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Top 10 must-see sailing documentaries

  • Stef Bottinelli

From Deep Water to Maidentrip, these must-see sailing documentaries will keep you glued to the screen. Watch the trailers here

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Released in 2008 and nominated for a prestigious Cesar Award for Best Documentary Film, Tabarly is based on the life of  French yachtsman Eric Tabarly who lost his life after falling overboard from his Pen Duick boat off the coast of Wales in June 1998. He was en route to the Fife regatta in Scotland.

Released in 2013, Maidentrip tells the story of New Zealand-born Dutch teen Laura Dekker, who set out to become the youngest person to sail around the world single-handedly. Dekker had to fight a Dutch court to be allowed to pursue her dream at such a young age. Finally, in August 2010, she set sail on her epic journey onboard her two-masted ketch and arrived, 5,600 nautical miles later, at Simpson Bay on St Maarten in January 2012 – breaking the world record. She was only 16 years and four months of age.

Racing Around the World Alone

This exhilarating 2010 documentary follows 30 hopeful skippers who take part in the 2008/2009 Vendée Globe race, the single-handed, non stop race around the world without assistance.

Red Dot on the Ocean: The Matt Rutherford Story

This inspiring 2014 documentary tells the story of Matt Rutherford, once a rebellious youth, who bought a sailing boat on the internet without inspecting it first, learnt to sail by himself and at the age of 21 attempted the dangerous voyage to become the first person to sail alone and nonstop around North and South America. Matt’s adventure started in Annapolis, Maryland, where he returned having achieved his goal 309 days later. The documentary is available to buy on Amazon Prime, Vimeo and Apple iTunes.

Robin Knox-Johnston: A Force of Nature

This BBC documentary was broadcast in June 2018 to mark 50 years since  Sir Robin Knox-Johnston set sail from Falmouth to win the original Golden Globe Race thus becoming the first person to sail single-handed and non-stop around the world half a century before. With interviews and original footage, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: A Force of Nature is a fantastic documentary about one of the most legendary British sailors of all times. 

Jean Du Sud Around The World

1984 film Jean Du Sud Around the World tells the story of sailor Yves Gélinas’s solo 28,000 miles circumnavigation aboard his Alberg 30 sloop, Jean-du-Sud. He sails from France to Quebec via the Roaring Forties of the Southern Ocean and Cape Horn.Gélinas shot the 16 mm film in order to share his experience with fellow sailors, especially the use of his self-steering gear. The film was awarded the Palme D’Or twice and has now been re-released in HD.

Taking Flight: Britain’s America’s Cup Challenge

Sir Ben Ainsle Land Rover BAR America's Cup

Sir Ben Ainslie wants to bring the America’s Cup to Britain. Credit: Lloyd Images

The documentary, shown on the BBC on 23 July 2016, follows Sir Ben Ainslie and his Land Rover BAR team as they prepare to try and win sport’s oldest international trophy – the America’s Cup . Narrated by presenter Clare Balding, the screening of the documentary coincided with the America’s Cup World Series Portsmouth on 22-24 July.

Narrated by Tilda Swinton and using original 16mm footage, tape recordings and interviews this brilliant 2006 documentary recounts the story of Donald Crowhurst and his fatal attempt to win the first Golden Globe Race in 1968.

Not a skilled yachtsman, Crowhurst entered the race with his boat Teignmouth Electron,  intending to use the prize money to support his failing business. As the weeks went on, he eventually abandoned the race and reported false positions to race organisers, leading everyone to believe he was winning the race, when really he was in last place. His yacht   was later found drifting and recovered logbooks indicate that he’d suffered a mental breakdown due to the pressure and the sailor had jumped overboard. The race was eventually won by Robin Knox-Johnston who donated the prize money to Crowhurst’s widow. Available on YouTube and Amazon Prime.

School teacher Dee Caffari and Spanish veterinarian Anna Corbella join forces in fulfilling the dream of a lifetime: becoming professional sailors. Beyond 360 documents their story as they team up to compete in the Barcelona World Race 2010. Available on Amazon Prime.

Released on 8 March 2019 to coincide with International Women’s Day, Maiden  is a feature length documentary on Tracy Edwards.

The film tells the story of 24 year-old Edwards, a cook on charter boats, who became the skipper of the first ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989.

Tracy Edwards had her first Whitbread Round the World Race experience working in the galley of the boat Atlantic Privateer. She enjoyed the experience so much that she decided to take part as a skipper and three years later she bought the 58ft yacht Maiden. Edwards put together an all – and first – female crew and entered the race. The crew went on to win two of the Whitbread legs and came second in class overall.


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The 14 Best Sailing Documentaries

I was so pumped after watching “Around Cape Horn” and “The Race to Alaska” that I started a list of all the best documentaries on sailing I could find.

Here they are — enjoy!

1) Manry at Sea: In the Wake of a Dream

“Manry at Sea: In the Wake of a Dream,” that 2018 hidden gem, takes us on Robert Manry’s wild 1965 solo sail.

This isn’t your standard ocean jaunt. It’s 3,200 miles of pure guts.

Manry, just your everyday newspaper guy, starts in Falmouth, Massachusetts. His destination? Falmouth, England.

Yeah, same names, oceans apart. It’s like something out of a storybook.

He’s on the ‘Tinkerbelle’, this tiny craft barely bigger than a ping pong table.

The journey? 78 days. Solo. That’s like binge-watching every TV show ever made, back-to-back, alone at sea.

Steve Wystrach, the director, he’s dug up footage that’s gold.

You’ve got Manry battling storms, dodging freighters, even patching up Tinkerbelle mid-voyage. It’s DIY meets DIY Don’t Die.

The close calls? Manry’s got them. A near-collision with a ship. That’s like playing chicken with a skyscraper.

And sleep? He’s catching z’s in 10-minute bursts. Talk about power napping.

Manry goes missing for awhile. There’s a great clip of his wife saying:

“Anybody who knew Robert, wouldn’t be worried”.

When Robert hit the shore, it wasn’t just a landing; it was a full-blown spectacle.

Picture this: a sea of journalists, the Royal Navy, and a flotilla of 300 boats.

It’s like Manry was the Beatles, and Falmouth was Shea Stadium.

And the crowd? A whopping 50,000 strong, all there to catch a glimpse of the man of the hour.

Even Falmouth’s mayor, Sam Hooper, was in on the action. This wasn’t just a homecoming; it was a hero’s welcome, the kind that turns an ordinary guy into a legend.

“Manry at Sea” isn’t just a sailing doc. It’s a testament to chasing dreams.

Watch Manry at Sea by renting it on Vimeo at . You might also find the DVD at

2) Untie the Line

“Untie the Lines: A Journey of Salt, Sweat, and Determination,” out in 2020, is 80 minutes of Nike Steiger basically dunking on all of us couch potatoes.

She’s not just sailing around the world; she’s rewriting the playbook on solo adventure.

Nike is like Wonder Woman if she decided to swap her lasso for a sailboat.

Starting in Panama, she faces off with the ocean like it’s the final boss in a video game.

Storms, tech troubles, the works. It’s not just sailing; it’s a full-on battle with the elements.

The film, directed by Steiger herself, is like a love letter to the sea.

The shots? Stunning. One minute, you’re in the heart of a squall; the next, you’re watching a sunset that looks like it’s been Instagram-filtered by the gods.

But here’s the kicker: Nike’s never done solo sailing before this.

That’s like deciding to run a marathon when you’ve only ever sprinted to catch a bus.

Her journey’s packed with not just physical challenges, but mental marathons too.

“Untie the Lines” is a tale of grit, guts, and saltwater. For anyone who’s ever dreamt of throwing the GPS out the window and just going where the wind takes them, this is your jam.

Watch “Untie the Line” by renting it on Vimeo here

3) Around Cape Horn

“Around Cape Horn,” a 1929 sailing classic, isn’t just a documentary; it’s a 36-minute time machine to the golden age of sail.

This isn’t about GPS and Gore-Tex; it’s about raw, unfiltered sea adventure, the kind Captain Irving Johnson lived.

Captain Johnson, he’s not your Sunday sailor. The guy’s training regimen?

Think pre-chain bikes and shimmying up electric poles like they’re masts on the high seas.

It’s like watching a 1920s version of a CrossFit workout.

And his dog? This pooch is all business, trained to nip at the heels of the slowest trainee.

Talk about motivation!

This dog doesn’t do cuddles; it’s more like a furry, four-legged drill sergeant.

The crew’s life? It’s a relentless cycle of 4 hours on, 4 hours off.

And the Skipper, he’s a jack-of-all-trades – a barber, a fisherman, and probably a decent chef, considering how they handle a sick turkey onboard.

Spoiler: They eat it before it kicks the bucket, and nobody gets sick. It’s like a Thanksgiving episode of ‘Survivor.’

Their ship, an 8,000-ton behemoth, cruises at 18 knots with just sails. No engines, just wind and grit.

They even encounter a 13-foot jellyfish, because the ocean in the ’20s was apparently an episode of ‘Sea Monsters.’

But it’s not all smooth sailing.

Two crew members are lost overboard, and the silence that follows? It’s heavy, a stark reminder of the ocean’s unforgiving nature.

Stream it for free on YouTube by clicking the embed video above or going here:

4) The Race to Alaska

“The Race to Alaska,” that 2019 documentary, is not your typical Sunday sail. It’s 97 minutes of raw, unadulterated adventure on the high seas. This isn’t just a race; it’s a throwdown against nature, a test of wills.

Here’s the deal: no motors, no support, just you and the wild Pacific Northwest. Contestants are like the Avengers of boating, but instead of fighting Thanos, they’re battling 750 miles of unpredictable waters from Washington to Alaska.

Director Zach Carver, he’s the maestro here. He captures the thrills, the chills, the spills. You’ve got seasoned sailors, rowers, even a stand-up paddleboarder. It’s like the Olympics, if the Olympics were held in Poseidon’s backyard.

The race is a beast. Treacherous currents, wicked weather, and oh yeah, the occasional whale. It’s not about the fastest boat; it’s about not giving up when Mother Nature’s throwing haymakers.

What’s killer about “The Race to Alaska” is the rawness. No fluff, no frills. Just humans, boats, and a whole lot of guts. You’re on the edge of your seat one minute, holding your breath the next.

For anyone who’s ever dreamed of conquering the impossible or loves a good man vs. nature showdown, this doc is a must-see. It’s a testament to the power of human endurance and the call of the wild, unfiltered and unforgiving. Get ready to set sail on a wild ride where the only rule is to get there, by any means necessary.

You can watch The Race to Alaska in a bunch of places. I dedicated a The Race to Alaska page with links to watch (including free ones).

5) Pull and Away: National Family Island Regatta

Well, blow me down with a sea breeze and serve me up a Goombay Smash—the “National Family Island Regatta” is a salty, swashbuckling romp!

What’s not to love about this annual tradition off the shores of George Town, Exuma in the Bahamas?

It’s a gathering of locally-made boats, manned by Bahamian mariners who all seem born with sea legs and blessed by Poseidon.

Here are a few factoids about this unique race (thanks to Jan Pehrson’s wonderful Sail-World article about last year’s ( “67th National Family Island Regatta of the Bahamas highlights” ):

  • The race is the largest and oldest of the many yearly Bahamian wooden racing sloop regattas (this year will be the 68th annual race!)
  • 87 wooden sloops competed in last year’s race (2023)
  • Skippers, owners, and boat designers must be Bahamian
  • Sloops must have the hull shape of the traditional fishing workboats that are their ancestors (no fin keels, winches, or electronics).

And this epic race of thrilling history is perfectly captured in the 1954 documentary “Pull and Away” (directed by Lewis Feldman).

Get ready for 28 minutes of amazing music and stunning visuals (including the rare footage of the very first 1954 regatta!).

We’re talking over 50 traditionally-made sloops—18 to 40 feet long—bobbing across the waves. Hand-stitched sails, carved from tropical hardwoods: these aren’t factory jobs, they’re handcrafted labors of love.

Guys like Walter Archer breathe life into beams of timber. They craft sleek hulls and sturdy masts destined to tame the temperamental tides.

Forget catamarans with onboard margarita machines—these boats have history.

Around 1975, a little rabble-rousing took place. An upstart called Rough Waters showed up: bigger, bulkier than the originals.

This bruiser boat turned up the competitive heat! Boatmakers responded, pushing design innovations to best their new rival.

Afterall, the race is always on, right!?

When race day dawns, a curious sight: dozens of boats sitting still as sun-dappled tide laps at the hulls. With anchored ships and limp sails, victory relies solely on sailing savvy once the wind catches the canvas.

After ceremonious beginnings, the seafaring skill competition quickly enters full swing!

Yes, I dare say this Regatta has it all: camaraderie, cunning, cunningly-coiled ropes aplenty.

And with prize purses making victors richer than a Captain retiring on sun-drenched shores, the competition remains friendly but fiercely strategic.

A thrill ride with both history and hospitality. Just makes a landlubber want to learn the lubber’s hole from the futtock shrouds and set sail!

Note: Thanks so much to my favorite local sailor Jan Pehrson for turning me on to this amazing sailing doc and giving me feedback on this review.

Watch “Pull and Away” for free on YouTube by clicking the embed link above or here:

6) Blown Away – Music, Miles and Magic

“Blown Away – Music, Miles and Magic,” released in 2019, is a jam session on the high seas.

Director Micha Schulze takes us aboard a sailboat with a crew of musicians and artists.

Their mission? To blend their tunes with the rhythms of the sea. It’s like Woodstock meets Moby Dick.

The crew sets sail from the Caribbean to the Azores, music as their compass.

They’re not just playing songs; they’re creating a soundtrack for their journey. Each wave, each gust of wind, it’s part of their symphony.

What’s cool about “Blown Away” is its vibe. It’s laid-back yet adventurous.

One minute you’re lost in a guitar riff, the next you’re riding a storm with the crew. Schulze captures this blend perfectly.

The doc also dives into the magic of impromptu collaboration.

These artists, they’re not just playing together; they’re living and breathing music 24/7. It’s a deep dive into creativity, set against the backdrop of the endless ocean.

You can watch “Blown Away – Music, Miles and Magic on Amazon (for rent). Check here for all streaming options:

7) Over the Horizon (aka My Pacific Quest)

“My Pacific Quest” is a 6-part National Geographic docuseries on sailing and related adventures.

It’s led by Ellis Emett and includes these 6 parts:

  • “New Zealand & the Kermedec Islands”: Ellis, having tamed New Zealand’s rugged terrain, sets his sights on the Pacific’s hidden gems. Discover islands untouched by the usual tourist trails.
  • “Tonga & Lofi’s Island”: Ellis teams up with local Lofi to explore Tofua. They face volcanic islands, navigate dangerous reefs, and live off the land. It’s raw, real survival.
  • “Fiji & the Lau Group”: Ellis dives into Fiji’s heart, encountering bull sharks and ancient fire walking rituals. The Lau Islands’ beauty contrasts its violent history, offering a poignant look at Fiji’s complexities.
  • “Wallis & Futuna”: Ellis encounters royalty and a hermit’s simple life, blending culture with adventure. A mysterious, monster-filled lake adds a hint of legend to his journey.
  • “The Marshall Islands”: Ellis explores the aftermath of WWII and atomic tests on Bikini Atoll, revealing a poignant story of people and nature striving to recover.
  • “Kiribati”: Ellis witnesses the clash between tradition and modernity. He helps revive traditional canoeing, offering a lens on Kiribati’s cultural shifts and the stark reality of rising sea levels.

Watch Over the Horizon/My Pacific Quest for $rent on Outside Online here or YouTube/Outside here .

8) Desperate Passage

“Desperate Passage,” this Emmy-guzzling series from the 1988 to 1994, isn’t your typical sea tale.

Helmed by Lee Stanley, it’s a 6-year saga of turning lives around on the high seas.

In the pilot, “Desperate Passage,” Stanley’s crew of young rebels (prisoners released into Stanley’s custody) – each with a backstory that could fill a novel – embark on a 10-day voyage that’s part reality check, part therapy.

You’ve got characters like Gary, a kid so tangled in drugs and crime, he could make a detective weep. His gut-wrenching confession about his life’s chaos? It’s more gripping than any scripted drama.

Hosted by stars like Michael Landon and Edward James Olmos, each episode dives into the deep end of these kids’ psyches.

Seasickness and deck swabbing aside, it’s their heart-to-hearts with Stanley that hit hardest.

They’re not just learning to sail; they’re navigating through their own turbulent pasts and murky futures.

Each episode (favorites are “Maiden Voyage,” “Gridiron Gang,” and “Father/Son”), was crafted on a shoestring budget by Stanley and his skeleton crew (the first one cost just $25,000).

The crew includes Stanlehy’s wife Lind and son Shane

No grandstanding, just real, gritty attempts at steering lives away from the rocks.

It’s a blueprint for the power of second chances and the healing force of the open sea.

Watch it for free (with ads) on Plex TV at .

9) Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage is also by Lee Stanley and family.

This time, Stanley is taking six violent young women (prisoners of a maximum security detention facility) to the sea.

Lee and wife Linda do a ten day voyage where for many of the young ladies, it’s the first time they’ve seen a life free of guns, drugs and gangs.

There’s no trailer for this one but you can watch it for free (with ads) on Tubi at

10) The Weekend Sailor

“The Weekend Sailor,” a 2016 documentary, chronicles an underdog story set against the backdrop of the 1973 Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race.

This wasn’t just any race; it was the first of its kind, a grueling sailing challenge organized by the United Kingdom, drawing expert crews from across the globe.

In an era where sailing was dominated by professionals and the British Royal Navy trained 800 men to select the best for this race, along comes Ramón Carlín, an unassuming Mexican businessman.

A weekend sailor, Carlín was in his fifties, with only two years of casual sailing experience in Acapulco.

His decision to enter the race was as unconventional as his crew – comprising his wife Paquita, son Enrique, family, and friends.

This was no seasoned team; it was a family affair.

Carlín’s venture into the race was sparked during a visit to the UK, where he was keeping an eye on his rebellious teenage son, sent to school in Ireland as a disciplinary measure.

What unfolds in “The Weekend Sailor” is nothing short of remarkable.

From a man who turned a door-to-door sales job into a million-dollar company, Carlín applied the same work ethic and determination to sailing.

The doc beautifully captures the transformation of a casual hobbyist into a determined competitor, taking on and triumphing over professional sailors.

Directed by Bernardo Arsuaga, the film is a testament to perseverance and the power of family.

They beat every competing nation with sheer will and unity.

Rent the Weekend Sailor on GuideDoc here . For other streaming options, check

11) Jean Du Sud Around The World

“Jean Du Sud Around The World,” released in 1983, is a sailing documentary that’s as much about the journey as it is about the destination.

It’s a 100-minute deep dive into the solo circumnavigation of Yves Gélinas, a masterful blend of adventure and introspection.

Gélinas, aboard his Alberg 30 sailboat, Jean Du Sud, sets off on a voyage that’s nothing short of epic.

This isn’t a leisurely sail around the globe; it’s a test of endurance, skill, and the human spirit.

He faces everything the ocean throws at him – storms, calm, and the solitude that comes with being the sole captain of your ship.

Directed by Gélinas himself, the film offers an intimate look at solo sailing.

For anyone who dreams of casting off the bowlines and setting sail into the unknown (alone), “Jean Du Sud Around The World” is a great watch.

Rent it on Vimeo at

In “Maiden,” Alex Holmes delivers a 2018 doc that’s a deep-sea dive into Tracy Edwards’ life and her historic voyage.

Edwards’ journey wasn’t smooth sailing from the start.

Losing her father at 10, growing up with an abusive stepfather in Wales, and leaving home at 16 set a turbulent backdrop for her incredible story.

Edwards’ wanderlust took her to Greece, where she first tasted the life of sailing. Her passion ignited, she joined the 1985-86 Whitbread Race as the only woman aboard.

It’s here she met King Hussein of Jordan, a pivotal figure who inspired her audacious goal: leading the first all-female crew in the 1989-90 race.

The doc captures the crew’s struggle for sponsorship, battling a sea of skepticism.

Edwards, resilient as ever, mortgaged her house for a second-hand yacht, the Maiden, pouring her soul (and funds) into refitting it with the help of her crew.

Thanks to King Hussein, they secure sponsorship, but their journey’s just beginning.

Their first race, the Fastnet, is a rough start. Edwards, doubling as skipper and navigator, leads them into the Whitbread.

They make waves, finishing third in the first leg to Uruguay, then first in the treacherous Southern Ocean legs to Australia and New Zealand, grabbing global attention.

But the seas aren’t always friendly. Maiden faces daunting repairs and a disappointing finish in Uruguay, and a windless final leg back to England.

Yet, they place second overall, triumphantly returning to a hero’s welcome, blazing trails in sailing and beyond.

Edwards caps off her journey by winning the Yachtsman of the Year Trophy.

“Maiden” is more than a doc about a yacht race. It’s of a woman and crew who reshape sailing history.

Watch Maiden on Starz or rent it on Amazon, Apple TV, YouTube and Spectrum. All streaming options should be here:

13) Red Dot on the Ocean: The Matt Rutherford Story

“Red Dot on the Ocean: The Matt Rutherford Story”(2014), is like the Rocky Balboa tale of sailing documentaries.

It’s 77 minutes of this guy, Matt Rutherford, turning his life from zero to hero on the high seas.

Directed by Amy Flannery, the film dives into Rutherford’s backstory – a high school dropout turned homeless wanderer.

Then, bam, he flips the script. Matt decides to sail solo around the Americas in a boat that’s more fixer-upper than luxury liner.

It’s like deciding to run a marathon when you’ve just finished a Netflix marathon.

This doc takes you on Matt’s 27,000-mile odyssey, through icebergs and storms.

He’s battling through the Northwest Passage and rounding Cape Horn, places that would make even seasoned sailors sweat.

It’s an underdog story about conquering your own personal Everest.

Watch “Red Dot on the Ocean” for free on YouTube at .

It’s also free on Kanopy (with library card or student ID), Freevee and Tubi (free with ads) or for rental at Amazon and Apple TV. All streaming options (other than free YouTube) are here

14) Maidentrip

“Maidentrip,” out in 2013, is 82 minutes of teen rebellion on the high seas.

This isn’t your typical sailing flick; it’s the story of Laura Dekker, a 14-year-old with a dream as big as the ocean – to be the youngest person to sail around the world solo.

Directed by Jillian Schlesinger, “Maidentrip” is like catching a glimpse of ‘Moana’ if she traded singing for solo circumnavigation.

Laura, aboard her trusty vessel Guppy, tackles the globe with a mix of fearless grit and youthful zest.

It’s part ‘Life of Pi,’ part ‘Eat, Pray, Love,’ minus the tiger and the pasta.

This documentary isn’t just a series of nautical miles; it’s a journey of self-discovery.

Laura’s not just battling storms and solitude; she’s carving out her own identity in a vast, watery world.

From navigating treacherous waves to exploring exotic ports, her adventure is a deep dive into what it means to grow up off the grid.

“Maidentrip” is a front-row seat to a teenager rewriting the rulebook on adventure.

For anyone who’s ever had a wild dream or yearned for the freedom of the open sea, Laura’s story is a siren call.

Watch Maidentrip for free on Kanopy (with library card or student ID) or by $ subscription on OVID. Those any other streaming options should be here

Thanks for reading!

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A Feature-Length Documentary Film

Available on…, apple itunes  |  amazon prime  |  vimeo on demand  |  hoopla |, airing on your local public tv station  | for educators, students, libraries.

“Red Dot on the Ocean portrays the story as triumph over adversity and wayward youth….we learn that he spent part of his childhood in a cult and struggled with ADHD. That condition may have led him to — and helped him thrive in–the adrenaline highs of sailing…. plays like an upbeat, real-life “All Is Lost,” as Mr. Rutherford, with relatively simple sailing equipment, contends with setbacks and the elements.”

— By Ben Kenigsberg, NEW YORK TIMES

“This is a remarkable film, one of the best sailing documentaries ever produced…. What makes this story so engrossing, though, is that the sailing part is only half the tale…. Matt’s childhood was a nightmare, a brutal combination of drugs, cults, depression, learning disabilities and, ultimately, prison. And his difficult, winding path from troubled kid to bold adventurer and record-setting sailor is truly an inspirational tale that this terrific documentary captures well. Highly recommended…”

— Herb McCormick, Senior Editor, CRUISING WORLD MAGAZINE

Once labeled a “youth-at-risk,” Matt Rutherford risks it all in a death-defying attempt to be the first person to sail alone and nonstop around North and South America. Professional sailors called him crazy and declared the journey “a suicide mission.” Braving the icebergs of the Arctic and the stormy seas of Cape Horn is no easy feat for any sailor.

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This is no ordinary tale of courage and endurance. Matt’s childhood was fraught with obstacles. Growing up in an obscure Christian cult, he struggled with learning disabilities that made life excruciating at home and at school. Matt spent more of his early teens on the streets than in school.

Sitting in a jail cell at 17, he had an epiphany and began to turn his life around. Rutherford bought his first sailboat sight unseen on the Internet and learned to sail on the fly. Four years later, he embarked on a single-handed voyage from the USA to Europe, West Africa and back across the Atlantic to the Caribbean. He had found his calling.

Heading into the ice

Into the ice

After reading about Ernest Shackleton and Arctic explorers, Matt became obsessed with sailing alone through the Northwest Passage – the mostly ice-clogged route through the Arctic linking the Atlantic to the Pacific. That obsession became a 27,000 mile quest to be the first sailor to circumnavigate the Americas alone without stopping.

Red Dot on the Ocean is full of surprises. It is beyond inspiring, a film that makes us all feel we can do and endure more than we imagine.

Tory Salvia of TheSailingChannel  has partnered with documentary producer/director, Amy Flannery  and producer, Stephanie Slewka  to create this feature-length documentary. A one-hour version of  Red Dot on the Ocean  has been accepted for broadcast by PBS starting in spring 2016. It will also be distributed internationally. The 77-minute theatrical digital version will be distributed through the major digital platforms: Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, and iTunes; and a Blu-Ray/DVD through major retailers, educators, and libraries.

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Best sailing films on Netflix, Prime and more

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  • June 29, 2023

Fancy sitting back and enjoying some dramatic sailing footage from the comfort of your sofa? We pick the best sailing films on Netflix, Prime and more

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Recent years have seen a proliferation of sailing films arriving on streaming platforms, with Netflix taking the lead on producing original content but there are many other sailing films on offer on the streaming services that can fulfil your sailing addiction from the couch.

So if you are looking for a documentary about the America’s Cup , thrilling dramas based on true life events then look no further (And just because I was banned from mentioning it in full, here by my fellow staff, you can find Waterworld for rent on Amazon , or on Netflix in some territories… just sayin’)

Best sailing films on Netflix

Untold: The Race of the Century

Another big Netflix production to be released last year, this documentary on the 1983 America’s Cup is bursting with iconic footage and up-close interviews with major players. The story of the 1983 America’s Cup is legendary to those with even a passing interest in sailing, seeing John Bertrand’s Australia II crew beating Dennis Connor’s American Liberty crew to wrest the America’s Cup from the New York Yacht Clubs grasp for the first time in 132 years – the longest winning streak in sporting history. 

Even though we all know what happens, it’s still edge of the seat stuff and you can’t help but be reminded (or introduced to) the dizzying drama, which so captured the world and the Australian nation that it led the then Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke to claim: “Any boss who sacks someone for not turning up to work today is a bum,” following the famous victory.  

This unflinching documentary film tells the story of Tracy Edwards ’ all-female Whitbread Round the World Race campaign, through raw interviews telling of the personality clashes and huge pressures the team were placed under.

It’s an emotional watch, with fantastic footage from the maxi fleets racing mid-ocean: highly recommended.

True Spirit

The latest sailing film from the streaming giant, True Spirit , takes a look at the story of Jessica Watson one of the the most famous sailors from the late Noughties and early 2010’s phenomenon of multiple teenagers bidding to become the youngest sailor to sail around the world.  Jessica Watson, who set off from Sydney in 2009 aged 16, completed her loop of Antarctica – and a dip north across the Equator in the Pacific Ocean – to return an all-Australian hero after 210 days at sea.

The film is a dramatic retelling of Watson’s story and attempts to tread the fine line between staying true to her story and picking drama out of the narrative. Watson’s story is undoubtedly intriguing and any film taking on the challenge of conveying he long, slow, and arduous experience of the solo adventurer is always going to struggle to weigh realism with drama. But for the most par this stays true enough to the story to make for a satisfying viewing experience.

Adrift  is based on the book  Red Sky in Mourning  – Tami Oldham Ashcraft’s true account of sailing into a Pacific hurricane, dismasting, and then sailing solo under jury rig for 41 days alone to Hawaii.

The true story is astounding but the film plays pretty fast and lose with the facts. For pure entertainment it is still well worth hunting out and the terror of the extreme conditions does come across on the screen. You get to marvel as Tami manages to solve the catalogue of near voyage-ending disasters – no matter how implausible some of it might seem.

Pure escapism, and a reminder that when the chips are down there is usually a way out.

Best sailing films on Prime

This critically acclaimed documentary, by the makers of Touching the Void , tells the tale of the 1968 Golden Globe Race and how Donald Crowhurst falsified his position before mysteriously disappearing. There are impressive amounts of original footage to enjoy over 50 years later.

The 2017 cinematic telling of the 1968 Golden Globe Race , in which Colin Firth delivers a stand-out performance as the complex maverick entrant Donald Crowhurst. There’s a strong emphasis on the family narrative to draw in non-sailing viewers, but the yachting scenes were carefully researched and convincing.

It stands above many other sailing films as a pure viewing experience – helped along by Firth’s considerable talents. For those of us who already know the tragic story of Crowhurst there nothing here to fill in any of the gaps, as you’d expect from a broad-appeal drama, but you cannot help but be moved to relive the story once again.

Morning light

This was a real revelation when it came out and remains a solid documentary.

Fifteen young sailors embark on six months of training with the ultimate aim to sail a TP52 across the Pacific Ocean taking part in the TRANSPAC.

The premise is that this young, inexperienced crew (made up of 18-23 year olds) sailing  Morning Light  race the 2,300 miles against some of sailing’s top professionals.

The whole thing was funded by Roy Disney and remains a stunning testament to the rigours of racing and sailing offshore, and how much can be achieved by young sailors give a chance.

Best sailing films elsewhere

Chasing tokyo.

Chasing Tokyo is available to stream from the RYA and is an emotional watch. Filmed over a full year, it follows the British Sailing Team athletes as they readied themselves for the strangest Olympic Games in history – and the parents and partners who were left behind when the sailors headed out to Tokyo.

The film crews had unprecedented access to the sailors as they navigated lockdowns, covid testing, and disrupted preparations, and the medal hopefuls candidly shared their dreams and fears. It’s an insightful view of the strange balance of tension and monotony, life-changing highs and soul-crushing lows, of life as an Olympic athlete.

The documentary gives an intriguing glimpse inside the ‘medal factory’, the machinery of the British Sailing Team which has made it consistently the most successful Olympic sailing team in the world. The legacy of London 2012, and the importance of the team’s home base in Portland – with all its quirks and characters – stands out.

Must watch viewing for anyone with an interest in the physical and mental toll the Olympics can take on professional athletes.

This one takes a bit of detective work to find, but the full documentary is hosted online and well worth a watch. In contrast to True Spirit , it’s made up of real videos shot by teen Laura Dekker as she sailed around the world in 2010.

Without cinematic production and following Dekker’s stopping route it’s a much less dramatic view of sailing around the world, though no less gripping for it, and a fascinating insight into a remarkable teen. Those who came away from True Spirit frustrated by some of the dramatic license taken may well want to watch this.

It’s impossible to watch  the Untold: The Race of the Century story – or indeed any America’s Cup film – without referring back to Wind , the 1992 movie telling of how America lost, and won back the Cup.

Like any Hollywood interpretation there are a few cringeworthy moments, and I wouldn’t recommend watching it with a sailmaker, but it’s a warm-hearted film with some great 12-Metre race scenes, and the memorable catchphrase “Hoist the Whomper!”.

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5 Best Sailing Documentaries To Inspire Your Adventurous Spirit

To inspire my soul, I’ve routinely engaged in watching sailing documentaries which have certainly inspired me to keep going towards my dream.

If you’re excited to sail around the world, or need some inspiration to motivate your significant other, then this is the list you need. Best part? Most of these are FREE to watch on YouTube right now!

Here are the best sailing documentaries of 2022:

1. Chasing Bubbles – The Documentary

There is nothing more moving and beautiful than this sailing documentary about Alex Rust. Just inspiring and a story which truly draws you in right until the end.

I won’t make any spoilers but I assure you, with more than 2.2-million views on YouTube, there is a strong reason why this documentary has captivated people’s hearts.

2. Beta Centauri

If you’re hell-belt on a circumnavigation on a boat like myself, then don’t go past Beta Centauri. It’s an incredible and one-of-a-kind adventure. It’s a little on the old side (circa 2014, and yes, that’s old by YouTube standards) but well-worth the watch!

A documentary created by Daniel Poulson, about circumnavigating the world. He and his little daughter Explorer 39 countries. They go through Savage cannibal territories. Dino meats and interviews the president of Fiji. Sailing across the Pacific Ocean with no engine. Trials and tribulations only a sailor could understand. To the purest silica beaches of the whitsunday islands. Their scientific research with the “toad cam” may prove invaluable. “Humorous” witty “intelligent” the sailing Adventure you can’t miss. Dino almost being thrown into jail in South Africa on trumped-up charges. Exploring Napoleon’s grave. Incredible two thousand mile passages,Blue Water sailing at its best!. “One of the only films of its kind” Beta Centauri the Voyager of Hadar. For the first time ever beta Centauri is being given away. A world circumnavigation documentary narrated by Patrick James written by Jay Fisher and Daniel Poulson. a documentary taking you around the world via sailboat Sail the world. A world circumnavigation documentary. In the history of humanity there’s been five World circumnavigation documentaries ever made. This is beta Centauri the Voyager of Hadar the number one film of its kind. Award-winning documentary about circumnavigating the world and raising hell as I⛵🌎. Enjoy Dino Poulson

If you enjoy racing and especially around the world sailboat racing, then you’ll love this documentary. I’m a huge fan of racing especially as us Australians took the America’s Cup many years ago! Maiden is a documentary well-worth watching too.

(Unlike everything else on this page, this is merely the trailer and you’ll need to pay for the documentary)

The story of Tracy Edwards, the woman who became a skipper on the first ever all=female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989.

4. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Sailing Legend

There is nothing better than yachtsmen that have sailed the world’s oceans numerous times over. Remarkably, this man has done exactly that at a time when technology was very primitive.

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Sailing Legend looks into the man who became the first person to sail solo and non-stop around the world. In his own words, Sir Robin explains the story behind his epic achievement over 50 years ago. Hear from Ben Ainslie Alex Thomson Racing, Sir Chris Bonington and Dee Caffari on how Sir Robin continues to inspire others to push themselves to their limits and be adventurous. Find out what it was like to be in isolation with no communications to training ordinary people to become ocean racers. From battling through monster waves, to being ‘lost at sea’ after losing his radio, and fighting off a shark, Sir Robin relieves the journey and shares never before seen photographs and diary entries. The documentary looks back on his remarkable life, career, legacy and his astonishing influence on the sport.

5. Relentless

I’ve saved the very best until last! If you’re a fan of the Vendée Globe like myself, then you’ll love this documentary as his passion is infectious!

You’ll love the captivating story of Alex Thomson Racing’s journey to win the previous 2016/2017 Vendée Globe. Alex also attempted in 2020 but unfortunately he had to retire early due to a broken yacht.

There we have it! On those cold winter days when it rains non-stop, tuning into one of these documentaries is an excellent way to stay hungry for the dream.

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17 Best Sailing Movies & Documentaries

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sailboat on open water

Not much beats a good movie binge – so I’ve compiled a list of some of the best sailing movies and documentaries to inspire and humble even the saltiest sailors.

The best movies about sailing tug at the lines in our hearts and leave us yearning for life on the water. They also remind us of the power of the ocean.

I’ve personally watched the 17 movies on this list to give you a movie overview from a sailor’s perspective and my thoughts on why you should watch them!

I’ve also included links to the great sailing movies below if they are available on a streaming service such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Tubi, and more. Let’s get started!

Sailing Adventure Movies

These films about sailing tell stories of true adventure on the high seas. Packed with action and the occasional twists and turns, you will definitely be in for hours of entertainment.

1. All is Lost (2013)

With only one cast member and just 51 spoken words, this Robert Redford sailing movie represents what managing a crisis alone on the open ocean looks like.

A survival sailing film, the plot of All is Lost follows a solo sailor as he manages the fallout after a collision with a shipping container damages his sailboat.

All is Lost video thumbnail

You’ll see everything unfold step-by-step as this resourceful sailor handles the growing damage to his boat. Whether or not he makes the correct choices or if the situations are accurate is somewhat criticized by the sailing community. 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  Even if you find the sailor’s circumstances less than accurate, the portrayal of a silent character as he faces his mortality is a very unique approach for a sailing film. The emotional performance by Redford is surprisingly relatable, and the plot will leave you unsure of the character’s fate until the very end.


2. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

A sailing film based on a series of 19th-century navel novels, it’s one of the most underrated and historically accurate films of its era.

Master and Commander is set during the Napoleonic Wars and follows the Royal Navy Captain Jack Aubrey and his crew aboard the HMS Suprise.

Master and Commander video thumbnail

The film’s incredible casting includes Russell Crowe as the ship’s confident and respected captain and Paul Bettany as Dr. Stephen Maturin, the onboard surgeon and captain’s confidant.

Rather than retreat to England, the captain opts for an ocean chase around South America as the Surprise seeks to repair damages while also outmaneuvering the superior French vessel to complete its mission.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: From start to finish, you feel like one of the crew. All scenes follow the vessel, giving an especially real depiction of the aftermath of battles, factors in the decision-making, and the incredible loyalty and patriotism of the crew as they sail thousands of miles from home, fighting for their country.

The plot begins as the Surprise is given the order to capture a French privateer. The initial battle leaves the Surprise at a disadvantage when it’s revealed that the French ship is both bigger and faster than the Royal Navy vessel.


3. Pirates of the Caribbean (2003 – 2017)

This popular movie series based on the ride at Walt Disney World has had an incredible run starting with the first movie in 2003,  The Curse of the Black Pearl .

The film stars Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. True to Depp’s style, the actor defined the character from day one, and the uniqueness has made the series what it is.

Pirates of the Caribbean video thumbnail

From pirate curses to Davy Jones’ locker – this is a wild ride you want to be on. Get ready to binge! 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  Even though Pirates of the Caribbean has become a pop culture series, we love the thrill of this sailing adventure and still get chills when Jack Sparrow delivers the line, “Now… bring me that horizon”.


Sailing Comedy Movies

These adventure comedy sailing films are great movie night choices for a fun time and a few good laughs.

4. Captain Ron (1992)

Thirty years after its debut, Captain Ron is still a popular cult classic. This film has to be one of the top sailing movies on this list. The hilariously wild plot makes it enjoyable whether or not you are a skilled sailor.

This sailing comedy starring Kurt Russell is about a carefree captain for hire and a Chicago suburban father (Martin Short) seeking a real adventure for his family.

Captain Ron video thumbnail

When the father inherits a sailing yacht in the Caribbean, he decides his family should sail it back to Florida to sell it. They hire the incompetent Captain Ron to help them sail the boat to Miami.

A slew of crazy mishaps follows, including the consequences of the captain’s questionable past and pursuit by pirates through the Caribbean.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Although this is one of Kurt Russell’s only comedic roles, after watching the film, you can’t imagine anyone else as the easygoing Captain Ron. This movie not only makes you laugh but also includes plenty of sailing nostalgia that will have you planning your next Caribbean Charter.

5. the life aquatic with steve zissou (2004).

This Wes Andersen film features an oceanographer who is a washed-up documentary filmmaker, Steve Zissou (played by Bill Murray), and his search for revenge on a rare shark that killed his friend and crewmate. 

The Life Aquatic video thumbnail

Zissou sets out on his voyage with a quirky crew, including a pregnant oceanic reporter (Cate Blanchett), his estranged wife (Anjelica Huston), and a man who he recently discovered might be his son (Owen Wilson).

As the story unfolds, a series of unfortunate events lead to unexpected developments with the characters and ultimately bring them together for a spectacular ending that will delight ocean lovers.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   The Life Aquatic is a Wes Andersen film for marine lovers. If you’re a sailor who likes Wes Andersen’s style, you’ll be left completely satisfied at the end of this wet and wild story.

True story sailing movies.

These sailing movies based on true stories take you on a journey with the sailboat crews that experienced extraordinary situations on the ocean.

6. Adrift (2018)

As far as sailing survival films go, this film is one of our favorites.

Adrift is the true story of Tami Ashcraft and Richard Sharp. Two adventurous people who find love on their travels and then face a deadly hurricane on a sailing yacht delivery across the Pacific.

Adrift video thumbnail

The movie opens with Tami, played by Shailene Woodley, waking up in the hull of a very damaged sailboat. As she frantically searches for Richard, she goes on deck to realize that his tether has broken.

Cut to five years earlier, where we meet Tami getting off a charter vessel. As the movie progresses, we bounce back and forth between the story of the couple’s meeting and Tami trying desperately to stay alive.

You can find the highly recommended book on this story (and many other books on which these movies were based) on our list of books for sailors .

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Although the book of this tale (authored by Tami) is arguably better – our sailing soul still relates to the romanticized parts of this sailing survival movie, as well as the pain and loss that come with the tragedy at sea.

7. white squall (1996).

White Squall is a sailing movie based on the true story of a group of college-age boys in the 1960s who spent a semester on a tall ship in the Ocean Academy sailing halfway around the world. 

This movie starring Jeff Bridges, is about an old salt captain whose job is to build the character of this group of boys. Some were sent to him for discipline, some an escape, and various other reasons.

White Squall video thumbnail

We follow the young men as they come together as a crew and ultimately face a terrible unpredicted storm on the sea.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Sailors will love the nostalgia that comes with a tall ship as the primary setting for the film. More than that, this story is about a group of misfits coming together to achieve a goal that bonds them for life.

8. the perfect storm (2000).

This movie is based on a non-fiction book that recounts the “Perfect Storm” or “No-Name Storm” that hit North America in the fall of 1991.

The Perfect Storm is somewhat loosely based on the book but follows the events of the swordfishing vessel Andrea Gail and her crew.

George Clooney plays Billy Tyne, the vessel’s captain with something to prove. The film also stars Mark Wahlberg as Tyne’s right-hand man.

The Perfect Storm video thumbnail

After coming back to port with a disappointing catch, the crew heads back out late in the season only to be caught in one of the most devastating storms in history.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Sailors will find Captain Tyne’s passion and love for the sea completely relatable. You’ll also get a rarely portrayed image of what it’s like for the people who work on the ocean for weeks or months at a time – often risking their lives for their work.


9. Captain Phillips (2013)

Captain Phillips is the true story of a 2009 hijacking of a U.S. container ship off the coast of Africa by Somalian pirates.

The movie follows the decisions of Captain Phillips and his crew leading up to the hijacking and the intense series of events that unfold after the ship is under the pirates’ control.

Captain Philips video thumbnail

It’s reported that although Hollywood’s version of the story casts Phillips as a hero, in reality, it was a more straightforward hostage situation. Even so, we love watching Tom Hanks in the role of Captain Phillips.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  This is an action thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the captain, crew, and U.S. navy work to resolve an intense situation. 


10. True Spirit (2023)

This Netflix original movie is based on the true story of an Australian teen, Jessica Watson, who in 2009 set out to be the youngest person to sail unassisted and nonstop around the globe.

Jessica Watson on the bow of her sailboat in the calm ocean

True Spirit follows the sixteen-year-old girl’s journey and her family and coach as they monitor her circumnavigation back home in Sydney.

We see the struggles unfold for everyone involved during the 23,000 nautical mile sail, as well as the challenges Jess and her family face with the doubting views of the local media.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Despite some of the cringe-worthy visual effects in this film, the story holds up and does a great job of communicating the emotional aspect of this young sailor’s journey. You really feel the moments of solitude and intensity during the storms, and you’ll be rooting for Jess the whole way.


11. In the Heart of the Sea (2015)

In the Heart of the Sea is an adventure film directed by Ron Howard based on the story of the sinking of the whaleship Essex in 1820, which inspired the novel “Moby-Dick” by Herman Melville.

massive whale tail coming up out of the ocean with sailors nearby in the water

The film follows the crew of the Essex, led by Captain George Pollard Jr. and first mate Owen Chase (Chris Hemsworth), as they set out from Nantucket, Massachusetts on a perilous voyage hunting whales for their oil.

After venturing to remote whaling grounds off South America, they encounter a massive and vengeful white sperm whale. The crew is stranded at sea for 90 days, facing hunger, dehydration, and extreme weather conditions.

The film is framed as a flashback, with Melville interviewing Thomas Nickerson, the last surviving member of the Essex crew, about the events that took place. 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   In the Heart of the Sea is a gripping tale of maritime survival, exploring the complexities of human nature under extreme circumstances. The film also highlights the brutality of the whaling industry and its devastating impact on the sailors and the whales.

12. kon-tiki (2012).

Kon-Tiki is the true story of Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl’s daring 1947 expedition across the Pacific Ocean on a balsawood raft.

Kon-Tiki movie trailer thumbnail of wood raft on the ocean.

This film takes audiences on a thrilling journey as Heyerdahl and his small crew set out on a balsawood raft from Peru to prove his theory that ancient South American civilizations could have reached Polynesia by sea and settled the area.

The film beautifully captures the awe-inspiring vastness of the ocean and the camaraderie of the crew as they battle against treacherous storms, sharks, and their own doubts about the expedition.

Kon-Tiki  delves into the complexities of Heyerdahl’s determination, faith, and the audacity of his scientific pursuit, making it a thought-provoking cinematic experience.

This movie is based on the 1950 Oscar-winning documentary Kon-Tiki, directed by Thor Heyerdahl himself.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: With its gripping narrative and meticulous attention to historical accuracy,  Kon-Tiki  immerses you in the harrowing challenges Heyerdahl and his crew faced during their 101-day journey of 4,300 miles across the Pacific. I personally really enjoyed this film.

13. the mercy (2018).

The Mercy is a drama film that brings to life the remarkable true story of British amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst’s ill-fated attempt to compete in the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race.

Directed by James Marsh, the film delves into the complexities of ambition, moral dilemma, and the fear of failure. 

The Mercy video trailer thumbnail of Colin Firth on top of a sailboat mast in a rain coat.

Crowhurst’s desperate voyage, driven by the desire for fame and fortune, takes a dark and tragic turn as he faces isolation and the harsh realities of the open sea.

Colin Firth delivers a compelling performance, capturing the gradual unraveling of Crowhurst’s sanity and the inner turmoil of a man caught between his family’s well-being and his own obsession for adventure.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   The Mercy  explores the emotional and ethical challenges accompanying extended solitary voyages as dreams clash with the brutal forces of nature. It’s a compelling narrative if you’ve never heard the story. However, it’s similar to witnessing a captivating but tragic event unfold.


Best Sailing Documentaries

These are a few of our favorite sailing documentaries about some of the most memorable sailboat races and adventures.

14. Maiden (2018)

This sailing documentary is the story of 26-year-old Tracy Edwards and an all-female crew that entered the Whitbread Round the World yacht race in 1989.

A former charter boat cook, Tracy defied the odds when she fixed up a second-hand boat and put together a team to enter a race no female boat skipper had ever entered before.

Maiden documentary video thumbnail

Not only is this an extraordinary story of overcoming inequality, but it’s a reminder of how courageous, determined, and resourceful the women’s sailing community can be.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   Maiden is an inspirational story of a group of incredible women who overcame tremendous odds and doubts to complete a nine-month, 33,000-mile sailing race.


15. Maidentrip (2013)

Maidentrip is a documentary that follows Laura Dekker, a 14-year-old Dutch girl, as she becomes the youngest person to sail alone around the world. 

Laura Dekker on her sailboat in the documentary Maidentrip.

The film depicts how Laura faced not only opposition from nature, but resistance from the Dutch government and child welfare organizations who tried to prevent her solo trip.

The film recounts her two-year journey as she navigates through rough seas and equipment failures and experiences the beauty and isolation of being at sea. 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: During this true coming-of-age story, you’ll be inspired by Laura’s strength and determination to pursue her dreams. We also love how the film reminds us of the spirit of adventure that drives people to explore it.

16. chasing bubbles (2016).

This sailing movie documentary is about a young man named Alex Rust, who quit his office job in Chicago, bought a small sailboat, and jumped headfirst into adventure.

The documentary recounts Alex’s experience as he teaches himself to sail, meets new people, and sets out on what would be a four-year sailing trip over thousands of miles.

Chasing Bubbles video thumbnail

Alex’s wild adventures take him to some of the most remote places on the planet. Chasing Bubbles shows the unexpected impacts he has on the many people that sail with him and the communities he visits along the way.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  Alex’s appetite for adventure will nudge that little piece inside you that tells you to forget everything and sail away into the great unknown. 


17. Deep Water (2006)

This documentary, narrated by Tilda Swinton, recounts the 1968 Golden Globe Race from the perspective of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst.

Crowhurst enters this non-stop solo sail race with an unseaworthy boat and much financial pressure. What follows is a series of events that lead to a hopeless situation.

Deep Water video thumbnail

The Deep Water documentary includes images, interviews, and other media pieces from the era, including audio from Crowhurst himself.

In addition to this documentary, a movie was released in 2018 titled  The Mercy  starring Colin Firth as Donald Crowhurst.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  This story is not just about the events or happenings of one man’s experience but a dive into the psychological impacts of a nine-month solo sail in some of the deadliest waters on the planet.

Wrapping up the best sailing films.

We hope you found some good sailing movies to fill your passion and desire for cruising on the open sea! If you didn’t find what you were looking for, we’ve listed a few more of our favorite sailor movies below. Fair winds and happy watching!

More of the Best Movies About Sailing

  • Dead Calm (1989)
  • Moana (2016)
  • Waterworld (1995)
  • Styx (2018)
  • Moby Dick (1956)
  • The Old Man and the Sea (1958)

More Sailing Movies Inspired by True Stories

  • Wind (1992)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)

More Documentaries About Sailing

  • Morning Light (2008)
  • Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World (2017)
  • Losing Sight of Shore (2017)
  • 180° South (2010)
  • Kon-Tiki documentary (1950)

YouTuber Documentaries About Sailing

  • Untie the Lines (2018), a documentary from White Spot Pirates, watch on Vimeo
  • 80 North: Sailing on Top of the World (2020), documentary from SV Delos,
  • After watching this list of movies, head over to our Sailing YouTube Channels list for more binge-worthy sailing videos.
  • You may also like our post, Ultimate Sailing Songs for Inspiration and Life on the Water .
  • Or check out our sailing-inspired post 50 of the Best Sailing Quotes to Live By .

Want to find more sailing inspiration?

Check out our lists of sailing quotes, songs, books, and more that inspire this lifestyle.

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7 Best Sailing Movies Based on True Stories

Morgan, the founder of The Home That Roams, has been living nomadically for over five years. She began her journey traveling across the U.S. in a motorhome and cruising on a liveaboard sailing catamaran. Currently, she lives full-time in a travel trailer, sharing resources on RV living and boat life to help others downsize their lives and thrive in an alternative lifestyle.

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  • Aug 29, 2024
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By: Pat Reynolds Movies , Sailing Fun

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Sailing giant nautor swan 75-foot motor yacht arrow to debut at cannes.

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An overhead view of the 75-foot Nautor Swan power yacht, Arrow, at the August launch from the ... [+] Sanlorenzo shipyard in the Gulf of La Spezia.

The star of the show in sailing yachts since the mid 1960s, Nautor Swan is set to debut their newest power yacht, Arrow, at the Cannes Yachting Festival , September 10-15, 2024. Launched August 28, 2024 at the Sanlorenzo La Spezia shipyard, this elegant, sporty, functional sister cygnet is destined to mature at light speed after her global reveal.

Designed by Nautor Swan power division designer Jarkko Jamsén, with interiors by Ioanna Marinopoulou and Axel de Beaufort, Arrow features a contemporary design with wide open spaces that invite longer, more leisurely cruise experiences. Initially intended to be categorized as a chase boat, Arrow proved her prowess as a stand alone day boat in part due to a rapidly increasing fan base.

A rendering of the extensive beach club of the Nautor Swan power yacht Arrow, designed by Jarkko ... [+] Jamsén.

The first ever Nautor Swan powerboat launched was the Swan Shadow, followed by an inboard version, the Swan OverShadow, which debuted at Cannes in 2023. As Nautor Group President Leonardo Ferragamo noted, "When it was launched the result was overwhelming as it became a boat of its own, creating its specific niche in our waters and becoming a great day boat." That passion exhibited by the team and shared by the market led to the Swan Arrow, a 75-foot motor yacht displaying the totemic Swan DNA.

Arrow By The Numbers

The Nautor Swan Arrow is built in advanced composites using a mix infused with GRP and carbon. The walkaround design emulates that of a superyacht, but in a more nimble, highly usable format, using less fuel in a more intimate atmosphere. Focused on interaction with the sea, side opening platforms creates a 548 square foot (50 square meter) beach area that floats just above sea level. Convenient fold-down steps take guests right down to the water.

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Rendering of the Nautor Swan motor yacht Arrow with beach club decks opened to welcome the sun.

A protected cockpit with an opening roof and pivoting sliding glass doors permits a broad panoramic view. The space refreshes with an al fresco vibe when open, maintaining a cozy feel when enclosed. Designed for comfort, Arrow is versatile in helping guests to enjoy time on board regardless of weather.

Her displacement hull measures 76 feet (23.20 meters) with a 22 foot (6.90 meter) beam and a 6 foot 3 inch (1.90 meter) draft. Her maximum speed is 30 knots in the standard arrangement using two Volvo 1350 D13 Penta IPS engines, or 40 knots with the optional arrangement employing three of the same.

The Nautor Swan motor yacht Arrow at Sanlorenzo shipyard La Spezia launch.

Arrow accommodates six to eight guests and two crew. Descending the stairs, guests looking to port find a dedicated galley that serves the aft master cabin. Reaching across the full beam, the master cabin space boasts a walk-in closet, ensuite bath, and stylish materials typical of Nautor Swan heritage.

Amidships, a VIP cabin and twin cabin, both en suite, deliver private guest spaces. An alternative layout offers two large double cabins with a lounge embracing a starboard salon, L-shaped sofa, and dining area. Away from guest areas, crew space for two is located further forward.

Stern view of the Nautor Swan motor yacht Arrow as she prepares to splash at Sanlorenzo's La Spezia ... [+] shipyard.

Roy Capasso, Motoryacht Commercial Director and Regional Director SEMEA and Americas, summarized, "When starting the Swan Arrow project we began with attentively listening to our clients and a detailed analysis of the market. The results, together with the creativity of our designer and the expertise of a qualified team have allowed us to introduce a new concept with some features missing in motoryachts of this size, answering the needs of their owners."

On The Horizon

Bow shot showing the exterior design of Jarkko Jamsén on Nautor Swan's newest power yacht, Arrow, at ... [+] the La Spezia launch in August.

Founded in 1966, Nautor Swan is universally recognized for its performance Maxi yachts and Club Swan Racing yachts, as well as leisure sailing yachts, all built with an elegant, high quality style emphasizing innovation, reliability, and performance. The addition of a power division at Nautor Swan embellishes the brand with a broad appeal, bridging the gap that once separated power versus sail preferences with one brand.

An agreement between Sanlorenzo and Swan for the acquisition of Nautor Swan Group was announced August 1, 2024, but the continuity of the brand is assured through the leadership of Nautor Swan, helmed by Leonardo Ferragamo, retaining the office of President, Massimo Perotti as CEO, and Giovanni Pomati as co-CEO.

Rendering of the 75-foot Nautor Swan motor yacht Arrow, to debut at this year's Cannes Yachting ... [+] Festival.

The Arrow is not the only Swan with a scheduled debut at the Cannes Show. The Swan Maxi 88 sailing yacht will make her debut, along with the Club Swan 43 . The Swan 88, designed by Germàn Frers with interiors by Misa Poggi, is expected to earn as many admiring looks as the Arrow. The Club Swan 43, designed by Juan Kouyoumdjian, is intended to serve as a racing and cruising crossover enhanced by top of industry technology for competitive one-design sailing and a comfortable cruising environment.

Kathleen Turner

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ആസ്തി 3300 കോടിയിലധികം: സ്വന്തമായി പ്രൈവറ്റ് ജെറ്റും യാട്ടും: ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും സമ്പന്നനായ നായയുടെ ആഡംബര ജീവിതം

Published: August 29 , 2024 07:55 PM IST Updated: August 30, 2024 11:41 AM IST

1 minute Read

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പല സങ്കൽപ കഥകളെയും തോൽപിക്കുന്ന തരത്തിലാണ് ഗുന്തർ ആറാമന്റെ ജീവിതകഥ.


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ഒരു സാധാരണക്കാരന് മനുഷ്യായുസ്സിൽ നേടാനാവാത്തത്ര സമ്പാദ്യമുള്ള നായ. ഒന്നും രണ്ടുമല്ല 3300 കോടിക്കു മുകളിൽ  ആസ്തിയുമായാണ് ജർമ്മൻ ഷെപ്പേർഡ് ഇനത്തിൽപ്പെട്ട ഗുന്തർ ആറാമൻ എന്ന നായയുടെ രാജകീയ ജീവിതം. ലോകത്തിലെ പല ശതകോടീശ്വരന്മാരോടും കിടപിടിച്ചു നിൽക്കത്തക്ക ആഡംബര ജീവിതമാണ് ഇറ്റലിക്കാരനായ ഗുന്തർ ആറാമൻ നയിക്കുന്നത്. 

പല സങ്കല്പ കഥകളെയും തോൽപ്പിക്കുന്ന തരത്തിലാണ് ഗുന്തർ ആറാമന്റെ ജീവിതകഥ. ഒരു ഇറ്റാലിയൻ പ്രഭുവിന്റെ പത്നിയായിരുന്ന കാർലോട്ട ലീബെൻസ്റ്റീൻ 1992 ൽ  തന്റെ മകന്റെ മരണത്തെ തുടർന്ന് സ്വത്തിന് മറ്റ് അവകാശികളാരുമില്ലാത്തതിനാൽ 80 മില്യൻ ഡോളറിന്റെ ആസ്തി വളർത്തുനായ ഗുന്തർ മൂന്നാമന്റെ പേരിൽ എഴുതിവച്ചു. പ്രഭു കുടുംബത്തിന്റെ സുഹൃത്തും സംരംഭകനുമായിരുന്ന മൗറീസിയോ മിയാനായിരുന്നു സ്വത്ത് നോക്കി നടത്താനുള്ള ഉത്തരവാദിത്വം. അദ്ദേഹമാവട്ടെ ഗുന്തറിന്റെ പേരിൽ ട്രസ്റ്റ് രൂപീകരിക്കുകയും അനന്തരാവകാശം 400 മില്യൻ ഡോളറായി (3358 കോടി രൂപ) വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gunther | The Richest Dog in the World (@guntherrichdog)

ഗുന്തർ മൂന്നാമൻ്റെ പിൻതലമുറക്കാരനായ ഗുന്തർ ആറാമൻ അങ്ങനെ ഏറ്റവും ഒടുവിൽ ഈ സ്വത്തിന്റെ മുഴുവൻ ഉടമയായി. ട്രസ്റ്റിലെ അംഗങ്ങളാണ് നിലവിൽ സ്വത്തു നോക്കി നടത്തുന്നത്. തന്റെ സമ്പത്തിനെക്കുറിച്ചോ രാജകീയ പദവിയെ കുറിച്ചോ അറിയില്ലെങ്കിലും മറ്റൊരു നായയ്ക്കും ലഭിക്കാത്തത്ര ആഡംബര സൗകര്യങ്ങൾ ആസ്വദിച്ചാണ് ഗുന്തർ ആറാമന്റെ ജീവിതം. സമാനതകളില്ലാത്ത ഗുന്തറിന്റെ ജീവിതരീതിയെക്കുറിച്ച് ഗുന്തേർസ് മില്യൺസ് എന്ന പേരിൽ നെറ്റ്‌ഫ്ലിക്സ് ഒരു ഡോക്യുസീരീസും പുറത്തിറക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.


27 ജോലിക്കാർ അടങ്ങുന്ന സംഘമാണ് ഗുന്തർ ആറാമനെ പരിചരിക്കുന്നത്. ഗോൾഡ് ഫ്ലേക്ക് പൊതിഞ്ഞ സ്റ്റീക്കുകളടക്കം ഗുന്തറിൻ്റെ ഇഷ്ടവിഭവങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ടാക്കാനായി പ്രൈവറ്റ് ഷെഫും റെഡി. ലോകത്തിന്റെ വിവിധ ഭാഗങ്ങളിൽ ഈ നായയുടെ പേരിൽ സ്വത്ത് വകകളുണ്ട്. 29 മില്യൺ ഡോളർ വിലമതിപ്പുള്ള മിയാമി ബംഗ്ലാവടക്കം ആഡംബര വസതികളും ഇക്കൂട്ടത്തിൽ പെടുന്നു. ഇതിനെല്ലാം പുറമേ ഒരു പ്രൈവറ്റ് ജെറ്റും ആഡംബര യാട്ടും എല്ലാം ഗുന്തർ ആറാമന് സ്വന്തമായുണ്ട്.

ദ മഗ്നിഫിഷ്യന്റ് ഫൈവ് എന്ന പേരിൽ ഒരു പോപ് മ്യൂസിക് ഗ്രൂപ്പും സ്പോർട്സ് ടീമുകളുമൊക്കെ ആസ്തി ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഗുന്തർ വാങ്ങി. ലോകത്തിന്റെ പലഭാഗങ്ങളിലേയ്ക്കും ഗുന്തർ ആറാമൻ സഞ്ചരിക്കാറുണ്ട്. പ്രത്യേക ഡ്രൈവറുള്ള കൺവേർട്ടബിൾ ബിഎംഡബ്ലിയു കാറിലാണ് ഗുന്തറിന്റെ യാത്ര. കാര്യങ്ങൾ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെയാണെങ്കിലും ഗുന്തറിന്റെ ആസ്തി സംബന്ധിച്ച് ചില തർക്കങ്ങളും നിലനിൽക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. ഒരു പ്രശസ്ത ഫാർമസ്യൂട്ടിക്കൽ കമ്പനിയുടെ അവകാശിയായ മൗറീസിയോ മിയാൻ നികുതി വെട്ടിക്കാനാണ് ഇത്തരമൊരു ട്രസ്റ്റിന് രൂപം നൽകിയത് എന്നാണ് ആരോപണം. 1999 ൽ ഗിന്നസ് റെക്കോർഡിന് ശ്രമിച്ചെങ്കിലും ആസ്തി സംബന്ധിച്ച കൃത്യമായ തെളിവുകൾ ഇല്ല എന്ന് ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി അധികൃതർ അപേക്ഷ നിരസിച്ചിരുന്നു. പിന്നാമ്പുറ കഥകൾ  എന്തുതന്നെയായാലും  ലോകത്തിലെ 99 ശതമാനം മനുഷ്യർക്കും സങ്കൽപ്പിക്കാനാവാത്ത ആഡംബരങ്ങൾ ആസ്വദിച്ച് കഴിയുകയാണ് ഗുന്തർ ആറാമൻ.

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Alone at Sea

Alone at Sea (2019)

"Alone at sea" is a first feature-length documentary tracing Eric Bellion's psychological journey during his race on the Vendée Globe 2016-2017, a yacht race around the globe, single-handed ... Read all "Alone at sea" is a first feature-length documentary tracing Eric Bellion's psychological journey during his race on the Vendée Globe 2016-2017, a yacht race around the globe, single-handed and without assistance. Eric Bellion filmed himself during the 99 days of his race. He has... Read all "Alone at sea" is a first feature-length documentary tracing Eric Bellion's psychological journey during his race on the Vendée Globe 2016-2017, a yacht race around the globe, single-handed and without assistance. Eric Bellion filmed himself during the 99 days of his race. He has never sailed solo for more than 6 days. This is an unprecedented immersive document of a ... Read all

  • Eric Bellion
  • 1 User review

Bande-annonce [OV]

User reviews 1

  • FrenchEddieFelson
  • Feb 24, 2019
  • February 13, 2019 (France)
  • Official site
  • Comme un seul homme
  • Films du Cap, Les
  • Appel pour la Différence
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  • Runtime 1 hour 22 minutes

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Alone at Sea (2019)

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