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  • Votre croisière de luxe avec Ponant
  • Afrique et océan Indien
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  • Antarctique
  • Europe du Nord et Scandinavie
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  • Voir toutes les destinations
  • Voir toutes les croisières
  • Gastronomie & Œnologie
  • Expédition Polaire
  • Expédition Tropicale
  • Art & Musées
  • Théâtre & Littérature
  • The Explorers Club
  • Voir tous les thèmes
  • Profitez de nos offres enchainement
  • Voyage en mer offert
  • Supplément single offert
  • Expéditions
  • La vie à bord
  • La croisière autrement
  • Nos invités et conférenciers
  • Un voyage sur mesure
  • Pourquoi choisir PONANT ?
  • Les avantages PONANT
  • Nos Pavillons
  • Nos destinations à 360°
  • Un tourisme plus durable
  • La Fondation PONANT
  • Le programme PONANT Science
  • Certifications et distinctions

Quelle sera votre prochaine croisière de luxe avec PONANT ?

Pour quelle période ?

Quelle est votre envie ?

  • Gastronomie & Œnologie
  • Art & Musées

Les Avantages Ponant

Parce que vous nous faites confiance pour vous choyer, nous avons élaboré pour vous plusieurs offres préférentielles.

Parrainages, enchaînement de croisières, voyageurs « solo » ou en famille… Retrouvez tous les avantages dont vous pouvez bénéficier en réservant votre croisière avec PONANT.

PONANT Yacht Club

Effectuez plusieurs croisières en notre compagnie et rejoignez le PONANT Yacht Club afin de bénéficier d’attentions personnalisées, de prestations exclusives à bord comme à terre et d’offres privilèges dédiées.


Vous êtes décidé à partir ? Réservez votre voyage dès l’ouverture des ventes et profitez de tarifs promotionnels intéressants.

Avant et après la croisière

Parce que votre voyage débute bien avant votre croisière, nous vous accompagnons dès votre réservation. Nos équipes sont à votre disposition personnaliser votre séjour ou réserver vos programmes avant et après croisière.

Vous aimez voyager avec PONANT ? Parrainez vos proches et voyez votre fidélité récompensée grâce à notre offre parrainage. Parrains et filleuls bénéficient de 500 € de réduction par cabine.

Réductions et offres spéciales

Que vous voyagiez seul, en famille ou entre amis, profitez de nos offres spéciales . Vous vous sentez l’âme voyageuse ? Enchaînez plusieurs croisières à des tarifs préférentiels.

Assurances PONANT

Grâce aux assurances PONANT , partez en toute sérénité . Vous êtes couvert contre tous les aléas et désagréments pouvant survenir avant ou au cours de votre croisière : annulations, rapatriement, bagages perdus ou retardés, responsabilité civile…

Parrainez vos amis

Vous avez aimé naviguer à bord de nos navires ? Faîtes découvrir PONANT à vos proches et bénéficiez chacun d’avantages exclusifs.

En tant que PARRAIN , je bénéficie de :

500 € de réduction par cabine dès la réservation de mon filleul (1)

Le nombre de filleuls n’étant pas limité, vous pouvez cumuler vos réductions.

Mon FILLEUL bénéficiera de :

500 € de réduction par cabine sur sa première croisière (1)

Je souhaite bénéficier de cette offre :

Je contacte mon agence de voyages ou mon conseiller voyages, (1) les conditions de l’offre.

✓ 500 € de réduction par cabine pour le filleul sur sa première croisière.

✓ Le parrain doit avoir déjà navigué avec PONANT.

✓ Le filleul ne doit pas avoir déjà navigué à bord d’un navire PONANT dans le passé.

✓ 500 € de réduction par cabine sur la prochaine croisière du parrain, dès la réservation de son filleul.

✓ Le parrain et le filleul ne doivent pas faire partie ou avoir fait partie du personnel de PONANT ou d’une agence de voyages.

✓ La réduction du filleul est immédiatement applicable et limitée à une utilisation par cabine et par filleul. Celle du parrain est valable sur sa prochaine croisière dès la réservation de son filleul.

✓ La réduction du parrain est cumulable avec les offres en cours. Cependant, la réduction du filleul n’est pas cumulable avec les offres pérennes, excepté le PONANT Bonus.

✓ Une même cabine ne peut être partagée par le parrain et son filleul, ou par deux filleuls.

✓ La demande de parrainage ne peut pas aboutir si le filleul ou un autre membre de son foyer est déjà parrainé.

✓ Le nombre de filleuls par parrain n’est pas limité, mais il ne peut y avoir qu’un filleul au sein d’un foyer et le parrain et le filleul ne doivent pas faire partie du même foyer.

✓ La réduction accordée au parrain doit être utilisée en une fois.

✓ La réduction parrain et la réduction filleul ne peuvent donner lieu à un versement ou un remboursement en espèces.

✓ Le parrain devra communiquer son numéro PONANT Yacht Club à ses filleuls, ou suffisamment d’informations pour être identifié. A défaut d’identification suffisamment précise, le parrainage ne sera pas possible.

✓ En cas d’annulation de la part du filleul, la réduction du parrain sera caduque et le parrain pourra faire valoir son offre dès que son filleul effectuera une nouvelle réservation.

Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification des informations vous concernant, sur simple demande écrite à PONANT - 408 avenue du Prado - 13008 Marseille.

Lune de miel

  • 5% de réduction appliqué sur le tarif de la croisière seul en port/port (hors taxes portuaires et de sûreté)
  • Bouteille de champagne
  • Un rendez-vous à bord avec l’un de nos photographes embarqués, avec 5 photos de couple offertes (sur tous les navires sauf Le Ponant)
  • Deux soins au Spa offerts (montant maximum : 120 euros par soin, sur tous les navires sauf Le Ponant)
  • Des attentions surprises à bord

Anniversaires de mariage

À chaque multiple de 5 années de mariage ou Pacs*, bénéficiez d’une réduction de 200 € par cabine ou suite double pour une croisière effectuée lors de la même année calendaire.

*Offre valable sur présentation d’un justificatif. Réduction applicable une seule fois par année anniversaire.

Offre Single Privilège

Vous voyagez seul ? Vivez une expérience intimiste à bord de nos navires et bénéficiez d’un avantage tarifaire exclusif sur une sélection d’itinéraires et sur certaines catégories de cabines. La sélection des croisières concernées par l’Offre Single Privilège est régulièrement mise à jour, vous pouvez la consulter ici.

* Le montant de votre avantage dépend de la catégorie de la cabine, de la disponibilité au moment de la réservation et peut évoluer dans le temps.

Famille & Amis

Parce que bien souvent vous souhaitez partager votre croisière avec votre famille ou des amis, nous vous proposons une offre adaptée. Dès la 5e personne payante sur un même dossier de réservation avec un unique payeur, tout le dossier bénéficie de 5% de réduction sur la même croisière en port/port (hors taxes portuaires). Et parce que les plus petits ont aussi soif de découverte, les enfants peuvent maintenant embarquer sur les navires de la compagnie dès l’âge de 1 an pour les croisières de Yachting, dès 6 ans pour les croisières d’Expédition et dès 8 ans à bord du Commandant Charcot .

Les enfants et adolescents partageant leur cabine avec un ou deux adultes bénéficient également de réductions spéciales .

Enchaînements de croisières

Prolongez le plaisir en enchaînant plusieurs croisières et bénéficiez des offres suivantes (1) :

  • Sur l’ensemble de nos croisières : -10% sur toute croisière enchaînée
  • Sur une sélection particulière de croisières (2) consultable ici :
  • -20% quand la croisière est en 2e position
  • -30% quand la croisière est en 3e position
  • -40% quand la croisière est en 4e position

(1) Réduction applicable sur le tarif de croisière seul en port/port, hors taxes portuaires, non applicable sur les voyages en mer, non applicable avec les autres offres. (2) Les voyages en mer ne sont pas pris en compte dans le calcul de la position de la croisière.

Suite de l’Armateur

Pour toute réservation de la Suite de l’Armateur, vous bénéficiez des avantages suivants :

  • Un soin d'une heure par personne à l’espace bien-être parmi l'offre de soins corps et visage (1)
  • Un transfert privatif aéroport-hôtel-port aller-retour offert (2)

(1) Hors achat de produits, limité à deux soins par dossier, non remboursable, non transférable et non valable dans le cadre d’un voyage en mer (2) Sauf si le transfert est déjà inclus dans un forfait inclus. Limité à un transfert aller-retour par dossier.

Pour plus d’informations sur vos avantages, merci de vous reporter aux Conditions générales de vente .

Être fidèle au plaisir d’une croisière PONANT , c’est pouvoir prolonger cet instant rare au fil du temps. En tant que membre du PONANT Yacht Club , vous bénéficiez d’attentions personnalisées, de prestations exclusives à bord comme à terre et d’offres privilèges dédiées.

Vos avantages *

yacht club ponant

Réduction garantie sur vos prochaines croisières à tout instant (1)

Réduction à valoir sur les dépenses à bord, hors excursions (2)

Crédit à valoir à bord (3)

Blanchisserie offerte à bord (4)

Possibilité de participer aux croisières de la fidélité

Possibilité de surclassement à bord, selon disponibilité (5)

Modification sans frais de votre choix de croisière (6)

Ligne téléphonique dédiée (7)

Embarquement prioritaire (8)

Quelle réduction s’appliquera sur vos prochaines réservations ?

yacht club ponant

Croisières de la Fidélité

yacht club ponant

Chaque année, embarquez pour une croisière de la Fidélité imaginée spécialement pour les membres francophones du PONANT Yacht Club et vivez des moments privilégiés. Destinations d’exception, animations exclusives, attentions personnalisées, expériences inédites et présence exceptionnelle à bord d'un membre de la direction de PONANT… Profitez d'instants uniques à partager entre passionnés de voyage et fidèles de la compagnie.

yacht club ponant

Rejoignez le groupe privé Facebook PYC

Suivez notre actualité au plus près et partagez vos plus beaux souvenirs et vos conseils avec les autres membres du groupe.

Réservez votre prochaine croisière 5* avec PONANT !

Suivez notre actualité au plus près et partagez vos plus beaux souvenirs et vos conseils avec les autres membres du groupe.


La carte PONANT Yacht Club est remise individuellement à tous les passagers adultes de plus de 18 ans et éligibles au programme PONANT Yacht Club. Les avantages et statuts sont acquis à la confirmation du voyage sauf en cas d’annulation avant le départ, et peuvent être modifiés sans préavis. Les croisières annulées, quel que soit le motif de l’annulation, ou offertes, ainsi que les croisières réalisées dans le cadre d’une réservation de Groupe (passant par une agence organisatrice de voyage en groupe) ou d’un Affrètement de navire ne sont pas prises en considération dans le calcul du statut de fidélité. Les avantages et statuts sont disponibles dès lors qu’une réservation individuelle est confirmée. (1) La réduction garantie sur vos prochaines croisières est appliquée à tout instant sur le tarif port-port, hors taxes, hors dépenses personnelles et hors acheminement. Cette réduction est cumulable uniquement avec la réduction du PONANT Bonus, la réduction appliquée lors de l’achat de croisières à bord, l’offre parrainage, l’offre Single Privilège et la réduction enchaînement de croisières. (2) La réduction sur les dépenses à bord , est à valoir sur toutes les dépenses à bord, sauf produits marques « Prestige », joaillerie, horlogerie et tabac ; ainsi que les spiritueux haut de gamme, les champagnes et vins d’exception sur Le Commandant Charcot et Le Ponant . La liste exhaustive de ces produits est disponible à la Réception au moment de la croisière. À bord du Paul Gauguin sont également exclus de la réduction sur les dépenses à bord : les prestations Algotherm Dermo Ocean Spa, les bijoux de la Boutique, les activités de plongée sous-marine, la vente d'oeuvres d’art et les CDs et DVDs des groupes de danse. (3) Le crédit à valoir à bord est non échangeable, non remboursable et non reportable. Il est à valoir sur toutes les dépenses à bord (excursions comprises), une fois toutes les réductions éligibles appliquées. Il est utilisable en dollars américains à bord du Paul Gauguin selon les montants suivants : $50 pour MAJOR / $100 pour AMIRAL / $150 pour GRAND AMIRAL / $200 pour COMMODORE. Les programmes proposés en prévente ne peuvent pas bénéficier de ce crédit. (4) La blanchisserie est offerte à bord, dans la limite de deux pièces par jour et par personne pour les membres MAJOR, et de cinq pièces par jour et par personne pour les membres de statut supérieur. (5) Le surclassement est offert à bord, dans la catégorie de cabine supérieure à la catégorie réservée ou dans la même catégorie à un pont supérieur, sous réserve de disponibilité, dans un délai maximum de 48h après l’embarquement et uniquement dans le cadre des croisières PONANT. (6) La modification de votre choix de croisière sans frais est valable lors de la première modification du forfait touristique, sous réserve que la demande soit effectuée dans un délai supérieur ou égal à 90 jours avant la date de départ de la croisière, délai porté à 150 jours pour les Croisières Expédition. La nouvelle date de départ doit être dans les 12 mois suivant le départ initialement prévu. Une seule modification sans frais est possible par année civile et par personne bénéficiant des statuts GRAND AMIRAL et COMMODORE, quelle que soit la croisière concernée. (7) La ligne téléphonique dédiée COMMODORE est éligible uniquement pour les croisières PONANT. (8) L’embarquement prioritaire est quant à lui mis en place selon les disponibilités, sur certains ports d’embarquement et uniquement dans le cadre des croisières PONANT. Vous avez perdu votre carte PONANT Yacht Club ? Vous pouvez nous faire une demande directement via notre formulaire de contact en ligne . Nous vous renverrons votre nouvelle carte dans les meilleurs délais.


Une croisière se prépare. Notre promesse est de vous garantir les tarifs les plus avantageux le plus tôt possible pour que cette préparation se fasse avec le plus grand confort. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons mis en place le Ponant Bonus, tarif promotionnel pouvant aller jusqu’à -30%. En fonction des disponibilités de la croisière, ce tarif peut augmenter.

yacht club ponant

N’attendez plus, réservez votre croisière !

Un contrat d’assurance sur mesure.

Pour votre sécurité et votre confort , souscrivez à un contrat d’assurance unique, conçu spécialement pour PONANT. Il vous apporte des garanties pendant toute la durée de votre voyage : annulation avant le départ, dommage sur vos bagages pendant l’acheminement, souci médical pendant la croisière, etc.

Assurance multirisques

Coût de l’Assurance multirisques, selon le prix du voyage par personne

De 0 à 50 000 €

5,90 % du montant, par personne

Au-delà de 50 000 € et jusqu’à 150 000 €

10,90 % du montant, par personne

Champs d'application de votre assurance

Formule complète avec des garanties en cas de d’annulation avant votre départ et de sinistre au cours de votre voyage

Zones de résidence concernées

Monde entier

Principe de solidarité

9 personnes inscrites sur un même contrat peuvent être prises en charge en cas d’annulation du voyage

Garantie bagages

En cas de : vol des objets de valeur, détérioration des bagages, retard de livraison des bagages

Garantie rapatriement

Remboursement des frais médicaux à l’étranger

Jusqu'à 300 000 € par personne

Rapatriement ou transport sanitaire

Frais réels

Retour impossible

Frais hôteliers

Jusqu’à 300 € par nuit par personne, pour une durée de 14 nuits maximum

Prolongation de voyage

Jusqu'à 5 000 € par personne

Garantie annulation de voyage (1)

Plafond de garantie (Montant de votre voyage) (2)

Jusqu’à 150 000 € par personne selon le montant du séjour

Garantie départ manqué (3)

Garantie interruption de séjour (4)

Responsabilité civile voyageur

Coût de l’Assurance multirisques, selon le prix du voyage par personne De 0 à 50 000 €

5,90 % du montant, par personne

10,90 % du montant, par personne

Garantie bagages En cas de : vol des objets de valeur, détérioration des bagages, retard de livraison des bagages

Garantie rapatriement Remboursement des frais médicaux à l’étranger

Frais réel

Retour impossible Frais hôteliers

Plafond garantie (montant de votre voyage) (2)

Jusqu’à 150 000 € par personne selon le montant du séjour

(1) Y compris pour des raisons d’épidémie/pandémie. (2) Remboursement par la compagnie d'Assurance de vos frais d’annulation en cas :

  • D’annulation pour maladie grave, accident corporel grave ou décès de l’assuré ou d’un membre de la famille ne voyageant pas, y compris pour une maladie en relation avec une épidémie/pandémie, ou une mise en quarantaine avant le départ.
  • D’annulation pour tout autre motif pouvant être justifié et empêchant le départ ou l’exercice des activités prévues pendant le voyage.

(3) En cas de manquement du transport aller ou retour à la suite d’un événement pouvant être justifié :

  • Remboursement des frais de modification du titre de transport initial
  • Ou remboursement du nouveau titre de transport si le titre de transport initial n’est pas remboursable, dans la limite de 2 000 € par personne et 10 000 € par évènement.

(4) En cas de voyage interrompu à la suite d'un événement (rapatriement, retour anticipé) : prise en charge des jours de croisière et terrestres non utilisées (hors transport) jusqu’à 50 000 € par personne.

Si vous êtes dans l’obligation de prolonger votre séjour, le contrat couvre les frais d’hôtel (chambre et petit-déjeuner) et le rapatriement au domicile ainsi que ceux des membres de votre famille bénéficiaires ou d’un accompagnant assuré, à concurrence du montant indiqué au Tableau des Garanties.

Ces informations sont extraites des garanties et ne sont pas contractuelles. Comme tous contrats d’assurances, ils comportent des franchises, des limitations et des obligations en cas de sinistre. Les détails des contrats sont disponibles sur simple demande auprès de votre conseiller voyage.

Vous pouvez souscrire à ces contrats jusqu’à 14 jours après la confirmation de votre dossier. Toutes les personnes assurées sur un même dossier doivent souscrire au contrat d’assurance.

Téléchargez le document d'information assurance voyage .

Pour plus d’informations, contactez votre conseiller voyage au +33(0)4 91 16 16 27 .

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  • Your luxury cruise with PONANT
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  • Polar Expedition
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  • Smithsonian Journeys
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  • The Explorers Club
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  • Free solo supplement
  • Flight credit
  • Expeditions
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  • A different way to cruise
  • Our guests and speakers
  • Why choose PONANT ?

PONANT benefits

  • Our Pavilions
  • Our 360-degree destinations
  • A more sustainable tourism
  • PONANT Foundation
  • PONANT Science programme
  • Certifications and distinctions

Where would you like to travel with PONANT?

Which period?

What are you looking for?

  • Gastronomy & Wine
  • Art & Museums

To thank you for travelling with PONANT, we offer several benefits you can take advantage of when booking your cruise with us.

Wanting to extend your cruise into a grand voyage, travelling solo or with family or friends or recommending PONANT to fellow cruisers? We have the perfect offer for you!

PONANT Yacht Club

When you book your second cruise you will become part a member of the PONANT Yacht Club and you will enjoy personalised attention, exclusive offers both onboard and on land, and the best dedicated offers.


Book your cruise early, as soon as sales open, and benefit from special promotional rates.

Referrals Program

Do you enjoy travelling with PONANT? Refer your friends and family members and you and your referees will benefit from an €500 discount per stateroom.

Discounts & special offers

Whether travelling solo, as a family or with friends, you can benefit from our special offers . Feeling adventurous? Book back-to-back cruises and benefit from discounted rates.

Before and after the cruise

As your trip starts well before your cruise, we'll assist you right from booking your reservation. Our teams are at your service to personalise your stay or reserve your before and after cruise programmes .

Refer us to your friends and family

Have you enjoyed travelling with PONANT? Introduce PONANT to your family and friends and take advantage of our Referral Program

As a REFERRER , you receive a discount* of

€500 / per stateroom after your referee has booked their first voyage

The number of referrals is unlimited. Referral savings amounts can be accumulated.

Your REFEREE will enjoy a discount* of

€500 / per stateroom on their first voyage

To take advantage of this offer, email [email protected] with details of the person to be referred.

Terms & conditions of offer.

✓ €500 discount per stateroom on your next cruise when the person you refer (referee) has deposited on their first cruise. Offer is valid for use when booking through your travel agent.

✓ €500 discount for the referee on their first cruise. Offer is valid for use when booking through your travel agent.

✓ The referrer must have already sailed on a PONANT ship.

✓ The person being referred cannot have previously sailed on a PONANT ship.

✓ The referrer and person referred cannot be a current or a former employee of PONANT or a travel agency.

✓ A referrer can refer any number of people, but only one per household, and the person referring and the person referred should not be part of the same household.

✓ The referral request will be rejected if the person referred or any member of their household has already been referred.

✓ The referred person’s discount applies immediately and is limited to one use per stateroom and per referred customer.

✓ The referrer’s discount must be used all at once and applied to one cruise. Referral discounts can be accumulated and added to a referrer's booking up until final payment of their next cruise.

✓ Savings for the referrer and the person(s) referred cannot be taken as a payment or cash refund.

✓ The referrer and the person they refer may not share the same stateroom; neither can two people referred.

✓ If the person referred cancels their booking, your refer discount will no longer apply but you can use the offer again whenever the person you referred makes a new booking.

✓ The discount for the referrer is combinable with other selected offers. However, the discount provided to the person being referred is not combinable with any other discount described above except the PONANT BONUS and Consecutive Cruises discounts.

✓ Travel Agents are not eligible for the Referral Program.

✓ Referral Program discounts cannot be applied to group or charter bookings.

Under the Data Protection Act you have the right to access and correct information that concerns you by writing to PONANT.

Discounts and special offers

Whether travelling solo, as a family or with friends, you can benefit from our special offers. Feeling adventurous? Book back-to-back cruises and benefit from discounted rates. We have come up with a range of reductions and special offers so that you can go on the cruise you have been dreaming of.

Honeymoon Offer

If you go on a cruise in the 12 months after your wedding or civil partnership celebration, you can enjoy the following benefits (except on Le Paul Gauguin ):

  • 5% off the port-port cruise price only, excluding port and security taxes*
  • Bottle of champagne on arrival
  • A photography session and your 5 favourite photos for free (except on board Le Ponant )
  • 2 spa treatments (maximum value: €120 per treatment - except on board Le Ponant )
  • Onboard surprises

* Offer valid on presentation of proof of eligibility. Offer is not combinable with any other discount.

Wedding Anniversary Offer*

If you are celebrating any multiple of five years of marriage or civil union, enjoy an €200 discount per stateroom or suite for a cruise taken during the calendar year of your anniversary.

* Offer valid on presentation of proof. Discount applies only once per year of anniversary. Offer is not combinable with any other discount.

Single Traveller Offer

We would like to give our guests who travel alone the opportunity to enjoy an intimate experience aboard our ships. You can benefit from special fares on a selection of exceptional cruise itineraries and departure dates thanks to the Single Traveller Offer.

* The Single Traveller Offer depends on the type of staterooms and the availability at the time of booking. The cruises for which the offer is valid are subject to change.

Family and Friends Offer*

Because you often want to share your cruise with your family or friends, we have a special offer for you. From the fifth person onwards on the same booking with one payer, the whole booking will benefit from a 5% discount* on the port to port cruise price only, excluding port and security taxes.

And because your little ones are often great explorers too, children can now board the company's ships from the age of 12 months on Yachting cruises and from the age of 6 years on Expedition cruises (8 years on Le Commandant Charcot cruises). Children and teenagers aged 12 months to 17 years sharing their stateroom or suite with one or two adults receive special discounts. Please contact us for more information.

*All passengers must be on the same booking number to qualify for the discount.

Owner’s Suite

All Owner's Suite bookings include the following benefits:

  • A one-hour spa treatments per person in the well-being space, chosen from the facial and body treatments on offer 1
  • One private transfer (round trip): Airport - Hotel - Port 2

1 Does not include additional purchases, limited to two free treatments per booking, non-refundable, non-transferable and not valid during an Ocean Voyage. 2 Unless the transfer is already included in your package - Limited to one round trip per booking.

Consecutive Cruises Offers

Take advantage of our special consecutive cruises offers 1 :

  • On all cruises: 10% discount on any combined cruises
  • On a particular selection of cruises 2 :
  • 20% off the 2nd consecutive cruise
  • 30% off the 3rd consecutive cruise
  • 40% off the 4th consecutive cruise, etc.

1 Discount does not apply to the first cruise and relates to the port/port fare not including port taxes. The two above offers cannot be combined. 2 Please consult the list of cruises benefitting from this offer here .

If you qualify for several discounts, the amount for the second discount is calculated using the price obtained after taking off the first discount, and so on. For more information about your benefits, please refer to our General Terms and Conditions of Sale .

Being loyal to PONANT lets you take full advantage of the pleasures of cruising. As members of the PONANT Yacht Club , you will receive personalised attention , exclusive services both on board and on land, and offers not available to other guests.


yacht club ponant

(1) Discount on your future bookings

(2) Discount for onboard expenses, except for excursions

(3) Onboard credit

(4) Complimentary onboard laundry service

The opportunity to join the PONANT Yacht Club’s Loyalty cruises

Complimentary Upgrade

Change your choice of cruise without incurring charges

Dedicated phone line

Priority boarding

What discounts will be applied on your future bookings?

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You can make a request directly via our website by filling in the form on the Contact page and telling us that you have lost your card. We will send you your new PONANT Yacht Club card as soon as possible.

Terms & Conditions

The PONANT Yacht Club card is presented to each adult guest aged over 18 and eligible for the PONANT Yacht Club programme. The benefits and status are acquired upon confirmation of the reservation, unless it is cancelled prior to departure, and may be modified without notice. Free-of-charge or cancelled cruises – regardless of the reason for the cancellation – and cruises booked as part of a Group reservation (through a group travel agency) or a ship Charter, are not taken into consideration when calculating loyalty status. Benefits and status are available as soon as an individual booking is confirmed. (1) The discount on your future bookings applies to port-to-port prices, and excludes taxes, discretionary expenses and transfers. This discount can only be combined with the PONANT Bonus discount, the discount applied to onboard cruise sales, the Referral Program offer, the Single Traveller offer and with the consecutive cruises discount. (2) The discount for onboard expenses , applies to everything other than ‘Prestige’ brands in the Boutique, jewelry, watches and tobacco; as well as high standard spirits, exceptional champagne and wines aboard Le Commandant Charcot and Le Ponant . The complete list of these products is available at reception during the cruise. Aboard Le Paul Gauguin , SCUBA diving, jewelry from the Boutique, Algotherm Dermo Ocean Spa, art sales and dance groups CD’s and DVD ’s are all excluded from the discount for onboard expenses. (3) Onboard credit is non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable. It is valid for all expenses on board (excursions included, except on board Le Paul Gauguin ), once all eligible discounts have been applied. Onboard credit can be used on Le Paul Gauguin and will be offered in the following equivalent US dollar amounts: $50 for MAJOR / $100 for ADMIRAL / $150 for GRAND ADMIRAL / $200 for COMMODORE. Not valid on pre-bookable and pre-payable tours, excursions or cruise programmes or for gratuities. (4) Laundry service is free on board, with a limit of two items per day and per person for MAJOR members, and five items per day and per person for members with higher status. (5) Complimentary upgrades offered on board, to a superior cabin category or to the same category on a superior deck, are based on availability, offered within a maximum of 48 hours after boarding and only for PONANT cruises. (6) You may change your cruise free of charge the first time you change your cruise package, provided that the request is made 90 days or more before the cruise’s departure date (and 150 days or more for Expedition Cruises). The new departure date must be within 12 months of the original planned departure. Only one change can be made free of charge per calendar year per person for GRAND ADMIRAL and COMMODORE status, regardless of the cruise in question, and can only be applied to the first change only. (7) Dedicated phone line is only available for French-speaking COMMODORE, as well as Australian and New Zealand GRAND ADMIRAL and COMMODORE and only for PONANT cruises. (8) Priority boarding is subject to availability and only applies to certain ports of embarkation and only for PONANT cruises. Discount and amenities above are not combinable with any other PAUL GAUGUIN offer, unless otherwise stated.


A cruise is a holiday one prepares in advance. Our promise is to guarantee you the best fares as early as possible so that you can make those preparations in the utmost comfort. It is why we introduced the PONANT Bonus, a promotional fare with savings up to 30% off the cruise price*. Depending on the cruise availability, the fare is liable to increase. Therefore, we encourage you to book your cruise as soon as sales open on your chosen cruise to enjoy the best fares.

yacht club ponant

Don’t wait, book now to enjoy the best cruise price!

* The PONANT BONUS price is yield managed so subject to availability and can change without prior notice. The PONANT BONUS also applies on Paul Gauguin Cruises.

Ponant Yacht Club

Host Jazzbeau

By Host Jazzbeau , August 8, 2019 in Ponant

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20,000+ Club

Host Jazzbeau

I have two cruises booked on Ponant ships, one fully paid and the other on deposit for 2020.  But cruise #1 was booked through Backroads, which is providing the shore excursions on our circumnavigation of Iceland, so I didn't have any contact with Ponant on that one.

When I logged on to the Ponant website today, I was pleasantly surprised to see both cruises in 'My Ponant,' and  that I am listed as a Major in the Yacht Club – which you earn when your 2nd Ponant cruise is confirmed.  That means they are giving me credit for the Backroads cruise this year [which is above and beyond the industry norm for third-party value-added packages].

Has anyone else had this happen?  [I'm afraid it was a mistake, and will be corrected soon.]  It could be a nice perk for us, with free laundry on the New Zealand cruise [we are taking the Ponant pre-cruise extension so we will have some stuff that could be washed] and the possibility of the quinquennial wedding anniversary discount for our 45th.  I hope it's real, because it's really giving me good vibrations about Ponant!  [Cue the Beach Boys...]

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  • 3 weeks later...




Not sure with the Backroads booking, I may assume they consider it like you booked via a travel agent. What I do know is, I have an epic voyage booked with Ponant for 76 days (8 back to back) and my understanding is, the obc, perks, ect will be added along the way as I you should have free laundry on the 2nd cruise? I think you should. I think this is a great way to show a future customer a little gratitude. I was even told that my shipboard account can be settled at the end of the cruise and I would be at the (Grand Admiral) 25% off rate. That could work out to be a huge discount. Will be interested to here what other Ponant guests have to say. One thing I would ask, there is a $300 off promo for your first cruise with Ponant, they may apply that to your cruise with them. That way, if it did change, you would save the $300 and use that for laundry. Have fun, I have heard amazing things about Backroads.

Actually Ponant's method of earning Yacht Club credits is more generous than other cruise lines:  you earn the next level when you book the qualifying cruise, not when you complete it.  Our ship cards for this first cruise already say 'Major' [because we have the second cruise booked for next year] and we have been assured that the laundry we sent out today will be free.  We'll find out when it comes back...

50+ Club


Would you mind posting a bit about your cruise experience so far? I’m down to 87 days until my Antartica trip with them.

I would love to know a bit more:

- Bathroom Amenities - is there any Conditioner, Body Lotion and make up removal pads? 

- Any espresso & herbal tea in your cabin? 

- What kind of softdrink options are there? (Any sort of kombucha, Cranberry juice) 

- Free seasickness medicine? 

- Was there any c $ laundry bag offer? (first cruise so no free laundry for me) 

- How are the breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea option? Is there any vegan friendly yogurt alternative? 

- Temperature on board - is it more freezing or comfy warm in the public areas?

- Any clothing line in the bathroom to dry some hand wash only clothes (merino and cruise washer doesn’t end well)

thanks so much

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: Would you mind posting a bit about your cruise experience so far? I’m down to 87 days until my Antartica trip with them.

I can answer some of your questions:

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: I would love to know a bit more: - Bathroom Amenities - is there any Conditioner, Body Lotion and make up removal pads? 

Hermes small bottles of:  shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion.  Also small cakes of Hermes soap.  No makeup pads.

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - Any espresso & herbal tea in your cabin? 

Tea:  breakfast, green, earl grey, chamomile.

Coffee:  livanto, vivalto lungo, volluto decaffeinato (pods)

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - What kind of softdrink options are there? (Any sort of kombucha, Cranberry juice) 

In cabin: Coke, apple/quince juice, tonic, still and sparkling water

Also Heineken, lots of airline bottles of spirits [all included in the fare]

At breakfast and lunch there are two pitchers of juice, which varies

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - Free seasickness medicine? 

I think so, but it hasn't come up.

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - Was there any c $ laundry bag offer? (first cruise so no free laundry for me) 

Did see a 'stuff a bag' offer yet [we're only on day 3]

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - How are the breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea option? Is there any vegan friendly yogurt alternative? 


2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - Temperature on board - is it more freezing or comfy warm in the public areas?

Temperature is pleasant, maybe on the cool side.  Cabin has thermostat that allowed us to adjust to suit

2 hours ago, schnapperin said: - Any clothing line in the bathroom to dry some hand wash only clothes (merino and cruise washer doesn’t end well)

Shower has a clothes line, and the exhaust system dries clothes quickly.  But the sink doesn't have a stopper.

2 hours ago, schnapperin said:   thanks so much Tina    


Thanks so much - guess I better pack some make up removal pads

Luckly i’m not vegan or have any food requirements - but with the climate change talks i try to limit my diary intake so I hope for some vegan options- and def not skipping dessert or cheese. 😎

Enjoy the rest of your cruise and I do look forward to read your blog post about how Ponant compares to the other cruise lines.

Cool Cruiser

Thanks Jazzbeau for your detailed reply to schnapperin.  I have one additional question.  Do either of the restaurant or bar areas have a true, commercial espresso machine or are we limited to "pods"?

I will do a full review when we get back home, but as a spoiler I will say we are loving this trip.  Backroads makes it even better [especially by taking care of all our shore excursions with more interesting offerings than Ponant has], but everything about the ship has been top notch.  

We are about to experience 3 days of rough weather [and miss one port], so I will later be able to judge how well the ship sails and how well the entertainment staff copes.  So far they seem to be doing very well.  The Captain has held two special meetings to discuss the weather forecasts, using the main theater projector to show us wind and wave prediction images and explain how this would affect our planned itinerary.  Thus when today he announced a major change to the itinerary, everyone understood and accepted it.  ["The ship can handle these conditions, but it would not be comfortable for the passengers."  OK then, let's go to Plan B!]

On 8/25/2019 at 6:17 PM, Host Jazzbeau said: Pods are only in the cabins.  The bar in the lounge on deck 3 has a professional espresso machine that the bartender operates, and when I order Cafe au Lait in the dining room it has obviously been made in a professional machine [not quite as good as in my favorite bistro-bar in Paris, but then nothing is!  ]   I will do a full review when we get back home, but as a spoiler I will say we are loving this trip.  Backroads makes it even better [especially by taking care of all our shore excursions with more interesting offerings than Ponant has], but everything about the ship has been top notch.     We are about to experience 3 days of rough weather [and miss one port], so I will later be able to judge how well the ship sails and how well the entertainment staff copes.  So far they seem to be doing very well.  The Captain has held two special meetings to discuss the weather forecasts, using the main theater projector to show us wind and wave prediction images and explain how this would affect our planned itinerary.  Thus when today he announced a major change to the itinerary, everyone understood and accepted it.  ["The ship can handle these conditions, but it would not be comfortable for the passengers."  OK then, let's go to Plan B!]

That is great to hear about the communication with the passengers. I have heard horrible stories about little or no information from crew on ships, let alone the Captain. I can assume that the passengers are less likely to put up a fuss when they are truly informed. Can you describe the room service menu? I will occasionally enjoy a quiet dinner and a bottle of wine on the balcony. I look forward to your review.

  • 2 months later...

Ponant Yacht Club is the best loyalty program I've struck. We initially booked 2 cruises, and got our Major status cards before the first cruise - which meant free laundry and some discount at the shop etc on our first cruise with them.

When we then booked 3 more, we were elevated to Admiral for having booked cruises 3 and 4, so got that higher level of discount (7.5%) off the 5th one despite booking all at the same time. We will also have the Admiral level of discounts etc on cruises 3 and 4.

38 minutes ago, kasr said: Ponant Yacht Club is the best loyalty program I've struck. We initially booked 2 cruises, and got our Major status cards before the first cruise - which meant free laundry and some discount at the shop etc on our first cruise with them.   When we then booked 3 more, we were elevated to Admiral for having booked cruises 3 and 4, so got that higher level of discount (7.5%) off the 5th one despite booking all at the same time. We will also have the Admiral level of discounts etc on cruises 3 and 4.

I have a question about your first cruise.  Admiral status gives you $100 OBC.  My Ponant confirmation shows a $250 "First Cruise Shipboard Credit."  Will I get both?

Also do you know if a pre-cruise extension counts as a 'booking' for Yacht Club status?  That could be the explanation of why they are counting DW and me as Admirals on our first cruise [it's actually our second cruise, but the first was booked through Backroads as a hiking trip so it should count for anything].

On 9/2/2019 at 6:43 PM, Rummblestrip said: That is great to hear about the communication with the passengers. I have heard horrible stories about little or no information from crew on ships, let alone the Captain. I can assume that the passengers are less likely to put up a fuss when they are truly informed. Can you describe the room service menu? I will occasionally enjoy a quiet dinner and a bottle of wine on the balcony. I look forward to your review.

Done 4 Ponant cruises so far, 3 more coming, and must say communication is great! Certain Captains are actually just "stars" like Captain Garcia (Le Boréal) who might wake you up in the middle of the night to ... listen to some whales!! Keep also in mind that Ponant has an "Open bridge policy" so you can just walk in and ask your questions 😉 Except of course when docking or during crew meetings. Must confess I haven't tried room service yet but I guess during dining hours you can order from the main dining room menu?

On 9/2/2019 at 12:43 PM, Rummblestrip said: That is great to hear about the communication with the passengers. I have heard horrible stories about little or no information from crew on ships, let alone the Captain. I can assume that the passengers are less likely to put up a fuss when they are truly informed. Can you describe the room service menu? I will occasionally enjoy a quiet dinner and a bottle of wine on the balcony. I look forward to your review.
44 minutes ago, AdrienH said: Done 4 Ponant cruises so far, 3 more coming, and must say communication is great! Certain Captains are actually just "stars" like Captain Garcia (Le Boréal) who might wake you up in the middle of the night to ... listen to some whales!! Keep also in mind that Ponant has an "Open bridge policy" so you can just walk in and ask your questions 😉 Except of course when docking or during crew meetings. Must confess I haven't tried room service yet but I guess during dining hours you can order from the main dining room menu?

We didn't do room service either.


On 8/24/2019 at 1:35 PM, Host Jazzbeau said: ..."But the sink doesn't have a stopper".

Wow!  DH need a stopper to soak some delicates in woolite. Any idea of the size needed? Thanks Jazzbeau!

5 hours ago, Fighterone said: Wow!  DH need a stopper to soak some delicates in woolite. Any idea of the size needed? Thanks Jazzbeau!

DW says it's worse than I thought:  there is a plug in place, but it can't be lowered to stop the drain – and you can't remove the plug either.  So you couldn't bring a plug that fits in, and the flat rubber circles wouldn't seal with that big lump of a plug raising up the middle.  They clearly don't want you sealing the drain – probably to prevent overflows.


30 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:   DW says it's worse than I thought:  there is a plug in place, but it can't be lowered to stop the drain – and you can't remove the plug either.  So you couldn't bring a plug that fits in, and the flat rubber circles wouldn't seal with that big lump of a plug raising up the middle.  They clearly don't want you sealing the drain – probably to prevent overflows.   She did manage to wash delicates, but only by keeping the water flowing the entire time. 

Glad you told us! Now we are prepared, LOL! I had already packed the dry rubber circle. 

  • 1 month later...
On 11/30/2019 at 1:55 PM, Host Jazzbeau said:   DW says it's worse than I thought:  there is a plug in place, but it can't be lowered to stop the drain – and you can't remove the plug either.  So you couldn't bring a plug that fits in, and the flat rubber circles wouldn't seal with that big lump of a plug raising up the middle.  They clearly don't want you sealing the drain – probably to prevent overflows.   She did manage to wash delicates, but only by keeping the water flowing the entire time. 

Just a detail I very much appreciated your bringing to our attention: you  mentioned that "the flat rubber circles wouldn't seal with that big lump of a plug". I brought one anyway.  Hubby just unscrewed the plug and removed it. We were then able to seal the drain with the rubber circle so we could soak our delicates for a few minutes. Thank you for that tip, Host Jazzbeau.  

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yacht club ponant

All Things Cruise

Ponant “Ponant Yacht Club”

Cruise Line Name: Ponant

Loyalty Program Name: Ponant Yacht Club

Information About the Program: The Ponant Yacht Club rewards loyalty by offering different level of benefits based on the number of cruises taken with Compagnie du Ponant

Entry Requirements: Benefits begin when a second cruise is booked.

Program Tiers/Benefits:

Major level achieved when your second cruise is booked. Benefits include:

• The opportunity to join the PONANT Yacht Club’s private cruises. • Complimentary laundry service aboard. • € 50 / $ 55 / AUD 70 off the shore excursion of your choice. • 1 hour free Wi-Fi Internet access onboard

Admiral level is achieved when your 4 th cruise is booked. Benefits include:• The opportunity to join the PONANT Yacht Club’s private cruises. • Complimentary laundry service aboard. • € 100 / $ 110 / AUD 140 off the shore excursion of your choice. • Complimentary upgrade subject to availability. • 4 hours free Wi-Fi Internet access onboard. • 20% discount in the shop. • 20% discount off beverages listed on the bar menu. • 5% cruise discount from the reservation of your 2nd cruise in the same year- excluding back to back cruises.

Grand Admiral level is achieved with your 7 th cruise is booked. Benefits include:

• The opportunity to join the PONANT Yacht Club’s private cruises. • Complimentary laundry service aboard. • € 150 / $ 165 / AUD 210 off the shore excursion of your choice. • Complimentary upgrade subject to availability. • 5% cruise discount will automatically be applied upon reservation of your cruise. • 10% cruise discount from the reservation of your 2nd cruise in the same year-excluding back to back cruises. • 10 hours free Wi-Fi Internet access onboard. • 20% discount in the shop. • 30% discount off beverages listed on the bar menu. • 30% discount on one spa or hair treatment. • Make changes to your cruise without incurring charges, up to 90 or 150 days before departure. (4)

yacht club ponant

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Frequently asked questions

You will find frequently asked questions in the faq section below..

For more information, contact us by clicking here .

What is included in the all-inclusive offer?

At PONANT, the "all-inclusive" includes:

  • accommodation in stateroom,
  • the full meal plan,
  • the Open Bar: beginning with boarding, and during the duration of the cruise, a wide selection of drinks (mineral water, soft drinks, wine, beer, Charles Heidsieck champagne, spirits, coffee, tea) is served on request and at any time of the day. Certain premium alcoholic beverages on the menu are not included in the Open Bar,
  • free Wi-Fi internet access 24 hours a day*,
  • activities offered during expedition cruises (see section "Expedition cruises"),
  • on board our sister ships and Ponant Explorers: fitness room, steam room, hair salon, swimming pool (sea water, heated), solarium, lounges, theater, boutique & leisure area.
  • on board of our three-masted Le Ponant : Solarium of 400 m², marina, lounge, Boutique & leisure area.

Is airfare included in the price of the cruise?

For all our cruises in the Arctic and Antarctic, we charter aircraft and transfers in order to facilitate the arrival and the departure of our passengers. Thus we offer air packages having the following benefits: direct flights, baggage transported on a single flight to ensure its delivery at the arrival point, ship’s departure delayed in the event of a flight delay & personalized service on board. For cruises outside of Arctic and Antarctic, some flights are included in the rate shown. These cruises are identifiable by the notation "round-trip flights included", "domestic flight for arrival included", or "return domestic flight included". For more information, our Information & Booking Service is at your disposal. You can contact them here .

Are port taxes included in the price of the cruise?

You will not have to worry about port taxes, they are included in your cruise fare.

Do reservations with PONANT include visa applications?

In most cases, you should take care of visa applications and all the necessary paperwork for visiting certain countries. For reservations made by French, Belgian and Swiss citizens, we will indicate what type of visa is necessary for your trip. When certain visas are issued and invoiced directly on board, the information is indicated on our website, in the description of the cruise (Formalities section).

Are excursions included in the price of the cruise?

Excursions offered are not included in the price of the cruise.

Are all meals included in the price of the cruise?

The breakfasts, lunches and dinners served on board are included in the price of the cruise. Beginning with boarding and during the entire duration of the cruise, beverages are served on request and at any time of the day. The Open Bar offers a wide selection of drinks (mineral water, soft drinks, wine, beer, Charles Heidsieck Champagne, spirits, coffee, tea). Certain premium alcoholic beverages on the menu are not included in the Open Bar.

Are Spa services included in the price of the cruise?

Access to the steam room and the fitness room is free, except on Le Ponant which does not have them. You can discover all of our paying services (scrubs, facials, hair care, hair styling and body care) on our Spa menu here .

What champagne is included in the price of the cruise?

Charles Heidsieck brut champagne is included in the Open Bar on the Sisterships, the PONANT Explorers and Le Paul Gauguin . Veuve Clicquot champagne is included in the Open Bar on Le Commandant Charcot and Le Ponant .

Are the rates displayed per person or per stateroom?

The rates displayed on our site are per person, on the basis of a double occupancy. A single supplement applies automatically for people wishing to travel alone. This supplement is offered on some cruises, discover the list of departures concerned by this offer here

What is the PONANT Bonus?

The earlier you book, the more advantageous your rates will be thanks to the PONANT BONUS , a reduction of up to 30% on the price of your stateroom or suite. This promotion decreases as the cruise fills up. Find out more about the PONANT Bonus here .

Are the rates displayed on the site calculated based on the PONANT Bonus?

The rates displayed on the site are updated in real time according to the evolution of the PONANT Bonus.

I have seen a different rate for the same cruise on other sites, how can this be explained?

PONANT is committed to offering exactly the same rates with travel agencies as with its direct customers, including Internet sales and on foreign markets. If you find different rates for the same PONANT cruise, please report this to the following email address: [email protected]

Are your cruises suitable for solo travellers?

Every season, we offer a wide range of cruises with the single supplement fee waived: you thus get to enjoy a double stateroom to yourself, without any additional cost. The atmosphere on board is conducive to encounters and interaction with the other passengers. Our crews also cater to your well-being and ensure that you are settling in on board.

Check out our upcoming cruises, with no single supplement .

Where can I find the summary of my orders/cruises?

You can find the summary of your orders and your cruises on your account, in the "My PONANT” tab. Log in to your My PONANT account by clicking here .

What is the cancellation policy?

For more information on our cancellation policy, we invite you to consult our General Terms and Conditions here . * The connection may be slower or even interrupted in certain geographic regions or due to circumstances outside of our control.

How is the on-line payment of my cruise done?

During the course of the booking a PONANT cruise on our Internet site, you can make your payment by bank card: Visa, Mastercard, Carte Bleue, E-Carte Bleue or American Express . You can also choose between the payment of a deposit, or the payment of the totality of the balance of your account. Online payments are obviously fully secured since we use the SSL protocol encryption system that protects your information at the time of the transaction.

How can I find my PONANT Yacht Club membership number?

Your PONANT Yacht Club membership number is on the card that was sent to you. If you have lost your card, you can get a new one by contacting us

What is a waiting list and how do I register?

If the cruise that you want to book is complete, you have the opportunity to register on a waiting list. This list allows you to be informed as soon as the cruise is again available for sale. To register on a waiting list, simply go on the cruise sheet of your choice and click on the button "complete cruise". A link you will take you to the form to complete.

Where does my vessel depart from?

On the boarding day of your cruise, your vessel leaves the port mentioned on the first day of the itinerary. A few weeks before your departure, you receive your travel book with all the information necessary for the proper conduct of your cruise, including a reminder of your itinerary and the name of the port of embarkation.

How do I get to the departure location of my cruise?

It is possible for you to come to the place of departure for your cruise by your own means, or to call our services. Your round trip flights, your transfers between the airport and the port of embarkation and disembarking or your programs before and after cruise: PONANT accompanies you through the complete planning of your trip. Discover all the information on our no-worries offer here .

What time can I embark on the first day of my cruise?

The embarkation schedule is indicated on the first day of your cruise itinerary. A few weeks before your departure, you receive your travel book with all the information necessary for the proper conduct of your cruise, including the embarkation schedule.

What documents are necessary for boarding?

All passengers must have valid proof of identity and the necessary visas for the destination countries, according to their nationality. Upon your arrival on board, the form of identification you used to complete the Information Sheet will be taken from you. It will be kept until the end of the cruise to be presented by the ship officials to the customs authorities at each port. If you need it during a port of call, it will be available for you at reception, provided that you return it once back on board.

How does disembarkation work?

More details of the end-of-cruise disembarkation will be given in the logbook and at reception. We invite you to read these details carefully.

What does the reinforced sanitary protocol implemented by PONANT consist of?

On land or on board, PONANT uses all technological, human and material resources to ensure a watertight “ANTI-COVID” health bubble, applying reinforced protection. For further information on our health protocol, consult our dedicated page .

Have embarking and disembarking changed on account of the Health protocol?

Boarding times have been staggered to improve the flow of arriving passengers and to avoid passengers being too close together. Passengers receive their disembarking time via SMS .

How are meals served on board: are you seated? Can you eat lunch or dinner with other passengers?

In accordance with the hygiene regulations in force, we have done away with buffets in favour of table service . Upon entering the restaurant, the maître d’ will offer you a choice of several available tables. For each meal, you can thus choose the table that suits you best. If you wish to share a table with other passengers, social distancing between passengers must be observed, with the maximum number of guests at a table limited to six.

Can you go into town by yourself during stopovers?

The option for passengers to visit stopover towns/cities by their own arrangement depends on the regulations enforced by the local governmental authorities , by which PONANT is bound. Where possible, we will offer excursions that are compliant with the requirements enforced by the local authorities.

Are masks provided on board?

Two Armor Lux® fabric masks per passenger are provided in your stateroom.

Are the hygiene conditions identical on Le Paul Gauguin and on the other ships within the PONANT fleet?

The same hygiene measures apply on board all ships within the fleet, including on Le Paul Gauguin .

Where can I find the times of the ports of call of my cruise?

The times of arrival and departure for each port will be indicated on the day prior in the newsletter you will receive each evening. Please note that the ship is unable to wait for latecomers. We thank you in advance for your understanding and for respecting the designated times.

What is the procedure for arrival in port?

At each arrival into a new port, immigration and customs officials will board the ship. As soon as the necessary checks have been done, the passengers and crew will be allowed ashore. In the event of a lack of required infrastructure in certain ports, the ship could anchor offshore. In this case, disembarkation will be done using small boats from the ship, or local launches. Given the limited number of these boats, the disembarkation will be done in groups. Please pay close attention to on-board announcements.

Are there excursions you can go on to discover and explore the destination?

  • Beginning November 2024, we are slowly changing all yachting voyages to include one excursion per person, per port of call (excluding any on board Le Paul Gauguin). Please check the website to see if your voyage is fully inclusive.
  • There will also be paid excursions available, enabling you to explore the region in even more depth.

Are excursions mandatory?

  • you will not receive any discount or compensation if you choose not to take part in the excursions included in the price of your cruise;
  • and you are only guaranteed to be back on board in time with the excursions provided as part of the cruise.

What is the difficulty level of these excursions? Would they be suitable to an elderly person, a beginner or children ?

We do all we can to offer excursions that are accessible to the greatest number of people. We will specify in the description if an excursion presents a certain level of difficulty (long walks, rugged trails, long journeys etc.) and whether a minimum age is required. If you have any doubts about the feasibility of an excursion, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Trip Advisors HERE

Do all excursions have to be pre-booked before the cruise departure date?

Yes, all excursions must be pre-booked, whether they are included or not.

From what point can I book my excursions?

You will be sent an email informing you when pre-booking opens. It is possible to sign up for excursions through pre-registration from 60 days before the start of your cruise, as a minimum, and up to 7 days before your boarding date. This can be done by email ( [email protected] ) or by telephoning your travel consultant on + 61 2 8459 5000 or requesting a call back via the PONANT app. Places on excursions are limited, so booking requests will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis. Once you have completed your pre-registration, all you then need to do is confirm your excursions at the Excursions Office once on board.

How do I pay for pre-booked optional excursions?

Pre-booked optional excursions are paid for directly on board.

I haven't pre-booked my excursions. Can I sign up for them on board?

If you have not pre-registered prior to your cruise, you can always book once on board at the Excursions Office (open daily – opening hours can be found in your daily cruise programme). You will be required to complete a booking form . This form will be kept at the office and also used to record any additional bookings. The price of the excursion will be charged directly to your onboard account. However, certain excursions have limited places and a booking deadline . Such excursions cannot be booked or altered (if already booked) once this deadline has expired. Booking requrests are dealt with on a first come, first served basis while places are still available. We therefore strongly advise you to pre-book your excursions in advance.

Can I take part in multiple excursions on the same day?

Because ot timing conflicts it is only possible to reserve one excursion per day in port. In the event that you would like to take part in a second excursion on the same day, visit the Excursions Office in order check the feasibility.

Once aboard, how does the organisation of the excursions work?

On the day before your excursion, you will receive, in your stateroom, a ticket reminding you of the name of the selected excursion as well as the meeting time and place. On the day of the excursion, please bring this ticket with you as it will be collected at the beginning of the tour. In order to take part in the tours as a group with your family or friends, please let the Excursion Office know the numbers of your staterooms at the beginning of your cruise.

Can I cancel a pre-booked excursion?

You can cancel an excursion up to 48 hours before the excursion departs (without charge if the excursion is a paid excursion).

How is the expedition team made up on board? What role does it play?

On expedition cruises, our passengers are always accompanied by a team of about ten naturalist-guides and experts on board, with double that number on Le Commandant Charcot , which constitutes one of the best guest-to-staff ratios found on any voyage of this kind. They are all specialised in a particular field: history, geology, marine or land mammals, ornithology... Their objective is to share their knowledge with passengers during on-board conferences and excursions as well as landings in Zodiac boats, with the aim of making them true ambassadors of the regions they visit. They are also there to ensure safety during expedition activities, excursions and landings in Zodiac boats. They set off on scouting missions, prepare meticulously for every excursion, supervise and ensure the safety of passengers, etc. They are trained in the regulations governing exploration trips in the polar zones (IAATO in Antarctica, AECO in the Arctic) and have the necessary certifications and licences to ensure the supervision of the proposed activities.

Are the boardings and landings in Zodiac boats accessible to everyone?

We do everything we can to make these expeditions accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities and reduced mobility.

What activities are offered on board?

PONANT expedition cruises are an opportunity to meet experts from the region visited, to attend their conferences and to talk with them after their presentations, during outings and landings in zodiac boats or during more informal discussions. On board, it is also possible to take advantage of our well-being areas such as the spa, the hair salon and the gym, or the library and the various shared areas of the ship. Screenings in the Theatre, cooking demonstrations and tastings are regularly organised. For more information on the activities offered on board our ships, please consult the "Leisure and activities" section of our FAQs.

What activities should I pre-book?

In addition to the landings and zodiac outings, some expedition cruises offer additional activities (see the "activities" tab of your cruise if applicable). The number of places is limited, so they must be pre-booked.

What specific activities are offered during cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot?

On board Le Commandant Charcot , many new activities are offered in the Arctic and Antarctica:

Included activities (limited places) The Arctic Antarctica minimum age
Kayaking X X 16 years old
Dog sledding X 12 years old*
Hiking X X 10 years old
Snowshoeing X X 17 years old
Ice fishing X 12 years old
Polar water activities (polar plunge in a swimsuit or a dip in a dry-suit) X X 16 years old
Participative science X X 8 years old
Outings and shore visits in zodiac inflatables X X 8 years old

*The dog sledding activity is only offered at the beginning of the Arctic season on the east coast of Greenland, on the Scoresby Sund (Ittoqqortoormiit and area). There are no dogs on board the ship. The activity is offered by a local partner

Are the activities offered during the cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot accessible to all?

For polar water activities (polar plunge in a swimsuit or a dip in a dry-suit), you will be required to present :

  • A medical certificate allowing you to swim in polar waters
  • A swimming certificate
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • For those under 18 years of age: a sworn statement from parents or guardians that they are able to swim and that a parent is present at the time of the activity.

The kayak activity for under 18-year-olds is subject to the following conditions:

  • A sworn statement from the parents or guardians that they are able to swim
  • A parent must be present at the time of the activity.

For any medical questions, please see the "Health and Accessibility" section. In addition, although we aim to offer activities at every opportunity, we are subject to ice and weather conditions and cannot guarantee to offer all activities to all passengers.

Is sailing on board Le Commandant Charcot as comfortable as on other ships in the PONANT fleet?

Thanks to its 10-metre draught, its anti-roll stabilisers used in open waters, and its ice-breaking hull specially adapted to meet the requirements of a cruise ship and to meet comfort standards, Le Commandant Charcot is particularly stable. It is the first ice-breaker type ship with integrated stabilisers.

What is a pre- or post-programme?

Pre- and post-programmes allow you to anticipate or to extend your cruise with optional organised programmes. From half-a-day to several days, they offer you the possibility to discover the region even more through exciting visits, without having to worry about the logistics (flights, meals, hotels, guides etc.)

When can I reserve my pre- and post-programmes?

The pre- and post-programmes, whether they take place before or after the cruise, should always be reserved before departure. Discuss the options with your Trip Advisor.

How can I access my stateroom?

One (or more) key cards will be distributed to you per stateroom. This will allow you to open your stateroom or to lock it when you leave. On all the ships, you just have to close your door for it to lock behind you. Therefore, be sure not to leave your key card inside when you leave your stateroom.

Is there air-conditioning in my stateroom?

There is air-conditioning in every stateroom . It can be individually adjusted. Your stateroom Officer will be there if you need help setting the desired temperature.

Is there a television in my stateroom?

There is a flat screen television in every stateroom, with satellite channels.

Is there a safe in my stateroom?

There is an individual safe in each stateroom, where you can leave your valuables. For high value items, we advise you to use the main safe. This can be accessed at reception.

What equipment is available in my stateroom?

Beginning with you arrival in your staterooms, PONANT offers a bathrobe, slippers, towels & HERMES toiletries.

Do all staterooms and suites have a private balcony or a terrace with sea views?

All staterooms and suites on our Sisterships, our PONANT Explorers and Le Commandant Charcot have a private balcony or a terrace with views out over the sea , with the exception of the seven superior category staterooms located on deck three of the Sisterships vessels, namely stateroom 300, which simply has a porthole, and staterooms 301 to 307, which each have a large square window. On our sailing ship Le Ponant , a luxury yacht with just 16 staterooms and suites, all the staterooms and suites located on the Antigua and Saint-Barth decks each have a large private balcony with views out over the sea . The staterooms located on the Marie-Galante deck have either portholes or large square windows.

Are there any interconnecting staterooms? What is the difference between a prestige stateroom and a prestige suite?

Onboard our sister ships ( Le Boréal, L’Austral, Le Soléal and Le Lyrial ) as well as the PONANT Explorers, there is a door between some prestige staterooms to transform them into prestige suites. On the layouts of our ships (available at the end of the brochure as well as on our Internet site on the tab "Our ships"), all prestige staterooms with an arrow across them can be transformed into prestige suites. For security reasons when at sea, the door is locked in the opened or closed position and cannot be opened by guests. If two prestige staterooms have been purchased as a suite, the door between them is unlocked and cannot be closed. For more information on the plans of our vessels, contact our Information & Booking Service here .

Can I get stateroom service?

On each of our ships, you can enjoy room service at any hour of the day and night (except at night on Le Ponant). A butler service is also available to passengers:

  • on the Sisterships: for passengers staying in one of the suites on deck 6,
  • on PONANT EXPLORERS: for passengers staying in the Privilege Suites, Grand Deluxe Suites and the Shipowner's Suite.
  • on Le Commandant Charcot : for passengers staying in the Shipowner's Suite, the Duplex Suites, the Privilege Suites and the Grand Prestige Suites.
  • on Le Paul Gauguin : for passengers staying in the Shipowner's Suite, the Grand Suites, the Veranda Suites, and the Veranda Staterooms.

Discover our 5-star services here .

Can I exchange currency on board?

No, there is no Bureau de Change on board our ships. We advise you to exchange your currency through your bank or at an international airport.

How are my on-board expenses handled?

An account will be opened for you when you first board the ship for any expenses you make whilst on board: for example, at the boutique, premium drinks at the bar, using the laundry service, or for excursions. We invite you to leave an imprint of your credit card at reception. The bill, along with the receipt of your card payment, will be left in your stateroom the day before disembarkation. As the on-board accounts are closed on the day before disembarkation, any further payment after 10 pm on this day will have to be made in cash. This also applies to those who have reserved two or more consecutive cruises.

What is the on-board currency?

The currency on board is the Euro, but the US Dollar is also accepted.

What methods of payment are accepted on board?

Credit cards (Visa, EuroCard/Master Card and American Express), cash and personal cheques (in EUR and USD only) are accepted.

What leisure activities are there on board?

On board our fleet, in addition to the animation programme and the cultural and scientific conferences, you will find games consoles (Wii™ and PS4), and a choice of books and board games. On board the Sisterships, the library is also equipped with Wi-Fi connected computers. On the lower deck there is an image and photography area in order to view and order photos of your cruise. The staterooms of all of our ships are equipped with Video on Demand.

Can I practice a sport activity on board?

In order to maintain your fistness, and following the programme, a group gym session on the decks, in the pool or in the theatre (fitness, yoga, Pilates, meditation, aquagym - list to be confirmed on board with the crew) offered to you during your cruise. If navigation and weather permit, guests can take a dip in the swimming pool of our sister ships and our PONANT explorers, or directly in the clear waters traversed by your vessel. Some stopovers will allow you to practice fee-based activities such as tennis, golf and SCUBA diving (remember to bring your licenses, handicap cards or dive logs). Finally, all our ships have a fitness room, with the exception of Le Ponant. Find here the details of our equipment. On board Le Commandant Charcot , in addition to the group sessions open to all, personalised private classes are offered by the fitness and well-being coach (classes not included, priority given to passengers in the Armateur, Duplex, Prestige and Grand Prestige suites, then subject to availability).

Are any activities organised on board?

Informative presentations may be organised during the day. A varied and entertaining programme of cultural and fun activities is on offer every evening.

What are the relaxation areas on board?

For your greater comfort, PONANT offers various relaxation areas on board: on Le Ponant , you can enjoy a solarium, deck chairs, bars, a lounge, a wellness area with a massage cabin as well as a fitness room, a multimedia room and a boutique. on our other ships, you can enjoy lounges, a spa with massage staterooms and a steam room, a hair salon, a fitness room, a swimming pool, a theater and a boutique. Discover all the relaxation areas on board our ships here . On board Le Commandant Charcot , you can also enjoy an indoor pool, a Snow Room, the Blue Lagoon, a Brasero and a Cigar Lounge.

What are the Spa fees?

Discover the all of the services offered and their fees here .

Can I make an appointment at the spa before my departure?

We advise all our passengers to book their benefits at the spa after they are settled on board. It is not possible to make a reservation before your departure.

Is the swimming pool heated?

Our ships Le Boreal, Le Soléal, L'Austral, Le Lyrial offer an outdoor swimming pool. The water is heated sea water.

Where can I find a layout of the vessel?

All the layouts of our ships are available on our Internet site, in the sub-tab "The Decks" under the heading "Our ships". You can also find the layout of each vessel in our downloadable brochures here .

Is it possible to visit one of your vessels?

For any question concerning the visiting our ships, kindly fill in the contact form here .

How do I find out more information about Le Commandant-Charcot ?

Discover all about our luxury polar exploration vessel on our special dedicated web page .

What are your commitments in terms of sustainable tourism?

Sustainable development is enshrined in the company's articles of association and has been at the heart of the PONANT project since its inception . Founded over thirty years ago by committed sailors, the company was born out of a desire to share a passion for the oceans and the treasures of the Earth. This responsibility commits us to a respectful dialogue with the environment and the populations we meet and to investing in many fields related to the preservation and development of the natural and cultural heritage of the polar and oceanic regions.

To find out more about our commitments in terms of sustainable development and the PONANT Foundation , please visit our dedicated web page .

Is your fleet “green”?

  • Our entire fleet is Clean Ship certified by the Bureau Veritas. This certification guarantees that our ships fulfil very precise criteria: emissions levels, waste processing, waste water etc.
  • In 2020, PONANT was recognised as “the cruise operator with the greenest fleet in the world in terms of airborne emissions” by the German NGO, NABU.
  • PONANT was awarded the Prix des Palmes du Tourisme Durable 2020 (Prize for Sustainable Tourism) in the “Voyage” category for the elimination of heavy fuel oil in favour of LS MGO.
  • In 2019, PONANT became the first European cruise company to obtain the North American Green Alliance certificate . This certifies that its members have adopted practices and technologies that are respectful towards the environment.
  • PONANT is also a signatory of the Charte Bleue from Armateurs de France, which commits the maritime sector to act to protect the marine environment .

What happens to the wastewater from your ships?

All of the wastewater is treated by means of processes that exclude the use of chemical products. The recycled water is used to clean the exterior of the ship. The water that is discharged into the sea is treated, drinkable water.

What do you do with the waste produced on board?

What is your position with regard to single-use plastics.

We have eliminated the use of single-use plastics (straws, cups, food serving trays, laundry bags etc.). A metallic flask is issued to each passenger on expedition cruises and water fountains are available in the common areas of the ships. We are also developing the bottling of our water in glass bottles.

What is your relationship with the people groups you visit?

How do you respond to those who criticise expeditions, in particular in the arctic and antarctic territories.

Our cruises are in keeping with the desire to “travel less, but travel better”. We believe that we can better protect that which with which we are familiar. In bringing our passengers to the ends of the Earth, we encourage them to become genuine ambassadors, who work to encourage respect for these region s. Because we follow strict rules, in particular when it comes to expedition cruises, our impact is minimal and temporary.

To learn more about our polar and tropical expeditions, please visit our dedicated web page .

Is Le Commandant Charcot an icebreaker?

Le Commandant Charcot is a high polar exploration vessel equipped with a reinforced hull of class PC 2 (ice-breaker) , has a large helipad, a sizable medical unit, and powerful pods or propellers that will allow it to operate in extreme conditions. Unlike icebreakers whose sole purpose is to open up waterways for other ships, Le Commandant Charcot is a cruise ship designed for exploration. Among her functions is that of an icebreaker. It guarantees the ship's autonomy and safety when navigating in the most extreme areas.In accordance with the navigation code, Le Commandant Charcot has to assist other ships if their safety is at risk.

How is Le Commandant Charcot sailing through the ice whilst at the same time respecting its ecosystem?

Le Commandant Charcot sails at times of the year when the ice is still very present and impassable for other ships. We favouring areas of ice which are easiest to cross, and much of the navigation will be through existing, already naturally open channels, as the pack ice expands is in perpetual motion. We have developed our own ice routing software to study our routes carefully to make them more comfortable for guests, as well as to reduce our impact and to optimise our fuel consumption. The on-board helicopter is only used when necessary for navigation and safety purposes including locating the best routes. These sorties are carried out at the discretion of the captain, who will decide how often it needs to go out. Though it has sufficient power to do so, Le Commandant Charcot does not sail through the coastal land-fast ice, which is a vital environment for both wildlife and Inuit communities. When conditions allow, the ship moors at the edge of this fast ice to provide access to it for organised disembarkations and off-board activities. To find out all about the different types of ice and explore the art of polar navigation with our captains, visit our online magazine Escales .

What makes Le Commandant Charcot an environmentally friendly ship?

Le Commandant Charcot is the first ever hybrid electric and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) - the cleanest energy available today - powered cruise ship. Le Commandant Charcot is the only ship in the world with LNG autonomy of two months.

LNG allows for a reduction of:

  • 25% in carbon emissions
  • 85% in nitrogen oxide emissions
  • 95% in fine particle emissions

Thanks to its bank of electric batteries, Le Commandant Charcot is able to navigate for two hours without producing any emissions or noise. In order to comply with the Safe Return To Port regulation, the ship is also equipped with tanks for light fuel oil, which can be used in addition to LNG. It provides a back-up solution if there is a problem with the LNG supply. It is also the only reserve fuel if there is any damage.

Are there any risks with regard to wildlife animals during the proposed activities?

During our activities we will not disturb wildlife and animals by respecting the minimum regulatory distances recommended by AECO (Arctic) and IAATO (Antarctic). In the Arctic, armed guides are posted around the perimeter where the activities take place to ensure your safety.

In what ways can the PONANT fleet serve the interests of scientific projects?

L e Commandant Charcot is able to sail to remote areas that are normally difficult for scientists to access. Le Commandant Charcot is equipped with laboratories, specialised equipment, staterooms and a dedicated workforce, and offers a platform for observation, research and analysis that can be used for studying polar regions.

The scientists who travel on the ship as part of carrying out their research host conferences on board on a regular basis. When conditions allow, it's possible to organise citizen science workshops that give cruise guests the opportunity to collect data that can then be used by the scientists. The exchanges and interactions involved in these events offer exceptional opportunities to learn more about the polar regions and the issues involved in protecting them.

Is there a dress code on board the ships?

We advise our passengers to wear casual and elegant outfits at their convenience, and more formal attire for the Captain's Dinner.

What clothes do I need to bring on an expedition cruise?

On an expedition cruise, be sure to bring practical clothes as well as comfortable shoes suitable for travelling in Zodiacs and disembarking on beaches or mud flats. On tropical expeditions be sure to bring a hat, sunglasses and long sleeved/legged clothing. For cruises in the Arctic and Antarctic, you will be given a polar parka in your size and suitable boots will be available for use when ashore.

Are temperatures during cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot more extreme than those encountered in the polar regions normally visited?

Due to the locations of the new sites we visit and the times of year we travel to them, colder temperatures are to be expected. The average temperature recorded over the last 20 years in the areas we visit is -10°C / 14°F. You are advised to bring the same kinds of clothing as recommended for the polar expedition cruises with you, only warmer. Because 70 percent of body heat is lost through the skull, it's important to ensure the head is covered when visiting these polar regions.

Base layer: top, underwear, leggings, socks. Insulation layer: fleece jacket Outer layer: parka (provided on board), waterproof overtrousers Accessories: warm hat, neck warmer, glove liners, warm waterproof gloves

Do you need any specific equipment for cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot?

The parkas provided on expedition cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot are suitable for use in very low temperatures. They are distributed directly to the staterooms and suites prior to boarding.

Sizes available:

  • Adults: from 32 (XXS) to 50 (5XL)
  • Children: from 4 years old (104 cm; 4T) to 14 years old (164 cm; XL)

PONANT provides suitable boots for temporary loan on board.

  • Adults: from 37 (UK 4½) to 48 (UK 13)
  • Children: from 25 (UK 8 JNR) to 36 (UK 3½ ADULT)

Cruise guests keep the same boots throughout the cruise. Snowshoes and a pair of walking poles are provided.

What technical accessories are recommended?

We advise you to equip yourself with a ski mask, sunglasses, walking poles (available to purchase in the shop), a waterproof rucksack, binoculars, a technical watch, a mosquito head net (for the Arctic) and a waterproof pouch.

How do meals work?

Breakfast is a buffet that can be eaten at the restaurant or requested in your stateroom. Lunch is also a buffet, and a French-style à la carte dinner will be served in the evening. Room service is available 24/7 (except on Le Ponant ). Breakfast on board Le Commandant Charcot can be eaten at the restaurant in the form of a buffet on Deck 9, as a buffet or à la carte on Deck 5, or in your stateroom on request. Lunch is served in the form of a buffet on Deck 9 and à la carte on Deck 5, and dinner is served "à la française" on Deck 5 and in the form of a buffet on Deck 9.

Can I have a snack outside of meal times?

Yes, outside the opening hours of the restaurant, tea and small pastries will be on offer. More details will be given in the newsletter provided each evening in your stateroom.

What is the Open Bar?

From embarkation and throughout the cruise, unlimited complimentary drinks* are served. We call this the Open Bar. This also applies to drinks from the minibar and those served by room service. *Excludes premium alcohol drinks served à la carte

What menu is offered on board?

Our chefs and their brigade interpret and share with our passengers their passion for the French culinary heritage, enriched with the products and traditions of the countries visited. Our menus are constantly renewed according to the destination and the route chosen. On our mega yachts, two restaurants welcome you according to your wishes, the gourmet restaurant and the grill restaurant. The availability of selected products such as Bordier butter and cheese, Kaviari caviar, pata negra, foie gras and Pierre Hermé macaroons cannot be guaranteed on late-season departures to Antarctica (from late January/early February). In addition, products originating directly from France are banned in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines). The supply of French products in these areas therefore depends on local sourcing possibilities. In Australia and New Zealand, the fish menu includes stonefish, sole, tuna, salmon and red mullet. Learn more about the on-board gastronomy here .

Do dinners vary on long or consecutive cruises?

Our chefs and their teams offer a varied menu every day. The breakfasts and lunches are served buffet-style and feature a wide range of sweet and savoury dishes, as well as bread baked daily by our on-board French baker. Here is what other passengers had to say: “There is so much choice between the two restaurants and the menu that you will always find something different as well as new recipes.” Annie

Do I need to complete a medical form to go on a cruise?

A fitness form will be sent to you by email at the time of booking. If required, a medical form to be completed with your Doctor will be requested.

Are vaccines necessary to go on a cruise?

When you visit certain destinations, vaccines can be recommended. Once you have made your reservation, we will send you all the important information so that you can begin your cruise with peace of mind. It is worthwhile contacting your medical advisors before you travel as they will have access to the latest information. If you would like to know more about a destination, the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can give you some invaluable advice.

Is there a doctor on board?

There is a doctor on board available to the passengers on all our ships:

  • The schedules of consultation are listed each day in the log book (emergency consultation 24/7).
  • The Sisterships, PONANT Explorers and Le Commandant Charcot also have a hospital for any small surgery.
  • During the excursions, the passengers are accompanied by a doctor or a nurse.
  • There is a fee for consultations on board . The price may vary according to the time and place of the consultation (hospital or staterooms). You must also pay for medications.
  • The doctor on board is not authorised to distribute sick leaves and prescriptions. Only accounts and invoices are provided which may be used by the passenger to obtain a refund from his/her health insurance if his/her contract allows.

Do I have to pay for medical consultations on board?

There is a charge for medical consultations undertaken by the doctor or nurse on board. The price can vary according to the time and place of the consultation (hospital or stateroom). Any medication must also be paid for by the passenger. If using medications on a regular basis make sure to bring adequate supplies for the duration of your cruise.

Should I inform PONANT if I have any special medical treatment?

If you have any special treatment, we ask you to inform the reservation service when you register for the cruise, to note it on the information sheet before departure, then inform the on-board crew at the moment of departure and always keep your medication with you for the duration of the cruise.

I suffer from seasickness, can I still come on the cruise?

Our ships (except Le Ponant) have stabilisers equipped with dynamic fins which adapt to the movements of the ship. This system allows the ship to anticipate and compensate for the pitching and tossing of the sea to achieve greater stability. Passengers suffering from seasickness will see their symptoms alleviated and are pleasantly surprised to not feel uncomfortable during their journey. However it is wise to bring travel motion medication with you for peace of mind.

Are the PONANT ships adapted to suit those with reduced mobility?

Our Sisterships, PONANT EXPLORERS and Le Commandant Charcot were designed for people with reduced mobility in mind:

  • Specially designed staterooms;
  • Access ramps allowing easy movement in communal areas;
  • Posters, signage and stateroom numbers are translated into Braille.

Despite these arrangements, each passenger should be able to be independent or travel with a close family member or friend who can give them whatever assistance they require during their trip. If a person has not been judged suitably fit for travel in complete safety, the company reserves the right to refuse their embarkation. Disembarkation in difficult places or in a Zodiac® is subject to the approval of the Captain, who will always have the safety and wellbeing of the passenger in mind.

f a person has not been judged suitably fit for travel in complete safety, the company reserves the right to refuse their embarkation. Disembarkation in difficult places or in a Zodiac® is subject to the approval of the Captain, who will always have the safety and wellbeing of the passenger in mind.

Are electrical outlets available in the common areas?

Electrical outlets are available to our passengers in the common areas.

What services are on offer on board?

  • Reception desk 24/7 on our sister ships & PONANT Explorers, and 7:00AM to 11:00PM on Le Ponant ,
  • Customer Service Office,
  • Excursions Office,
  • Breakfast in your stateroom,
  • Butler service:
  • On Sisterships : for passengers staying in one of the suites on deck 6.
  • On PONANT EXPLORERS : for passengers staying in the Privilege Suites, Grand Deluxe Suites and the Owner's Suite.
  • On Le Commandant Charcot : for passengers staying in the Owner's Suite, the Duplex Suites, the Privilege Suites and the Grand Prestige Suites.
  • On Le Paul Gauguin : or passengers staying in the Owner's Suite, the Grand Suites, the Veranda Suites, and the Veranda Staterooms.
  • Stateroom service (Free & available 24/7),
  • Wake-up service,
  • Fitness room,
  • Wellness area,
  • Group sessions of gym,
  • Outdoor pool (except for Le Ponant),
  • Photography/video service (except for Le Ponant),
  • Postal service,
  • Restaurant,
  • Only onboard Le Commandant Charcot :
  • Alain Ducasse restaurant (Deck 5)
  • Brasero and Blue Lagoon
  • Indoor pool
  • Cigare Lounge
  • Private fitness sessions (depending on the availability of the coach, non included, priority for the passengers of the Owner Suite, Duplex Suites, Prestige and Grand Prestige Suites).

What languages are spoken on board?

The crew are bilingual in French and English. All signage and announcements made are in French and English. On certain cruises, crew members also speak other languages.

May I bring one or more children on board?

Children under one year of age shall not be authorised to embark on the ships. For children aged between 1 and 8 years old, an authorisation to board the ship must be made in writing to PONANT. Subject to agreement, a liability waiver must be completed and returned to the company to validate the registration. On classic cruises ("yachting"), children are accepted from the age of one, with a maximum of 5 children between 1 and 6 years old on board. On "expedition" cruises children are accepted from 6 years old (except cruises aboard Le Commandant Charcot ) and must be fully independent during all the outside activities organised and during disembarkation in rubber boats, be sufficiently tall to sit on the inflatable sides of the boats, and old enough to understand, and immediately respond to the orders given by the persons in charge. As a result, children's participation in any activity in an inflatable boat shall be subject to the agreement of the Captain and of the Expedition Head, depending on the sea conditions, and the difficulty of disembarking at each location visited. The ships do not carry Parka’s in children’s sizes. Parents must arrange to bring a suitable Parka for children. In all cases, children and young people under the age of 18 are at all times on board or on land under the full and total responsibility of their parents or carers. For all "expedition" cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot , children are accepted from 8 years old only. Children aged 4 years or more can be welcomed in the Kid's Club when the service is offered on board (consult the list of cruises concerned ).

I am travelling alone, will I feel integrated with the other passengers? Is there a good atmosphere?

On board, each space has been designed with the wishes of everybody in mind. There are places where your privacy is respected, and other places where you can pass the time together with others. Here is what other passengers had to say: "I have been on a cruise once with other people, and once, recently, by myself in Patagonia. I can assure you that they were largely as good as each other. The atmosphere is very pleasant, from the Captain and his crew, to the very attentive staff, and finally the other passengers who were all very friendly. All sorts of activities were on offer where you could alternate learning or cultural sessions with rest times if you wanted to. Personally, I never got bored. It doesn't matter whether you're male or female, I would go for it. It's an adventure where you'll make some amazing memories". Single guest, member of PONANT community. Join the community.

Are animals allowed on board?

For reasons of hygiene and safety, animals are not allowed on board.

Are onboard power sockets European standard?

Yes, the 220 volt 50 hertz alternating current is distributed by sockets meeting European standards. Onboard power is 200 volt AC (European standard) and 110 volt AC (North American standard). For safety reasons, hair irons and clothes irons cannot be used in staterooms. Please note that on Le Ponant , 110 volt AC is only available in stateroom bathrooms.

Are power adapters provided?

Adapters are provided on board, they are available at the reception office of our ships.

Is smoking allowed on board?

Closed spaces such as the lounges, the dining room, the staterooms and the reception are non-smoking areas. We invite you to smoke in designated outdoor parts of the ship. Le Commandant Charcot has an onboard Cigare Lounge on Deck 5 where you can enjoy a refined selection of cigars and top quality spirits.

Are tips obligatory?

Bonuses for the staff is one of the customs of cruise ships and are left to your discretion. An anonymous envelope is left in your stateroom at the end of your cruise. You can leave it at reception in a box provided. This sum is generally in the range of €10-12 per day per passenger. It is then divided between the members of the crew.

Is there a laundry service on the ships?

Yes, your Stateroom Officer will be able to take care of your laundry**. The washing and ironing of your clothes will take between 24 and 48 hours. Only ironing** can be delivered on the same day. As dry-cleaning is not possible on the ship, please only give us clothes that can be washed in water. **These services are not free of charge and are billed directly to your stateroom account.

Is it possible to make purchases on board?

Gifts and souvenirs can be bought on board at our boutique. Please note that the law does not allow us to open the boutique whilst we are docked at a port of call.

Can I send letters during my cruise?

You may leave letters and postcards at Reception and they will be posted for you. Please note your stateroom number where you would normally place the stamp. The postage fee will be added to your account.

Is a telephone service available on board?

A satellite telephone system is at your disposal for contacting anyone, anywhere in the world. The cost of the call is added to the stateroom account (€6/minute). Calls that you receive can be transferred directly to your stateroom or to any other communal area on the ship. To receive or send faxes, please see Reception.

Is internet access available on board?

Free Wi-Fi internet access is available on all of our ships, in both the staterooms and the communal areas. One or several computers are at your disposal in the recreation centres. Please note that the Wi-Fi connection may be discontinued depending on the navigation area and landscapes that may block the vessel from satellite coverage, especially at high latitudes (no connection possible beyond 80° North or South), or for technical reasons beyond our control.

I no longer wish to receive email from PONANT, how do I request that?

If you no longer want to receive electronic communication from PONANT, please click on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of one of the emails that has been sent to you.

How can I contact PONANT?

You can contact us here . If you like, you can also contact PONANT via Facebook , by private message.

How can I change the language of the site?

The site is accessible in English, French and German. If you want to change the language, you simply select your country by clicking on the menu “Country” at the bottom of the homepage.

How does the dedicated concierge service on board the Le Commandant Charcot work?

The concierge service is made up of a team of four travel agents who can be reached by telephone on the dedicated phone line for passengers of Le Commandant Charcot . They will deal with any special requests you may have and help you decide which tailored, personalised services to choose to match your tastes and preferences and further enhance your overall cruise experience. The concierge service is offered to all passengers of Le Commandant Charcot , regardless of whether they have booked a stateroom or a suite.

Available, ready to listen and highly responsive, the team can arrange to meet you at PONANT's head office and can also be contacted at any time:

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Ponant Yacht Club

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Departure Port: If you only want to view results for cruises that in a specific port, you can specify it here. You can select more than one (to see cruises that start at certain ports). For example, you can select both New York and Boston if you only want to view cruises that start in either New York Boston.

→ In the "Advanced Search"

Arrival Port: If you only want to view results for cruises that in a specific port, you can specify it here. You can select more than one (to see cruises that end at certain ports). For example, you can select both New York and Boston if you only want to view cruises that end in either New York Boston.

Ports of Call: You can the type name of one port that you would like all your search results to include. For example, if you type Barcelona all of the search results will include cruises that include Barcelona (even if it's not a starting or ending port in the itinerary). Be sure to spell the port name correctly!

Max Occupancy: Allows you to view search results that only include ships that have accommodations for a minimum amount of people per room. For example, if you select "5 and more" your search results will only include ships that have at least one room type that would accommodate at least 5 people. The pricing that displays on the search results page will be the per person pricing based on a room for two people. Proceed further in the online booking process to view the pricing for accommodations for a different occupancy.

Kid-Friendly: Shows cruises that are great choices for those traveling with children and teens. Includes ships with youth programs and/or youth-friendly public spaces. Programs and public spaces are subject to change, at the discretion of the cruise line.

→ Cruise Only vs Cruise Line Tour

If you check the Cruise Only option, you will only see results that are for a cruise vacation. If you check the Cruise Line Tour option, you will only see vacations that include a cruise + land tour package (also known as a ). Leave both unchecked to view results that include vacation types.

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Helpful Links
The Ponant Yacht Club is the past passenger loyalty program (or cruise club) of Ponant. By booking a Ponant cruise with us, not only are we able to honor their benefits, but we can also give you special gifts that they won't. For example, we may be able to give you Onboard Credit to spend during the cruise! In order to take advantage of Ponant Yacht Club's benefits, you must book with us over the phone. Before pricing anything out mention to the reservation agent that you are a Ponant Yacht Club member. This will make certain that you will receive the best possible deals!

There are four membership levels in Ponant Yacht Club. They are based on the number of times you have traveled with Compagnie du Ponant. The levels are: Major, Admiral, Grand Admiral and Commodore. Please see below for specific details about each level.

applies to port-to-port prices, and excludes taxes, discretionary expenses and transfers. This discount can only be combined with the PONANT Bonus discount, the discount applied to onboard cruise sales, the Referral Program offer, the Privilege Single offer and with the consecutive cruises discount.

, except for excursions, applies to everything other than "Prestige" brands in the Boutique, jewellery, watches and black pearl products. The complete list of these products is available at reception during the cruise.

is non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable. It is valid for all expenses on board (excursions included, except on board the Paul Gauguin), once all eligible discounts have been applied. Onboard credit can be used on the Paul Gauguin and will be offered in the following equivalent US dollar amounts: $50 for MAJOR / $100 for ADMIRAL / $150 for GRAND ADMIRAL / $200 for COMMODORE. Not valid on pre-bookable and pre-payable tours, excursions or cruise programmes or for gratuities.

is free on board, within the limit of 5 items per day and per person.

offered on board are based on availability, offered within a maximum of 48 hours after boarding and only for PONANT cruises.

free of charge the first time you change your cruise package, provided that the request is made 90 days or more before the cruise’s departure date (and 150 days or more for Expedition Cruises). The new departure date must be within 12 months of the original planned departure. Only one change can be made free of charge per calendar year per person for GRAND ADMIRAL and COMMODORE status, regardless of the cruise in question, and can only be applied to the first change only.

is only available for French-speaking COMMODORE, as well as Australian and New Zealand GRAND ADMIRAL and COMMODORE and only for PONANT cruises.

is subject to availability and only applies to certain ports of embarkation and only for PONANT cruises.

Discount and amenities above are not combinable with any other PAUL GAUGUIN offer, unless otherwise stated.

The information listed on this page is provided by our agency as a courtesy to our web site users. Please verify terms and conditions of this program, and verify all information listed on this page, directly with Ponant. We are not responsible for alterations and/or omissions of the Ponant Yacht Club benefits and/or policies made by Compagnie du Ponant. We are also not responsible if the cruise line does not fulfill any promised amenities of their past passenger program. This program is subject to change at any time, without notice.

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The advantages of being a Ponant Cruise customer

When you join the Ponant family, you get many Ponant Benefits by becoming a Yacht Club Member.

As a member of the PONANT Yacht Club , the more you sail with us, the more you unlock a world that is full of exclusive benefits. That's right, the perks and benefits keep rolling in with your favourite cruise ships and cruise line, as you sail more. These might include:

  • Onboard credits
  • Specials discounts
  • Complimentarty services

By being a member, you access wonderful sponsorships, special offers , honeymoon, wedding anniversary, series of cruises, “solo” or family travellers. There really are so many advantages to crusing with PONANT.


To elevate your adventures even further, combine your personal PONANT Yacht Club benefits with additional offers such as the PONANT Bonus, Free Solo Supplement (3) , and our Referral Offer. One one cruise booking you could get:

  • Your Ponant Yacht Club Savings  - 12.5% (1)
  • Ponant Bonus - Up to 30% off the fare
  • Refer Family and Friend - Save $800 per Stateroom (2)
  • Free Solo Supplement Offer - The benefits of a double stateroom no extra cost (3)

 1300 799 758

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Ponant Yacht Club benefits

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Ponant Cruises

History, review, itineraries, ships, deck plans, news.

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Ponant Cruises fleet

Le jacques cartier.

Year build2021  /  Age : 3
Passengers184 - 264

Le Commandant Charcot

Year build2021  /  Age : 3
Year build2020  /  Age : 4
Passengers184 - 264

Le Bougainville

Year build2019  /  Age : 5
Passengers184 - 264

Le Dumont dUrville

Le champlain.

Year build2018  /  Age : 6
Passengers184 - 264

Le Laperouse

Year build2015  /  Age : 9
Passengers224 - 264
Year build2013  /  Age : 11
Passengers224 - 264
Year build2011  /  Age : 13
Passengers224 - 264
Year build2010  /  Age : 14
Passengers224 - 264

Paul Gauguin

Year build1997  /  Age : 27
Year build1991  /  Age : 33

Review of Ponant Cruises

Ponant Cruises ( is a French passenger shipping company (Compagnie du Ponant/CDP) founded in 1988 by former French Merchant Navy officers. All Ponant ships are megayacht-type vessels and France- flagged (in the Marshall Islands ). The company specializes in premium adventure cruise travel, targeting the French-speaking source market with all-inclusive deals.

Note: This CruiseMapper page also contains information (news, updates, itinerary changes/ship deployment) of PONANT's fully-owned subsidiary Paul Gauguin Cruises (1998-founded). On July 29th, 2023, Paul Gauguin celebrated the brand's 25 Anniversary of French Polynesia operations with MS Paul Gauguin . Paul Gauguin's current CEO and General Director is Jean-Marc Mocellin.

Most of CDP's fleet is based in Antarctica (December through March). All these large superyachts offer modern amenities, premium service by highly-trained staff and crew, 5-star hotel amenities onboard. Exotic, offbeat itineraries visit popular travel destinations worldwide, including Caribbean, Baltic, Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, South America, Australia. On the American cruising market, Ponant works in partnership with the US travel companies Abercrombie+Kent (Illinois) and Tauck (Connecticut).

Ponant's growth in passenger capacity came under the new ownership by Artemis Group (holding of the billionaire Pinault family).

CDP Compagnie du Ponant Cruises logo

Company History

Compagnie du Ponant's first ship - Le Ponant , is a 3-masted barque (1991-built sailing vessel) is still in the CDP fleet. In 1999, the company acquired the yacht Le Levant (currently MV Clio) . In 2012, Le Levant was purchased by Paul Gauguin Cruises Ltd and renamed "Tere Moana". In 2004, the company purchased the luxury liner Le Diamant (currently Ocean Diamond) , which was transferred to Quark Expeditions in 2012 and renamed "Ocean Diamond".

Ponant Cruises gained international attention on April 4, 2008, when in the Gulf of Aden Le Ponant yacht was seized by Somali pirates. The ship carried no passengers but all 30 crew were taken hostage and released on April 12 without incident. Following the release, the pirates were tracked to Jariban (village) by French helicopters. When the pirates tried to flee in the desert, French marine commandos and GIGN (gendarmerie) deployed from the frigate ship Jean Bart and Jeanne d'Arc moved in. The commandos captured 6 men. Local officials claimed that 3 people had died in the raid, with a further 8 wounded, which France officially denied. French troops recovered some of the ransom money paid by the shipowner. The 6 captured pirates were flown to Paris to face trial.

In 2010, CDP put into service Le Boreal , the first of 4 identical luxury ships. Followed the sister-vessels L'Austral (2011), Le Soleal (2013) and the newest (last) from this series - Le Lyrial (2015).

Initially, CDP Ponant was based in Nantes France . After 18 years, following its acquisition by CMA CGM (container shipping company) , in 2006 CDP's headquarters were moved to Marseille France . In 2012, Ponant was sold to Bridgepoint Capital (European private equity investor).

In July 2015, CDP was sold to Groupe Artemis (Financiere Pinault) - a holding company owned by the French billionaire Francois Pinault (1936-born).

  • Francois Pinault is the founder and a majority shareholder of Kering (fka Pinault-Printemps-Redoute) - 1963-founded French luxury goods retail company that owns the premium retail brands Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga. The Pinault Collection includes 5000+ artworks (mainly contemporary art) displayed at Bourse de Commerce (Commodities Exchange's building in Paris City ).
  • Groupe Artemis is family-controlled and includes the Switzerland-based subsidiaries/divisions Franke Group (Franke Holding AG/industrial manufacturer), Feintool Group (Feintool International Holding AG/specializing in fineblanking/metal stamping), Artemis Real Estate Group, Artemis Asset Management Group, Artemis Domaine (vineyards Chateau Latour, Chateau Grillet, Clos de Tart, Domaine d'Eugenie, Eisele Vineyard), Le Point (news magazine), Christie's (British auction house), Stade Rennes FC (football club), Ponant.
  • Statistics for 2015 showed that CDP transported over 30,000 cruise ship tourists, and predominantly to polar region destinations.

Under Bridgepoint ownership, CDP doubled its sales (up to EUR 140 million). Profits were tripled thanks to a combination of an enlarged and upgraded fleet (increased capacity by 11%), opening new sales offices (in Australia and China) and the acquisition of another sales distribution channel (TDI) in the North American market.

In July 2017, CDP confirmed its title sponsorship of the CYCA's (abbrev "Cruising Yacht Club of Australia") PSNYR event (abbrev "Ponant Sydney Noumea Yacht Race"), due to take place in 2018. The 1064 nautical mile (1225 ml / 1970 km) long Category 1 yacht race was scheduled to start in Sydney Harbour on June 2, 2018.

In late-November 2018, Ponant contracted Global Eagle Entertainment Inc ( Los Angeles -based, Nasdaq-listed US company specializing in media technologies, content, and connectivity) to provide new technology, entertainment programming and television for Ponant's fleet, including the 6 newbuilds under construction . Ponant ships received the latest smart HDTVs as all vessels now have 3,6-meter TVRO (television receive-only) antennas. Global Eagle's annual media content traffic is 10,000+ terabytes, delivered to 1000+ vessels (cruise ships, ferries, commercial ships, airplanes) and 1+ billion passengers. Among the company's clients are NCL-Norwegian , DCL-Disney , Pullmantur , P&O FERRIES UK .

Company changes 2019

Since January 2019, all Ponant cruise passengers (regardless of cabin category and itinerary) enjoy free WIFI access. The complimentary service is available shipwide and during the full length of the voyage.

On August 8, 2019, Ponant officially acquired Paul Gauguin Shipping Ltd (headquartered in Bellevue, WA USA), together with its travel brand "Paul Gauguin Cruises"/PGC and the Papeete Tahiti -homeported liner MS Paul Gauguin . Following the acquisition, both companies kept their management teams, led by Navin Sawhney (Ponant USA's CEO and PG Cruises' CEO Americas) and Diane Moore (Paul Gauguin's CEO).

Company changes 2021

Since April 2021, Ponant's CEO is Herve Gastinel, while the company is owned by Francois Pinault (Artemis Group's founder and manager). Since 2022, Susan Robison is Paul Gauguin's General Manager (North American Sales and Marketing), while Liz Coleman is VP of Sales. In July 2023, Ellen McIIvaine was appointed as VP of Sales North America (USA and Canada) who succeeded Theresa Gatta.

Company changes 2023

In June, Belinda Hindmarsh was appointed as Group Deputy CEO of Global Business, who succeeded Herve Bellaiche (2013-2023). Belinda Hindmarsh previously held senior positions at Aer Lingus (Ireland's flag carrier/principal airline), Expedia Group Inc, and CWT (fka Carlson Wagonlit Travel).

On August 21st, Florence Courbiere (Pacific Beachcomber's Group CFO/representing Paul Gauguin Cruises) signed with Cédric Mercadal (French Polynesia’s Minister of Health and Prevention) the “Taote Gauguin” partnership. The agreement is for providing essential medical services and assistance to residents on the islands visited by PGC.

Company changes 2024

On April 1st, Samuel Chamberlain was appointed Ponant Americas'/USA's CEO, who succeeded Navin Sawhney. Before his PONANT job, Chamberlain served Marc-Henry Cruise Holdings Ltd (VP Business Development), Four Seasons Yachts (Joint Owner and Operator), Wheels Up, as well as the hospitality corporations Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc, and Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts.

In July was announced that via a partnership with the Paspaley Pearling Company (1932-founded,  Australia's largest pearling company) in January 2025 will be inaugurated the superyacht Paspaley Pearl (2021-buit, IMO 9903994, Marshall Islands-flagged, capacity 30 passengers+21 crew). The boat will be year-round deployed in the South Pacific, visiting destinations in Far North Australia, Kimberley Coast, East Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Paspaley Pearl's Maiden Voyage depart on January 10th (2025) from Timor Leste (Dili) to Bali (Benoa).

Ponant-National Geographic cruises

In August 2018, Ponant and National Geographic (NatGeo) signed a 4-year partnership deal (until 2022) for over 130 NatGeo-themed expedition itineraries. NatGeo partners with Lindblad since 2004. All NatGeo-themed Ponant expedition voyages include experts and photographers engaging with passengers and presenting lectures on the itinerary's destinations and wildlife.

Ponant-Smithsonian cruises (2022-2025 Smithsonian Journeys)

Smithsonian Journeys is the travel program of the 1846-founded Smithsonian Institution - the world's largest group of museums, education and research facilities.

The unique sea travel vacations feature Ponant's high-quality cruising and the Smithsonian's enriching onboard educational experiences provided by notable experts. The sailings are themed on the region's/country's history, culture, language, environment, wildlife, cuisine.

Smithsonian Journeys schedule 2022

The Ponant-Smithsonian partnership started in 2022, with the Smithsonian Journeys-themed sailings onboard the Ponant's boats:

  • LE CHAMPLAIN (7-night "Southern Spain and Portugal" from Barcelona to Lisbon/Aug 10) - prices started from EUR 3810 pp
  • LE BOUGAINVILLE (7-night "Greek Islands" roundtrip from Piraeus-Athens/Sept 1) - prices started from EUR 4870 pp
  • LE BELLOT (7-night "Great Lakes" from Toronto to Milwaukee/Sept 18) - prices started from EUR 6320 pp
  • LE PAUL GAUGUIN (8-night "French Polynesia: Tahiti, Bora Bora, and the Tuamotus" roundtrip from Papeete Tahiti/Sept 7) - prices started from EUR 4950 pp

Smithsonian Journeys schedule 2023

The partnership between Ponant Cruises and Smithsonian continued in 2023 with a new program grouping a total of 19 voyages.

  • LE BOUGAINVILLE (8-night "Arabian Coast" from Dubai to Muscat/January 6) from EUR 6610 pp
  • LE BELLOT (7-night "Panama and Costa Rica by Sea: The Natural Wonders of Central America" from Colon to Puerto Caldera/February 11) from EUR 4920 pp
  • LE LYRIAL (10-night "Antarctica: The White Continent" roundtrip from Ushuaia, with included overnight hotel in Buenos Aires and two roundtrip flights Buenos Aires-Ushuaia-Buenos Aires/February 20) from EUR 10920 pp
  • LE DUMONT-D'URVILLE (8-night "Caribbean's Windward Islands" from Vieux Fort to Bridgetown/Saint Lucia to Barbados/Feb 25) from EUR 4420 pp
  • LE LAPEROUSE (15-night "Solar Eclipse 2023: Indonesia to Australia's Kimberley " from Benoa Bali to Broome WA/April 9) from EUR 16830 pp
  • LE DUMONT-D'URVILLE (7-night "Morocco to Spain’s Andalusian Coast" from Casablanca to Lisbon/April 20) from EUR 4580 pp
  • LE BOUGAINVILLE (7-night "Circumnavigation of Sicily" roundtrip from Valletta Malta/May 4) from EUR 5360 pp
  • LE DUMONT-D'URVILLE (8-night "Celtic Voyage: The Hebrides and the Irish Sea" from London to Greenock-Glasgow/May 5) from EUR 4910 pp
  • L'AUSTRAL (7-night "Arctic Norway: Glaciers, Ice Floes, and Polar Bears" roundtrip from Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen Island/inclusive of roundtrip flights Paris-Longyearbyen-Paris/June 4) from EUR 8940 pp
  • LE DUMONT-D'URVILLE (7-night "Scottish Isles and Norwegian Fjords Voyage" from Bergen to Glasgow/June 17) from EUR 5900 pp
  • LE JACQUES-CARTIER (7-night "Greek Islands of the Southern Aegean" roundtrip from Piraeus-Athens/July 12) from EUR 4370 pp
  • LE CHAMPLAIN (8-night "Historic Cities of the Baltic Sea" from Stockholm to Copenhagen/August 10) from EUR 6960 pp
  • LE BELLOT (7-night "Iceland Voyage: Land of Fire and Ice" roundtrip from Reykjavík/August 13) from EUR 6870 pp
  • LE DUMONT-D'URVILLE (7-night "Voyage Along the Great Lakes" from Toronto to Milwaukee WI USA/August 28 & September 10) from EUR 6100 pp
  • LE LYRIAL (7-night "Dalmatian Coast and the Ionian Sea" from Athens to Venice/September 17) from EUR 4090 pp
  • LE CHAMPLAIN (8-night "Southern France and the Italian Riviera by Sea" from Barcelona to Civitavecchia-Rome/September 8) from EUR 4780 pp
  • LE BELLOT (14-night "Symphony on St Lawrence: From Quebec to the Canadian Maritimes" from Toronto to Gloucester MA USA/October 16) from EUR 10760 pp
  • LE CHAMPLAIN (7-night "Greek Islands of the Southern Aegean" roundtrip from Athens/October 22) from EUR 5220 pp

Note: Ponant-Smithsonian cruise prices are per person (with double occupancy) and inclusive of all shore excursions, activities (onboard and in each call port of the itinerary, lectures by renowned science experts) and land transfers.

Ponant cruise ships

In 2013, one of Compagnie du Ponant's ships, Le Soleal, became the 1st French commercial vessel to traverse the Northwest Passage . On August 26, 2013, Le Soleal left Kangerlussuaq in Greenland and arrived in Anadyr Russia on September 16.

Ponant Cruises ship design

One difference between Ponant and other premium passenger shipping companies is that CDP offers a more a la carte pricing. Passengers could pay extra for cocktails (unless drink packages are included), shore excursions, gratuities, Internet and other services, depending on where they buy their cruise. As the policy varies by country (UK, France, Germany, USA, Australia-NZ) it can be confusing.

Compagnie du Ponant is dedicated to "soft adventure" cruising. Half of the fleet is based in Antarctica (December through March). It offers offbeat itineraries around the world, especially in Caribbean, Mediterranean and Asia. Beyond its French customers, Ponant Cruises successfully appeals to travelers from UK and North America. In early-2014 was started a program promoting the brand in Australia and New Zealand.

Shipboard internet and network/WiFi connectivity are provided via partnership with Marlink Group (a French company specializing in maritime satellite communications). Marlink provides hybrid network solutions that combine dual C- and Ku-band VSAT connectivity (land-based equipment by Sealink International Inc), GEO and LEO satellites (L-band terminals), and high-volume LEO storage (data stored on Low Earth Orbit satellites). The network employs SD-WAN (Software-defined Wide Area Network/cloud-delivered architecture for optimizing the traffic) as well as Marlink's LTE/GSM service (Long-Term Evolution/mobile phones WiFI communication).

On March 15, 2016, a shipbuilding agreement was signed with VARD Holdings Ltd (Norwegian subsidiary of the Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri) to build four 184-passenger Explorer-class expedition ships outfitted with the latest environmental preservation maritime technologies. The agreement marked VARD company's entrance into the cruise shipbuilding sector.

On March 6, 2018, Ponant Cruises signed with VARD the shipbuilding orders for 2 more Explorer-class expedition vessels (megayachts). By the end of 2021, the company will operate a 12-ship fleet.

Each of the new 11,000 GT vessels has LOA length of 128 m (420 ft) and beam / width 18 m (59 ft). They carry 110 crew and have 92 cabins. The exterior was created by the French company Stirling Design International (SDI).

The new yachts' delivery dates were scheduled between 2018 and 2020. The first two ( Le Laperouse and Le Champlain ) were launched in 2018. In 2019 followed Le Bougainville and Le Dumont d'Urville , and in 2020 - Le Bellot and Le Jacques Cartier (ex Surville) .

The new Ponant yachts were designed and planned for top-luxury expedition voyages in Oceania, South America, Amazon's Orinoco River, Papua New Guinea, Indian Ocean, as well as in the polar regions (Arctic and Antarctica).

Ponant Cruises new ship design

In December 2017, Ponant contracted VARD to built an ice-breaking cruises ship . The vessel (initially named Ponant Icebreaker , then Le Commandant Charcot) was built at the shipyards in Tulcea (Romania) and Soviknes (Norway), and delivered in August 2021 Spring. Its building cost is USD 324 million (EUR 274 million)

The new ice-strengthened expedition ship has GT tonnage 30,000 tons, length 150 m (490 ft), crew 180, max capacity 270 passengers, with a total of 135 cabins (of which 68 with private patio balconies), 2 restaurants, 1 grill restaurant, spa and fitness, 16 Zodiacs (large inflatable boats), 2 onboard helicopters. The hull is ice-classed PC2. The propulsion is diesel-electric (hybrid). The onboard LNG Fuel storage is by GTT. The Azipod propulsion units are by ABB.

The hybrid vessel is LNG-powered (Wartsila Dual Fuel engines, with alternative battery power) and operates on polar cruise itineraries (Arctic and Antarctica).

On November 19, 2019, Fincantieri and Ponant signed a MoA (worth ~EUR 300 million) for design and construction of 2 new-class expedition ships (~EUR 150 million per unit), with the option for a 3rd unit (of the same design). The deal was signed by Jean Emmanuel Sauvee (Ponant's CEO) and Giuseppe Bono (Fincantieri's CEO).

Both new Ponant-owned ships were planned for deliveries in 2022, and to be operated by Paul Gauguin Cruises in the South Pacific Ocean. Both vessels will be built by Fincantieri's subsidiary VARD (Norway) and designed with GT 11.000 tons, passenger capacity 230, latest marine systems, LNG-powered (plus battery-power package).

Underwater Lounge "Blue Eye" on the new Ponant yachts

World's first-ever underwater ship lounge was designed for Ponant's new series of all six Explorer-class yachts. The unique venue (named "Blue Eye Lounge") features vibrating sofas and an innovative sound system to capture sea acoustics.

"Blue Eye Lounge" is located 2-3 m (6,5-10 ft) below water level and is integrated into the ship's hull. Underwater views are via giant curved portholes - cetacean eye-shaped windows (1,6 x 3,4 m / 5 x 11 ft). Live footage of the surrounding marine life is projected onto digital screens which "wallpaper" the room. Sound, transmitted through hydrophones, is captured across a 5 km (3 mi) radius of the ship. The high-tech lounge is fitted with "body listening sofas" vibrating discreetly to allow passengers to experience the ocean rhythms. Non-intrusive underwater projectors allow observing marine life from the ship's outdoor decks and the cruise cabin balconies.

The 7-deck ships also feature a resistance swimming pool (aka "infinity pool"), spacious sundeck and 3-position aft marina platform.

NEW Solidsail ship technology by Silenseas

In early-March 2018, STX France revealed a carbon-free cruise vessel design (named Silenseas) using wind as the main power source. The new wind-power technology was trialed on the yacht Le Ponant, on which one of the existing sails was replaced and the new technology tested.

STX France's project was something never done before. The carbon-free sailship design is an alternative to the popular hybrid powered vessels. Hydrogen and fuel cells are still expensive, plus hydrogen is not available in most ports.

The technology uses the company's patented "Solidsail" concept. The sails (total size up to 1200 m2 / 12900 ft2) are mounted on masts but without any ropes or cables. The STX France design has 3 masts and 3 rigs, with masts rotating in order to adapt the sails to the wind. The new design also includes the latest hybrid propulsion technologies, combining wind with LNG, and potentially batteries, solar panels, and fuel cells.

new sailing cruise ship design (STX France Silenseas)

The sailing ship can reach speeds of 12 knots (14 mph / 22 kph) under sail in 15 knots (17 mph / 28 kph) winds. In winds over 15 knots, vessel's propellers will be used, acting as a turbine that draws power from the sails. On Caribbean Sea routes, the new technology could reduce propulsion energy by 60%.

STX France's Solidsail-ship design was developed for 3 vessel sizes, the biggest being 15,000 GT tons vessel with LOA length 190 m (620 ft) and 150 passenger staterooms. The French shipbuilding company started research in sail propulsion in 2009, Silenseas has technology patents (2009 and 2017) for the new sail. The unit is made from fibreglass, carbon and epoxy-resin panels.

Solidsail system debuted on October 31, 2018, on the yacht Le Ponant. The new Solid Sail (sized over 300 m2) was constructed at Chantiers de l'Atlantique ( Saint-Nazaire ) and installed in Marseille . As the three-masted Le Ponant departed from France to Cape Verde Islands, then embarked on Transatlantic crossing to Cuba, testing the new sail for 1 year.

Similar is the concept of Peace Boat's new vessel Ecoship (built by Arctech Helsinki Shipyard in Helsinki, Finland ).

(Coronavirus crisis) passenger shipping pause 2020-2021

Due to the COVID pandemic, Ponant suspended its fleet's passenger shipping operations (all vessels, including MS Paul Gauguin) by canceling all voyages with pre-scheduled departures in the period March 15, 2020, through mid-June 2021.

Operations were planned to restart on October 27, 2020 (Mediterranean) but instead were offered French coastal mini-cruises on select ships only.

All affected bookings were fully refunded in FCC (future cruise credit), including on prepurchased packages and services.

Ponant's entire fleet (12 boats) was fully operational by May 28, 2022.

Next are listed all Ponant ships, their scheduled first departure dates (in 2021) and operational regions.

  • Le Dumont D'Urville (July 28) Iceland from Reykjavik
  • Le Champlain (July 15) Iceland from Reykjavik, Canada-Caribbean
  • Le Lyrial (June 15) Mediterranean
  • L'Austral (Nov 18) Antarctica from Ushuaia Argentina
  • Le Bellot (Aug 6) Mediterranean
  • Le Boreal (July 2) Arctic-Norway from Longyearbyen Spitzbergen
  • Le Bougainville (July 2) Mediterranean
  • Le Jacques Cartier (Aug 24) Mediterranean
  • Ponant's Australia and New Zealand program restarts in 2022 with two ships - Le Soleal (January 6, 2022) and Le Laperouse (January 7, 2022).
  • Ponant's brand Paul Gauguin Cruises ceased operations between March 15, 2020, and August 28, 2021.

In early-June, Ponant announced a "France homeporting" mini-season (July through September/mid-October) with scheduled roundtrips from the French ports Le Havre/Paris (Le Dumont d'Urville), Saint-Malo (Le Champlain, Le Jacques Cartier), Bordeaux (Le Bougainville), Marseille (L'Austral) and Villefranche-sur-Mer/Nice (Le Lyrial).

Since March 9, 2020, Ponant's WORRY-FREE BOOKING policy allowed penalty-free cancellation for any booking (fully refundable up to 90 days after confirmation). For booking any of the scheduled for 2020 itineraries, Ponant required 10% deposit and final payment due 30 days prior departure. Also fully refundable were cancellations up to 30 days prior departure.

Itinerary of Ponant Cruises

Ponant offers all-season voyages, in places that are inaccessible to larger cruise liners. The company operates in the following regions/destinations:

  • Southern Europe/Mediterranean (Italy, Corsica, Adriatic Sea, Black Sea, Aegean Sea)
  • Northern Europe/Baltic, Scandinavia, Greenland, Iceland
  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Indian Ocean (Maldives)
  • Asia (Red Sea/Arabian Gulf)
  • South and Central America
  • Canada and New England USA
  • Arctic and Antarctica
  • French Polynesia - In August 2019, PONANT purchased Paul Gauguin Shipping Ltd (headquartered in Bellevue, WA USA), its brand "Paul Gauguin Cruises"/PGC and the Papeete Tahiti -based ship MS Paul Gauguin .

PONANT's PAUL GAUGUIN cruise itineraries

From the Society to the Cook Islands, passing through French Polinesya's Tahiti, Tuamotus , and Marquesas islands, PONANT's brand "Paul Gauguin" operates in the region for 20+ years. There are 5x basic itineraries and multiple activities offered complimentary - swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, scuba diving, snorkeling. Paul Gauguin's program also includes visiting the private island Motu Mahana (off Tahaa Island ), where a traditional Polynesian barbecue is prepared. The 2019-acquired by PONANT brand has only one boat ( MS Paul Gauguin ) specially designed to sail in Polynesia - with a shallow draft allowing navigation as close as possible to the lagoons.

In 2021, MS Paul Gauguin completed a major renovation (2-month drydock). Following PONANT's drydocking project, the vessel is now equipped with the latest maritime technologies including for environmental preservation. Instead of HFO (heavy fuel oil/eliminated fleetwide since 2019) all PONANT-owned boats now une LS-MGO (Low-Sulphur Marine Gas Oil) - a more environmentally friendly fuel, reducing the fleet's carbon emissions by ~150%. Optimizations relating to energy and water treatment have also been carried out during Paul Gauguin's renovation.

PGC's season 2024 features 33x sailings (7x destinations) and the following new itineraries (debuting in 2024).

  • 7-night "More Society Islands & Tahiti" visits Huahine, Raiatea, Bora Bora, Tahaa/Motu Mahana.
  • 7-night "Pearls of the Society Islands" (5x in 2024/prices from EUR 2560 pp) visits Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa/Motu Mahana, Bora Bora, Moorea.
  • The 14-bight "Marquesas in Depth, Tuamotus and Society Islands" (5x in 2024/ prices from EUR 6310 pp) and the 14-night "Islands of the Marquesas & Tuamotus" both visit Fakarava, Omoa/Fatu Hiva, Atuona/Hiva Oa, Hapatoni/Tahuata, Hatiheu/Nuku Hiva, Hakahau/Ua Pou, Rangiroa, Bora Bora, Tahaa/Motu Mahana.

All PGC voyages are roundtrips from Papeete and visit Motu Mahana.

In PGC's 2025 schedule (2025 Boutique Crossing Collection) were included three new itineraries visiting destinations in Oceania, Indonesia and Melanesia.

  • 14-night "Indonesia Immersive: Singapore to Australia" itinerary (departure April 1st) starts in Singapore, visits Parai Beach Resort/Banghka Island (Sumatra Indonesia), Benoa (Bail Indonesia/overnight), Komodo Island (Indonesia, Loh Liang), Dili (Timor-Leste) and ends in Darwin (NT Australia/overnight).
  • 16-night "Crossing Melanesia: Australia to Fiji" itinerary (departure April 15th) starts in Darwin, visits Thursday Island (Australia), Alotau and Samarai Island (Papua New Guinea), Honiara (Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands/overnight), Luganville (Espiritu Santo) and Port Vila (Efate) in Vanuatu, and ends in Lautoka (Viti Levu, Fiji).
  • 20-night "Crossing Oceania: Fiji to Indonesia" itinerary (departure January 19th) starts from Port Vila and visits Espiritu Santo (Vanuatu), Honiara (Guadalcanal), Alotau and Samarai Island (PNG), Dili (Timor-Leste), Komodo Island, and ends in Benoa (Bali Indonesia/overnight).

Paul Gaugin 2025 voyages' prices started at US$6210 per person (with double occupancy).

PONANT Itineraries 2024-2025

In November 2022 was announced Commandant Charcot's 2024 Arctic program (5 different itineraries, 8 sailings).

  • 10-night "Inuit Spring of Ammassalik" roundtrip from Reykjavik Iceland (3x sailings between April 16-May 6, 2024) prices from AUD 24240 pp
  • 12-night "Inuit spring at the edge of Scoresby Sund" roundtrip from Reykjavik (May 16-28, 2024) prices from AUD 18230 pp
  • 15-night "The Geographic North Pole. Objective: 90° North!" roundtrip from Longyearbyen on Spitsbergen Island (Svalbard Norway) - July 11-26, 2024, prices from AUD 52930 pp
  • 14-night "Northeast Greenland's Unexplored Sea Ice" roundtrip from Reykjavik (2x sailings between May 28-June 11, 2024) prices from AUD 33940 pp
  • 16-night "In the ice of the Arctic, from Greenland to Svalbard" from Reykjavik to Longyearbyen/Spitsbergen (June 25-July 11, 2024) prices from AUD 40770 pp.

In December 2022, the company launched its Northern Hemisphere Summer 2024 program. Highlights include Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic. 50 new sailings opened, from the Greek islands to Ireland, Algeria, and the Canary Islands. Ponant offers 28 cruises to Mediterranean destinations and another 22 to the Atlantic and Northern Europe. 4 itineraries are brand new, including "Islands and Cities of the Mediterranean" (out of Athens).

Le Bougainville visits Greece's Paros , Hydra , Monemvasia , and Pylos , heading to Taormina prior to Valletta Malta. The new "Landscapes and Culture of the Adriatic" leaves from Venice-Marghera. Le Bougainville is heading to the Rovinj prior to Primosten, Split, Hvar, Brac Island, Brijuni, and Pula. The vessel will also visit Piran Slovenia and will then return to Venice.

Other new itineraries include "The Mediterranean: In the Footsteps of the Great Civilisations" (11-day from Valletta to Antalya aboard  L’Austral ) and 11-day "British Archipelagos and Celtic Shores" (from Saint-Malo to Dublin aboard Le Lyrial and Le Boreal ).

From Edinburgh, Le Dumont-d’Urville and Le Bellot visit Kirkwall/Orkney Islands , then Norway's Egersund , Arendal , Oslo , Sweden's Gothenburg , and Denmark’s Copenhagen , prior to Stockholm .

In August 2023, Ponant opened for booking the scheduled for 2025 (January-February) voyages of Le Commandant Charcot (4x departures, 13-day itineraries) featuring cruising on Canada's St Lawrence River . Two voyages (Jan 17th and Feb 10th) depart from St Pierre Island (Pierre & Miquelon France) and visit Sydney NS, the Magdalen Islands , Gaspe, Sept-Iles, Saguenay River (cruising), and La Baie, ending in Quebec City. The other two are on the reverse route.

In June 2024, Ponant revealed newly launched itineraries that highlight the wonders of Australia.

Australia's South Coast Expedition

This 14-day journey on  Le Jacques-Cartier  explores the stunning shores along the Great Australian Bight. Departing from  Fremantle WA , the cruise heads down the western Australian coast to  Albany . Guests can enjoy pristine beaches and vibrant landscapes in Esperance and the biodiverse wonders of the Recherche Archipelago. The itinerary includes seafood experiences in  Port Lincoln , wine tasting in McLaren Vale, and the delights of Tasmania. The cruise runs from December 10-23, 2024.

Tasmania: Food, Wine, and Yacht Race

A Christmas voyage  aboard Le Jacques-Cartier takes passengers to Tasmania’s coastal marvels and culinary treasures, culminating in a New Year celebration in  Hobart . Highlights include wildlife sanctuaries on  Maria Island , the Tasman Peninsula, and the Yindayin rock shelter on  Stanley Island . Guests can indulge in  King Island 's culinary delights and Tamar Valley's wine offerings. The cruise is scheduled from December 23, 2024, to January 2, 2025.

Australia's West Coast Odyssey

An 11-day expedition aboard  Le Soleal  showcases the pristine wonders of Australia's wild west coast. The itinerary includes ancient rock art in Murujuga National Park, marine biodiversity in the Montebello Islands, and the coral reefs of the Ningaloo Coast. The journey concludes at Jurien Bay Marine Park, where guests can encounter rare Australian sea lions. This cruise is set for August 11-21, 2025.

New Zealand’s Fiordlands Expedition

This 15-day expedition offers an exceptional itinerary to New Zealand’s UNESCO World Heritage Fiordlands. Travelers will visit  Ulva Island , the  Snares Islands , and  Macquarie Island , joining a select few who visit these protected landscapes each year. Cruises are available from December 3-17 and December 17-31, 2024.

Ponant continues to provide unique and luxurious experiences, allowing guests to explore some of the world's most breathtaking and secluded destinations.

Ponant-Smithsonian cruises (Smithsonian Journeys)

The unique sea travel vacations feature the Smithsonian's onboard enrichment programming provided by world-class experts. These sailings are themed on the visited by the ship region's/country's history, culture, language, environment, wildlife, cuisine.

The Ponant-Smithsonian partnership started in 2022, with the Smithsonian Journeys-themed sailings. The partnership continued in 2023 with a new program grouping a total of 19 voyages.

Ponant-Smithsonian Journeys schedule 2025

Featuring 30 new trips, this is the duo's largest offering in a single year. Drawing upon the museum's rich history, the expeditions aim to enrich the cruising experience, inspiring guests to become "global citizens" through travel. These journeys offer access to a diverse range of experts and experiences, allowing travelers to immerse themselves fully in local cultures, history, cuisine, and wildlife while enjoying luxurious accommodations.

One notable highlight is a two-week voyage from  Lisbon  to the Canary Islands aboard the  Le Bellot cruise ship . This expedition showcases the scenic southern slopes of Iberia, the picturesque Algarve Coast of Portugal, the verdant valleys of Madeira, and the volcanic landscapes of the Canary Islands. Travelers can also explore world heritage sites in  Seville, Spain , and Morocco, guided by Allen Fromherz, a professor of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern history. Scheduled from October 26 to November 8, prices for this voyage start at US$9,020 per person.

Another standout itinerary is a 9-day journey to Sicily aboard Ponant's  Le Bougainville liner , departing from  Valletta, Malta . This adventure includes visits to  Agrigento ,  Tunisia ,  Taormina ,  Syracuse , and the  Aeolian Islands , offering volcano treks, winery visits, and slope-side lunches. Prices for this experience, available from June 2 to 10 and August 29 to September 6, start at US$7,420 per person.

Additionally, an 8-day cruise through the Mediterranean aboard the  L'Austral liner  promises memorable experiences. This voyage, starting from Valletta, Malta, and ending in  Tarragona, Spain , includes stops at Sicily, Sardinia, and the Balearic Islands. Highlights range from shopping in  Palermo 's historic markets to exploring  Cagliari 's architectural wonders and Menorca's cultural landmarks. Scheduled from October 3 to 10, prices for this journey begin at USUS$5,340 per person.

In addition to the new itineraries, Ponant and Smithsonian Journeys are reintroducing popular trips from 2024, including voyages to Panama and Costa Rica, the Greek Islands, and various destinations in the Mediterranean.

Note: Ponant-Smithsonian cruise prices are per person (with double occupancy) and inclusive of all shore excursions, activities (onboard and in each call port of the itinerary), and land transfers.

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We are proud to be a multi-award-winning cruise specialist

SeaDream Yacht Club vs Emerald Yacht Cruises: Which to choose?

Published 10th September 2024 in Cruise Advice By Louise Harmer /cruise-news/cruise-advice/seadream-yacht-club-vs-emerald-yacht-cruises

Sunset in Antibes on board SeaDream I

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Yacht-style cruising is becoming more and more popular for guests looking for an intimate luxury experience. Here we take a look at the differences between the charming SeaDream Yacht Club and the sleek Emerald Yacht Cruises to help you choose which is best for you...

Ships: SeaDream Yacht Club

SeaDream Yacht Club's fleet comprises two identical vessels, SeaDream I and II , each offering a welcoming home-from-home for up to 112 guests. These are vintage ships, having been built in the 1980's, but their charm endures, and they benefitted from a multi-million-dollar refurbishment in 2022. The style on board is relaxed and unpretentious, attracting a sociable crowd of like-minded travellers who return time and time again.

Guests describe SeaDream as being like a family where the 95-strong crew attends to your every need, learning your name and preferences with ease, and conjuring plenty of 'surprise and delight' moments to make your voyage truly unforgettable.

SeaDream Yacht Club in Mykonos

Ships: Emerald Yacht Cruises

Emerald Cruises expanded into the ocean cruising space more recently, having made their name in river cruising. Their new-build sister yachts Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara launched in 2022 and 2023 respectively, showcasing a sleek silhouette which looks more akin to a private super-yacht. Accommodating a maximum of 100 guests each, the yachts are thoughtfully designed with a contemporary and elegant style, and guests will enjoy attentive service from the crew of 75.

A third innovative yacht will join the fleet in 2026, Emerald Kaia , which has the same modern elegance as the first two vessels but represents an exciting evolution, with a larger guest capacity of 128 and reimagined onboard spaces.

Emerald Azzura in Rovinj, Croatia

Dining on SeaDream Yacht Club

Despite the yachts' small size, you can expect a wide-ranging menu of culinary delights, prepared by expert chefs, and complimented by wines chosen by the resident sommeliers. Cuisine incorporates local flavours of the region as well as 'always available' favourites, plus plant-based menus and options to accommodate other dietary preferences and requirements.

All meals are included in the fare, and you can choose to dine indoors in the Dining Salon or al fresco, plus you can enjoy SeaDream's signature dessert extravaganza, poolside sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres and more. The al fresco Topside Restaurant offers a relaxed spot for breakfast, lunch, and select dinners.

Topside_Restaurant on SeaDream

Dining on Emerald Yacht Cruises

On board the Emerald yachts you can enjoy open dining in a relaxed and elegant setting. La Cucina Dining offers buffet-style breakfasts and lunches, with a la carte offerings in the evening. Expert chefs will create dishes with locally sourced ingredients, inspired by the destination, and the adjoining Terrace allows you to dine al fresco. For light bites during the day, head to the Aqua Pool Café for sandwiches, gelato, and coffee.

Exclusive to Emerald Kaia and carrying an additional charge, the Night Market Grill is an intimate venue for just eight guests to enjoy an Asian-inspired meal where the chef prepares dishes in front of you.

Emerald Sakara La Cucina Dining

Rooms & Suites on SeaDream Yacht Club

Guest accommodations on board SeaDream I and II were completely renovated in 2022 and offer a comfortable, well-designed space with ocean views from either porthole or picture windows. The Yacht Club Staterooms on decks two and three feature 195 square feet of space with a seating area, writing desk, bathroom with multi-jet shower, flat-screen TV, and luxury bath robes and slippers. Two Yacht Club Staterooms can also be combined to create a Commodore Suite, offering twice the space and amenities.

If you prefer a spacious home from home, the Admiral's Suite offers 375 square feet of space with three picture windows, separate bedroom with en suite bathroom featuring shower and bathtub, and a comfortable living and dining area. Alternatively, the generously sized Owner's Suite boasts 447 square feet of space with a separate master bedroom, expansive living area, and ample storage. The SeaDream yachting experience is all about the outdoors so don't be put off by the window-only staterooms, as the entire yacht becomes your own personal verandah.

SeaDream Yacht Club Stateroom Deck 2

Rooms & suites on Emerald Yacht Cruises

Fifty guest staterooms and suites grace Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara , and there is a surprising variety from which to choose. All boast a sleek and contemporary style, decorated in neutral colours with modern fixtures and fittings, and luxury ESPA bath amenities. Oceanview staterooms begin at 182 square feet and are located on deck 3 of the yacht, with a king-sized bed, modern bathroom with shower, and a picture window. If you prefer a private balcony, opt for a Balcony Suite situated on decks 4 and 5, or a Deluxe Balcony Suite which is larger in size at 382 square feet, with a separate bedroom and lounge.

If a large outdoor area is a must, the light-filled Terrace Suites at the aft of deck 5 offer an expansive dual aspect private terrace or the similarly designed and located Yacht Suites on deck 4 boast more space including a walk-in wardrobe. The epitome of luxury comes in the form of the two Owner's Suites each boasting over 1,100 square feet of space including a large private terrace, modern bathroom with shower and bathtub, and separate living and dining area.

The new Emerald Kaia has 64 suites, most of them larger in size than their counterparts on board the sister yachts, and the Owner's Suite design has been enhanced to include a spa pool on the private terrace.

Emerald Sakara Oceanview Stateroom

Onboard activities & facilities on SeaDream Yacht Club

The SeaDream experience is a true lifestyle, and you will quickly become accustomed to this special way of travelling. Where conditions and regulations allow, the onboard water sports marina platform offers the chance to get out on the ocean with snorkelling equipment, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, jet skis and more . Other active pursuits include daily morning yoga on deck and SeaDream's Golf Simulator if you wish to practice your swing, plus the use of the onboard fitness centre. For rest and relaxation, visit the only Thai-certified spa at sea where you can enjoy massages and beauty treatments, take a dip in the saltwater swimming pool and hot tubs, or browse the onboard library.

Evening entertainment is relaxed and low-key with regular live guitar or piano music, and there is a small casino on board. A special experience on warm evenings is SeaDream's 'Starlit Movies' during which the pool deck becomes an open-air cinema, or head up to the Sun Deck where upon request the Balinese Dream Beds can be transformed with luxurious bed linens to enable you to sleep under the stars.


Onboard activities & facilities on Emerald Yacht Cruises

Emerald's state-of-the-art marina platform on each of their yachts offers complimentary use of water toys including stand-up paddleboards, floating mats, SEABOB water scooters, a water trampoline and more, subject to conditions, plus you can swim and snorkel straight from the marina when the yacht is anchored in certain locations. Exclusively on Emerald Kaia , there is a water slide and a dedicated Marina Lounge. As part of Emerald's wellness facilities, you can enjoy the onboard gym, with classes led by the dedicated wellness coach, or relax in the infrared sauna. The salon offers beauty treatments, and the Elements Spa is a relaxing sanctuary for a massage or facial.

Light evening entertainment in the form of live music often graces the main lounge, and you will find a small boutique for any gifts or souvenirs.

Emerald Azzurra Marina Platform

Bars & socialising on SeaDream Yacht Club

The yacht's small size lends itself well to getting to know your fellow guests and you will find the SeaDream experience to be inherently social . The Top of the Yacht bar is a popular spot for meeting new and old friends, catching up over a drink, and enjoying the sea breeze and views. This social hub is open from morning to evening, and you can enjoy early risers coffee or a nightcap here.

During a leisurely day spent on deck, swing by the Pool Bar for a refreshing drink or an expertly made cocktail, and as day turns to night, head to the Piano Bar to enjoy live music and request your favourite song.

Top_of_the_Yacht_Bar SeaDream

Bars & socialising on Emerald Yacht Cruises

On board the Emerald yachts you will find plenty of areas to relax, enjoy a drink, or socialise with your fellow guests. On warm evenings, the Sky Bar is an expansive open-air space on the top deck, perfect for enjoying the sunset with a cocktail. The Amici Bar and Lounge is a central hub on deck three, near the restaurant and a popular pre-dinner meeting point, and this is also the venue for briefings to learn about the next day's plans, plus light entertainment.

The intimate Observation Lounge offers a serene sanctuary to relax with a book, play a game, or track the yacht's route, and the adjacent terrace is perfect for taking photographs as you sail through picturesque landscapes.

Sky Bar on board Emerald Sakara

Itineraries & Shore Excursions on SeaDream Yacht Club

SeaDream's yachts come into their own in the Caribbean , where they spend winter hopping between sun-soaked isles and hidden bays, visiting lesser-travelled gems only accessible by small ship. In summer you will find the yachts in Europe, sailing the French and Italian Rivieras and Greek Isles , benefitting from being small enough to transit the narrow Corinth Canal. In summer 2025 and 2026, SeaDream II spends time in Northern Europe including the spectacular Norwegian Fjords .

Shore excursions are not included but can be pre-booked in advance of travel for an additional cost, and there will often be complimentary crew-led activities such as hikes in certain ports of call, and independent use of the onboard bicycles. Don't miss SeaDream's 'Champagne and Caviar Splash' event during Caribbean voyages: an exclusive beach barbecue with luxurious refreshments served in the surf.

SeaDream Yacht Club in the Caribbean

Itineraries & Shore Excursions on Emerald Yacht Cruises

Emerald's yachts winter in the Caribbean , visiting the Grenadines, Leeward Isles and Windward Isles, and in summer you will find them right at home with the super yachts of the French Riviera, as well as sailing Greece, Italy, and the Adriatic coas t. In 2026 and 2027, new yacht Emerald Kaia sails the beautiful Seychelles , as well as visiting ancient wonders in Egypt and Jordan.

Emerald often offers at least one complimentary excursion per voyage, depending on the destination, and a selection of excursions which can be purchased for an additional cost, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the destination. EmeraldPLUS events are exclusive experiences such as a beach barbecue with a live band in the Caribbean, or a musical performance in Europe.

Emerald Azzurra in Kotor, Montenegro

What's included with SeaDream Yacht Club

  • All meals including dinner under the stars or in the lavish dining room
  • Drinks including champagne and select premium brands
  • Use of the onboard marina including water toys and snorkelling gear
  • Bicycles to use ashore
  • Champagne and caviar beach barbeque in the Caribbean

Pool Deck on board SeaDream Yacht Club

What's included with Emerald Yacht Cruises

  • Beer, wine, cocktails and soft drinks
  • Complimentary WiFi
  • Use of the onboard marina platform and water toys
  • Selected excursions in key ports
  • Return economy class flights from London and overseas airport transfers. *Conditions apply

All taxes and gratuities

Emerald Sakara Marina Platform

Louise is Marketing Executive at Mundy Cruising, having worked with the company for nearly two years and in travel for over 8 years. Most recently she's cruised on Explora Journeys and has also sailed with Crystal Cruises, Paul Gauguin Cruises, Seabourn, Ponant and Uniworld. Her favourite destination is New Zealand however she's also enjoyed cruises in the Mediterranean, Pacific Islands, Norwegian Fjords, Indian Ocean and South Africa. When she’s not travelling she loves cooking and trying new restaurants.

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SeaDream Yacht Club & Emerald Yacht Cruises

Florence, Italy

Barcelona to Civitavecchia

SeaDream Yacht Club

14 Sep - 21 Sep 2024 (7 Nights)

Monastiraki Square, Athens

Valletta to Piraeus

16 Sep - 24 Sep 2024 (8 Nights)

St Peter's Basilica, Rome

Civitavecchia Roundtrip

21 Sep - 28 Sep 2024 (7 Nights)

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Greek Odyssey

24 Sep - 5 Oct 2024 (11 Nights)

From £7,900 pp

The Forum, Rome

Piraeus to Civitavecchia

5 Oct - 12 Oct 2024 (7 Nights)

From £5,096 pp

Saint Tropez, France

Nice Roundtrip

From £4,866 pp

View from Park Guell, Barcelona

Civitavecchia to Barcelona

12 Oct - 19 Oct 2024 (7 Nights)

View of La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Spanish Riviera Revealed

19 Oct - 26 Oct 2024 (7 Nights)

From £4,250 pp

Gandia port, Valencia

Spanish Riviera Revealed (Wine Voyage)

From £4,481 pp

Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

Málaga to San Juan (Puerto Rico)

26 Oct - 9 Nov 2024 (14 Nights)

From £4,605 pp

Beach near Philipsburg, Sint Maarten

Málaga to Marigot

26 Oct - 8 Nov 2024 (13 Nights)

From £3,958 pp

Marigot harbour, Saint Martin

Marigot Roundtrip

8 Nov - 16 Nov 2024 (8 Nights)

From £4,190 pp

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Why choose Ponant ?

An attentive crew, expertise, fine dining and more. Within a fully 5 star setting, we take you to discover exceptional destinations while offering you a travel experience that is both authentic and high end .

Travelling the French way

PONANT is an exponent for the French way of life across every sea on the globe. On board, this is translated through exceptional services, a multilingual crew and bringing French know-how to the fore.

Exceptional destinations

From secluded ports to secret seas, from forgotten beaches to remote lands, our experts choose itineraries that take you away from major tourist routes so you can enjoy unique cruises and shorelines that few have seen before.

Ships on a human scale

Thanks to our small capacity ships, we can dock in private ports and offer stopovers in preserved locations . On board, the limited number of passengers means that everybody can enjoy special moments and feel as though they are on a private yacht.

Founded in 1988, PONANT is now the benchmark for a new style of luxury cruises . This enables us to look to the future with confidence and to carry out large-scale projects such as building new ships, technical and technological innovations, new itineraries and unique partnerships, etc.

Thanks to the values ​​we convey and our constant desire to innovate and offer luxurious and virtuous services, we regularly receive a lot of international awards .

Our commitments

PONANT aims at becoming a world reference in the field of sustainable development in the cruising industry. The environment and ethics are among our main concerns, both in the regions we visit and in our relationships within the company and with our partners.

As the only French cruise company , PONANT is an ambassador of the “French Touch” around the world. With attentive crew, discreet service, refined cuisine and partners with excellent track records, we do our utmost to maintain our unique cruising philosophy .

The great art of French fine dining

Our dining menu is created in partnership with Ducasse Conseil, chef Alain Ducasse's high-end catering company. Our chefs are all French and create elegant and sophisticated menus every day based on fine food and quality products. We have therefore associated ourselves with prestigious partners , who are themselves internationally recognised for their expertise . Champagne, Kaviari caviar, Pierre Hermé Paris macaroons, Bordier butter and Palais des Thés teas are all on the menu during our dinners, gala cocktails and gourmet breaks. Taillevent, famous for their food and wine pairings, have also shown their signature know-how with their selection of wine by the glass.

The availability of selected products such as Bordier butter and cheese, Kaviari caviar, pata negra, foie gras and Pierre Hermé macaroons cannot be guaranteed on late-season departures to Antarctica (from late January/early February). In addition, products originating directly from France are banned in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines). The supply of French products in these areas therefore depends on local sourcing possibilities. In Australia and New Zealand, the fish menu includes stonefish, sole, tuna, salmon and red mullet.

Design and the art of living

Because French luxury is recognized and appreciated around the world, we have appealed to partners whose search for excellence matches our own travel philosophy. Our ships are designed for a warmer, closer experience, so that you can bask in a cosy atmosphere comparable to a private yacht . The interior design is by the talented architect Jean-Philippe Nuel, who is internationally recognised. The fabric by Pierre Frey, the room fragrance by Fragonard, and the bathroom collections for the cabins by Hermès all contribute to an atmosphere where sophistication is the order of the day . In the spa , the personal care products from Sothy’s™ are designed for moments of sheer well-being . Our hair salon boasts a team of hairdressers who can offer you personalised advice and use a range of products from Kérastase et L’Oréal Professionnel.

Introducing the world to the French touch

The "French touch" is first and foremost established by the presence of French naval officers on board and a French and English-speaking crew. Both professional and attentive, our ships' teams ensure that you are comfortable throughout your cruise. Because French elegance is always about the little details, you will find all our services are 5-star , just like the best French hotels and restaurants. While French standards throughout the world are synonymous with a certain understated elegance , it is also reflected in our expertise. The exceptional guests present on certain itineraries promote the best of French culture. They include "Chevaliers des arts et des lettres" (a French title of distinction in art and literature), decorated members of the French Legion of Honour, academics, members of the greatest universities, as well as researchers and scientists, and all of them are ambassadors of our unique French culture across every sea on the globe.

Legendary stopovers, secret ports, isolated archipelagos and more. From the sunny shores of the Mediterranean to the mysterious coasts of Asia, from the lush banks of the Amazon river to the majestic Antarctic glaciers, we take you to exceptional destinations , which only a few very lucky people have the chance to explore. Faithful to our sustainable development policy, we are respectful of the lands we visit and the people who live there. Our team of experts travels the world conducting scouting and environmental impact studies and meeting local communities. We ensure that our presence does not disrupt ecosystems or indigenous peoples.

Ships designed on a human scale

In keeping with our desire to offer you exceptional voyages in luxurious onboard surroundings, we have deliberately designed our ships to be of small capacity . Far removed from the race to be ever bigger and huger, our ships are sized on a human scale to enable them to access uniquely out-of-the-ordinary and little visited ports of call. This ensures cruises with an air of exclusivity for our passengers and an attentive and personalised service for all.

Just like a private yacht

Our fleet is made up exclusively of small-sized ships designed to accommodate a limited number of passengers :

  • Our legendary sailing ship the Le Ponant is equipped with 16 cabins.
  • The new yachts of the PONANT EXPLORERS* series feature 92 cabins.
  • The L’Austral , the Le Boréal and the Le Soléal each have 132 cabins and the Le Lyrial 122.
  • The Le Commandant-Charcot is equipped with 135 cabins.

By combining these kinds of capacities with sleek, refined design, our ships enable us to maintain maxium levels of passenger privacy and offer a 5-star personalised service onboard.

*The Le Lapérouse, the Le Champlain, the Le Bougainville, the Le Dumont-D’Urville, the Le Jacques-Cartier and the Le Bellot.

A modern fleet

Our ships are equipped with the very latest technologies , thus guaranteeing the safety and security of our passengers and limiting our impact on the environment . A sonar detection system designed to prevent collisions with icebergs and reefs, a low-energy and low heat generating lighting system (LED and fibre optic based), a dynamic positioning system enabling (when necessary) the ship to be kept in a static position without the need to drop the anchor, thus respecting and preserving the seabed… This innovative equipment is central to the design of our ships.

Exclusive itineraries

Thanks to their reduced size, our ships are able to stop at quiet little harbours and access remote, out-of-the-way places. Because our passengers are looking for unique kinds of travel experiences , we offer them the possibility of cruising into port in exceptional comfort and luxury and accessing little-visited sites .

World leader in luxury expeditions and France's only cruise ship owner, PONANT was founded by a group of professional sailors in 1988 and has been perfecting the art of exploration since its inception. The company is today setting the standard for a new kind of more sustainable travel through a unique sea travel concept combining exceptional itineraries with luxury hotel style services on board intimately sized ships.

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The call of the open sea…

From the start, PONANT’s founders stand out by focusing on innovation and progress, choosing the French flag and reinventing responsible sea travel: the environment, safety and security are at the heart of what is still today the company's heritage.

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The start of a great adventure

Committed from the beginning to a more sustainable tourism , for its first ship the company goes down the sailing route when it inaugurates Le Ponant, a majestic three-mast yacht with 32 cabins.

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The development of the fleet

The company joins CMA CGM, moves to Marseille and becomes COMPAGNIE DU PONANT.

It sets about designing “the ideal cruise ship”, with just 132 staterooms and equipped with the latest technology .

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Six new next generation shipping yachts

PONANT is acquired by Artémis, holding company of the Pinault family, to continue the company’s development while remaining true to its environmental commitments in the same spirit of innovation and excellence. PONANT also announces its order for the PONANT EXPLORERS series: six yachts with 92 staterooms and suites designed for expeditions.

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Setting up of the PONANT Foundation

The company sets up the PONANT Foundation which provides support to a number of projects focused on research and raising awareness. The Foundation continues its commitment to protect the oceans and poles, and develop cultural contacts with indigenous peoples.

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Palmes du Tourisme Durable Award

PONANT is the first company to ban the use of heavy fuel oil in favour of Low Sulphur Marine Gasoil (LS MGO). A decision recognised in 2020 by the annual Palmes du Tourisme Durable with an award in the ‘Travel’ category.

PONANT acquires PAUL GAUGUIN Cruises, which has specialised in the South Pacific region for nearly 20 years, to offer a wider range of and destinations.

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Le Commandant Charcot

PONANT announces a new phase in its development with the arrival of Hervé Gastinel who succeeds Jean Emmanuel Sauvée as company CEO. The company affirms its reputation as a pioneer in the sustainable tourism field and launches Le Commandant Charcot, PONANT's first polar exploration ship, equipped with a hybrid electric Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) propulsion system. She is the very first French vessel to reach the Geographic North Pole (90,00,000°), on September 6th, 2021.

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Le Ponant back at sea

With a pure and refined design, entirely rethought by the Jean-Philippe Nuel studio, Le Ponant , the company's emblematic three-masted ship, is transformed. An invitation to sail , to resource ourselves and to respect the world around us, by combining travel, intimacy and eco-responsibility.

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Swap2zero, a catalyst for new energy solutions by 2030

By 2030, PONANT is working on one of the sector’s most innovative R&D projects: the first concept of a transoceanic vessel aiming to approach, as far as state-of-the-art technology will allow, carbon neutrality whether sailing, maneuvering, in port or at anchor . The project aims to be a catalyst for new energy solutions with strong replicability potential for the rest of the industry.

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Spirit of Ponant: a catamaran for tailor-made voyages

In line with its pioneering spirit, the company is offering a new, intimate and exclusive travel experience aboard the Spirit of Ponant , unprecedented in the luxury cruising sector. This French-built maxi-catamaran, with a design praised by everyone in the industry, combines the pleasure of sailing with the refinement of personalised service. This bold and innovative offer confirms PONANT's commitment to more responsible tourism and our historic attachment to sailing.

PONANT is regularly awarded for the quality of its services and its unique cruising concept . Below are French and international prizes won by our company.

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At the edge of the pole

Winter in the tropics, ponant exclusivity: polar immersion aboard le commandant charcot.

At the edge of the pole

A summer in the Arctic

In 2025, let yourself be enchanted by the magic of the Spitsbergen fjords.

Europe du Nord LE BELLOT

Winter in the tropics

Printemps / été 2024

Caribbean or Central America?

Embark on a warm and sunny adventure.


More than 50 departures

Dolce vita

Legendary Mediterranean Sea

Next summer, board an odyssey from island to island.

See all departures

PONANT exclusivity: polar immersion aboard Le Commandant Charcot

Only aboard Le Commandant Charcot

Explore the pack ice with the last guardians of the North Pole.

Head for Greenland

Enjoy an immersive experience and discover our destinations as if you were there!

From sunny cruises to polar odysseys, let's find the destination that inspires you.

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Spirit of Ponant A new experience in tailor-made cruises

Embark on board our catamaran where excellence and harmony, comfort and connection with nature, and exclusive services combine, both on board and when at sea or ashore.

Discover our exceptional ships

  • Sailing Ships  
  • Sisterships  
  • Ponant Explorers  
  • Paul Gauguin Cruises  

Sailing Ships

The Ponant signature

Explore to better understand, share and protect

Experience a meaningful voyage

Inspiring, human and environmental conscious experiences, accompanied by our experts

Sail to secret shores

Stopovers and moorings off the beaten track, sometimes unexplored

Travel consciously

The latest green technoloy used, environmental impact studies and activities co-constructed with local people

Explore the world on human-sized ships

A limited number of staterooms and suites for intimate voyages

Enjoy a journey crafted just for you

Bespoke onboard services for the most customized cruise available

Our guests share their adventures with @Ponant .


A selection of inspiring content to help you prepare for your next cruise.

Le Commandant Charcot

Head for summer 2025

PONANT partners with La Mamounia and Maison Pierre Hermé Paris

Spotlight on the polar auroras

Expedition to the far reaches of Greenland

An immersion into the heart of Le Ponant

“The wind in the sails, the gentle lapping of the waves, the scent of sea spray... sailing aboard Le Ponant is a magical experience.” Katherine G., on board Le Ponant


High-speed wifi access on board with Starlink

In Greenland Behind the Scenes of a Once in a Lifetime Human Adventure

Head for Polynesia in 2026

Summer 2024: Boarding Now!

PAUL GAUGUIN's 2025 Boutique Crossing Collection

PONANT and Smithsonian Journeys: Featured 2025 Voyages

Spirit of Ponant

PONANT and Farwind Energy

Summer 2025: heat and warmth or refreshing coolness?

Scientific mission to the North Pole

PONANT certified Green Globe

2 culinary celebrities on board Le Paul Gauguin

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    yacht club ponant

  2. Calaméo

    yacht club ponant

  3. Our partners at PONANT

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  4. Ponant 2023

    yacht club ponant

  5. Rejoignez le PONANT Yacht Club

    yacht club ponant

  6. Calaméo

    yacht club ponant


  1. Explorations tropicales : Ressentez le frisson de l'exploration tropicale (version longue)

  2. Heather's Journey to Greenland

  3. Ocean Marina Yacht Club in Pattaya

  4. La Suite Duplex du navire Le Commandant Charcot

  5. Explorations polaires: Ressentez le frisson des premiers explorateurs polaires (film court)

  6. PONANT, tous engagés


  1. Ponant benefits

    The PONANT Yacht Club card is presented to each adult guest aged over 18 and eligible for the PONANT Yacht Club programme. The benefits and status are acquired upon confirmation of the reservation, unless it is cancelled prior to departure, and may be modified without notice. Free-of-charge or cancelled cruises - regardless of the reason for ...

  2. Avantages, réductions et offres spéciales PONANT Yacht Club

    La carte PONANT Yacht Club est remise individuellement à tous les passagers adultes de plus de 18 ans et éligibles au programme PONANT Yacht Club. Les avantages et statuts sont acquis à la confirmation du voyage sauf en cas d'annulation avant le départ, et peuvent être modifiés sans préavis. Les croisières annulées, quel que soit le ...

  3. Cruise FAQ : all the answers to your questions

    Your PONANT Yacht Club membership number is on the card that was sent to you. Your PONANT Yacht Club membership number is included in all the emails we have sent to you, and can also be found in your "MY PONANT" account. If you have lost your card, you can get a new one by contacting us .

  4. Benefit from the Status Match

    The reductions and benefits apply to new bookings only and are not applicable retrospectively. Equivalence entitles the beneficiary to the same benefits as those provided by the PONANT Yacht Club. However, the statuses of Major, Admiral, Grand Admiral and Commodore can only be reached by increasing the number of PONANT cruises taken.

  5. Our current special offers

    With our PONANT Bonus up to 30% off, and our Second Cruise Offer with 5% off, your clients will benefit in a variety of ways all year long. ... As a valued PONANT partner, your loyalty—and that of your clients—is consistently rewarded. PONANT Yacht Club benefits. Any clients who are members of our loyalty program, the PONANT Yacht Club, can ...

  6. Benefits, discounts & special offers

    The PONANT Yacht Club card is presented to each adult guest aged over 18 and eligible for the PONANT Yacht Club programme. The benefits and status are acquired upon confirmation of the reservation, unless it is cancelled prior to departure, and may be modified without notice. Free-of-charge or cancelled cruises - regardless of the reason for ...

  7. Ponant Yacht Club

    I have two cruises booked on Ponant ships, one fully paid and the other on deposit for 2020. But cruise #1 was booked through Backroads, which is providing the shore excursions on our circumnavigation of Iceland, so I didn't have any contact with Ponant on that one. When I logged on to the Ponant...

  8. Ponant "Ponant Yacht Club"

    • The opportunity to join the PONANT Yacht Club's private cruises. • Complimentary laundry service aboard. • € 50 / $ 55 / AUD 70 off the shore excursion of your choice. • 1 hour free Wi-Fi Internet access onboard. Admiral level is achieved when your 4 th cruise is booked. Benefits include:• The opportunity to join the PONANT ...

  9. Frequently Asked Questions

    On our sailing ship Le Ponant, a luxury yacht with just 16 staterooms and suites, all the staterooms and suites located on the Antigua and Saint-Barth decks each have a large private balcony with views out over the sea. The staterooms located on the Marie-Galante deck have either portholes or large square windows.

  10. Loyalty Cruises : private cruise with exclusive features

    Odyssey in the heart of Japan's subtropical islands. Osaka - Ishigaki. LE JACQUES-CARTIER. 11 nights on board. Dates: 26/04/2025 to the 07/05/2025. Starting from 9.800 € per person. 20% Ponant Bonus.

  11. PONANT cruises: World's leading luxury yacht expeditions cruise line

    Last-minute offers. PONANT news and updates. Select a luxury cruise with PONANT. We offer a large range of cruises a la française, sailboat cruiseline, all inclusive vacation cruise package. Worldwide destinations : Antarctica, Arctica, Europe, Asia and more….

  12. Ponant Yacht Club

    The PONANT Yacht Club card is presented to each adult guest aged over 18 and eligible for the PONANT Yacht Club programme. The benefits and status are acquired upon confirmation of the reservation, unless it is cancelled prior to departure, and may be modified without notice. Free-of-charge or cancelled cruises, regardless of the reason for the ...


    Take several cruises with us and join the PONANT Yacht Club to benefit from personalized attention, exclusive services on board and ashore and dedicated privilege offers.. Being faithful to the pleasure of a PONANT cruise means being able to prolong this rare moment over time. As a member of the PONANT Yacht Club , you benefit from personalized attention, exclusive services on board and ashore ...

  14. Ponant

    The Ponant Yacht Club loyalty program has Major, Admiral, and Grand Admiral levels. As members, cruisers benefit from exclusive services and amenities on board. They are also eligible for ...

  15. Ponant Cruises

    Ponant's growth in passenger capacity came under the new ownership by Artemis Group (holding of the billionaire Pinault family). Company History. Compagnie du Ponant's first ship - Le Ponant, is a 3-masted barque (1991-built sailing vessel) is still in the CDP fleet. In 1999, the company acquired the yacht Le Levant (currently MV Clio). In 2012 ...


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  17. SeaDream Yacht Club vs Emerald Yacht Cruises: Which to choose?

    Ships: Emerald Yacht Cruises. Emerald Cruises expanded into the ocean cruising space more recently, having made their name in river cruising. Their new-build sister yachts Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara launched in 2022 and 2023 respectively, showcasing a sleek silhouette which looks more akin to a private super-yacht. Accommodating a maximum of 100 guests each, the yachts are thoughtfully ...

  18. Why choose Ponant

    Just like a private yacht. Our fleet is made up exclusively of small-sized ships designed to accommodate a limited number of passengers: Our legendary sailing ship the Le Ponant is equipped with 16 cabins. The new yachts of the PONANT EXPLORERS* series feature 92 cabins.

  19. Yacht club Sochi

    Things to do near Yacht club Sochi. Yug Sport Complex Diving Center Laguna Potseluyevskiy Park Draft Sculpture Kurortnitsa Derevo Druzhby Arboretum Park Friendship Tree Garden Museum Bavarsky Dvor Delfin Sochi National Park Spatoday The Other Games Marine Passenger Terminal Sochi State Circus.

  20. Yacht club Sochi

    Yacht club Sochi, Sochi: See 16 reviews, articles, and 4 photos of Yacht club Sochi, one of 989 Sochi attractions listed on Tripadvisor.

  21. Luxury cruises

    The latest itineraries. Last-minute offers. PONANT news and updates. Select a luxury cruise with PONANT. We offer a large range of cruises a la française, sailboat cruiseline, all inclusive vacation cruise package. Worldwide destinations : Antarctica, Arctica, Europe, Asia and more….

  22. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Krasnaya Polyana (UPDATED 2024)

    Tirol Club. 104. Visitor Centres • Ski & Snowboard Areas. Open now. 2. Аквапарк Mountain Beach. 294. Water Parks • Spas. Open now. By Veronica_Andy. Here you can have a good rest at the sandy beach, swim in the pool, relax in sauna, play volleyball. The bar offers... 3. Velvet Theater ...