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yacht club portland

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Foghorn Archives 2003 – May 2023

yacht club portland

Officers and Directors

Commodore’s Welcome

Welcome! Since our beginnings in 1932, RCYC has grown steadily to a 160-slip member-built and owned marina with concrete docks and a floating clubhouse. We do not allow live-aboards (but members often do spend the weekend on board their boats, and we have shower facilities for members and reciprocal guests). While the majority of boats in the marina are sailboats, power boats are also welcome. We perform all our own repair and maintenance of Club facilities, which means that dues and fees are very affordable. Moreover, our work parties are true “parties” with social aspects taking on equal importance to the work. To ensure that all members participate in maintaining the Club, we require a minimum of 16 work hours per year per membership. That said, it does take more hours than the minimum to maintain and develop the Club so we appreciate the extra effort that many members contribute, particularly on special projects. The Club has its own pump-out dock, and there is a commercial fuel dock located at the next door marina.  The Clubhouse has a full galley, restroom facilities and a current capacity of 84 persons. Recently, the Club constructed a new floating patio, with a covered roof, which offers a delightful venue for many a summer BBQ. RCYC enjoys one of the newest all-concrete marinas in the NW, with pressurized water and all-GFI power to each slip. Our marina is strengthened to withstand winter winds, and we maintain depth with our own member operated Dredge, the “J Randall” in the fall of each year.  Water depth is our marina is maintained at approximately 7 feet when the river level is at 0 feet relative to the Columbia River Datum (CRD) gauge. Note that actual water depth is typically much deeper than 7 feet in the marina, as the river historically runs higher but it can occasionally get down to 6 feet, or less, in the fall during low tides. Our slips are sized for boats up to about 12 feet of beam pretty easily, and some accommodate boats a foot or two wider. Dock tie-up lengths vary from 30 feet to 42 feet. There is normally a six- month to over a year’s wait for a slip, after being sworn in as a new member. We host many organized cruises on the Columbia River, as well as informal gatherings at nearby docks and anchorages. For our “Lazy Daze” cruise, we explore the lower Columbia River estuary, with many stops at island anchorages and small towns along the way. Some of our cruising members voyage everywhere from BC and Washington waters, down to California, Baja, the South Pacific, and beyond.  Many Club members participate in local and offshore sailboat races. RCYC is a regular sponsor of local races on the Columbia River. Skills are shared and we all collectively benefit. Members have trophied in ocean races regularly. We are family oriented and traditionally have social activities year around, such as the annual Soup and Sail January 1, Opening Day, Walk BBQs and many others. The Club conducts a monthly Board meeting, usually by Zoom, and a monthly General Meeting, usually a hybrid meeting with some members in person in the Clubhouse, and others participating via Zoom. The Club conducts many educational events and seminars. We cooperate with CRYA and our sister yacht clubs and enjoy reciprocal privileges with many yacht clubs in the NW United States, BC Canada, and beyond. Our breakwater hosts reciprocal guests from other yacht clubs who are exploring the Columbia River basin. And finally, the most important feature of the Club is its members. We start with a common love of boating, but we are brought together through camaraderie in so many ways. Building long term friendships in conversation, laughter, and shared food and beverages is what we do best. Sincerely, Commodore Gary Brown and First Mate Lorena Brown

  • Commodore Gary Brown
  • Vice Commodore Cathy Skach
  • Secretary Barbara Weiss
  • Rear Commodore Tod Bassham
  • Treasurer Karen Jacobson

Greg Douglass Mark Engdall Mark Holzmann Bruce Newton John Osborne

Past Commodores

2023 Tod Bashamm 2022 Loren Beach 2021 Carl Corey 2020 CJ Volesky 2019 Chuck Pennington 2018 Matt Richard 2017 Dave Reilly 2016 Gary Whitney 2015 Karen Finch 2014 Ethan VanMatre 2013 John Flenniken 2012 Bill Kramer 2011 Chuck Silver 2010 Chuck Fisher 2009 Karl Quade 2008 Jim Douglass 2007 Marili Green Reilly 2006 Bob Phillips 2005 Judy Oxborrow 2004 Terry Foren 2003 Larry Corderman 2002 Fred Whitfield 2001 Randy Webster 2000 Michael Oxborrow 1999 Quarterdore Jack Mitchem 1999 Quarterdore Ron Moran 1999 Quarterdore Lynn Easton 1999 Quarterdore John Dees 1998 John Dees 1997 Carl Nielsen 1996 Karen Jocobsen 1995 Ron Moran 1994 Lynn Easton 1993 Jack Mitchem 1992 Malyn ‘Mo’ Corderman 1991 Steve Shanklin 1990 Jerry Randall 1989 Jay Clemens 1988 Richard Dyer 1987 Mel Pittmon 1986 Jack Armes 1985 Robert Dressler 1984 Kathie Kneeland 1983 Bruce Padgett 1982 Jim Jackson 1981 Ken Weber 1980 Stan Reynolds 1979 Don Church 1978 Roy Ciappini 1977 John Kneeland 1976 Larry Roberts 1975 Robert Dressler 1974 Phil Sunseri 1973 George Scott 1972 Tom Dicillo 1971 Everett Cox 1970 Virgil Rohm 1969 Fred Arfmann 1968 Dan MacGillis 1967 Don Becker 1966 Clyde Brown 1965 Jack Cairns 1964 Richard Mason 1963 Albert McCready 1962 Lester Marx 1961 Jack Gainer 1960 Stanley Tonneson 1959 Howard Markesen 1958 Don Ross 1957 Merle Starr 1956 Elvin Pruitt 1955 Edgar Ordway 1954 John Huber 1953 Tom Green 1952 Harold Spoelstra 1951 Wade Cornwell 1950 Trueman Smith 1949 Bud Kays 1948 Frank Koehler 1947 Charles Sorenson 1940 Dave Young

Daughter of Neptune

Piper Easton – 2021 Daughter of Neptune

Piper Easton is a 4th generation and 4th year Daughter of Neptune representing RCYC. She is 17 years old and loves the outdoors. She has grown up sailing with her Dad, Joby Easton, and spent a lot of time on the water her Grandfather, Lynn Easton. She is now on the Willamette Sailing Club’s high school sailing team and on the high school ski team representing Central Catholic.

The Daughters of Neptune are ambassadors for their clubs and work with the Columbia River Yachting Association throughout the boating season to promote PFD use and water safety. RCYC crowns our Daughter of Neptune at the Commodore’s Ball and she participates in Opening Day and the  Portland Rose Festival Starlight Parade. She also attends various Ladies Dinners and takes part in the Closing Day ceremonies. Throughout the year she will promote PFD use and water safety with the Daughters of Neptune at various community events. All high school aged daughters, granddaughters and nieces of RCYC members are eligible for nomination. The CRYA prefers Daughters of Neptune be high school juniors, although mature freshmen and  sophomores may also be nominated.

2018-2021 Piper Easton 2017 Kasey Markell 2016 Brooke Annotti 2015 Audrey Douglass 2014 Elsa Douglass 2013 Inna VanMatre 2012 Inna VanMatre 2011 Patricia Morgan 2010 Heidi Reiniger 2009 Meg Stuckey 2008 Claire Pickens 2006 Samantha Baxter 2005 Hannah Bigelow 2004 Katie Holzmann 2003 Megan Royce 2002 Morgan Braden 2001 Colleen Moran 2000 Allison Stewart 1999 Valerie Clatworthy 1998 Dina Lolich 1997 Kelly Billion 1996 Beth Miracle 1995 Eric Lolich (Easton) 1994 Nichole Dees 1993 Kathryn Wilcox 1992 Makila Ison (De Vaney) 1991 Tristand Barrett 1990 Tiffany Dees 1989 Amber Barrett 1988 Kimberley Davis 1987 Alicia Dyer 1986 Tracy Eudaly 1985 Melinda Tontz 1984 Kendra Kneeland 1983 Julianne Tontz 1982 Carolyn Anliker 1981 Teri Griffith 1980 Pamelo Albo 1979 Shauna Smith 1978 Elise Gainer 1977 Linda Tonneson 1976 Donna Lynn Sunseri 1975 Kathy Reid 1974 Laura Becker 1973 Sally Root 1972 Marili Green 1971 Tibby O’Brien 1970 Lynn Gainer 1969 Debbie Brown 1968 Frances Ross 1967 Lei Huber 1966 Karen Krueger 1965 Molly McCready 1964 Karen Brault 1963 Nancy Alexander 1962 Jeannie McLauchlan 1961 Trine Tonneson 1960 Cheryl Ann Snodgrass 1959 Linda NewLean 1958 Audrey Davis 1957 Sandra Pruitt 1956 Judy Began 1955 Linda Tymer 1954 Kathleen Cameron

Forms and Documents

  • Clubhouse Rental Form
  • Membership Application
  • Moorage Request
  • State of the Moorage
  • Moorage Agreement

Member Only Forms and Documents

yacht club portland

Rose City Yacht Club traces its beginnings to 1932, when 20 Portland boaters organized the Rose City Cruising Club, with headquarters at the Staff Jennings marina on the Willamette River. In February 1939, a group of 10 organized the club, naming it Rose City Yacht Club. A floating Clubhouse was built and moored at Tomahawk Island and the membership grew to 35. With the onset Of World War II, the membership voted to disband for the duration. The clubhouse was used by the Coast Guard in wartime, and later sold to the new Columbia River Yacht Club.

After the war, the club was reformed, and in 1948 the tug Defender was purchased and moored at Columbia Moorage as a clubhouse. While remodeling was underway the tug sank at its mooring, but Undaunted club members raised it and completed the job. Two years later the club was moved down- stream to the Larry Knoll property at 73rd and Marine Drive. Soon after, the Defender sank again. This time it was a total loss – and meetings were conducted thereafter at the CRYC clubhouse.

In the meantime the RCYC do-it-yourself tradition became firmly established as members pitched in and installed new walkways, wiring and a well water system. Early in 1953 work began on a new Clubhouse financed by bonds sold to members and with all labor performed by the membership. As The list of members passed 100, in 1956 the two walks of the moorage were extended 50 feet, and 300 additional feet of frontage were leased from the Port of Portland.

With proceeds of a new membership bond issue in 1957, work parties constructed two new walks, doubling the club moorage capacity. A social highlight of the year was the first RCYC Commodore’s Ball. Another $6,000 bond issue was required in 1958 to dredge silted areas in the moorage.

In 1960 RCYC became affiliated with the Pacific International Yachting Association, and several members participated in the first PIYA sponsored NorPac Sailing Race from the Columbia River light-ship to Port Townsend. This year also saw completion of a new ramp from the lower parking lot to the moorage.

The Columbus Day storm was the big news of 1962. Our clubhouse snapped its mooring chains and set sail for Vancouver, catching up in midstream on the lower tip of Lemon Island sandpit. A tug retrieved it with only slight damage.

In 1963 the club was free of debt, with all construction and dredging bonds redeemed. The moorage was improved with the installation of a new water supply system and the grading and graveling of the lower parking lot. Subsequent improvements included the installation of security fences with maginetic card locks at the walkway entrances, rewiring of the clubhouse, purchase of two new electric galley stoves, and the construction and launching of a club workboat, the Rose Bud.

In 1966, following negotiations with the Port of Portland, RCYC undertook another major expansion Program. The Knoll property was abandoned, and the club leapfrogged downriver, adding 370 Frontage feet to the 300 already under lease from the Port. The $40,000 project was completed in 1967, with financing provided by a $16,000 membership bond issue and the balance from the Port on a nine- year lease-loan repayment agreement. RCYC’s “New Look” featured five new, wider walks; a new well; a new floodlighted parking moorage and a small boat dry storage float.

Another windstorm early in 1971 toppled several pilings, revealing wide spread dry rot. After athorough survey, 23 pilings were replaced in time to beat the spring freshet. Low water during 1973, 1974 and 1975 seriously hindered racing and cruising activity. Although dredging in 1976 restored a minimum of eight foot depth throughout the moorage, a hydraulic study indicated the silting problem was likely to continue indefinitely, and a search for a new location began.

Soon the Ed Hargrave moorage, about two miles downstream, was purchased. The property offered Ready access to deep water in a good sailing area, 600 feet of waterfront and ample land space for a parking lot and future clubhouse site.

A new moorage layout was designed and the entire area dredged to a minimum depth of eight feet. About 13,000 cubic yards of spoil were deposited in the parking lot area, new piling driven, and a new steel ramp constructed. A drainage system was installed in the parking lot, and protective rip-rap placed on the bank. Cost of all improvements was raised through the sale of bonds to members.

Other than dredging, pile driving and parking lot construction, all work was performed by members without pay. Members also contributed their time and their boats to the task of moving the clubhouse, club walks and individual houses and slips to the new location. New plumbing and wiring were installed, and the entire job completed in time for a celebration at the close of 1976.

During 1977 and 1978 a second steel ramp was constructed, flag pole erected and tee slips constructed. Due to silting in, possibly from the Mt. St. Helens eruption and 1-205 bridge construction, nearly 10,000 yards were dredged in 1982.

A new roof was put on the clubhouse, gas furnace was installed, and the galley rearranged with new stove, dishwasher, microwave oven and water heater.

A contract to rebuild Walk #1 was awarded to Larson Marine Services. This was for the inshore half and included new logs, stringers and decking. The project was completed in November and the cost was $15,000.

In spring 1984 the remainder of Walk #1 was rebuilt and a wave barrier was added. The breakwater walk was reinforced and the dolphins there were faced with protective metal pipe. The members voted to spend $36,000 to design and install a new under walk electrical system with a hookup between each two slips. The members also did much of the work.

The Property Development Committee gave a presentation to the membership on the building of a shore side clubhouse, and at least 2/3 of the members voted their approval to pursue the issue, but it was later voted down.

The First Mates organization went inactive at the end of 1984, to be replaced by a social activities committee.

1985 was the year the boats needed wheels. Dredging was accomplished and boats back in place by November. It was also the year the electrical installation was completed giving every slip an outlet and no overhead wiring. A new water system was designed by member Ray Dougherty that was installed in one day by the largest work party since the club moved.

The clubhouse has been improved with new tables and chairs, shutters and carpets in the section by the galley. The galley was enlarged by 50% and made modern with new stoves, refrigerators, microwave oven and countertops. The cabinets were modernized and a movable work table provided. A large share of this work was done by members and The First Mates provided the new equipment. The old warehouse was removed and the parking lot re-graveled.

1988 saw additional work on the clubhouse. Furniture was refurbished with new laminate on table- tops, and new paint for both tables and chairs. The club jukebox was also replaced with a modern stereo system. Silting in the moorage continued to be a problem, and after careful consideration of the alternatives, the club purchased a dredge from the Portland Rowing Club. A cadre of operators was trained, and by year’s end Walks #4 and #5 had been dredged at a minimal cost. RCYC also continued its cruising traditions, with record turnouts at the spring Sand Island and fall Beacon Rock Cruises.

1990 was the year of the sand. Our dredge put a 10′ trench above Walk #1 to catch sand before it reached the club. Walk #2 was dredged to -8′ which is deeper than ever before. All this dredging created quite a sand pile where the old warehouse used to stand.

The old pump house was removed. Lots of sand was moved to the banks and when they were graded, grass was planted which has really improved the look of the grounds. New underground wiring was installed in the parking lot along with some new lighting. As an alternative to our all wood slips, a 38′ fiberglass T-slip was built.

In 1991 RCYC continued to make major improvements to the moorage. A long range plan was adopted calling for the replacement of our walkways with concrete walkways by 1998. The first 90 feet of concrete walkway was installed on Walk #2 with plans to replace all of Walk #2 and Walk #3 with concrete in 1992. The plan outlined capital improvements through the year 2005. The membership also voted to begin planning a replacement clubhouse to be completed in 1997 or 1998.

Membership continued to grow and the moorage was full most of the year. With a full moorage the financial strength of the club grew so that major improvements could be made without any special assessments or dues increases.

1992 saw the beginning steps toward implementing the Long-Range Plan for club improvements. We installed concrete walkways on Walks #2 and #3 and redecked and restrung the northern breakwater.

The club celebrated its sixtieth anniversary with a Gala Day Birthday Party on Opening Day at the beginning of May.

December’s mean easterlies and the fact that Salty’s no longer provides any protection for Walk #1 resulted in damage to the inboard section of Walk #1. An assessment of the damage was made and the Board brought this information to the club members at a general meeting where it was moved and seconded to make the repairs with a concrete walkway. It is hoped to do this early in 1993.

1993 was a pivotal year for RCYC. We began with the need to replace Walk #1. After considerable research the club voted to place itself in debt to the amount of $346,252 for 7-1/2 years to replace the entire walk in concrete, supported by steel pilings. A contract was drawn up with a local firm.

Larson’s Marine. This company could build us a structure with cast in place T-slips which would provide the moorage with the maximum protection from the occasional and predictive east winds. Negotiations and permits delayed the beginning of construction to October, with completion scheduled for February 1994.

The major event of 1993 was the burning of the mortgage and this was done in true RCYC fashion. It certainly was quite a party, with German sausages, Scottish bagpipes, the clubhouse filled to capacity with happy people and a Fire Marshall to oversee the actual burning.

The clubhouse was finally hooked into a new sewer line through a unique, one design, floating tank and a donated electric panel. An oil collecting container was built and installed in the parking lot. By Laws changes were made to: reduce the Board size from 11 to 9 by combining the positions of Secretary and Treasurer and reducing the number of directors by 1 and to change our procedures for accepting new members. The membership voted in a $35/quarter increase in our capital improvement assessment as well as increasing the amount new members must put into their refundable bond to $500.

1994 was a banner year for the club seeing the complete replacement of Walk #1 with new steel pilings and the installation of our concrete walk featuring cast in place T-slips. The whole operation was supervised by many “rail-birds” and the front of the clubhouse was the best seat on the river. By mid-summer the new electrical and water systems were in place and boats were again shuffled to put the moorage back in order. All was thought to be well, but Mother Nature had other ideas. The first strong winter east winds caused some hinge and pile-hoop damage which required some rethinking and repair.

On the social side of things RCYC enjoyed some record turnouts for cruises and functions. One of the highlights of the year was our support and sponsorship of a fund raising event for “Team Portland” the racing yachts “Rage”, “Sting” and “Magic Carpet” entered in the 1995 Pacific Cup race to Hawaii. Over 300 supporters showed up maxing out the clubhouse to say the least. Over $4,500 was raised and all three boats did super in the race. “Rage” set a new course record.

1995 – What a year!! It started with high winds from the east that damaged Walk #1 and ended with high winds from the south that toppled 10 piling.

On the business side, the major topic of year was Walk #1. After outside engineers looked over the walk and reviewed its design, it was determined that the structure was under-designed and would not stand up to the wind and wave force present at that location. The club started legal action against the contractors and this issue remained unresolved at the end of the year.

Because of the legal expenses and uncertainty regarding Walk # 1, the club had postponed replacing 25 older wood piling in the moorage until 1996. A December wind storm, which topped 10 piling changed those plans. The membership voted to assess all active members $300 to cover the cost of replacing all 25 piling.

A new storage shed/shower was built and a major remodel of the men’s head in the clubhouse was started with the moving of the hot water heater and furnace to the attic area.

On the social side the membership voted in an “Activities Fee” which would cover the cost of most club events which were well attended. All the club cruises saw large turnouts (over 30 boats on Lazy Days) and great weather (over 90 degrees on Memorial Day).

The moorage remains full and a waiting list of up to a year was faced by those wanting moorage.

1996 was the year we resolved many uncompleted projects and unfinished issues. But first, we had to withstand yet another weather related emergency. The Commodore’s Ball was postponed due to severe icing and for the next week many members lives were put on hold as they struggled around the clock to save the moorage from flood related damage. Fortunately, it got better from there.

We hosted Opening Day the first weekend in May at Hayden Island Yacht Club – we weren’t yet ready for visitors. The Luau came back and Oktoberfest was better than ever. But it seemed somehow that mostly we worked.

The piling were replaced. The stringers under the clubhouse were fixed to eliminate the buoyancy problems. The Walk #1 arbitration preparation continued as Walk #1 itself disintegrated further.

Musical boats was the name of the game as we labored to keep as many members in the moorage as possible. Then, finally things fell in place. Walk #4’s ultimate replacement was acquired early to use temporarily on Walk #1. The members voted for a $150,000 E bond issue to fund the project. Just as that installation began, the arbitration was settled with a check. By the end of the year, temporary Walk # 1was in place and, with it, came the prospects of a full moorage.

1997 was the year when the weather finally treated us more gently. During the year we had a lot of fun, we borrowed and spent a lot of money, and we made some major property improvements in our facilities. All of Rose City’s traditional cruises, social events, and other activities continued during the year as members enjoyed good weather and having good times on and near the river.

Progress was made on major projects and many smaller ones. A contract for a replacement of Walk #1, to be built by Bellingham Marine, was signed during the fall of 1997, bringing the long standing issue of replacing Walk #1 close to a final conclusion. After reviewing all project financing options, the traditional RCYC financing method of internal bond sales was combined with a bank loan to obtain the funds to pay for the new walk. Existing D and E series bonds were refunded and new F series bonds were sold. Installation of the new Walk #1 will take place in early 1998. During the low water in the fall, rip rap was placed on the eastern part of the river bank to prevent further erosion.

Increasing costs finally caught up with us, forcing a modest increase in moorage rates, the first in nine years.

1998 – In the spring we cut the ribbon on the replacement of the concrete Walk #1 dock and a new concrete Walk #4 dock – a $650,000 investment. We are in debt again, and this time we even let a bank in on it. Many members chipped in with a lot of labor and part of the financing for the venture.

The new docks significantly increased our overall worth and the tax person is significantly increasing his take. For this reason moorage rates had to be raised a bit, but two-thirds of our dockage is now concrete.

This was also the year of either a higher river bottom or lower water for longer than usual. But thanks to a hard working and inventive dredge crew, we came out in good shape with a much improved dredge and a big pile of sand. Also this year saw the initiation of a cruise to Victoria, and sad to say, the last Oktoberfest.

1999 was the year of the “quarterdores” as our Vice Commodore reluctantly resigned because of family health problems. The Nominating Committee tapped 4 previous commodores (John Dees, Lynn Easton, Ron Moran and Jack Mitchem) for the privilege of leading the club through the year.

Our popular educational program included a revised kid’s day on boating safety.

Dredging continued to be an issue and the Board elected to convert the existing dredge to hydraulics and generally upgrade it for continuing service. The alternative – a new dredge – was a little out of reach financially.

The uneventful rollover to the year 2000 was celebrated by a smashing New Year’s Eve party.

2000 – Is it the first year of a new century or the last year of the old century? No matter, RCYC just keeps rolling along, and getting better and better. The year was kind to us weather wise: no storms, no floods, no problems.

The big news all year was “The Dredge”! We kept the dredge busy moving sand out of the moor- age by starting early and working right up to the end of our seasonal permit period. Our good 01′ dredge did the job with greatly improved efficiency due to our investment in, and hands on completion of, the second phase of our dredge modernization and improvement program. A few of the major items included a new main pump, new gantry, rebuilt and enlarged house, new hydraulically driven primer pump and other improvements to the hydraulic systems. Boy, did we move a lot of sand! All the fairways were dredged to design depths. We even dredged some slips that were in desperate need of more water. A new topographic feature arose in the parking lot that many were calling “Mt. Rose” (a few feet higher and we would have had to place an aircraft warning beacon on its summit!). Thanks to a serendipitous arrangement with a local contractor, the dredge pond was dug out several times during the season. This same contractor will also remove the massive pile of sand during the off season at no cost to RCYC.

2000 was also a year for rebuilding RCYC membership. The year started with too many empty slips and the realization that membership was declining. By years end, the moorage was full, and we have many new members and new friends. We hosted an open house and invited prospective new members to our new social event, the RCYC “Ice Cream Social”. This new event and recruiting tool worked very well for us.

The year was not entirely devoted to dredging and membership. We also initiated a small scale, incremental program of moorage improvements. We ordered small quantities of concrete “fingers” from Bellingham Marine for spring and fall delivery. The new fingers were used to replace old and failing wood tee slips. All installation work was done by members, and included the refitting of walk 2 to provide adequate space between boats. This incremental approach to moorage improvement was so successful that it is being carried forward to 2001 and beyond.

2001 at RCYC began well. The dredge was pumping, and a full crew was scheduled. RCYC publications came into the 21st century as the yearbook was converted to a professional digital format and the Foghorn was available on the Internet. Electrical rates were changed to a specific rate by walk, based on the actual history of each walk, to be updated annually. We got through the winter and spring without floods or storms. the year looked like smooth sailing, but the river had other ideas. In mid-July the river level dropped, the Headwalk was aground, and our floating shower/storage building capsized. a midnight crew rescued much of the supplies and equipment, but our RCYC sustained losses. Low water was grounding the Headwalk twice daily through July and August, causing structural damage. We secured a permit and did some emergency dredging under the inboard end of Walk 1, to protect it from further damage. A “Headwalk Reconfiguration Committee” was formed to develop a remedy. The project would clearly involve the Headwalk, the bank, and some more dredging. Construction was proposed for 2002.

Low water and broken docks did not prevent RCYC from sailing and cruising. The annual Lazy Days cruise was well attended and appropriately disorganized.

RCYC boats did very well in the Oregon Offshore. Membership was a bright note, with new members joining almost every month. 2001 saw the first volunteer organized river beach clean up. RCYC represented itself well, providing two workboats and skippers along with club volunteers.

The year ended with the dredge pumping, and a full crew scheduled. There was a lot of talk about Headwalk design, and a continued interest in community involvement and service.

2002 was the “Year of the Headwalk”. The Club undertook the project that would see the replacement of the old wooden headwalk, which through time and damage from the low water of 2001 was nearing the end of its useful life. This was one of the most complex construction projects in the history of RCYC. Several members with expertise in planning, finance, and construction stepped forward to oversee the various phases of the $350,000 project through to successful completion.

To allow for excavation and placement of additional riprap, the shop, dinghy floats, and clubhouse were temporarily relocated. The old headwalk was cut into sections and removed. The river bank was excavated and new riprap was placed to protect the new slope. After placement of the riprap, the new sections of head walk were installed and the walkways were reconnected. Simultaneously, the electrical distribution panels were totally updated and upgraded. Through all the mayhem, only one club meeting had to be held elsewhere. At the end of the year, after two months of construction, the new headwalk was in place, complete with electricity.

With the completion of dredging early in the year, all fairways and nearly all slips were brought to their design depths. This resulted in yet another pile of sand in the parking lot, but it was gone by the time the head walk project started. Thanks to this effort, the loss of half the dredging window late in the year due to the headwalk work was of no consequence.

2003 was a quiet year at RCYC. A mild winter spared us calamitous events within the moorage and we were able to concentrate our efforts and energies on social events, cruising and making the grounds and clubhouse more presentable. Committees were established to plan the remodeling on the club house; to establish a plan for the storage, showers and dredge floats; and to plan for the cleanup of the parking lot and grounds. By the year end the lot committee had executed one of their plans; the terracing of the south bank, simplifying grounds upkeep. the floats and storage committee had proposed a plan for a float that would support the dredge, the shop. the showers and some storage and were collecting data for its design; and the club house committee had established a plan for the inside of the club house, and most of the cabinetry was completed. The actual remodel wouldn’t begin until February 2004.

Dredging went well until a hole was worn in the pump casing. A repair was effected and the dredge was in operation again in about a week.

2004 came in like a lion. We started the year with an ice and snowstorm, which left the moorage without water. The resident members lived on bottled water for nearly a week. The soup and sail was postponed because of the weather. The only benefit from the storm was we now know where the weaknesses are/were in the water system. They have been fixed.

In February, the clubhouse was gutted and a dedicated group of folks spent an unlimited amount of time remolding the building. The finished product was well worth their effort and now enjoyed by everyone. By spring the work parties had the grounds cleaned up, the junk disappeared, the grass was mowed and the place looked like a yacht club once again.

With Opening Day came the start of the sailing season with all that it implies. An assortment of cruises, special events and walk parties were executed. Grass was planted on the south side of the parking lot. One more step completed in the beautification of the property. The establishment of a home for the dredge developed into a full-blown Walk 5 replacement and a shower, storage and dredge float. Oops! The dolphins securing the Breakwater are pulling out. The increased river traffic has not been kind to them. An emergency replacement project was started with the necessary permits obtained with the final completion being accomplished within the in the “water work window”. Walk 5 is now on hold.

2004 was a year of hard work and cooperation by the members who can now reap the rewards of their efforts.

2005 began with an emergency project at the club. The wooden pilings holding the club breakwater in place began showing signs of failure last summer. The engineering report received in late December confirmed the need to replace the pilings. While the permit process was underway, contracts were written and signed with Hickey Marine. Permits were received on February 8, and work began February 11. The last piling was installed on February 14, thus providing a great Valentine’s day present for the Club.

Fastening the piling to the breakwater was completed by March 31.

RCYC was the host club for Opening Day this year. Spring work parties were spent preparing the facilities for this event. RCYC sparkled like the gem we all know her to be. The ceremonies and parade were held under cloudy, but rainless, skies. The Daughters of Neptune and Sea Scouts presented the colors and hoisted the burgees. And, the “mountain” of hors d’oeuvres served to guests after the parading of the fleet was truly impressive.

The fall began with the resumption of work parties to prepare the club for the winter. The Walk 5 Planning Committee began meeting to plan the layout and obtain estimates of costs for putting in Walk 5 so that the Long Range Planning Committee could project when this could be accomplished. And, for the first time in many years, there is no dredging to be done. This has prompted some members of the dredging crew to suffer withdrawal symptoms. However, the dredge has been keeping us busy in another way. We have begun the process to obtain the next 5-year permit. So far, the process is creating substantially more work for those involved. In expectation of the significant higher costs, the membership approved a one-year increase in the dredge fees.

And lastly, the year roared out. December saw an ice storm, several days of high wind and lots of rain. However, all the work in the moorage has paid off with little damage reported.

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Bill Michaels

Understanding Yacht Clubs in Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon is a beautiful city that boasts of some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the United States. The city is also popular among yacht enthusiasts who flock to its expansive waterways to enjoy yachting, boating, and other water-related activities. One of the best ways to enjoy these activities in Portland, Oregon is by joining a yacht club. In this comprehensive guide, we will take a closer look at yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon, and what you need to know about them.

What Are Yacht Clubs?

Yacht clubs are organizations that are dedicated to promoting and supporting boating and yachting activities. They are primarily membership-based organizations that offer a wide range of services to their members, such as boat rentals, boat storage, boat maintenance, and yacht racing. Yacht clubs also provide a community for yachting enthusiasts, where they can meet, socialize, and share their experiences.

Why Join a Yacht Club in Portland, Oregon?

Joining a yacht club in Portland, Oregon has numerous benefits. These benefits include:

  • Access to specialized facilities and services, such as boat rentals and boat storage
  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for yachting and boating
  • Opportunities to participate in yacht racing and other competitive events
  • Opportunities to learn new skills and enhance existing ones through training and workshops
  • Networking opportunities that may lead to new business or career opportunities

Popular Yacht Clubs in Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon has several yacht clubs that cater to the needs of yachting enthusiasts. Some of the most popular yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon include:

1. Portland Yacht Club

The Portland Yacht Club is one of the oldest and most prestigious yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon. The club was established in 1908 and has since grown to become one of the most active and vibrant yacht clubs in the region. The club boasts of a beautiful clubhouse that overlooks the Columbia River and offers its members access to a wide range of facilities and services, including boat rentals, boat storage, and a bar and restaurant.

2. Willamette Sailing Club

The Willamette Sailing Club is another popular yacht club in Portland, Oregon. The club is situated on the west bank of the Willamette River and offers its members access to a wide range of sailing and boating activities. The club is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, and its members comprise a diverse mix of experienced sailors and beginners.

3. Columbia River Yacht Club

The Columbia River Yacht Club is a highly respected yacht club in Portland, Oregon. The club is situated on the banks of the Columbia River and boasts of a beautiful clubhouse that offers its members access to a wide range of services and facilities, including boat rentals, boat storage, and a bar and restaurant. The club is known for its commitment to promoting boating and yachting activities among its members.

How to Join a Yacht Club in Portland, Oregon

Joining a yacht club in Portland, Oregon is a straightforward process. Most yacht clubs require prospective members to complete an application form and pay an annual membership fee. Some clubs may also require prospective members to undergo a background check and attend an interview with the club’s membership committee.

Steps to Joining a Yacht Club in Portland, Oregon

  • Research the yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon and identify the clubs that best suit your needs.
  • Contact the membership committee of the club you are interested in joining and request an application form.
  • Complete the application form and submit it to the membership committee, along with the required membership fee.
  • Wait for the membership committee to review your application and notify you of their decision.
  • If your application is accepted, attend an orientation session to familiarize yourself with the club’s facilities and services.

Joining a yacht club in Portland, Oregon is a fantastic way to enjoy yachting and boating activities while also networking and socializing with like-minded individuals. This comprehensive guide has provided you with an overview of yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon, and what you need to know about them. We hope that this guide has been helpful in your quest to find the perfect yacht club in Portland, Oregon. Happy yachting!

“Discovering the Beauty of Yacht Clubs in Cape Town”

Do Fishing Charter Boats Have Bathrooms?

© 2024 Yacht Dreaming


Portland Yacht Club

Photo of Portland Yacht Club - Portland, OR, US.

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1241 NE Marine Dr

Portland, OR 97211

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We just had our company Christmas dinner there and it could've gone better the prime rib was phenomenal! Great job PORTLAND YACHT CLUB!

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We were invited to a wedding here a few weeks ago, and it's a great yacht club. They're right on the water with huge windows overlooking all the sailboats on the Columbia River. Very cool artifacts and pictures inside; huge parking lot outside. Thanks for hosting us!

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Portland Yacht Club

1241 NE Marine Drive, Portland, OR

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Sauvie Island Yacht Club

A yacht club for cruising sailors.

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Portland, Oregon

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Yacht Harbor Club

  • (833) 608-3194
  • 11505 NE YACHT HARBOR DR, Portland, OR 97217


Be Inspired

Discover a new level of, resort-style living.

Located on peaceful Hayden Island, Yacht Harbor Club's exclusive oasis gives residents a resort-style living experience on their private slice of paradise. From breathtaking views and unparalleled amenities to a waterfront haven where outdoor adventure beckons, our one, and two-bedroom apartment floor plans are designed to provide all the comforts of home set with vacation-like vibes. 

Image of man holding women while standing on yacht.

Enjoy the Good Life and

Bask in LUXURY Amenities

Year-Round Pool & Spa

Premiere Fitness Center

Stock image of harbor/bay at sunset with boats floating in the water.

Live Where You're Surrounded by

Panoramic bliss.

Our open-concept floor plans feature gourmet kitchens designed with you in mind - incorporating stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, custom islands, gas ranges, and more to enhance the heart of the home. Our light-infused bedrooms offer floor-to-ceiling windows and include superior views of the Columbia River, Salpara Bay Marina, and Mt. Hood. Soak in gorgeous marina views from your private patio while savoring the harbor life.  From large walk-in closets and dual vanities to additional storage for whatever you need, our floor plans are customized with a wealth of space.  With premium finishes and wide-open spaces, each floor plan at Yacht Harbor Club brings unparalleled luxury without sacrificing comfort.

Image of man and women in massage setting.

Features That

Suit your lifestyle.

From customized homes designed with top-of-the-line finishes to community amenities that invite a luxury living experience, Yacht Harbor Club has it all. Unwind in our year-round pool overlooking the Salpare Marina, enjoy a picture-perfect sunset stroll on the beach, or watch as your beloved pet makes life-long friends at the community dog run. Make yourself at home at Yacht Harbor Club. Are you ready to embrace a refined way of life? 

  • Community Features
  • Offering One and Two-Bedroom Floor Plans
  • Two Bedroom Penthouse Floor Plan Available
  • Dual Access, Live-Work Units Available
  • Direct Access to Salpare Bay Marina
  • Beach Access to the Columbia River
  • Private Resident Clubhouse
  • Fully Equipped Fitness Center
  • Esthetician Services Available On-Site
  • Access to The Famous - 3 Sheets at the Harbor Casual Bistro
  • Pet-Friendly with Dog Run & Washing Station
  • Garage Parking and Bike Storage
  • Additional Storage Available
  • Swimming Pool & Spa
  • Interior Features
  • Energy Efficient Stainless Steel & Black Appliances
  • Stainless Steel Farm Sinks with Gooseneck Faucet
  • European-Style Cabinets with Chrome Hardware
  • Spacious Gourmet Kitchen with Large Island
  • Built-In Wine Cooler *
  • Modern Pendent Kitchen Lighting
  • Quartz Counters
  • Separate Bar Area *
  • Premium Wood-Style Plank Flooring
  • Fireplace in Every Home
  • Large Bedroom Closets
  • Dual Sink Bathroom Vanities *
  • Stand Alone Shower Options *
  • Private Patio Complete with Gas Grill Hookups
  • In-Home Washer and Dryer
  • Floor-to-Ceiling Windows
  • Views of the Columbia River, Salpare Bay Marina, and Mt. Hood *
  • * Offered In Select Homes Only
  • Pet Policy Type: Cat, Dogs
  • Other Pets Allowed: Active Pet-Friendly Community - We want your fur babies to feel just as welcome with a private dog run and pet wash so they can stretch their legs, enjoy the sunshine, and get pampered, too.
  • Max Number of Pets: 2
  • Max weight of pets: 50
  • Pet deposit fee max: $300
  • Pet monthly rent max: $50
  • Pet policy: Please call for complete pet policy information.
  • Parking Details
  • Parking Type: Multiple
  • Parking Space Fee: $150.00
  • Parking Comment: Finding a place for your vehicle won’t be a problem with reserved underground parking for residents with a gated garage entrance, as well as plenty of spaces for your guests. Contact our leasing office for additional details.

Explore Amenities

Image of man and women looking into camera smiling while sitting on a boat during a sunny day.

Harbor Life

Begin the day with a sunrise breakfast on your private patio and soak in breathtaking views of Mt. Hood. Next, take a peaceful stroll on the beach or  raise anchor and set sail in the brisk morning breeze. Up for an afternoon of adventure? Hit the scenic biking trails in your own backyard. Meet up with friends in the clubroom, then walk over to 3 Sheets at the Harbor for a superb dining experience. 

Live Refined. Embrace Adventure. Be Inspired.

Penthouse Suite

Image of man floating on water, sitting inside of a kayak and holding an oar.

Hayden Island

Explore hayden island, take a look around.

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Experience Yacht Harbor Club

For yourself.

Now offering in-person, self-guided, and virtual touring options to help service your housing needs.  To schedule your customized touring experience, feel free to complete the  Contact Us form.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

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  • Mon - Tue: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
  • Wed: 10:00AM to 6:00PM
  • Thu - Fri: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
  • Sat: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Sun: Closed

yacht club portland

yacht club portland

  • Current OYC Bylaws (2-5-2023)
  • OYC Moorage Rules
  • Fee Schedule
  • 2024 Member Resource Guide
  • Fire Safety
  • Get new 4-digit code and/or Mobile pass
  • Add/Change Contact Info
  • Register Cars and Boats
  • Guest Parking Pass
  • If Doing Construction
  • Extended Absence
  • Owner, Renter Forms & Guides
  • Security Incident Form
  • Committee Signup
  • OYC Traditions Document
  • Clean Marina
  • New Member Checklist
  • Apply for Membership
  • 1996 Flood Images
  • Nature, Birds, Staying Green
  • Photo Gallery

yacht club portland

Oregon's Premier Floating Home Community

In the heart of portland.

yacht club portland

yacht club portland

  45.6008° N, 122.6519° W

yacht club portland

  • Mission And Core Values
  • Officers and Management
  • Dock Camera
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Employment Application
  • Photo Gallery
  • Launch Services
  • Parking & Direction
  • House Facilities
  • Boating Resources
  • Racing Schedule
  • Thursday Night Race Series
  • The Pilot Regatta
  • Casco Bay Fiasco
  • The Schooner Trophy Race
  • Monhegan and Seguin Sprint
  • The Fall Series and Lightship Race
  • One Design Dinghy Racing
  • Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF)
  • J/24 Fleet 43
  • Etchells Fleet
  • Marks & Courses
  • Rules & Information
  • Protest Form
  • Learn To Sail
  • Junior Program
  • Adult Program
  • Sailing Staff

Our Heritage

The traditions of the sea are many and strong. These traditions pass along the valuable experience of the past and shape our approach to the future. They do not oppose change; rather, they form a framework against which to test new ideas.

For these reasons the Portland Yacht Club takes special care to preserve the heritage of those who went before us (such as James M. Churchill, pictured at right, the first Commodore). We maintain a history of the Club, complete with original documents, photos, and artifacts. Our Heritage Committee, currently chaired by Past Commodore Phil Sargent, continues the tasks of organizing the past and integrating it with the present. We hope you find valuable learning in these pages.


A Proud History – A Summary

Detailed histories.

The Club has benefited several times over the years from the work of various Club historians. This section describes several of these histories. To read or download each one in PDF format, click on the title. Note that most downloaded PDFs are searchable.

Clubhouse Locations Over the Years

“Stories from the Man who founded Handy Boat Services“ Listen to Tony Jessen’s 2016 interview with Merle Hallet.

Race History 1869-2015 . Interesting and colorful, this write-up tells the amazing story of early sailboat racing at PYC.

PYC Condensed Chronicle 1869-1960 . As the name states, this history was compiled by Ralph Gould out of many pages of records, meeting minutes, and a myriad of other sources. The version we have was written on a typewriter. The author and perhaps others entered written notes and corrections to be made on a final typed edition. We have never found that final version.

PYC History 1960-2009 . Author Phil Sargent notes, “It has been prepared primarily from extensive notes completed by Bud Singer, PC & Club Historian combined with Minutes of Annual Meetings, Minutes of Board Meetings, comments from Past Commodores and personal memories of the writer (1976-2009).”

Yearly summary is compiled by the Heritage Committee

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

PYC – A Short History . Past Commodore and Club Historian of the time Bud Singer prepared this history covering the period up to 1991. Bud’s attention to detail and his wicked good sense of humor come through nicely.

PYC and the Foreside Yacht Club . Jane Moody has prepared a delightful summary of how the Portland Yacht Club, at the time no more than “a men’s gathering club,” and the “very young and upstart” Foreside Yacht Club, “formed by a ragtag group of young people, sailors all,” came together to form the Club we know today.

1984: “We May Have To Change To Remain the Same .” Look back to when Ted Bernard was looking forward, and see how some things have changed but some things, including issues, remain the same.

PYC Annual Highlights 1960

History of PYC Falmouth Property

How did “Old Powerhouse Road” gets its name? Heritage Committee member Don Ryan and helpers trace the history of the land the Club now occupies, along with the story of the road. This version contains only the narrative. The full version contains copies of deeds and other official documents. However, the full version is so large in electronic size that it cannot be uploaded.

PYC Facilities History

Long-time member Don Ryan compiled this history, going back to 1860.

History for New Members

Lindsay Long-term member Lindsay Lord, pictured at right. He shared his experience and knowledge of the Club as a way of bringing folks into the PYC community. We believe these are his hand-written notes.

Cruising History

A cruise to Boothbay Harbor was the seedling for the founding of the Club.

History of the Junior Sailing Program

How did we get started teaching kids to sail?

First Female Commodore

Leigh Palmer takes over as the first female Commodore of PYC, 2001.

Other Valuable Documents

Broadside, the Maine State Museum Newsletter of Summer 1994. Click here to read about the great story of a speedboat race sponsored by PYC in 1928. The trophy now resides in the Maine State Museum.

PYC Constitution – The year of this document is uncertain, but the format and language indicate a date prior to World War II. Note the specific inclusion of “both sexes,” though female membership was rare. There is no mention of joint membership.

First Constitution Cover Page

1869 constitution jm brown

PYC Moves To New Quarters – Even the local newspaper thought the move from the Portland Waterfront to Falmouth was big news.

New club in falmouth photos 1

Act of Incorporation – This may have been the first time the Maine Legislature approved incorporation of a private club.

Act of incorporation p1

New club in falmouth photose.

Act of incorporation p2


  1. Portland Yacht Club

    yacht club portland

  2. Portland Yacht Club

    yacht club portland

  3. The Portland Yacht Club

    yacht club portland

  4. Portland Yacht Club

    yacht club portland

  5. Centerboard Yacht Club in South Portland, ME, United States

    yacht club portland

  6. The Portland Yacht Club

    yacht club portland


  1. Home

    Portland Yacht Club is Oregon's oldest yacht club and was founded in 1908 as the Willamette Motor Boat Club, and remains today as the premier club in the greater Portland area. Located on NE Marine Drive on the banks of the Columbia River, the club offers open moorage for sailboats, boathouses for powerboats, and open docks for both. ...

  2. About Us

    Portland Yacht Club had its beginnings in 1908 as the Willamette Motor Boat Club, later named the Portland Motor Boat Club. It received its current name in the 1920s. The current clubhouse was built in 1952 after the original was damaged during the Vanport Flood of 1948. PYC, Oregon's oldest yacht club, celebrated its 100th Year in grand ...

  3. Home

    While PYC is a private club, it offers youth and adult sailing education, as well as other opportunities for non-members to enjoy our beautiful setting and facilities. We invite you to learn more. Portland Yacht Club. 40 Powerhouse Road. Falmouth, ME 04105. 207-781-9820.

  4. Rose City Yacht Club

    Welcome. Rose City Yacht Club is one of the oldest and largest yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon. We currently have about 150 active members, individuals, couples, and families who enjoy the convenience and security of a private moorage, gated parking, and floating clubhouse.

  5. Benefits & Dues

    All of the benefits of an Associate membership listed above. Brand new fuel dock and fuel system, available for members this spring. Upgraded twin dispenser will pump 22 gallons per minute, providing at-cost unleaded gas and diesel. On-site pumpout facility. State-of-the-art concrete docks throughout moorage.

  6. Waterfront

    Our waterfront consists of a fixed pier, four main floats perpendicular to the shore, and three connected at 90º to the first float — a "reverse L.". The main float closest to shore is reserved for launch operation. The remaining three main floats offer water, 30 amp (end float only), 110-volt electric power, and low-level night lighting.

  7. Adult Program

    Adult Program Adult programs include women and co-ed and intermediate co-ed classes. Both classes include basic sailing skills, boat terms, rigging, tacking, gybing, and points of sail plus fine-tuning sail trim, reading tell-tales, and boat handling skills. We have one Colgate 26 boat available with one instructor per boat. Five student slots are available per each boat. Students rotate ...

  8. Portland Yacht Club

    Portland Yacht Club, Portland, Oregon. 985 likes · 10 talking about this · 8,065 were here. Portland Yacht Club, founded in 1908, provides the ideal location for hosting your event. With a...

  9. Learn To Sail

    Learn to SailJuniors The Junior program fosters a life-long love of the sport of sailing in a safe, educational, and fun environment.Learn MoreAdults Adult programs include women and co-ed and intermediate co-ed classes. Both classes include basic sailing skills, boat terms, rigging, tacking, gybing, and points of sail plus fine-tuning sail trim, reading tell-tales, and boat handling skills ...

  10. Portland Yacht Club

    Portland Yacht Club, founded in 1908, is a member's only yacht club that is available for event rentals. Northeast Portland. 5 miles from Convention Center Location. 1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211. Google Maps. Contact. Phone: (503) 285-1922. Add to Notepad. Visit Website. AMENITIES.

  11. Events

    Portland Yacht Club is a full-service venue, offering event planning services, in-house catering & bar service, linens, gate security, tables, chairs, china, glassware & flatware, and complete setup & teardown. Contact our Events & Sales Team for a free quote today! CONTACT. Phone. 503-285-1922.

  12. About

    Rose City Yacht Club traces its beginnings to 1932, when 20 Portland boaters organized the Rose City Cruising Club, with headquarters at the Staff Jennings marina on the Willamette River. In February 1939, a group of 10 organized the club, naming it Rose City Yacht Club. A floating Clubhouse was built and moored at Tomahawk Island and the ...

  13. Corinthian Yacht Club of Portland

    Welcome to the. Corinthian Yacht Club of Portland. Official Race Results (2024) Yes, you're in the right place to get all the information about the Pacific NW Offshore Yacht Race sponsored by Schooner Creek Boat Works. CYC founded the race in the mid-1970s and it's still going strong. The race is 193 miles of offshore fun from the mouth of ...

  14. Yacht Clubs in Portland, Oregon: A Comprehensive Guide

    The Portland Yacht Club is one of the oldest and most prestigious yacht clubs in Portland, Oregon. The club was established in 1908 and has since grown to become one of the most active and vibrant yacht clubs in the region. The club boasts of a beautiful clubhouse that overlooks the Columbia River and offers its members access to a wide range ...

  15. PORTLAND YACHT CLUB with 21 real customer photos

    Specialties: We strive to make your business meetings, weddings and special celebrations memorable while removing the stress of planning. Book your tour today Established in 1908. Portland Yacht Club is the oldest Yacht Club in Oregon, established in 1908 as the Willamette Motor Boat Club. It moved to the Columbia River in 1926. Our Clubhouse offers Private Event Space for all your wedding ...

  16. Portland Yacht Club

    Founded in 1908 as a motor boat racing club, the venue boasts nostalgic decorations and stunning views of the North Portland Harbor and the Hayden and Tomahawk islands. The clubhouse possesses four venues within: a grand ballroom, dining room, terrace patio, and ceremony lawn. With capacities for up to 300 guests, Portland Yacht Club ...

  17. Sauvie Island Yacht Club

    Sauvie Island Yacht Club. Home. About SIYC. Contact Information. 2022 - 2023 SIYC Officers. 2023 - 2024 Calendar. SIYC Blog. Technical Articles. Events & Speakers.

  18. Facilities

    Portland Yacht Club moorage is located on NE Marine Drive, and has a commanding view of the eastern entrance to North Portland Harbor on the inside of Hayden and Tomahawk Islands. PYC moorage slips are available for sailboats and member-owned boathouses. The berths can accommodate over 200 boats divided equally to 50/50 sail and power.

  19. Amenities

    GuestsThroughout the boating months, PYC is a hub of activity with day-sailers, cruisers, racers and power boaters frequenting the launch and club resources. PYC is pleased to invite visitors, whether by land or sea. Please contact Heather Sheehan, Waterfront Manager, well in advance, to reserve a mooring: [email protected] or (207)-781-9820. Ext. 20.Arriving by sea PYC has 10 moorings ...

  20. Yacht Harbor Club Portland , OR

    Yacht Harbor Club Apartments in Portland , OR! These apartments are conveniently located near . Call us! (833) 608-3194. We can't wait to hear from you! ... Yacht Harbor Club's exclusive oasis gives residents a resort-style living experience on their private slice of paradise. From breathtaking views and unparalleled amenities to a waterfront ...

  21. Oregon Yacht Club * Yacht Clubs Oregon * Floating Home Community

    The Oregon Yacht Club is a floating home community located on the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon. The close proximity of downtown Portland while still in a pastoral setting has contributed to OYC's being one of the premier floating home moorages in the area. The 39 floating homes adjoin eight acres of natural riverfront property ...

  22. Portland Yacht Club

    Portland Yacht Club, Portland. 729 likes. Portland yacht club currently has off the beach cats/monos, trailable yachts and keelboats located in South West Victoria

  23. Membership

    Join Portland Yacht Club, Oregon's oldest and premier club for boating enthusiasts. Enjoy moorage, events, catering, and sailing activities.

  24. 1 photo to go: Craig Morgan at State Fair

    The Oregon State Fair kicks off tomorrow down at the fairgrounds in Salem, with country singer Craig Morgan headlining the first day.. 🎸 The vibe: After binging on fried foods that would surely hospitalize a Victorian child and checking out Oregon's blue ribbon-winning livestock, head to the festival stage to hear early aughts hits like "Redneck Yacht Club" and "International Harvester."

  25. History

    A Proud History - A Summary. In 1868, two years after the city of Portland was leveled by a fire that was the largest man-made disaster in American history up to that time, twenty-one sailors met in the office of W. W. "Whisker Bill" Thomas Jr. to discuss the formation of a yacht club. They decided that if they could attract 100 members ...