Yacht Club de France

Promouvoir la navigation de plaisance

yachting club de france

S’inscrire à la 35e Coupe d’Automne du YCF

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La Drheam-Cup / Grand Prix de France de Course au Large : Rendez-vous en 2026 !

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Retour sur une belle édition de la Ticket to Wight !

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Dunkerque Voile, grand gagnant du Tour Voile 2024 après un final incroyable

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Transquadra Madère Martinique – Une première étape épique !

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La Drheam-Cup / Grand Prix de France de Course au Large : Bon départ, du match partout !


Yacht Club de France: private visit of a prestigious institution

yachting club de france

The Yacht Club de France welcomes its five hundred current members at number 41 on the famous Avenue Foch, in the chic 16th arrondissement of Paris, surprisingly far from any waterfront. A prestigious address, for an institution that is open to all sailing enthusiasts.

Karine Filhoulaud

For 150 years, in the service of yachting ..

The story begins in the middle of the 19th century. In France, people then discovered sailing for pleasure: the first canoes attracted onlookers to the Seine... Water sports also developed, which it gradually became necessary to organize. Thus, on 15 June 1867, at the Ministry of the Navy, and under the aegis of Emperor Napoleon III, the "Société d'Encouragement pour la Navigation de Plaisance" was founded. An official name to which will be added, a few months later, on November 11th precisely, the more attractive name of "Yacht Club de France". Admiral Rigault de Genouilly, then Minister of the Navy, was its first President. The association , recognized as a public utility in 1914, is the guardian of the "values and traditions of sailing and motor yachting, whether regatta or cruise", and of a certain ethic that is linked to it. In short, solidarity , courtesy and moral elegance make up this art of living at sea, which is well and truly defended!

Today, the YCF, in the heart of the French boating landscape

After more than 150 years of existence, the Club has kept the same ambitions, adapted to the evolution of yachting of course. The aim is to "promote, at a national level, sailing and yacht building in all its forms, and, beyond that, to contribute to the training of sailors". Managed by a president, Philippe Heral, an office, a board of directors, and various commissions, dedicated to heritage, navigation, the Club's restaurant, events at sea or on land... It should be noted that the YCF maintains close links with 32 allied Yacht Clubs in France and 25 abroad. In short, over the years it has become a de facto representative to the public authorities in the world of yachting , which is nowadays populated by five million French people!

Yacht-Club de France

Such illustrious members!

The Club had as many as 2000 members in the early 20th century, when it also looked after the wards of the sea. Today, there are 500 sea and marine enthusiasts to be members. Among the most illustrious members of the Club, great sailors, winners of the greatest races, marine painters, great writers, academics... let's mention Jules Verne, Virginie Hériot , Guy de Maupassant, Gustave Caillebotte, Alain Gerbault, Commander Charcot, Marin-Marie, Éric Tabarly, Olivier de Kersauson , Jean-Louis Étienne, Michel Desjoyaux, Franck Cammas . And for the honorary members: Queen Elizabeth of England, King Juan Carlos of Spain , King Constantine II of Greece , the Prince of Monaco, the Aga Khan Prince... Of course, the vast majority of the members are simply common mortals! They are not all Parisians, or even Parisian. Some even come from abroad

Yacht-Club de France

Between image and reality..

Sébastien David, Vice-President in charge of Communication of the YCF, says: "You are all potential future members! Admission is not that complicated", he defends. It is done through two sponsors, and is submitted to an Interior Commission and then to a Council. "There is no need for you to own a yacht, big or small, or to collect civil, citizen or military recognitions," he adds. "The only thing that matters is adherence to the values that the club defends and the willingness to "serve" to defend them, both at sea and on land. If Sébastien is so insistent, it's because the YCF is often perceived as a dusty and stuffy institution. An image that does not reflect the truth for Sebastien. "It's young and happy too! ».

Yacht-Club de France

Attractive values?

In fact, the club can be proud, unlike many associations, to see its membership grow. "In this day and age, where there is a lot of pecking around and relative involvement, that's a great achievement, isn't it? Sébastien adds, "This success can be explained, no doubt because our values attract, because they correspond to certain aspirations of the population. It is true that parity has not really been achieved among the members, since only a few dozen women are members, but the doors of the YCF are wide open to them. It is also a concrete offer of activities that seems to appeal to the members..

Yacht-Club de France

What the YCF offers its members

According to Sébastien, the Club's activity rests on three main pillars. Firstly, the social life it generates for its members. Conferences and meetings, prestigious competitions, meetings of maritime clubs or institutions, monthly cocktail parties, exhibitions... are on the programme. The Club is also at the origin of outings at sea for the sole pleasure of sailing as well as regattas. For example, the French Sailing Cup, created by the Club in 1891 (which makes it one of the oldest sailing trophies in Europe) as France's response to the America's Cup . Currently on hold, the Club has plans to revive it.

Yacht-Club de France

Acting and conserving

Another example is the YCF Autumn Cup, which offers traditional sailboats that participated in the "Régates Royales" in Cannes, the opportunity to race Saint-Tropez and its "Voiles". Also to be mentioned are the races initiated or sponsored by the Club: the Spring Cup, the Virginie Hériot Cup, the Ganay Cup, the Riban Etoilé Motonautique, the Tour de France à la Voile , the Régates Royales, the events organized by the Allied Clubs... Finally, the Club has a heritage mission that it carries out by collecting objects and documents retracing the history of yachting . It is notably through its library that it fulfils this mission

Yacht-Club de France

A renowned library

It is one of the richest in Europe on these themes of the sea and yachting . In its glazed shelves, all in wood varnished in a warm caramel colour, it conceals treasures... For proof, these logbooks of the famous sailor Virginie Hériot , who won the Olympic Games in 1928 in Amsterdam on board her yacht L'Ailée VI. For examples also the logbook of Charcot, writings by Jules Verne, others by Commandant Caillebotte. The copies of "Le Yacht", since its creation, those of the members' directories, and those also of the Bulletin published since 1902, are also of great value. Registers of identification of boats in the world, published by Lloyds insurance, when the ships were still possible to be counted, also enrich the collection! Modern books, naval architects' plans... complete the collection, which, due to lack of space, is still sometimes in boxes. If this library is one of the most important pieces of the Club, there are at least three others that are worth a visit

Yacht-Club de France

Elegant and friendly premises

After a few Parisian addresses, the YCF has moved to rented premises of 550 m2 for the past 20 years. It has therefore been occupying the ground floor of a superb building in western Paris for twenty years. After an imposing porch, we enter an entrance surrounded by doors: here we discover the first elements of this collection of written documents, photos, paintings, iconographies, models, half-shells... which make up the delightful decoration of the premises. It is on the portrait of the very first president of the Club, Admiral Rigault de Genouilly, that the gaze is first directed. We then admire the first of a long series of delicate models: well sheltered under its glass bell represents Virginie Hériot's Wing . And, like stripes on the walls, tapering half-shells of varnished wood are presented one above the other up to the high ceiling

Yacht-Club de France

See you at the big lounge

In the large reception room, the high walls and ceilings are decorated with mouldings, bas-reliefs, mirrors and paintings. Some are by the famous painter of the Navy, Marin-Marie, who was a member of the Club. Tables and sideboards hold cups and trophies. Models of ships still also. And large French windows open onto a green, almost country garden in the heart of Paris.

Yacht-Club de France

From the entrance there is a staircase leading to the bar. Step by step , one discovers a whole series of black and white photographic portraits of the presidents of the Club since its creation.

Cognac-coloured, deep and comfortable armchairs and sofas, wooden bar, walls covered with frames protecting photos, engravings, paintings, showing boats all sails outside: the bar proves to be very convivial!

Yacht-Club de France

Eating out among ourselves

Finally the large dining room and its refined decoration. With its mirrored doors, it seems very large, but in reality remains on a human scale. Between its marbled walls, its small intimate tables with impeccable dressage and its upholstered chairs welcome members and their guests. On the tablecloths, cutlery with the navy's coat of arms announces gourmet meals. "These are four very convivial places to live," says Sébastien, who can be reserved by our members and where room is also left for the major players in the yachting industry

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"to defend and promote the sea values".

Home » Yachting Around The World » YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE

Yacht Class n°22 (sept-oct-nov 2020)

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Despite the absence of a water body in its vicinity, the Yacht Club de France is one of the most dynamic clubs, offering or sponsoring high-flying regattas, but also events ashore.

Written by Aurore Teodoro – Photos : Laurent Charpentier / Coll YCF, Morgan Bove / ASO, Rolex Kurt Arrigo & DR

“To contribute to the development of recreational boating in all its forms; in cruising or racing, to defend and promote the values of solidarity, courtesy and moral elegance animating all seafarers” . Such has been the vocation of the Yacht Club de France (YCF) since its creation in 1867, under the name “Société d’Encouragement pour la Navigation de Plaisance”, under the high patronage of Napoleon III”. As it was involved in the development of the yachting policy in a national and international framework – which is still its mission today – it was in Paris, where authorities are located, that the club naturally settled by the will of its founders. And despite the absence of a nearby water body to organize nautical events, its dynamism is widely recognised.

In addition to the numerous events, conferences and meetings organised each year in its salons of the 16th arrondissement, the club also encourages a certain number of sea events through its sponsorship. Since the end of the 1950s, it has been building up a circle of allied clubs with the same approach to the sea and its values. Patron of the Tour de France à la Voile since its creation in 1978, the club is also a partner and technical supplier for the next Vendée Globe. Since 2016, it has also been supporting the Dhream Cup / Grand Prix de France, an ocean racing event created by club member Jacques Civilise, which celebrated its third edition last July. Every year, the YCF also organises the Yacht Club de France Autumn Cup, a race for classic yachts from the site of the Regates Royales (Cannes) to the Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez”. The YCF is very active at the national level, but also on the international scene. Last year, it was invited to the Rolex New York Yacht Club Invitational Cup, organised by the New York Yacht Club, which brings together the 20 most prestigious international yacht clubs.

Its members regularly excel in major international competitions, like the Fastnet that last year saw its crews win in three categories of racing. The club has also recurrently taken up the French challenge for the America’s Cup, France being the only country with the United States to have participated in all editions since 1970. With 500 active members today, the Yacht Club de France has seen some of the most famous navigators sail under its burgee: Jules Verne, Virginie Hériot, Alain Gerbault, Commander Charcot, Guy de Maupassant and Eric Tabarly. Today, it boasted famous personalities including Gérard d’Aboville, Marc P.G.Berthier, Catherine Chabaud, Olivier de Kersauson, Franck Cammas, Michel Desjoyeaux and Jean-Michel Barrault. Note that to become a member of the Yacht Club de France, one must be recommended by two sponsors. Candidates are chosen on merit, based solely on their attachment to the values of the club. Owning a yacht or civil, citizen or military recognitions is irrelevant.

yachting club de france

Philippe Heral : “All united in shared passion”

Interview by Jean-Marc Moreno – Photos : Laurent Charpentier / Coll YCF & All rights reserved

A member of the Yacht Club de France since 2005, Philippe Heral has quickly became involved in its institutions. First a member of the Legal Committee, he then joined the Council in 2011, and from 2015 his Bureau as Vice-President for Home Affairs. He was elected president at the Club’s Annual General Meeting on May 23rd, 2018.

What are the specific features of your club ?

The Yacht Club de France was founded in 1867 as a society for the encouragement of pleasure boating at the instigation of Napoleon III, an association recognized as serving the public good by the Decree of July 30, 1914. The Yacht Club de France’s undeniable statutory aim is to contribute to the development of pleasure boating in all its forms.This is certainly its first specificity since its mission goes far beyond the sole interest of its members to serve the cause of all yachtsmen, both nationally and internationally, by its contribution to the development but also to lightening of regulations on the practice of sailing and motor boating.Its second particularity is to be located inland, far from the coast, but to be involved there and offshore through its Allied Clubs – about sixty in France and abroad – and its very active members, be it in itinerant navigation but also in coastal or offshore racing.

How many members do you have?

We have 500 members, like the Royal Yacht Squadron, except that we do not have a numerus clausus and that we continue to develop the club and the diversity of membership by, in particular, rallying a larger number of members. Currently about 8% of them are foreigners, all sharing our passion for the sea and sailing.

What are the key events organized by the YCF?

The Yacht Club de France, at the origin of famous races such as the Giraglia with the Yacht Club Italiano in a fraternal and sporting reconciliation process with Italy in 1952, is present in many renowned nautical events that it sponsors. It is directly involved as an organizing club in some events such as the Coupe d’Automne du Yacht Club de France, a traditional and very popular event between the Régates Royales de Cannes and the Voiles de Saint-Tropez, this year’s Drheam Cup – Grand Prix de France de Course au Large – between Cherbourg and La Trinité-sur-Mer and as a partner in the 2020 Vendée Globe.In addition to participating in many other events at sea, rallies and meetings, it also brings together all year long members and guests ashore around our passion subjects for conferences, themed dinners, site visits and training areas. Finally, the Yacht Club de France has committed to a performance-based approach by creating the Yacht Club de France’s Racing Pole, which aims to bring together talents, to be present on top-level circuits.At the same time, it is actively involved in an approach to implement standard-setting and disseminate guiding principles aimed to encourage the active consideration of the imperatives of protection of our maritime environment.

Your best memory as president?

On a sporting level, it is unquestionably to see so many young people joining the Yacht Club de France to form crews and take part in the most beautiful races. It was also to see three boats manned by “more senior” members win the Fastnet 2019, each in their own category and with such crews.

In your opinion, what are the advantages of a twinning with the Yacht Club de Monaco? How do these take concrete form?

We are happy and proud to be Allied Clubs since the end of the 1980s. This is a very conducive environment for the accomplishment of the missions we share, by our complementarity, our same thirst for excellence, our common requirement to promote naval etiquette and crew spirit. We work closely, within the framework of the International Committee of the Mediterranean, on the development, evolution and update of the tonnage of classic boats. And we are working in the same way on the issues of environmental protection, of which the Yacht Club de Monaco is an undisputed and respected reference.

yachting club de france

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Vendée Globe 2024

The Yacht Club de France : enthusiasts who share a common approach to the sea.

Combining tradition and modernity, initiative and innovation, this approach bears the traditional values of the sailor: competence, responsibility, respect, solidarity, humility, good manners, including in races and regattas. Sailing and manoeuvring are part of Joseph Conrad's Bel art. This was the approach of Virginie Hériot, Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Eric Tabarly who were, with others, eminent members. It is still the approach that the Yacht Club de France and its allied clubs strive to promote to all those who practice pleasure sailing in its broadest sense: under sail as well as under motor, on board traditional boats as well as the marvels of technology that fly over the water today.  

The Yacht Club de France has entered the 21st century with sails set high, with the ambition expressed by its founders more than one hundred and fifty years ago: to share convictions and transmit values. In 2022, its merger with the Union Nationale pour la Course au Large (UNCL) makes it the major French player in amateur ocean racing. Its Salons avenue Foch are the meeting place for sailors in Paris.

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Yacht Club de France

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Company details, about yacht club de france.

The Yacht Club de France, also known as Société d'Encouragement pour la Navigation de Plaisance, was established in 1867 with the support of Emperor Napoleon III. Its aim was to promote all kinds of pleasure boating, be it racing or cruising, while upholding values such as solidarity, courtesy, and moral elegance.

Throughout its existence, the Yacht Club de France has maintained its dedication to these values and has been recognized as a public utility. Over the years, it has welcomed famous members such as Jules Verne, Virginie Hériot, and Eric Tabarly. The club also has strong ties with the French Navy as well as other nautical organizations.

Membership to the Yacht Club de France is not easily obtained. It requires two sponsors and a strong commitment to the club's values. The club's governing bodies work tirelessly to develop and organize activities that promote nautical endeavors while adhering to ethical standards.

The club's lounges host a variety of events and meetings each year, including conferences, interviews, and prestigious competitions. Additionally, the Yacht Club de France is supported by its Allied Clubs in France and around the world. The club also organizes the Autumn Cup, which allows traditional sailboats to race from Cannes to Saint-Tropez.

In 2022, the Yacht Club de France merged with the Union Nationale pour la Course au Large (UNCL), further strengthening its racing activities. Overall, the Yacht Club de France remains dedicated to its original purpose and continues to bring together sailors of all kinds while promoting the values of solidarity, courtesy, and moral elegance.

Yacht Club de France Specialties

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yachting club de france

Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco

Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 81 nationalities. Many of the world’s most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco’s burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world’s most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco’s burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.


More than a race, the America’s Cup represents the pinnacle of innovation, courage and strategy on the water. To attend this event is to experience nautical excellence at its best.

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Upcoming events, america’s cup.

22 August - 27 October 2024

YCM Marina Concert

7 September 2024

22 - 23 September 2024

25-28 September 2024

26th September 2024

Final Smeralda 888

11-13 October 2024

15-20 October 2024

18 October 2024

Grimaldi Trophy

25-27 October 2024

21-24 november 2024

27 August 2024

Downwind all the way for YCM’s young racers at the France Espoirs Championship

25 August 2024

Valdimir Prosikhin the new World Champion

22 August 2024

19th Palermo-Montecarlo: record broken after nine-year wait

21 August 2024

Three Yacht Club de Monaco members on start of 19th Palermo-Montecarlo 

13 August 2024

A salty interlude

12 August 2024

Solid achievements

8 August 2024

YCM expertise deployed at the Olympics

Youth in the spotlight.

29 August 2024

Louis Vuitton Cup kicks off this Thursday

yachting club de france

L'Art de Vivre la Mer

The Yacht Club de Monaco plays a dynamic leading role in the life of Monaco’s main port, according to its statutes and mission which are for the Club to serve as “a link between those who love the sea and the interests of tourism and promoting the Principality”.

Bringing together some of the world’s most prestigious private yachts under its burgee, notably a quarter of the world’s 100 largest superyachts, the Yacht Club de Monaco plays a key role on the international yachting scene. Providing a true link between seamen, the Yacht Club de Monaco’s aim is to assist all industry professionals and unite all the yachting players around it “Art de Vivre la Mer”.

yachting club de france

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A table ! Le Yachting et sa vue mer vous accueillent 7j/7...


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The Saint-Tropez Yacht Club is open all year round to receive its members. It offers multiple activities, practiced on recent and efficient equipment in a family and friendly spirit.

In winter, children from Saint-Tropez and the surrounding area train and race. Advanced training courses are organized during school holidays.

In the spring and fall, the club welcomes schoolchildren, sea classes,

summer camps in partnership with the Lou Riou accommodation center.

During school holidays, sailing courses are organized for ages 6 and up.

Paddle boards, kayaks and windsurf boards are available for rental. Private lessons are given in windsurfing, windsurfing and wingfoiling.

Members of the Saint-Tropez Yacht Club will be able to benefit from the restaurant.


Initially a light sailing activity of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez, before becoming "UST Voile", this section settled in Les Canoubiers, a wonderful site particularly well suited for learning and practicing this sport.

Housed in "temporary" premises, the Club will benefit from the equipment we know today, in 1979,... there have been some "developments" since then!

Family atmosphere around a main activity: school and competition on “optimist”. Without forgetting 4.20, Laser, even a caravel, a 5.0.5, refurbished by practitioners of the time, windsurfing, etc...

yachting club de france


Become a member of the Saint-Tropez Yacht Club by contributing and become part of the life of the club.

To become a member, complete the document and send your request by email: [email protected]

Pay your contribution online


35, chemin de l’estagnet

83990 Saint-Tropez

Email: [email protected]

Such. 04 94 97 73 07

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Paris boat club.

Your Yacht Club in Paris.

Very often Yacht Clubs or Nautical Clubs, are positioned rather on the edge of the Oceans or the Mediterranean Sea. The idea came to us to set up and sail in Paris and thus to develop our activities mainly in the Paris region.

It's brand new in Ile de France, since 2021, PBC or Paris Boat Club is a Club where members can enjoy multiple benefits such as :

  • Several dozen hours of sailing per year
  • Navigation on high speed spaces 
  • Accompaniment with skipper for a day or more
  • Attractive rates

Rare and unique Yacht Club in Paris, it allows individuals or companies to benefit from annual services on the Seine in Paris but also in its surroundings in Ile de France. Three formulas to suit all, Individuals and Companies. In order to enjoy unique moments on the river that crosses Paris from end to end and even beyond, come and organize your outings as you wish, for cruises of several hours on the Seine. Eight, twenty or forty hours of cruising per year available with Jeanneau boat Cap Camarat 7.5 CC S3 and skipper.

Club card Paris Boat Club and monthly subscription or annual payment.

To know the details and to schedule your outings, look at our rates !  

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Paris Boat Club

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Yacht Club De France

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41 Avenue Foch

75116 Paris

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  1. Yacht Club de France

    S'inscrire à la 35e Coupe d'Automne du YCF. 25 août 2024. Rendez-vous plus nombreux que jamais, le 29 septembre prochainChaque année, la Coupe d'Automne du Yacht Club de France, de Cannes [...] Lire la suite.

  2. Yacht Club de France

    The Yacht Club de France is the senior nautical club in France, and one of the most important yacht clubs in the world.

  3. Yacht Club de France: private visit of a prestigious institution

    _ The Yacht Club de France welcomes its five hundred current members at number 41 on the famous Avenue Foch, in the chic 16th arrondissement of Paris, surprisingly far from any waterfront. A prestigious address, for an institution that is open to all sailing enthusiasts.


    The Yacht Club de France was founded in 1867 as a society for the encouragement of pleasure boating at the instigation of Napoleon III, an association recognized as serving the public good by the Decree of July 30, 1914. The Yacht Club de France's undeniable statutory aim is to contribute to the development of pleasure boating in all its ...

  5. Yacht Club de France

    The Yacht Club de France is the senior nautical club in France, and one of the most important yacht clubs in the world.

  6. Yacht Club de France

    Yacht Club de France Vice President of the YCF Also Vice President of the YCF is the team's tactician for the 2019 IC, Sébastien David (right). David comes from Paris, Seine, France, and in his 27 years racing he has distinguished himself as a tactician and a trimmer in many sailing events all over the world.

  7. Yacht Club de France

    Yacht Club de France, Paris, France. 1,353 likes · 3 talking about this · 106 were here. Yacht Club de France

  8. Yacht Club de France

    The Yacht Club de France has entered the 21st century with sails set high, with the ambition expressed by its founders more than one hundred and fifty years ago: to share convictions and transmit values. In 2022, its merger with the Union Nationale pour la Course au Large (UNCL) makes it the major French player in amateur ocean racing. Its Salons avenue Foch are the meeting place for sailors ...

  9. Yacht Club de France

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  10. The Yacht Club

    The Yacht Club Close to the famous Calanques de Marseille, the Yachting Club Pointe Rouge was established in 1937. It is a yachting, sports and leisure club that offers activities for everyone, all year round.

  11. Yacht Club de France

    Connect with Yacht Club de France, Yachtie in Paris, Île-de-France France. Find Yacht Club de France reviews and more.

  12. Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco website

    Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 81 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

  13. YCIF Yacht Club de l'Ile de France

    YCIF Yacht Club de l'Ile de France, Les Mureaux. 596 likes · 42 talking about this. Yacht Club de l'Ile de France - Le club des passionnés de régate et belle plaisance à 30mn de Par

  14. Yacht Club de France

    The Yacht Club de France (YCF) was created on 15 June 1867, as the Société d'Encouragement pour la Navigation de Plaisance, and officialy recognized on 22 June 1867 by the Ministry of the Interior. Patroned by Emperor Napoléon III, the society was presided by the Duke of Vallombrosa (1834-1903). The name Yacht-Club de France was added on 11 ...

  15. yacht_club_de_france

    1,628 Followers, 332 Following, 117 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yacht Club de France (@yacht_club_de_france)

  16. Yacht Club de La Grande-Motte

    Fanny Bourrust et Guillaume Jacolin sont désormais champions de France Espoir en ... Ce parcours est le fruit d'un travail complémentaire entre le Yacht Club de La Grande-Motte, qui détecte ...

  17. Accueil Modèle Yacht Club de Paris , MYCP

    This club was under patronage of the Yacht Club de France because from 1912 (and perhaps before, having no archive) till 1928, the same person, Mr. Marcel Bar, was the president of both clubs. People living outside the Paris region or professional naval architects could be appointed by the board of directors as "corresponding members".

  18. Sailing / Yacht Clubs in France

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  19. Club voile marseille, club nautique marseille, cours voile marseille

    A deux pas des calanques, le Yachting Club de la Pointe Rouge est un club nautique, sportif et de loisirs qui propose 365 jours par an des activités pour tous. Accueil; Le Club; News; ... Championnat de France - 13 au 15 septembre 2024 - Pêche à soutenir ; 07/09/2024 Massilia Tuna Cup - Samedi 7 septembre 2024 - Pêche au gros;

  20. Ecole de voile Yacht Club de Saint-Tropez

    THE HISTORY OF THE SAINT-TROPEZ YACHT CLUB Initially a light sailing activity of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez, before becoming "UST Voile", this section settled in Les Canoubiers, a wonderful site particularly well suited for learning and practicing this sport.

  21. Portrait de Gens de Mer: PHILIPPE HERAL

    Avocat, homme de mer, coureur au large, les voiliers il connaît les gréements, il connaît, il est aussi le président du Yacht Club de France… "Coureur au large, je le suis, je l'ai été. Mais je suis plus un navigateur, un navigateur de plaisance. Ce n'est pas de la balade, mais ce n'est pas ...

  22. Yacht Club in Paris

    Your Yacht Club in Paris. Very often Yacht Clubs or Nautical Clubs, are positioned rather on the edge of the Oceans or the Mediterranean Sea. The idea came to us to set up and sail in Paris and thus to develop our activities mainly in the Paris region. It's brand new in Ile de France, since 2021,PBCor Paris Boat Clubis a Club where members can ...


    Yacht Club De France in Paris, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Paris and beyond.

  24. Yacht Club De La Baule

    Yacht Club De La Baule, La Baule-Escoublac. 1,312 likes · 2 talking about this · 1,203 were here. Local business

  25. Yacht-club de Trébeurden : le tour de Milliau, samedi, dernière

    Ce samedi 31 août 2024, la dernière animation nautique de l'année, ouverte à tous, aura lieu autour de l'île Milliau à Trébeurden (Côtes-d'Armor), pour une soirée basée sous le ...