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Outremer 55

Outremer 55 Owner’s Review

Thanks to Marijke and Mark from Cat Greatcircle for their help on this extremely thorough owner’s review of the Outremer 55. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

This is very comprehensive feedback from two experienced sailors. We have pulled out some key points below, but we encourage you to read the whole article, as it has some fantastic insights into the Outremer 55 and performance catamarans in general.

Some Key Points

  • This couple has migrated from a Lagoon 39 to a Lagoon 52S and onto a performance catamaran. When I asked “Would they swap the Outremer?”, they said “yes”. They are swapping her for a new Outremer 55 (!)
  • The main reason? Higher daily average mileage and no flybridge (smoother ride)
  • The best bit about the Outremer 55? It’s the best compromise between comfort, performance and looks available on the market.
  • Save some budget for the carbon options, solar, traveller line driver and your sail locker.
  • The 55 gets sailing from 3 knots of apparent wind and up. That’s eco sailing.
  • 38 degrees AWA is the sweet spot for VMG going upwind.
  • The flexible dual helm setup works well in all conditions.
  • Cat Greatcircle plans on 230 nm days. That’s just under a 10kt average.
  • The 55 has a high-quality finish. These yachts are built to last.
  • Cat Greatcircle has tested the Outremer after-sales service to the max. It’s good.
  • The other area that Outremer excels in is its sail training and owner/manufacturer community

odc 55 catamaran

Full Review

Reading time: 20mins

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your Outremer 55 catamaran? You’ve crossed the Atlantic and the Pacific so far, right? What is the plan now from NZ? Marijke has been sailing monohulls since she was 6. After we met in 1997 we started sailing together, first on chartered monohulls in several sailing areas of the world. Later Marijke bought her former Rival 34 back and we sailed around Holland in it.

Nice boat but a bit small, so in 2015 we decided to buy our first cat, a Lagoon 39 and sailed it from France to above the Arctic Circle in Norway. As we were really enjoying the liveaboard life, after a year we upgraded to a Lagoon 52S and sailed it almost full-time for 3.5 years in the Med and crossed the Atlantic to the Caribbean and back to Holland.

Just before our first Atlantic crossing, we had already signed up for the brand new Outremer 55, hull number 4.

At that time the boat only existed on paper, but it already promised to be the ultimate combination of comfort, performance and looks.

The second Greatcircle was delivered mid 2021, just before the departure of the GLYWO500 rally, a rally with around 30 boats circumnavigating the globe.

In the meantime, we’ve sailed over 18.000 nautical miles with the Outremer 55, from the South of France via the Panama Canal to New Zealand.

At the end of March 2023, we will start the second half of the rally back to the Med. The route will take us via New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Australia, Indonesia to Mauritius and then South Africa this year. Next year we will cross via Sint Helena to Brazil and then via the Carib and the Azores to Lisbon.

odc 55 catamaran

Why did you choose the Outremer 55? Was it the helm position, the performance or the living space for example? Which layout did you go for? (eg the desk in the front cabin?) We have been looking at all of the cats on the market regularly since 2015. The Lagoon 39 was a perfect cat to start on and get used to the particulars of a catamaran.

At that time we already thought it was huge (at least compared to our Rival 34 that is still in front of our house). The upgrade to the L52S was easier than expected and the sailing characteristics and motion comfort were already way better than on the L39. The L52S is probably the best sailing Lagoon ever built.

After 3 years on the L52S, we decided to make another step in preparation for a circumnavigation and had a thorough look at the available brands and models on the market.

We were not looking for the fastest or lightest cat on the market as we are not racers but cruisers. We know that for boats on the lower end of the weight scale, comfort has to suffer both in terms of the equipment and in terms of motion comfort.

In the end, we chose between two boats that only existed on paper, a Lagoon 55 and the Outremer 55. In hindsight it was love at first sight when we saw the design of the Outremer.

That Lagoon stopped producing Sport-tops for their bigger models probably didn’t help either as we are sailing the boat double-handed most of the time.

We had no need for a flybridge, and it doesn’t help the sailing characteristics either. The new Outremer has half the weight of the Lagoon, and much more space and headroom in comparison to the previous generation.

We chose the three-cabin version with an owner’s hull and a normal front cabin in the guest hull.

odc 55 catamaran

When was she launched? 2021 right? How was the buying and building process? The build of the very first Outremer 55 was started in the second half of 2020 and we followed the production of the first 4 hulls very closely. We even rented an apartment in La Grande Motte to document the whole process and to discuss the different choices and options with the local experts.

Dealing directly with the manufacturer is quite different from what we were used to before with Lagoon in their dealer model. We loved being able to shape the boat to our wishes, but also to learn from experienced sailors with another background.

Greatcircle was launched in April and finished and optimised in the months thereafter. It’s nice to see that experiences and improvements found on the first three hulls were immediately transferred to our boat as well. Initially, we were OK with not having hull number one but to be honest we were surprised by the level that they were already able to reach building the very first copy of a completely new generation of yachts.

odc 55 catamaran

Outremer is also known for its sail training and owner community. Any feedback on that? eg Ladies Day. As we visited La Grande Motte a lot we met many existing and future Outremer owners. In addition to the pure performance-oriented sailors that already knew Outremer, more and more sailors like us started to explore the 55.

Many of them already saw our YouTube videos on the Lagoons and/or the videos from the design and build phase of the new Greatcircle. They reached out to us via Instagram and Messenger to discuss the pros and cons of the boat in general and of the different choices to make in the configuration process.

It’s a lot of fun to be involved in discussions like that and it has helped us as well to re-evaluate our own choices based on the experience of others.

Outremer Week is a very successful concept, twice a year now, where customers can learn a lot about all kinds of topics from manoeuvring in port to medical training to engine maintenance. It’s a perfect way to get to know a lot of other Outremer owners as well.

Even though Marijke, as a female captain, might not be in the core target group of Ladies Day, she was very impressed by the way experienced female sailors like Nikki Henderson transferred their knowledge.

It seems very important, especially on longer offshore cruising expeditions that the tasks on board can be shared by multiple people on board.

odc 55 catamaran

What’s the best thing about Greatcircle? To us, it’s the best compromise between comfort, performance and looks available on the market.

We have all the equipment we had on the Lagoon, we still have plenty of space, headroom and storage space and we’re crossing oceans 20-30% faster than we were used to. And as a bonus, the boat looks stunning.

If there was one thing that you would change, what would that be? Or wouldn’t you change anything? We have already sold our current Greatcircle for the end of 2024. We have reached an agreement on a new Outremer 55 some time ago. The specs would be nearly the same as we were pretty pleased with the choices we’ve made on the current one.

One item we would like to optimise is that we want to expand the situations in which it is possible to sail the boat single-handed. For instance regarding reefing and furling the downwind gennaker when the sail is on port. We’re discussing this with Outremer, it’s still too early to tell but there might be a surprise outcome of this discussion.

Does she carry weight well, or do you have to be careful to not overload her with gear? The Outremer 55 has plenty of payload. We have everything on board you could wish for and there is still 2,5 tonnes of payload remaining even when fully loaded with water and fuel! More performance-oriented owners of a 55 have an even lighter boat (about a ton lighter) but during the GLYWO500 we’ve seen that the differences in average speed are marginal.

What are the “Must Have” Options when buying new in your opinion? eg Carbon cross-beam, carbon mast, watermaker (Dessalator), the convertible table in the saloon, generator (10,000i Fischer?), solar, carbon options, a/c, Esthec decking, extra invertor, extra freezer, water filter, scirocco fans, special galley worktop, Raymarine remote, induction plate, washing machine, folding props, ZF throttles, electric winches, windlass controller at helm For offshore cruising a water maker (preferably a backup water maker too) and a second autopilot are a must have. The other options depend on the personal preferences of the owner. I would recommend not having gas on board. In most cases, the 2000+ watts of solar are enough to cover the energy demand. In periods of bad weather, you still need a backup power source. We chose the genset over charging with engines and/or a hydrogenerator.

odc 55 catamaran

Can you give us an idea of what is in your sail locker? Which sails are your favourite? Gennaker, Spinnaker, Code 0, A2 Spinnaker etc We chose the DFI mainsail and self-tacking jib (solent) from Incidence as they are lighter (and Marijke likes black sails :-)). We didn’t choose the staysail/trinquette option and so far we never had a situation where we needed it.

As the 55 doesn’t need to be reefed very early the solent functions perfectly fine in all conditions we would like to sail in. We never had to furl the solent, a couple of turns so far.

Sailing around the world along the traditional routes there’s a lot of trade wind / downwind sailing. You need to have some flexibility and redundancy in the front sails.

We use the (flat and not too big) Code 0 both (close) reaching and downwind depending on the circumstances. Both this Code 0 and the downwind gennaker are perfect in changing conditions where it might be necessary to furl the sail now and then.

The A2 asymmetrical spinnaker is the perfect sail in lighter breezes, we use it to sail starting from three knots apparent wind. After 18.000 miles our engines still have only 350 hours …..

The S3 heavy duty symmetrical spi is made of polyester and we use it to sail almost dead downwind in breezes from 15 knots true. Most of the time we hoist in on the lower halyard and use it without the mainsail. You can leave it up during a squall, we had up to 40 knots of true wind without a problem.

What are the “Nice-to-Have Options”? As discussed the 55 is not very sensitive for a bit more weight. So I would say there is a long list of nice-to-have options that I would recommend. I love the carbon cross, as it makes the boat look fantastic. We choose induction cooking, a combi oven, a dishwasher, a full washer/dryer, aircon, a line driver for the main traveller and all electrical winches. As indicated we also have a genset.

odc 55 catamaran

Which options did you “pass” on? For the mast, we chose the non-rotating carbon mast. Reduces complexity and maintenance compared to a rotating one and the performance difference is again marginal.

How are the electrics, plumbing etc? Can you give us an idea of how you set your power system up, the amount of solar (over 2kW right?), hydrogeneration, lithium battery set up (200Ah/battery?) etc? How long can you stay autonomous on power? How often do you use the genset? We have three lithium batteries totalling 16,5 kWh. In normal circumstances, the 2048 watts of solar are enough to charge the batteries during daylight and to cover the total energy demand.

On anchor, it’s almost always enough. Upfront we didn’t realize though that during the longer crossings the sails quite often cover the solar panels.

In hindsight, we’re pretty happy that we stuck to our decision to install a genset to generate extra power when we need it. We installed 2 mass-combis so the genset can charge the batteries very efficiently, so far it has run for 130 hours only.

Is she easy to maintain? Servicing engines, standing rigging etc. You have had a few challenges to deal with on your circumnavigation so far, right? The regular maintenance so far after 1.5 years has been very limited. Of course, stuff breaks now and then, and in those cases it’s fantastic to be part of the Glywo500 rally where every couple of months a whole maintenance team is flown in to bring the boats back into perfect shape.

We did have a couple of incidents during our trip. The worst one was in Aruba when we were hit while asleep on anchor by a 70-ton tourist boat doing around 8 knots. Luckily nobody was injured, but the whole carbon cross was damaged beyond repair.

Without an extraordinary effort from Outremer, this would have meant the end of our rally. An Outremer team and the necessary parts were flown in, and within a month we were up and running again trying to catch up with the fleet before they left the Galapagos.

During this chase, we had a second incident while passing through the Panama canal. While rafted to two other boats and steering on the port side, the starboard gearbox cable broke with the gearbox in the forward position.

Pulling the throttle backward only made the boat go faster forward and the raft hit the wall before we even knew what the problem was. Easy to fix, very lucky that we could give it another go the next day, enough wind from Panama to the Galapagos and we managed to arrive there the day before the departure date of the fleet….

The third incident happened in Fiji where we just hit a reef with the port rudder tip and the rudder system broke. The rally brings you to poorly charted waters and due to the distances in some legs it’s not always possible to sail out in perfect (light) conditions only.

Sometimes if you wait longer to start the leg, you will arrive in the dark. We could have avoided this incident if we had motored along the advised route instead of following the boats in front of us sailing. We managed to stop the water ingress and were able to continue cruising, hopping from the east to the west side of Fiji where the boat could be lifted and repaired.

odc 55 catamaran

Is she easy to sail short-handed? To shorten sail? Is the running rigging complex? Do all the lines lead back to the helms, for example? What is the “German Sheeting” setup? You reef from the port side, right? In all situations, we can sail the boat double-handed (most of the time it’s only the 2 of us on board).

In many situations, the boat can be sailed single-handed. In general, I don’t think we would use the spinnakers single-handed. In our current setup you need two people to reef the main and to furl the gennaker or Code 0 when the sail is on port (the furling line of the front furler is on starboard).

The way we have set up the reefing system with reef lines on the back of the sail only 1 person has to go to the mast to apply or remove the loops for the luff of the main.

You can control the main sheet on both helm stations and also use the line driver to control the main traveller on both sides (and from the cockpit).

In general, the boat is on autopilot while navigating from either the saloon or the cockpit. If the sails need some adjusting you walk towards the port helm station. Only when the bigger front sails are on starboard you will use the helm station on starboard.

Is it easy to lower and raise the daggerboards and furl the head sails? You had some problems with the gennaker I think? You have a line driver for the traveller I see. Controlling the dagger boards is very easy, as is controlling the main. Indeed we did have some problems furling and unfurling the downwind gennaker.

The sail is pretty round and you need to pay attention not to entangle the sail in itself. In the meantime, we know how to prevent this from happening but still looking for ways to make this more foolproof (other furler?).

The line driver is a perfect option. Electronic buttons will be installed on both helm stations so you can easily control the traveller from the helm station while reefing or gybing.

What’s she like in heavy weather / a blow / big seas? How is the ride in general? (pitch/roll) We didn’t have real heavy weather yet. Most of the time the wind has been below 40 knots and the waves haven’t been over 4 meters yet. In these circumstances, the boat feels pretty relaxed and comfortable. Compared to our previous cat the thinner hulls slice through the water and the Outremer can maintain a higher constant speed.

There’s a lot less noise in general and a lot less slamming of waves against the hull.

odc 55 catamaran

How are the helm positions? Good in weather? How is the visibility when docking? Those swing helms look great, which position do you use the most? I like the feet steering option 😉 The two helm stations are really good when manoeuvring. You can see all 4 corners of the cat from either one of them and just choose the most suitable helm station when docking.

During cruising we often put 1 of the steering wheels (partly) inside the cockpit, especially in bad weather when we close up the cockpit tent. The boat will normally be on autopilot but if something happens or if there’s a glitch of the AP you can reach the steering wheel very quickly.

The benches at the helm station are very comfortable and ideal for catching the breeze, watching the waves and looking out for sea life.

How does she sail in light winds? You can sail the boat starting from 3 knots of apparent wind.

How does she sail close-hauled? How high does she point to true in a good sea state? Close-hauled she sails as high as a decent monohull but at a much higher speed. If the sea is flat sometimes you’re able to reach an even higher VMG by using the Code 0 instead of the solent and sailing a bit lower.

So far it seems that with both sails you reach optimal VMG at around 38 degrees apparent.

Typically, what’s your average speed on passage? What’s the top speed you have logged surfing? Talking about your top surfing speed is nice during anchor shots but is not so relevant for us. Our all-time high was set on the L52S doing 27,2 knots surfing of 3 consecutive waves. On the Outremer, we’ve surfed over 26 knots.

It’s the higher average speed during crossings that makes the real difference. Out the L52S we used to calculate 190 miles per day (downwind or reaching as upwind it will be a lot less).

On the Outremer 55 we calculate with 230 miles per day on average and it doesn’t make a big difference whether this is upwind or downwind. We crossed over 2000 miles from Cabo Verde to Barbados in 9 days and needed 13 days for the 3200 nm for the Pacific crossing from the Galapagos to Nuku Hiva.

What’s she like under power? Speed, manoeuvrability? 60 HP Volvo engines, right? We don’t use the engines a lot but in general, the 60HP Volvo engines are fine to manoeuvre the boat. As we don’t have a bow thruster it does make sense to anticipate what you’re planning to do as the bows tend to react to crosswinds.

If we use the engines while cruising we only use 1 engine, often at very low RPM using 1 to 2 liters per hour at 6 knots.

Is she easy to dock? How’s the windage coming in, any tips? As mentioned above you have to anticipate the bows reacting on crosswinds

What is she like at anchor? What anchor/chain setup did you go for? 70m chain, 50m rope right? We chose the Force 7 lighter chain with a nice and shiny 35 kg Ultra anchor. Indeed 70 meters of chain plus 50 meters of rope. We haven’t used the rope yet.

What’s she like when it’s raining hard? I like the way the clears fix down outside the helms When it’s raining we just close up the clears, and tilt one moveable helm inside. Both from the cockpit and the saloon you have perfect 360 degrees of vision so you only need to go out to adjust the sails and/or reefing.

Is she comfortable up top and down below? Cabins/saloon/galley/heads. Can you give us an idea of the configuration you went for? The island in the galley looks great. Electric heads? Wood option down below right? We chose a three “burner” induction plate and a combi microwave/oven. Works fine, I think the limitations are more on our side than related to the equipment. We have a freezer and a double refrigerator. We also installed a dishwasher and an extra water filter.

The space in the owner’s hull is more than enough, the beds are also nice and wide. We can’t walk around the bed like we could on our previous cat of course. The bathroom can compete with the one we had on the Lagoon and the spacy shower with rain shower and over 2m headroom is just perfect.

When we were visiting the interior designer Franck Darnet we found a different kind of wood and applied it to both the cabin and the hulls to create a warmer atmosphere. This might be a standard price list option in the meantime.

We also chose the option to implement the same Esthec flooring in both the saloon and the cockpit to emphasize that it is one big living space. The disadvantage of the Esthec in areas open to direct sunlight is that it gets REALLY hot.

odc 55 catamaran

Is there plenty of storage? The sail lockers look good. We still have a lot of unused storage space in the cockpit, cabin and hulls, so no complaints there. The bow compartments are huge, we use one for most of the front sails only so it’s easy to swap them. We use the other bow compartment for the lines, the toys and the spares.

On the foredeck, there are two storage lockers as well. In one of them, we installed the genset. The other one contains our bikes, the mooring lines and some shades.

How is the finish of the interior? Does she creak under sail? Both the extensive lamination of the deck and bulkheads and the quality of the finishing of the interior lead to a big difference in sound levels compared to our previous cat.

cat great circle outremer 55

What is your favourite spot on the boat? Our favourite spot is in the saloon with the cabin table lowered and turned into a lounge area

Is she good for hosting guests? We have the three cabin version as we’re not looking to host too many people at the same time. The guests in the port hull share a separate toilet with a sink and a shower with a sink. The bed in the aft cabin is the same as the one in the owner’s hull, the one in the front cabin is a bit less wide.

What kind of modifications have you done and why? We didn’t do any major modifications that were not on the standard option list

Any plans for further customisation? No

What kind of dinghy/outboard do you carry? We’ve got a carbon  AST Coast 340 tender , the one with the jockey seat. It carries a 20HP Honda outboard

If you were to swap her for another boat, what would that be? Or maybe you wouldn’t swap her? As mentioned before, we have already sold her (from the end of 2024) and ordered a new Outremer 55!

odc 55 catamaran

How is the after-sales service from Outremer? It’s amazing. Instead of using too many words, I would suggest looking at the extraordinary after-sales efforts Outremer made when we were really in trouble like in Aruba in February/March last year. There’s a  YouTube video  on both the crash and the repairs on our channel.

What I also like a lot is that in case of problems discovered on other boats, they automatically review whether these changes should be applied to other boats including the ones already delivered. As an example, we will get new carbon davits on our boat in New Caledonia to upgrade the maximum dynamic load they can endure.

Are you happy with the safety aspects? Escape hatches, position of life rafts, clip-on points and so on In general we are happy with the safety aspects. We do feel more exposed at the helm station compared to our L52S and there is not a lot to hold onto when standing there in rough weather. We’re looking at options to improve this.

Anything else you would add to help people thinking of buying an Outremer 55? Different people have different questions and concerns. Everybody is welcome to post questions they might have to our social media accounts on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.

How would you rate the Value for Money of an Outremer 55, bearing in mind future resale potential, quality, price and so on ? Our depreciation on the current boat will be 0 (and we could have made a profit if we would have sold it later.)

Would you recommend the Grand Large Yachting World Odyssey 500 (GLYWO500)? For sure! It’s fun to travel around the world with a lot of other boats. You can help each other in case of trouble and enjoy life together on the good days. The glywo organisation takes away a significant part of the bureaucracy and the technical stops are just perfect.

What is your favourite anchorage so far? Marijke’s favourite anchorage is the Bay of Virgins in the Marquesas. I really loved the anchorages in Maupiti and in the Lau Group in Fiji as well.!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d7295.192060516966!2d-138.67447822654512!3d-10.463990020135887!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x763a1c28d027f6dd%3A0xa6108fb93ecf7576!2sBay%20of%20Virgins!5e1!3m2!1sen!2ses!4v1679336705537!5m2!1sen!2ses

Follow Cat Great Circle

You can follow Marijke and Mark on their travels on  Youtube  (it’s one of our favourite channels),  Insta  and  Facebook .

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Yachting World

  • Digital Edition

Yachting World cover

First look: Ovnicat 48 aluminium multihull

  • Rupert Holmes
  • April 26, 2022

The inevitable combination of both the trend for aluminium yachts and towards multihulls, the Ovnicat 48 is a new go anywhere catamaran, Rupert Holmes reports

odc 55 catamaran

It’s easy to assume that all rugged metal yachts are very heavy. While that was the case at one time for steel designs, it’s a different matter for aluminium which, before carbon fibre became feasible, was frequently used for competitive racing yachts and from which the Ovnicat 48 is built.

This means it was almost inevitable that two of the biggest trends in cruising yacht design – expedition yachts and multihulls – would merge at some stage. The Garcia Explocat 52 , launched late in 2020, wasn’t the company’s first aluminium catamaran, but it brought the concept to a bigger audience.

At the same time Ovni, which has built 1,500 shoal draught aluminium monohulls over the past 50 years, was also developing a multihull concept with a 48 design. The first two have already been sold, with one scheduled to launch in 2024.

We don’t yet have many details, but it looks like an enticing design by Mortain and Mavrikios, with more of an emphasis towards warm water sailing and temperate climates than the other yachts in this selection.

Despite the boat’s rugged nature, laden displacement is lower than that of most cruising catamarans of similar size, giving the promise of brisk and enjoyable sailing without the worries of a more fragile fibreglass construction.

Ovnicat 48 specifications

LOA: 14.50m / 47ft 6in Beam: 7.75m / 25ft 6in Draught: 1.35m / 4ft 5in Base price: €1,200,000 ex VAT Builder:

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odc 55 catamaran

Catmar Explorer® 55 Power

An ideal ocean-going explorer power catamaran for worldwide blue water cruising and circumnavigation.

The hulls, deck, deckhouse and the entire structure are made of certified aluminium. Safe, strong, reliable and robust!

The result is a stable, homogeneous and torsion-resistant structure without the annoying creaking noises that can occur with GRP constructions or mixed forms - such as hulls made of aluminium, deck and superstructure made of GRP - in rough seas.

Catamaris ®  is committed to environmental friendliness and sustainability. Numerous building components can be recycled and reused in an environmentally friendly way, see below.Built in our shipyard in Holland.


Perfectly designed for a small crew, e.g. for a couple, even with children or occasional guests. 

The flybridge with 30 sqm offers space for relaxing and dining and an outside steering position. For bad weather, the comfortable inside steering position is a safe place. Also available in a well thought out layout for wheelchair users.

The yacht is built from class 5083 H 321/H111 aluminum, which is certified by "Germanischer Lloyd, Bureau Veritas or Lloyd's Register". Our Explorer catamarans are equipped with bow reinforcements and crash boxes with watertight bulkheads.  More about the advantages of aluminium .

Strong highly effective foam insulation throughout the interior provides protection against heat and cold and contributes to a pleasant interior climate.  

Available with conventional diesel engines or with the innovative electric hybrid system "Green Eco Power Supply".

With the optional extra fuel tanks, transatlantic range is possible at Eco-Speed.

At 174.20 sqm, the Catmar Explorer 55 Power offers particularly large living/usable areas. Headroom in the saloon 2.10 m, in the hulls 2.05 m. CE Certification Category A with 12 persons.

Optionally available reinforcements, approx. 30 cm above and below each of the 4 waterlines, provide increased protection against containers, flotsam and ice in Arctic waters.

Design according to your preferences

The design of the Catmar Explorer 55 Power can be customised to your individual requirements in terms of the flybridge design, the number, layout and design of the cabins, the saloon, the interior fittings, the furnishings, ceilings and walls as well as the entire technical equipment.

Alternatively, a completely new "full custom" design is also possible according to your preferences and ideas.

The designing and construction costs are comparable to those of some semi-custom manufacturers. However, with Catamaris® there are no restrictions on the realisation of your ideas and desires thanks to the "full-custom" construction method.

In the final result, every customer gets his Catmar Explorer® catamaran exactly as he wants it!

Manufacturing your yacht

Under the constant supervision of Catamaris®, your CATMAR EXPLORER 55 Power catamaran will be built at our partner Dijkstra Jachtbouw B.V. shipyard in Harlingen on the Wadden Sea in Holland, which has many years of experience in building multihulls. Dijkstra is certified by "Germanischer Lloyd" and "Bureau Veritas" and has already built more than 180 aluminium catamaran yachts and commercial vessels.

Technical Specifications

LOA 55.2ft - 16.85m
Beam 28.8ft - 8.78m
Draft 4.40ft - 1.35m
Building Certified Aluminium
Cabins 1 Master, 2 guest
Main Engines 2 x 250 hp
Max speed under power 18 knots
Fuel 2 x 1.000 l
Optionally “Green ECO Power” Hybrid propulsion
Naval Architect Marimecs B.V. - NL
Interior Design Marimecs B.V. - NL

Side view of the CATMAR EXPLORER 55 Power

Catmar Explorer 55 Power sideview

Layouts of the CATMAR EXPLORER 55 Power

Catmar Explorer 55 Power Flybridge

Sustainable and eco-friendly

Catamaris ® commitment to the sustainable reduction of its carbon footprint focuses in particular on the materials used. These components can be recycled and reused in an environmentally friendly way:

  • Hulls and superstructure built of certified aluminium
  • All components made of stainless steel (Inox)
  • Engines, gearboxes, shafts, propellers, generators, water makers
  • Cork for deck coverings
  • Furniture construction, upholstery, safety glazing of the windows
  • All aluminium inside panels are covered with high-quality insulation from environmentally friendly material which has superior energy efficiency, no solvents, asbestos, cement or fusible silicates, radically reduced waste and circular insulation. 
  • Rig and sails: mast, boom, shrouds, spreaders.

Catamaris ® also makes a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions during operation. On Catamaris ® catamarans, these components reduce CO2 emissions:

  • Engines, gensets and equipment meet the high EU standards in terms of CO2 emissions <s> . </s>
  • With our optional diesel-electric hybrid propulsion systems, a further significant reduction of CO2 emissions is achieved.

With a sustainable and environmentally friendly Catamaris ® catamaran, you can make a positive contribution to reducing your carbon footprint.

odc 55 catamaran

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55' Custom 1991


  • Price USD: $ 359,000

St. Thomas,

  • LOA: 55 ft 0 in
  • Display Length: 55 ft
  • Beam: 26' 6"
  • Water Capacity: --
  • Fuel Capacity: 195 gals
  • Engine Details: yanmar 3JH
  • Engine 1: 1318.00 HRS 37.00 HP
  • Engine 2: 815.00 HRS 37.00 HP
  • Days on Market: INQUIRE

+ Disclaimer

Listing MLS by

Not all boats listed online are listed with United, but we can work on your behalf. For more information on this vessel or to schedule a showing, please contact a United Yacht Sales broker by calling our main headquarters at (772) 463-3131.

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United is the largest professional yacht brokerage firm in the world with over 200 yacht brokers in our network. By listing your boat or yacht for sale with us, all of our team are immediately notified of your boat and begin working to match your yacht with a buyer. We have many examples where boats have sold through our network and our proprietary broker forum that keeps our team connected 24/7. With hundreds of closings every year, there is no better team than United to help with the listing and sale of your vessel. Find out what your current yacht is worth on today's market!

odc 55 catamaran


The yacht MLS consists of thousands of available brokerage vessels from all over the world and in different conditions. Hiring an experienced yacht broker to help you find the perfect boat makes financial sense, as well as takes the stress out of the process. A United broker starts by listening to your needs, how you plan to use your boat, your potential boating locations, and your budget. We then go to work looking at all of the available yachts that fit your criteria, research their history, provide you with a clear picture of the market, and organizes the showings. We're with you every step of the way from survey to acceptance and our industry-leading support staff will make sure your closing goes smoothly.


odc 55 catamaran

80' Custom 1962

odc 55 catamaran

80' Custom Maxi Decision Ship Yard 1988

West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

odc 55 catamaran

78' Custom 2009

MUGLA, Turkey

Inquire about this Yacht

odc 55 catamaran

2006 Switch 55 Vessel Walkthrough - Catamaran For Sale - The Multihull Company, Catamarans for Sale - Multihull Sales & Service

(215) 508-2704

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2006 Switch 55 Vessel Walkthrough – Catamaran For Sale

August 26, 2024

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We take pride in our happy customers

Andrew Hodgdon at TMC-St. Augustine kept us thoroughly informed during the sale of our boat and took the extra steps necessary to complete the deal. His knowledge of the process made a complex deal very easy. Needless to say, we are extremely happy and satisfied with the job that Andrew did.

— David Baxter

A shout out to Andrew Holland at the TMC main office, who handled the closing transaction of the sale of our boat. Very professional and thorough. Thank you!!

— Janice Baxter

Andrew Hodgdon helped us sell our last boat. He was dedicated, professional and helpful every step of the way. He made valuable suggestions for how to best show the boat and brought only serious buyers to see her. I would highly recommend Andrew if you are looking to sell or purchase a vessel.

— sailelcie

Andrew is extremely knowledgeable, honest, and a delight to deal with. He made our buying process as comfortable and easy as it gets.

— Ben Edkins

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Successful relationships cannot exist without it. At The Multihull Company we base every relationship on a firm commitment to earning and retaining our client’s trust.

Advice of any kind is valuable only when grounded in hard-won expertise. It too, must be trustworthy. Trust and expertise define the heart and soul of The Multihull Company. We are a team of skilled professionals who thrive on providing expert, trustworthy advice and service to catamaran and trimaran sailors around the globe.

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 hh catamarans offered by scott rocknak, interactive fall 2020 boat show options, updated frequently, subscribe here for alerts, hh catamarans hh55 carbon fiber performance cruiser.

odc 55 catamaran

presented by your host and guide Scott Rocknak

Click event text below for more details, youtube live hh55, individual interactive virtual walkthroughs, individual interactive test sails, in person visits, private boat show, september 2 & 3 ( click for times ) , september 1, 2, 3 ( email for available slots), september 4 & 5 ( email for available slots), inquire, we are working on the dates, [email protected], hh catamarans hh50 carbon fiber performance cruiser.

odc 55 catamaran

YouTube Live HH50

September (announced soon), september  (announced soon), hh catamarans oc50 e-glass performance cruiser.

odc 55 catamaran

presented by our guest host on site and also remotely with Scott Rocknak

Youtube live oc50, september or october (announced soon), discussion on the oc50 and how it compares to the hh50. this will be filmed aboard an hh50 with multimedia simultaneously presented on the oc50., in person visits can be arranged for qualified customers who able to visit france.   our french and english speaking representative will guide you through the boat and scott will be linked virtually onboard with you for additional questions you may have. email [email protected] for details..

odc 55 catamaran

Join Scott Rocknak on the HH55 YouTube Live September 2 & 3.

Broadcast 1  sept. 2 & 3 (on the dock), 10:00  new york, 07:00 san francisco, 15:00 london, 16:00 paris, 17:00 moscow, 22:00 hong kong, broadcast 2  sept. 2 & 3 (underway), 18:00 new york, 15:00 san francisco, 08:00 sydney (sept 3 & 4 local).

odc 55 catamaran

Check back or email for the YouTube Live Links

odc 55 catamaran

Join Scott Rocknak on the HH50 YouTube Live September TBA

(announcement on dates soon), broadcast 1  (on the dock), broadcast 2  (underway), 08:00 sydney.

odc 55 catamaran

YouTube Live

Anyone with access to youtube can watch a live video. during the event your comments can be responded to in real time by us if you have questions, observations, and yes, even comments., the event becomes a standard youtube video later and is available to watch again., links will appear in the red text in the section that shows the events., hh55 september 2 & 3, hh50 (to be announced).

odc 55 catamaran

Personal Virtual Showings

This is a one-on-one live showing of the boat where you interact with scott and see what you want to see and ask what you want ask. jut like at a boat show but you are front of a computer or device. we will be using professional equipment and sound to mimic the way you actually see and hear., your choice of  facetime, zoom, facebook messenger, or what’s app, qualification level 1 or 2 or 3.

odc 55 catamaran

Personal Virtual Test Sails

This also is a one-on-one live showing. this time though, we are actually sailing the boat. discover how this boat performs. since this space is rather limited we ask participants to be:, qualification level: 1.

odc 55 catamaran

Private in-person showings. 

Here you would physically visit the boat. there are certain local requirements due to covid-19. tell us where you’re from and we can guide you how to visit and follow the guidelines., once onboard we adhere to the safety protocols set by the cdc or equivalent local authorities. , typically it takes at least an hour to thoroughly go through the boat in a precursory manner. if we are actually sailing the boat then expect to plan on at least three hours., because of the logistics and time allotments we ask you are:, qualification level 1 or 2..

odc 55 catamaran

Private Invitational Boat Show

Following the guidelines of the recent canceled boat shows we will be adhering to a personal experience which would be:, (1) couple and/or immediate family down below or in the cockpit at one time., (1) couple and/or immediate family on the foredeck at one time., these visits will be scheduled as best as possible, (schedule to announcement soon), qualification level 1, 2, or 3, qualifications for certain events, since the time to show boats personally are limited by the hours in the day and the limited availability of the boats we ask you adhere to the following for personal virtual showings:, level 3: interested in purchasing a catamaran within the next three years and will have the purchase funds to do so within those three years., level 2: interested in purchasing a catamaran within the next two years and will have the purchase funds to do so within two years., level 1: interested in ordering a catamaran within the next year and have funds in place to do so., hh catamarans (realistically) range from $1.6m to $4.6m us depending on the model.  the size range is 50’ to 66’.  there is the ability to build a 77’ and 88’ boat. an 88’ is under construction now., you should calculate in your plans to order a boat at least a year before your anticipated delivery., this website makes use of cookies. , please see our privacy policy for details..

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Skinhead Revolt Zine

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odc 55 catamaran

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odc 55 catamaran

Introducing the ODC48

Experience the Ultimate in Safe and High-Performance Cruising with the ODC 48: The Aluminum Catamaran That’s Taking the World by Storm! Chosen by Peter “Plukky” Lukursky from YouTube Channel Sailing into Freedom to complete the ElCano Challenge, this catamaran is fully electric and made of lightweight and durable aluminum, making it the eco-friendliest and safest option on the market. With low draft and kick-up rudders, you’ll be able to navigate even the shallowest of anchorages with ease. And with a sail plan designed to make the most of all conditions, you’ll be sailing more and motoring less, allowing you to venture further than you ever thought possible. Inside, the ODC 48 is sleek and comfortable, offering a choice of 3 or 4 cabin layouts and propulsion options from diesel, hybrid, to fully electric. Get ready to be blown away by the ultimate in safe, disruptive, and high-performance cruising – the ODC 48 is waiting for you!

odc 55 catamaran

Overall Length:

14.6m 47.9ft

Beam Overall:

7.6m 24.9ft

110.9m2 1194ft2

Draft (board up):

Light displacement:.

7970kgs 17571lbs

Markos Thiraos

Structural engineers:

Ship Investigations Co.

Markos Thiraios


14.6m/ 47.9ft

7.6m/ 24.9ft

110.9M2/ 1194ft2

0.59m/ 1.94ft

8,360kg/ 18430lbs

ShipInvestigation Co.


The ODC48 was specifically designed for high nautical mile days, featuring a light aluminum hull and a powerful sail plan. When sailing upwind, this vessel is able to point high with minimal leeway, thanks to its deep daggerboards. During reaching conditions, the ODC48 is capable of blasting along at impressive speeds ranging between 8 and 14 knots.

Velocity Performance Predictions (VPPs), also known as polars, are generated through advanced computer modeling at base boat weight and assume the vessel is in a flat sea state, with trimmed sails and a clean bottom. However, it is important to note that polars do not guarantee a specific performance as the vessel’s performance in real-world conditions can vary greatly due to factors such as sea state, hull condition, payload, and the skill of the helmsman.

odc 55 catamaran

Safety is our top priority, which is why the ODC48 is equipped with advanced features to ensure your peace of mind. These include fore and aft watertight bulkheads to prevent flooding in the event of a collision, kick-up rudders that reduce the risk of damage, and a reinforced keel and bow for added durability. With these features and more, you can sail with confidence and focus on enjoying your journey.

Our vessel’s hull design is optimized for outstanding performance, with every aspect crafted to deliver an unparalleled experience. The high bridgedeck is specifically engineered to avoid wave slamming, providing a smoother ride even in challenging conditions. Whether you’re pushing the limits of speed or simply cruising in comfort, you’ll appreciate the precision engineering and attention to detail that makes our ship a true standout

odc 55 catamaran

The ODC48 boasts a spacious cockpit, designed to comfortably accommodate up to eight passengers with ample storage space. In addition, the cockpit can be fully enclosed, providing shelter from inclement weather and ensuring a safe and comfortable journey. The helm position is thoughtfully optimized for extended cruising, reducing fatigue and providing improved visibility for the captain

odc 55 catamaran

Heat management in tropical climates has been meticulously addressed in the design of the ODC48. The yacht features exceptional ventilation throughout, ensuring a comfortable and cool environment for those navigating the warm tropical waters.

odc 55 catamaran

  • 3 Cabin Interior Layout
  • 4 Cabin Interior Layout
  • Deck Exterior Layout

ODC48 Top View Deck Layout

  • Overall Length
  • 14.6m / 47.9ft
  • Waterline Length
  • 14.60m / 47.9ft
  • Beam Overall
  • 7.60m / 24.93ft
  • 81m2/ 827 ft2
  • Working Self Tracking JIB
  • 29m2/ 312ft2
  • Sail Area 100% Foretriangle
  • 110.9m2/ 1194.35
  • Asymmetric Spinnaker
  • 206 m2/ 2220ft2
  • 143m2/ 1539ft2
  • Draft Boards Down
  • 1.59m / 5.22ft
  • Draft Board Up
  • 0.59m / 1.94ft
  • Air Draft / Mast Clearence
  • 21.7m/ 71.2ft
  • Bridgedeck Clearence
  • 0.88m / 2.89ft
  • Light Displacement
  • 8360 kgs / 18430 lbs
  • Maximum Displacement
  • 13,500 kgs / 29762 lbs
  • 250 Kgs / 550 lbs per arm Max length tender 3.5m / 11'6" Max Weight Tender w/OB: 214 Kgs / 474 lbs
  • Diesel, hybrid or fully electric options
  • Fuel Capacity
  • 2 x 200ltrs, 2 x 88 gals
  • Fresh Water Capacity
  • 2 x 200ltr, 2 x 88 gals
  • Black Water Capacity
  • 2 x 80ltr, 2x 21.14 gals


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  1. New Outremer 55 Catamaran Hull #1 Launched

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  3. Cruise catamaran Outremer 55 moves closer to launching in France

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  4. 5 Juli 2024

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  6. The Reloaders


  1. ODC55

    ODC 55. Enquire about the ODC55. Introducing the ODC55 We are thrilled to announce an exciting new addition to our fleet - the upcoming release of our latest concept vessel. Taking inspiration from the valuable feedback we have received from our esteemed customers, world cruisers, and passionate sailors like yourself, we have embarked on a ...

  2. Odisea Yachts

    Performance Aluminum yachts designed to explore, to experience, to imagine. Odisea catamarans are built to fulfill your dreams with the safety, comfort, and performance you deserve, all while minimizing your impact on the environment. Crafted from fully recyclable aluminum, unlike traditional GRP boats that end up in landfills, Odisea Yachts ...

  3. Odisea Yachts partners with iYacht GmbH as design & engineering partner

    A new multihull project has been signed. Thanks to the expertise and competencies gained from working on many catamarans, iYacht has now been chosen by Odisea Yachts to help develop a new 55' aluminum catamaran. Udo Hafner, CEO of the German design & engineering firm, states: " We are really satisfied with this new collaboration. The team at Odisea Yachts is eager to explore fresh concepts ...

  4. Ep. 11 The best valued world cruising performance catamaran ...

    Become a patron, you want more information on the Odisea 48, 55 or 62 then send an email to peter@elcanoworldc...

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    Become a patron, you want more information on the Odisea 48, 55 or 62 then send an email to peter@elcanoworldc...

  7. Outremer 55

    The 55 has a high-quality finish. These yachts are built to last. Cat Greatcircle has tested the Outremer after-sales service to the max. It's good. The other area that Outremer excels in is its sail training and owner/manufacturer community; Full Review. Reading time: 20mins. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your Outremer 55 catamaran?

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  9. Features

    Design Features for Unmatched Performance. Light Displacement: The ODC 48 comes out of the shed weighing 18,431 pounds, which is ½ the weight of a comparable 48-foot vessel.; Performance Rigging: Rig and sail area optimized for upwind and downwind performance. Speeds considered to be unmatched in its class. Streamlined Hull Design: Reduces the exposed hull below the waterline to reduce drag.

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    Find Outremer Catamaran 55 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Outremer boats to choose from. ... 2021 Outremer 55. US$2,294,153. ↓ Price Drop. Grand Large Services | La Grande Motte, 34 - Hérault. Request Info; 2021 Outremer 55. US$2,237,079. Grand Large Services | Brest, 29 - Finistère.

  11. CATAMARIS Explorer 55 Power Catamaran

    At 174.20 sqm, the Catmar Explorer 55 Power offers particularly large living/usable areas. Headroom in the saloon 2.10 m, in the hulls 2.05 m. CE Certification Category A with 12 persons. Optionally available reinforcements, approx. 30 cm above and below each of the 4 waterlines, provide increased protection against containers, flotsam and ice ...

  12. Used Custom 55'

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  13. 10. The Odisea 48

    Become a patron, you want more information on the Odisea 48, 55 or 62 then send an email to peter@elcanoworldc...

  14. 2006 Switch 55 Vessel Walkthrough

    2006 Switch 55 Vessel Walkthrough - Catamaran For Sale. August 26, 2024. ... Josie brings over 25 years of experience in the marine industry, with a strong focus on catamarans.Josie's career began in France with Dufour Yachts, where she honed her sales and marketing skills. She then transitioned to the US,...

  15. ODC62

    ODC 62. Enquire about the ODC62. Introducing the ODC62 We are thrilled to unveil our latest masterpiece, the ODC62, a true testament to the Odisea brand's commitment to excellence, comfort, and sustainability. With its larger size and enhanced features, the ODC62 is designed to elevate your world cruising experience to new heights. ...

  16. Boat Show Options

    The new HH Catamarans HH50. HH 55. HH55_Main

  17. odc 48 catamaran price

    Used Yachts For Sale. Sail catamarans 40ft > 50ft, mumby boats for sale, mumby 48 boats for sale. Yachting World; Digital Edition; First look: C-Cat 48. September 6, 2021; The new


    Give it a thumbs up if you liked this episode!A new light aluminium performance catamaran that will give HH, Outremer, Balance and ORC a run for their money....

  19. Skinhead Revolt Zine: Moscow Trojan Skins interview

    2-3)We are found ourselves antifashist, an same time not involved in any politics. We just make jur stand at first for the skinhead culture. And yes some times we have troubles with nazi.

  20. ODC48

    Experience the Ultimate in Safe and High-Performance Cruising with the ODC 48: The Aluminum Catamaran That's Taking the World by Storm! Chosen by Peter "Plukky" Lukursky from YouTube Channel Sailing into Freedom to complete the ElCano Challenge, this catamaran is fully electric and made of lightweight and durable aluminum, making it the eco-friendliest and safest option on the market.

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    In this photo provided Tuesday, March 12, 2024, by the Iranian Army, a catamaran moves in the Iranian waters prior to the start of a joint naval drill of Iran, Russia and China in the Indian Ocean.