boot yacht hamburg

Moin und herzlich Wilkommen bei uns an Board

Wir vom Yachthandel Hamburg begrüßen Sie auf unserer Website! Sehr gern begleiten wir Sie auf der Suche nach Ihrem neuen Traumschiff. Wir bieten Ihnen dazu eine vielseitige Auswahl von neuen Yachten der Werften Viko und Mariner in unserer ständigen Ausstellung. Darüber hinaus finden Sie in unserem Freilager eine große Auswahl gebrauchter Yachten. Außerdem bieten wir Ihnen sämtliche Services rund um Ihre Yacht – von Reparaturen oder Instandsetzungen über Yachttransporte bis zum Verkauf Ihres Gebrauchtbootes.

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Neue Modelle im Fokus

Das neue Flaggschiff Viko Yachts. Italienisches Design zu einem unschlagbaren Preis.

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Viko Yachts kleinstes Modell. Einhandsegelbares und familientaugliches Raumwunder auf 21 Fuß.

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Moderne Linien und leichtes Handling. Eine trailerbare Yacht auf 26 Fuß!

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Aktuelle Lager- und Gebrauchtbote

Card image cap

Sealine SC35

194.900 EUR inkl. MwST

Card image cap

Nimbus Olsen 26

4.500 EUR inkl. MwST

Card image cap

6.000 EUR inkl. MwST

Yachten im Angebot

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114.900 EUR

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Unsere Leistungen rund um Ihr Schiff


Ihr Traum auf der Straße durch Deutschland und ganz Europa. Für jedes Boot haben wir das entsprechende Fahrzeug.


Holen Sie sich von unserem Partner ein maßgeschneidertes Angebot zur Finanzierung Ihrer Traumyacht ein. Einfach und schnell.


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In unserem Downloadbereich finden Sie Informationsmaterial unserer Neuyachten, sowie Ersatzteillisten rund um Viko-, Mariner- und Etap-Yachten.

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Rundum top! Vom Erstkontakt bis zur Verabschiedung ! Die Tour war super, der stop Tim Lunch in entenwerder1 cool, Baden und Wassersport waren toll. Julian war perfekt! Sehr nett, informativ und wir hatten trotzdem « unsere » Zeit. Wir hatten die Tour zum Geburtstag meines Mannes gemacht, zwei 17 jährige Mädels dabei. Absolut empfehlenswert !!!

Boot mieten & Yacht chartern in Hansestadt Hamburg, Deutschland

Ein boot mieten in hamburg.

mit SamBoat: Segelboote, Motorboote, Schlauchboote (RIB), Katamarane, Hausboote - wir bieten eine große Auswahl an Booten zum Mieten ab 50€/Tag. Eine unvergessliche Woche auf einer Segelyacht verbringen oder ein Boot für einen Tag für einen Ausflug mieten, auf SamBoat finden Sie Angebote von privaten und professionellen Anbietern zum besten Preis.

Boot mieten Hamburg

Entdecken Sie die Schönheit der Hansestadt und mieten Sie ein Boot am Hafen der Stadt. Die norddeutsche Stadt ist mit über 1,9 Millionen Einwohnern die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands - Hamburgs Hafen hat eine grosse Bedeutung für die Stadt als einer der bedeutendsten Logistikstandorte Europas. Auch als “Tor der Welt” bekannt - gehört Hamburg zu den Städten mit der höchsten Lebensqualität weltweit. Hamburg hat mehr als 2500 Brücken und damit mehr als Venedig und Amsterdam. Neben Binnen und Aussenalster fliesst auch die Elbe durch Hamburg. 

Wann ist die beste Zeit ein Boot zu chartern in Hamburg?

Die beste Zeit in Hamburg ein Boot zu mieten ist in den Sommermonaten, zwischen Juni und August sind die besten Monate mit einer Durchschnittstemperatur von 22 Grad. Am kältesten ist es zwischen Dezember und Februar - allerdings sind extreme Wetterlagen in der Hansestadt eher selten. 

Wie viel kostet Boot mieten Hamburg?

Ein Boot können Sie in der Hansestadt ab 200 € mieten - Buchen Sie ein tolles Angebot und entdecken Sie die schöne Hansestadt vom Hafen aus. 

In der Nähe von Hamburg gibt es noch viele weitere schöne Orte, an denen Sie ein Boot mit Freunde und Familie mieten können.

Sehnen Sie sich zum Beispiel nach Meer? Dann schauen Sie unsere Angebote für Boot mieten Nordsee , Boot mieten St Peter Ording , oder Boot mieten Sylt , Boot mieten Wilhelmshaven an.

Auch können Sie weitere schöne Städte erkunden, suchen Sie da einfach nach Boot mieten Bremen , oder Boot mieten Lübeck .

Oder warum nicht ein Motorboot mieten Hamburg oder eine Yacht mieten Hamburg , um die Hansestadt zu erkunden? 

Wie sieht die Verfügbarkeit von Booten in Hamburg aus?

In Hamburg haben Sie eine große Auswahl an Segelbooten und Motorbooten zum Mieten. Auch einige Katamarane, Hausboote und Schlauchboote können Sie in Hamburg mieten. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, Ihren mehrtägigen Urlaub auf einem Boot ab Hamburg weit im Voraus zu buchen. Denn gerade die beliebten Sommermonate sind schnell ausgebucht! Wenn Sie ein Motorboot oder anderen Bootstypen für einen Tagesausflug mieten wollen, dann reicht es meist aus, das Boot etwa zwei bis drei Monate vor dem gewünschten Reisedatum zu buchen.  

Kann ich ein Boot mieten in Hamburg ohne Führerschein?

Wenn Sie in Deutschland ein Boot legal bewegen wollen, brauchen Sie in vielen Fällen keinen Befähigungsnachweis, womit der Zugang zum Wassersport sehr vereinfacht wird. Ein Führerschein (SBF See oder SBF Binnen) wird erst dann fällig, wenn Sie ein Boot mit einer Motorisierung von mehr als 11,03 KW oder 15 PS fahren wollen.

Viele Bootsvermieten bieten Ihnen auch an, das Boot mit Skipper zu mieten. So können Sie auch ohne Führerschein bzw. ohne Erfahrung ein Boot mieten in Hamburg und Ihren Urlaub genießen.

Warum ein Boot mieten in Hamburg?

Tausende Touristen zieht die Stadt jährlich an dank zahlreicher Sehenswürdigkeiten und kulturellen Highlights

Eins der Top-Wahrzeichen der Stadt die Sankt Michaelis Kirche - auch als Michel bekannt - war lange der höchste Kirchturm der Hansestadt

Die Elbphilharmonie - Hamburgs modernstes Aushängeschild - wurde im Jahr 2016 fertiggestellt und vereint Architektur, Kultur und Musik 

Der Hamburger Kiez - ein berühmt-berüchtigter Stadtteil Hamburgs und bekannt für das Rotlicht Viertel auf der Reeperbahn : Diverse Bars und Diskotheken sind hier zu finden. 

Elbe, Alster und Wasser findet man in Hamburg an jeder Stelle, auch durch den alten Elbtunnel an den Landungsbrücken gelangt man ans andere Ufer der Elbe und hat einen wunderbaren Ausblick auf die Hansestadt 

Informationen zur Bootsvermietung in Hansestadt Hamburg

Anzahl der Boote: 1 Boot
Führerschein Führerschein erforderlich
Mindestpreis: 290€ / Tag
Bootsart: Motorboot , , , Jetski , Segelboot , Katamaran , Schlauchboot
Skipper: Boot mit Skipper

Unsere anderen Bootstypen

Bestpreise garantiert.

Eine große Auswahl an Booten zum Mieten, bis zu 40% günstiger!


Bootsanzeigen werden regelmäßig geprüft, um eine höchstmögliche Qualität zu gewährleisten.

Sichere Bezahlung, sichere Verwaltung der Kaution und Charter Kundenschutz durch Insolvenzabsicherung.

Bester Kundenservice

Ein Expertenteam, das Ihnen bei Fragen jederzeit zur Verfügung steht.

Rainer Abicht


1 hour grand harbour cruise.

We offer you canal tours to the historic Speicherstadt and harbour cruises to the large container ports all year round.

2 Hours Grand Harbour Cruise XXL

2 hours of information and sightseeing about our fascinating Port of Hamburg with first-hand explanations.

1 Hour Evening Light Cruise

Beautiful evening cruise to the historic and illuminated Speicherstadt and through the sea of lights of the Port of Hamburg.

2 Hours Harbour Cruise to Blankenese

2-hour round cruise on our modern passenger ships. Along the picturesque banks of the Elbe, past Blankenese and the Airbus plant.

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Plan your event individually with us. We will make your dream come true on the Elbe.

From our elegant passenger ships to our maritime launches, we make every event an unique experience.

Upcoming events

Harbour cruises | light cruises | charter ships.

The Rainer Abicht Elbreederei is your competent partner in the Port of Hamburg. With 31 vessels, Rainer Abicht Elbreederei has the largest and most versatile fleet in the Port of Hamburg.

Our popular one-hour harbour cruises, the extended two-hour XXL cruises and dreamlike light cruises take place 365 days a year.

The impressive scenery of the container ports with their large and small pots, the world-famous St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, the historic Speicherstadt (UNESCO World Heritage Site), our Hamburg landmarks – the Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall in HafenCity or St. Michael’s Church (Michel) – are among the TOP Hamburg sights that are most beautiful from the water on board our ships.

Captains of our fleet steer the vessels safely through the Port of Hamburg and the canals of the Hanseatic city – or even to your desired destinations. They have interesting facts and all kinds of anecdotes in tow, or as we say in Hamburg: “Döntjes”.

Whether there is sunshine or rain and blowing wind … A harbour tour with the Rainer Abicht Elbreederei is a go-to idea at any time!

On board of our stern wheeler LOUISIANA STAR, our elegant passenger ships and traditional as well as modern luxury launches, all events can be realised exclusively.

Our beloved public experience and event cruises at Easter and the traditional Hamburg Harbour Birthday, Hamburg Cruise Days, Blue Port as well as New Year’s Eve offer you the perfect box seat on the Elbe. Down the Elbe we take you to the Glückstädter Matjeswochen (soused herring festival) or to the world’s largest sailing event, the annual Kiel Week.

Whether it’s a harbour trip, an excursion, a launch cruise, a family celebration, a wedding, a bachelor party or an exclusive company event – whoever boards with us will immediately feel the much-sung happiness of Hans Albers’ great freedom around the Port of Hamburg and the historic Speicherstadt (UNESCO World Heritage Site).

Not only do we feel at home in Hamburg, we also take you safely to your desired destination: e.g. to Glückstadt or to Kiel Week.

With Abicht you are in with the action, not out on the sidelines!

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Standard translator tools? You don´t need it anymore! Instead you will find 6 languages in our new RainerAbicht App. Our app also offers you comprehensive informations about our harbor tours, your personal favorite ship and current events.

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Hamburg Yacht Festival : Finally a boat show in Hamburg again

Michael Rinck

 ·  04.09.2023

Hamburg Yacht Festival: Finally a boat show in Hamburg again

The Hamburg Yacht Festival runs from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 September 2023 in Wedel. The boats on display are moored at jetty A. Motorboats predominate, but five sailing boats will also be presented to the public. These include the Dehler 38 SQ and the Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 349 yachts from a very exciting size segment for cruising sailors.

  • Dehler 38 SQ: Dehler's modified performance cruiser on test

The variety of equipment suppliers is much greater. Visitors can browse for equipment at stands around Hall 2 from Secumar, Bukh Bremen, Toplicht, Lindemann, Mörer, Gründl, Elvström and many more. A good time to work through the list of things that need to be replaced or added to on board towards the end of the season

What is where at the Hamburg Yacht Festival

In addition to boats and equipment, there will also be a stage programme with presentations on the topic of safety on the water and trial sailing for children and adults offered by the DSV. The programme also includes a panel discussion with representatives from politics and tourism on the topic of water sports on the Elbe. There will also be a maritime flea market in Hall 4 on Saturday.

There are also big parties on Friday and Saturday from 10 pm. Some of these parties cost admission, but admission to the fair is free for all visitors. Venue: Hamburg marina, Deichstraße 19 in Wedel.


Boat Rental in Hamburg

Map for hamburg.

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If you have questions about any boat types or yacht charter destinations don´t hesitate to click on the button below. Fill out the search form and our experts will get back to you immediately. We will prepare you the most competitive quote.

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THALMANN Bootshandel, Bootsservice und Bootsvermietung

  • Wir über uns

THALMANN Boote und Yachten

  • Bootshandel
  • Gebrauchtboote
  • Bootsservice
  • Bootsvermietung
  • Skipper-Training
  • Tidenkalender
  • Datenschutzhinweise

Necko Motorboote

Gebrauchtboote und gebrauchte Yachten

Wir sind die Spezialisten für gebrauchte Motorboote und Motoryachten in Hamburg an der Elbe! Neben dem Handel übernehmen wir auch zahlreiche Serviceleistungen wie z.B. die Überholung sowie die Taxierung gebrauchter Boote und Yachten oder den Transport bzw. die Überführung zu Ihrem Wunschrevier. 

Ansehen und ausprobieren in Hamburg an der Elbe

Viele unserer Angebote können in unserer Marina Moorfleet vor Ort besichtigt und während der Saison auch ausprobiert werden. 

Aktuelle Angebote:

Hafenrundfahrt Hamburg

Cruises & Boat Tours

Authentic - honest - typically hamburg.

Captain with tradition

Cancellation policy

Cancel up to 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund

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Grand Harbor Tour - Hamburg Ahoi!

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Live tour guide

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XXL Harbor Boat Tours - Experience the Elbe in 2 hours

  • Duration: 2 hours

Lichterfahrt Hamburg

Grand Light Harbor Boat Tour

  • Duration: 1,5 hours

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Grand Harbor Boat Tour - With the Passenger Ship!

  • Duration: 1 Stunde

Ship charter/rental

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For your group

The perfect experience for groups in Hamburg

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For your wedding

The best experience for you and your guests

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For your business event

Charter a ship for your corporate event

Barkasse -20

Prüsse Barges

The barges offers space for up to 100 people…


Mississippi Queen Paddle Steamer

HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL : The big festival for boating is open

Gernot Apfelstedt

 ·  08.09.2023

"Angetuuutet": Official opening of the Hamburg Yacht Festival on Friday, 8 September 2023, 10 a.m., by Magdalena Finke, State Secretary in the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of the Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sport (centre). To her right is festival director Heiko Zimmermann, founder and managing partner of the event agency Yachtfestival365 GmbH

"Boating! Live!" is the motto of the premiere of the Hamburg Yacht Festival - the new In-Water Boat Show, which finally closes the gap in the range of events for water sports enthusiasts on the Elbe and North Sea that was left after the last hanseboot (2017) and the early cancellation of the successor trade fair organised by the German Boat and Shipbuilders' Association Hamburg Boat Show after only two issues.

Top location for an in-water boat show on the Elbe: the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Hamburg marina</a> in Wedel

The motto of the event could not be more fitting. Because the first Hamburg Yacht Festival in Germany's largest marina is much more than just a floating boat show. It is a meeting place for boaters on the Elbe, North Sea and beyond who want to talk shop and exchange ideas with their peers, seek advice, be inspired, further their education or simply enjoy the atmosphere of the Hamburg marina in Wedel.

Multi-event on the Elbe

Thanks to numerous parallel events the programme of the Hamburg Yacht Festival gains in diversity: On the area of the Hamburg Marina Community e.V. this weekend, the traditional Wedel Marina festival with its popular maritime flea market (Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Hall 4), the extremely informative and instructive "Safety Days" of the Clubs of the cruiser division (CKA), the "Days of sailing" of the German Sailing Association (DSV), garnished with a "Food Court" (food and drink), Fun & games programme for kids and Harbour parties in the evening. On Friday, from 10 p.m. (with admission), young people will also be able to enjoy the "Bronx retirement party" . On Saturday evening from 8 pm the "JustForFun hit band" and special guest "Sailor Schönfeld and the life jackets" on the stage in Hall 2 (admission free of charge).

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Important meeting point and marketplace for boaters in Hamburg

"With the Hamburg Yacht Festival, we are organising a major festival for boating on the Elbe for the first time. Following the cancellation of hanseboot, we want to re-establish an important meeting point and marketplace for boaters in Hamburg, on the Elbe and the North Sea in the coming years with the new event at the Hamburg Yacht Harbour in Wedel," says Heiko Zimmermann, with his Yachtfestival365 GmbH organiser and "architect" of the event. "In addition to this year's small but excellent In-Water Boat Show with well-known boat brands, around 50 well-known equipment and accessory suppliers will be presenting their products and services in Hall 2."

Where can I find what at the Hamburg Yacht Festival in the Hamburg marina in Wedel? The site plan with legend shows an overview of all exhibition areas | Infographic: Yachtfestival365 GmbH

The "still small but fine In-Water Boat Show" will be showing boat brands such as Jeanneau, Dehler, Tide, Elling, Drago, Delphia, Karnic, Zar, Sterk, Grand, Candela, Quicksilver and Tidemann on two exhibition piers (A and B, see site plan above). With the Drago 750 is even a Motorboat world premiere on the water at the start. The complete boat list (22 motor and inflatable boats, five sailing boats) is available on the Festival website viewable.

To optimise the Hall 2 become Service providers and equipment and accessory suppliers such as Secumar, Kadematic, Lindemann, Mörer, Solara, Bukh Bremen, Toplicht, Lütje Bootsbau, Elvström or Pantaenius, Hamburger Yacht-Versicherung Schomacker, Firmenich, Wehring & Wolfes and others will be presenting their products and services. You can find the complete list of exhibitors here Link .

Two stages, one water event area

A large supporting programme with two stages and activities on the water rounds off the day's activities from 8 to 10 September. Taster sailing for children and adults, for example, is offered by the DSV. The Trend sport e-surfing can be marvelled at (show rides) and tried out (test rides) on the water event area. Exhibitor Mo-Jet makes it possible. The indoor and outdoor stages are platforms for passing on expertise and teaching seamanship, and experts will be on hand to answer questions. This is how the Club of the cruiser department with the "Safety Days" The topic of "Safety on the water" is written on the stander. Exciting and useful presentations are aimed equally at motorboat drivers and sailors, beginners and experienced leisure captains. Everyone can put together their own individual programme of lectures and activities from the overall programme.

Special service from Yachtfestival365

Anyone wishing to visualise where the individual boats and the exhibitors' stands or pagodas are located, or where the lectures, demonstrations and hands-on activities are taking place, can do so on the Yacht Festival website via the buttons All exhibitors , All boats and Programme do. Clicking on the button not only opens the corresponding lists with all exhibitors, boats and programme items. If you move the mouse pointer over a listed boat, exhibitor or programme item, you will discover its jetty or location on the adjacent map in the form of a digital pointer moving up and down (see screenshot below). Simply try it out - with your notebook, PC or Mac!

The screenshot above is from the programme section of the Yacht Festival website: If you move the mouse pointer over the programme item "Big harbour party with JFF hit band", for example, you will see a bouncing marker on the adjacent map. No matter which boat, which exhibitor, which programme item - the moving digital pointer always reveals the respective location. A function that is not available on any other German boat show website - only at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>

Hamburg Yacht Festival 2023 compact

  • Location: Hamburg marina, Deichstraße 19, 22880 Wedel.
  • Opening hours: 8 to 10 September 2023, daily 10 am to 6 pm.
  • Journey: Information on travelling by Car and with the Railway is available in the "For visitors" the Yacht Festival website.
  • Bus shuttle: The departure times of the shuttle are linked to the arrival of the S-Bahn line 1 at Wedel railway station. The shuttle departs every 40 minutes directly from the bus station opposite from Friday to Sunday between 10 am and 6.30 pm. Stops & boarding options: Bus station Wedel (opposite the S-Bahn) - car park Festplatz - car park U-Bootsteich - Hamburger Yachthafen in Wedel and back again. A single journey costs 2 euros, return journey 4 euros. Children up to the age of 14 travel free of charge when accompanied by an adult.
  • Those with their own boat would like to travel to the Hamburg Yacht Festival, please contact the Harbour keeper for the berth. For the west facility this is Sven Nagel, 0171 - 276 63 00, for the centre/crane and slipway area Kay Sörensen, 0173 - 458 83 53, for the east facility Marco Hagen, 0172 - 642 32 27.
  • Admission: To the Hamburg Yacht Festival free of charge including the marina party on Saturday. Only the benefit concert in the marina "Wedel sings!" on Friday, 8 September, 7 to 9 pm, and the cult-legendary Bronx pensioners' party on Friday, 8 September, from 10 pm, cost admission.
  • All boats, on individual request separately for motor and sailing yachts, are here listed.
  • The complete list of exhibitors you can see via this Link .
  • The multifaceted supporting programme unfolds under the following Link .
  • Further information on the website of the Hamburg Yacht Festival

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Gründl Bootsimport

Unsere verfügbaren Motorboote

Jeanneau, Prestige, Delphia, Wellcraft, Karnic, Rand und weitere Marken an Gebrauchtbooten finden Sie hier. Wir können sofort liefern!

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Unsere verfügbaren Segelboote

Sie suchen ein Segelboot um Horizonte zu entdecken? Viele Angebote von Jeanneau und anderen Marken finden Sie hier. Wir können sofort liefern!

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Unsere verfügbaren Schlauchboote

Wir bieten Ihnen viele Gebraucht- und Neuschlauchboote von Zodiac und Bombard an. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst. Wir können sofort liefern!

Neuigkeiten aus der Welt des Wassersports

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Yachten, motor-, segel- & schlauchboote, unsere neuen angebote.

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Boot des Monats

Cap Camarat 6.5 WA

Karnic CS700 S

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Merry Fisher 795 Serie 2

Eine Klasse für sich.

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Preisreduzierung - So macht Cruisen Spass.

Sie möchten ein Boot finanzieren?

Planen Sie Ihr Leben neu und frei von Sparzwängen mit unseren Finanzierungspartner.

Sie möchten ein Boot verkaufen?

Wir nehmen Ihr Boot in Kommission und bewerten ihr Schiff fachgerecht.

Sie möchten uns besuchen?

Bootsbesichtigungen und 700m² Ladengeschäft für Zubehör erwarten Sie.

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Finanzieren Sie Ihre Träume

Warum warten.

Sie träumen schon lange von einem Boot? Warum warten? Mit uns als Partner suchen Sie sich genau das Schiff aus, dass Ihre Wünsche und Erwartungen erfüllt.

Planen Sie Ihr Leben neu und frei von jahrelangen Sparzwängen. Genießen Sie Ihr Leben auf Ihrem neuen Boot im Hier und Jetzt.

Unser Service

Das rundum paket.

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Shopping rund um die Uhr

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Wartung & Reparatur

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2023 feiern wir

65 jahre wassersport.

Seit 65 Jahren sind wir Ihr Händler für Motoryachten, Segelyachten, Motorboote, Segelboote, Sport- und Angelboote sowie Schlauchboote. Unser Angebot umfasst Neu-, Ausstellungs- und Gebrauchtboote. Zusätzlich zu den Booten bieten wir Ihnen eine breite Palette an Boots- und Wassersportzubehör in unserem Ladengeschäft und über unseren Zubehör-Onlineshop. In der Kombination Boots- und Zubehörverkauf sind wir in Deutschland einzigartig und bieten Wassersportfans alles aus einer Hand.


Liebe zum boot.

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Wir reparieren und bauen moderne Composite Yachten, Jollen und kommerzielle Boote

Mit der Erfahrung aus über 20 Jahren Arbeit in der Bootsbaubranche freuen wir uns darauf, unser Know-how zu teilen, um Ihre individuellen Projekte und Träume zu verwirklichen.

Wir sind ein Team von Bootsbauern, Designern und Projektmanagern. Nachhaltigkeit ist ein wesentlicher Faktor unserer Arbeit. Die digitale Planung und Arbeitsvorbereitung bieten uns immer wieder innovative Lösungen. Traditionelles Handwerk gepaart mit individuellem Können ist die Basis unserer hochwertigen Produkte.

Ökologische und nachhaltige Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen

Holz spielt bei uns zum Beispiel eine große Rolle. Nachhaltigkeit ist für uns und unsere Lieferanten ein wesentlicher Faktor, insbesondere wenn es um die Holzlieferkette geht. Wir verwenden diese Ressource sorgfältig und mit Leidenschaft.

Holz wird von uns auf moderne und traditionelle Weise im Bootsbau verwendet. Bei einer klassischen Reparatur, der Verwendung von Holzoberflächen oder Yachtinterieurs verwenden wir Holz in Kombination mit anderen Materialien.

Wie können wir helfen?

Ob eine Reparatur ein Umbau bis hin zu einem Neubau Ihrer Yacht sind wir für Sie da.

Yachtbau und Reparatur

Design und herstellung von verbundwerkstoffen, beratung und gutachten, wir bieten beratungsdienste für ein stressfreies projekt, projektmanagement.

Ergebnisorientiertes Projekt Verwaltung. Umfragen & Gutachten für Neubau, Reparatur und Umbau.

Feste Fristen

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Bootsbau bieten wir unser Know-how, um Ihre Projekte termingerecht zu realisieren.


Vorausschauende Planung mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in einer Vielzahl von Projekten hilft, mit Budget und Finanzen zielsicher zu sein.

Unsere neuesten Projekte

Tuckerboot entwicklung & produktion, forschungsschiff 'eugene seibold'.

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Hamburger Tuckerboot

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Take to the water and discover a new side of Hamburg. Paddle through romantic canals or sail the beautiful Alster lake.​​​​​​​

boot yacht hamburg

Discover Hamburg by boat and you'll get a whole new perspective on this water-rich city. With the mighty Elbe river at its doorstep, the Alster lakes in its midst and beautiful canals traversing its districts, Hamburg truly is a city for water-lovers.

The easiest way to get in on the action is by taking a ferry at Landungsbrücken piers. These ferries are part of Hamburg's public transportation system, which means your HVV ticket is valid on the water, too! The most popular ferry line is No. 62 towards Finkenwerder island: the 30-minute trip takes you along the most important waterfront sights. Disembark at Övelgönne to explore the Elbstrand beach or stay put to enjoy the full cruise.

Canoes, SUP and Pedal Boats

When the weather allows for it, renting paddling gear from an operator along the Outer Alster Lake (see map) is probably one of the most rewarding outdoor activities you can have in Hamburg. Whether you're manning a canoe with a group of friends, testing your balancing skills on an SUP-board or splashing away in a pedal boat: Hamburg's tree-lined canals are bound to inspire. Bring some snacks and you'll be having a picnic on the Alster lake in no time. Mind though!

Harbour Boat Trip

A harbour boat trip on a traditional Barkasse (former dockworkers ferry) is another classic Hamburg water experience. Guided tours are operated from the piers at Landungsbrücken and take you to the industrial docks, the historic Speicherstadt warehouses, and modern architecture highlights such as Hafencity Hamburg and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg concert hall.

Alster Boat Trip

To explore the lush, canal-side backyards of Hamburg's rich and famous, take an Alster-boat from Jungfernstieg wharf. The canals off the Outer Alster Lake offer access to tremendous real estate and might disclose some gardening mishaps. Choose from various themed routes, e.g. the Fleetfahrt (canal tour) which takes you under the numerous bridges between harbour and Alster. Unfortunately, the white boats of the Alster fleet do not operate in Winter.

As the Alster is not officially considered a waterway you can hire a dinghy and go sailing without having to obtain a license. However, a sailing class might be the safer option. Several clubs along the shore offer classes for all ages.

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In-water boat show, hamburg yacht festival  , 6 - 8 september 2024, 10 - 18 uhr.

" Boating! Live!" is the motto of the Hamburg In-Water Boat Show, which celebrated its premiere in 2023. The HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL at the Hamburg Marina , Germany's largest recreational boat harbor in Wedel on the Elbe, is a new fixed date for all boat enthusiasts from Hamburg, the Elbe and the North Sea. Take advantage of this new opportunity and present your company and products on the Elbe. Come on board!

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Ideal location directly in the boating region of Hamburg, Elbe and North Sea.

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Very affluent audience from Hamburg and surrounding area.

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Germany's largest marina with 2,000 berths and good infrastructure.

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Duration 3 days. Yachts can arrive at the event on their own keel.

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Harbour festival of the 51 clubs, Day of Sailing of the DSV and the Safety Days of the CKA attract many interested people.


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Moorings water - monohull.

Berth up to 7,5m ............... € 580,-

Berth 7,51-10m ............. € 690,-

Berth 10,01-12m .......... € 850,-

Berth 12,01-15m .......... € 1.060,-

Berth 15,01-20m ......... € 1.390,-

Berth >20m .................... € 1.950,-

Moorings Water - Multihull

Berth up to 7,5m ............... € 920,-

Berth 7,51-10m ............. € 1.040,-

Berth 10,01-12m .......... € 1.270,-

Berth 12,01-15m .......... € 1.580,-

Berth 15,01-20m ......... € 2.090,-

Berth >20m .................... € 2.830,-

Pagoda 4x4m ............................ € 1.510,-

Pagoda 5x5m ............................ € 1.930,-


Trailer up to 5,50m ...................... € 610,-

Trailer 5,51m-7,50m ............... € 770,-

Trailer 7,51m-10m ................... € 940,-

Areas on land

Area on land, sqm ............. € 56,-

Service packages (mandatory)

Main exhibitor .......................... € 399,-

Co-exhibitor ............................... € 399,-

* Measurement of the boat lengths: Relevant for the price calculation is the boat length ü.A. incl. all attachments.

Aufgepasst! Alle Aussteller des ancora YACHTFESTIVAL 2024 erhalten  5% Rabatt auf die Anmeldung beim HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL.


The yacht festival in the media.

boot yacht hamburg


Gernot apfelstedt i issue 11/2023.

Successful premiere 

The Hamburg Yacht Festival in Wedel combined exhibition, in-water boat show, lectures, demonstrations, hands-on activities, flea market and harbor parties

boot yacht hamburg


Gernot Apfelstedt I September 08, 2023

Successful launch: In Hamburg's marina in Wedel, a new In-Water Boat Show was heralded - or more precisely "toothed" - at 10 a.m. on Friday. A new meeting place for the boating scene on the Elbe and North Sea with numerous parallel events and a multi-faceted supporting program. The Hamburg Yacht Festival runs until Sunday evening. A trip there is worthwhile - for the boating community and everyone who wants to experience its flair live.

boot yacht hamburg


Michael Rinck I 04 September 2023

With the Hamburg Yacht Festival, a new in-water boat show starts on Friday in the Hamburg marina in Wedel. In addition to popular cruising yachts, numerous outfitters will be on site, and there will also be a flea market.

boot yacht hamburg

In-Water Boat Show on the Elbe River

Issue 19-2023 | September 06, 2023

After the demise of Hanseboot five years ago, Hamburg once again has its own trade show, the Hamburg Yacht Festival. The In-Water Boatshow will take place from September 8 to 10 in the marina in Wedel.

Further articles on the HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL and the final press release can be found here .


Beat the advertising drum, invite your customers and draw attention to your participation in the HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL: In our media download you will find photos, banners and advertising material that you can use free of charge on all your social media channels , in mailings and on your website .


German boat and shipbuilders' association (dbsv).

boot yacht hamburg

IFBSO was founded in 1964 and brings together 25 of the world's leading boat shows and marine exhibitions. IFBSO members own or operate events in 17 countries on four continents. Our mission is to help them host cost-effective, high-quality exhibitions for the recreational marine industry around the world by setting standards and providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and the development of cooperation among members.

boot yacht hamburg

As Germany's largest in-water marketplace for the boating industry, we are pleased to be a member of the German Boat and Shipbuilders' Association, as are many of our exhibitors. Over 70 years, this industry association has developed from an association of craft shipyards in the yacht and shipbuilding industry into a modern industry representation that encompasses almost all areas of the maritime industry and represents their interests. The association is primarily active where joint action is more effective than individual action.

Exhibition grounds

Site plan 2023.

boot yacht hamburg

Event region

For questions & more information, heiko zimmermann, managing director.

T +49 40 524750100

M +49 151 12004198

[email protected]

Nele Andersch

Director - the reference point official representatives north-west europe (uk/irl/b/f/gl/nl).

T +44 1243 884389

M +44 7815 072032

[email protected]

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Questions for Investigators Trying to Unravel Mystery of Luxury Yacht’s Sinking

The investigators searching for answers about the shipwreck, leaving seven dead, face questions about extreme weather and possible human error or problems with the yacht itself.

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Two small boats with outboard motors make their way across the water.

By Alan Yuhas

More than 180 feet long, with a mast towering about 240 feet and a keel that could be lowered for greater stability, the Bayesian luxury yacht did not, in the eyes of its maker, have the vulnerabilities of a ship that would easily sink.

“It drives me insane,” Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought the company that made the ship, said after its wreck last week. “Following all the proper procedures, that boat is unsinkable.”

But the $40 million sailing yacht sank within minutes and with fatal results: seven dead, including the British technology billionaire Michael Lynch, his teenage daughter, four of Mr. Lynch’s friends and a member of the crew. Fifteen people, including the captain, escaped on a lifeboat.

Mr. Lynch had invited family, friends and part of his legal team on a cruise in the Mediterranean to celebrate his acquittal in June of fraud charges tied to the sale of his company to the tech giant Hewlett-Packard.

The Italian authorities have opened a manslaughter investigation, searching for answers from the survivors, the manufacturer and the wreck itself. They face a range of questions and possible factors.

An ‘earthquake’ in the sky?

When the Bayesian sank around 4 a.m. on Aug. 19, the waters in its area, about half a mile off the Sicilian port of Porticello, were transformed by an extremely sudden and violent storm, according to fishermen, a captain in the area and meteorologists.

But what kind of storm is still a mystery, compounded by the fact that a sailing schooner anchored nearby did not have its own disaster. Also unclear is whether the crew was aware that the Italian authorities had issued general warnings about bad weather the night before.

Karsten Börner, the captain of the nearby passenger ship, said he’d had to steady his ship during “really violent” winds . During the storm, he said, the Bayesian seemed to disappear behind his ship.

Severe lightning and strong gusts were registered by the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, according to Attilio Di Diodato, its director. “It was very intense and brief in duration,” he said.

The yacht, he said, had most likely been hit by a fierce downburst — a blast of powerful wind surging down during a thunderstorm. His agency put out rough-sea warnings the previous evening, alerting sailors about possible storms.

Locals have said the winds “felt like an earthquake.” A fisherman in Porticello said that he had seen a flare go off in the early-morning hours. His brother ventured to the site once the weather had calmed about 20 minutes later, he said, finding only floating cushions.

The Italian authorities have so far declined to say whether investigators had seen any structural damage to the hull or other parts of the ship.

Open hatches or doors?

The boat executive, Mr. Costantino, has argued that the Bayesian was an extremely safe vessel that could list even to 75 degrees without capsizing. His company, the Italian Sea Group, in 2022 bought the yacht’s manufacturer, Perini Navi, which launched the ship in 2008.

Mr. Costantino said that if some of the hatches on the side and in the stern, or some of the deck doors, had been open, the boat could have taken on water and sunk. Standard procedure in such storms, he said, would be to switch on the engine, lift the anchor and turn the boat into the wind, lowering the keel for extra stability, closing doors and gathering the guests in the main hall inside the deck.

At a news conference on Saturday, almost a week after the sinking, investigators said the yacht had sunk at an angle , with its stern — where the heavy engine was — having gone down first. The wreck was found lying on its right side at the bottom of a bay, about 165 feet deep.

boot yacht hamburg

12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

boot yacht hamburg

Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

Water pouring into open hatches or doors could have contributed to the sinking, experts say, but that on its own may not account for the speed at which such a large boat vanished underwater.

Asked about the hatches at the news conference, the authorities declined to comment on whether they had been found open at the wreck.

The authorities have also not specified whether the boat had been anchored, whether it was under power at the time or whether its sails had been unfurled.

A retracted keel?

The Bayesian had a keel — the fin-like structure beneath a boat that can help stabilize it — that could be retracted or extended, according to its manufacturer. On some yachts, keels can be raised to let the large vessel dock in shallower water, and extended downward to help keep a boat level.

But like the hatches, the status of the keel alone may not explain why a large ship sank with such precipitous speed. Investigators have not disclosed what divers may have seen at the wreck, aside from saying divers had faced obstacles like furnishings and electrical wiring in tight quarters. Officials want to raise the wreck to better examine it, a process that may take weeks.

Human error?

Ambrogio Cartosio, the prosecutor in charge of the case, said at the news conference that it was “plausible” crimes had been committed, but that investigators had not zeroed in on any potential suspects.

“There could be responsibilities of the captain only,” he said. “There could be responsibilities of the whole crew. There could be responsibilities of the boat makers. Or there could be responsibilities of those who were in charge of surveilling the boat.”

It remains unclear what kind of emergency training or preparation took place before the disaster, or what kind of coordination there was during it. So far, none of the surviving crew members have made a public statement about what happened the night the ship sank.

Prosecutors said they want to ask more questions of the captain and crew, who have been in a Sicilian hotel with other survivors. They said that neither alcohol nor drug tests had been performed on crew members, and that they have been allowed to leave Italy.

Prosecutors also said they were also investigating why the captain, an experienced sailor, left the sinking boat while some passengers were still on board.

Besides possible manslaughter charges, the authorities are investigating the possibility of a negligently caused shipwreck.

The bodies of five passengers were found in one cabin, on the left side of the yacht, the authorities said. The five were most likely trying to flee to the higher side of the boat and were probably sleeping when the boat started to sink, they said.


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  5. Boot mieten & Yacht chartern in Hansestadt Hamburg, Deutschland

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  6. Hamburg Yachtfestival

    Willkommen zum HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL, der neuen In-Water Bootsmesse in Hamburg! Unter dem Motto " BOATING! LIVE! " laden wir euch herzlich zu einem großen Fest für den Bootsport ein. Der Hamburger Yachthafen in Wedel an der Elbe, Deutschlands größter Sportboothafen, wird für Bootsport-Liebhaber aus Hamburg, von der Elbe und von Nord ...

  7. Abicht

    Harbour boat tour, pleasure cruise, family celebration or corporate event in Hamburg

  8. Hamburg Yacht Festival : Finally a boat show in Hamburg again

    The Hamburg Yacht Festival, a new in-water boat show, starts on Friday in Hamburg's marina in Wedel. In addition to popular cruising yachts, numerous outfitters will be on site and there will also be a flea market.

  9. Rent a boat in Hamburg

    Start your yacht rental cruise from Hamburg in Germany. Boat charters from Hamburg were rated 'GOOD' or 'VERY GOOD' (4.62/5).

  10. THE 10 BEST Hamburg Boat Rides & Cruises

    Set sail on your destination's top-rated boat tours and cruises. Whether it's an entertaining and informative boat tour or a relaxing sunset dinner cruise, these are the best Hamburg cruises around. Looking for something more adventurous? Check out our list of must-do water activities in Hamburg. See reviews and photos of boat tours & water sports in Hamburg on Tripadvisor.

  11. Thalmann

    Gebrauchtboote und gebrauchte Yachten Wir sind die Spezialisten für gebrauchte Motorboote und Motoryachten in Hamburg an der Elbe! Neben dem Handel übernehmen wir auch zahlreiche Serviceleistungen wie z.B. die Überholung sowie die Taxierung gebrauchter Boote und Yachten oder den Transport bzw. die Überführung zu Ihrem Wunschrevier.

  12. Harbour Tour Hamburg

    Discover Hamburg Cruises & Boat Tours Since 1973 „Kapitän Prüsse"! Book now Authentic - honest - typically Hamburg Captain with tradition Cancellation policy Cancel up to 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund Our tours Welcome to Captain Prüsse! We show you the sights of Hamburg's port up close and explain the highly […]

  13. HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL: The big festival for boating is open

    Top location for an in-water boat show on the Elbe: the Hamburg marina in Wedel. The first Hamburg Yacht Festival will take place here from 8 to 10 September 2023.

  14. Thalmann Boote & Yachten GmbH

    Thalmann Boote & Yachten GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. 551 likes · 67 were here. THALMANN BOOTE & YACHTEN GMBH - 100% Boote in Hamburg an der Elbe.

  15. The BEST Hamburg Cruises & boat tours 2024

    Book the most popular Cruises & boat tours in Hamburg. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers.

  16. Boat Rentals On the Alster Lake

    Boat Rentals East of the Outer Alster Lake and in the Alster Canals Bootsvermietung Dornheim Bootsvermietung Dornheim is one of the largest boat rentals in Hamburg with over 180 vessels. Whether alone in a kayak, in a water bus for 18 people or in a real Venetian gondola - the fleet includes a wide variety of boats.

  17. GRÜNDL Bootsimport

    Gründl Bootsimport ist Ihr Händler für Neu- und Gebrauchtboote und Bootszubehör im Norden. Hier finden Sie die Welt des Wassersports.

  18. In-Water Bootsmessen in HAMBURG und Neustadt/Holstein

    Die neue In-Water Boat Show im Hamburger Yachthafen, Deutschlands größtem Sportboothafen, in Wedel bei Hamburg. BOATING! LIVE! 6. bis 8. SEPTEMBER 2024. Willkommen zu unseren YACHTFESTIVALs! Erleben Sie auf dem ancora YACHTFESTIVAL und dem HAMBURG YACHTFESTIVAL die Welt der Yachten und Boote!

  19. Home

    We repair, build & customise modern composite yachts, dinghies, & commercial boats With the experience of working over 20 Years in the boat building industry, we are looking forward to sharing our expertise to realize your individual projects and dreams.

  20. Yachtwerft Hamburg

    Wir reparieren und bauen moderne Composite Yachten, Jollen und kommerzielle Boote Mit der Erfahrung aus über 20 Jahren Arbeit in der Bootsbaubranche freuen wir uns darauf, unser Know-how zu teilen, um Ihre individuellen Projekte und Träume zu verwirklichen.

  21. Hamburg by Boat

    Discover Hamburg by boat and you'll get a whole new perspective on this water-rich city. With the mighty Elbe river at its doorstep, the Alster lakes in its midst and beautiful canals traversing its districts, Hamburg truly is a city for water-lovers.

  22. Three crew investigated over Bayesian yacht sinking

    The boat went down within minutes during a pre-dawn storm while the yacht was anchored off the northern coast of Sicily. On Monday, the yacht's 51-year-old captain, New Zealand national James ...

  23. Bayesian yacht sinking: What factors might have caused boat to sink

    According to vessel tracking app Vesselfinder, the boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on 14 August and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of "at anchor".

  24. Bayesian yacht: What we know about the luxury boat sank by a ...

    Built in 2008, the 56-meter (184-foot) yacht was manufactured by Italian company Perini Navi, Reuters reported. According to the Associated Press, the boat has been available for charter for ...

  25. Sicily yacht survivor: 'For two seconds I lost my baby in the sea'

    Charlotte Golunski used all her strength to hold her baby above the surface of the water after the Bayesian yacht sank.

  26. NZ replacing part of yacht's hull after it was dropped by crane on

    The mishap happened late on Thursday when the 75-foot yacht named "Taihoro" was being removed from the water after racing. Team leader Grant Dalton said the multimillion-dollar boat fell some six meters (20 feet) onto the support cradle at their team base inside Barcelona's old port. Dalton said the impact sounded "like a bomb went off."


    With the Hamburg Yacht Festival, a new in-water boat show starts on Friday in the Hamburg marina in Wedel. In addition to popular cruising yachts, numerous outfitters will be on site, and there will also be a flea market.

  28. Authorities Open Manslaughter Investigation in Italy Yacht Sinking

    The sleek, $40 million sailing boat went down fast in a storm off Sicily's coast on Monday morning, killing Michael Lynch, a British tech billionaire; his teenage daughter, Hannah; four of his ...

  29. Questions for Investigators as Italy Tries to Unravel the Yacht's

    But the $40 million sailing yacht sank within minutes and with fatal results: seven dead, including the British technology billionaire Michael Lynch, his teenage daughter, four of Mr. Lynch's ...

  30. Sicily Bayesian yacht sinking

    One man has died and six people are missing after a luxury yacht sank in freak weather conditions off the coast of Sicily. The 56m British-flagged Bayesian was carrying 22 people - 12 passengers ...