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Accident de la Volvo Ocean Race: 6 mois avec sursis requis contre le skipper

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Le parquet de Lorient a requis lundi une peine d'emprisonnement de six mois avec sursis à l'encontre du skipper Yann Guichard, poursuivi pour blessures involontaires après la collision de son maxi-trimaran avec un canot, au départ de la Volvo Ocean Race en juin 2015 au large du Morbihan.

Un accident dans une zone où le bateau n'avait pas à y être

"marin professionnel aguerri", pour aller plus loin.

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Volvo Ocean Race : Serious accident at the start of the stage

Tatjana Pokorny

 ·  15.06.2015

Volvo Ocean Race: Serious accident at the start of the stage

The first official reports of the collision between Donna Bertarelli's 40-metre trimaran "Spindrift 2" and the organisers' dinghy shortly before the start of the ninth and final leg of the Volvo Ocean Race off Lorient came several hours after the fleet of seven Volvo 65 yachts had been sent on their final leg of the course, late on Tuesday evening.

A press release from the organisers of the Volvo Ocean Race stated: "We have been informed of an accident on the water involving a trimaran (not associated with the Volvo Ocean Race) and a race committee marshal boat at the Lorient stopover near the start area for leg 9 of the Volvo Ocean Race. One woman was seriously injured and is currently being treated in hospital in Lorient. We are concerned for her welfare and remain in close contact with the organisers and local authorities. We will provide further information as soon as we have it."

The French daily newspaper "Le Telegramme" published a picture from the French news agency AFP on its website that evening, showing the horrific moment of the unintentional encounter off the coast of Brittany. It clearly shows the rudder of the windward float of the "Spindrift" protruding from the water hitting the rubber dinghy. According to initial reports in the daily newspaper, four people were on board the Rib. One of them, a woman, is said to have been seriously injured in the legs.

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Volvo Ocean Race - Injuries after giant trimaran involved in collision

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accident trimaran lorient

Published on June 17th, 2015 | by Editor

Volvo Ocean Race: Drama on the Sidelines

Published on June 17th, 2015 by Editor -->

While the Volvo Ocean Race fleet prepared to start their ninth leg in Lorient, France, a RIB under the authority of the race organization was run over near the start line by the 40-meter maxi trimaran Spindrift 2, presumably in the area as a spectator to the race start.

With four people onboard the RIB, the incident occurred Tuesday, June 16 around 4:15 pm in the starting area of Leg 9. A woman on the RIB received leg injuries in the collision, and after receiving attention on the water, she was airlifted at approximately 5:11 pm and transported to Scorff Hospital in Lorient were she was treated by medical staff at 5:16 pm.

“Above all else, we are concerned about the condition of the injured person,” said Yann Guichard , skipper of Spindrift 2. “All our thoughts go out to her and to her family. The team has been deeply affected by the accident and naturally we are cooperating fully with the investigation that is underway.”

From the photo , the weather hull of Spindrift 2 is seen passing over the RIB with its blades coming in contact with the boat and passengers.

accident trimaran lorient

Race stopover officials from Lorient are in regular contact with her family, but have no further official updates on her condition.

Jean-Sebastien Evrard, an AFP photographer based in Nantes, witnessed the incident. Click here for his report.

Video and screen grabs below show the incident.

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Editor’s note : This story was revised on June 25, 2015 per request by AFP.

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Tags: accident , Spindrift 2 , The Ocean Race , VOR 2014-15 Leg 9

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Accident à la Volvo Ocean Race: le multicoque "ne devait pas être sur cette zone"

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Le multicoque impliqué dans une collision le 16 juin en marge du départ de Lorient d'une étape de la Volvo Ocean Race "ne devait pas être sur cette zone", a assuré mardi à l'AFP le parquet de Lorient, confirmant que la femme blessée lors de l'accident a été amputée d'une jambe.

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"La seule certitude que l'on ait pour le moment c'est que le Spindrift (le multicoque de l'écurie Spindrift Racing, ndlr) ne devait pas être sur cette zone", a indiqué à l'AFP le procureur de la République de Lorient Alexis Bouroz, une semaine après cet accident rarissime.

"Il y a incontestablement une part de responsabilité du Spindrift", a-t-il insisté. "Maintenant, est-ce que cette responsabilité est exclusive? Est-ce qu'elle est partagée?" s'est-il interrogé, assurant qu'il était encore "beaucoup trop tôt" pour répondre à ces questions.

Le 16 juin, vers 16H15, Spindrift 2, un maxi-trimaran de 40 m, a percuté violemment une embarcation pneumatique de l'organisation de course à bord de laquelle se trouvaient quatre personnes qui assistaient au départ (à 17H00) de la 9e et dernière étape Lorient-Göteborg (Suède) de la Volvo Ocean Race.

Deux personnes ont été projetées à la mer et une femme a été grièvement blessée aux jambes par l'un des safrans de Spindrift 2. Prise en charge par les équipages des vedettes semi-rigides de la SNSM, elle a été évacuée par hélicoptère vers un hôpital de Lorient.

"La femme blessée dans l'accident a été amputée d'une jambe", a précisé M. Bouroz, assurant que son autre jambe avait été également "sérieusement abimée". "Apparemment, son pronostic vital n'est plus engagé", a-t-il cependant indiqué.

Une enquête, menée par la gendarmerie maritime de Lorient, est en cours afin de déterminer les circonstances exactes du drame.

"Les auditions sont en cours, ainsi que l'exploitation des GPS et des positionnements", a assuré M. Bouroz, précisant que la perception des enquêteurs avait évolué au fil des témoignages. "On a eu une perception qui a évolué parce qu'au départ on avait des photos qui semblaient aller dans un sens, puis on a récupéré des films et des témoignages qui nous ont fait voir les choses un peu différemment", a-t-il indiqué.

Le pilote de l'embarcation pneumatique était un bénévole de l'association Lorient Grand Large, chargée de l'organisation d'événements nautiques, dont la Volvo Ocean Race, a précisé à l'AFP son directeur Christophe Baudry, ajoutant que c'était son épouse qui avait été blessée dans l'accident.

"Le zodiac se trouvait dans un dispositif de sécurité qui était parfaitement ordonné et régi, on avait une trentaine de bateaux sur l'eau ce jour-là", a souligné M. Baudry, indiquant que le zodiac se trouvait "à la limite" de la zone d'exclusion. "C'est son rôle, protéger les zones qui sont réservées aux bateaux de course", a-t-il indiqué.

"On attend, comme tout le monde, les conclusions de l'enquête", a-t-il expliqué, estimant "forcément compliqué d'organiser des événements importants".

Le trimaran Spindrift 2 est le plus grand multicoque de course au large du monde. Dessiné par le cabinet VPLP, il détient - depuis janvier 2012 et sous le nom de Banque Populaire V - le record du tour du monde à la voile en équipage et sans escales (45 jours, 13 heures et 42 minutes).

Après avoir annoncé qu'elle suspendait "temporairement" ses activités, l'écurie Spindrift Racing a confirmé mardi sa participation au Tour de France à la voile (3-26 juillet).

23/06/2015 19:22:35 - Lorient (AFP) - © 2015 AFP

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Ocean Navigator

French sailor Florence Arthaud killed in crash

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Fifty-seven-year-old French ocean racer Florence Arthaud was one of ten people killed when two helicopters collided in Rioja Province, Argentina, on March 9, 2015. Arthaud and the others were part of the French TV survival show, “Dropped.”

Florence Arthaud, or Flo as she was known, was an accomplished sailor, winning the 1990 Route du Rhum, the prestigious solo Atlantic race. That year she established a new world record aboard the VLVP-design 60-foot trimaran Pierre 1er for the fastest solo crossing of the North Atlantic, beating the previous record by two days. Following that victory she became a French sports icon and an inspiration for women ocean racers worldwide. In 1997 she won the Transpac Race from LA to Hawaii aboard the 86-foot Maxi Cat Commodore Explorer with Bruno Peyron. 

In her 40s, she attempted to raise money to buy Olivier de Kersauson’s maxi trimaran Sport-Elec with the hope of a round-the-world record but was unable to secure the sponsorship needed. She competed in 2004 in the double-handed Lorient to St. Barth race with Lionel Pean; in 2006 the Odyssey Cannes-Istanbul with Luc Poupon; and in 2007 the Transat with Jacques Vabre and Poupon. 

A tough and gregarious, yet petite woman, she was a formidable competitor and well respected by the ocean racing community. She leaves a daughter who she had with French sailor Loïc Lingois, and many friends. 

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« À un mètre près, le Vendée Globe, c’était mort » : le voilier d’Arnaud Boissières endommagé dans une collision à Lorient

Par Hélène Bielak

Ce lundi 9 septembre, l’Imoca La Mie Câline du skipper Arnaud Boissières a percuté un bateau de pêche, à l’entrée de la rade de Lorient. Pas de blessés, mais des dégâts importants sur l’avant tribord.

Malgré les dégâts importants sur le voilier, Arnaud Boissières ne remet pas en cause sa participation au Vendée Globe, qui débute le 10 novembre prochain.

« Ça aurait pu être plus grave… À un mètre près, le Vendée Globe , c’était mort ». Face aux dégâts sur la coque de son voilier, Arnaud Boissières essaye de relativiser. Tôt ce lundi 9 septembre, le skipper était à bord de son Imoca La Mie Câline, avec deux autres équipiers, lorsque le voilier est entré en collision avec un bateau de pêche, à l’entrée de la rade de Lorient. « Le pêcheur était paniqué, il m’a escorté très gentiment jusqu’à La Base », rapporte Arnaud Boissières. Le choc n’a pas fait de blessé, mais a sérieusement entaillé l’avant tribord du voilier, juste devant le foil. Du côté du bateau de pêche, pas de dégâts si ce n’est quelques rayures.

100 000 € de réparation

Le skipper venait participer au Défi Azimut , qui débute ce mercredi 11 septembre. La course se fera donc sans lui. Pour lui, l’enjeu est surtout de réparer l’Imoca le plus vite possible afin d’être prêt pour le départ du Vendée Globe, dans deux mois. « Là, on va poser un patch en carbone pour rentrer aux Sables d’Olonne. C’est un pansement, avant les points de suture… Après, on fera une greffe », image-t-il. Le coût estimé des réparations donne le tournis : 100 000 €. « La coque, c’est un sandwich : du carbone à l’extérieur et à l’intérieur, et du nid d’abeille au milieu, ce qui le rend très léger », détaille Gérald Véniard, skipper remplaçant. Des matériaux qui demandent un haut niveau de technicité.

Course contre la montre

Arnaud Boissières et son équipe comptent repartir, dès ce lundi soir, pour les Sables d’Olonne. Une fois sur place, le bateau sera démâté avant d’être emmené sur un chantier pour s’y faire réparer le plus vite possible, de jour comme de nuit. « C’est une course contre la montre », souligne Arnaud Boissières. Pour autant, le skipper reste confiant : selon lui, sa participation au Vendée Globe n’est pas remise en cause. Unique skipper ayant terminé quatre Vendée Globe consécutifs, Arnaud Boissières compte bien être sur la ligne de départ avec les autres concurrents, le 10 novembre prochain.

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Rib Accident at VOR Lorient Start

  • Thread starter bigrpowr
  • Start date Jun 17, 2015

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  • Jun 22, 2015

independently of any supposed mistake/fault by the rib driver, imho sailing a huge tri like spindrift in the middle of an area packed with small(er) boats was not a prudent thing to do. so, again imho, both sd skipper and the rib driver have their share of guilt in the outcome of this very sorry situation.  

Top fuel dragster drivers manage to finish a pass in under 4 seconds  


alcoholfunnycar said: Let me describe how your fool-proof solution works. Sec 0:00 You have already throttled down and made your turn. You look up and "oh shit! I fucked up!" "Giant boat heading right at us! What the hell!". Sec 0:01 You figure out the main hull is in front of you, but there is also an ama! Where to go!???! Can't back up, can't gun forward! Turn? Which way!??! Sec 0:01.5 The ama is already on top of you, but not hitting you. The crew are jumping! OMG! There's a rudder on that thing!!!! Now at this point, if it is me, and I was thinking clearly, I would throttle hard, and start spinning the wheel to starboard. In this instance the driver looks like he just kept drifting in the direction he had been heading and tried to dodge the blade. Also a choice. 0:02 His scenario: The crew have jumped clear, his wife, however was seated securely in back, and had been unable to comprehend the situation, react, or was simply stuck, you can see her trying to get up, the driver is ducking. My scenario: the crew have jumped clear, the boat is starting to turn to starboard as the prop finally gets a bite but it isn't moving forward at all yet. The bow is starting to pop up. Anybody not out of the boat now isn't getting out because the boat is starting to lurch. 0:03 His scenario: Same as before, bracing for impact, his wife struggling to get up. My scenario: The boat is starting to spin fast, but we are still just under the ama. I have to be aware of not running over the crew that have jumped! Start spinning wheel back! Cut engine! 0:04 IMPACT His scenario: We know. My scenario (the one you recommend): If we are lucky, the rudder takes out the aft rail structure and maybe the engine and hurtles it forward across myself and the remaining passenger. The force throws the RIB violently forward, potentially onto the crew that had jumped in the water. My wife has sustained a massive head and spinal injury from the stainless tubing. I have a dislocated shoulder and one of the crew is now floating face down with blood streaming from his head. That is what happens in that scenario, the one you advocate. Probably the best thing he could have done is gun it forward and continue turning to port. Provided his stern rail passed under the ama, that would be frightening, but the best option. But all this is just bullshit conjecture. In four seconds, you can't do SHIT in this situation. Click to expand...
s2 alter ego said: alcoholfunnycar said: S2 Alter Ego- It looks to me like the boats heading in the opposite (to left) direction and to port of the rib were also official boats (the ones S2 heads up to avoid plowing down). I could be wrong. It doesn't matter either way. If they were other race official boats, then it appears and is logical that the rib is approaching them and turning 180 to come along side. If they are unofficial boats, then the marshal boat would be turning toward them to escort them out of the starting line area. To me, with the VOR race boats heading to this area in the background, it is pretty obvious this is the starting line. That is why I think the rib didn't see S2 overtaking it from behind. It was focused on the traffic ahead of it and it's upcoming maneuver to come alongside those boats. Once it turned, it was basically fucked. there is no way to back up fast enough, no place forward to accelerate, and no turning manuever would help. Click to expand...

The mistake was made when they went sailing into a crowded area, not in the time frame of this video and certainly not in the last 4 seconds.  


Merit 25 said: I've clearly missed it, but what were the injuries to the woman and or other people in the RIB? Sorry if I missed a link somewhere. Click to expand...
Blitz said: Top fuel dragster drivers manage to finish a pass in under 4 seconds Click to expand...

No just ribbing Alcoholfunnycar. It was a joke son you missed it.  

PREFECTURE MARITIME ATLANTIC Brest, June 5, 2015 Division "action of the sea state" ORDER N ° 2015/045 Regulating maritime activities during the stopover of the "Volvo Ocean Race" scheduled from 8 to 16 June 2015 in Lorient. The Atlantic Maritime Prefect CONSIDERING the Transport Code, in particular Articles L 5242-1, L 5242-2 and L 6232-4; CONSIDERING the Penal Code, in particular Articles 131-13 and R 610-5; CONSIDERING the environmental code; NOTING the Code of Civil Aviation; Mindful of Decree n ° 77-733 of July 6, 1977 modified publishing the Convention on the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea; Mindful of Decree No 2004-112 of 6 February 2004 amended, on the organization of the State's action sea; Mindful of Decree No. 2007-1167 of 2 August 2007, amended, on driving licenses and training driving pleasure craft engine; CONSIDERING the ministerial decree of 10 October 1957 concerning the survey of towns and gatherings of people or animals; CONSIDERING the ministerial decree of 3 May 1995 as amended relating to sailing events at sea; CONSIDERING Order of 11 April 2012 relating to the use of airspace by aircraft operating no one on board; CONSIDERING Order No. 2010/08 of 18 February 2010 the Atlantic Maritime Prefect regulating nautical events in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Maritime Prefect for the Atlantic; CONSIDERING Order No. 2011/46 of 8 July 2011 amended the Atlantic maritime prefect regulating practice water activities along the Atlantic coast; CONSIDERING Order interprefectoral No 2014/19 concerning delimitation of the maritime and river area regulation (ZMFR) port of Lorient and setting font measurements navigation harbor of Lorient (Morbihan) CONSIDERING Order of the Maritime Prefect for the Atlantic No. 2014/88 of 22 September 2014 delegating powers signature to the Chief Administrator of Maritime Affairs Jean-Luc Eve, Director Departmental Assistant territories and the sea, delegate to the sea and the coast of Morbihan; NOTING the declaration of nautical event "French stopover of the Volvo Ocean Race" dated January 7, 2015 filed by Mr. Jack Lloyd, and acknowledgments No. 141/2015 and 142/2015 issued on 1 "June 2015 by the delegate to the sea and the coast of Morbihan; NOTING the declaration of nautical event "mini water activities VOR" dated March 26 2015 by Mr Christophe Baudry, and the acknowledgment No. 143/2015 issued on June ter 2015 Delegate to the sea and the coast of Morbihan; CONSIDERING the need, for safety reasons, to organize and regulate Maritime activities to ensure the smooth running of the "Volvo Ocean Race "in the June 8 to 16, 2015 in Lorient, PROPOSAL ON delegate to the sea and the coast of Morbihan, ORDER Article 1 : During the festivities organized on the occasion of the Volvo Ocean Race, restrictions â navigation and the movement of people are laid in areas regulated defined below. Geographic coordinates are in WGS84. Times are expressed in local time. ALPHA Zone - Courreaux Groix Management priorities vis-à-vis the sea competitors in the Volvo Ocean Race Article 2: The area is bounded ALPHA: - West: • the south cardinal Grand Cochon â the Pen Men; - South • the Pen Men at the forefront of the Cross along the coastline; - to the East: • Cross the tip of the tip of Gâvres â; • the tip of Gâvres in Gâvres pier along the coastline; • Pier Gâvres sugar bread; - North: • sugar bread the look of Port Louis; • the lookout Port Louis to the tag Pig; • tag Pig to Pig south cardinal Grand following the coastline. Article 3: ALPHA area is permanently on the June 8, 2015 to June 10 at 12:00 2015 20:00, and the 13 to 16 June 2015 from 10:00 181100. Article 4: In the ALPHA area, when activated, police means of the water, like units chartered by the organizer, will be brought to change road and ship speeds to anticipate potential collision situations. BRAVO Zone - Quiberon Bay Management priorities vis-à-vis the sea competitors in the Volvo Ocean Race Article 5: The area is bounded BRAVO: - West: • the point 47 ° 29,07'N - 003 ° 08,74'W the lighthouse of Birvideaux; • Birvideaux the lighthouse at the tip of the Colts; - South: • the tip of the foals at the forefront of Skeul along the coastline; • from the tip of the lighthouse Skeul Great Cardinals; - To the East: • Lighthouse Great Cardinals at 47 ° 29,50'N - 002'50,10W; - North: • the point 47 ° 29,50'N - 002 ° 50,10W at the forefront of Port Navalo following the coastline; • the tip of Port Navalo at the forefront of Kerpenhir; • the peak to peak Kerpenhir Toull Er Her; • the peak Toull Er Her Kernevest at the forefront; • the peak to peak Kernevest Kerbihan; • tip to tip of Kerbihan Saint Colomban; • Pointe Saint Colomban at the forefront of Kerhostin; • the peak Kerhostin 29,07'N at 47 ° - 003 ° following the 08,74'W coastline. Article 6: BRAVO zone is activated from 08 June to 10 June 2015 at 12:00 to 20:00, and June 16, 2015 from 18:00 to midnight. Article 7: In the BRAVO area, when activated, police means of the water, like units chartered by the organizer, will be brought to change road and ship speeds to anticipate potential collision situations. CHARLIE Zone - Courreaux Groix Article 8: CHARLIE area bounded: - North: • the hold Kerguelen 42,00N at 47 ° - 003 ° following the 27,72'W coastline; • the point 47 ° 42,00N - 003 ° 27,72'W 42,00'N at 47 ° - 003 ° 30,00'W. - West: • the point 47 ° 42,00'N - 003'30,00'W at 47 ° 39,66'N - 003 ° 30,00'W. - South: • the point 47 ° 39,66'N - 003'30,00'W at 47 ° 39,66'N - 003'24,50'W. - to the East: • the point 47 ° 39,66'N - 003 ° 24,50'W 41,30'N at 47 ° - 003 ° 24,50'W. Article 9: CHARLIE zone is activated: - From 8 to 10 June 2015 at the time of arrival of the participating vessels Volvo Ocean Race; - 13, 14 and 15 June 2015 from 11:00 to 16:00 and 16 June 2015 from 13:00 to 18:00. Article 10: The activated CHARLIE area is prohibited for swimming, underwater activities, at anchor and fishing. It is also prohibited to shipping: - From 8 to 10 June 2015, within 1,000 meters around competitors Volvo Ocean Race; - from 13 to 16 June 2015 within the sectors materialized from Ships Monitoring by the organizer or tags it sets up. The organizer broadcasts in the captaincies of marinas and each passenger ship captain in terms of the sectors and characteristics tags and brands to identify them. Article 11: The navigation prohibition described in Article 10 does not apply to ships the Volvo Ocean Race organizer, on a list filed with the Delegation to the sea and the coast at least 24 hours prior to activation of the zone, and displaying a specific brand. DELTA Zone - Access channel to Lorient Article 12: The Delta area is bounded: - North: • the tag to the M3 N3 tag; • N3 tag 43,22'N at 47 ° - 003 ° 22,014W; • the point 47 ° 43,22'N - 003 ° 22,014W to hold following the Kerguelen coastline; - West: • the hold Kerguelen the west cardinal's Bench of sows; - South • the west cardinal's Bench of sows in the Lower Peace passing by AS and A7; - To the East: • the Lower Peace at Sugar Loaf; • Sugar Loaf to the look of Port Louis; • the lookout at Port Louis M3 tag. Article 13: The Delta area is activated: - from 8 to 10 June 2015 at the time of arrival of ships participating in the Volvo Ocean Race; - 13, 14 and 15 June 2015 11:00 to 16:00; - June 16, 2015 from 13:00 to 18:00. Article 14: The activated DELTA area is prohibited for swimming, underwater activities, the mooring and fishing. Vessels over 15 meters wishing to navigate must seek prior authorization from the PC MER (VHF channel 12). TO lack of authorization, their navigation is prohibited. Article 15: In enabled DELTA zone, it is prohibited for any vessel to approach within 500 meters of a competitor in the Volvo Ocean Race. Article 16: The navigation prohibitions described in Article 14 and 15 do not apply to ships of the Volvo Ocean Race organizer, on a list filed the delegation to the sea and the coast at least 24 hours prior to activation of the zone, and displaying a specific brand. ECHO Zone - Quiberon Bay Article 17: The ECHO area is a circle of radius 0,500 around the point 47 ° 31,60'N - 003'01,50'W. Article 18: The ECHO zone is activated: - from 08 to IO June 2015 when arrivals of participating vessels to Volvo Ocean Race; - June 16, 2015 between 18:00 and midnight on departure of ships participating in the Volvo Ocean Race. Article 19: The activated ECHO area is closed to swimming, to underwater activities, the Diving, sailing, at anchor and fishing. Article 20: The navigation prohibition described in Article 19 does not apply to ships the Volvo Ocean Race organizer, on a list filed with the Delegation to the sea and the coast at least 24 hours prior to activation of the zone, and displaying a specific brand. Overview of water by drones Article 21: The aircraft operating no one on board (drones, aircraft, etc.) prohibited above all regulated areas of 8 to 16 June 2015 when activated, unless waived by the aviation services Civil after approval by the maritime prefecture. The beneficiaries of these PC security exemptions inform the organizer of the position and hours takeoff and landing their craft. They must make the land without delay in case of presence in the vicinity of a manned aircraft. Implementing provisions Article 22: The provisions of this Order do not apply to ships and craft Water in public service mission coordinated by the delegate to the sea and the Morbihan coast, as well as surveillance and security means the organisateu • coordinated by the Sea PC. Article 23: The organisateu of the event must have sufficient resources to ensure monitoring and safety of water and prevent intrusions into areas prohibited by this order. It must also take in advance the provisions needed to alert in case of accident CROSS ETEL (tel. 196). It informs users of the activation of restricted areas (VHF channel 12). Article 24: The Chief Morbihan sea and the coast is responsible for coordinating the Police water. It coordinates the resources committed to this effect and regulates as necessary traffic of vessels authorized to enter areas regulated and the means of the state present in restricted areas. Article 25: Violations of this Order and the decisions taken for its application, exposes its author to prosecution, penalties and administrative sanctions provided for Articles L 5242-1 to L 5242-6-1 and L6232-4 of the Code of transport by Articles 223-1 and R.610-5 of the Penal Code, and Articles 6, 7, 15 and 18 of Decree No. 2007-1167 of 2 August 2007 on driving licenses and training to Driving pleasure boats â engine. Article 26: The Chief deny and to the coast of Morbihan, officers and agents authorized by policing of navigation are responsible, each in his respective capacity, the application of this decree, which will be displayed at the harbor ports of Lorient harbor and the bay of Quiberon. The Maritime Prefect of the delegation, Deputy Head of 2nd cl ess of 're aritimes I Lay Laisné Deputy Maritime Prefect of Atlantiqu rd 'Sea State Click to expand...


I think it would be quite easy on a boat like Spindrift 2, that you could believe that when you are on the water that all eyes will be on you. After all your driving the fastest trimaran in the world. This may have lulled the crew into the belief that nobody was likely to cross in front of them. They were threading a needle and the gap suddenly disappeared at the last second. It is possible the helmsman did not even see the rib turning at the last second if he was at the leeward steering position. As it was he nearly missed them. The rudder struck 15 feet or so back on the rib. 130 feet of boat had passed and/or flown over before it struck.  

If the rudder had hit the motor or the stronger bits of the rib, would it have dented them or simply glanced/sheared off?? isn't there a crash box on the lower end of the rudder??  

Academic really. It hit something soft.  

This is an attempt to translate the document provided by Volodia link. The link is an image PDF, I OCR'd it using a french language template. I left it as is since I had to use Google Translate in small batches. I also left out area descriptions for the document has them pictured and volodia has a track of SD2 sailing in zones alpha and charlie. She hit speeds over 25 in spots. PREFECTURE MARITIME ATLANTIC I got ninja'd by Chasm who did a better job. I took out my effort.  

Does anyone really think that the authorities are going to split hairs on responsibility between a showboating 140' maxi trimaran doing 20+ knots in a congested area versus an official 18' RIB doing a job, on station and flying a security flag, at a major event? Well, maybe yeah... the Spindrift people can try to play the celebrity/billionaire card, that works for football/futbol stars it seems. But they still will remain showboating idiots.  


Left Shift said: Does anyone really think that the authorities are going to split hairs on responsibility between a showboating 140' maxi trimaran doing 20+ knots in a congested area versus an official 18' RIB doing a job, on station and flying a security flag Click to expand...

There will likely be a civil law suit. Wife will sue spindrift, it's skipper, her husband and whoever employed him. His employers (VOR?) would have had to the obligation to ensure that he was competently trained etc. She won't choose or second guess fault apportionment. That's for the defendants to sort out between themselves who would very likely have separate insurers none of whom will want to write a cheque. Wife can't lose. She was a passenger. Given the nature of her injuries and age, she will have potentially massive future losses as well as entitlement to pain and suffering and loss of amenity.  

corkob said: There will likely be a civil law suit. Wife will sue spindrift, it's skipper, her husband and whoever employed him. Click to expand...



corkob said: There will likely be a civil law suit. Wife will sue spindrift, it's skipper, her husband and whoever employed him. His employers (VOR?) would have had to the obligation to ensure that he was competently trained etc. She won't choose or second guess fault apportionment. That's for the defendants to sort out between themselves who would very likely have separate insurers none of whom will want to write a cheque. Wife can't lose. She was a passenger. Given the nature of her injuries and age, she will have potentially massive future losses as well as entitlement to pain and suffering and loss of amenity. Click to expand...

No I'm not French. Googled her. I see that she is apparently worth 4.6 billion and the skipper is described as her partner. She certainly has the wherewithal to make it go away. Unlike your average mortal sole.  

Random thought from the spaceship.... Did VOR invite the biggest, fastest trimaran in the world to entertain the spectators on site before the start sequence?  

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Aeroflot plane crash: 41 killed on Russian jet

Forty-one people died after a Russian plane made an emergency landing and burst into flames just after takeoff from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Dramatic video shows passengers using emergency exit slides to escape the burning Aeroflot aircraft.

Survivors suggest the plane was struck by lightning, but Russia's national carrier said only that it returned to the airport for technical reasons.

Two children are among the dead. The jet had 73 passengers and five crew.

Initial reports suggested the plane had landed on fire, but sources quoted by Russian news agency Interfax said the jet caught fire after a very bumpy landing.

The aircraft landed with full fuel tanks because the crew lost contact with air traffic controllers and decided it was too dangerous to dump fuel over Moscow, Interfax added.

"There are 37 survivors - 33 passengers and four members of the crew," said Yelena Markovskaya, an official involved in the investigation of the crash.

A flight attendant was also reportedly killed in the incident. Five people are in hospital. One witness said it was a "miracle" anyone escaped.

accident trimaran lorient

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has ordered a special committee to investigate the disaster.

What happened to the plane?

The aircraft, a Sukhoi Superjet-100, left the airport at 18:02 local time (15:02 GMT), bound for Murmansk.

Its crew sent a distress signal when "malfunctions" occurred in bad weather shortly after take-off.

After making an emergency landing at the airport, the plane's engines caught fire on the runway, Aeroflot said, adding that the crew "did everything to save the passengers".

Reuters The damaged Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100-95 passenger plane after an emergency landing at Moscow's Sheremetyovo airport

One passenger who survived the crash, Petr Egorov, was quoted by the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily newspaper as saying that the flight "had just taken off and the aircraft was hit by lightning", adding: "The landing was rough - I almost passed out from fear."

Russian plane flight map

Aeroflot published a list of survivors (in Russian) who have been identified so far.

Murmansk's Acting Governor Andrey Chibis has reportedly said that the families of those killed in the fire will each receive one million rubles ($15,300; £11,630), while the victims being treated in hospital will be given 500,000 rubles ($7,650; £5,815).

Reuters Sheremetyevo airport

How did the survivors escape?

Mikhail Savchenko claims he was on the plane when it exploded into a fireball on the tarmac but "managed to jump out".

He shared a video of passengers running away from the burning plane, posting: "'Guys I am all right, I am alive and in one piece."

Allow Instagram content?

Presentational white space

Passengers on board a separate plane awaiting takeoff at the airport posted footage on social media showing fire crews attending the plane on the tarmac.

One of the surviving passengers, Dmitry Khlebushkin, said that he was very grateful to the flight attendants. "Only thanks to the flight attendants, I survived," he told reporters.

Kristian Kostov, a former Bulgarian Eurovision contestant, has posted on social media about witnessing the incident.

He said people at the airport were left "shaking" after seeing the aircraft engulfed by fire.

Another eyewitness, Patrick Horlacher, told the BBC it was "shocking to see" the plane being ravaged by flames just minutes before he was due to board another flight.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly been briefed and expressed condolences to the families of victims.

The region of Murmansk has announced a three-day mourning period.

Can lightning bring down a plane?

With millions of commercial flights taking place every year, lightning strikes in the air are relatively common.

Traditional planes, built using aluminium, are usually able to withstand such strikes as the shell or "skin" of the aircraft acts as a cage, distributing the electricity without causing damage and allowing them to continue their journey safely.

Some newer aircraft are constructed using lighter materials that have lower electrical conductivity, such as carbon fibre, which need to be protected - often using wire mesh or foil.

Getty Images A plane takes off from Nice airport in France as lightning strikes, 5 June 2011

In addition, the electronics and connections to an aircraft's fuel tanks are heavily shielded to protect them from external electrical bursts.

Lightning strikes can cause technical malfunctions, causing planes to divert or make emergency landings for precautionary reasons. But crashes following such incidents are rare.

A strike is still likely to be noticed by people on board, though. Passengers may hear loud bangs or experience the cabin lighting up with a bright flash.


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    The rigid inflatable boat was in collision with the 130-foot trimaran Spindrift II, which had skipper Yann Guichard on board along with Dona Bertarelli, one of Europe's richest women and sister ...

  4. Six month suspended prison sentence imposed on top multihull skipper

    Yann Guichard, the skipper the supermaxi-trimaran Spindrift 2 has been given a six month suspended sentence for his role in an accident at the start of a leg of the Volvo Ocean Race after a collision with a RIB, that was believed to be an umpire or marshall boat. The length of the suspended sentence was as requested by the prosecutor, but the fine was greater than that sought.

  5. Volvo Ocean Race : Serious accident at the start of the stage

    "Spindrift" and an event boat collided at the start off Lorient. According to initial reports, at least one person was seriously injured

  6. VOR Leg 9 Lorient to Gothenburg via The Hague

    The trimaran Spindrift 2 was involved in an accident yesterday with a motor boat from the Volvo Ocean Race organisation. While under reduced sail, Spindrift 2 was in collision with the rib which was crossing its path. A person on board the motor boat was seriously injured. She received...

  7. Rib Accident at VOR Lorient Start

    Time till VOR start? Distance from start line? Distance to VOR boats? Distance to spectator fleet? Video of incident from helicopter? In the absence of...

  8. There was an accident at the start of the Volvo Ocean Race

    At the start of the ninth and last stage of the Volvo Ocean Race in Lorient , France,there was an accident. According to the race organizers, not far from the starting line a nonregatta trimaran and one of the VOR escorts with four people on board collided. The most serious injury was sustained by a forty year old woman, who had to be evacuated by helicopter due to an injured leg and is now ...

  9. Lorient. Estropiée par un trimaran, la victime témoigne

    Estropiée par un trimaran, la victime témoigne. Un géant des mers face à un petit canot. La collision, en juin, à Lorient, n'a laissé aucune chance à Virginie, aujourd'hui amputée d'une ...

  10. Volvo Ocean Race

    The trimaran Spindrift 2 was involved in an accident yesterday with a motor boat from the Volvo Ocean Race organisation. While under reduced sail, Spindrift 2 was in collision with the rib which was crossing its path. A person on board the motor boat was seriously injured. She received attention from the emergency services and was then ...

  11. bloody tuesday

    AFP photographer Jean-Sebastien Evard had another view of the Spindrift 2 versus Volvo Ocean Race RIB incident, and it differs from that of the Spindrift in several ways; first, that the RIB was stationary (though the prop wash in several pics calls that into question), and second, that the trimaran was under reduced sail (a photo and caption in his original story show a full main and solent).

  12. Rib Accident at VOR Lorient Start

    If Spindrift had hit rowing boat then it would be another story. But it was powerful RIB with 1000x better maneuverability in than 40m trimaran.

  13. Volvo Ocean Race: Drama on the Sidelines

    A woman on the RIB received leg injuries in the collision, and after receiving attention on the water, she was airlifted at approximately 5:11 pm and transported to Scorff Hospital in Lorient were ...

  14. Accident à la Volvo Ocean Race: le multicoque "ne devait ...

    Le multicoque impliqué dans une collision le 16 juin en marge du départ de Lorient d'une étape de la Volvo Ocean Race "ne devait pas être sur cette zone", a assuré mardi à l'AFP le parquet ...

  15. French sailor Florence Arthaud killed in crash

    In her 40s, she attempted to raise money to buy Olivier de Kersauson's maxi trimaran Sport-Elec with the hope of a round-the-world record but was unable to secure the sponsorship needed. She competed in 2004 in the double-handed Lorient to St. Barth race with Lionel Pean; in 2006 the Odyssey Cannes-Istanbul with Luc Poupon; and in 2007 the ...

  16. double fault

    According to the sentence handed down yesterday by a Lorient judge, Spindrift Racing co-founder and skipper Yann Guichard will avoid jail time for the accident between the monster Spindrift 2 trimaran and Lorient local Virginia Namouric. Guichard's sentence of 6 months is suspended, meaning he won't have to serve it - though he will be require to pay 25,000 euros in fines and several ...

  17. Éric Tabarly

    Marie Tabarly. Éric Marcel Guy Tabarly (24 July 1931 - 13 June 1998) was a French naval officer and yachtsman. He developed a passion for offshore racing very early on and won several ocean races such as the Ostar in 1964 and 1976, ending English domination in this specialty. Several of his wins broke long standing records.

  18. « À un mètre près, le Vendée Globe, c'était mort » : le voilier d

    Ce lundi 9 septembre, l'Imoca La Mie Câline du skipper Arnaud Boissières a percuté un bateau de pêche, à l'entrée de la rade de Lorient. Pas de blessés, mais des dégâts importants sur ...

  19. Rib Accident at VOR Lorient Start

    independently of any supposed mistake/fault by the rib driver, imho sailing a huge tri like spindrift in the middle of an area packed with small(er) boats was not a prudent thing to do. so, again imho, both sd skipper and the rib driver have their share of guilt in the outcome of this very...

  20. Crash of a Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune in Lorient: 12 killed

    Shortly after a night takeoff from Lorient-Lann-Bihoué Naval Air Station, while in initial climb in poor weather conditions, the airplane entered a left turn then plunged into the earth and crashed onto a small hill located in Kergantic, about 3 km southwest of the airfield. The aircraft was totally destroyed and all 12 occupants were killed.

  21. Aeroflot Flight 1492

    Aeroflot Flight 1492 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight operated by Aeroflot from Moscow-Sheremetyevo to Murmansk, Russia.On 5 May 2019, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft operating the flight was climbing out when it was struck by lightning.The aircraft suffered an electrical failure and returned to Sheremetyevo for an emergency landing.It bounced on landing and touched down hard ...

  22. 2002 Überlingen mid-air collision

    Survivors. 0. On 1 July 2002, BAL Bashkirian Airlines Flight 2937, a Tupolev Tu-154 passenger jet, and DHL International Aviation ME Flight 611, a Boeing 757 cargo jet, collided in mid-air over Überlingen, a southern German town on Lake Constance, near the Swiss border. All of the passengers and crew aboard both planes were killed, resulting ...

  23. What we know about Russia plane crash that reportedly killed ...

    Aviation accidents and incidents. Russia. Related. Three killed after small plane crashes into houses in Oregon. 1 Sep 2024. US & Canada. Russia searches for missing helicopter with 22 on board.

  24. Aeroflot plane crash: 41 killed on Russian jet

    Aeroflot plane crash: 41 killed on Russian jet. Forty-one people died after a Russian plane made an emergency landing and burst into flames just after takeoff from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport ...