Plan your next club event using one of these creative ideas!

20 Club Event Ideas To DELIGHT Your Members! (+ Planning in 8 Steps)

Want your members to fall back in love with your club? Then it’s time to start brainstorming the best club event ideas for your organization! There are TONS of options out there, so we’ve made things simple for you.

Here’s a list of our 20 favorite club event ideas, broken down by:

  • Cost to run
  • Complexity to plan
  • Expected return on investment

If you’ve never run an event before, we’ve also broken-down club event planning in 8 simple steps. Read on, and you’ll have your next event worked out in no time!

What Events Should Your Club Host?

Scratching your head about how to brainstorm club event ideas? Here are 4 easy ways to get the gears turning.

Track What’s Been Successful

If you’ve hosted an event for your club in the past, review how it went! Take a look at:

  • The numbers. How many attendees showed up? How many new members joined? How’d the money shake out?
  • The response. Are people still talking about your event? What did your post-event feedback surveys say?

Your best data comes from reviewing your previous wins!

Brainstorm With a Team

When it comes to brainstorming ideas for club events, the more perspectives the merrier! Everyone has different backgrounds, interests and experiences. Create an opportunity for people to share their ideas, and chances are you’ll discover all sorts of new possibilities.

Keep An Eye on Other Clubs

How are similar organizations running their club events? If you’re seeing pictures of an event sweeping social media, your competitors might be onto something.

Drawing inspiration isn’t “stealing an idea”—but do be sure you brand and advertise your event so it’s extra relevant to YOUR club.

Survey Your Club Members

It sounds simple, but seriously: just ask people what they want. After all, the event is designed for their enjoyment! Sending out a member satisfaction survey shows people that you care about what they think and following through builds trust and community.

Click through to claim your 60-day trial of WildApricot to create effective QR codes that will speed up event check-in.

8 Steps to Planning a Great Event for Club Members

Turning your social club event ideas into reality doesn’t have to be difficult! Here’s how to get started in 8 simple steps.

1. Build your team

The first step in any project is to gather the dream team! Bring together a healthy combination of “ideas guys” and more logistics-minded planners. Both of these perspectives will help your event be exciting and low stress.

2. Use the right tools

As you plan, determine which tools you need to get started. For example, do you want to invest in a mobile event app ? You’re going to need to think about things like registration, payment processing, communications and more. 

If you’re uncertain about which club event software might be helpful , we’ve got a list just below!

3. Create (and track) a budget

Don’t get so swept up in excitement that you forget to look at the numbers! Creating a budget good and early gives you some helpful constraints to work within. Plus, it hugely reduces the chance of coming out of your event at a loss.

4. Map out your timeline

Identify each of the steps you need to be set up for success. Then, get an idea of how long each of those steps will take. From there you can map out a timeline of tasks and delegate everything out to your team.

Be sure to schedule check-in meetings into that timeline. Tracking your progress is just as important as tracking your spending!

5. Know your audience

Knowing your target audience influences tons of your choices. Connecting with your members through relevant branding, voice, communication channels and more is how you get high event turnout. 

For example, if your club mostly serves seniors, you’re probably not going to reach too many people through Instagram!

6. Set a clear goal

So what’s the point of this event? Are you looking to shine some publicity on your club? Trying to raise funds for your club? Bring in new members?

The first step to achieving your goal is clearly identifying it. As you explore different ideas for club events, you can always stop and ask yourself whether the plan is bringing you closer to your goal.

7. Plan your marketing strategy

If you want members to attend your event, you’re going to have to market it! Whether your club has big money to invest or is trying to get publicity on a budget , there are plenty of ways to get the word out.

Build a set marketing plan , and don’t be afraid to be flexible if you find you aren’t getting the results you hoped for.

8. Show impact

You know what you want your event to do for your organization—now consider what it can do for your community. Give members clear reasons to show up and celebrate what their presence does for the future of your club.

Club Event Planning Checklist

Wish you had all the organization of an event planner? Great news! We have a complete event planning checklist , available in Word, Excel and PDF format.

This checklist includes:

  • The 10 steps for planning an event
  • What to include in a checklist, broken down by timeline
  • How to follow-up when your event is over
  • How to analyze your event success
  • The best event registration software to us

Virtual vs. In Person Club Events

Ah, the big question. When it comes to social club event ideas, do you go virtual or in-person? There are benefits to both!

Virtual events :

  • Reach a broader audience
  • Are more accessible to some disabled attendees
  • Are cheaper to run
  • Require less staffing

In-person events:

  • Build local community
  • Greater media opportunities
  • Easier for sports clubs
  • Increased engagement

For some events, going hybrid is also an option—it just might require some extra creativity. 

20 Unique Club Event Ideas

Now that you know what it takes to run a club event, here are 20 unique event ideas for all sorts of clubs:

Bonding Events for Members

When your members get to know each other, they have an extra reason to show up to your events. If your primary goal is to build connection and community, these five social club event ideas are great options.

Board Game Event

Complexity to Plan: ⭐

Expected Return: $

Running a board game event is as simple as picking a location and bringing in some games. For an in-person event, look around for any board game cafes in your area. The owners will provide the games for you (plus have food available!) so all you’ll have to do is market.

If you want to go virtual, you could always host a Jackbox games event as well!

Trivia Night

Complexity to Plan: ⭐⭐

Trivia nights let you quiz peoples’ knowledge in a fun and competitive setting! You can either make your own trivia around your club’s topic (books, sports facts, university history, etc.), or save time by looking up generic questions.

If you’re holding an in-person event, consider partnering with a local pub. Trivia nights are also super easy for a virtual approach—there are plenty of tools specifically designed for it!

Scavenger Hunt

Complexity to Plan: ⭐⭐⭐

Scavenger events are great for people of all ages! If the weather is right, you can hold one outdoors in an exciting location. And if it’s a little dreary (or you’re going for a virtual approach), people can have an at-home scavenger hunt and present their findings over Zoom.

If you want to really up the bonding experience, going with a “member bingo” style scavenger hunt will help your members get to know one another. For example, people would have to find someone who’s traveled this year, has a birthday this month or anything else you think is cool!

What better way to bond than to sing with a group of people? You can either book a karaoke room or rent a machine to use at your club’s home base. If you want to really celebrate, you can have people vote on their favorite performance and give the winner a prize!

This club event is best held in-person. If you’re hosting a larger party, you can also incorporate karaoke as a secondary activity. 

Whether you set up an outdoor projector in the summertime, huddle around a television or load up Teleparty, a movie is a great way for your members to connect. You can run some fan favorites or choose a movie that’s relevant to your club.

For example, if you’re running a book club, you can look for movie adaptations of your book and discuss them as a group after.

Sports, Wellness & Fitness

You don’t need to be running a sports club to try out some wellness events! Many people are looking for exciting ways to get active for their physical and mental health. They’ll appreciate your club offering the opportunity.

Table Tennis Tournament

You don’t need to be a star athlete to play table tennis, but you’d be surprised what it brings out in people. If you rent a few table tennis tables, find an open space and set up a bracket, you’ve got a tournament on your hands. Breaking this event into teams or splurging on t-shirts can take it to the next level and make some seriously awesome memories.

This event can be as big or small as you’d like and is sure to get people excited!

Yoga & Meditation

In today’s world, people are looking for the opportunity to soothe their bodies and minds. Hiring a yoga or meditation instructor to hold either virtual or in-person sessions is a way to show care for your members . Even if people are too busy to participate in regular club activities, they’re likely to drop in for some time to relax.

This is one of our favorite college club event ideas—everyone needs some support during midterms and finals, after all.

Wellness Retreat

Complexity to Plan: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Expected Return: $$$

If you want to take member wellness to the next level, holding an in-person retreat is super valuable to your members. This one will take some extra funding and planning, but it’s more than appropriate to ask members to pay to join.

Hold your wellness retreat in the warmer months, or near a body of water! Choosing a relaxing, natural location will help your members unwind.

Animal Visits

Expected Return: $$

Being with animals is proven to support mental health . Whether you take your members to a day with some horses or bring in some puppies to play with, you’ll be sure to see smiling faces.

If you want to partner with an animal shelter, consider running an adoption drive! While people enjoy your event and meet animals, they can also meet their new best friend. Opening an adoption event to the public is also a way to attract new members . Win-win!

Fantasy Football

Okay, so this one isn’t actually a sport, but people seriously love their fantasy football leagues! Setting one up is as simple as getting registered . After the real game, your members can come together and discuss how their fantasy team is doing.

If your club has sports aficionados, this isn’t an event to miss! Plus, it can be held either virtually or in-person.

Sharing Interests

Members of your club have at least one shared interest! When you’re brainstorming ideas for club events, work with the information you already have to give people what they’re looking for.

Panel or Fireside Chat

What’s nicer than listening to experts chat about what they know best? Organizing an official panel or casual fireside conversation with a few special guests is a great way to attract your members. This event is unique and relevant to your club’s specialty!

Panels and firesides can also be either virtual or in-person. If you have the right tech, you can also offer a hybrid option for even wider reach.

People love to build new skills, and a workshop lets them do just that! Your workshop can be relevant to your club, or you can switch things up by offering an unexpected skill opportunity. Why shouldn’t your ultimate frisbee club enjoy a pottery event?

Ask your members what skills they have that they’d be comfortable teaching people. This can offer bonding AND learning opportunities!

Depending on the type of workshop, you can either hold this club event virtually or in-person.

Maybe your club is already a book club—in which case, feel free to incorporate any of these other ideas! But even if your club isn’t a reading club, there’s a book for every interest. Buy a set of books for interested members, and set a time for them to get together and discuss what they’ve read.

Remember those firesides we mentioned? Just think of how cool it would be to get the author in for a chat once your members have finished reading!

This is another event that can be virtual or in-person.

Fandom Gathering

If your club members gather around a specific fandom, holding a fan convention is sure to bring in tons of fun (and funds!). Rent a space, invite speakers and set up an artists’ alley. These events vary in size, but keep in mind that there’s some sizeable up front costs.

However, you can save money by holding a virtual option! Breakout rooms and discord servers will let people gather and chat between panels. Plus, you can create a virtual vendors’ hall.

Is tech your club’s specialty? Hosting a hackathon is a way to let your super creative club members create and test out new software—and fast! This can be held virtually or in-person and is especially exciting for young club members who are looking to build up their coding skills.

Like fan conventions, these can have a high upfront cost, especially if you include a cash prize. But if you play your cards right, you can attract a bunch of media attention and create something unforgettable!

Fancy & Formal

Looking for more formal club event ideas? These ideas often come with more up-front planning and costs, but are likely to bring great revenue and publicity in return.

Bring your members to a nice restaurant or hall and set up a happy hour. This gives people the opportunity to mingle over drinks and make new connections. Plus, depending on how your event is run, you can bring in some extra cash for your organization!

Gala Dinner

Complexity to Plan: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Want to hold an elegant and extravagant evening? A gala dinner can make for an unforgettable night. Planning for this sort of event requires getting things set months in advance, so be sure you have a team on it early.

This is one of the best country club event ideas. If you already have your location and catering set up, all you have to do is decorate, spice up your menu and go the extra mile.

How would you like to celebrate your community? Coming up with awards that are unique to your club is a great way to show member appreciation . It highlights the superstars of your community, and gives everyone a way to connect.

Your awards ceremony can either be held virtually or in-person. Plus, your awards can be as simple or complicated as your budget allows. Whether it’s an online certificate, a physical award or a special prize, you can choose how you want to honor your members.

Want to gather your members for a night of excitement and prizes? Then an auction is the way to go! You can auction off either items (paintings, baskets, etc.) or experiences (passes to events, mentorship sessions, etc.). If you want to show off your members’ skills, you can also ask them to donate things they’ve made!

There are plenty of ways to hold an auction. You can either do it with public bidding, or hold it silently. That’s another perk—you can pull this off either virtually or in-person.

Charity auctions are also very common. If you want to raise money for a specific cause, this is a great place to start!

Fashion Show

A fashion show is an exciting and elegant way to engage with your members. If you want to be extra community minded, you can ask members to model, create or donate clothes. This event can either be very high-end, or you can celebrate sustainability with entirely second-hand looks.

This is an event that will require some costs for set-up, set as venue, lights, sound and promotion. But if you market it well and play your cards right, you can have a fantastic turn out!

Making a Splash at Your Next Club Event

Whether you’re playing golf or reading books, fighting for climate justice or celebrating your alma mater, there are endless ways to build connections. As you explore these club event ideas, think about your budget, team capacity and overall goals. You’ll be sure to find the event that’s best for you!

Still pondering how software can help you out with your events? WildApricot’s club management software can send out event registrations, process payments, manage communications and more!

Sign up for your 30-day free trial today to try it out for yourself.

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Waves of Fun: The Joy of Yacht Club Activities

Yacht club activities: an overview.

Yacht clubs are much more than a place for boating fans! They are lively centers of social, educational, and recreational activities. Sailing races, water sports, and educational workshops are just some of the thrilling programs offered.

Feel the salty air as you sail in a regatta or improve your sailing skills with intensive training sessions. Joining a yacht club opens doors to exciting events and meeting new people. Participate in charity functions, themed parties, family picnics, and barbecues with yachting aficionados.

In addition to rowing, kayaking, and diving, modern-day yacht clubs provide facilities such as infinity pools, tennis courts, and gyms. Some even have grooming salons for pets, so your furry friends can have an amazing time too.

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity! Don’t regret not joining when your fellow members go on exotic sailing trips without you. Join now and break away from mundane life to experience something exhilarating! Who needs Tinder when you have a yacht club membership and a great outfit for the social events?

Social Events at Yacht Clubs

Yacht Clubs’ Social Engagements make for memorable, delightful, and enjoyable experiences for its members. These events are essential for building strong relationships between members, fostering camaraderie, and sharing experiences on and off the water.

Social events at Yacht Clubs encompass a vast array of experiences, ranging from themed parties, formal dinners, happy hours, regattas, and boat parades. These events provide an opportunity for members to socialize, network, and build friendships. Members of all ages, including families, are encouraged to attend these events, and the club hosts events all year round.

  • Themed parties are organized on special occasions such as holidays, tournaments, and club anniversaries. These events bring together members in a fun-filled atmosphere, with live music, dance, and delicious food.
  • Formal dinners are a great way to meet like-minded people who share a passion for the water and sailing. These events bring members together for an evening of gourmet food and wine, with entertainment and speeches.
  • Happy hours are a casual way of socializing, where members gather for drinks and conversation. These events are also an excellent opportunity to network and meet new people.
  • Regattas are sailing races that offer a competitive environment for members. These events are great for honing sailing skills, enjoying a fun day out on the water, and competing with other members.
  • Boat Parades are an excellent opportunity for club members to show off their boats decorated in creative ways in a festive atmosphere. These events create memories and bring together members of all ages.
  • Members can also volunteer for social committees to help organize events and give back to the community. These committees enable members to work together towards a common goal and build friendships in the process.

Yacht club social events are not only limited to club members but can also include charities, communities, and local businesses. These events provide an excellent opportunity for the club to give back to the community, build relationships, and foster goodwill.

According to Forbes, Yacht Clubs have seen a spike in memberships as people seek to escape the pandemic and spend more time outdoors on the water. Sail away your troubles with a drink in hand during yacht club happy hour, because everything’s better on a boat with a buzz.

Yacht Club Members love when Happy Hour starts! It’s the time to have fun with companions, while enjoying the view of the ocean.

  • Happy Hour: A great way to catch up with friends, meet new ones and share stories!
  • The Drinks: Happy Hour is all about drinks! The bars offer a variety of discounted liquors and beverages.
  • The Food: Yummy finger foods like hot wings and shrimp cocktails are what make happy hour complete!

Plus, some yacht clubs even provide music or games like pool tables.

Pro Tip: Remember to dress accordingly for the occasion! Put your dancing shoes on and enjoy the waves!

Dinner Dances

Yacht clubs are renowned for their fancy social events, such as Dinner Dances. These posh gatherings offer members the chance to dress up and savor a night of fantastic cuisine and dancing, while taking in the stunning views of the water.

  • 1. Dinner Dances generally kick off with a cocktail reception , where guests can chat and indulge in drinks and appetizers.
  • The dinner is usually served in a formal dining room , adorned with white linen, silverware and candles.
  • After dinner, the dance floor opens up , and guests can groove to live music or a DJ’s beats .
  • Dinner Dances may also be themed events , such as masquerade balls or black-tie occasions.

Aside from being a wonderful evening out for members, Dinner Dances can also be used by yacht clubs to draw in new members and show off their facilities. Many yacht clubs supply special membership packages that include access to exclusive social events like Dinner Dances.

One memorable example of a Dinner Dance happened at the New York Yacht Club in 1965. That year’s event had a “ Bond Girl ” theme, with attendees encouraged to dress in Bond-inspired attire. Hollywood star Ursula Andress was even present as a guest of honor. The event made news headlines and helped revive yacht club social events as popular social spots.

In conclusion, Dinner Dances at yacht clubs combine elegance, cuisine and entertainment. They not only offer members a chance to socialize but also serve as exciting showcases for potential new members. So, ditch the mothballed Gatsby costume and don a life jacket instead – you’re now ready to party like it’s the 1920s on a yacht!

Theme Parties

Yacht clubs provide a unique experience for social events. Theme parties are a great opportunity for members to get creative with their outfits and enjoy festive atmospheres. Examples include nautical-themed , Hawaiian luau , Mardi Gras , and Halloween . Black-tie affairs also offer a chance for members to dress up and enjoy elegant food and music. Plus, yacht clubs often have breathtaking views which make for great photo ops! To maximize the fun, be sure to fully commit to the theme with your outfit and accessories. So why go for a jog when you can go for a sail?

Recreational Activities at Yacht Clubs

Yacht Club Recreational Activities: A Professional Overview

Yachts Clubs offer a range of recreational activities that are sure to delight all members, regardless of their interests. Here are six of the most popular activities enjoyed at Yacht Clubs:

  • Sailing: The most obvious activity, sailing is the primary reason why many join a yacht club.
  • Powerboating: For members who prefer speed and power, powerboat racing is the perfect choice.
  • Fishing: For those who love the thrill of the catch, fishing is an excellent recreational activity offered at yacht clubs.
  • Social Events: From cocktail parties to black-tie dinners, yacht clubs are renowned for their social events.
  • Youth Programs: Many yacht clubs offer youth programs, such as sailing classes, to encourage children to get involved in water sports.
  • Adult Education: Yacht clubs also offer adult education programs, such as boating safety courses, to help members improve their skills and knowledge.

While these activities are popular at all yacht clubs, each club offers unique details that make their recreational offerings stand out. Members can enjoy a personalized experience that caters to their interests and preferences.

Did you know that the oldest yacht club in the world is the Royal Cork Yacht Club in Ireland ? It was founded in 1720 and continues to be one of the most prestigious yacht clubs in the world. Today, there are thousands of yacht clubs worldwide, each with its own rich history and traditions.

Sailing Races

Sailing races are quite diverse – from casual club ones to highly competitive global events . Yacht clubs host regattas and racing festivals throughout the year. Pre-race planning is key for these events, with course creation, start times and safety measures to consider. Races can take place both offshore and onshore. Different sailing classes take part in the fun, such as dinghies, keelboats, one-design boats and maxi yachts. These competitions can affect yacht club rankings and member recognition.

Moreover, these races foster a strong community spirit amongst sailors. It’s a great way to socialize, beyond the poolside chat. We suggest forming teams of sailors from different skill levels. This adds diversity and varied perspectives, aiding performance. Educational sessions on improving racing skills, like sail trimming or reading weather , also benefit individual skills and knowledge.

Powerboat racing is an adrenaline-pumping experience, with waves and occasional splashes!

Powerboat Races

Powerboat racing is a popular pastime at yacht clubs around the world. It’s an exciting, dynamic activity that attracts racers and spectators. Here are six points to understand it better:

  • Organized by yacht club staff or volunteers, races are usually held on weekends or holidays.
  • Boats come in different sizes, speeds, and designs depending on the race type and location.
  • Races happen on various water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and even coastlines.
  • Safety gear such as life jackets, helmets, eye protection, and communication devices are necessary.
  • Events can be local or national, with top-level racers competing.
  • Crowds and media attention make these races an important recreational activity.

Powerboat racing culture is different from club to club.

What makes it so riveting is its unpredictability. Small changes in weather or driver handling can affect the outcome. People near the boats during warm-ups may feel the thrill.

I recall a national championship race where a passing cargo ship’s waves caused experienced racers to crash – the one in front was slowed down, while the three behind used this to their advantage till the end. It was a sight to behold!

Life is like powerboat racing – sometimes you’re sailing away, other times paddling hard against the current, and occasionally you capsize in front of the fancy yacht owners.

Kayaking and Paddleboarding

Kayaking and paddleboarding are two exciting activities found at yacht clubs around the world. These water sports are ideal for thrill-seekers and nature fans who want to explore the open sea.

  • Kayaking offers a unique way to explore shorelines and marine life.
  • Paddleboarding is a full-body workout that tests balance and coordination while providing amazing views.
  • Safety gear like life jackets and instructors must be used for the proper technique and to avoid incidents.
  • Yacht clubs usually provide classes for beginners and equipment rental services for experienced paddlers.
  • These water activities can also help reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, and create beautiful memories.

For an extra thrill, some yacht clubs offer night tours or sunrises/sunsets. Kayaking or paddleboarding make for an unforgettable adventure.

Someone shared their first paddleboarding experience after joining a yacht club. They said, “ I was scared at first, but the instructor made me feel safe. They gave great help throughout the session. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to do it again!” Get ready to sail and navigate like a pro, or at least like someone who won’t accidentally dock their yacht in the middle of a farmer’s market.

Educational Opportunities at Yacht Clubs

Yacht Clubs: Opportunities to Learn and Grow

Yacht clubs are not only a place for leisure and recreation, but also offer various educational opportunities. Members can utilize the club facilities to enhance their skills and knowledge in sailing, navigation, and marine-related topics.

Here are three ways yacht clubs provide educational opportunities:

  • Regular seminars and workshops by professionals in the field
  • Certification courses for safety, navigation, and boating skills
  • Access to sailing clinics and practice sessions for members of all levels

In addition to the above, yacht clubs also provide networking opportunities for members to connect with like-minded individuals and experts in the marine industry.

It is a fact that many yacht clubs promote environmental protection and conservation. For instance, the Royal Yachting Association’s Green Blue initiative provides guidance and training to clubs to minimize their environmental impact.

In summary, by becoming members of yacht clubs, people not only enjoy recreational activities such as sailing, but also have opportunities to learn and grow in the field of boating and marine-related topics.

Don’t be a boat without a paddle – take a boating safety course and prevent sinking yourself (literally and metaphorically)!

Boating Safety Courses

Boating is growing in popularity, so safety measures are essential. Yacht clubs offer courses on navigation rules, emergency procedures and equipment usage, to keep boaters safe and prevent accidents.

For those who want to learn more, yacht clubs provide certification classes for sailing or powerboat handling, as well as seminars on topics such as marine weather and chart reading.

On-the-water training programs are also available – participants can practice docking and anchoring with experienced instructors.

Become a member of your local yacht club to get the most out of these educational opportunities, such as access to facilities, networking with other boaters, and discounted rates for courses.

By taking advantage of the educational opportunities provided by yacht clubs, you’ll increase knowledge and skill levels, and have a safer and more enjoyable experience on the water. Invest time and effort into learning how to navigate the high seas and avoid iceberg-related disasters!

Navigation and Seamanship Classes

Yacht clubs offer amazing educational chances to their members . These are Navigation and Seamanship Classes. They help improve sailing skills and knowledge of navigation techniques. Instructors are experienced and qualified.

These classes give more than just basic navigation. They boost confidence while sailing. Students learn how to sail without relying on tech or other sources. Plus, they learn safety protocols for when at sea.

In 1932, a German sailor called Dorade raced in the Trans-Atlantic Race. She was much smaller than the competition. But she won using the techniques she learned at a Yacht Club’s Navigation and Seamanship Classes. Now these classes are famous!

So, come for the education , stay for the free champagne at the guest speaker events.

Guest Speaker Events

Yacht clubs offer various educational opportunities, including guest speaker events. At these events, members can hear from experts on marine biology, yacht navigation, and sustainability . They have the chance to ask their own questions and explore industry trends, best practices, and new technologies.

These events are not only educational–they also bring social perks. Members can mingle with other members during networking sessions. Some yacht clubs even arrange special dinners or cocktail parties for members to bond over shared interests beyond boating.

Don’t miss out on these valuable opportunities! Take advantage of them to not only learn but also create lifelong friendships with fellow club members. Plus, what’s more relaxing than practicing yoga on a luxury yacht? Namaste on the high seas, baby!

Wellness Activities at Yacht Clubs

At yacht clubs, the focus on well-being is not just restricted to sailing but extends to complementary activities that promote holistic wellness.

The following activities are available at yacht clubs to promote wellness:

  • Spa treatments like massages and facials.
  • Group fitness classes such as yoga and Pilates.
  • Aquatic activities including swimming and water aerobics.
  • Mindful practices like meditation and breathing exercises.

Members can also participate in nutrition and wellness workshops to learn about healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Moreover, some clubs offer personal training sessions with experienced trainers to cater to individual fitness goals.

Pro Tip: Don’t hesitate to ask the yacht club staff for recommendations and advice on customizing your workout or wellness routine. They are there to assist you in achieving your goals.

Get your Zen on with yoga and Pilates classes at the yacht club, just don’t fall asleep and end up starring in a new viral video titled ‘Snooze on a Yacht’.

Yoga and Pilates Classes

Yacht Clubs are now offering Yoga and Pilates classes to improve health and well-being. They have classes for all levels of experience, lasting 60-90 minutes. People leave feeling rejuvenated and centered.

What makes these classes unique is the ocean backdrop . Research proves that doing Yoga or Pilates can reduce stress, boost energy, and improve fitness. Harvard Medical School also found that it benefits cardiovascular and respiratory health .

Due to its popularity, over 75% of marinas now offer wellness programs. This includes activities such as swimming, meditation, and more.

So, if you’re a seasoned yogi, or just starting out , join a class at your local yacht club. You will get an invigorating experience that combines physical activity with beautiful scenery. Sweating and sailing – it’s the perfect way to multi-task!

Fitness Centers

Fitness centers at yacht clubs offer members great benefits! They can stay physically fit, have clear minds and enjoy a sense of community. The centers have:

  • Advanced equipment for all levels of fitness.
  • Personal trainers offering tailored workout plans.
  • Yoga, Pilates, spinning, strength training classes both in person and virtually.
  • Group activities like runs/walks and boot camps.

Plus, there are saunas, spas and swimming pools for extra relaxation and wellness. says many yacht clubs have world-class beach clubs with top-notch fitness centers.

In conclusion, Fitness Centers are an important part of the wellness program , providing lots of ways to stay healthy and happy while living on a yacht! So, take a dip in the pool and forget your worries – chlorine is cheaper than therapy!

Swimming and Poolside Relaxation

Yacht club pools offer a wonderful summer experience! Swimming and poolside relaxation are popular activities. Members can enjoy crystal-clear water and lounge chairs for sunbathing , plus the stunning waterfront views!

To make it even better, you could add poolside activities like aqua aerobics, volleyball, basketball and yoga . Instead of soda, provide healthy refreshments like fresh fruits, salads and smoothies . It’s an ideal spot for rejuvenation and entertainment!

So why not volunteer at a yacht club and help the community while wearing boat shoes?

Yacht Club Volunteer Work and Community Service

Yacht Club’s Social Responsibility Activities

Yacht clubs are more than just sailing and racing. They are also places of community service, sharing social responsibility, and volunteer work. The activities of the yacht club extend far beyond the boats and bring transformation to society.

  • Yacht club members work with their local communities to organize fundraising events for various causes like charities, environmental protection, and disaster relief.
  • Environmental protection activities include beach cleanups, coral reef maintenance, and raising environmental awareness.
  • Community service events involve feeding the homeless, building homes for the underprivileged, and offering mentorship programs to the next generation.
  • Yacht club members participate in charity regattas, which raise money for non-profit organizations that address poverty, medical research, and animal welfare.
  • Yacht clubs also partner with organizations to offer sailing programs for people with disabilities, giving them a chance to experience the thrill of sailing and inclusion in the community.

Yacht clubs are centers of social responsibility and community outreach, with members who share a passion for giving back. Through their initiatives and service to society, they create an enriching and transformative legacy.

Yacht Clubs’ Transformational Power

One defining moment of yacht club volunteerism was the 1988 Rescue of Manutea. She was lost in the Pacific Ocean for several weeks until a group of sailors spotted her and launched a rescue mission. This rescue became a turning point in the yacht community. In response, yacht clubs have made a significant difference in search and rescue operations worldwide by investing in technology development, education, and training, and strengthening collaborations with national and international rescue organizations.

Who said you can’t save the world and have fun at the same time? Get onboard with these yacht club environmental projects!

Environmental Conservation Projects

Volunteering at a yacht club offers a range of benefits. It helps with environmental conservation projects in coastal communities, marine ecosystems and beyond. Such activities include beach cleanups, coral reef monitoring & restoration, and ocean debris removal. These efforts preserve endangered species and promote sustainable practices.

Yacht clubs partner with local governments & conservation groups to identify & solve environmental issues. This empowers community members to take ownership of their area’s concerns.

In addition to the tangible benefits of conserving the environment, volunteering at a yacht club offers personal growth experiences. Volunteers learn skills such as leadership, team building, communication and project management. They also gain an understanding of local cultures and build relationships with like-minded people.

One example of volunteer work is the International Coastal Cleanup Day. Yacht clubs across the globe join in an effort to remove marine debris and restore coastal areas. Since 1986, millions of volunteers have collected billions of tons of trash from beaches.

Overall, Yacht Club Volunteer Work promotes responsible use of resources – now more than ever.”

Fundraising Events for Non-Profit Organizations

Fundraising events are an essential part of non-profits. They rely on donations from the public to run their operations. These events give them a chance to collect funds and support their mission.

Examples of fundraising events include:

  • Annual charity run/walk. Participants collect pledges and stay active for a cause.
  • Charity auctions. People and businesses donate items that people can bid on.
  • Rummage sales. Non-profits sell donated goods at discounted prices.
  • Dinners or galas. Guests pay for tickets that include dinner, entertainment, and sometimes silent auctions or raffles.
  • Unique fundraising events. These can range from fashion shows to bake sales.

Non-profits typically have a limited budget and resources. Despite this, they utilize their volunteers who commit time and energy to promote their initiatives. This includes using social media and distributing fliers.

Fundraising events don’t only help the organisation sustain itself, but they also work towards achieving societal developments. Ali worked with a marine conservation society and organised fundraisers such as beach cleanups and “paint-and-sip” wine nights. She was glad to contribute to something larger than herself while having fun.

Joining the yacht club gives you access to a boat, and the opportunity to serve the community and act rich for a day.

Local Community Service Efforts

Volunteering at a local yacht club is an awesome way to serve your community while having thrilling experiences. Common contributions include helping with events, mentoring young sailors, and ensuring safety on the water.

Members participate in environmental cleanups, donate to charity, and organize fundraisers. These acts of kindness are great for enhancing relations with the neighborhood and making the city better.

Aiding mariners in distress is another great part of yacht club volunteering. Boaters who need help can contact the club if they have mechanical issues or bad weather during their voyage. Volunteers can sharpen their boating skills while assisting others. Plus, helping other sailors creates a strong sense of togetherness amongst volunteers.

Pro Tip: Volunteering at a yacht club can lead to interconnecting networks. You get to work with people from different backgrounds who have similar interests and values. Don’t miss out on the awesome benefits and joys of volunteering at your local yacht club.

Conclusion: The Benefits and Joys of Yacht Club Activities

Yacht club activities go beyond sailing . It’s a community with many networking opportunities and water sports. Members get access to facilities and discounts. It caters to families, with youth programs that promote teamwork, leadership, and environmental awareness.

Yacht club regattas are popular. They test sailing skills and create rewarding experiences. Participants mingle over drinks and dinner after the race, building lifelong friendships.

Kids can have fun too, with introductory lessons on age-appropriate boats. Young adults can find scholarships or internships in marine-related fields. Members can serve society through charity or clean-up drives.

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Setting Sail in Style: 10+ Epic Yacht Party Theme Ideas For All Occasions

A group of people having a Hollywood yacht party theme.

Published June 1, 2023

Are you ready to take your yacht party to the next level? From glamorous Hollywood nights to enchanting tropical paradises, we’ve got the perfect yacht party theme for any occasion. 

Whether celebrating a birthday, wedding , or corporate event, these yacht party themes will transform your gathering into an unforgettable experience on the high seas. 

10+ Epic Yacht Party Themes

Idea #1: hollywood glamour.

Roll out the red carpet and embrace the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Encourage guests to dress like their favorite movie stars with dazzling gowns, sharp tuxedos, and a VIP atmosphere.

Idea #2: Tropical Paradise

Transform your yacht into a tropical oasis. Deck the decks with vibrant flowers, tiki torches, and palm leaves. Encourage guests to wear floral prints, serve refreshing cocktails, and dance to the rhythm of Caribbean beats .

Idea #3: Masquerade Ball

Unleash mystery and elegance with a masquerade ball theme. Decorate your yacht with ornate masks, chandeliers, and velvet drapes. Encourage guests to wear stylish masks and elegant attire for an evening of intrigue and enchantment.

Idea #4: Under the Sea

Dive into an underwater wonderland with an “Under the Sea” theme. Transform your yacht into an aquatic paradise with shades of blue, seashells, and mermaid-inspired decorations. Encourage guests to dress as sea creatures and dance to oceanic tunes.

Idea #5: Carnival Extravaganza

Bring the carnival atmosphere to your yacht with bright colors, circus-inspired decorations, and lively entertainment. Set up carnival games, hire stilt walkers or fire dancers, and serve delicious fair-style treats for a truly joyful experience.

Idea #6: Gatsby’s Roaring 20s

Step back to the luxury of the 1920s with a Gatsby-inspired yacht party. Embrace art deco decorations, jazz music, and guests dressed in flapper dresses and dapper suits. Create an ambiance reminiscent of Jay Gatsby’s extravagant parties.

Idea #7 White Party

Create an atmosphere of sophistication and elegance with an all-white party theme. Dress your yacht in white linens, decorations, and ambient lighting. Ask guests to come dressed entirely in white for a stylish affair.

Idea #8: Space Odyssey

Embark on a cosmic journey with a space-themed yacht party—deck your yacht with celestial decorations, neon lights, and futuristic elements. Encourage guests to dress as astronauts or extraterrestrials and dance under the stars.

Idea #9: Around the World

Take your guests on a global adventure with an “Around the World” theme. Decorate each area of your yacht to represent different countries, serving international cuisine , and encourage guests to come dressed in cultural attire.

Idea #10: Pirate Adventure

Set sail for a swashbuckling adventure with a pirate-themed yacht party. Transform your yacht into a pirate ship with skull and crossbones decorations, treasure chests, and pirate flags. Encourage guests to don their best pirate attire for a night of nautical fun.

Idea #11:Enchanted Garden

Create a magical atmosphere on your yacht with an enchanted garden theme. Adorn your yacht with fairy lights, floral arrangements, and whimsical decorations. Encourage guests to dress like fairies, elves, or woodland creatures for a night of enchantment.

Idea #12: Neon Glow

Light up the night with a neon glow party theme. Illuminate your yacht with neon lights, glow sticks, and UV decorations. Ask guests to come dressed in vibrant neon colors for a high-energy dance party under the neon glow.

Idea #13: Sports Spectacular

Appeal to sports enthusiasts with a spectacular sports theme. Decorate your yacht with sports memorabilia, set up game stations, and encourage guests to wear their favorite team jerseys. Create a lively atmosphere with sports-themed activities and competitions.

Tips for a Memorable Yacht Party

  • Plan in advance: Start organizing your yacht party well ahead of time to ensure availability and smooth coordination.
  • Consider your guests: Tailor the theme to match your guests’ preferences and interests.
  • Decorate strategically: Use decorations suitable for a boat environment and ensure they are securely fastened to withstand the sea breeze.
  • Coordinate attire: Communicate the dress code to your guests, aligning it with the chosen theme.
  • Create ambiance: Set the mood with appropriate lighting, music, and entertainment that aligns with the theme.
  • Offer themed cuisine and beverages: Enhance the experience with menu items and drinks that complement the chosen theme.
  • Safety first: Ensure the security of your guests by having the necessary safety equipment and following all boating regulations.[ 1 ]

How do you throw a party on a yacht?

A group of friends has fun at a Hollywood yacht theme party.

To throw a party on a yacht, here’s a short step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Choose the yacht: Select a suitable yacht for your party. Consider the size of your guest list, the amenities available on the yacht, and the duration of your event. Ensure the yacht meets all safety requirements and has the necessary licenses.

Step 2: Set a date and time: Determine the date and time for your yacht party, keeping in mind the availability of the yacht and the convenience of your guests. Plan to ensure you secure the desired date.

Step 3: Determine the guest list: Create a guest list and send out invitations well in advance. Consider the yacht’s capacity and ensure your guest list aligns with it. Provide clear RSVP instructions to manage attendance.

Step 4: Choose a theme: Select a theme for your yacht party to add an element of excitement. Consider the preferences and interests of your guests and tailor the theme accordingly. Themes for boat parties can range from elegant and formal to fun and casual, depending on the occasion.

Step 5: Plan the menu: Decide on the type of food and beverages you want to serve. Consider the logistics of catering on a yacht, such as limited kitchen space and the need for stable serving options. Opt for easy-to-eat and well-prepared dishes that cater to different dietary preferences.

Step 6: Decorate the yacht: Enhance the ambiance by decorating the yacht to match your chosen theme. Use appropriate decorations suitable for the yacht environment and securely fasten them to withstand movement. Consider the size of the yacht and ensure decorations do not obstruct any safety equipment.

Step 7: Coordinate entertainment: Plan entertainment options to keep guests engaged throughout the party. This can include live music, a DJ, games, or hiring a professional entertainer. Consider the available space on the yacht and the preferences of your guests.

Step 8: Ensure safety: Prioritize the security of your guests by having life jackets, first aid kits, and safety equipment readily available on the yacht. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and communicate them to your guests.

Step 9: Communicate details: Keep your guests informed about the logistics, such as the boarding location, parking options, and any specific instructions related to the yacht party. Provide clear directions to ensure a smooth boarding process.

Step 10: Enjoy the party: On the day of the party, double-check all arrangements, including food, beverages, decorations, and entertainment. Greet your guests, ensure their comfort, and enjoy the festivities on the yacht.

Incorporating a captivating yacht party theme can take your celebrations to extraordinary heights. With careful planning, strategic decorations, and attention to detail, you can create a memorable yacht party experience that will be discussed for years. So, set sail with the perfect yacht party theme and let the festivities begin!

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Looking for a great time on the water in Boca Raton Florida? Seafari Yacht Charters is number choice for yacht rentals in Boca Raton . Book our yachts for parties , exciting day trips to the Bahamas, romantic yacht dinner cruises , and much more. Come experience all South Florida has to offer with us.

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About The Author

Lenard Arceo is passionate about the outdoors and South Florida life. He is a professional blogger for several renowned publications and also loves learning how to code in his free time.

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yacht club social event ideas

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yacht club social event ideas

  • 27 min read

78 Social Event Ideas That Will Elevate Your Club Socials

Updated: Aug 13

Jazzercise is one of the great ideas for social club events

Table of Contents

Introduction, how i find social event ideas, the single biggest mistake i've made when planning club socials, physical fitness & sport social event ideas, nature & eco friendly social event ideas, game based social event ideas, wellness & spirituality social event ideas, food & drink social event ideas, fine art & craft social event ideas, event ideas for book clubs, mental health awareness social event ideas, large party social event ideas, other social event ideas for adults.

As the leader of The Trybe Women's Social Club , I spend a lot of my time brainstorming event ideas for our club socials.

A great event activity injects energy into the gathering, breaks the ice among new club members and deepens connections among members who already know each other.

A great club social is MEMORABLE.

To accomplish this, you need a great social event idea.

This comprehensive list of 78 social event ideas is designed as a starting point to help you begin to brainstorm activities for your own club socials. I've included a mix of tried-and-true favorites, as well as some more innovative concepts that cater to various interests and group dynamics.

Get ready to transform your club socials into memorable occasions that your members will look forward (and actually show up) to!

POLL: We'd love input on our next big idea! Which excites you more?

80's Party Planning Guide

Friendsgiving Party Planning Guide

A Quick Word About Social Clubs

I have previously written extensively on social club topics including What is a Social Club , Reasons to Join a Social Club and the Benefits of Starting Your Own Social Club . If you have not already, I encourage you to review these articles because they provide a great foundation for understanding the world of social clubs.

Now, back to our originally scheduled programming...

Goat yoga was one of my best ideas for social club events

The Trybe Women's Social Club held over 150 club socials in its first 2 years, with over 80 of these being entirely unique social club activities. People are constantly asking me how I come up with all these great event ideas for our club's socials.

You might think that it has something to do with my years' experience leading a social club, or my fancy Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology...but the honest truth is that it's extremely easy - and anyone can do it. Truly. Anyone.

As the leader of a social club, you simply need to open your eyes to the opportunities around you. They are EVERYWHERE.

Talk to people you already know. Ask them about the people they know who do something interesting. Now, talk to those individuals, and then ask them whom they know who does something interesting. And so on.

Make an effort to m eet local business owners. Ask them what they know and do. What can they teach? (Leading an event for your club is a GREAT marketing opportunity for local business owners, so long as your audiences align.)

As your social club membership grows, get to know your members. Ask them about their skills and passions. What activities can they lead?

 The best part?

As your club gains momentum, people who do interesting things will actively start finding and reaching out to you. By the time The Trybe hit its one year mark, the biggest problem I had in terms of thinking of club event ideas, was figuring out which opportunities to turn down.

Before we launch into our list of social club event ideas, do you want to know what I get wrong?

It's so simple, it's embarrassing. Such a rookie move. Yet, I still do it from time to time.

Sometimes...I forget to ask my social club members if they actually WANT to do/learn a certain thing. 🤦‍♀️

I ask them a LOT. I listen to them a LOT. I THINK I KNOW them.

But then, once in a while, I'll come up with a social event idea that I'm really excited about. I'm so sure that it's a great idea that I don't even think to ask anyone else if THEY like the idea.

Sometimes the social event idea works...and sometimes I get nothing but crickets.

It's disappointing when this happens, but it's also always a great opportunity to learn and a reminder to continually communicate with club members.

Pickleball was one of my most popular ideas for social club events

Physical fitness and sporty social event ideas are numerous, generally very popular and a great place to begin when thinking of club socials.

Pickle ball was The Trybe's first event and, to date, it is the only event we've ever repeated and nearly immediately "sold out" both times.

Here are a few of my favorite fitness and sport activities for club socials:

Axe throwing was one of the guys favorite ideas for social club events

1. Axe Throwing

Axe throwing was an exhilarating experience that our club members are still talking about nearly two years later! There's just something deeply satisfying about the thunk of the axe as it hits the wooden target. This activity is the perfect blend of concentration, technique, and touch of friendly competition to make it engaging for everyone.

Pro tip! If you lead a women's social club, invite the guys to this one and host a battle of the sexes. (Of course, the girls won our event!)

2. Bike Ride to Breakfast

Starting the day with fresh air, gentle exercise, and the collective rhythm of friends pedaling is invigorating and sets a positive, energetic tone for the day.

As we ride, conversations develop naturally, enabling members to get to know each other in a comfortable, relaxed way. The rewarding breakfast at a local café is the perfect ending to our shared journey.

Remember bowling? It may have been a while since you tried this classic sport, but I encourage you to consider it for one of your club socials because it strikes the perfect balance between casual play and competitive spirit.

The laid-back atmosphere of a bowling alley is the perfect setting for club members of all skill levels to mingle and cheer each other on.

goat yoga was one of the more unique social event ideas for clubs

4. Goat Yoga

To date, our Goat Yoga social club event, was the most intriguing of all. It is this event that always piques people's interest when they ask me for examples of what we do during our club socials.

Combining the familiarity and relaxation of yoga with the playful antics of adorable little goats socialized to saunter around, cuddle and even jump on our backs as we strike poses is pure genius. (Kudos to whomever first came up with this idea!)

5. Jazzercise

Jazzercise, a fitness class featuring energetic dance moves, has been around for over 50 years and (did you realize?) is still going strong!

Our "costumes encouraged" Jazzercise club social was themed "Jazzercise Through the Decades", and featured music from the 70s through today (and even a surprise appearance by "Richard Simmons").

As we jumped around and laughed until we (some of us literally) peed our pants, we bonded over shared rhythms and the sheer ridiculousness of the event. The feel great, endorphin levels in the room were as high as Richard's voice!

Jiu Jitsu suprised me as one of the great social event ideas for clubs

6. Jiu Jitsu

When one of our members suggested Jiu Jitsu as an activity for a social club, I wasn’t sure how it would be received.

I wondered, are women actually interested in Jiu Jitsu?

To my delight, this event was a resounding success! The art of Jiu Jitsu emphasizes skill over strength, making it a discipline where everyone, regardless of size or fitness level, can participate meaningfully.

During our Jiu Jitsu event, members engaged both mind and body, learning to trust and communicate with one another in entirely new ways.

7. Pickleball

As I mentioned above, pickleball was my choice for The Trybe's first club social because of the number of people who either already play this sport, or are curious about learning.

Pickleball is an ideal social club activity because it is appropriate for all ages, is relatively easy to understand and play at a beginner level and requires teamwork and strategy.

Some of our members enjoyed our pickleball activity so much that they formed their own pickleball club, which continues to play weekly, years after our first event.

Qigong - social event ideas for clubs

Qigong is rare in that it is truly a universally accessible physical activity. Literally anyone can do it. I have to admit that before I organized a Qigong session, I didn't actually know what Qigong was. Thankfully, our social club members are adventurous and women (originally) from 9 different countries showed up!

As our experienced and very talented Qigong leader took us through a series of exercises, I witnessed a collective sense of tranquility wash over us as we moved through the gentle, flowing exercises. At one point we were "sea plants", at another, we were "those people you see in the park". By the end we all felt somehow both relaxed and energized.

9. Self Defense Class

When reviewing the results of the very first event interest survey that I sent out to my social club members, I was surprised to see that a self defense class was near the top of the list.

After locating a well-respected local self defense class teacher, I posted a 5 hour, Sunday event and then held my breath. Would anyone not only give up 5 hours of their Sunday, but also pay to do it?

I had nothing to worry about. This class was very popular and well received. It was an empowering, valuable experience that boosted everyone's confidence and feelings of security.

10. Wooden Pillow Class

When I first came across the idea of a wooden pillow class for our social club, I was both intrigued about this ancient method of relaxation and (more than a bit) skeptical.

However, after only a single class, the therapeutic benefits of using a wooden pillow to relieve tension in the body could not be denied. In fact, more than half of the members who attended this event purchased wooden pillows and continue to use them!

In my experience, events that give club members a chance to get out into nature are always very well attended.

A few of the nature-based club socials that we've enjoyed include:

11. Beekeeping Class

We brought in a master beekeeper to teach us the basics of the delicate art and science behind managing a hive, the importance of bees to our ecosystem and the process of honey production. Members who were interested in having their own hives were encouraged to seek mentorship.

Birdwatching is one of many fun events to do

12. Birding

Birding has been an unexpectedly popular activity within our membership. The anticipation of spotting rare birds, coupled with the peacefulness of being surrounded by nature is truly therapeutic. Sharing binoculars and guidebooks, we not only enhance our knowledge of avian life but also deepen our relationships through exciting shared discoveries.

13. Butterfly Gardening

Our butterfly gardening class was an enchanting and educational event, at which we learned about native flowers and how to create pollinator habitats in our own spaces. At the end of the class, we released butterflies that had been lovingly reared from caterpillars by one of our members. It was magical.

14. Forest Bathing

Forest bathing was a popular event that surpassed all our expectations. Immersing ourselves in the essence of the forest, we practiced mindfulness and breathed deeply, absorbing the woodland's tranquility. As the hustle of daily life faded away, the shared serenity was almost palpable.

15. Herb Gardening

There's something inherently gratifying about nurturing plants that can later be used in our kitchens, from adding fresh basil to a homemade pasta sauce to muddling mint for a refreshing mojito.

At our herb gardening class, club members built and planted an herb spiral while learning about soil and various herbs and their uses. Adding to this sensory experience, we ended this event by making and enjoying craft cocktails with some of the herbs we planted.

Forest bathing and mandala creation are fun events to do

16. Mandala Nature Walk

As we ventured into the wonders of the natural world on our mandala nature walk, each of us was tasked with finding natural materials that "spoke" to us.

At the end of the walk, we gathered together to create a community mandala. This event provided a uniquely artistic way to foster both a sense of inner peace and group cohesion.

17. Plant-Based Food Class

Our plant-based food class was more than a cooking class; it was an educational journey that taught us the benefits and versatility of plant-based cuisine.

This event catered to everyone, from vegans to the veg-curious, and encouraged inclusivity and respect for dietary choices. It was a wonderful way to introduce club members to sustainable eating habits while enjoying the companionship that comes from cooking and savoring food together.

18. Vineyard Visit

Our visit to a local vineyard was a memorable convergence of education and leisure, making for an exceptionally delightful club social. Strolling through rows of lush vines, we tasted wines in their birthplace while a vintner passionately explained the intricate process of wine making — from grape to glass.

game nights of all kinds are fun events to do

When you think of social event ideas, I'm guessing that games come immediately to mind.

Here are a few popular game based social event ideas for you to consider for your club socials:

I don't understand how it's possible that BINGO is still popular, but it just is. Every time I plan a Bingo night, it's an undeniable hit. Perhaps it's the light-hearted competition and laughter, or maybe it's just sentimentality. Regardless, there is no denying Bingo's staying power.

20. Board games - game night

At our social club's game nights, the laughs are plentiful as allegiances are formed and friendly rivalries take shape. I firmly believe that hosting at least one game night is a MUST for all social club leaders. Whether it's board games, group party games (our favorite being Telestrations After Dark) or hiring a local dungeon master, there's nothing like the bonds that are formed and strengthened over rolling dice and moving pieces.

I also continue to be amazed at Bunco’s continued popularity as a way to hang out with friends. I think that it's due to the fact that Bunco is a very simple dice game that can be played with a large group of people while drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Our club has not yet had a Bunco night, but this is only because Bunco groups are EVERYWHERE in our area so members have other options for enjoying this activity.

22. Mahjong

The rich cultural heritage and the detailed craftsmanship of the tiles result in Mahjong bringing an exotic flair to social gatherings. This game's balance of luck and skill make every round unpredictable and exciting, fostering an atmosphere of friendly competition and deep concentration.

Planning a Mahjong night for your social club can cultivate a deeper appreciation for strategic gameplay, while also allowing members to immerse themselves in a culturally enriching experience.

Poker is not just for the guys, ladies! There's a reason it's so well loved as a unique social experience that brings people together. When you sit around a poker table, it's not just about the cards. It's also about the dialogue, the camaraderie, and the shared excitement and hopeful promise of each new hand. 

24. Yahtzee Tournament

Tournaments for games like Yahtzee are perfect member unifiers for social clubs because they are easy to learn, enjoyable for people of all ages, and encourage light competition that is as much about luck as it is about tactical thinking. It's amazing how simple games of chance and strategy can create such exhilarating moments, and spark so much engagement and social interaction among club members.

Animal oracles was one of the fun events to do with our club

There's almost no end to the fascinating social events you can create in this category. Just open your mind and start talking to people.

A few of my favorite wellness and spirituality social event ideas are:

25. Animal Oracles

Our animal oracles class turned out to be a powerful social event that left everyone mesmerized and reflective. At this event, each member found a unique connection with one or more animal guides, creating a personal and spiritual experience that was shared within the group, creating space for members to explore spirituality and togetherness in a nurturing and accepting environment.

Aura Reading is at the top of the list of fun events to do

26. Aura Reading

We have done several aura reading events already and they never fail to capture everyone's curiosity and spark deep conversations about personal energy and spirituality.

If you're aiming to introduce an element of mystique and personal growth to your club socials, an aura reading class is a good bridge between popular culture and spirituality and a captivating way to engage your members and add depth to the club's activities.

27. Buddhism 101 Class

Inviting a Buddhist monk to lead a Buddhism 101 Class was an enlightening  (see how I did that?) experience that tantalized the spiritual curiosity of our social club members.

Listening to the monk share wisdom about mindfulness, compassion, and the Four Noble Truths opened a gateway for members to actively engage by asking thoughtful, philosophical questions as well as practical ones about what exactly the daily life of a monk looks like.

fun events to do - talk to a Buddhist Monk!

28. Chakras Class

Our Chakras class allowed members of our club to explore the concept of energy centers in the body and their significant impact on our overall well-being. Delving into the intricacies of the chakras fostered self-awareness as we learned about balance and inner harmony.

29. Chinese Face Reading Class

The Chinese Face Reading event was a surprisingly well attended and captivating social event idea. At first, I was skeptical, unsure of how our diverse group would respond to such a mystical and intimate activity.

However, the ancient wisdom shared by the face reading expert not only unveiled aspects of our personalities, but also how we present ourselves to the world. It was intriguing to see members connect over insights on their strengths and challenges, as this event brought a fun and unique approach to self-awareness.

Pro Tip! Invite spouses to this one. It's fun to watch the person whose face is being read deny certain personality characteristics while their spouse (out of view) nods adamantly.

30. Cold Plunge With Breathwork Class

Deliberately exposing ourselves to nearly freezing water while focusing on controlled breathing techniques honestly sounds like my worst nightmare. However, in the spirit of "Trybing New Things" and getting out of my comfort zone, we have this event planned for later this year.

From what I've heard from others, a breathwork class followed by a cold plunge will be a revitalizing and invigorating experience that bonds us in unexpected ways as we support and cheer each other on, embracing the discomfort and the rush of endorphins.

Fun events to do - kitten therapy

31. Kitten Therapy

When our family fostered kittens for a local animal rescue organization, I offered a "kitten therapy" experience that was an absolute delight. The concept was simple. It's impossible to feel anything other than joyful when you sit in a room filled with the gentle purring and playful antics of kittens. It was the purr-fect opportunity for members to unwind, take their minds off their stressors and just feel happy.

32. Muscle Testing

Muscle testing turned out to be an interesting event for our social club members as we delved into the holistic understanding of the energy within our bodies. As we engaged in muscle strength assessments and learned about the connections between our physical health and emotional well being, this event sparked curiosity and lively conversations.

Hiring a mystic can create moving and powerful club socials

33. Mystic Readings

We were enthralled and captivated by the enigmatic presence of the mystic we brought in to channel our ancestors and give us a unique opportunity to connect with our pasts in ways that were both profound and intensely personal.

As I reflect on the POWERFUL emotive responses and the bonding that this shared experience evoked within our group, I am convinced that including such a mesmerizing activity would add a layer of depth and introspection to any social club.

34. Salt Body Float

Engaging in a salt body float turned out to be a blissful reprieve that transcended the typical social outing. As we floated effortlessly, buoyed by the dense saline water, a profound sense of calm washed over all of us.

35. Shamanic Full Moon Drumming Ceremony

Our shamanic full moon drumming ceremony resonated with the primal rhythm of life itself. As the percussive beats echoed under the silver glow of the moon, it was as though the drumbeats were syncing with our own heartbeats, aligning us in harmony with nature and with each other.

Note. This experience is so deeply relaxing that several of our members fell asleep!

A spirit animal journey is a great idea for club socials

36. Shamanic Spirit Animal Journey

During our shamanic spirit animal journey we each went searching for our own, personal spirit animal guides. It was an incredibly memorable, deeply introspective voyage that offered us a new way to view ourselves and our connections to the natural world. If you're looking for a social club event that will bond members in new and unique ways, and lead to a great conversation and inside jokes for years to come, this is a great option.

37. Yoga Nidra Journey

The Trybe has already enjoyed a few yoga nidra journeys and no two have been the same. As we lay there, guided by a serene voice and powerful musical instruments, a sense of calm and profound relaxation washes over the entire group as we detach from the daily hustle and sink into a communal space of stillness and peace.

38. Zendoodling/Zentangles

The meditative art of Zendoodling, or Zentangles, is a good option if you're looking for a club social event idea that provides a doorway to mindfulness that is easy for everyone to access. The focus required to draw the intricate patterns has a pleasant meditative quality that brings a sense of collective zen to the group. As we shared our creations, the room buzzed with a creative energy that was both calming and exhilarating.

zendoodling is a relaxing idea for club socials

39. Zen Sound Bath Meditation

A zen sound bath meditation can be a powerfully transformative social club activity. During this experience, participants are immersed in waves of sound frequencies, created by instruments such as singing bowls, drums, and chimes. These resonant tools produce harmonic vibrations that envelop our bodies and minds, leading to deep relaxation and meditative states. The sounds are not just heard; they're felt  as pulsating rhythms through every cell of our bodies.

Lots of people think charcuterie are fun events to do

It's hard to go wrong when planning a club social event around food and drinks. These types of events are nearly universally popular.

A few of my favorite food and drink social event ideas include:

40. Charcuterie

Charcuterie, the artful arrangement of gourmet meats, cheeses and accompaniments, is an intensely popular social event idea that I have to admit has absolutely no appeal to me whatsoever.

BUT - as the leader of a social club, sometimes you have to take a hit for the team and simply deliver what your members ask for. The members of The Trybe absolutely LOVE charcuterie, and I suspect yours will as well.

Pro tip! Learn from my mistake... Few members will want to actually create the board itself. This is all about food design.

41. Coffee Tasting

We love to drink coffee, but do we actually know anything about it? A well designed coffee tasting introduces the nuanced complexity of coffee as members are guided through the rich tapestry of aromas, textures, and flavors of coffee beans from around the world. This sensory journey not only refines our coffee palettes, but also deepens our appreciation for the intricate art and science that goes into brewing the perfect cup.

42. Cooking Classes

Curries, chapati, shawarma, grilled pizza, traditional holiday favorites... cooking class social event ideas could fill numerous blog articles all by themselves. It almost doesn't matter what the specific cooking topic is. When I post a cooking class opportunity, the class will fill quickly. There's just something charming and compelling about combining the joy of learning with the pleasure of eating.

Pro tip! People particularly love "hands-on" cooking experiences.

We've already done 2 cookie decorating club socials

43. Cookie/Cake Decorating

Cookie and cake decorating consistently perform well in my social club event interest surveys. These club socials are popular because they combine the joy of artistic creation with the simple pleasure of sweet indulgences. We typically structure cookie or cake decorating events to begin with a lesson and practicing and then let participants loose to either color "within the lines" of the model or showcase their personalities in icing.

44. Mixology

Ever popular, mixology classes are not just about enjoying a carefully crafted cocktail; they are interactive, educational and interactive experiences where participants learn to appreciate the nuances of various spirits, mixers and additives.

During this hands-on experience, club members should be encouraged to experiment with new ingredients to concoct their own signature blends. A mixology class is the ultimate social catalyst, inspiring conversation and camaraderie as everyone toasts to and enjoys their creations.

45. Recipe Swap

When one of our members suggested we do a recipe swap, I immediately knew she was on to something. This is the type of club social that easily resonates with members of our community because it combines the opportunity to share our cultural heritage, personal stories, and family culinary secrets. It's a celebration of diversity and personal taste - quite literally.

46. Saké Tasting

Our Saké Tasting class exposed us to the delicate nuances of this traditional Japanese beverage. We learned about the different types of Saké, the brewing process, and its rich history—all while sipping and enjoying a surprising variety of flavors. Sharing our impressions of each tasting note, we broadened our palates as we laughed and shared personal stories of our past experiences with this surprisingly potent beverage.

Sushi making is a fun event to do

47. Sushi Making

Making sushi is such an artful and meticulous craft that I thought about featuring it in the art, instead of the food, section of this article. As we combined fresh ingredients with precise techniques to create delicate and visually appealing rolls, our instructor took us into a deep dive into the intricate world of Japanese sushi preparation. From learning how to prepare the perfect sushi rice to mastering the art of rolling a California or spicy tuna roll, this event turned out to be a perfect way to socialize, with the added bonus of enjoying a delicious, homemade meal together.

A fancy tea party is an elegant theme for your club socials

48. Tea Education and Party

The Trybe Women's Social Club is generally a casual club, however, our "fancy" high tea party offered members a whimsical opportunity don our finest attire and enjoy a moment of elegance as we learned about and sipped our way through the expansive world of teas.

49. Wine Tasting

No social club would be complete without at least one wine tasting event on its agenda. Wine tastings are very popular because they provide a captivating experience that engages all of our senses. With each pour comes new stories, whether about the wine making process, the heritage of the vineyard at which the grapes were grown, or even our own personal anecdotes that the flavors invoke. Do you taste a hint of bubble gum?

Acrylic Pour Painting is a fun event to do

Whether it's soft brush strokes on a canvas, the tactile pleasure of weaving or of molding clay, fine art and craft events provide the perfect blend of tranquility and community.

The club social event possibilities in this category are VAST. Here are a few we've already enjoyed:

50. Acrylic Pour Painting

Acrylic pour painting is an excellent beginner art social club event because it's extremely easy to create a visually stunning result. There is something simply mesmerizing about the experience of watching colors slide and blend into unpredictable designs. Each time we do this activity, we marvel at the very different, serendipitous ways that our color choices and slight tilts of our canvases combine into something truly unique.

51. Candle Making

Candle making is a fantastic social club event because (who doesn't like candles?) it allows us to create and take home something that we can enjoy for months to come. As we delve into the scientific and mathematical process of selecting the perfect combination of vessel of waxes, wicks, and fragrances, we're drawn into a sensory experience that is both personal and communal.

52. Chunky Blanket Weaving

In our chunky blanket weaving class, we immersed ourselves in the cozy art of creating something useful, beautiful, warm and snug. Once we got the knack of interlacing our loops and knots, we naturally engaged in gentle conversation and shared laughter as we watched our blankets take shape.

Flower arranging is a fun event to do for club socials

53. Flower Arranging

This is another social club activity that has repeatedly surprised me with its popularity. I think there is just something compelling about gathering together to celebrate the delicate elegance of blooms and foliage and produce something beautiful that we can enjoy in our homes.

54. Mandala Plate Painting

Our mandala plate painting class provided a peaceful retreat from our busy lives as we dove into a world of intricate patterns and explored the ancient art of mandala creation. As we delicately painted symmetrical designs onto our ceramic plates, a quiet came over the room as we each found ourselves enveloped in a lightly relaxed, meditative state.

55. Ornament Painting

During our ornament painting session, we gathered to transform simple slices of wood into personalized masterpieces. This activity is a perfect fit for a social club because it allows us to make something interesting while enjoying each other's company. As we painted, we engaged in light-hearted conversation, exchanged jokes, and supported each other's artistic expression.

56. Photography 101 Class

During our Photography 101 Class, which focused on iPhone photography, we learned the fundamentals of capturing moments through the lens of a camera. We all were quite amazed at how powerful and versatile the cameras on our iPhones are!

The class began with photography basics, like understanding composition and lighting, and before we knew it, we were diving into the hidden features of our phone cameras that we never even knew existed.

soap making is best done at smaller club socials

57. Soap Making Workshop

In our small group Soap Making Workshops, we come together to explore the art and science of handcrafting soap from scratch. Learning about the process of saponification, we combine our oils and additives - and create our own custom fragrance blends and color designs. There's just something joyful about creating a product that is both highly personal and essentially useful.

58. Wreath Making

There is a very large variety of types of wreath making classes, from traditional winter holiday wreaths to decorative mesh wreaths for literally all possible occasions. In our wreath making classes, we gather to express our creativity through working with our hands as we engage in low pressure, light-hearted conversations.

Inviting the author is one of my favorite ideas for book clubs

I decided that book related events deserved their own category since book clubs are such a quintessential and ubiquitous type of social club.

A couple of event ideas for book clubs include:

59. Level Up Your Book Club by Inviting the Author!

Imagine your book club sitting together, discussing your latest page-turner, sipping your favorite beverages, and debating the highs and lows of the plot. Now, imagine adding the author into the mix. Boom! Mic drop!

I remember the first time I invited an author to one of our book club meetings. I honestly didn't think she'd even answer my email. But she did. And she came! Being able to ask her our burning questions, delve deeper into character motivations and to hear her behind the scenes stories and inspirations was truly AWESOME.

Having invited many more authors since that day, I can say with experience that authors are the most gracious of "celebrities", happy to share their inner worlds with their readers. So, I encourage you to just reach out. You have nothing to lose and an amazing experience to gain!

60. Book Themed Events

Another way to take the immersive fun of a book club up a notch is to bring the book to life by turning the club meeting into a themed experience. At times, my book club will dress up as our favorite characters, prepare food and drinks that are aligned with the location or time period (or, better yet, are mentioned within the chapters), or even decorate our meeting space to match the setting of the book. It's like we're stepping right inside the pages!

Holding a social event centered on mental health awareness can be a powerful way for club members to connect, support each other, and break the stigma that too often silences these important conversations.

A few common topics for mental health related social event ideas include:

61. Burnout and Stress Class

Burnout. Who hasn't been there? Stretched to our limits and feeling like we're juggling too much. If you want to host a class on burnout and stress, I recommend inviting a knowledgeable speaker who can educate the group, provide practical takeaways and facilitate a supportive discussion among group members. When done well, this discussion will forge powerful bonds within the club, creating a community that lifts each other up when the going gets tough.

62. Core Personal Values Class

I'm slightly obsessed with core values. (You can read more about their importance and how to find your own in this article about personal core values .)

A class about core personal values class can be very enlightening and fun event to host.

After an introductory discussion about what core values are, participants determine and define their own, and then share their thoughts with the group.

It's a perfect way for club members to get to know themselves and each other on a deeper level. We're no longer acquaintances; we're teammates on this journey we call LIFE.

63. Mindful Eating Class

Mindful eating is about savoring every bite, appreciating the flavors, and really tuning in to how food makes us feel. In our mindful eating class, our instructor taught us techniques to help us develop a healthier, more harmonious relationship with food. I was pleasantly, very surprised by the depth of the conversation we had as a group during this class. Members opened up about all different kinds of personal challenges. I guess this is what happens when people have an opportunity to engage with each other over something we all love—food!

Vision boarding is a thoughtful idea for club socials

64. Vision Board Class

The purpose of a vision board class is for members to turn their abstract dreams and goals into a physical, visual display of inspiration that they look at every single day. At our vision board event, after everyone completed their boards, we went around and shared our hopes and ambitions with the group. Months later, I still hear members checking in on each other regarding the dreams they talked about that day.

An 80s party is a classic theme for club socials

The Trybe doesn't host a lot of large social events because they simply are not the best option for building meaningful friendships. However, a few times a year we do love to just let our hair down and blow off steam in a loud and hysterical way. These events may not be amazing community builders, but they do create lasting memories and a lot of inside jokes.

Here are a few of our favorite large club socials:

65. Host an 80s Party

Like, who doesn't totally dig an 80s bash, man? Doesn't matter if you're pushing 80 or just a rad're gonna have a blast at an 80s party! For real, even my teenagers can't resist the call of 80s tunes (they also like mumble rap, but let's not even go there...).

80s shindigs are a thing because everything's just too cool for school. The music, the threads, the crazy hair, and even the party vibes are all maxed out on the fabulous scale. But dude, we don't just stop there. We crank our 80s parties up to eleven by playing the killer music videos while the jams are thumping. It's totally tubular!

66. Concerts

Similar to food events, live concert event options could fill their own blog article. From local artists, to indie pop, to classic rock, or even a soothing evening of jazz under the stars...every performance holds the potential to take us on a different emotional journey, a shared experience that stays with us long after the last note has faded.

67. Costume Parties

Halloween, of course, remains the crowning jewel of costume parties, but why limit it to once a year? Any social club event can become a themed wonderland, giving us the chance to break up daily monotony and bring our favorite characters to life.

My favorite things about costume parties are that they quickly break the ice, bring down barriers and level the playing field as newcomers stand out less as "the newbie" and more as "the one dressed like a pickle".

68. Drunk Shakespeare

Imagine the Bard's iconic scenes being performed, but with a quirky, tipsy twist. That's Drunk Shakespeare for you – an event where we gather to watch professional actors unleash comedic genius, all while one (or more) of them is under the influence. The twist? It's not just the performers who can enjoy a pint or two; we also get in on the action, leading to a riotously unpredictable show. If you're looking for a memorable event, this one delivers in spades.

piano bars are my favorite club socials

69. Dueling Piano Bar

Hanging out at a Dueling Piano Bar is my personal, absolute favorite social club outing. I love the interactive nature of the performances, the nostalgia of favorite, old singalongs and just the fun of watching an entire bar of strangers turn into longtime friends as we sing and laugh into the wee hours.

Pro Tip. Don't assume that your members know what a dueling piano bar is (particularly those older than 60 or from outside the USA). At our last piano bar event, four of our members were expecting a peaceful evening of subdued, classical music! (Thankfully all were able to quickly make the mental shift needed and had a blast.)

70. Pool Foam Party

If you've never tried this, it's a must.'re never too old...

A swimming pool foam party is the epitome of unconventional fun, taking the typical pool experience and transforming it into an effervescent spectacle. With the sun shining and your favorite tunes hitting the airwaves, imagine bubbly foam transforming the water's surface into a dreamlike dance floor. It's a playful, sensory feast of sudsy novelty!

71. Impersonator Performances

Dance the night away to classic hits from the Beatles, Elvis, Queen, Prince and everyone in between. Nothing beats the magical nostalgia of reliving the tunes of our youths with our current gang of compadres.

masquerade balls as a class idea for club socials

72. Masquerade Ball

I thought that masquerade balls deserved their own category because there's just something about them that people find particularly alluring and intriguing.

I'm not sure if it's the dash of sophistication and elegance, or the mystery and intrigue of not being entirely sure who is behind the masks, but, if you're looking for an event idea that will draw a crowd, you can't do much better than a masquerade ball.

73. Murder Mystery Party

If you've never done one, a murder mystery party is basically an interactive, role playing game where everyone plays a character, and someone, secretly playing the villain, has committed a "murder". As the game unfolds, players gather clues and try to piece together the mystery. This type of event is perfect for getting people interacting with each other quickly. For sure, a murder mystery party is a killer way to spice up a social club. (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

74. Silent Disco

Have you been to a silent disco yet?

Imagine a silent room where everyone is wearing headphones and moving in totally different ways. A naive passerby would think something crazy is going on, but it's actually a silent disco where everyone is dancing to different songs.

Silent discos most commonly involve rented headphones and live DJs offering 2-3 different song options at all times, but you could DYI this event by having everyone bring their own headphones and playlists.

A silent disco is a great option for diverse groups of people with different musical tastes, places where loud noise is an issue and (somewhat surprisingly) shy dancers. (With everyone moving to their own beats, no one really knows if your dancing is good or bad!)

Here is a list of random other favorite social club event ideas don't quite fit into the above categories.

75. Escape Room

Escape Rooms are super popular and you can find them almost anywhere. The goal of an Escape Room? To solve all the challenges at hand and "escape" a room within a set time limit. This type of experience (as with any experience during which participants have to work together toward a common goal) is unmatched for bonding. As we combine our skills and rely on teamwork, there's an exhilarating rush of success when we crack a code together!

76. Personal Finance Class

You may not immediately think that a personal finance class would be a good event for a social club. I was, in fact, quite surprised when members started requesting we do one.

Like a gym session, but for our financial health, we dove into aspects of finance such as investing, taxes and retirement funds. We shared finance tips and even discussed some of our money triumphs as well as tribulations.

77. Google Photos Workshops

Have you ever found yourself scrolling endlessly through your phone photo gallery looking for that one picture you took at last year's Halloween party? Or maybe you're camera reel is full of screen shots mixed up with the family reunion photos. try to take a video, but can't because your storage is full - AGAIN.

This is where Google Photos Workshops come in.

These workshops are popular because they are practical and help solve a very common problem that many of us struggle with. Why does it make sense specifically as a social club event? The answer is that these classes provide the perfect mix of useful and social. As we work side by side learning how to clean up our photos, we laugh and share memories.

78. Public Speaking Class

The number one form of social anxiety is public speaking, with some estimates putting rates upwards of 75% of the entire US population  being afraid of speaking in public. Toastmaster's International  is, of course, the gold standard for those who are serious about stomping out this fear, however, The Trybe hosted a one-off public speaking class with a great deal of interest and success.

To do this, we brought in a professional public speaker to teach us basic techniques for nerves such as breathing exercises and visualization. She also taught us some improv techniques and silly ways to shake off the anxiety. We all cheered each other on. It was a surprisingly great time!

Final Thoughts

Whether we're standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the stage of self-improvement, throwing axes or letting goats climb up our down dogs, it's really the shared experiences—the laughter, the anticipation, the challenges, collective groans and cheers—that create true bonds among social club members.

What I've learned thus far, having enjoyed all of the above experiences (and more) with The Trybe Women's Social Club, what it's really about is COMMUNITY. The events are just the vehicles we use to get there.

About the Author

Angela Caveney, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist and Founder of The Trybe Women's Social Club . Her absolute favorite things to do are to help women find their people, rediscover themselves and thrive throughout midlife. She can be reached directly at [email protected] .

(*Note. If The Trybe Women's Social Club  is not in your location, reach out to Dr. Caveney to start a conversation about creating a club where you live. Even if you don't know a single person in your new city , don't worry!  This is a great way to start to meet new people fast. We'll provide the framework to get you started.)

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50 Ideas Guaranteed to Inspire Your Next Social Event

Dec 5th 2022.


You know you want to plan an event, and you want to make it memorable (in a good way). But all you can think of is another company-wide wine and cheese night. While we’d never knock a good wheel of brie and a cheeky sauvy b, it might be time to get a little bit more creative with your event ideas.

Creative planning ideas are the thing that can push an event from being just okay to being magical . Not to mention, if one of your event goals is to increase the visibility of your brand, it’s going to be important to think outside the box.

But coming up with something is much easier said than done. Don’t worry: we’ve listed 50 ideas to get those creative juices flowing, and inspire your next event.

Fun and games

1. Games night

Host your own games night! This is a great way to get people to form teams and have some fun. It’s also a good idea to introduce people to a few new games they might not have played before.  Set yours up like a classic board games cafe , with different tables dedicated to different games. It’s also worth having someone there who knows all the rules so they can walk between tables guiding people on the rules. Include classics like Monopoly and Risk, and why not branch out with a few you haven’t tried before?

2. Awards night

Why not make an awards night? Depending on how silly or serious you are, you can include categories designed just to make people laugh. This works especially well with selecting two people to be hosts for the evening, doing their best Tina Fey and Amy Poehler impressions .

3. Trivia night

Get your quiz hats on and host a fun trivia night. You can tie the quiz to a specific theme - like pop music, songs by the Beatles or any other area of expertise. And you can always add a fun twist, like an all or nothing round in which teams can bid their points and end up doubling their score, or losing it all.

Organise a debate and get speakers to make their case for or against a proposition. Again, this can be as serious or silly as you like .

5. Fantasy football

Organising a fantasy football contest can be a fun event that lasts weeks. Then have a final event at the end to celebrate the winners! Here is a step-to-step guide planning your own league.

6. Table tennis tournament

Set up some tables at your next event and organise a round-robin style tournament. A great game where spectators can also socialise.

7. Run a GIF or meme contest

Get your most online mates and your most creative entrants to create the best GIF, meme or other computer-related artwork. The best GIF or meme wins! Bonus points for originality and the currency of the meme.

8. Scavenger hunt

This is a fun way to get people working together to solve a series of clues. Your hunt can be within a single space like an office, or can span an entire city! Just make sure the clues make sense, or you might have a few people getting lost.

9. Magic show

Who doesn’t love magic? Having a magician there to perform is a fun form of entertainment, and suitable for family events.

10. Dance party

Get everyone together (once restrictions allow it) and have a dance party! Variations to make is COVID-Safe include everyone tuning into a virtual dance party from the comfort of their own homes.

11. Immersive experience

Creating an immersive or interactive event experience can be a lot of fun for your guests, as well as a great way to work with brand partners. This is a kind of experiential marketing [Link to blog 0020] and can really help get your event noticed. One example was Refinery29’s 29 Rooms event, in which every room was transformed to match a brand partner or creative collaborator.

12. Themed party

A great theme will get guests inspired and add to how ‘instagrammable’ your next event will be! [link to blog 0003]

13. Hat party

These days, we all wear a lot of hats (cue: groan at the bad dad joke). But why not throw a hat-themed party, and let everyone wear their favourite fedoras and cowboy hats.

14. Early morning rave or dance sessions

An early morning rave is a trending way of getting your blood pumping bright and early, and setting you up for good vibes for the rest of the day . If you’re stuck at home, why not get everyone to contribute a few moves and then create one full dance routine that you can all learn.

15. Flash mob or tik tok challenge

It’s always fun to get everyone involved in a flash mob or doing the latest tik tok challenge. You probably remember the Harlem Shake that swept the internet a couple of years ago!

16. Karaoke

A classic event, karaoke is a great way to get everyone singing and maybe even find some secret talents in your guests. You can head out to a bar or hire a machine and bring it to your choice of venue.

17. Happy hour

Host a happy hour and make some custom drinks to be served to your guests! Or, do a tasting with a twist: have guests bring their favourite drink and tell a story about it. This is a great way to learn a little bit more about your guests and also get to taste a variety of different food and drinks.

18. Olympics

The 2020 Olympics was sorely missed, but with the 2021 Tokyo Olympics meant that we are about to be hit with Olympic fever once again. Why not celebrate with your own mini Olympic games? This is a fun chance to get creative with possible events, and also a cool way to make sure no-one is left out by catering for all accessibility requirements and diverse needs.

Share knowledge

An expert panel is a great way to bring industry leaders together to share their knowledge, and to have discussions relevant to different industries or interests.

20. Workshop

Hosting a workshop is a great way to get a group of people together to learn a new skill with an opportunity to practice. Whether this is upskilling for a work function, or something totally new and creative like a workshop on chair-making, there are many possibilities for this kind of event.

21. Introduce a pet

Since lockdown, pets have been making a few extra appearances during work meetings. Why not formally introduce pets to your coworkers with a fun pet-friendly event?

22. Guest speaker

Inviting a guest speaker is a great way to draw people in who might be interested in a particular topic or area of expertise, and can be a chance to ask them questions about their field.

Get creative

23. Movie screening

The cheesier the movie the better. Have you seen Cats (2019) yet?

24. Drive-in movie

Another cool take on the classic movie night. Hire out an outdoor cinema and have attendees drive up and watch a film. Bonus: this is COVID-Safe.

25. Painting (and wine)

These kinds of painting nights have become wildly popular, and for good reason! Have guests set up at an easel, and paint a scene or model. No need to be the next Matisse!

26. Exhibition

Why not make your next event a trip to an exhibition? Partner will a gallery or think outside the box and come up with your own exhibition ideas.

27. Craft night

Whether you want to try cross-stitch, knitting some tiny jumpers for penguins , or pottery, craft nights are a super fun activity.

28. Powerpoint party

Powerpoints might take you back to some, uh, less engaging work meetings. But, as this article in the Atlantic argues , they can also be a powerful tool for sharing knowledge about topics you know nothing about (but that your friends and colleagues do).

29. Art contest

Have a contest for the best artwork! You can also mix this up by having different ‘rounds’ and flash drawing contests.

30. Talent show

Uncover some hidden talents and be sure to provide some fun prizes! This can be singing, dancing, magic tricks, or anything else people want to perform.

31. Open mic show

An open mic is a common format for poetry and comedy nights, but there is no reason you can’t adapt it to whatever you like! The idea is that anyone can stand up and have the mic for 5 or 10 minutes, and try their best to entertain the crowd.

Learn something

32. Show and tell

Just like in school, have everyone bring in an item or interesting fact and share it with the guests!

33. Skillshare evening

Get everyone to bring a skill, pair up or form small groups, and teach the others this skill. Whether it’s coding a new website, or learning to cook a delicious dish, this is a fun way to get everyone a new skill!

34. Improv classes

Improv can seem scary for the shy people out there, but it is actually a fun activity for amateurs too. Why not book an improv class or find an instructor to come to your next event? A lot of exercises will remind you of drama classes in school, but with an emphasis on connection, team work, and making each other laugh.

35. History tour

What better way to get to know your city than organising a tour? You might learn some hidden history. And why not try to find a tour that is specific - whether it’s about art, a ghost tour or a tour to learn more about the Aboriginal history of the place you live.

36. Cooking classes

A great way to learn a few new techniques (and enjoy a delicious meal). You can find pasta-making classes, French cuisine, seafood, or even a pickling class !

37. Bake-off

Just like the famous Great British Bake-off, why not host a baking contest? You might not have the capacity for cooking at the venue, but you can always ask people to bring in their baked goods.

38. Bad cupcake contest

Inspired by TV show ‘Nailed It’ , everyone gets shown a picture of a complicated cake and then tries to make it themselves. Needless to say, most of them won’t turn out quite right.

Champagne spillin’ (fancy events)

39. Gala dinner

Gala’s are a great excuse to host a large event, and have everyone get dressed up for the occasion!

A ball is a fun way to let everyone get dressed up in their best, hire a venue (especially one by the water), and have a little bit of a fancy evening on the town.

41. Best dressed contest

Having a ‘best dressed’ contest is a great way to let everyone show off their most stylish outfit. You could even have a red carpet with snaps to circulate after the event.

Tasty treats

42. Food tasting

Have a variety of unusual foods to test and try. This can be cheeses, breads, charcuterie or any other favourite dish!

43. Food festival or markets

Take inspiration from Sydney’s night noodle markets or espresso martini festival and build a whole event around one type of food or cuisine.

44. Food truck

A food truck is a fun way to bring exciting foods to your next event! Whether it’s tacos, toasties or crepes, it’s guaranteed to elevate your food offering.

45. At-home dinner party

With restrictions still in place and WFH a trend here to stay, you can organise a dinner party for people in their own homes. Arrange for a takeout to be delivered to each attendee, and then all tune in for a zoom while enjoying the food.

46. Yoga morning

A great way to get moving and slow down, having a yoga session is a great way to reconnect and start your day right.

47. Wellness retreat

Wellness retreats are trending, and for good reason. They help you slow down and break the cycle of stress, just when you need it most. Check out our top tips for hosting a wellness retreat [link to Blog 0018].

48. Meditation sessions

Have someone come in and take you through a meditation session, to rest your mind and breathe a little more deeply.

49. Animals visits

Organising a visit from a few friendly animals is a great event that has real mental health benefits . Some guide dog charities will help arrange visits, or you can always arrange a pet-based event.

50. Find Love (speed dating)

This is a way of making networking a little bit more fun and with a little bit less pressure on attendees. Have a time limit for meetings, and get one set of people to sit down and another to rotate through the room. Both parties should be able to talk for 2 minutes before moving on, and at the end the host can connect those who both ‘matched’.

Em Meller

Em Meller lives and works in Sydney, Australia on the unceded lands of the Gadigal people. Her work has appeared in places like The Lifted Brow, Cordite, and Going Down Swinging. She has studied creative writing at the University of Technology, Sydney, and at Oxford University.

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5 Yacht Party Themes That Will Wow Your Guests

5 Yacht Party Themes That Will Wow Your Guests

Looking for an excuse to get together and socialize, consider yacht party themes for an upcoming Chicago Private yacht charter.

The good thing is that you’ve come to the right article to help you plan it. Detailed below are five key yacht party themes you should know about.

You’re not alone in seeing the value and potential fun of chartering a yacht for your event. In 2019 alone, the global yacht charter market was worth $6.5 billion in revenue .

Still, that means you need to be intentional about making your yacht party an unforgettable one. Whether it’s a corporate, family, celebratory event, keep reading to make sure it’s the best it can be.

1. Blast from the Past

What’s your favorite decade from the 1900s? Do you think your guests will enjoy the 50s, 70s, or 80s the most? The first great idea for your yacht party theme is choosing a decade from the past and decorating accordingly.

Not only is this a great idea to transport the party itself into the past. Also, your guests will love the opportunity to dress the part!

This is true, in particular, if you choose a themed decade in recent enough times that some of the party guests have actually lived through. Remember, retro never goes out of style!

2. Pick a Color, Any Color

Perhaps you’re looking for a more simplified way to decorate your chartered yacht. For something both elegant and easy to manage, consider theming your event with a specific color. Whether red, purple, blue, or even white and black, colors can be themes, too!

You may have heard of the elegant “white” parties that have been thrown on yachts before. You can choose any color, though, based on what the celebration is about. If it’s someone’s birthday party, for instance, you can theme the party based on his or her favorite color.

Start gathering materials like flowers, tablecloths, and maybe hanging decorations to suit the color of your choice. When you sound invitations, let everyone know about the themed color so they can wear something in sync with it.

For more inspiration, check out the best yacht party decor ideas available on Pinterest. Doing so could help you find some ideal ways to make your themed color really pop while everyone is enjoying themselves.

3. Ocean Creatures and the World of Atlantis

Why not lean into the nautical experience by throwing an ocean-based party on your chartered yacht? The great thing about this yacht party theme is that it’s ideal for all kinds of events. Whether this is a family-based event or a big party with your close friends, everyone can enjoy ocean-based decorations and costumes.

Everyone is at least somewhat familiar with the mysterious tale of Atlantis, too. This can add another fun layer to your yacht party.

Atlantis was supposed to be magical; a glorious city swept into the ocean out of nowhere. There are many theories about the actual cause of the disappearance, which makes this theme so fun! Plus, pop culture has used the mystery of Atlantis in many ways to add to storylines in movies, television, and books.

Dressing according to the ocean itself and the mystery of Atlantis can involve a variety of aesthetics. If people want to dress up as their favorite ocean creature, so be it.

Also, though, they can appeal to the glamour of the ritzy nature of Atlantis. Think about beautiful sculptures and majestic nautical paintings on the walls as possible decor.

4. A Family-Friendly Princes and Princesses Theme

It’s understandable if you’re looking for a yacht party theme that is more suitable for children who will be guests at the event. This is of the particular value of family-centered events or celebrations.

Consider throwing your party for everyone as if they’re kings, queens, princes, and princesses! That way, everyone can dress to the nines and really enjoy the luxury of enjoying a yachting experience.

Browse through our yacht party picture gallery to see what you can expect at your event. You’ll find that the theme of royalty itself will fit right in onboard a modern luxury yacht you can charter .

5. Life Is Like a Movie

Another party theme that is both classic and classy is that of Hollywood itself. There are plenty of old cinema decorations you can get your hands on. Think old-fashioned movie reels, black and white photos of famous actors and actresses, and maybe even a traditional popcorn stand!

Tell everyone invited that the timeless Hollywood scene is the theme of your yacht event, and everyone will love it. Another great idea with this party theme is to include a photo booth with many different props to pose with. That way, everyone can snap pictures with their friends to ensure your yacht party is one they’ll never forget.

Make the Most of the Above Yacht Party Themes

As mentioned above, it’s up to you to ensure this event or celebration is a memorable one for all of your guests. No matter which yacht party themes you enjoy, it’ll be up to you to put in the time and effort to plan well.

In fact, that’s where our team of dedicated yacht experts can come in handy. Our top-notch crew and service team can be on hand to help the event go smoothly.

For that reason, we encourage you to reach out to our staff today about chartering your ultimate yachting experience. To start, check out more details about our private yacht crew, services, and features .

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Docking Address: J-Dock Burnham Harbor 1559 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago , IL 60605 at the end of Waldron Drive. The first dock north of the Harbormaster’s office.

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yacht club social event ideas

Nestled in the picturesque town of Falmouth, Massachusetts, lies the Falmouth Yacht Club – a haven for sailing enthusiasts and water sports lovers alike. Established in 1946, the club has a rich history of promoting the sport of sailing and providing a welcoming community for its members. In this article, we will delve into the club’s offerings, from its sailing programs and regattas to its social events and amenities. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a newcomer to the sport, the Falmouth Yacht Club has something for everyone. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of this beloved institution.

Table of Contents

Exploring the rich history of falmouth yacht club, membership benefits and opportunities at falmouth yacht club, sailing and racing events hosted by falmouth yacht club, community outreach and environmental initiatives of falmouth yacht club, final thoughts.

The Falmouth Yacht Club has a storied past that dates back to the early 20th century. Established in 1946, it has been a prominent fixture in the Cape Cod boating community for over 70 years. The club was founded by a group of sailing enthusiasts who wanted to create a space for fellow sailors to come together and share their love for the sport. Over the years, the club has grown and evolved, but it has always remained true to its roots as a haven for sailing aficionados.

One of the most notable events in the club’s history is the annual Falmouth Regatta . This prestigious race attracts sailors from all over the world and is considered one of the highlights of the sailing season. The club has also been a training ground for many successful competitive sailors, some of whom have gone on to compete in the Olympics and other international competitions.

  • 1946 – Falmouth Yacht Club is founded
  • 1950s – Club hosts first Falmouth Regatta
  • 1960s – Club begins offering sailing lessons
  • 1970s – Club expands to include a new clubhouse and marina facilities
  • 1980s – Club members compete in the Olympics
  • 1990s – Club undergoes extensive renovations
  • 2000s – Club continues to host successful regattas and events

For those interested in learning more about the rich history of the Falmouth Yacht Club, the club offers guided tours and a historical archive that is open to the public. Visitors can explore the club’s past through photographs, documents, and artifacts that tell the story of its evolution from a small group of sailing enthusiasts to a world-renowned yacht club.

Joining the Falmouth Yacht Club grants you access to a myriad of benefits and exclusive opportunities that enhance your yachting experience. Our members enjoy top-notch amenities, a vibrant community, and a calendar packed with exciting events and regattas.

Some of the benefits of being a member include:

  • Access to Private Facilities: Members have access to our state-of-the-art clubhouse, private docks, and storage facilities.
  • Social Events: Year-round social activities, including themed parties, dinners, and family-friendly events .
  • Competitive Sailing: Opportunities to participate in club-sponsored races and regattas, with entry fees at a discounted rate for members.

Our members also have access to various opportunities such as:

  • Sailing Lessons: Discounted sailing lessons for members of all ages and skill levels.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow yachting enthusiasts and industry professionals at club events.
  • Reciprocal Club Privileges: Enjoy privileges at other yacht clubs around the world that have reciprocal agreements with us.

Enhance your yachting lifestyle by joining the Falmouth Yacht Club today and experience these exclusive benefits and opportunities firsthand.

The Falmouth Yacht Club is a renowned destination for sailing enthusiasts and competitive racers alike. With its picturesque location on the shores of Falmouth Harbor, the club offers a variety of sailing and racing events throughout the year.

Some of the most popular events hosted by the club include the Falmouth Regatta , a weekend-long competition attracting sailors from all over the region, and the Wednesday Night Racing series, a weekly event that offers a fun and relaxed atmosphere for both experienced racers and newcomers to the sport. In addition to these events, the club also hosts various One Design races, which are open to specific classes of boats and provide a level playing field for competitors.

Event Date Details
Falmouth Regatta July 10-12 Open to all classes, with both distance and short-course racing
Wednesday Night Racing Every Wednesday, May-September Casual races followed by social gathering at the club
One Design Races Various Dates Open to specific classes such as Laser, Etchells, and J/24

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just getting started, the Falmouth Yacht Club has something to offer for everyone. Join us on the water and experience the thrill of competitive sailing in a beautiful and welcoming environment.

At the Falmouth Yacht Club, we are committed to giving back to our community and protecting the environment. Our members actively participate in various outreach programs and environmental initiatives that benefit our local area.

One of our key initiatives is our annual beach clean-up event. Members and volunteers come together to remove litter and debris from our coastline, helping to preserve the natural beauty of the area. We also organize educational workshops for local schools, teaching children about the importance of marine conservation and how they can help protect our oceans.

In addition to our outreach efforts, we have implemented several eco-friendly practices at our club. Our marina is equipped with state-of-the-art waste management systems to prevent pollution, and we use solar panels to reduce our carbon footprint. We have also switched to biodegradable products in our clubhouse to minimize our impact on the environment.

Here is a table summarizing some of our key environmental initiatives:

Initiative Description
Beach Clean-Up Annual event to remove litter from our coastline
Educational Workshops Teaching local children about marine conservation
Eco-Friendly Practices Reducing waste and carbon footprint at our club

We are proud of the positive impact we have made in our community and will continue to strive for a cleaner and greener future.

Q: What is the Falmouth Yacht Club? A: The Falmouth Yacht Club is a private club located in Falmouth, Massachusetts, that is dedicated to promoting the sport of yachting and fostering a community of boating enthusiasts.

Q: What facilities and amenities does the club offer? A: The Falmouth Yacht Club offers a range of facilities and amenities including a marina with docking and mooring services, a clubhouse with dining and social areas, as well as sailing and racing programs for members.

Q: How can one become a member of the Falmouth Yacht Club? A: Membership at the Falmouth Yacht Club is typically obtained through a nomination and sponsorship process, and is open to individuals who share a passion for yachting and are committed to upholding the club’s values and traditions.

Q: What types of events and activities does the Falmouth Yacht Club organize? A: The club organizes a variety of events and activities including regattas, cruising expeditions, social gatherings, and educational programs to promote the enjoyment and knowledge of yachting.

Q: What are the benefits of joining the Falmouth Yacht Club? A: Members of the Falmouth Yacht Club have access to a range of benefits including networking opportunities, members-only facilities, and the chance to participate in a vibrant yachting community.

In conclusion, the Falmouth Yacht Club offers a range of amenities and services for both experienced sailors and beginners. With its rich history and beautiful location, it is a popular destination for boaters and yachting enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to participate in a race, take sailing lessons, or simply enjoy the stunning views from the clubhouse, the Falmouth Yacht Club has something to offer for everyone. We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about this esteemed club, and we encourage you to visit and experience it for yourself.

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yacht club social event ideas

The central activity of the club is to get out on the water, but we also have an active social and events calender. Some of these are annual, others are arranged whenever a group of members feels the time is right. For more information, contact the Social Secretary


  • 1 Tuesday night - club night
  • 2 Annual dinner dance and prize giving
  • 3 Miscellaneous Mayhem
  • 4 Lectures and study visits
  • 6 Winter Solstice Boat Building
  • 7 Open House London
  • 8 Assisting the RNLI
  • 9 Greek flotilla holiday
  • 10 'Push the Boat Out' weekend

Tuesday night - club night

With the bar open and food served from 7 until 9pm, Tuesday evenings see a busy club house, excellent food consumed, the odd pint drunk and more than the odd telling of a sailors tale.

Annual dinner dance and prize giving

This is landmark, annual event for the club that not only marks the end of our year but - more importantly - is an occasion that honours the club and its more active members. We give out some very important prizes to people who have contributed to the life and health of our club.


Miscellaneous Mayhem

  • Pantomime (participation is optional!)
  • Themed murder mystry night
  • St Georges day themed club night


Lectures and study visits

Members of the club and visiting experts often provide talks to members on topics as diverse as sailing in the arctic or navigating the tidal thames. Each year we are invited to visit London Vesel Traffic System (VTS) at the Thames barrier.

During covid we moved talks online and some of the recordings are included on this website.


In clement weather we run frequent jaunts along the River Thames towpath with an enthusiastic cycling crowd, stopping at local hostelries for refreshments. If you don't have a bicycle of your own, we have a few available for members to borrow so you can join one of our cycle trips.

Winter Solstice Boat Building

Getting out on the water can be a bit harder during the winter months - but a standing fixture to get everyone outside and the younger members involved is the solstice boat race! Build a model boat and win lasting glory as we race them on the Thames.


Open House London

Open House London is an annual festival celebrating the architecture and urban landscape of London. It is staged by the charity Open City which campaigns to make London a more accessible, equitable and open city.

During the Open House festival, many buildings considered to be of architectural significance open their doors for free public tours - and this includes the amazing clubhouse of Greenwich Yacht club.

To make visits especially worthwhile, GYC provides refreshments, guided tours and an art exhibition by our talented members.


Assisting the RNLI

Unsurprisingly, many members support the Royal National Lifeboat Institution! For several years the club has helped the RNLI train volunteers in London by hosting a training event, with members offering their services as accident victims, corpses or troublesome sailors in need of help from the RNLI.

No Stevens were harmed in the making of this photograph.


Greek flotilla holiday

Some years, members have organised a flottila sailing holiday around the greek islands.

'Push the Boat Out' weekend


Push the Boat Out is a series of open days offering free or low cost ‘try sailing’ opportunities around the UK. More than 390 RYA affiliated clubs and training centres will be opening their doors to the local community to try sailing - including Greenwich Yacht Club.

Push the Boat Out is aimed at anyone interested in getting into a boat and out on the water. With no experience or equipment necessary, events are aimed at complete beginners, as well as more experienced sailors looking for a way back into the sport or interested in finding out more about their local club. Families, children, partners, individuals, groups of friends – everyone is welcome.

All kit and safety equipment is provided, all you need is; some clothes you don't mind getting wet (ideally not jeans), a change of clothes (to wear after your on-the-water activity) and a towel. Some venues are also organising for tea, cake and barbeques to be available on the day.

All activities are free.

(310) 827-2220

7 Creative Yacht Birthday Party Ideas

Birthdays come once a year… but the memories can last a lifetime. Celebrate your next trip around the sun with a yacht birthday party at FantaSea Yachts. We’ve been doing yacht rentals for birthdays and other events for over 42+ years. With beautiful Marina del Rey as our home base, our cruises offer exceptional service, a one-of-a-kind experience, and gorgeous views of the Southern California coastline. We’ve got you covered! If phrases like “ yacht party rentals Los Angeles ,” or “yachts for birthday parties” ring a bell then look no further. Our luxury yacht fleet is ready to host your birthday party on a yacht with friends and family members from near or far away from home.

Our experienced team of event planning professionals will be at your side to plan the birthday bash of the year. One tip our event planners often share is to consider a theme for your party. From cakes and decor to signature cocktails and party favors, themes are an excellent way to customize your party. Get inspired with these seven yacht birthday party ideas . 

1. Roaring 20s

Break out the flappers, crank up the jazz, and don your best Gatsby attire. The roaring 20s is always a crowd pleaser! Travel back in time with your friends – don’t forget the feathered headdress, pearls, and pinstripes – and pay homage to one of the most buzzed-about decades of the 20th century.

20s themed yacht birthday party

Enjoy sipping on gimlets or perhaps set up a speakeasy-inspired bar. Work with our staff to craft your signature drink. There are so many fun ways to bring back the 20s.

2. Fiesta Fun

Everybody loves a fiesta. Even better when it’s yours! One of the perks of having a fiesta-themed yacht party is the decor. From papel picado and maracas to vibrant colors, talavera, and bold accents, there are so many ways to play up the fiesta theme. Take it up a level by serving delicious fiesta fare. Quesadillas, taquitos, shots of tortilla soup, and elote are delectable dishes that also make great appetizers. 

Be serenaded by mariachis as you dance under the stars.

Mexican themed yacht party

At the end of the night, surprise your guests with a taco service for the post-party treat they didn’t know they needed. Fiesta, fiesta, fiesta!

3. Disco Fever

Cue Staying Alive. Channel your inner Donna Summer. Break out the disco ball. The 70s are back!  

Partygoers can dance the night away to the biggest hits from the grooviest decade. All while sporting their best 70s attire. Time to break out those flared pants, feathered hair extensions and some high-stepping platform shoes!

disco themed yacht party

Whether retro, flashy, or funky, 70s costumes are sure to be righteous.

Lava lamps, beaded curtains, smoke machines, and strobe lighting are great additions to your party decor. Throw in a dash of the most popular colors of the decade – purple, orange, brown – to top off that 70s flair.

4. White Party

There’s something about a white party that presents an irresistible lure. Perhaps it’s the ease of outfit planning. The pristine photo ops. Or that VIP feeling comes with being dressed head to toe in such an elegant color. Guests LOVE a white party. And we love planning them. From linens and flowers to decor and other creative twists, our luxury yachts are the perfect setting to customize your event.

White party on a yacht

Trust us when we say that a white party never goes out of style. 

5. Yacht Rock

Get ready to rock. Get ready to rock to chart-topping hits from the late 70s and early 80s as you cruise to the sounds of Hall & Oats, The Doobie Brothers, Chicago, Steely Dan, Toto… and that’s just the first half hour. Guests will have fun with their attire. Anything goes, from flipped-out polo collars, boat shoes, and white shorts to Captain’s hats and their favorite pair of shades. For a flashier ensemble, channel your inner Miami Vice vibes. 

Yacht Rock. It’s one of our favorite combos.

6. Masquerade Ball

Add a little mystery to your party with a masquerade ball. Feathered masks, jewel tones, and elaborate make-up will up the ante.


Dress the yacht with candelabras, chandeliers, drapes, and lanterns to add some sparkle.

A masquerade ball is also the perfect setting for a murder mystery game or scavenger hunt. And the perfect activity for your guests to lean into the theme.

Don’t forget the photo booth to capture the glamorous costumes and dazzling allure. Along with a professional photographer on board, opt for a shimmering backdrop with streamers and props.  Come one, come all!

Nautical Charm in a Yacht Birthday Party

When throwing a yacht party, a nautical theme tops the list for many reasons. It’s fitting, charming, and makes the most of your party yacht rental experience – ahoy!

Think navy stripes, captain hats, and gold accents. Guests will enjoy a nautical-themed adventure as they take in glimmering ocean views and a cool, coastal breeze.

Welcome aboard, mate! People Also Ask

How many people can fit on a party yacht? The FantaSea Yacht fleet boasts three gorgeous yachts with capacities ranging from 12 – 250 guests. 

Ready to plan the ultimate theme party? We invite you to give us a call at 310-827-2220 or click here to submit an event query form to get you one step closer to hosting an unforgettable birthday party with FantaSea Yachts.

bride and groom on a yacht

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FantaSea is the premier provider of yacht charters and rentals in Southern California. We’re ideal for weddings, corporate events, birthday parties, yacht parties, and all celebrations!

Phone :  (310) 827-2220 Email :  [email protected]

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FantaSea Yachts is proudly featured in Playa Vista magazine. Click here to read more.

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yacht club social event ideas

Tampa’s Most Unforgettable Event Space

Social Celebrations

Yacht StarShip offers Florida’s largest fleet of dining yachts with award-winning service and cuisine!  We are America’s first 3-Diamond Rated Dining Yacht, ranking our yachts in the top 28% of all restaurants.  With four fully air-conditioned luxury yachts, we have the premier party venues and event spaces in Tampa Bay for social celebrations ranging from 25-600 guests.  Dockside events can accommodate up to 1,200 guests. Yacht StarShip is the only dining yacht in Tampa Bay with an elevator servicing all 3 passenger decks.

Birthdays:  Create the perfect birthday celebration to commemorate another year!  Whether you’re celebrating with an intimate group of friends or going all out for a milestone year, we have the package for you.  No matter the number of candles on your cake, a birthday cruise aboard Yacht StarShip will make for an unforgettable occasion.

Graduations:  Celebrate the crowning achievement of your favorite student’s career with friends and family aboard Yacht StarShip. After countless exams, hours of homework each night, and school projects (that mom and dad likely helped with), you’ve all earned a good time!

Tour and Travel Groups:  Groups are welcome aboard our dining cruises in Tampa and Clearwater, reserved seating and private rooms available. View Yacht StarShip’s  Holiday and Specialty Cruises  for a complete listing of all specialty Cruises, also available to groups.

School Dances:  You may not remember who your high school math teacher was but we guarantee you a once in a lifetime memory for your school dance or prom!  We offer affordable party packages for proms, dances and formals.

Family/Class Reunions: Planning a family or class reunion?  Yacht StarShip is the perfect event venue in Tampa and Clearwater for reunions of all sizes.  With stunning views, quality cuisine and a unique setting, StarShip will create an unforgettable Reunion. 

Bar/Bat Mitzvahs: Celebrate your son or daughter coming of age!  Let StarShip plan your next unique and unforgettable Mitzvah for your child’s special day.  Mazel Tov!

Quiñceanera: Choosing a venue for your Quinceañera is an important decision and Yacht StarShip sparkles for the perfect event of every size!  With stunning views, delicious cuisine and something out of the ordinary, Yacht StarShip will “Create a Sea of Memories” to make your Quinceañera an event that will have everyone talking for years!

Church Groups: There are few other outings as captivating or as fun as a cruise around Tampa Bay.  No matter what the reason, you and your fellow churchgoers will be impressed with the StarShip experience.

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Benedict College, July 2024

The students rated the experience a 10/10! They thoroughly enjoyed. Menu was amazing; staff/service TOP TIER; and the DJ was outstanding. 

Sonya's Retirement, June 2024

We had an amazing time on Yacht StarShip! The entire crew was phenomenal. I could not have asked for a more perfect day! 

King High School Class Reunion, June 2024

We have a very special group of classmates and I have only heard positive feedback! EVERYONE had a lovely time!

Ami's 50th Birthday, May 2024

You all were so easy to work with! Everyone was so helpful! We had an absolutely great time on the boat! It was so fun! Everything worked out so well! It was a memorable evening for sure!

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Oktoberfest at Anacapa Yacht Club

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Join Anacapa Yacht Club for our Oktoberfest celebration! Bar opens at 6pm, dinner at 6:30pm.

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    7 - Get Social. It's so fun to see your guests having a good time - and in this day and age, there is a 99.9% chance your yacht party will end up on social media. So why not join the fun? Designate a hashtag for your event, set up a selfie station, or host a photo booth to capture those memorable moments.

  3. Waves of Fun: The Joy of Yacht Club Activities

    The event made news headlines and helped revive yacht club social events as popular social spots. In conclusion, Dinner Dances at yacht clubs combine elegance, cuisine and entertainment. They not only offer members a chance to socialize but also serve as exciting showcases for potential new members. So, ditch the mothballed Gatsby costume and ...

  4. Setting Sail in Style: 10+ Epic Yacht Party Theme Ideas For All Occasions

    Ensure the yacht meets all safety requirements and has the necessary licenses. Step 2: Set a date and time: Determine the date and time for your yacht party, keeping in mind the availability of the yacht and the convenience of your guests. Plan to ensure you secure the desired date. Step 3: Determine the guest list: Create a guest list and send ...

  5. Community Events

    Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. Phone: 727-822-3873 Pass-a-Grille 727-360-1646

  6. Plan a Sensational Yacht Birthday Party in 5 Easy Steps

    5. Select the right Music. Getting the music right can make all the difference at a yacht birthday party. Take some time to plan your music and your playlist. This could be a compilation of the top 100 hits from a certain decade or songs that make you want to dance and sing along.

  7. Home

    Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years. We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment.

  8. Six Tips For Planning Your Yacht Party

    Depending on the number of guests, the day of the week, and catering selections, an event could be anywhere from $150 - $200 per person. Planning a yacht party is easy with the help of Fantasea Yacht's trained staff. Go with the finest yacht rental in Marina del Rey.

  9. Membership

    The St. Petersburg Yacht Club offers something to entice every member of the family every day. With two clubhouses, three marinas, full service catering, a fleet of sailboats, live entertainment weekly and a long list of programs and events. Full/Active (single/dual); Non-Resident; Intermediate (ages 34 and under) and Pass-a-Grille only.

  10. 300 Best Yacht Club Party Ideas

    Jan 22, 2020 - Party ideas with a nautical theme. See more ideas about nautical theme, nautical, nautical party.

  11. Social Life

    Other events. Because EYC is a member-run organization, we rely on our members to plan social events. When someone gets an idea for a fun party, they run with with it! Members have enjoyed holiday socials, a Halloween murder mystery party, and a fundraising regatta for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, to mention just a few. We welcome new ideas ...

  12. Yacht Club event ideas

    Oct 12, 2021 - Explore Kelly Sloskey's board "Yacht Club event ideas" on Pinterest. See more ideas about nautical party, nautical baby shower, nautical themed party.

  13. 78 Social Event Ideas That Will Elevate Your Club Socials

    If you lead a women's social club, invite the guys to this one and host a battle of the sexes. (Of course, the girls won our event!) 2. Bike Ride to Breakfast. Starting the day with fresh air, gentle exercise, and the collective rhythm of friends pedaling is invigorating and sets a positive, energetic tone for the day.

  14. 50 Ideas Guaranteed to Inspire Your Next Social Event

    4. Debate. Organise a debate and get speakers to make their case for or against a proposition. Again, this can be as serious or silly as you like. 5. Fantasy football. Organising a fantasy football contest can be a fun event that lasts weeks. Then have a final event at the end to celebrate the winners!

  15. 32 Yacht club party themes ideas

    Dec 20, 2017 - Explore Lisa Wright's board "Yacht club party themes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about party themes, island party, luau party.

  16. 5 Yacht Party Themes That Will Wow Your Guests

    Browse through our yacht party picture gallery to see what you can expect at your event. You'll find that the theme of royalty itself will fit right in onboard a modern luxury yacht you can charter. 5. Life Is Like a Movie. Another party theme that is both classic and classy is that of Hollywood itself.

  17. Falmouth Yacht Club: A Guide to Membership & Events

    By Oli Alex. January 5, 2024. 0. 203. Nestled in the picturesque town of Falmouth, Massachusetts, lies the Falmouth Yacht Club - a haven for sailing enthusiasts and water sports lovers alike. Established in 1946, the club has a rich history of promoting the sport of sailing and providing a welcoming community for its members.

  18. Social Events

    1 Tuesday night - club night. 2 Annual dinner dance and prize giving. 3 Miscellaneous Mayhem. 4 Lectures and study visits. 5 Cycling. 6 Winter Solstice Boat Building. 7 Open House London. 8 Assisting the RNLI. 9 Greek flotilla holiday.

  19. 7 Creative Yacht Birthday Party Ideas

    From cakes and decor to signature cocktails and party favors, themes are an excellent way to customize your party. Get inspired with these seven yacht birthday party ideas. 1. Roaring 20s. Break out the flappers, crank up the jazz, and don your best Gatsby attire. The roaring 20s is always a crowd pleaser!

  20. Events

    Highland Yacht Club Social Calendar. It's hard to say what constitutes the highlight of Highland's social calendar. That's because the offerings are so varied and distinct. From the on water celebration of Sail Past which kicks off the boating season, to the Commodore's Bash, Christmas kids' party and toy drive, the many themed and ...

  21. Social Celebrations

    With four fully air-conditioned luxury yachts, we have the premier party venues and event spaces in Tampa Bay for social celebrations ranging from 25-600 guests. Dockside events can accommodate up to 1,200 guests. Yacht StarShip is the only dining yacht in Tampa Bay with an elevator servicing all 3 passenger decks.

  22. 21 Yacht club party themes ideas

    Jan 5, 2018 - Explore MsSonia Harris's board "yacht club party themes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about party themes, yacht, yacht club.

  23. Oktoberfest at Anacapa Yacht Club

    Vacation Ideas; Destinations; Travel Benefits; Entertainment & Style. Movies; TV; Music; Celebrities; Beauty & Style; ... About the Event. Join Anacapa Yacht Club for our Oktoberfest celebration! Bar opens at 6pm, dinner at 6:30pm. ... Featured Event Understanding Your Social Security Retirement Benefits. Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. PT ...

  24. Will-drafting workshop. STEP Wales social event. 15 October 2024

    STEP Wales social event. 15 October 2024. Host group. Host Left. Hosted by. STEP Wales. Event Type. Social Event. Date. 15 October 2024. Venue. Cardiff Yacht Club Windsor Esplanade Cardiff CF10 5BG United Kingdom. Topic: Will-drafting workshop. Speaker: Kate Parker (Civitas Chambers) Price for season ticket (all events) - booking required by ...