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Leonardo DiCaprio in Toscana: la vacanza sul super yacht e il pranzo “segreto” prima di ripartire

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

L’attore americano si è fermato per una rapida sosta all’Argentario: tutto è stato organizzato per fare in modo che non venisse riconosciuto e fermato dai fan

Vacanze in Italia. Su un super yacht dotato di ogni comfort, con camere per gli ospiti, un ampio spazio relax e una cucina degna di quella di un ristorante. Dalla Corsica alla Sardegna, passando per la Toscana. Leonardo DiCaprio non ha saputo resistere al fascino della costa sud, e si è concesso una breve sosta per un pranzo, prima di ripartire e proseguire nella navigazione. 

Ma “Leo” non è solo. Insieme a lui c’è l’amico Tobey Maguire . O almeno, i due erano insieme nel fine settimana del 3-4 agosto, quando hanno fatto tappa in Toscana. In particolare, all’Argentario, perla della costa maremmana. I due sono arrivati a bordo del  Impromptu , lo yacht che DiCaprio affitta regolarmente.

Sono scesi dall’imbarcazione e si sono concessi un pranzo rapido sulla terraferma. In pochissimi sono riusciti a vederli, dato che tutto è stato organizzato per garantire la massima privacy all’attore pluripremiato e stimato in tutto il mondo. Anche lui innamorato della Toscana. Nella prima settimana di agosto DiCaprio è stato visto in vacanza anche assieme alla fidanzata, la 26enne modella bresciana Vittoria Ceretti . 

Primo piano

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Leonardo DiCaprio – King of Yacht Charter!

Take a look through the ultimate timeline of leo’s holidays on yachts.

When it comes to renting a superyacht for a luxury holiday, Hollywood superstar Leonardo DiCaprio is the grand master! The star of The Wolf of Wall Street , Blood Diamond and of course Titanic enjoys taking his vacations away from the crowds aboard a luxury yacht.

The Oscar-nominated actor is well respected in Hollywood circles and he is often invited on board the yachts belonging to movie moguls such as Steven Spielberg but more often than not, he prefers the company of his mates or a gaggle of beautiful women – who wouldn’t?!

Leonardo can be spotted usually twice a year – in the French Riviera in the summer and the Caribbean around Christmas time.

Going away on a yacht gives Leonardo the perfect opportunity to escape the prying eyes of the paparazzi (at least for some of the time) and see the world from a different angle – one that only a few can experience for themselves because of the cost.

Leonardo has rented some of the most expensive yachts in the world and if you want to see them for yourself, as well as some tasty pictures of the man himself, have a look at our timeline of Leonardo’s history holidaying aboard yachts!

Leonardo welcomes 2015 in the Caribbean!

Leonardo enjoyed ringing in the New Year in 2015 in the paradise that is St Barts on board the luxury superyacht named Paraffin . He is being likened to Jack Nicholson, because of his lothario tendencies, romancing the likes of models Bar Rafaeli , Erin Heatherton and Gisele – not to mention Toni Garrn , the Victoria’s Secret Angel who he has recently split from.

He showed that he was not one to mope around or be lonely – instead he started getting over the break-up by surrounding himself with a collective of beautiful bikini-clad ladies over the festive period. He enjoyed mingling with the ladies but there was no one in particular who won his affections entirely!

His bearded look and long hair tied back has probably not been out of choice to make a style statement, but more for the role he is playing of frontiersman Hugh Glass who survived a bear mauling in the 1820s. The film is set for release in January 2016 and is called The Revenant .

For those of you who cannot wait that long to see Leo on the big screen, he will be appearing in another Martin Scorsese creation – that is yet to be titled. If you fancy taking a peek at Leo’s holiday, who was there and not to mention take a wander through the interior of the yacht he was on, then click here for the juicy details…

Lovebirds Leo and Toni live it up in Ibiza in 2014

The island of Ibiza was Leonardo’s destination of choice in August 2014 , when he had the luxury of taking Victoria’s Secret model girlfriend Toni Garrn on board the superyacht named Lionchase . This yacht is in fact one of three owned by the British Topshop owner and billionaire Sir Philip Green – who clearly doesn’t mind renting out his possessions to his movie star friends!

On the same trip, another billionaire pal, Vladislav Doronin, a real estate developer and chairman of the Moscow-based Capital Group offered Leo and Toni his metallic yacht , when Leo got the chance to try out a flyboard – a water toy like no other. See Leo trying his hand at the impressive gadget as well as more pics of him and Toni…

Leo and Toni arrive in St Tropez in 2014 for Wildlife Gala

Leonardo arrived in St Tropez in July of 2014 on board a stunning superyacht and accompanied by his model girlfriend Toni Garrn – all ready to host a gala event in aid of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation .

While being a movie star as well as a gentleman who can clearly attract the ladies, Leo is also a very keen environmentalist and he spends time working on how to make the planet a greener place to live.

This event for his foundation was the first of its kind and pretty much like everything Leo touching turning to gold, this was no different and he raised a whopping $25million in one evening. Celebrity attendees included Cara Delevingne and Selena Gomez.

Once the event was over, Leo took some time out from saving the planet and instead chose to relax with Toni in the sunshine. Want to see some more?

Leo hits carnival capital of the world Rio in June 2014 for the start of the World Cup!

World Cup Fever hit Rio in Brazil in 2014 and Leonardo was in town to host friends aboard Topaz , the fifth largest yacht in the world. The movie star threw a big party for the opening of the international footballing event, using the amazing yacht as the venue.

The yacht is owned by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan who is also owner of Manchester City football club and cost a cool £400million. It would seem that Leo has not only a gaggle of ladies to choose from at any given time but also a select group of billionaires who have yachts at their disposal!

The 428ft yacht has a Jacuzzi, swimming pool, gym and cinema all on board – so the perfect place to host friends and soak up the carnival-style atmosphere. Take a sneak peek here for more pictures of the yacht!

Leo hits Cannes in 2013 in perfect style – with ladies galore!

Ladies man Leonardo DiCaprio lives the dream in Cannes in May 2013 , relaxing on board a superyacht, surrounded by some beautiful ladies!

Leo is in town for the world famous Cannes Film Festival where he is promoting his latest film, The Great Gatsby starring Carey Mulligan and directed by Baz Luhrmann – the man who cast Leo as Romeo in Romeo and Juliet. If there was one role he was born to play, it’s most definitely loverboy Romeo!

Leo is on board the superyacht named Lionheart , one of three yachts owned by Topshop mogul and billionaire Sir Philip Green. Check out the hotpants on the girls, a shirtless Leo soaking up the sun and the amazing 63m long yacht!

Boys are back in town! Leo and Jonah party up a storm in Sydney in 2012

Leonardo DiCaprio and fellow actor pal Jonah Hill were spotted in beautiful Sydney Harbour in 2012 , surrounded by what else but a decidedly large group of scantily-clad beautiful women!

The Wolf of Wall Street and Django Unchained co-stars were taking in the sights and no doubt preparing for the superb firework display on New Year’s Eve . The party got well underway with Jonah Hill in awe of the company… See all the pics and more here…

Leo and Bar join lovebirds Vladislav and Naomi in Capri!

When you are Leonardo DiCaprio , the company of models isn’t an odd occurrence! Leonardo took model girlfriend Bar Rafaeli on board the stunning superyacht Ocean Emerald in Capri in 2011 to celebrate none other than supermodel Naomi Campbell’s birthday!

Together with her billionaire boyfriend, Vladislav Doronin, the four of them and a host of other guests had a great time on board the luxury yacht. If you want to see how the models, billionaires and actors of Leo’s calibre live the high life, come and see inside the yacht itself!

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Leo DiCaprio sullo yacht con la fidanzata

Dopo la vacanza a Miami con un gruppo di amici, Leonardo DiCaprio è volato a Saint Tropez non solo per il mare e il sole, ma anche per impegni umanitari. Lo scorso mercoledì l’attore ha tenuto il Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Gala sull'isola francese, al Domain Bertaud Belieu vineyard per raccogliere fondi per proteggere le ultime zone selvagge rimaste sulla terra. I famosi ospiti dell'ex star di "Titanic", compresi Jared Leto , Selena Gomez , Cara Delevingne e Bono , hanno messo insieme più di 25 milioni di dollari per la causa.

Ieri, invece, il 39enne si è rilassato a bordo di un lussuoso yacht in compagnia della sua fidanzata Toni Garrn . Leo e la top model tedesca di 22 anni hanno preso il sole in costume e poi si sono rinfrescati con un bagno . La biondina era fantastica in un bikini celeste, mentre Leo ha sfoggiato ancora una volta il fisico un po’ appesantito in costume , legando i capelli in una mezza coda. I due innamorati, che non si fanno vedere molto spesso insieme, si frequentano dal maggio 2013 .

Le foto di Leonardo DiCaprio sullo yacht in costume con la fidanzata Toni Garrn sono su GossipNews.


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Leonardo DiCaprio's Sexy Vacation With Model Toni Garrn Continues—See the Pics!

Actor shows off his physique while traveling aboard a yacht near spain.

Toni Garrn, Leonardo DiCaprio

This vacation just keeps getting better!

Leonardo DiCaprio continued his extended trip to Ibiza, Spain, this week with his new gal-pal Toni Garrn constantly by his side.

The Great Gatsby actor and his latest love interest joined a group of friends for an afternoon at sea.

While riding onboard a private yacht, DiCaprio showed off his shirtless physique as he wrapped himself in a towel and smoked a cigarette.

PHOTOS: Leonardo is quite the ladies' man!

Meanwhile, Garrn couldn't resist taking advantage of the sun. The Victoria's Secret model chose to strut her beautiful self while wearing a white two-piece bikini.

In between tanning, swimming and savoring the sights and sounds of Spain, the couple managed to enjoy some one-on-one time together where they looked happy and totally relaxed. We even spotted them sharing a kiss on the lips . Awwww!

It's quite the different scene from just a few short days ago when the fairly new couple showed off their wild and adventurous sides.

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Garrn was seen Jet-Skiing around the ocean waters where she may have fallen a few times. (Gracefully, of course)

DiCaprio, on the other hand, went so far as to defy gravity…literally!

The Hollywood hunk tried his hand at flyboarding . Wearing a protective vest and helmet just to be safe, DiCaprio tried his luck at the water sport. We're happy to report it was a success.

What's next on the agenda for this busy couple? We can't wait to find out!

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toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

The holiday's going well then? Leonardo DiCaprio whispers sweet nothings to girlfriend Toni Garrn as pair hit up Ibiza nightclub

By Daily Mail Reporter

Published: 13:45 EDT, 8 August 2013 | Updated: 04:25 EDT, 9 August 2013

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He and his new girlfriend Toni Garrn have been enjoying the yacht life this summer in Ibiza.

And it appears Leonardo DiCaprio and the Victoria's Secret model have got closer over the course of the holiday.

The 38-year-old was seen whispering in the 21-year-old's ear as the pair enjoyed a night out at a club on the Spanish island on Wednesday night.

Sweet nothings: Leonardo DiCaprio was seen whispering in girlfriend Toni Garrn's here as the couple enjoyed a night out at an Ibiza nightclub on Wednesday night

Sweet nothings: Leonardo DiCaprio was seen whispering in girlfriend Toni Garrn's here as the couple enjoyed a night out at an Ibiza nightclub on Wednesday night

The actor, who was seen enjoying water sports earlier in the day, appeared rather smitten with the German native as he cosied up to her during their night out.

Leonardo attempted to go incognito with a pageboy cap and sunglasses as he sipped on a drink and later lit up a cigarette.

Toni, meanwhile, showed off her natural beauty with little to no makeup and scraped her blonde hair back into a messy bun.

Lighting up: The 38-year-old puffed on a cigarette as his 21-year-old girlfriend grinned beside him

Lighting up: The 38-year-old puffed on a cigarette as his 21-year-old girlfriend grinned beside him

The couple were seen standing together amid a throng of partygoers as they chatted with some friends.

Earlier, the pair had enjoyed a relaxing day aboard billionaire Vladislav Doronin's yacht, a friend of the Titanic star.

Leonardo bravely took to a flyboard, a water jet propulsion pack that gives the user the ability to seemingly hover in mid-air. 

Cool dude: Leonardo tried to go incognito with his pageboy cap and sunglasses but his famous features were hard to miss

Cool dude: Leonardo tried to go incognito with his pageboy cap and sunglasses but his famous features were hard to miss

Toni recently became the latest in a long line of Victoria's Secret Angels to date the Oscar nominee.

Despite the 17-year age gap the pair appear to be getting on well during their current break - whenever Leonardo can tear himself away from the Flyboard, that is.

The pair reportedly hooked-up at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year and the multi-millionaire superstar has been enjoying showing his new romantic interest around Europe this summer.

In June, he whisked Toni away to Venice, Monaco and then to France, where they took in sights like the Palace of Versailles.  

That's rather brave! Leonardo was seen on a flyboard earlier in the day,  a water jet propulsion pack that gives the user the ability to seemingly hover in mid-air

That's rather brave! Leonardo was seen on a flyboard earlier in the day,  a water jet propulsion pack that gives the user the ability to seemingly hover in mid-air

Catching a tan: The actor was seen rubbing lotion on his forearm as he stood shirtless on the deck of the boat

Catching a tan: The actor was seen rubbing lotion on his forearm as he stood shirtless on the deck of the boat

Let me help you: Leonardo looked like he was in pain as someone helped him put his T-shirt on, perhaps nursing a small injury from his earlier water sports

Let me help you: Leonardo looked like he was in pain as someone helped him put his T-shirt on, perhaps nursing a small injury from his earlier water sports

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Seit drei Monaten feiert er mit wechselnden Begleiterinnen Die ewige Bachelor-Party von Leonardo DiCaprio

Rückblick, Mitte August: Während hierzulande die Menschen langsam aus den Sommerferien zurückkehren und Tausende von Kindern ihren ersten Schultag feiern, tuckert eine 380-Millionen-Franken-Yacht durch das Mittelmeer. Immer wieder macht die «Topaz» Halt in glitzernden Prestigeorten wie St. Tropez, Cannes oder Ibiza. Darauf lässt es sich Oscar-Gewinner Leonardo DiCaprio (48) jeweils mit einer beachtlichen Entourage sichtlich gut gehen – auch wenn das überdimensionierte Boot eigentlich nicht ihm, sondern seinem guten Freund Scheich Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan (52) gehört. Er hat das Ozean-Spielzeug seinem guten Freund für eine schier nicht enden wollende Bachelor-Party zur Verfügung gestellt.

DiCaprio wird auf der «Topaz» seinem Ruf als Lebemann gerecht – ganz getreu dem Motto «in jedem Hafen eine andere Braut». Seitdem sich der Amerikaner vor einem Jahr von seiner Freundin Camila Morrone (26) getrennt hat , erwischen ihn Paparazzi bei diversen Turteleien, die er auf seiner Yacht führt. Darunter Model Neelam Gill (28) oder «Love Island»-Star Arabella Chi (32) . Die schiere Anzahl an Frauen, denen eine Liaison zum Hollywood-Star nachgesagt wird, ist erstaunlich. Anfang Juli titelten diverse Medien, DiCaprio habe sich von US-Model Gigi Hadid (28) getrennt – es scheint sich bei dieser Beziehung nur um eine kurzfristige Angelegenheit gehandelt zu haben. 

  • 1996 spannte er Nicolas Cage das damals 22-jährige Model Kristen Zang aus.
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  • Ab 2005 folgte die 20-jährige israelische Schönheit Bar Refaeli, von der er sich 2009 erstmals trennte. Danach gab es ein ziemliches Hin und Her, was die Liebe der beiden anging. Offiziell blieb sie bis 2011 seine Freundin. Während einer Beziehungspause 2009 hatte DiCaprio eine Affäre mit dem 23-jährigen russischen Model Anna Vyalitsyna.
  • Den Sommer 2011 turtelte Leonardo DiCaprio innig mit der 23-jährigen Schauspielerin Blake Lively, der heutigen Ehefrau von Ryan Reynolds.
  • 2012 kam Leo mit dem Model Erin Heatherton (23) zusammen – die Beziehung dauerte neun Monate.
  • Im Mai 2013 wurde Leo zum ersten Mal mit dem deutschen Model Toni Garrn (damals 20) gesichtet. Die Trennung folgte im Dezember 2014.
  • 2015 tauchte dann das Model Kelly Rohrbach (25) kurzzeitig an der Seite von Leo auf.
  • Im Mai 2016 feierte DiCaprio ein Liebes-Jubiläum: Das dänische Model Nina Agdal (23) war bereits der zehnte «Victoria's Secret»-Angel, der in Leos Bett flatterte.
  • Der Sommer-Flirt 2017 stammte wieder aus Deutschland: Die 22-jährige Lorena Rape, die sich wegen ihres im Englischen ungünstigen Nachnamen in «Rae» unbenannte, konnte dem Star nicht widerstehen. Eine offizielle Beziehung dementierten Freunde von Leo.

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Gegenwart, Ende August, Santa Barbara in Kalifornien: Leonardo DiCaprio ist zurück in seinem Heimatland – und macht offenbar da weiter, wo er am Mittelmeer aufgehört hat. Das US-Magazin «Page Six» hat Fotos veröffentlicht, die den «Titanic»-Darsteller beim Glace-Schmaus zeigen. An seiner Seite ist keine Unbekannte: Sie heisst Vittoria Ceretti (25) und hat sich als Topmodel auf den Laufstegen von Chanel oder Bulgari einen Namen gemacht. Erst im Juni gab die Italienerin die Trennung von ihrem Ehemann, dem DJ Matteo Milleri (35), bekannt.

Kennengelernt habe Ceretti DiCaprio laut des Magazins bei den Filmfestspielen im französischen Cannes. Dort, wo dessen Beziehungs-Odyssee Ende Mai seinen Lauf genommen hatte. Ob das angebliche Paar während der letzten drei Monate den Kontakt aufrechterhalten hat, ist unklar – viel Zeit dazu dürfte der Schauspieler ohnehin nicht gehabt haben. Obwohl DiCaprio wegen des Streiks in Hollywood momentan seinem eigentlichen Beruf nicht nachgehen darf , scheint ihn seine ewige Bachelor-Party auf Trab gehalten zu haben. Wohin sie noch führt, ist ungewiss. Klar ist nur: Die Paparazzi werden da sein. 

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

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Tutte le fidanzate di Leonardo DiCaprio, dalla prima all’ultima

Patrizio Marino

Leonardo Dicaprio ha avuto numerose fidanzate , la sua fama di conquistatore precede la fama internazionale raggiunta con Titanic. Nelle scorse settimane l’attore si sarebbe lasciato con la modella Camila Morrone e avrebbe iniziato a frequentare altre celebrity (si è parlato di Gigi Hadid). Nell’attesa di notizie ufficiali, rinfreschiamoci la memoria, andando a rivedere tutte le ex di Leonardo DiCaprio.

Kristen Zang

Leonardo DiCaprio e Kristen Zang

Kristen Zang è stata la prima relazione importante di Leonardo Di Caprio. I due sono stati insieme dal 1996 al 1998, in quegli anni Leonardo DiCaprio ha girato Romeo+Juliet e Titanic. Secondo i rumors, la storia è finita perchè Kristen non avrebbe retto il successo del suo compagno.

Helena Christensen

Leonardo DiCaprio ed Helena Christensen

Helena Christensen e Leonardo DiCaprio avrebbero iniziato a frequentarsi mentre lui era ancora legato a Kristen Zang. La relazione tra l’attore e la top model danese, nata nel 1968, è durata solo pochi mesi.

Eva Herzigova

Eva Herzigova in reggiseno per la pubblicità Wonderbra

Leonardo DiCaprio ed Eva Herzigova si sono incontrati nella romantica Parigi, quando l’attore stava presentando La maschera di ferro. Anche la relazione con la modella ceca, allora celebre per la campagna pubblicitaria del Wonderbra, è durata pochi mesi.

Gisele Bündchen

Gisele Bundchen in guepiere e tacchi a spillo

Gisele Bündchen e Leonardo DiCaprio si sono frequentati dal 1999 al 2005. Tra l’attore e la modella brasiliana, ora sposata con Tom Brady, ci sono stati molti alti e bassi. Oltre all’amore li univa la passione per le questioni ambientali.

Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli in cover su Marie Claire

Bar Refaeli e Leonardo DiCaprio si sono conosciuti nel 2005 a un party degli U2 a Las Vegas. Tra la supermodella israeliana e l’attore, la storia è continuata per circa sei anni. Entrambi si sono impegnati nella lotta per la pace. Si sono lasciati nel 2011 ma lei, ancora oggi, non va a vedere i suoi film perchè prova: “ Una strana sensazione “.

Blake Lively

Blake Lively in bikini

Leonardo DiCaprio e Blake Lively iniziarono a frequentarsi dopo la rottura dell’attore con Bar Refaeli. Leo e la protagonista di Gossip Girl, oggi sposata con Ryan Reynolds, furono fotografati insieme per la prima volta a bordo di uno yacht a Cannes. Il loro rapporto è durato cinque mesi, ma ha lasciato il segno nei fan che avevano sperato in un lieto fine.

Erin Heatherton

Erin Heatherton

Erin Heatherton e Leo iniziarono a frequentarsi nel 2012, i due sono stati insieme per dieci mesi. La modella di Victoria’s Secret lo accompagnava a tutti gli eventi di gala, anche sul set de Il Grande Gatsby. Ma preferiva rimanere in disparte durante le occasioni ufficiali.

Toni Garrn sulla cover di Grazia

Toni Garrn e Leonardo sembravano la coppia ideale, la modella tedesca si diceva completamente innamorata dell’attore. Nonostante le premesse, i due si sono lasciati nel dicembre del 2014.

Kelly Rohrbach

Kelly Rohrbach

Kelly Rohrbach e DiCaprio iniziarono a frequentarsi nel mese di giugno del 2015: lei era una modella di Sports Illustrated, appassionata di recitazione. I due avevano in comune anche l’amore per l’ambiente. Una delle ultime foto insieme li vede passeggiare romanticamente in bicicletta per le strade di New York. A Novembre 2015 si lasciarono.


La frequentazione tra Rihanna e Leonardo DiCaprio fece impazzire il gossip. I due sono stati visti insieme in alcune occasioni tra la fine 2015 e inizio 2016: alla festa dei Golden Globes alla Playboy Mansion e alle Barbados, per festeggiare il matrimonio del cugino della cantante. La storia non è mai stata confermata dai due diretti interessati.

Nina Agdal

Nina Agdal e Leonardo DiCaprio furono paparazzati per la prima volta nel maggio 2016. Tra una festa di compleanno a St. Bart’s, nelle Antille e un viaggio nella Polinesia Francese, la storia è finita dopo quasi un anno.

Camila Morrone

Camila Morrone

Camila Morrone è stata l’ultima fidanzata di Leonardo DiCaprio. Nata nel 1997, la modella californiana, secondo i fan dell’attore, non sarebbe sopravvissuta alla legge dei 25 anni . Leonardo DiCaprio, secondo queste bislacche teorie, non frequenterebbe persone al di sopra di quell’età. La loro prima uscita ufficiale è stata durante gli Oscar 2020. I due avevano un  husky, non sappiamo, in caso di separazione, a chi si andato.

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Leonardo DiCaprio may have moved in with his girlfriend

Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Footwear Shoe Toni Garrn Sunglasses Accessories and Accessory

Good news for Leo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Toni Garrn, as they may have moved in together at his New York abode.

Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Footwear Shoe Toni Garrn Sunglasses Accessories and Accessory

Yep, shortly after purchasing a Coachella party pad in Palm Springs , Leo is rumoured to have invited his Victoria's Secret love to move in to his New York apartment.

"Leo bought the apartment (in March) and quickly moved Toni in with him," a source told In Touch magazine. "It seems like they're really enjoying living together."

The couple, who have been dating for a year, are often seen looking "happy" and "relaxed" when hanging out in the 2,300-square-foot pad - and you would be too, if you lived in the luxury Battery Park City building Leo calls home.

Leo has recently talked about how he wants to settle down, discussing marriage in an interview:

"The truth is, it's gonna happen when it's gonna happen...I'm just gonna let it happen naturally. I really am. That's the way to do it, I feel. And when it's right, it's gonna be right."

So will serial modeliser Leo settle down with Toni? Let's just see how the living situation works out first...

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  • Toni Garrn, l’ex di Leonardo DiCaprio, ha…

Toni Garrn, l’ex di Leonardo DiCaprio, ha sposato Alex Pettyfer, “stripper” di Magic Mike

Una delle più celebri ex del divo americano ha detto sì all'attore inglese. che a sua volta ha una famosissima ex nel suo palmares: si tratta di emma roberts. della quale ha ancora tatuate le iniziali sul polso.

N on ce l’aveva fatta, ai tempi che furono, a sposare il suo più celebre ex, Leonardo DiCaprio . Lui era (ed è tuttora) restio a farsi mettere l’anello al dito, così lei, Toni Garrn , 28 anni, – donna tedesca volitiva e di carattere – si era stufata e l’aveva piantato.

Toni Garrn, supermodella tedesca. Getty Images

Ora, però, la supermodella tedesca ha trovato qualcuno che la chiama  wifey , ovvero mogliettina. Come ha scritto in un recente post su Instagram, dove sfoggia, felice, il suo neo marito, l’attore inglese Alex Pettyfe r, 30.

Per le nozze di Toni Garrn, un look fuori dagli schemi

La top model di Amburgo ha postato sul suo profilo un’immagine dove, appena sposata, bacia il marito . Il look di entrambi non è la classica mise tradizionale che ci aspetteremmo per il giorno del matrimonio.

La neo sposa indossa un lungo e aderente abito color oro , una sciarpina nera al collo e, sulle spalle, come accessorio ha un enorme cappello di paglia. L’attore porta con eleganza un completo di tweed marrone vintage, con pantaloni, giacca e gilet abbinato. Entrambi, in comune, sfoggiano una fede al dito .

Toni Garrn mostra, a dicembre, l’anello di fidanzamento ricevuto da Alex Pettyfer (Instagram @tonigarrn)

La frase della modella è emblematica: « Ora finalmente puoi chiamarmi mogliettina ». E quel “finalmente” non è casuale: la coppia, che sta insieme dal 2018, aveva annunciato le nozze nel dicembre scorso. Ma pare che le restrizioni dovute all’epidemia da Covid-19 abbiano fatto slittare la cerimonia di quale mese rispetto ai programmi iniziali.

Poco male: i due hanno recuperato in autunno, in una giornata calda di ottobre che ancora permette il look estivo e vacanziero della Garrn.

Pettyfer, che in passato ha interpretato Adam alias The Kid , aspirante stripper nel film Magic Mike , non deve sentirsi certo in soggezione pensando al famosissimo ex della neo moglie: lui porta ancora, tatuate sul polso destro, le iniziali della sua più celebre ex . Che in fatto di fama non ha niente da invidiare al divo americano: si tratta di Emma Roberts , ora in dolce attesa del primo figlio dal fidanzato Garrett Hedlund .


Emma Roberts

Leonardo dicaprio, matrimoni 2020, modelle famose, kate winslet compie 45 anni: dalle tute di pizzo da balera all'abito fasciante.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

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A loved-up Leonardo DiCaprio shares his luxury lair

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Things seem to be getting serious for Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Toni Garrn.

Things seem to be getting serious for Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Toni Garrn.

The Wolf Of Wall Street actor and the German-born blonde beauty have reportedly taken their one-year relationship to the next level by shacking up together.

Toni, 21, recently packed up her things and moved them into Leo’s luxurious Manhattan lair.

The couple, who just got back from a romantic Bora Bora getaway, is said to be enjoying living together – and we can see why.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

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Leo’s $8.5m eco-friendly apartment complex overlooks the Hudson River and has views of the Statue of Liberty.

The swanky pad also features a lap pool, a 24-hour fresh-filtered air system, a water-treatment facility and rotating solar panels. Wow!

So does this mean that Leo the ladies man is finally ready to settle down?

Earlier this year, the Oscar-nominated actor told CBS that as far as marriage goes, “I’m just gonna let it happen naturally. I really am. That’s the only way to do it, I feel. And when it’s right, it’s gonna be right.”

Well, it certainly sounds like Leo’s love life is, er, Garnn in the right direction.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Toni Garrn have moved in together.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

Leo’s $8 million exclusive eco-friendly Riverhouse apartment complex is situated on the Hudson and has views of The Statue of Liberty.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

It also features a 50-foot lap pool, a 24-hour fresh filtered air-system, a water treatment facility and rotating solar panels.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

Leo and 21-year-old Toni have been dating for about a year.

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Leonardo DiCaprio Holds Hands with Ex-Girlfriend Toni Garrn at New York Fashion Week Party

Leonardo DiCaprio and ex-girlfriend Toni Garrn were spotted out in New York City early Saturday morning, holding hands while leaving nightclub 1 Oak

Dave Quinn is a Senior Editor for PEOPLE. He has been working at the brand since 2016, and is the author of the No. 1 New York Times best-selling book, Not All Diamonds and Rosé: The Inside Story of the Real Housewives from the People Who Lived It.

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

Leonardo DiCaprio and ex-girlfriend Toni Garrn were spotted out in New York City early Saturday morning, holding hands while leaving nightclub 1 Oak.

The 42-year-old actor, who has most recently been linked to 23-year-old brunette German model Lorena Rae , was dressed casually in black sneakers, jeans, a navy long-sleeved polo and a royal blue Los Angeles Dodgers baseball cap as he excited the venue around 5 a.m..

Garrn, 25, looked more prepped for New York Fashion Week, wearing an all-black ensemble of wide-legged silk pants, a corset top and a tuxedo blazer.

They both left the club in the same vehicle.

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Earlier in the day, DiCaprio was spotted watching Rafael Nadal square off against Juan Martin del Potro at the US Open men’s singles semifinals in New York City. While Garrn was not by his side, DiCaprio was spotted hanging out with friends at the Grey Goose suite at Arthur Ashe stadium.

DiCaprio and Garrin previously dated in 2013, making headlines after they were first spotted taking photos together while walking the grounds and gardens of France’s Chateau de Versailles together.

The pair initially connected at the Cannes Film Festival, where DiCaprio opened The Great Gatsby that year. They were also photographed on a yacht and watching the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix during that time.

Their romance lasted nearly a year, but fizzling out by December 2014 when the Oscar winner was spotted at an Art Basel party in Miami, Florida at a table with other women while Garrn, a Victoria’s Secret model, kept to herself, (“It was awkward,” an observer told PEOPLE at the time .)

Since then, DiCaprio has been in a number of other relationships including one with Baywatch actress Kelly Rohrbach, which ended in late 2015 , and another with model Nina Agdal, which ended in mid-May .

He and Rae were photographed together at a party in Monaco at the end of May.

In July, Rae was among a group of revelers soaking up the sun on a yacht in St. Tropez with DiCaprio and his pal Tobey Maguire, while in August DiCaprio and Rae spent time at New York City’s MoMA PS1 and dined at Hillstone restaurant on Park Avenue .

On Thursday night, they were spotted leaving N.Y.C.’s Up & Down nightclub.

Both DiCaprio and Rae’s reps denied that the pair were dating.

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Toni Garrn, ex di Leonardo DiCaprio, si è sposata: il «sì» ad Alex Pettyfer

Toni Garrn ex di Leonardo DiCaprio si è sposata il «sì» ad Alex Pettyfer

«Adesso puoi davvero chiamarmi mogliettina», si è letto sul profilo Instagram di Toni Garrn , che, domenica, con una foto e poche parole, ha annunciato le nozze con Alex Pettyfer . La top model tedesca, che nel maggio 2013 è stata vista la prima volta al fianco di Leonardo DiCaprio , ha postato un solo scatto della giornata, svoltasi con semplicità. Abbracciata all’attore britannico, con un vestito d’oro e un largo capello di paglia appeso alla nuca, ha mostrato la fede all’anulare. «Mr. e Mrs. Pettyfer», ha scritto l’attore, pubblicando a sua volta la stessa foto della moglie.

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Toni Garrn e Alex Pettyfer, il cui matrimonio è stato celebrato ad Amburgo, città natale della modella, hanno cominciato a frequentarsi nel febbraio 2019 . Pochi mesi più tardi, nel dicembre dello stesso anno, l’attore ha chiesto la mano della fidanzata. «La Vigilia di Natale, l’amore della mia vita mi ha sorpreso mettendosi in ginocchio e chiedendomi di essere il suo per sempre. Ha cambiato la mia vita nel giorno in cui ci siamo incontrati e mi ha insegnato cosa sia l’amore, quindi sì, non vedo l’ora di spendere ogni mio giorno (o quasi) con te», ha scritto Toni Garrn sul proprio profilo Instagram.


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Leonardo DiCaprio snapped enjoying dates with TWO German supermodels on the same day

The Hollywood star spent an afternoon with model Lorena Rae, 23, then hours later took ex-girlfriend, Toni Garrn, 25, for dinner

toni garrn leonardo dicaprio yacht

  • 19:38, 22 Sep 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio has wasted no time in moving on from his breakup from Nina Adgal in May - being spotted on two dates with two supermodels in one day.

On Wednesday, he was pictured enjoying his afternoon with German model Lorena Rae, 23 - hours before he took his ex-girlfriend, 25-year-old German model Toni Garrn , for dinner.

The 40-year-old looked smitten with Lorena, who has been pictured on several dates with the Wolf of Wall Street star, as they strolled through lower Manhattan prior to meeting up with Toni at New York’s North End Grill.

Leonardo and Toni dated for 18 months prior to their split in December 2014, and have been photographed together several times since.

He previously dated models Bar Refaeli , 32, and Gisele Bundchen , 37.

MORE ON Leonardo DiCaprio Toni Garrn

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    The 39-year-old five-time Oscar nominee and his 22-year-old girlfriend, German model Toni Garrn, have sailed from the French Riviera to the coast of Spain where they docked just off the island...

  7. Toni Garrn Sizzles on Leonardo DiCaprio's Yacht

    All eyes were on Toni Garrn on Leonardo DiCaprio's Yacht as the supermodel sizzled in a series of incredible two-pieces. The beauty is on holiday with Leo on the White Isle of Ibiza.

  8. Leo DiCaprio sullo yacht con la fidanzata

    Dopo la vacanza a Miami con un gruppo di amici, Leonardo DiCaprio è volato a Saint Tropez non solo per il mare e il sole, ma anche per impegni umanitari.

  9. Shirtless Leo Vacations With Bikini-Clad Girlfriend

    Leonardo DiCaprio continued his extended trip to Ibiza, Spain, this week with his new gal-pal Toni Garrn constantly by his side. The Great Gatsby actor and his latest love interest joined a...

  10. Leonardo DiCaprio whispers sweet nothings to girlfriend Toni Garrn as

    Sweet nothings: Leonardo DiCaprio was seen whispering in girlfriend Toni Garrn's here as the couple enjoyed a night out at an Ibiza nightclub on Wednesday night. The actor, who was seen...

  11. Shirtless Leonardo DiCaprio Yachts with Bikini-Clad Toni Garrn!

    Leonardo DiCaprio shows off his shirtless physique while hanging out on a yacht with his bikini-clad girlfriend Toni Garrn on Friday (August 9) in Ibiza, Spain.

  12. Leonardo DiCaprio: Auf seiner Yacht feiert er eine ewige ...

    Im Mai 2013 wurde Leo zum ersten Mal mit dem deutschen Model Toni Garrn (damals 20) gesichtet. Die Trennung folgte im Dezember 2014.

  13. Tutte le fidanzate di Leonardo DiCaprio, dalla prima all'ultima

    Toni Garrn e Leonardo sembravano la coppia ideale, la modella tedesca si diceva completamente innamorata dell'attore. Nonostante le premesse, i due si sono lasciati nel dicembre del 2014. Kelly Rohrbach

  14. Kelly Brook parties on luxury yacht with Leonardo DiCaprio's ex Toni

    The actress was spotted onboard a luxury yacht with Leonardo DiCaprio's former girlfriend, model Toni Garrn yesterday. The British beauty didn't look to have a care in world as she reclined...

  15. Toni Garrn

    Dal maggio 2013 è stata impegnata in una relazione con l'attore Leonardo DiCaprio [4], conclusasi nel dicembre 2014. [5] Ha poi frequentato il cestista Chandler Parsons , dal 2015 al novembre 2016. [ 6 ]

  16. Leonardo DiCaprio moves in with girlfriend Toni Garrn rumours news

    Good news for Leo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Toni Garrn, as they may have moved in together at his New York abode. Splash News. Yep, shortly after purchasing a Coachella party pad in Palm Springs, Leo is rumoured to have invited his Victoria's Secret love to move in to his New York apartment.

  17. Toni Garrn, l'ex di Leonardo DiCaprio, ha sposato Alex Pettyfer

    Toni Garrn, supermodella tedesca nota per la sua liaison con Leonardo DiCaprio, ha sposato il fidanzato, l'attore inglese Alex Pettyfer.

  18. A loved-up Leonardo DiCaprio shares his luxury lair

    Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Toni Garrn have moved in together. Leo's $8 million exclusive eco-friendly Riverhouse apartment complex is situated on the Hudson and has views of The Statue of Liberty. It also features a 50-foot lap pool, a 24-hour fresh filtered air-system, a water treatment facility and rotating solar panels.

  19. Leonardo DiCaprio Holds Hands with Ex-Girlfriend Toni Garrn

    Leonardo DiCaprio and ex-girlfriend Toni Garrn were spotted out in New York City early Saturday morning, holding hands while leaving nightclub 1 Oak.

  20. Leonardo Dicaprio News and Features

    The latest Leonardo Dicaprio news and features. Explore British Vogue to find out more including articles on fashion, culture and lifestyle.

  21. Toni Garrn, ex di Leonardo DiCaprio, si è sposata: il «sì» ad Alex

    La top model tedesca Toni Garrn, salita alla ribalta nel 2013, quando è stata vista la prima volta al fianco di Leonardo DiCaprio, è convolata a nozze.

  22. Leonardo DiCaprio snapped enjoying dates with TWO German supermodels on

    The Hollywood star spent an afternoon with model Lorena Rae, 23, then hours later took ex-girlfriend, Toni Garrn, 25, for dinner

  23. Toni Garrn spricht erstmals über die Liebe zu Leonardo DiCaprio

    Vor sechs Jahren verliebte sich Toni Garrn in Leonardo DiCaprio. Der Schauspieler und das Model wurden ein Paar. Über die Liebe gesprochen hat die 27-Jährige jedoch nie.