
Cruce Andino connect Chile and Argentina.

Cruce Andino , an invitation to tour the mythical Andean Lake district, through the most beautiful natural route to connect Chile & Argentina. Today after 4 centuries we invite you to a magical place, fall in love with the nature in its purest form, to discover the secrets of Patagonia and marvel at our volcanoes, lakes, ancient forests and the warmth of our people on an unforgettable journey that will make you think that maybe magic is real. Cruce de Lagos (Lake Cruises) offer 1 or 2 days cruises between Puerto Varas and San Carlos de Bariloche, the best way to see one of the most picturesque areas in the World.

Do you need help ? call us today at 1-800-811-8829 or send and email to [email protected]

lagos andinos catamaran

cruce andino in 2 days.

08.00 hrs. Departure from Puerto Varas hotels and locations provided. Continuation toward Petrohué by bus, bordering Lake Llanquihue. Impressive views of Volcano Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes dominate the landscape. We will enter to the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park where we will visit the Petrohué waterfalls; whimsical shapes of volcanic rock, bathed by green waterfalls make the perfect picture.

10.00 hrs. We will set sail to Peulla, sailing on Todos los Santos Lake. If the weather permits incredible views of Osorno and Puntiagudo Volcanoes and Mount Tronador will surprise you.

11.45 hrs. Arrival to Peulla, ecological Village, a paradise for nature lovers. Lunch or dinner (not included).

10.30 hrs. We will board a bus with destination Puerto Frias. After performing the departures formalities at Chilean Customs Office. We will cross the Andes Mountain range at 3,202 ft above sea level. We will descend by a sneaky road to Puerto Frías, navigation by Felix Frías lake, toward Puerto Alegre. In Porto Alegre will take a bus to Puerto Blest.

13.00 hrs. Arrival to Puerto Blest. Lunch not Included.

15.00 hrs. Get ready to enjoy the Los Cántaros cascade excursion (included)

16.00 hrs. Departure from Puerto Blest, we will begin the last navigation on Nahuel Huapi Lake, with destination to Puerto Pañuelo.

17.15 hrs. Arrival to Puerto Pañuelo, we take the bus to make the final part of our trip with destination to the "Capital of the Argentine tourism", Bariloche. City that fascinates in both winter and summer by its ski resorts, shopping, hotels, restaurants and nightlife.

18.15 hrs. Arrival to Bariloche. End of our services.

cruce andino in 1 day.

08.00 hrs. Departure from Puerto Varas hotels and locations provided. Continuation toward Petrohué, bordering Lake Llanquihue. Impressive views of Volcano Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes dominate the landscape. We will enter to the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park where we will visit the Petrohué waterfalls; whimsical shapes of volcanic rock, bathed by green waterfalls make the perfect picture.

11.45 hrs. Arrival to Peulla, ecological Village, a paradise for nature lovers. Lunch (not included).

14.00 hrs. We will board a bus with destination Puerto Frias. After performing the departures formalities at Chilean Customs Office. We will cross the Andes Mountain range at 3,202 ft above sea level. We will descend by a sneaky road to Puerto Frías, navigation by Felix Frías lake, toward Puerto Alegre. In Porto Alegre will take a bus to Puerto Blest.

18.30 hrs. Departure from Puerto Blest, we will begin the last navigation on Nahuel Huapi Lake, with destination to Puerto Pañuelo. 19.45 hrs Arrival to Puerto Pañuelo, we take the bus to make the final part of our trip with destination to the "Capital of the Argentine tourism", Bariloche. City that fascinates in both winter and summer by its ski resorts, shopping, hotels, restaurants and nightlife.

20.30 hrs. Arrival to Bariloche. End of our services.

lagos andinos catamaran

Reservations and Information requests for cruce andino.

For reservations and information Fill out the Form or You can contact us directly at 1-800-811-8829 toll free from the USA or Canada, non toll free from other countries 1-309-875-3380 or local # in Chile ( 562) 2 570-3927 or send email to: [email protected]

Flexibilidad de reprogramación y anulación en todos nuestros tours y programas


Cruce Andino desde Puerto Varas

Tour de 8 días y 7 noches para conocer dos de los destinos más hermosos de Argentina y Chile: Bariloche y Puerto Varas. Podremos disfrutar su gastronomía, sus paisajes y su historia. Las conectaremos a través del Cruce Andino, navegando los lagos más importantes de Patagonia. Una aventura inolvidable.


Día 1: Bariloche. Degustación en Chocolatería

Llegada a la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche y traslado hacia el hotel elegido. Por la tarde, realizaremos degustación de chocolates y dulces artesanales en una hermosa chocolatería local. Traslado de regreso al hotel.

Día 2: Circuito Chico y visita al Cerro Campanario. Por la tarde, Isla Victoria y Bosque de los Arrayanes

Por la mañana haremos el recorrido de Circuito Chico , que nos dará un panorama de Bariloche y sus atractivos más cercanos. Por la tarde haremos la navegación hacia la Isla Victoria y el Bosque de Arrayanes , donde se da una alta concentración de esta especie única color canela.

Día 3: San Martín de los Andes por la Ruta de los 7 Lagos

Un recorrido de casi 200 km nos llevará desde Bariloche a San Martín de los Andespor 7 Lagos a través de una ruta escénica que conecta los siete lagos más importantes de la región.

Día 4: Bariloche – Puerto Varas: Cruce de Lagos Andinos

La famosa travesía también conocida como Cruce Andino , nos llevará a un recorrido especial, navegando y visitando lugares de una belleza espectacular, como el Lago Frías, Peulla y el Lago Esmeralda , cruzando la Cordillera de los Andes y llegando a Puerto Varas.

Día 5: Puerto Varas – Maravillas del Lago Llanquihue

Visita a la ciudad de Llanquihue , la Iglesia Parroquial, las casonas antiguas, la plaza de Armas y la playa de los Cisnes. En Frutillar almorzaremos en el sector del Museo Colonial. Luego continuaremos hacia el pueblito típico de Puerto Octay , admirando las cumbres nevadas de volcanes y montañas de la Cordillera de los Andes.

Día 6: Puerto Varas – Isla de Chiloé: Castro y Dalcahue

Navegación de 30 minutos hacia la mágica isla Chiloé . En Dalcahue visitaremos Mercado Artesanal, Museo e iglesia. En Castro disfrutaremos de un típico almuerzo. Recorreremos luego el barrio de Palafitos de Gamboa , la plaza e iglesia de Castro, terminando nuestro recorrido en la iglesia de Nercón.

Día 7: Puerto Varas – Bariloche

Desayuno y traslado hacia la terminal de buses de Puerto Varas. Bus regular hacia Bariloche. Llegada y traslado al hotel. NOTA: Si los clientes lo requieren es posible realizar un traslado hacia Puerto Montt para volar desde allí hacia Santiago o cualquier otro punto de Chile para seguir con su viaje

Día 8: Bariloche – Fin del tour

Desayuno y traslado al aeropuerto para su vuelo de regreso.

Incluido en el Paquete

  • 4 noches de alojamiento en Bariloche.
  • 3 noches de alojamiento en Puerto Varas.
  • Excursión Maravillas del Lago Llanquihue con almuerzo.
  • Excursión a Chiloé con almuerzo.
  • Excursión Circuito Chico en servicio privado con ascenso a Cerro Campanario.
  • Excursión Isla Victoria y Bosque de Arrayanes en servicio VIP.
  • Excursión a San Martín de los Andes por 7 Lagos.
  • Excursión de día entero Cruce de Lagos.
  • Bus Puerto Varas - Bariloche.
  • Todos los desayunos.
  • Traslados de llegada y salida en aeropuerto de Bariloche

No Incluido

  • Boleto aéreo Buenos Aires-Bariloche-Buenos Aires.
  • Tasa de embarque en Puerto Pañuelo (se debe abonar en la excursión de Isla Victoria y al momento de hacer el Cruce de Lagos).
  • Tasa municipal de alojamiento en Bariloche.
  • Gastos extras y actividades opcionales o comidas no mencionadas en el itinerario.

Precios por persona

lagos andinos catamaran

En la excursión Cerro Tronador recorreremos imponentes paisajes desde el cerro hacia la frontera con Chile, y podremos detenernos a sacar fotos desde los miradores, Algunos atractivos que conoceremos durante el paseo son El Lago Gutiérrez, el Lago Mascardi y la villa homónima.

lagos andinos catamaran

El Camino de los 7 Lagos es un recorrido de 200 kms sinuoso, atraviesa bosques de lengas coihues y cipreses. Camino a San Martín de los Andes visitaremos los lagos Espejo, Correntoso, Escondido, Villarino, Falkner y Machonico. Y ya en San Martin de los Andes almorzaremos y visitaremos Casa de Piedra.

lagos andinos catamaran

La excursión Isla Victoria y Bosque de Arrayanes nos llevará por el Lago Nahuel Huapi hasta llegar a Isla Victoria, una reserva natural donde podremos observar animales autóctonos y exóticos. Ya en la península de Quetrihue conoceremos el único bosque de Arrayanes en el mundo.

lagos andinos catamaran

La excursión Circuito Chico recorre maravillosos paisajes de los alrededores de la ciudad de Bariloche. Podrán admirar el paisaje de lagos y montañas desde cada punto panorámico. El recorrido del Circuito Chico es imperdible ya que se trata de uno de los paseos más tradicionales de la región.

lagos andinos catamaran

Cacique Inacayal Lake & Spa Hotel se encuentra sobre la Avenida Juan Manuel de Rosas, ubicado en un lugar preferencial en el centro de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche, a solo 4 cuadras del Centro Cívico y del centro comercial, sobre la costa del lago Nahuel Huapi . Brindando a sus huéspedes maravillosas vistas al lago.

lagos andinos catamaran

Patagonia es el nombre con el que se conoce a un gran territorio que abarca la parte sur de Argentina y Chile. Dentro de la Argentina, los principales atractivos se ubican en la región de los lagos, junto a la Cordillera de los Andes, donde se destaca la ciudad de Bariloche ; la zona atlántica donde se encuentran Puerto Madryn y Península Valdés y la Patagonia Austral donde se encuentran la ciudad de El Calafate, el Glaciar Perito Moreno y Ushuaia.

Puerto Varas - Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Puerto Varas se encuentra ubicado en la región sur de Chile, entre cerros, montañas, lagos, bosques. Un destino espectacular para los amantes de la nieve y la naturaleza. La ciudad cuenta con unos 30.000 habitantes, y su actividad principal es el turísmo y la agricultura. En ella se puede apreciar su arquitectura colona, en cafés, restaurantes y hosterías del centro de la ciudad. Además, es un destino cercano al lago LLanquihue, el más grande de todo Chile.

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Albom Adventures

Albom Adventures

Capturing the essence of travel through photography

Inspiring travel through photography

Cruce Andino Review: Andean Crossing from Bariloche to Puerto Varas

Osorno Volcano seen from Lago Todos Los Santos in Chile on Cruce Andino

Cruce Andino’s Andean crossing is an ever-changing example of nature at its finest. Turning a day of transit into a spectacular adventure, Cruce Andino transported us over the Andes mountains from San Carlos de Bariloche to Puerto Varas.

As we travelled from Argentina to Chile, we sailed across three lakes, drove through a rainforest, viewed volcanoes, and discovered waterfalls. It was a twelve-hour day that I didn’t want to end.

Tip: pronounced like cruise Andino

The crossing is done in seven major segments (three on boats, four on buses), plus a stop at immigration and another for lunch. If you are like me, don’t be put off by the idea of bus travel. No segment is too long, and the scenery is so picturesque that the time whizzes by.

Reserve your Cruce Andino crossing from Bariloche to Puerto Varas here OR Reserve your Cruce Andino crossing from Puerto Varas to Bariloche here

Cruce Andino segment 1: The City of Bariloche, Argentina to the port via bus (Puerto Pañuelo)

Cruce andino segment 2: cruise across nahuel huapi lake from puerto pañuelo to puerto blest, segment 3 cruce andino: bus from puerto blest to puerto alegre, cruce andino segment 4: cross lago frías from puerto alegre to puerto frías via boat, clear argentinean immigration in puerto frías, cruce andino segment 5: bus from puerto frías argentina over the border to peulla chile, stop in peulla to clear chilean customs and for a lunch break, cruce andino segment 6: cruise across todos los santos lake from peulla to petrohué, cruce andino segment 7: petrohué to puerto varas via bus, about photography on this page, bariloche argentina, puerto varas, practical information and tips before you do an andean crossing with cruce andino, what segment of the andean crossing will be your favourite have you travelled with cruce andino.

Length: 1 hour

I’ll admit, waking up early and walking to the Turisur office with our luggage felt a bit like a chore, but it was the last one of the day. Cruce Andino took our luggage from here, and we barely saw it again before reaching Puerto Varas.

Our first bus provided comfortable transport from the city of Bariloche to the port, stopping at designated hotels just outside the city to pick up other passengers. With both lake and forest views, it was a pleasant ride. For the best lake views, sit on the right side of the bus.

For us, this was the third time we did this segment, as we had been to Puerto Pañuelo, Bariloche at the start of our  adventure to Isla Victoria and also when we completed the  tourist short circuit (Circuito Chico) .

After exiting the bus, we paid a port departure tax of 72 pesos per person ($2 USD). Then we boarded the Gran Victoria catamaran, and for me, this is where our adventure really began. Huge windows, the option of tables or row seating, and outdoor decks provide the ideal spot for everyone’s tastes.

Saying goodbye to Bariloche, we cruised down the Blest arm of Lake Nahuel Huapi inside Argentina’s national park of the same name. Like the other Andean Lakes, Nahuel Haupi is a glacial lake, the cold water reflecting a rich teal.

Blest arm of Nahuel Huapi Lake in Argentina on Cruce Andino

We got lucky with the weather and had clear skies the entire day. The Gran Victoria sailed smoothly. I always choose outdoors on a boat and checked out the decks first on the main level, then the upper level, where I had an opportunity to feed a seagull. I thought this was going to be the highlight of our crossing, but it continued to get better.

Rhonda Albom feeding seagull on a Cruce Andino excursion

Length: 10 minutes

Our first stop was Puerto Blest, a small town that hosted former US President Theodore Roosevelt in 1913. A short break here allowed us to take photos, use the facilities, buy a snack, and walk on the beach.

The Gran Victoria from Cruce Andino docked at Puerto Blest on Nahuel Huapi Lake in Argentina

As an alternative to the Andean crossing, many people opted for a day trip to Puerto Blest and returned to Bariloche from this point. Check the price of the day trip from Bariloche to Puerto Blest

Next, a bus took us through the heart of the National Park, into what our guide referred to as the Valdivian Rainforest. It is a pure forest, growing on fertile ground that has a record annual rainfall of about 4,000 mm. (we really were lucky to have such great weather.)

A map of the region shows a river connecting Lake Nahuel Haupi to Lago Frías, but it is not navigable, therefore the need for the bus. As the drive was only about 10 minutes, we didn’t stop. Therefore, photos were shot through the windows of the moving bus and don’t appear here.

Length: 20 minutes

The Victoria Del Sur, this segment’s boat, was much smaller than the first one but large enough for our shrinking group of those doing the full Andean Lakes crossing. An outdoor upper deck is as far as I ventured into the boat. Jeff checked out the lower deck which had a small outer area and large viewing windows for those who prefer to be indoors.

As we pulled away from Puerto Alegre, condors glided overhead, their magnificent wingspan impressive, even at a distance. This short cruise crossed the deep green Lago Frías (Cold Lake).

Condor soaring over Lago Frias in Argentina on Cruce Andino

Length: 15 minutes

Once in Puerto Frías, we said goodbye to Argentina officially. We had to clear immigration, a somewhat slow process that went smoothly. Just outside the immigration office is a display featuring the route and a replica of the motorcycle that Che Guevara rode travelling from Argentina to Chile.

Puerto Frias with Argentinean Immigration in the background

Length: 2 hours

The bus used for this segment was the weak spot of our journey. Small, and only slightly more comfortable than a school bus, every seat was needed for the passengers, many of whom had to sit with strangers. You can see it in the photo above, waiting for us outside Argentina’s immigration building.

Puerto Frías is at 700 metres elevation. From here, we climbed 300 metres to the road’s summit, where we stopped to take photos as we crossed the border from Argentina to Chile.

Border in the Andes mountains between Argentina and Chile.

We got a second break after another short drive, thus making our time on that bus not seem so bad. Our next photo stop provided views of Tronador, the tallest volcano in the region, standing at 3491 metres (11,450 ft). It last erupted in 1934.

Mount Tronador in Chile on Cruce Andino

Returning to the bus, we continued downhill through the evergreen rainforest to the town of Peulla, Chile. This area gets more than 3,000mm of rain annually, and according to our guide, it rains on average 230 days per year.

Length: 2.5 hours

Peulla is a small town located inside the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park (Chile’s first national park) with a population of only 120 people, which includes our guide. Here, we cleared Chilean customs before having two hours for lunch. As our guide warned us, customs opened every suitcase and backpack to check everything. I am so glad I used packing cubes , as repacking our gear was quick and simple.

Our options for lunch included bringing your own food, eating in the restaurant at the historic Hotel Natura Peulla, or at the cafe next door. There was enough time after lunch for a coffee or beer or for a walk to the water or around the grounds. Unfortunately, I was a bit intimidated by the massive number of swarming Tabanus, an insect that looks as though it’s a cross between giant flies and bees and apparently bites.

Natura Hotel Chile seen from the bus as we approached Puella with Cruce Andino

There are plenty of active things to do in this town for those who choose to make the journey a two-day trip and stay here for the night, thus joining Cruce Andino the following day.

Next, my favourite segment. We sailed for two hours across the Todos Los Santos Lake in Chile on the Catamaran Andean Lakes. One spectacular view after the next, and finally, nature’s masterpiece, Osorno Volcano. Standing tall at 2652 metres (8700 feet), she is a stratovolcano, a near-perfect snowcapped cone. She last erupted in 1869.

Lago Todos Los Santos in Chile on Cruce Andino

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

To our surprise, we had to pick up our luggage as we exited the boat and bring it to the final bus, a new, modern, comfortable coach with a toilet onboard. It was the ideal way to travel by this point, as we were getting a bit tired.

Our final bus segment was broken up when we stopped for 30 minutes to visit the Petrohué Waterfalls. With Osorno as a backdrop, the rushing water created views worth a visit. We arrived at 6.45 pm, and our driver hurried us, insisting we follow him without stopping. Once we reached the pay area, we understood. The last daily entry is at 7 pm.

Petrohue Falls in Chile on Cruce Andino

If you get here too late and miss the falls, you can do it as a separate tour from Puerto Varas on a different day.

The final hour of our Andean crossing was filled with historical commentary on the Patagonia lakes region, things to do in Puerto Varas, where to eat, and other interesting information in both Spanish and English. Time flew by, and before we knew it, we were in the delightful town of Puerto Varas.

YES! Honestly, this was a great day. My highlights are all here in the photos. It was one of the best “travel” days we have had, and it’s a good thing as there are no direct alternatives between these two cities.

Our Cruce Andino Andean Crossing is a perfect example of a quote often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote, “It’s the journey, not the destination that matters.”

Except where noted, all images on the page were shot with an Olympus OMD em5 and an Olympus 14-150mm lens . This is my primary combination when I travel, as the zoom covers nearly every scenario. A mirrorless camera, it’s a lighter weight and smaller alternative to a DSLR. I, like many photographers, believe it is the camera for travellers, as it offers all the flexibility and manipulation options of the bigger cameras without the packing hassle. Plus, it easily captures sequences and shoots well in low light.

We also carry an Olympus TG-6 for when I am around water, indoor shots, underwater photography, and any situation where I feel it is unsafe to carry a larger camera or just prefer to have only a pocket-size camera. Lately, it’s been the camera Jeff reaches for first, as it’s so simple to use, has many optional settings, is dustproof, waterproof, crushproof, and fits in his pocket.

Osorno Volcano seen from Petrohue Falls in Chile with Cruce Andino

Where to stay on each end of an Andean crossing

Our Cruce Andino adventure was part of our larger South American itinerary . 

We spent four nights in Bariloche at Hotel Ayer Del Nahuel. It’s a three-star cozy accommodation that surprised me in a good way. The beds were super comfortable, but it was the location and the staff that left me wanting to recommend this place to all my friends. Centrally located, we were only a block off the main square, with one of the best restaurants we have eaten at in a while (El Nuevo Gaucho) right across the street. The staff was wonderful, making sure everyone was happy while also recommending sites and meals. Check price and reviews: Hotel Ayres Del Nahuel

We spent three nights at this end and stayed at the Bellavista Hotel, a four-star masterpiece overlooking the lake and just around the corner from downtown. Every room has a view of the volcano. Again, our bed was amazingly comfortable, and the staff was very accommodating. We did have one minor issue here, but it was corrected quickly and effectively. They make a fabulous Pisco Sour (a Chilean drink that you must try when in the country), and a decent cup of coffee (not at the same time). Check price and reviews: Bellavista Hotel

  • If you are travelling from Bariloche to Puerto Varas, you will need 72 pesos in cash per person for port taxes (The price could change).
  • Bring food and water or plan to purchase snacks on the boats.
  • Don’t bring prohibited foods over the border.
  • Chilean customs on the Andean Crossing will open your luggage and search everything. Packing cubes will simplify your life, as you have to put your luggage back together.
  • Wear layers; the weather changes throughout the day.
  • Cruce Andino handles your luggage up until the last bus ride.
  • There was a toilet on the final bus (the only long journey) and on the first and third boats. However, there were enough toilet opportunities throughout the day.
  • Bring sunscreen and toilet paper (always in South America).
  • Pre-arrange transport to your hotel at the end of your journey. Check first to see if it is within walking distance. The Hotel Bellavista (where we stayed) is just around the corner from the Cruce Andino termination point.
  • Great views can be enjoyed from both sides of the bus for each segment. Neither side seemed better. If you are trying to take photos through the glass (I rarely do this), sit next to the window; if not, an aisle seat makes it easier to see both sides.
  • The commentary is in both Spanish and English.
  • I had no internet or mobile service on most of the journey.
  • Remember your passports and visas if you need one for entry to either Chile or Argentina (depending on which direction you head).
  • The first modern Andean Crossing between Puerto Varas and Bariloche was completed in the early 1900s and took five days, although archeological evidence shows movement in the area dating back almost 15,000 years.

Please share this Andean crossing article.

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Three boats and four busses to cross the Andes with Cruce Andino. Check out our spectacular day enjoying rainforests, volcanos, waterfalls, and vivid glacier lakes. It's the best way to #travel from #Argentina to #Chile.

    PS: If your schedule allows it, allocate an extra day in Puerto Varas to visit Chiloe island . 

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16 Unique Things to Do in Cordoba Argentina: Cultural Charm

Disclaimer: As media guests of Cruce Andino we were provided with our passage through Turisur . However, the opinions expressed here are strictly my own.

About Rhonda Albom

Capturing the essence of travel through photography, Rhonda Albom is the primary author and photographer at Albom Adventures. She is an American expat based in New Zealand. She travels the world with her husband.


Reader Interactions

January 7, 2020 at 9:05 am

We’re hoping to do the Cruce Andino in November and I have a couple questions. First, we want to stay overnight either in Peulla or Puerto Blest. Do you think one or the other is better for some extra time?

Second, what did you do with your extra days on the Chile end?

Rhonda Albom

January 10, 2020 at 3:30 pm

I hope you love Cruce Andino as much as we did! We opted not to do the overnight, as the activity options were mostly trekking, which we did plenty of in Bariloche (albomadventures.com/things-to-do-in-bariloche/). Only a few people in our group stayed, and I don’t remember anyone joining who had stayed from the day before. Perhaps they were on a different bus. After our crossing, we spent three nights in Puerto Varas. The first day, we relaxed, walked around the town, and enjoyed to music in the park (blog post coming soon). In retrospect, I wish we had gone up Orsono, as others in the hotel did that and loved it. However, day 2 was fabulous. We went to Chiloe Island (albomadventures.com/tour-chiloe-island/). Another long day, which is why we scheduled the day of rest in the middle.

October 12, 2021 at 11:12 am

Do you have contact information beyond the website contact/email address? We had a trip planned but due to COVID we decided to cancel and we can’t reach anyone to request a refund. Mahalo!

October 12, 2021 at 6:10 pm

We booked through Turisur, the link is above at the bottom of the article. They have a contact page.

January 30, 2019 at 3:15 pm

These photos are simple stunning and what an adventure you had! I’m wondering how long you were gone on this trip?

January 30, 2019 at 3:20 am

What an incredible adventure, Rhonda! I always think it’s special when the journey is part of the experience and boy, is that the case here.

Travel Tuesday

January 30, 2019 at 1:32 am

How wonderful! This trip is definitely bucket list material for me!

January 29, 2019 at 11:13 am

So much natural beauty! Sounds like an incredible day. I am a big outdoor and nature lover and know I would so appreciate this type of trip. I’ve been to Chile before, but never to Argentina. Pinning this for future reference.

Obligatory Traveler

January 28, 2019 at 5:06 am

This is such a great post filled with useful information. I made sure to pin it for a future Argentina trip. I know I’d have an enjoyable time since I love boat rides. Those volcano views look stunning.

January 28, 2019 at 2:11 am

Beautiful scenery and beautiful photos. I’ve not been to South America but I’ve wanted to go to Bariloche for many years after watching a tv show about it and it’s chocolate. Good to know about this in case I ever make it there.

January 27, 2019 at 7:31 pm

Oh my, this looks so lovely. That scenery takes my breath away! I love your photos.

melody pittman

January 27, 2019 at 9:21 am

Thanks for these awesome suggestions. Traveling to South America is high on my list for 2019 and this will be very helpful. We live in Panama part-time and even just going to nearby Costa Rica can be a nightmare with the corrupt law enforcement there.

Lisa | Handmade in Israel

January 27, 2019 at 5:43 am

Such spectacular scenery! That is one of the most unusual borders I have ever seen. How fun to feed a seagull like that!

January 26, 2019 at 9:14 am

This is really beautiful. I can’t believe you were able to snap that shot with the seagull!!

January 26, 2019 at 9:43 am

That one was shot of me, but someone else. I gave her photo credit above.


January 26, 2019 at 5:30 am

This looks really cool! I am hoping to visit Chile and Argentina next fall.

January 26, 2019 at 8:09 am

Remember to bring warm clothes if you are heading to Patagonia, even in the summer.

Grand Adventure Story

January 26, 2019 at 1:40 am

Thank you for such an informative post. We’ll be travelling (in the opposite direction) in the area next year. What a great idea to take a tour to take advantage of all the great scenery you’re passing through and minimise the stress of making all those transfers on your own.

January 26, 2019 at 8:08 am

Cruce Andino goes in both directions, and I highly recommend it. It’s a great way to spend a day.

January 25, 2019 at 9:12 pm

What an amazing part of the world. Loved the pic of you and the seagull

Yes, Patagonia is spectacular. We didn’t see enough of it.

January 25, 2019 at 7:34 am

The photo of you feeding the wild seagull is a fantastic shot. The falls are truly beautiful. I would love to visit Cruce Andino even though I don’t do well on boats and buses. The water is lovely.

January 25, 2019 at 9:39 am

The constant change between bus and boat makes this an easy day, and a fabulous adventure.

January 24, 2019 at 1:55 pm

Wow! This place looks absolutely breathtaking! Looks and sounds like such a great adventure!

January 24, 2019 at 2:35 pm

It really is a great adventure.

January 24, 2019 at 8:36 am

Wow, what an incredible adventure. I’m sure it was a long day – but you definitely got to experience all kinds of ecosystems and habitats – from the mountains to the lakes. The Orsono volcano shot is especially lovely. How long did the customs inspection take? Glad that you were prepared for that – I would imagine it might be a little unnerving if you weren’t prepared. (I’m so used to being able to move freely between borders in European travels.) Our travels tend to make our suitcases quite the disaster when we move between locations. This is where I can see the value of packing cubes for sure!

Customs doesn’t take that long because it isn’t a busy area, not like an airport. I would say it took 20-30 minutes to get the entire group through, but they called names and brought us into the building in small groups, so the wait didn’t feel long at all.

January 24, 2019 at 7:41 am

I was pretty pleased with that shot and thrilled the photographer gave me permission to use it.

January 24, 2019 at 5:31 am

Wow, I just added another place to where I need to go. All of your photography is amazingly beautiful.

And don’t just do the crossing, spend some time on both ends.

January 24, 2019 at 5:29 am

Oh my gosh, that looks absolutely incredible! And those shots of the volcano are just STUNNING!

January 24, 2019 at 5:16 am

Wow that is an adventurous place to be in, so cool. I love the views of lake and mountains. Stunning. Great crossing.

January 24, 2019 at 7:40 am

I think the lakes in the foreground make the mountains look that much more spectacular.

January 24, 2019 at 4:22 am

Incredible skies Rhoda. I envy your journey – amazingly beautiful!

January 24, 2019 at 7:39 am

We actually got really lucky with our crossing day. It rains more often than not in this region, so a nice sunny day is not the norm.

Sarah Banwart

January 24, 2019 at 3:06 am

These photos are amazing! I can’t believe that is a real place! What an amazing opportunity, I’m sure you’re itching to go back!

January 24, 2019 at 7:38 am

LOL – we are still in Chile, but north now. And, yes I would love to go back to Patagonia.

Carrie | Clean Eating Kitchen

January 24, 2019 at 3:02 am

Wow! What an amazing adventure! Your photos are stunning and I’m suitably jealous!!

January 23, 2019 at 1:21 pm

Incredible photos and colors, especially the rich greens. That photo of you in the gull is fantastic, what a great action shot. Sounds too long for me but it does seem as if all that beauty makes the journey go quickly.

January 23, 2019 at 4:08 pm

I was a bit worried about the time also, but it’s not like the boring long haul flights. This was everchanging, a day of constant adventure.

Handmade Jewelry Haven

January 23, 2019 at 1:14 pm

Wow!! Simply gorgeous! You would never expect some of these ‘Alpine’ views to be from South America!

Thanks for sharing!

– Lisa

January 23, 2019 at 4:07 pm

I had the same thought as I went through some of it. Not just South America, but we were down at the 41st parallel.

January 23, 2019 at 12:18 pm

It all looks so amazing! You had me at your volcano shot but i cant believe that seagull!! How fun and whimsical! Were you worried about not seeing your luggage again after the first bus?

January 23, 2019 at 4:06 pm

LOL – I never gave my luggage a thought. Our group wasn’t that big and we could often see the luggage. I worry more when I give it to an airline. Plus, we travel super light .

January 23, 2019 at 10:36 am

Wow! What an amazing day — gorgeous views and way too many beautiful things to take photos of! Osorno Volcano is a stunning backdrop and the Petrohué Falls are so beautiful too. A day like this would be a welcome reprieve from my usual travel habits — walking 12-15 miles a day and trying to cram in everything!

January 23, 2019 at 4:05 pm

Somehow I still managed to get my 10,000 steps in, but it was definitely a change in the routine, as like you, we walk a lot when we travel

January 23, 2019 at 7:05 am

Beautiful. Out on the water on a boat is heaven. Always has been and always will be.

Have a fabulous day, Rhonda. ♥

January 23, 2019 at 9:12 am

Yes, I know you would love the boat segments, and the bus segments are pretty good too.

L. Diane Wolfe

January 23, 2019 at 6:24 am

Oh how beautiful! Ten times more than cruising Puget Sound.

January 23, 2019 at 9:10 am

Yes, but I would be pretty sure it was more than 10 times longer.

Ryan K Biddulph

January 23, 2019 at 5:50 am

Gorgeous Rhonda. Those shots are mesmerizing too. I love those blue hues. Nice catch by the wild gull. I dig bus rides; especially in beautiful places.

January 23, 2019 at 9:09 am

I was pretty happy with that seagull shot too. It is rare that I can put shots of me in the articles, as I am usually the photographer 🙂

January 23, 2019 at 4:08 am

Yes, fantastic and ever-changing are two great words to describe it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh

January 23, 2019 at 1:48 am

Now that’s the way to tour the countryside! A variety of travel and plenty to see. Amazing it is so green.

January 23, 2019 at 4:09 am

When you think about how much it rains, the green isn’t so surprising. It was just breathe taking.


January 22, 2019 at 7:44 pm

Beautiful photos thanks for the tour, I liked the ppic of you feeding the wild seagull good capture 🙂

Have a scenictastic week Rhonda 🙂

January 23, 2019 at 4:07 am

Feeding the seagull was really cool. Honestly, I was a bit nervous that he would bite my fingers, but lucky no, not mine nor anyone else that gave it a try.

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Sailing the Andes

lagos andinos catamaran

Contact of the excursion or tour

Cruce Andino

Av. Del Salvador 72, Puerto Varas, X Región, Chile

Activities and Tours in Puerto Varas

On Board the Capitán Haase

On Board the Capitán Haase

The Secret of Cochamó

The Secret of Cochamó

Flying among Volcanoes

Flying among Volcanoes

Going Round in Circles

Going Round in Circles

Gourmet Palates

Gourmet Palates

Sailing the Andes

Osorno Volcano

The Great Fish

The Great Fish

A Night Symphony

A Night Symphony

From the Sea to the Mountains

From the Sea to the Mountains

View more tours and activities

View more tours and activities

Hotels and accommodations in Puerto Varas

Apart Tronador

Apart Hotels

Apart Tronador



Ventanas del Lago

Ventanas del Lago


4-star Cabins

Stillner Waldhaus

Stillner Waldhaus


Chimanga en la Patagonia

Bosque Sur

Glamping Rio Sur

Don Eduardo

Don Eduardo


Río Maullín Lodge

Casa Azul

Casa Molino

View more lodging

Puerto Varas

View more lodging

Terminos y condiciones

TRAVEL SALE! 20% OFF , buy between August 26 to September 1 and travel until November 3, 2024 with discount, use the coupon  PRO-TRAVEL-24  

lagos andinos catamaran

Trip description

A unique tour that sails through The Andes Mountains, across three beautiful lakes, connected by four overland legs, from San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina to Puerto Varas in Chile, and vice versa. A journey that can be enjoyed every single day of the year, revealing mountainous landscapes of great beauty that are located in the most colorful area of the Patagonia. It takes just one day to travel from one country to the other, but the option exists of extending the trip to two days or more, staying in Puella and/or Puerto Blast at the half-way mark.

Duration 112 miles (180 km) in 12 hours, EACH WAY. Subject to changes according to the number of passengers aboard and climate conditions.
Departure OUTWARD: 08:30 hrs. from Bariloche
Arrival OUTWARD: 8.00 PM to Puerto Varas
Departure RETURN: 8.00 AM from from Puerto Varas
Arrival RETURN: 9.00 PM to Bariloche
Transfer Our itinerary includes a pickup service from the main hotels in Puerto Varas and Bariloche. If your hotel is not included on the list you must make your own way to our offices located at Calle Mitre #150 - Bariloche, or Del Salvador 72 - Puerto Varas.
Lodging Optional hotel accommodation in Peulla (CHILE) or in Puerto Blest (ARGENTINA)
Languages spoken Spanish, Portuguese, English

Travel itinerary (referential)

→  ida y vuelta desde bariloche en 2 días.

OFICINA PUERTO VARAS 8:00Salida desde la oficina de Puerto Varas (Del Salvador 72) en bus hacia Petrohué, bordeando el Lago Llanquihue.
PTO. VARAS - PETROHUE08:00 - 10:00Imponentes vistas del Volcán Osorno y Calbuco dominan todo el paisaje. Ingreso al Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales.
PETROHUE - PEULLA 10:00 - 12:00Zarparemos hacia Peulla, navegando el Lago Todos los Santos. Si el clima lo permite, nuevas vistas del Volcán Osorno, Volcán Puntiagudo y Cerro Tronador nos sorprenderán.
ALMUERZO PEULLA 12:30 - 15:00Llegada a Peulla, Villa ecológica, paraíso de los amantes de la naturaleza. Almuerzo (costo adicional).
PEULLA - PTO. FRÍAS 15:00 - 17:00Abordaremos el próximo bus con destino a Puerto Frías, hacia la aduana chilena para realizar trámite de cruce de frontera. Cruzaremos la Cordillera de los Andes camino a Puerto Frías.
PTO. FRÍAS - BLEST 17:00 - 19:00Se continúa en la siguiente navegación por Lago Frías por 20 minutos en el catamarán Victoria del Sur con dirección a Puerto Alegre. En Puerto Alegre tomaremos el tercer bus hacia Puerto Blest.
BLEST - PUERTO PAÑUELO19:00 - 20:00 Iniciaremos la última navegación por el Lago Nahuel Huapi, con destino a Puerto Pañuelo.
PTO. PAÑUELO - BARILOCHE20:00 - 21:00Llegada a Puerto Pañuelo, tomaremos un bus para hacer el tramo final con destino a Bariloche, ciudad que en invierno y verano fascina por sus centros de ski, comercios, hoteles, restaurantes y vida nocturna.

→  IDA Y VUELTA desde BARILOCHE en 3 días o más Incluye estadía en Peulla, Chile

Con estadía en hotel natura - peulla, chile, ida: día 1.

OFICINA MITRE8:00Salida desde la oficina de Bariloche en bus hacia Puerto Pañuelo Bordeando el Lago Nahuel Huapi.
BARILOCHE - PUERTO PAÑUELO8:00 - 10:00En el camino te maravillarás con la hermosa arquitectura de estilo suizo que caracteriza las construcciones de la zona. Hermosos jardines y flores colorean el lugar hasta Puerto Pañuelo.
PTO. PAÑUELO - BLEST10:00 - 11:00Zarparemos desde Puerto Pañuelo hacia Puerto Blest en el catamarán Gran Victoria navegando por el lago Nahuel Huapi. Podrás observar la grandeza del paisaje, el verde de los bosques, las aves que se acercan y conocer más acerca de la fascinante historia de este lugar (Tasa de embarque no incluida, aprox. 3USD)
BLEST - FRÍAS11:00 - 12:00Llegada a Puerto Blest. Bordearemos en bus el río Frías hasta Puerto Alegre, para luego continuar en la embarcación Victoria del Sur por el lago Frías. En este recorrido por el lago tendremos la hermosa vista que nos ofrece el cerro Tronador. Después de una corta navegación se llega a Puerto Frías donde deberemos realizar los trámites de frontera.
FRÍAS - PEULLA12:00 - 14:00Se continúa en bus hacia Peulla con hermosas vistas de la Cordillera de Los Andes
PEULLA14:00Tarde libre en Peulla para disfrutar de excursiones como canopy, cabalgatas, safari 4x4 (costo adicional). Alojamiento y desayuno en Peulla están incluidos. Cena tiene costo adicional.

IDA: Día 2

PEULLA9:00Desayuno en su hotel (incluido). Mañana libre para disfrutar de excursiones en Peulla como canopy, cabalgatas, safari 4x4 (costo adicional).
PEULLA 14:00Almuerzo en Peulla (costo adicional).
PEULLA - PETROHUÉ16:00 - 17:30Zarparemos hacia Petrohué, navegando el Lago Todos los Santos. Si el clima lo permite, tendremos vistas del Volcán Osorno, Volcán Puntiagudo y Cerro Tronador.
PETROHUÉ - SALTOS17:30 - 18:00Ingreso al Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales donde visitaremos los Saltos del Petrohué, caprichosas formas de roca volcánica, bañadas por caídas de agua color verde esmeralda.
SALTOS - PTO. VARAS18:00 - 20:00Continuación hacia Puerto Varas bordeando el lago Llanquihue. Imponentes vistas del Volcán Osorno y Calbuco dominan todo el paisaje. Llegada a Puerto Varas
OFICINA PUERTO VARAS 8:00Salida desde la oficina de Puerto Varas (Del Salvador 72) en bus hacia Petrohué, bordeando el Lago Llanquihue.
PTO. VARAS - SALTOS PETROHUÉ09:45 - 10:15Imponentes vistas del Volcán Osorno y Calbuco dominan todo el paisaje. Ingreso al Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales donde visitaremos los Saltos del Petrohué apreciando las caprichosas formas de roca volcánica, bañadas por caídas de aguas color verde esmeralda.
PETROHUÉ - PEULLA 10:30 - 12:30Zarparemos hacia Peulla, navegando el Lago Todos los Santos. Si el clima lo permite, nuevas vistas del Volcán Osorno, Volcán Puntiagudo y Cerro Tronador nos sorprenderán.
ALMUERZO PEULLA 12:30 - 15:00Llegada a Peulla, Villa ecológica, paraíso de los amantes de la naturaleza. Almuerzo (costo adicional).
PEULLA - PTO. FRÍAS 15:00 - 17:00Abordaremos el próximo bus con destino a Puerto Frías, hacia la aduana chilena para realizar trámite de cruce de frontera. Cruzaremos la Cordillera de los Andes camino a Puerto Frías.
PTO. FRÍAS - BLEST 17:00 - 19:00Se continúa en la siguiente navegación por Lago Frías por 20 minutos en el catamarán Victoria del Sur con dirección a Puerto Alegre. En Puerto Alegre tomaremos el tercer bus hacia Puerto Blest.
BLEST - PUERTO PAÑUELO19:00 - 20:00 Iniciaremos la última navegación por el Lago Nahuel Huapi, con destino a Puerto Pañuelo.
PTO. PAÑUELO - BARILOCHE20:00 - 21:00Llegada a Puerto Pañuelo, tomaremos un bus para hacer el tramo final con destino a Bariloche, ciudad que en invierno y verano fascina por sus centros de ski, comercios, hoteles, restaurantes y vida nocturna.

→  IDA Y VUELTA desde BARILOCHE en 3 días o más Incluye estadía en Puerto Blest, Argentina

Con estadía en hotel puerto blest - puerto blest, chile.

OFICINA MITRE8:00Salida desde la oficina de Bariloche (Mitre 219) en bus hacia Puerto Pañuelo
BARILOCHE - PUERTO PAÑUELO8:00 - 10:00bordeando el Lago Nahuel Huapi. En el camino te maravillarás con la hermosa arquitectura de estilo suizo que caracteriza las construcciones de la zona.Hermosos jardines y flores colorean el lugar hasta Puerto Pañuelo.
PTO. PAÑUELO - BLEST10:00 - 11:00Zarparemos desde Puerto Pañuelo hacia Puerto Blest en el catamarán Gran Victoria navegando por el lago Nahuel Huapi. Podrás observar la grandeza del paisaje, el verde de los bosques, las aves que se acercan y conocer más acerca de la fascinante historia de este lugar. Llegada a Puerto Blest. Mañana libre para realizar trekking autoguiado a Cascada Los Cántaros.
ALMUERZO BLEST13:00 - 15:00Almuerzo en Puerto Blest (costo adicional).
BLEST15:00Tarde libre para realizar caminatas o disfrutar experiencias gourmet, zona de relax o jacuzzi del hotel.
DESAYUNO BLEST9:00Desayuno en su hotel (incluido).
BLEST - FRÍAS11:00 - 12:00Bordearemos en bus el río Frías hasta Puerto Alegre, para luego continuar en la embarcación Victoria del Sur por el lago Frías. En este recorrido por el lago tendremos la hermosa vista que nos ofrece el cerro Tronador.
FRÍAS - PEULLA12:00 - 14:00Después de una corta navegación se llega a Puerto Frías donde deberemos realizar los trámites de frontera. Desde ahí se continúa en bus hacia Peulla con hermosas vistas de la Cordillera de Los Andes.
ALMUERZO PEULLA14:00 - 15:30Almuerzo en Peulla (costo adicional).
PEULLA - PETROHUÉ15:30 - 17:30Zarparemos hacia Petrohué, navegando el Lago Todos los Santos. Si el clima lo permite, tendremos vistas del Volcán Osorno, Volcán Puntiagudo y Cerro Tronador.
PETROHUÉ - SALTOS - PTO. VARAS17:30 - 20:00Continuación hacia Puerto Varas bordeando el lago Llanquihue. Imponentes vistas del Volcán Osorno y Calbuco dominan todo el paisaje. Llegada a Puerto Varas. Fin de nuestros servicios
OFICINA PUERTO VARAS 8:00Salida desde la oficina de Puerto Varas (Del Salvador 72) en bus hacia Petrohué, bordeando el Lago Llanquihue.
PTO. VARAS - PETROHUÉ08:00 - 10:00Imponentes vistas del Volcán Osorno y Calbuco dominan todo el paisaje. Ingreso al Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales.
PETROHUÉ - PEULLA 10:00 - 12:00Zarparemos hacia Peulla, navegando el Lago Todos los Santos. Si el clima lo permite, nuevas vistas del Volcán Osorno, Volcán Puntiagudo y Cerro Tronador nos sorprenderán.
ALMUERZO PEULLA 12:30 - 15:00Llegada a Peulla, Villa ecológica, paraíso de los amantes de la naturaleza. Almuerzo (costo adicional).
PEULLA - PTO. FRÍAS 15:00 - 17:00Abordaremos el próximo bus con destino a Puerto Frías, hacia la aduana chilena para realizar trámite de cruce de frontera. Cruzaremos la Cordillera de los Andes camino a Puerto Frías.
PTO. FRÍAS - BLEST 17:00 - 19:00Se continúa en la siguiente navegación por Lago Frías por 20 minutos en el catamarán Victoria del Sur con dirección a Puerto Alegre. En Puerto Alegre tomaremos el tercer bus hacia Puerto Blest.
BLEST - PUERTO PAÑUELO19:00 - 20:00 Iniciaremos la última navegación por el Lago Nahuel Huapi, con destino a Puerto Pañuelo.
PTO. PAÑUELO - BARILOCHE20:00 - 21:00Llegada a Puerto Pañuelo, tomaremos un bus para hacer el tramo final con destino a Bariloche, ciudad que en invierno y verano fascina por sus centros de ski, comercios, hoteles, restaurantes y vida nocturna.

lagos andinos catamaran

+56 65 228 4242

[email protected].

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From Puerto Varas, Chile to Bariloche, Argentina or vice versa

The Andean Lakes Crossing by bike is unique experience that navigates the Cordillera de los Andes through 3 beautiful lakes, connected in 4 terrestrial stages with your bicycle in 1 day or more, from Bariloche, Argentina to Puerto Varas, Chile.

Bike & Boat Crossing through The Andes in two days or more (staying in Peulla and/or Puerto Blest) Total kilometers covered by bike: 121 kms – 75 miles

It’s important to bear in mind that the Bike & Boat crossing is a journey of around 180 kms, of which 121 kms is by bike .

The journey  from Argentina to Chile is easier , because there are less uphill stretches to climb.

The journey  from Chile to Argentina is more difficult , because there are more uphill stretches to climb.

Bike & Boat trip  INCLUDES :

  • Sailing trip across Lake Nahuel Huapi
  • Sailing trip across Lake Frías
  • Sailing trip across Lake Todos los Santos

If you need more information please contact directly to:  [email protected]

Itinerary by bike:

1st leg: Puerto Varas – Petrohué | 64 km - 40 miles

▪ Altitude: from 75 meters above sea level to 150 meters ▪ Land: pavemented cycle path ▪ Difficulty: medium ▪ Sailing trip aboard the first catamaran on Lake Todos los Santos: 10.00 am ▪ Arrive to the port by: 9.30 am ▪ Traffic: Low Note: This is the longest of all the crossing’s journeys

Leaving from Puerto Varas, you cycle along Route 225, heading towards Ensenada, along a luxurious cycle path. If you’re travel with a saddlebag, you can leave it at the dock and the port staff will keep it safe aboard the catamaran.

2nd leg: Sailing trip from Petrohué to Peulla on Lake Todos los Santos

Length of sail: 1 hour 40 minutes aboard the Catamaran Lagos Andinos It’s important to arrive for the Lake Todos los Santos sailing trip by 9:30 am, a trip that passes through the interesting green color and exuberant vegetation of the Valdiviana Forest.

3rd leg: Peulla – Puerto Frías | 29 kms - 18 miles

▪ Altitude of cycling along horizontal plane: 150 meters above sea level, covering: 17 kms – 10 miles

▪ Altitude of cycling uphill: from 150 meters above sea level to 1000 meters, covering: 8 kms – 5 miles

▪ Altitude of cycling downhill: from 1000 meters above sea level to 780 meters, covering: 4 kms – 3 miles

▪ Land: pebbly soil

▪ Difficulty: medium to high (depending on each cyclist’s rhythm)

▪ Sailing trip aboard the second catamaran on Lake Frías: 4.30 pm

▪ Arrive to the port by: 14.15 pm, having passed through customs and immigration

▪ Optional accommodation: Hotel Natura or camping

▪ Traffic: Low – just long-distance buses

Note: This is the crossing’s most difficult route owing to the 8 kms uphill, which is why the recommendation is to continue the following day. It’s important to consider the medium to high difficulty of this route, as it presents significant changes in altitude along its 29 kms. Verify that the time it takes to complete this leg by bike is enough for you to arrive to Frías by 4:00 pm. For those who opt to stay in Peulla and continue with the journey the following day, there are many extra excursions on offer that you can enjoy.

4th leg: Sailing trip from Puerto Frías to Puerto Alegre on Lake Frías

Length of sail: 20 minutes aboard the catamaran Victoria del Sur It’s important to arrive to Puerto Frías by 4:15 pm, where customs and immigration paperwork will be realized.

5th leg: Puerto Alegre – Puerto Blest | 3 kms - 2 miles

▪ Altitude: from 780 meters above sea level to 700 meters ▪ Difficulty: Low ▪ Land: Soil ▪ Sailing trip aboard the third catamaran on Lake Nahuel Huapi: 6:20 pm ▪ Arrive to the port by: 6:00 pm ▪ Optional accommodation: Hotel Puerto Blest ▪ Traffic: Low – just long-distance buses Puerto Blest is home to a beautiful boutique hotel with spa and heated swimming pool, where you can decide to take a rest from your journey and continue the following day.

6th leg: Sailing trip from Puerto Blest to Puerto Pañuelo on Lake Nahuel Huapi

Length of sail: 1 hour aboard the catamaran Gran Victoria It’s important to arrive for the third sailing trip aboard the Brazo Blest by 6:00 pm.

7th leg: Puerto Pañuelo - Bariloche Center | 25 kms - 15 miles

▪ Altitude: 700 meters above sea level ▪ Difficulty: Low ▪ Land: Pavemented ▪ Traffic: High On route to the port, you can appreciate the region’s typical architecture, its large gardens that decorate the entire route from Bustillo to the city center. We recommend that you take extra care, as heavy traffic passes along this route and there’s little space to cycle off of the carriageway. End of journey

USD 132USD 198
  • Valid until December 2024
  • In US Dollars

Include: * Sailing ticket to the Lake Nahuel Huapi * Navigation Lake Frías * Navigation Lake All Saints

Doesn’t  included:

  • Helmet, first aid kit, etc, the necessary to make the crossing
  • Boarding fees
  • Accommodation
  • Support Truck route between Peulla and Puerto Frías (on request)

  Useful information:

  • ▪ Each passenger must arrive with his or her own cycle, prepared for high mountain terrains. ▪ We recommend that you carry a first-aid kit with you. ▪ Take into consideration that the difficulty of this route fluctuates between medium to high. ▪ Pack comfortable sports clothing and footwear, a warm coat, a hat, sunblock and sunglasses. ▪ It’s obligatory to wear a cycle helmet for safety reasons. ▪ Pack a water bottle to keep you fully hydrated. ▪ It’s obligatory to travel with al documentation required to make the border crossing from Argentina to Chile. ▪ Times are subject to modifications without prior notice. We recommend that you reconfirm all times before you travel.

Cruce Andino

Crossing The Andes along the lakes that connect Puerto Varas with Bariloche is like something out of a film. Here are four reasons why you should give yourself the opportunity to make the crossing at least once in your life:

1. Puerto Varas in Chile and Bariloche in Argentina, two of the Patagonia’s prettiest cities

In Puerto Varas, a city colonized by Germans, you can find examples of the colonists’ architecture and gastronomy, always accompanied by a backdrop of tall mountains and volcanoes, including the Tronador, Puntiagudo and Osorno. It’s one of Chile’s prettiest volcanic regions. On the other side, Bariloche boasts forests, city landscapes, mountains, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, steppes and valleys. During your trip, take the time to explore both cities, visit the chocolatiers and artisanal breweries, enjoy the excursions and all that these incredible destinations have to offer.

2. Sail across three lakes: Todos los Santos, Frías and Nahuel Huapi

This is the only crossing of The Andes that allows you to sail across three lakes. From Lake Todos los Santos you arrive to Port Frías, where you say goodbye to Chile and welcome Argentina. You sail along Lake Frías at the foot of The Andes Mountain Range and then, having crossed the mountains, you arrive to the third sailing trip along Lake Nahuel Huapi (the fourth largest lake in Argentina).

3. Explore some of Chile and Argentina’s most untouched national parks

National parks always add that special something to a trip and, on many occasions, they are the difficult feature when we want to explore by bike. Therefore, when we find out which is explorable by bike, we really mustn’t waste the opportunity. Both Vicente Pérez Rosales and Nahuel Huapi are the oldest of all national parks located in Chile and Argentina. Explore their uninhabited and untouched routes, surrounded by coihues, ulmos, myrtle and olive trees.

4. Once in Puerto Varas or Bariloche, you can plan your route just as you’d like it

Upon arrival to Bariloche you can continue towards: – The south: on route to the Argentine Patagonia – The north: Villa La Angostura, traveling along the edge of Lake Nahuel Huapi, continuing towards San Martín de los Andes and then crossing the international border at Cardenal Samoré to enter Chile via Puyehue. Upon arrival to Puerto Varas you can continue towards: – The south: The Southern Highway (Carretera Austral) – The north: returning to Bariloche via the international border at Cardenal Samoré Bike & Boat Crossing through The Andes in two days or more (staying in Peulla and/or Puerto Blest) Total kilometers covered by bike: 121 kms – 75 miles

Ruta en Bicicleta por el Cruce Lagos Andino

From Puerto Varas to Bariloche or vice versa

Andean Lakes crossing in one day trip

Cruce Lagos Andinos 2023

By Bike & Sailing The Andean Lakes Crossing From Puerto Varas to Bariloche or vice versa

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  1. Cruce Andino

    El Cruce Andino es un viaje internacional que navega la Cordillera de los Andes a traves de tres hermosos lagos conectados por cuatro tramos terrestres que unen a las ciudades de Puerto Varas (Chile) y San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina) ... TRAVEL SALE IN CRUCE ANDINO. Buy today and travel between August 30 to November 3, 2024. See more ...

  2. Tours en el Sur de Chile

    Tours en el Sur de Chile - Lagos Andinos . Bienvenidos a Lagos Andinos, ofrecemos Tours en Puerto Montt, Puerto varas, Temuco, Pucon, Parque Nacional Conguillio, Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo y el CRUCE DE LAGOS ANDINOS desde Puerto Varas hasta Bariloche en Argentina a bordo de modernos Catamaranes que lo llevarán a cruzar la cordillera de los Andes a través de los maravillosos Lagos ...

  3. Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours

    Positives: the sites from the catamaran- volcanoes, mountains and the lake iitself are all breathtaking. These fortunately cannot be spoiled by the service provider. Negatives: This service is operated by a monopoly: Lagos Andinos, Turis Tours, etc. has a monopoly on the transfers to Peulla via Lago Todos Los Santos, the hotels in Peulla and of ...

  4. Cruce de lagos en catamarán, Puerto Varas a Bariloche

    Cruce Andino. Av. Del Salvador 72, Puerto Varas, X Región, Chile. Celular: +56 34062885. Tipo de tour: contemplativo. Nivel de dificultad: bajo. Duración: todo el día. Horarios: la partida desde la terminal de Puerto Varas es a las 8:30 de la mañana. Esta se encuentra ubicada frente al casino de la ciudad.

  5. Cruce del Lagos, Chile Lake Crossing Cruises with online reservations

    Reservations and Information requests for cruce andino. For reservations and information Fill out the Form or You can contact us directly at 1-800-811-8829 toll free from the USA or Canada, non toll free from other countries 1-309-875-3380 or local # in Chile ( 562) 2 570-3927 or send email to: [email protected].

  6. Cruce Lagos Andinos: Tours, Precios y Horarios

    Cruce Lagos Andinos. Tour operativo. Anulación gratuita. Reprogramación gratuita. Reserva el Cruce Lagos Andinos, traslado turístico por la cordillera de los Andes con navegaciones entre Puerto Varas y Bariloche. Precio por persona: US$ 253.00 por persona. Horarios: 08:00 a 20:00.

  7. Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours

    Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours, Petrohue: See 55 reviews, articles, and 75 photos of Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 5 attractions in Petrohue. ... I took a trip on the catamaran around the lake as part of a cruise ship excursion. The weather was very changeable on the day but it did not detract from the ...

  8. A great lake crossing

    Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours: A great lake crossing - See 55 traveler reviews, 75 candid photos, and great deals for Petrohue, Chile, at Tripadvisor.

  9. Cruce Andino

    Día 4: Bariloche - Puerto Varas: Cruce de Lagos Andinos. La famosa travesía también conocida como Cruce Andino, nos llevará a un recorrido especial, navegando y visitando lugares de una belleza espectacular, como el Lago Frías, Peulla y el Lago Esmeralda, cruzando la Cordillera de los Andes y llegando a Puerto Varas.

  10. Bariloche

    About Us. Yampu Tours is the proud recipient of eight World Travel Awards, including South America's Leading Tour Operator, and Mexico & Central America's Leading Tour Operator!

  11. Cruce Andino

    Cruce Andino. It is a scenic and tourist route that connects the cities of Puerto Varas in Chile and San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina through the Andes, a mountain range that runs through South America. This trip allows travelers to explore the lakes and mountains of Patagonia while crossing the border between Chile and Argentina.

  12. Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours

    Positives: the sites from the catamaran- volcanoes, mountains and the lake iitself are all breathtaking. These fortunately cannot be spoiled by the service provider. Negatives: This service is operated by a monopoly: Lagos Andinos, Turis Tours, etc. has a monopoly on the transfers to Peulla via Lago Todos Los Santos, the hotels in Peulla and of ...

  13. Cruce Andino

    Cruce Andino a unique trip worldwide, sailing through the Andean mountains through 3 lakes, connected by 4 land sections, between Bariloche and Puerto Varas; It intertwines two National Parks: Vicente Pérez Rosales in Chile and Nahuel Huapi in Argentina ... Lagos Andinos catamaran Trip. Tres Hermanos Mountain Trip. Tres Hermanos Mountain Trip ...

  14. Home

    Tours to Conguillio National Park, Pucón, Lake Budi, Trekking Alerce Andino National Park, Skiing in Chile and all types of expeditions and transportation. We operate since 1990 successfully serving visitors from around the world. At the same time we provide car rental services with Ace Rent a Car in Puerto Montt car rental, 4×4 trucks, jeeps ...

  15. Andean Lakes Crossing Chile and Argentina

    15:00 pm We board the Lagos Andinos Catamaran and set out to cross the waters of the Todos Los Santos lake. On our trip we will be able to view Mount Puntiagudo and the impressive Osorno Volcano. 17:30 PM Arrival at the Port of Petrohué and bus to Puerto Varas.

  16. Cruce Andino Review: Andean Crossing from Bariloche to Puerto Varas

    Cruce Andino segment 7: Petrohué to Puerto Varas via bus. Length: 1 hour 45 minutes. To our surprise, we had to pick up our luggage as we exited the boat and bring it to the final bus, a new, modern, comfortable coach with a toilet onboard. It was the ideal way to travel by this point, as we were getting a bit tired.

  17. Lake crossing on a catamaran, Puerto Varas to Bariloche

    Facing the Silhouette of the Osorno We arrived in the Petrohué terminal and we quickly got ready to get on board the "Lagos Andinos" catamaran, which would take us sailing across Lake Todos los Santos. The modern catamaran can accommodate 308 passengers and is equipped with central heating, bar and coffee-shop, closed circuit TV and a ...

  18. Cruce Andino Lake Crossing: A Step by Step Guide

    The Cruce Andino lake crossing is a transportation method and tour wrapped into one that allows you to travel from Puerto Varas, Chile, to Bariloche, Argentina, or vice versa. During the scenic journey, you'll cross three lakes: Todos los Santos, Frías, and Nahuel Huapi. The traditional Cruce Andino route involves four buses.

  19. Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours

    Skip to main content. Discover. Trips

  20. NAVEGACION A PEULLA, Puerto Varas

    Regresaremos navegando para luego tomar el bus en Petrohue de regreso a Puerto Varas aproximadamente a las 19:00 hrs aprox. Opciones disponibles: Tour para conocer Peulla y los saltos del Petrohue, desde Calle del Salvador 72. 0. Días de salida: Todos los dias, previa reserva. Hora de Inicio: 08:00. Hora de término: 19:00. Duración: Dia ...

  21. Cruce Andino

    Departure RETURN: 8.00 AM from from Puerto Varas. Arrival RETURN: 9.00 PM to Bariloche. Transfer. Our itinerary includes a pickup service from the main hotels in Puerto Varas and Bariloche. If your hotel is not included on the list you must make your own way to our offices located at Calle Mitre #150 - Bariloche, or Del Salvador 72 - Puerto Varas.

  22. Katamaran Lagos Andinos Day Tours

    Positives: the sites from the catamaran- volcanoes, mountains and the lake iitself are all breathtaking. These fortunately cannot be spoiled by the service provider. Negatives: This service is operated by a monopoly: Lagos Andinos, Turis Tours, etc. has a monopoly on the transfers to Peulla via Lago Todos Los Santos, the hotels in Peulla and of ...

  23. The Andean Lakes Crossing by bike Chile and Argentina

    Length of sail: 1 hour 40 minutes aboard the Catamaran Lagos Andinos It's important to arrive for the Lake Todos los Santos sailing trip by 9:30 am, a trip that passes through the interesting green color and exuberant vegetation of the Valdiviana Forest. 3rd leg: Peulla - Puerto Frías | 29 kms - 18 miles ...