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Jetzt bequem 0 % Mwst. für die heimische PV-Anlage sichern

Mit dem Beschluss zur Steuerentlastung für PV-Anlagen hat die Bundesregierung festgelegt, dass für PV-Anlagen und Zubehör ab dem 01.01.2023 ein Nullsteuersatz gilt. Bei uns können sie nun ganz bequem diesen Vorteil nutzen. Sie müssen während des Kaufs lediglich bestätigen, dass sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen. Das bedeutet:

  • Die PV-Anlage hat weniger als 30 kW Peakleistung
  • Es handelt sich um eine wohnungsnah errichtete Anlage
  • Es erfolgt kein gewerblicher Weiterverkauf

Ein Kauf ohne verbindliche Bestätigung seitens des Käufers nicht möglich. Sollten hierbei falschangaben gemacht werden, behalten wir uns das Recht vor die Mehrwertsteuer mit umgehender Fälligkeit zurückzufordern. Solten diese Bedingungen nicht auf sie zutreffen, kontaktieren sie uns gerne

Die aktuellen Bestimmungen können sie hier nochmals nachlesen:

https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/FAQ/foerderung-photovoltaikanlagen.htm l

Zubehör für die heimische PV-Anlage mit 0 % Mwst. sichern!

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Yachtzubehör – mit uns auf den sieben weltmeeren unterwegs.

Eine Yacht macht viel Freude, eine Yacht macht aber auch Arbeit. Denn sie muss in Schuss gehalten werden, um immer dann, wenn Sie die Lust auf eine Segeltour bekommen, einsatzbereit zu sein. Neben der Instandhaltung werden auch regelmäßig neue Schiffsteile benötigt. Vielleicht sind diese im Laufe der Zeit in die Jahre gekommen, vielleicht sind sie defekt und müssen erneuert werden, vielleicht möchten Sie Ihre Yacht aber auch einfach nur erweitern. In all diesen Fällen bieten wir Ihnen das passende Yachtzubehör an. Von Heizungs- und Kühlanlagen wie Warmluftgebläse , Wasserheizgeräte oder Klimaanlagen , über Luken & Lüftung bis hin zu Navigationsgeräten – unser angebotenes Yachtzubehör ist vielseitig und sofort einsetzbar.

Yachtzubehör – alles, was Sie benötigen

Ob Kleinigkeiten fehlen oder ergänzt werden müssen oder ob Sie größere Dinge anschaffen wollen, wir haben jegliches Yachtzubehör, das Sie auf Ihrem Segeltörn benötigen. Ob es sich dabei um kleine Dinge wie Abgas-, Treibstoff- oder Trinkwasserschläuche handelt oder ob die Druckwasser- oder Umwälzpumpe erneuert werden muss, unser Yachtzubehör im Bereich Sanitär, Pumpen & Schläuche ist vielseitig. Ebenso wie im Bereich Strom , denn ohne geht es nicht. Finden Sie hier mit Batterien , Brennstoffzellen oder Generatoren das richtige Yachtzubehör für Ihr Schiff. Und natürlich darf auch die Sicherheit nicht zu kurz kommen. Wir bieten Ihnen unter anderem Lifebelts , Rettungsinseln & Schwimmkissen , Signalgeräte und alles für die Feuerbekämpfung .

Yachtzubehör – Beleuchtung, Antrieb, Instrumente

Eine Yacht sollte auch gut beleuchtet sein. Das sorgt nicht nur für Sicherheit, sondern auch für Gemütlichkeit. So führen wir bei unserem Yachtzubehör unter anderem Außenbeleuchtung und Innenbeleuchtung , Trailerleuchten und Unterwasserbeleuchtung . In Sachen Antriebstechnik können Sie Ihre Yacht so richtig aufpeppen. Vom Motor über die Schalldämmung und die Steuerung bis hin zum Abgassystem finden Sie alles, was auf keinem Schiff fehlen darf. Oder sind Sie auf der Suche nach der passenden Bordüberwachung oder Navigationsanzeigen? Dann finden Sie dieses Yachtzubehör ebenfalls bei uns. Genauso wie viele weitere Dinge, die Ihre Yacht erst perfekt machen.

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Marina Review: Cuxhaven SVC Yachthafen

  • May 26th, 2016
  • Marina Review

I´ve had the pleasure to moor at Cuxhaven Marina for two days and spend one night as we´ve had our great 3-day-cruise with the fast Pogo 40 racing yacht  ending here. Cuxhaven is the first – or last – chance to have a perfect berth when leaving mighty River Elbe into the North Sea or upon arriving to a trip upriver to the City of Hamburg.

Arriving at Cuxhaven SVC Marina

Elbe is a big tidal water with currents of up to 4 knots – making it virtually impossible to run against the tide. Mooring in Cuxhaven is a convenient way of avoiding wasting precious Diesel fuel and the necessity to tack or gybe indefinitely when trying to sail against the current. Knowing that, this marina traditionally has a lot of guest berths to offer and chances to catch a free mooring at pier side are good.

How to sail to Cuxhaven SVC Marina

Upon entering Elbe River you will catch first sight of Cuxhaven on starboard side. The city has some 50.000 inhabitants and is thus a smaller town compared to Hamburg, second largest city of Germany with some 1.8 million. Hamburg is 50 further miles upriver – a leg which could be made when riding on the flood wave with going full throttle (as you may read here ).

Temporary mooring upon arriving at the Marina

Entering the marina is a no brainer as long as you time your arrival exactly when tide is changing. If not – and this applies to all Elbe and Weser-ports – you should be aware of the strong currents making it necessary to aiming right and being especially cautious upon entering the harbor-area. Good seamanship has it to have a signaling horn at hand because there´s poor sight on possible opposing traffic when entering or leaving the marina: There´s very little space for dangerous maneuvers.

Mooring in Cuxhaven SVC Marina

Once inside the 250 to 150 meters compound you´ll notice an emergency anchorage which must be kept unoccupied at all times as it is strictly reserved for vessels in distress. When arriving and not having an assigned berth yet it´s customary to seek a free berth along the pier – visible by a small green plate – or to go alongside the pier at the right hand side, directly at the flood-wall. Land your boat and have it secured, proceed to the harbor master and ask for a free berth though it is advised to have this contact be made prior arrival via radio, cell phone or internet connection.

The SVC Marina´s main pier

The stays are in perfect shape and seem to have been refurbished or newly installed just a few years ago. Mooring a yacht will be done by having the ropes running through steel-bows rather than traditionally landing on ordinary dog irons. Fresh water and electric energy is taken over from terminals which are mounted in sufficient quantity and within comfortable reach from each and every berth. Be reminded that Elbe is a tidal water so expect some movements of the floating piers and your ship as well – to absorb the swell rubber-made springs for your mooring lines of good use here.

Demurrage in Cuxhaven SVC Harbor

As we have been arriving in a 40 feet yacht, we´ve had to pay 20 € which isn´t overpriced I would say – I consider one Euro per meter length as reasonable if facilities and services of the marina are worth it. And it definitely is here. But in this price electricity and fresh water is included.

The two story Club House with its cozy Restaurant

For the facilitation of bathroom facilities you might buy a pre-paid card at the harbor master. This card opens doors to the bathroom-area (using the toilets is free, of course) and will start showers, washing machines and dryers. 4 minutes of showering is 1 Euro. A fair price. When leaving Cuxhaven Marina you´ll of course get back unused credit.

Bathroom Facilities

Having some private minutes and relax whilst having a dump is a must for me, especially after a long trip in a confined space with many people such as the yacht. So the lavatory is of utter interest. Here Cuxhaven is precious. The toilets are clean, seem almost brand new and sitting there and doing private stuff though in a public space does feel comfortable and a kind of intimate as well. This is a definite plus and I was really pleased seeing the whole area maintained this perfect.

New, cleat & neat: Bathroom Facilities are exemplary here.

Same goes for the showers. Tough it´s a bit annoying having to re-start the water falling every 5 seconds or so it does makes sense from an environmental point of view because one cannot have a hot shower forever dreaming away under a hot and steaming waterfall. The shower cabins are roomy, there´s plenty of space to get clothing changed without getting bloody elbows. Another great plus.

Eating and Resting One´s Oars

The Cuxhaven SVC Marina is owned by and home to the sailors of the local Seglervereinigung Cuxhaven e.V. Sailing Club. So everything done here is done with heart and soul – the marina is not primarily a business venture but a club home and sincere project of real skippers. This might explain the perfect condition of all facilities here as real sailors know what real sailors need rather than having a business man just fulfilling a business plan. Best seen in the two story club home which also houses a restaurant in the upper floor. I´ve forgotten to take pictures here but believe me, having a seat at one of the tables at the wide window front not only offers a marvelous view over the whole area but the interior breathes sailing in every inch of the walls. You simply find yourself welcome and at home here.

A wonderful view over the whole harbor from the Club House

You can have full meals here at the club restaurant – though one might not expect haute cuisine. It´s plenty and affordable as tastes all fine, down-home, simple dishes from fried fish, Schnitzel and fries to Curry Bratwurst or rissole. A variety of beers is also offered along with plenty of local brands of Schnaps. You can leave the marina area and go into town but don´t expect Cuxhaven to be a town worth a visit: Compared to Bremen, Hamburg or even Bremerhaven this city simply cannot compare. Though I guess most of the mooring guests here at the marina will stay just for one day to hop on the next tidal wave to either ride upriver to Hamburg, reach for Brunsbüttel to enter Kiel Canal  or to leave Elbe estuary for the North Sea.

Cuxhaven SVC Marina: My Overall Assessment

Landing at Cuxhaven SVC Marina is a pleasure. You´ll find everything you need here, facilities are in best shape and hospitality factor is high due to the nice people running this place. Prices are fair and one doesn´t really have to leave the area unless one has to go shopping to replenish food – which can be a long way to the next supermarket. I really enjoyed being here and will definitely return to Cuxhaven Marina to have a rest until the next tidal wave.

All in all: 9 of 10 points

  Link to the Marina Website here

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  • Boatbuilding & Yachtservice
  • Mooring Places
  • Commercial Ships & Metalwork

Boots- und Schiffswerft Cuxhaven GmbH Kapitän-Alexander-Str. 21-23 27472 Cuxhaven

Phone:   +49   47 21 / 399 00-0 Fax: +49   47 21 / 399 00-99

Your partner for boat building, yacht service, ship building, repair and metalwork.

Boatbuilding and Yachtservice

Since 1945 shipbuilding, repair and maintenance has taken place on our premises in the City Marina in Cuxhaven. In 2002 a modern complex of buildings were constructed.

The workshops and office building were modernized and extended. A multipurpose hall with an area of 500m² and an entrance height of 7m was built. It has a dual function - It is used for treating and varnishing yachts and boats and also for the storage of yachts in a dry and warm environment.

An open space of 500m² for storage also exists onshore. A slewing (swing) crane lifts boats up to 16 tons ashore. Heavier boats are hoisted out of water with a mobile crane directly in front of the shipyard hall.

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Service partner for the SUNBEAM-Yachts

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  • • Motorboating and accessories
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  • • Plumbing and sanitary fixture
  • • Safety and maintenance
  • • Sailing equipment
  • • Stainless steel hardware

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Tel: +39 0805342554
Cantiere Navalmeccanico
Rettifiche Ranieri S.r.l.
Vat: IT 00261710727

Wind, waves, weather & tide forecast Cuxhaven Hafen

  • Superforecast

Daily forecast

Saturday, aug 31, sunday, sep 01, monday, sep 02, tuesday, sep 03, wednesday, sep 04, thursday, sep 05, friday, sep 06, saturday, sep 07, sunday, sep 08, monday, sep 09, nearby spots (within 25 km).

  • Marina Cuxhaven 0km Tide forecast Wave forecast
  • Motorboot-Club Cuxhaven e.V. 0km Tide forecast Wave forecast
  • City-Marina 0km Tide forecast Wave forecast
  • Cuxhaven Jachthafen 1km Weather station Tide forecast Wave forecast
  • Cuxhaven 1km Tide forecast Wave forecast
  • Cuxhaven (Tide) 1km Tide forecast Wave forecast
  • Cuxhaven, Steubenhöft 1km Tide forecast Wave forecast

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Check the wind forecast for Cuxhaven Hafen when you search for the best travel destinations for your kiteboarding, windsurfing or sailing vacations in Germany. Or use our wind forecast to find the wind speed today in Cuxhaven Hafen or to have a look at the wind direction tomorrow at Cuxhaven Hafen.

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Here at North Sails / The Yacht Shop, we are dedicated to excellent customer service. We have been in business for over 30 years and look forward to learning more about your next project or adventure! Sail Loft, Rigging Shop, and Chandlery. Everything to get you on the water: boats, kayaks, stand up paddle boards, all the gear & accessories! …

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  • Bremerhaven

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Built in 1997 with four berths and two terminals Cuxport is a modern deep water port. With its ideal location at the Elbe right on the opposite side of Brunsbuettel on our way from Harwich to the Baltic and directly at the motorway A 27, Cuxport offers multimodal connections first class facilities for handling of all kind of cargo including warehouses and covered rail siding.

More information: www.cuxport.de

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  2. Der Hafen

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  3. Neue Öffnungszeiten der ancora Marina

    yachtshop cuxhaven

  4. Jachthaven: Cuxhaven

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  5. Cuxhaven Yacht Club Marina in Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony, Germany

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  6. Preisliste

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  2. Yachtzubehoer-Nordsee.de

    Finden Sie hier mit Batterien, Brennstoffzellen oder Generatoren das richtige Yachtzubehör für Ihr Schiff. Und natürlich darf auch die Sicherheit nicht zu kurz kommen. Wir bieten Ihnen unter anderem Lifebelts, Rettungsinseln & Schwimmkissen, Signalgeräte und alles für die Feuerbekämpfung.

  3. Cuxhaven Yacht Club in Cuxhaven, Germany

    Cuxhaven Yacht Club, Cuxhaven, Germany Marina. Find marina reviews, phone number, boat and yacht docks, slips, and moorings for rent at Cuxhaven Yacht Club.

  4. Marina Review: Cuxhaven SVC Yachthafen

    May 26th, 2016. ·. ·. Marina Review. I´ve had the pleasure to moor at Cuxhaven Marina for two days and spend one night as we´ve had our great 3-day-cruise with the fast Pogo 40 racing yacht ending here. Cuxhaven is the first - or last - chance to have a perfect berth when leaving mighty River Elbe into the North Sea or upon arriving to ...

  5. Cuxhavener Yacht Club

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  7. Mooring Places

    Cuxhaven city center is a mere 5 minute walk from our location. The City Marina is reached by a bascule bridge. It opens every 30 minutes (on the hour and half past every hour) between 5:00 am and 11:00 pm but only by request. Contact Bascule Bridge: UKW, Channel 69 (Cuxhaven Lock) or telephone +49 4721 500 120

  8. Boatbuilding and Yachtservice

    Since 1945 shipbuilding, repair and maintenance has taken place on our premises in the City Marina in Cuxhaven. In 2002 a modern complex of buildings were constructed. The workshops and office building were modernized and extended. A multipurpose hall with an area of 500m² and an entrance height of 7m was built. It has a dual function - It is used for treating and varnishing yachts and boats ...

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    Cuxhaven (German: [kʊksˈhaːfn̩]; Low German: Cuxhoben) is a town and seat of the Cuxhaven district, in Lower Saxony, Germany.The town includes the northernmost point of Lower Saxony. It is situated on the shore of the North Sea at the mouth of the Elbe River. [3] Cuxhaven has a footprint of 14 kilometres (9 miles) (east-west) by 7 km (4 mi) (north-south).

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  11. Yachtshop

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  12. YachtShop European Store

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  13. Wind, waves, weather & tide forecast Cuxhaven Hafen

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  14. Yachtshop| Contact us

    Yachtshop - Conwy 01492 588823 Conwy Quays Marina Ellis Way Conwy LL32 8GU. Opening Hours. Spring/Summer Hours. Monday-Saturday: 09:00 - 16:30: Sunday: CLOSED: Winter Hours. Monday-Friday: 09:30 - 16:00: Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00: Sunday: CLOSED: Yachtshop is open throughout the year! (If in doubt please call us before visiting the store)

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  16. Yachtshop

    Yachtshop, Holyhead. 853 likes · 14 were here. Chandlery, Clothing, Electronics, Brokerage & New Boat Sales


    Specialties: Here at North Sails / The Yacht Shop, we are dedicated to excellent customer service. We have been in business for over 30 years and look forward to learning more about your next project or adventure! Sail Loft, Rigging Shop, and Chandlery. Everything to get you on the water: boats, kayaks, stand up paddle boards, all the gear & accessories! Established in 1965. The Yacht Shop was ...

  18. The Yacht Shop

    The Yacht Shop, Suva, Fiji. 2,993 likes · 1 talking about this · 60 were here. The Yacht Shop chain of retail chandleries is part of the Tradewinds Marine Group - a private family owned by the Philp...

  19. Yachts for Sale

    YachtWorld contains the largest photo and video database of boats and yachts for sale. With a wide range of new boats and used boats, power boats and sailboats, YachtWorld has the largest selection of boats and yachts in the world.Boat listings on YachtWorld are provided by subscribing member yacht brokers and new boat dealers from North America and the rest of the world.

  20. Copra Shed Marina, Lesiaceva Rd, Savusavu, Fiji

    You can find more information about The Yacht Shop at yachtshop.com.fj. Categories: Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.. ISIC Codes: 9329. Sports and recreation near The Yacht Shop. Copra Shed Marina. Bars, pubs and taverns. Main Street. Namena Divers Dive Shop. Sporting goods.

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  22. Cuxhaven

    Cuxhaven. Built in 1997 with four berths and two terminals Cuxport is a modern deep water port. With its ideal location at the Elbe right on the opposite side of Brunsbuettel on our way from Harwich to the Baltic and directly at the motorway A 27, Cuxport offers multimodal connections first class facilities for handling of all kind of cargo ...