA next year.

NoR link here Official Notice Board: NoRs, SIs and Amendments – RAN Sailing Association

Entries are also now open here 2024 J24 NSW National Championships – SailSys

If you plan to enter, the sooner the better for organisational purposes.

IJCA Awards the 2026 J24 Worlds to SYC in Melbourne.

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Check your rigging !!!

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Here’s a really good reason to pull your mast out and check your rigging over before we really get summer sailing going. Recently we have had a couple of mast issues, mainly around the standing rigging. After the loss of a mast due to a shroud failure in Sydney, we have had the insurance angle brought home to us with a decline to pay out, due to age of rigging. A number of insurers will not pay out if your rigging is over 7 years old. This becomes an expensive exercise to replace a lost mast. Just this week we have had a broken lower shroud in Melbourne, happily not resulting in a broken mast. Upon replacing the shroud it was found that the other lower was also on the verge of breaking – That’s the pic above. The message in this pic is very clear and this T Ball fitting was on the verge of potentially losing another mast. So now is a really good time to check your rigging and replace it if it is over 7 years old.

J24 Trailer For Sale

j24 yacht for sale

Low riding tandem trailer with 4 wheel disc brakes, low keel support, steel gear box, Good condition. $5,500

Call Simon 0413 870 046

USA’s Team Furio Reigns at J/24 World Championship

Keith Whittemore’s Furio of the USA, with team Willem van Waay, Marianne Schoke, Brian Thomas and Melanie Edwards, have been crowned 2023 J/24 World Champions. Whittemore, who also won the 2019 J/24 World Championship in Miami, Florida USA, ended this event with only 25 net points in the full 10-race series. After discarding a 19 from race seven, the Seattle, Washington-based helmsman kept scores in the top seven including three bullets. Ignazio Bonanno’s La Superba of Italy compiled their reliable solid scores all week, winning two races, for 40 net points and the silver position. Tony Parker’s Bangor Packet, also of the USA, was in the hunt throughout the Championship, placing third overall with 52 net points. Parker has been sailing in the J/24 Class for all of its 45 years, and shipped his hull #58 to Greece.

Cillian Dickson’s Headcase of Ireland won the 23-boat Corinthian division, also placing fourth overall and tied on points with Parker. The crew included Ryan Glynn, Marcus Ryan, Louis Mulloy and Sam O’Byrne. The all-amateur podium was also comprised of Stephan Mais’ Running Men of Germany and Alexandros Tagaropoulos’s Hellenic Police of Greece.

The IJCA awarded its perpetual Youth Turner Trophy to Papanikitas Spiridon-Eleftherios’s Hellenic Naval Academy.

Competitors reveled in gorgeous conditions for five days at the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki in Greece. Saturday’s race winner was Kohei Ichikawa’s Gekko Diana of Japan.

Top Three Overall:

1) Keith Whittemore, Furio, USA, 25 points 2) Ignazio Bonanno, La Superba, ITA, 40 points 3) Tony Parker, Bangor Packet, USA, 52 points

Top Three Corinthian:

1) Cillian Dickson, Headcase, IRL 2) Stephan Mais, Running Men, GER 3) Alexandros Tagaropoulos, Hellenic Police, GRE

Thirty-five boats from 10 nations and four continents competed from Argentina, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan and the United States on September 12-16. A complete list of all J/24 World Champions can be found at  http://www.j24class.org/about-the-j24/hall-of-fame/world-champions/ . Complete event details may be found at  http://j24worlds2023.ncth.gr/ . Photos/video are available on the J/24 International Class Facebook page.

This is a live still pic that updates every minute


The stage is set for 36 boats from 10 countries to compete in Thessaloniki Greece from the 9th – 16th September. Six Australian teams are competing: Sean Kirkjian, Sydney – (Current National Champion) Steve Wright, Sydney – (Immediate past Nat Champ and current Aust President) John Crawford, Sydney – (NSW Measurer) Dave West, Sydney – (NSW President) Hugo Ottaway, Melbourne – (National Measurer) Warren Slater, Melbourne – (Multiple Nat Champ in other classes)

So as you can see we have a considerable depth of talent in our Australian team, with multiple National Championship and State wins amongst them. All teams are chartering boats from Europe.

Races will be held in the Thermaikos Gulf. Participating boats will be moored in the marina of Nautical Club Thessaloniki, the second largest city of Greece, featuring an international airport and commercial port. The race area is characterized by the thermal breeze appearing every summer day early at noon, the wind varying from 8 up to 16 knots, gradually diminishing after sunset.

These mild but steady conditions are ideal for inshore, as well as daylight offshore racing. Racing will feature a mix of round the cans windward/leeward courses and offshore races, to fully test the teams’ skills on the waters of the Thermaikos Gulf. The challenge of close windward/leeward racing is likely to keep the fleet in close boat on boat battles, compared to the complexity of offshore racing. Interpreting the changing conditions and delivering consistency will reward with Championship success. Social activities for the 2023 J24 World Championship will take place at the premises of Nautical Club Thessaloniki, with renowned Greek hospitality throughout the week.

Here is a results / competitor list here

The Worlds site is here 

There are plenty of pictures on the Club FB page here https://www.facebook.com/nautical.club.thessaloniki

Photos of the pre racing set up from Linda Smith

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Caribbean Cruiser: Sanlorenzo SL72 For Sale

  • By Jake Lamb
  • September 17, 2024

Sanlorenzo SL72 Koko

Prior to 2015, the SL72 was Sanlorenzo’s entry-level motoryacht, a platform that is capable of being owner-operated or run with up to two crew members. Worth Avenue Yachts has a 2006 Sanlorenzo SL72 called Koko listed for $990,000. 

“ Koko , crafted by Sanlorenzo Yachts and delivered in 2006, has predominantly cruised the Caribbean waters and has been diligently cared for by her dedicated captain and crew,” says Worth Avenue Yachts. “The interior exudes a blend of modern elegance and relaxation, creating a welcoming ambiance.”

Sanlorenzo SL72 Koko

This unique yacht has dazzled with its aesthetically striking design, comfortable interiors and powerful performance. Its spacious deck offers an ideal space for outdoor activities and viewing the view, while its interiors are furnished with high-quality materials and reflect your luxurious lifestyle. The Sanlorenzo SL 72 is a yacht designed to bring your dreams to life at sea, ready to turn every journey into an unforgettable adventure.

The main deck interior has the salon lounge area aft with seating to starboard, formal dining amidships and the main deck galley past the forward bulkhead. The galley is equipped with an array of Miele appliances, including a dishwasher, a refrigerator and freezer and an oven/microwave. 

Outdoor entertainment spaces on Koko vary from the aft deck alfresco dining area to the foredeck’s three-person sun pad. The flybridge offers additional lounge seating abaft the upper helm station and if the midday sun is too much, a Bimini top can offer shade and comfort. 

Sanlorenzo SL72 Koko

When a successful day of cruising comes to a close, owners and their guests can head belowdecks to one of four staterooms, each en suite. The master stateroom on the SL72 sits amidships, separated from the engine room by a closet and en suite head which helps to keep noise levels low. The forward VIP stateroom on Koko is abaft the crew quarters with a double berth. The final two guest cabins flank the lower deck with a double-berth cabin to starboard and a twin-berth cabin to port. 

Twin 1,350 hp MTU 10V 2000 M92 diesels give Koko a reported 28-knot top hop and a 22-knot cruise speed. 

Some other notable features on board Koko include: 

  • Samsung washer and dryer
  • Garmin GPSMAP 8215 display
  • Simrad GO12 XSE display
  • Simrad AP 44 autohelm
  • Simrad IS42
  • Simrad RS20 VHF DSC radio
  • ACR emergency VHF SR203
  • Garmin radar GMR18HD
  • two Kohler 20 kW generators

Where is Koko located? The yacht is currently lying in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  

Take the next step: contact the listing agent, Jeromy Mold, (954) 547-6302, [email protected]

Quick Specifications

  • Length Overall: 74’9”
  • Maximum Beam: 15’5”
  • Fuel Capacity:  1,321 gal
  • Draft: 6’3”
  • More: 50'-99' , Brokerage , Sanlorenzo , Sanlorenzo Yachts , Worth Avenue Yachts , Yachts for Sale
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2023 Solaris 44'

$ 1,099,000

This vessel is a 2023 Solaris 44' 44 Open listed for sale with United Yacht Broker Juan Morillo. Juan can be reached at 1-305-917-3758 to answer any questions you may have on this boat. United Yacht Sales is a professional yacht brokerage firm that has experience listing and selling all types of Solaris Yachts and similar boats. With over 250 yacht brokers worldwide, we have the largest network of boat buyers and sellers in the industry.

2023 Solaris SP44 Open

Originally inspired by the classic American northeast dayboat, this sleek, powerful Italian model bears little resemblance other than its tumblehome transom. Influenced by the popular American center console, the Solaris 44 Open was designed by Brunello Acampore of Italy’s Victory Design, to cruise the bay, raft up with friends, entertain, relax in the sun, and enjoy parties on the water in Mediterranean Riviera and Miami style!

The Solaris 44 Open features the largest living area of its category, with its 14’3” beam carrying forward to its high plumb bow, creating greater interior volume for comfortable weekend getaways for four. This Solaris 44 Open features the Plan A cabin layout with a double berth in the forepeak and double berth midships on the port side, opposite a settee, and a full private head with 6’3” headroom in the shower.

Boarding from the stern swim platform is one step up on starboard or port sides to the wide walkaround side deck leading to the cockpit social area, helm, and forward to the bow’s sunpad and forward seat with unobstructed views—high forward freeboard provides safety without railings. The exterior living area hub is the cockpit with an extendable table centered between opposing bench seats that seat three each to enjoy cocktails, refreshments, and socializing. The wet bar located aft of the console’s triple helm seats, includes a “plancha” grill, refrigerator, chill drawers, icemaker, and sink that can be used as a self-draining ice bucket to chill a couple bottles. Fold-down port and starboard bulwarks expand the cockpit deck area with side terraces. The upgraded Fusion Apollo receivers and JL speakers placed throughout the yacht, get the party going!

This Solaris 44 Open with the Volvo Penta IPS 650 engines features the optional DPS (Dynamic Positioning System) that is seamlessly integrated with the joystick controls to maintain the boat’s heading and hold its exact position at a touch and automatically keeps the boat stable, in spite of wind and current. 

The new 44 Open has all the seaworthy features of the Solaris Power Range and a unique, unmistakable design. Never before has a 44-footer offered so much.

The Main Deck is perfect for an extended-stay Day Boat. With large sunbeds forward and aft, as well as a generous and convertible seating area, this yacht is perfect for a wonderful day on the water. 

LOA: 44ft 2in (13.47m)

Beam: 14ft 3in (4.35m)

Displacement (light): 11.5 tonnes / 25,353.16 lbs

Water capacity: 330 litres / 87.18 Gal

Power: 2x Volvo Penta IPS-650

Top speed: 37.5 knots

Cruising speed: 28 knots

Range: 216nm

Fuel consumption: 80 l/h / 21 g/h


  • Price USD: $ 1,099,000

Miami Beach, Florida, United States

Power yacht.

  • LOA: 44 ft 2 in
  • Display Length: 44 ft
  • Beam: 14' 3"
  • Water Capacity: 87 gals
  • Fuel Capacity: 317 gals
  • Engine Details: Volvo Penta IPS-650
  • Engine 1: 480.00 HP
  • Engine 2: 480.00 HP
  • Engine Fuel: Diesel
  • Days on Market: INQUIRE

+ Lots of Upgrades

This yacht comes with an extensive list of upgrades that include:

1- An upgraded sound system with Fusion Apollo head and JL audio speakers around the vessel.

2- A complete wet bar that includes, a hot plancha for grilling, one large refrigerator, two cold drawers, an icemaker and much more. 

3- Twin Garmin 16" multi-function screens. You can control everything from your engines, autopilot, navigation, sound system directly from your screens. 

4- Volvo DPS, Dynamic Positioning System. This is a very expensive, but well worth option when you have a yacht with Volvo IPS. 

5- Volvo manufacturer extended warranties for up to 5 years of protection from the initial time of purchase. 

6- Large sun shade for the rear of the yacht with carbon fiber poles. 

+ Accommodations

Below decks, this yacht will surprise you! From the quality finishes to the high ceilings and full comfort. 

With two large beds you can sleep 4 in full comfort and with an upgraded Tropical A/C system you will be sure to enjoy those hot summer days. 

+ Mechanical Disclaimer

Engine and generator hours are as of the date of the original listing and are a representation of what the listing broker is told by the owner and/or actual reading of the engine hour meters. The broker cannot guarantee the true hours. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or his agent to verify engine hours, warranties implied or otherwise and major overhauls as well as all other representations noted on the listing brochure.

+ Disclaimer

The company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal without notice.

Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

Interested In This Yacht?

Contact Juan Morillo to learn more!


Our Solaris Yachts listing is a great opportunity to purchase a 44' Cruisers for sale in Miami Beach, Florida - United States. This Solaris is currently listed for $1,099,000. For more information on this vessel or to schedule a showing, please contact United Yacht Sales broker Juan Morillo at 1-305-917-3758.


United is a professional yacht brokerage firm with over 200 yacht brokers in over 104 different locations worldwide. By listing your boat or yacht for sale with us, the entire team is immediately notified of your boat and begin working to match your yacht with a buyer. We have many examples where boats have sold through our network within days of being introduced to our team. With more than $1.3 billion in sales, there is no better firm than United to help with the listing and sale of your vessel. Find out what your current yacht is worth on today's market!


The yacht MLS consists of thousands of available brokerage vessels from all over the world and in different conditions. Hiring an experienced yacht broker to help you find the perfect boat makes financial sense, as well as takes the stress out of the process. A United broker starts by listening to your needs, how you plan to use your boat, your potential boating locations, and your budget. We then go to work looking at all of the available yachts that fit your criteria, research their history, provide you with a clear picture of the market, and organizes the showings. We're with you every step of the way from survey to acceptance and our industry-leading support staff will make sure your closing goes smoothly.


j24 yacht for sale

61' Solaris Custom 2011

Cagliari, Italy

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53' Solaris 52 Open 2024

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States

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53' Solaris 52 open 2024

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‘If someone had offered me a third of the asking price to buy the boat back, I would have bitten their hand off’ – Monty Halls

  • September 17, 2024

New owner Monty Halls tests his sailing skills with his family aboard their Colvic 34 ketch Sobek. A recently qualified Day Skipper, Monty faces a few unexpected challenges

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I sat back on the saloon roof, leaned against the mast, sipped my beer, and revelled in the moment. Here I was, at long last, perched on my very own vessel – a 34ft ketch named Sobek.

It marked the end of a long aspirational journey, the culmination of a dearly held dream, and I couldn’t believe that it had come to fruition. Monty Halls, yachtsman. Monty Halls, skipper. Monty Halls, flinty eyed explorer who will ride the wind towards a curved blue horizon. In short, this was going to be great.

Fast forward 24 hours, and I’m trying to manoeuvre the same yacht out of the marina so I can get it home. Problem was, Sobek seemed rather reluctant to leave, and for some reason that my (up to that point) powerboat experience couldn’t fathom, kept pointing her bow in the wrong direction. ‘Wrong’ in this case being towards lots of other yachts in the marina, to whom she had plainly become very attached and wanted to kiss goodbye.

This being a Sunday afternoon, said yachts had people on board, who were popping up in their cockpits like meerkats, occasionally offering a few words of advice but mainly just looking at me. And, unequivocally, judging me. They were all, in my eyes, rime-encrusted veterans of numerous circumnavigations, and they knew I was an imposter in their midst.

j24 yacht for sale

Sobek anchored off Valley Beach in South Devon. Note rubber rings on saloon roof, detracting from Monty’s attempts to appear like a rugged mariner. Photo: Monty Halls

There was a certain amount of frantic see-sawing of the throttle, with me bellowing ‘Sorry!’ as my bowsprit scythed inches away from their ashen- faced loved ones. Fortunately I had a mate on board (now bitterly regretting it), who, as a former commando, was running around offering himself as a large, fleshy fender to avoid scratching gleaming gel coats and collecting guardrails.

And then – miraculously – we were out of the entrance and into the open sea. One of the folks in the marina even called after me to wish me luck on my travels. I didn’t catch all of what he said, but the last word was definitely ‘….off’.

If someone had, at that precise moment, offered me a third of the asking price to buy the boat back, I would have bitten their hand off. And that brings me to the subject of this, my first column for YM. I’m a new skipper, albeit one who now has a bit more experience than the pinball wizard who terrorised Plymouth Yacht Haven last year, and I think there’s an uncomfortable truth that needs to be acknowledged about buying a boat for the first time. Or truths, to be more accurate.

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j24 yacht for sale

Monty Halls on the trials and tribulations of sailing

Now, before you horny-palmed ocean conquerors give a rum-laden snort of derision, I’ve just emerged triumphant from my Day Skipper…

Imposter syndrome

First, they’re large, controlled by an engine that’d just about run a sewing machine, are subject to some interesting laws of physics, and operate on a big, wobbly, slippery, moveable conveyor belt that also does its own thing. That’s quite a lot to take in.

Second, there’s several bits of string that all have weird names. And most other things on board have weird names as well. It is, without doubt, a discombobulating, alien world. Third, literally everyone else on earth who owns a yacht is better than you, knows more than you, has drunk their own urine whilst becalmed in the doldrums, and can tell on sight that you’re a muppet. In short, the psychology of new boat ownership is one of mild neurosis and skewed perceptions.

j24 yacht for sale

Owning a boat has been a baptism of fire for Monty and his family. Photo: Monty Halls

Eighteen months of experience has actually shown me the reality is, of course, that everyone has been where you are, and will leap to your assistance given half a chance. Just last week a septuagenarian lady sprinted 50 metres to take one of my lines, digging her heels in as Sobek threatened to break free and head back to Plymouth from our mooring in Dartmouth. She took a turn round a cleat, gripped the line with corded forearms, and smiled at me reassuringly in a kind of ‘Take it easy big fella, I’ve got this’ manner. How lovely.

It’s also turned out to be one of the most rewarding physical and mental challenges of my life. It’s ironic that something so simply powered by the elements involves so many moving parts – the tide, the angle of the wind, planning, the direction of the swell, and the competence of the crew. And on that very subject, it’s been the ultimate team-building experience for my family. In fact, I’d get my wife Tam to write something on the subject, but she’s in town right now and has been gone for ages. Something about seeing a lawyer…

The other, final point, is that this is a never-ending journey. I’m better than I was, but a very long way from being the sailor and skipper I hope to become. And that will be the subject of the columns to come.

I do hope you’ll join me on the journey.

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    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  8.5'    Draft:  4.0'

j24 yacht for sale

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functional UFO jet boat zooms through water as a motorized flying saucer for lakes or rivers

Craftsman tran long ho builds his ufo jet boat from scratch.

If anyone has ever asked if it was possible to create a UFO-looking jet boat , craftsman Tran Long Ho has proven it to be more than possible when he produced his very own motorized flying saucer. Built from scratch, and with his own team as seen in the video, the UFO jet boat captures the design of the mysterious flying object—only now it’s right before the viewers’ eyes, so it may no longer be a mystery (except for what’s hidden in the cabin).

Motorized flying saucer with wooden parts

Mr. Tran Long Ho starts building his UFO jet boat using an earthy, sand-textured material and pours cement to harden it. In the video documenting his design process, he and the team mold it to follow the flying saucer’s shape before coating it with purple paint. The steel frame comes next, put together to hold the watercraft’s body in place.

Next, the craftsman produces hexagon cutouts from thin slabs of wood and plasters them on the frame as a form of insulation in the cabin. The first layer of coating comes next, and they all wait for it to dry before applying the motors that get the jet boat going.

Solar-panel-like plates for the hexagon designs

When the base is all covered, Mr. Tran Long Ho cuts hexagon shapes around the surface of the UFO jet boat’s top covering. As he shows in the video that documents the making of his motorized flying saucer, a series of solar-panel-like plates mask these holes, staying true to typical UFO depictions.

The engine sits in the heart of the watercraft, hidden just below the driver’s seat. This is why the Vietnamese craftsman built the lower body of the jet boat with a hollow, oval shape. First, it’s how a UFO might look, and second, it functions as the housing for the motors.

These motors may not work without switches, which come next in the making of the jet boat. For the wiring, Mr. Tran Long Ho hides them behind the fuzzy material that tops the angles and corners of the hexagon cutouts. It’s a smart move to make the interior as wire-free as possible. When it comes to cruising inside the jet boat, the pilot might need to recline as much as they can because of the limited overhead space.

That means they have to stretch their arms and reach for the steering wheel, just like the craftsman testing his watercraft on a river. That may not be an inconvenience at all, not when once they’ve revved up the engine, they can zoom through the water, speeding away as fast as a jet ski with occasional hops for a thrilling ride.

the making of the UFO jet boat

Mr. Tran Long Ho documents his process on his Youtube channel

project info:

design: Tran Long Ho | @Mr_Ho

channel: Mr Ho Tranh Che

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    I sat back on the saloon roof, leaned against the mast, sipped my beer, and revelled in the moment. Here I was, at long last, perched on my very own vessel - a 34ft ketch named Sobek. It marked the end of a long aspirational journey, the culmination of a dearly held dream, and I couldn't believe that it had come to fruition. Monty Halls, yachtsman. Monty Halls, skipper. Monty Halls, flinty ...

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    J24 preowned sailboats for sale by owner. J24 used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 24' J Boats J24 Basalt, Colorado Asking $6,000. 43' Jim Young Young 43 Fiji Asking $60,000. 33' Tartan T33 Flag harbor marina, Maryland Asking $26,500.

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  26. functional UFO jet boat zooms through water as a motorized flying

    craftsman Tran Long Ho builds his UFO jet boat from scratch . If anyone has ever asked if it was possible to create a UFO-looking jet boat, craftsman Tran Long Ho has proven it to be more than ...