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Hugo Boss: Sailing on board Alex Thomson’s £6million foiling machine

Helen Fretter

  • Helen Fretter
  • November 14, 2019

Alex Thomson’s bold new Hugo Boss will change how the solo skipper sails, but will it win the 2020 Vendée Globe? Helen Fretter got on board to find out more


All photos: Alex Thomson Racing / Hugo Boss

“What’s my speed? What’s the speed? What’s the boatspeed now?!” Alex Thomson hollers into a microphone. Thomson, at the helm of his brand new Hugo Boss , is pumped. As we headed out for today’s photoshoot he said they weren’t going to push the boat too hard. After all, they’re still getting to know her. Instead the aim of the day is mainly to get some drone shots of this futuristic yacht flying high.

But with 18-20 knot westerlies as we thunder out and back from Gosport, it quickly becomes all about the numbers. “32 knots boatspeed in 18 knots of wind with a… a… storm jib up!” Alex gesticulates at the rig, “That’s amazing isn’t it?”

It’s not really a storm jib, it’s a J3 with a single-reefed main, although it’s definitely not all the sail area this machine of a yacht can carry on a moderate inshore day. And we haven’t even opened a valve for the water ballast. But Thomson’s enthusiasm is infectious, and the boat truly is amazing.


Yachting World deputy editor Helen Fretter at the helm of Hugo Boss

At one point Thomson is so buzzed he does a little happy dance, then wiggles the tiller mischievously from side to side. He’s clearly having a whole lot of fun.

He’s not the only one. The sensation of speed is astonishing – a foiling IMOCA does not scoot forwards like a dinghy being hit by a big puff of wind, nor does it have the thundering momentum of a Maxi powering up, or even the screaming white-knuckle ride of a foiling catamaran. Instead it is like a jet plane taking off, or a turbo kicking in – a relentless acceleration that makes you involuntarily hold your breath. It feels as if it will simply get faster and faster forever.

It doesn’t, of course. The IMOCA 60s don’t have T-foil rudders for constant flight, so some of that fighter jet surge of speed levels out, until you are simply hammering along at 30-plus knots.


“The hot pink coachroof rises in a curve like a classic Buick”

It is tricky to judge how high you are flying until the boat crashes down again. On our Solent sail, those plunges back to sea level are not particularly violent, although the next day my legs ache from bracing. It’s impossible to comprehend how bone-shattering and relentless the motion would become in a big Southern sea.

The reason Thomson is shouting into a headset to ask for his windspeed and boatspeed is because he can’t see them. The radical design of his seventh Hugo Boss means there is no outside cockpit. There are no number displays on the mast or anywhere else. Thomson is perched, temporary tiller in hand, on the scooped transom, one foot on a small brace point on deck, the other balanced on some taut lines. Clearly this is not a helming position designed for trans-ocean racing.

In front of him the hot pink coachroof rises in a curve like a beautiful 1940s Buick. But this is the wacky races cartoon car version, because Thomson is standing on the equivalent of the rear bumper to steer, while invisible accomplices control his accelerator and gears inside.

Article continues below…


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In St Malo for the start of the Route du Rhum in early November, every inch of the IMOCA 60…


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Immediately aft of the mast is the cockpit, quite unlike any other I’ve seen on a monohull – a closer comparison is the enclosed cuddy of an Ultime maxi trimaran. If you stand at the mast base you see a bank of winches and clutches in front of you, and above them four screens.

But over your head is a solid coachroof, and at your back a solid bulkhead. And coming through that bulkhead are two tiller extensions. It is a room, and it is in here that Alex will navigate, trim, play the keel and minutely adjust foils – and helm – for 28,000 miles around the globe.

For the drone shoot, two or three crew toil in this engine room, grinding the main on, constantly shifting the keel cant and angle of the enormous curved foils to power us ever higher. Through the closed comms headsets Alex’s questions and instructions come thick and fast “What’s my angle of attack? Keel up. Main on. Let’s go!”


It’s not just about producing spectacular photographs, every time Alex takes out the yacht he calls his ‘crazy science project’ he wants to see what it can do. And the first impressions are very good indeed.

£6 million machine

The ‘science project’ is a £6 million gamble. The latest Hugo Boss is designed to win the 2020 Vendée Globe , that’s it. All of Thomson’s yachts have been built, or optimised, to win the solo round the world race. But this time around the boat has literally one job.

The result of the Transat Jacques Vabre is irrelevant. There is no double-handed Barcelona World Race or multi-stage Velux 5 Oceans on the calendar any more. Any notion of building a boat that could also work for the crewed Ocean Race IMOCA class was dismissed at a very early stage.

After retiring from the 2004 Vendée , and abandoning ship in the 2006 Velux 5 Oceans , and being crashed into by a fishing boat in 2008, there was a time in Alex’s career when he simply needed to get around, to finish a solo round the world race. But with a 3rd (2012) and a 2nd (2016) place under his belt, that time is over. Now he only wants to go one better.

For the 2016 Vendée, his last Hugo Boss was already one of the most foil-reliant IMOCA designs of that generation. Thomson, famously, broke a foil during the race , but managed to push ferociously hard despite it to remain in touch with winner Armel Le Cléac’h and finish 2nd.

This time around all the new IMOCA launches (eight for 2020) have committed further to using foils for lift and stability. But whilst there are big variations among the different designs, Hugo Boss is arguably again the most radical of all.


There are rotating cameras on the mast, stanchions and rudders

There are a few reasons that led them to this point. One was the central cockpit. “This was my idea. I wanted to stop being wet and I wanted to see more of what is going on,” Thomson recalls.

He suggested the concept to his design manager, Pete Hobson. Hobson in turn discussed it with the yacht’s structural engineers and designers, who worked out that it could bring big weight savings.

Class rules define how much structure is required around the keel, Thomson explains. “By moving the cockpit here, the sides of the cockpit become the structure. So it’s free, essentially it’s cost us nothing in terms of weight.”


The hull shape is designed to be low drag for foiling

There are other benefits – by moving the pit to the mast base, it reduces the need for heavy line tunnels and reduces friction. Although it feels restrictive, Alex is adamant that the visibility is, if anything, improved.

The cockpit roof just skims the top of Thomson’s head at 5ft 10ins; for anyone shorter the visibility is obscured, but for Alex it’s a panoramic view. There are portholes looking forwards and to each side as well as directly upwards, and there are rotatable onboard cameras – seven at last count – which can be viewed on the nav station tablet screens.

“Most people assume you’ve got no visibility but actually it’s more than what you had before,” Thomson explains. “The cockpit was at the back of the boat, you could never see past the mainsail or the boom, whereas now you can see everything.


The enclosed cockpit includes the nav area

“What if you want to see the jib? On the old boats you’d have to come out, and then walk up the side of the boat, look, then come back in, do a bit of winding, then go back out and look again. It’s unsafe. It’s a big use of energy. Whereas now you can just look up.”

The team was able to make other gains from the set up – the roof over the forward cockpit is solid, but it doesn’t have to be. The coachroof, further aft, provides all the stability the boat needs to right in the event of a capsize, which also saves keel weight.

By lowering the boom to the coachroof there is an end-plating effect on the mainsail, and it also generates a vast space for solar panels – some 19m 2 , all part of Thomson’s plan to rely on electric power rather than carry diesel.


The new Hugo Boss has an electric motor. Thomson plans to reduce the amount of diesel carried from over 220 litres to just 80.

To make every design decision work on so many multiple levels meant that Thomson’s team had to have a very complete vision of what they wanted to achieve before the design was finalised. Besides working closely with VPLP again, for their newest yacht they also took a huge amount of the development in-house, with Hobson, who Thomson introduced as a ‘genius’ at the boat’s official launch in London, working relentlessly on the design.

Hobson was able to invest near-limitless amounts of time and energy in trying different iterations of each design, looking to find the neatest, lightest solution to every requirement. It was, he admits, a true passion project. The hull shape is by VPLP and, with its low freeboard and reverse sheer, clearly shares some genetics with Jérémie Beyou’s Charal .

“Basically you chop stuff off the bow until structurally it makes no more sense,” explains Hobson. “What you’re doing is taking panel weight out of the corners, and as you take that structure off the boat gets lighter, you give up some form stability at high angles of heel that make your Angle of Vanishing Stabiilty (AVS) worse, which would eventually involve adding weight to the bulb. So what you do is you keep cutting it away until the point where it starts to penalise you in other ways.”


The tiller extension is visible at Alex’s shoulder

A recurring theme in the design and build was an obsessive control of weight. Thomson says Hugo Boss weighs 7.6 tonnes, of which the hull structure itself is just 2 tonnes (the keel accounts for around 4 tonnes, with everything else – mast, engine, winches – another 2).

Some of the cleverest details of the yacht are almost invisible. “That little tube in the cockpit that you can hold onto is actually a tension bar that takes the structural load of the sheets,” explains Hobson. “That saves 4kg on a bulkhead. It’s a step, and Alex’s seat will sit on it. So that little thing that weighs 0.3kg replaces something that weighs 4kg, but then how much else has it saved? Those are the coolest little bits around the boat that nobody knows about.”

Everywhere you look there are custom modifications. The pedestal winch in the cockpit is actually a structure that supports the winch deck. The winches themselves tilt 12% forward, which means the lines at the mast base don’t need to be deflected for the most efficient lead angle.

But the most visible innovation on this IMOCA 60 is the foils. Whereas the other IMOCAs sport foils with angular ‘elbows’, Hugo Boss ’s enormous 7m foils are drawn in a near constant curve.

Drawn in a foggy car window

The curved concept was originally doodled by Alex and Hobson in the condensation of a car windscreen. “The minute we sketched it out we knew what we wanted to do. We ran it past VPLP, and they ran it through their first VPP programme and it immediately came out percentages faster than what they were calling the VPLP 2018 foil, which we knew was Charal ,” explains Hobson.

The design is a response to the IMOCA rule change, which now allows skippers to adjust the angle of attack of the foiling daggerboards.

“We’re focusing on control,” explains Hobson. “And what I mean by that is this translation in the top bearing allows you to control directly the angle of attack of the foil, so as you push that by 2° you get 2° of angle of attack. If that was a straight shaft with a tip on it, you might change 3° there and sort of change that by 1°. The curve is a trick to get control within class rules.”


Seven moveable cameras can be controlled from inside the cockpit

Again, there is other sorcery going on here. The structural spar inside is constructed in such a way that as it flexes under load it has a self-dampening effect. The additional depth of the foils also means that they don’t aspirate as quickly.

“On a lot of the boats their foil is basically a flat lifting surface, and when it comes out of the water you lose all your lift, and you drop back down again. On our foil as you lift you proportionally lose the foil area so it’s a dampened lift and loss of flight. And when we get it set up right the boat starts regulating it’s own flight when we get it just right,” Hobson explains. So why is no one else doing it? “I don’t know, that’s the worrying thing!”

The main reason no one else is doing it is probably because the Hugo Boss design and build (at Jason Carrington’s yard in Hythe, UK) was a very closely guarded secret. The team decided from the outset that they wanted to be the last to come from the VPLP drawing boards in this cycle, and they are one of the latest to launch ahead of the Transat Jaques Vabre [ Hugo Boss was to retire after hitting a submerged object 380 miles west-north-west of the Canary Islands.]

That’s not to say that the Hugo Boss development is finished. Thomson will be building a second set of foils (each set costs around £500,000) after the TJV. The final decisions will need to be made quickly – designer Vincent Lauriot Prévost tells me that he thinks teams need to have committed to any foil design changes by November in order to build and test in time for next year’s Vendée.

There are still plenty of other details that haven’t been finalised. As yet Thomson has no bunk, or even a chair. “We’re not really that bothered about where I’ll sleep, maybe I’ll have a nice comfy seat. We need to start thinking about suspension. On the Route du Rhum I felt like I nearly broke my coccyx.”


The access hatches (open, aft) and windows of the enclosed cockpit

More important is avoiding impact injuries. One of the advantages of the small cockpit area is literally not being able to fall very far. “I took a rugby scrum helmet on the last two Vendées already. I think we’re getting close to being in body armour now,” he muses.

Certainly Thomson will be able to trim without putting on oilskins, or even sunscreen. More problematic will be the heat. “My concern is the tropics, in could be 50°C in here,” he admits. Hugo Boss ’s black livery uses a specially designed light reflective paint to – theoretically – reduce the amount of heat absorbed.

Other elements have been kept the same where possible. The sail programme is very much a development from the previous Hugo Boss . Even the lines running into the cockpit are in identical colours as on the last boat.

Eliminating errors remains a huge part of any successful Vendée campaign. Alex has, famously, had some of the worst luck in sailing. He came down with appendicitis days before the start of the 2010 Barcelona World Race . Before that his 2008 boat was dismasted and ruined by a French fishing boat days ahead of the Vendée Globe.

At the time, that collision felt like the cruellest luck ever. Afterwards, Alex says, they examined their own failings and did everything they can to ensure something similar can never happen again. They took a similar long hard look at the decisions that led up to his previous boat being rolled, dismasted, and nearly sunk in the TJV four years ago .

But yet, stuff just keeps on happening to him. Having never won any of the IMOCA transatlantics, last year he was on course to take 1st in the Route du Rhum when he went for one last power nap before the finish. Exhausted, after averaging 21⁄2 hours of sleep in 24 over the course of the race, he set his infamous electric ‘shock’ watch to wake him up. The watch ran out of charge and Thomson overslept, Hugo Boss crashing into the island of Guadaloupe on autopilot.


The keel cant controls

So does it feel like a risk to go to such a radical place? As Thomson will use cameras to help him trim and keep watch, is the chance of some technical glitch causing a knock-on problem something that concerns them?

“Actually it wasn’t the tech that failed,” Thomson says of the Route du Rhum grounding. “I failed to make sure that the tech was fully charged. So we’re putting a lot of effort and energy into making sure that’s not going to happen.”

Thomson even plans to start from his indoors helming position – be prepared for the surreal image of an apparently pilotless Hugo Boss lining up with 30 other yachts on the start line for the 2020 Vendée Globe.

The whole point of this latest Hugo Boss , and of Thomson’s entire 2020 Vendée Globe campaign, is that it is genuinely uncompromising. “This whole campaign can only be measured on whether I win or not. Whether I like it or not, there is only one place we can go.

“What that means is I didn’t feel like I had to compromise in any way with this. Normally you look at what the other boats are doing. Whereas we just said ‘**** it, let’s go as far as we possibly dare’, and that’s what we did.”

First published in the November 2019 edition of Yachting World .



ETNZ-STORE-300x250 two

Introducing the new HUGO BOSS boat

boss yacht

Latest images from the radical new Hugo Boss aimed at the singlehanded Vendee Globe round the world race - photo © Lloyd Images

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This New ‘Hugo Boss’ Racing Yacht Is as Sharp as a Bespoke Suit

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Sharp, clean lines, jet-black and finished with bespoke precision: No, we’re not describing an impeccably tailored Hugo Boss suit, but rather the label’s new and equally impressive racing yacht. On Monday, British sailing team Alex Thomson Racing unveiled the custom-built 60-foot dream machine designed to lead the team to victory in the 2020-21 Vendée Globe round-the-world race.

The IMOCA vessel was spearheaded by world-renowned boatbuilder Jason Carrington back in 2018 and designed in partnership with the Alex Thomson Racing team and the French architects at VPLP. According to the company, it took two full years of work—approximately 50,000 hours of specialist construction and the effort of more than 100 workers—to complete the revolutionary racing yacht, which may explain the £5.5 million ($6.7 million) price tag.

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Hugo Boss —the moniker given to all six of the team’s previous vessels—is a state-of-the-art carbon fiber yacht which weighs around eight tons and features high-tech hydrofoils. Solar paneling runs along the deck and coach roof—an addition aimed at allowing the team achieve its second mission of sailing around the globe without the use of fossil fuels.

“We innovate, we push boundaries and we’re not afraid to do things differently. We accept that, in doing so, we might not always be right. But we are certainly not afraid to explore things that have never been done before,” Alex Thomson said as Hugo Boss hit the water for the first time.

To be sure, the yacht cuts a sharp profile, which seems only fitting given the team’s stylish title partner. The sleek carbon hull and the streamlined bow are finished in a distinctive, glossy black and creates an arresting contrast with fluorescent pink accents on the roof, keel, and rudder. The bespoke hue—a first for IMOCA—was devised by industrial designer Karim Rashid, the man orchestrating the brand identity of the boat.

“This sport is no longer just about qualified naval architecture and competent ocean racing,” said Thomson Racing CEO Stewart Hosford. “It’s a design and engineering challenge at the highest level. It’s about bringing together the best in the world in every single area, in the relentless pursuit of excellence, of perfection.”

The yacht will now undertake a sea trial period before its officially launched and christened in September. From there, it will debut in the double-handed Transat Jacques Vabre race in October. Godspeed, Hugo Boss .

Check out more pictures of the boat below:

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If you have any questions about the THE BOSS information page below please contact us .

A General Description of Motor Yacht THE BOSS

This motor yacht THE BOSS is a 31 metre 103 (ft) well proportioned composite vessel which was produced by Westship World Yachts and her design plans were devised by Jack Sarin. Accommodating 8 passengers and 3 crew, motor yacht THE BOSS was named 22. The gracious motor yacht has been designed by the naval architecture of Jack Sarin. Yacht Design Associates undertook the designing of the interior.

Building & Yacht Design with respect to Luxury Yacht THE BOSS

Jack Sarin was the naval architect involved in the formal superyacht composition for THE BOSS. Her interior design was conceived by Yacht Design Associates. Jack Sarin is also associated with the yacht general design work for this boat. In 2001 she was actually launched with triumph in Tampa Fl and post sea trials and final completion was thereafter handed over to the new owner. Westship World Yachts completed their new build motor yacht in the United States. Her main hull was built out of composite. The motor yacht superstructure is fabricated predominantly from composite. The length of the luxury yacht on deck is 30.48 (100 ft). With a beam of 7.32 metres or 24 ft THE BOSS has reasonable internal space. She has a shallow draught of 1.68m (5.5ft).

M/Y THE BOSS Main Engines And Speed:

Installed with twin MTU diesel main engines, THE BOSS is able to attain a maximum speed of 30 knots. She is driven by twin screw propellers. Her total HP is 3600 HP and her total Kilowatts are 2650. Regarding thrusters she was built with Abt. As for the yacht’s stabalisers she utilises Naiad.

Guest Accommodation Aboard Superyacht THE BOSS:

The good sized luxury yacht M/Y THE BOSS is able to accommodate up to 8 passengers and has 3 crew.

A List of the Specifications of the THE BOSS:

Superyacht Name:Motor Yacht THE BOSS
Built By:Westship World Yachts LLC
Built in:Tampa Fl, United States
Launched in:2001
Length Overall:31.4 metres / 103 feet.
Waterline Length:27.74 (91 ft)
Naval Architecture:Jack Sarin, Jack Sarin
Interior Designers:Yacht Design Associates
Gross Tonnes:207
Hull / Superstructure Construction Material:composite / composite
Owner of THE BOSS:Unknown
THE BOSS available for luxury yacht charters:-
Is the yacht for sale:-
Helicopter Landing Pad:No
Material Used For Deck:grp-teak
The Country the Yacht is Flagged in:Cayman Islands
Official registry port is: George Town
Home port:Tampa Fl, USA
Class society used:LR (Lloyds Register)
Max yacht charter guests:8
Number of Crew Members:3
Main Engine(s) is two 1800 Horse Power or 1325 kW MTU. Engine Model: 16V 2000 M90 diesel.
Giving the combined power of 3600 HP /2650 KW.
Approximate Cruise Speed is 25 nautical miles per hour.
Top Speed: 30 nautical miles per hour.
Bunkering capacity: 18925 L.
Fresh water: 3785.00.
Power generation: Northern Lights 2 times 55 kilowatts.
Stabalisers: Naiad.
Bow Thrusters: Abt.
A/C: Marine Air.
Yacht Beam: 7.32m/24ft.
Length on Deck: 30.48m/100ft.
Waterline Length (LWL): 27.74m/91ft.
Draught Maximum: 1.68m/5.5ft.

Miscellaneous Yacht Details

Marine Air is the firm which installed the air con on the yacht. She has a grp-teak deck.

THE BOSS Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht THE BOSS displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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BOSS x Sailing

The new capsule, suitable for sailing and leisurewear, is crafted from responsible materials. R ecycled polyester is woven using Social Plastic® yarn from Plastic Bank®, and the cotton is sourced from COTTONFORLIFE, which aims to   promote a fully transparent, eco-friendly and socially responsible value chain.

new sailing capsule crafted by responsible styles by HUGO BOSS

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"For BOSS, this capsule represents another stage in the journey towards a more sustainable approach to fashion. I could not be prouder to be a part of that."

Alex Thomson

Alex Thomson about his BOSS collaboration and the approach towards more sustainability

More about responsibility at HUGO BOSS

HUGO BOSS introduces new pieces crafted from responsible fabrics including organic cotton and recycled polyester.

BOSS is on a path toward more sustainable fashion. This season, we introduce impactful new pieces crafted from responsible fabrics including organic cotton and recycled polyester.

HUGO BOSS initiatives towards more sustainability

We are continually working to reduce our environmental impact and support society. Find out more about our initiatives past, present and future to help protect our planet for generations to come.

From epic voyages to sharing his incredible stories, sailor Alex Thomson has a packed schedule. Take a look at what Alex has been up to and what’s next for the round-the-world skipper and the HUGO BOSS yacht.

Alex Thompson on his new yacht from BOSS

The world’s toughest sailing challenge, a non-stop, unassisted and single-handed round-the-world race, begins on 8 November in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France. The Vendée Globe, a 24,000-mile course over approximately 75 days, is considered the Everest of sailing, and only 50% of entrants complete it . Alex finished in second place in 2016 – this time he aims for a win with his new yacht that launched in September 2019.

HUGO BOSS sailing boat on the Transat Jacque Vabre race

The Transat Jacques Vabre race charts the historic coffee trading route between France and Brazil. Yachts sail from Le Havre, a leading French port, to Salvador de Bahia, in Brazil. The race begins on 27 October 2019.

HUGO BOSS sailing boat on the Transat Jacque Vabre race

Alex Thomson and the HUGO BOSS boat stopped in Brazil and Mexico on their final tour before the new yacht was launched. Alex visited several BOSS stores, and special guests had the chance to experience a unique sailing trip with him onboard the boat. The tour spent March in Rio, Brazil and April in Cozumel, Mexico.

HUGO BOSS sailing boat on the Route du Rhum

For the first time, Alex Thomson competed in the 3,542 nautical mile non-stop, single-handed race from France to the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, crossing the line in first place as the fastest boat in the fleet. The HUGO BOSS skipper was awarded third place overall due to a time penalty imposed after a technical problem. "There are a lot of positives to take away from this," Alex expressed.

Aboard the new HUGO BOSS yacht, round-the-world sailor Alex Thomson set sail through London's iconic Tower Bridge for the christening ceremony. The new HUGO BOSS boat was redesigned by Alex Thomson and his team, naval architects VPLP and boat builder Jason Carrington to improve the vessel’s performance and sustainability. Its appearance is striking, thanks to renowned designer Karim Rashid, who emblazoned it with a one-of-a-kind shade of pink. These talents came together with one singular mission: to create a groundbreaking yacht that wins the Vendée Globe in 2020.

HUGO BOSS sailing boat in London

Features of the new boat

Detail of the HUGO BOSS boat

The yacht's foils have been radically redesigned for speed. Foils have revolutionised the sport of solo, offshore sailing, making the boats ‘fly’ to reach higher speeds than ever before.

Detail of the HUGO BOSS boat

The boat is made entirely from carbon fibre, which is reliable, durable and lightweight. The material is not painted; the colours come from the carbon itself, allowing the BOSS logo to be a structural element for the first time. All of this reduces weight to maximise performance.

Solar panels

Alex aims to sail without fossil fuels, using sunlight as the primary power source. Solar panels charge the motor and the battery, which is key for communication and navigation. The carefully-placed panels will even function in the Southern Ocean where direct sunlight is restricted.

Skipper Alex Thomson

The process of designing a racing yacht like this one is incredibly complex. We carry out lots of different tests and studies, and evaluate a lot of historical data on our previous boat, as well as looking at others in the fleet. All of this data helps us to form a better understanding of the direction we want to go in. Every element of the new boat, from the foils and the shape of the hull to the layout of the cockpit and working environment, has been designed by our team, together with VPLP, specifically for me as the skipper to race in the Vendée Globe.

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

HUGO BOSS was built in Hythe, Southampton, UK under the direction of Jason Carrington who I believe to be one of the very best boat builders in the world. There is so much knowledge, experience and technique in that boat shed so, for us, it was the clear choice. It was also important to us, as a British team, to build the boat here in the UK, something which has allowed us to work incredibly closely with Jason and his team throughout the process.

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

There are around 30 people at the boat yard itself. In addition to that, we have a team of about 10 internally who have worked across the project, as well as our wider team. We also then have our naval architects, VPLP, whom we continue to work very closely with. In total, more than 100 people have worked on the project across all areas.

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

People have come to expect HUGO BOSS to be black with silver or white. But, of course, the IMOCA rules also state that specific areas of the boat must be fluoro for safety reasons. As a team, we have always made it our mission to lead, never to follow. We like to be first and for people to ask ‘what will they do next?’ When Karim’s initial designs came back and we saw the neon pink vision for the first time, it was unexpected for a lot of the team. But, for us, what better way to stand out from the rest of the fleet and continue to make a statement in this sport?

Skipper Alex Thomson and industrial designer Karim Rashid

Known for his use of colour, Karim Rashid devised a striking neon pink design for the boat. For this, he, Alex Thomson Racing (ATR), and HUGO BOSS created a completely unique shade. The team received approval from the International Monohull Open Class Association (IMOCA) to use this colour, making it the first yacht of its kind to feature neon pink.

Interview with Karim Rashid

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

To brand the next HUGO BOSS sailing boat is an honour. It is special to work on this project as HUGO BOSS is such established brand, and Alex Thomson is so well respected in the sailing world. It is my diversity that affords me the ability to cross-pollinate ideas, materials, behaviours, aesthetics and language from one typology to the other and here was an opportunity to speak about speed, exclusivity, energy and courage through the visual aesthetics of the boat.

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

I think about using colours to create an experience, and to create human engagement. I love pink and techno colours – colours that have a vibrancy and energy, so they were a natural selection for the project. I am very graphic in all my work, be it interiors, products or architecture. They are blank canvases for colour, like a white seamless room on a movie set, a perfect stage for accessorising, for embellishing.

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

Every round of designs had to be analysed from a performance perspective. It led to a lot of iterations and revisions but, ultimately, that helped us in finalising the best possible brand identity functionally and aesthetically, marrying HUGO BOSS and ATR with my own aesthetics.

Design pattern of HUGO BOSS sailing boat

Our design takes direct inspiration from the attributes and weave of carbon fibre, making it the focal point of the design. The lines in the pattern speak to each individual fibre found in every carbon strip that makes up the overall weave. The result is a hypnotic, endless weaving of lines that gives the boat a strong yet delicate nod to the fibre, which also elegantly addresses the theme of reduction.

Behind-the-scenes images of HUGO BOSS boat construction

In 2018, the painstaking process of designing and crafting the HUGO BOSS boat began. The result is an IMOCA 60 yacht unlike any other before it. Take a look behind the scenes at the intricate process.

Skipper Alex Thomson

Alex Thomson is one of the most inspiring and talented yachstmen of his generation. He is the youngest sailor ever to win a round-the-world race, has broken three world records and cemented his reputation with a second-place finish in the 2016/17 Vendée Globe.

For a rush of adrenaline: watch Alex's stunts

Skipper Alex Thomson performing the Keel Walk

Known as the Everest of the Seas, the Vendée Globe is one of sailing's greatest challenges. We take a look at some facts and figures, which reveal why many sailors do not even reach the finish line.

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Alex Thomson’s abandoned Hugo Boss yacht found after 10 years

  • Jamey Bergman

The yacht was discovered in Patagonia, several thousand kilometres from where the sailor abandoned it in 2006.

The yacht that skipper Alex Thomson abandoned in the Southern Ocean in the 2006-2007 Velux 5 Oceans Race has been discovered on a remote South American beach.

Cristian Donoso, a Rolex Enterprise Award winner, found the IMOCA 60 Hugo Boss yacht washed up on the Patagonian coast in Chile during a kayaking expedition in recent weeks in Bernardo O’Higgins National Park.

Based on currents and wind, the adventurer estimated the yacht would have travelled some 20,000km (13,000 miles) from where Thomson was forced to abandon it, in order to reach its final resting place near South America’s southern tip.

Thomson reposted Donoso’s story on his Facebook page: “A couple of weeks [ago] during an expedition to go kayaking … by the desolate coast of Patagonia Sahara, we discovered inside the National Park Bernardo O’Higgins the yacht ‘Hugo boss’, the British Skipper Alex Thomson lost in 2006, 1,000 miles south of South Africa during the round the world velux 5 OCEANS.”

“To get to the coast of Chile, the ‘Hugo boss’ had to travel more than 20.000 km adrift, pushed by the wind and the currents, crossing the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and going [to] the south of countries such as Saudi Arabia, India, Australia and New Zealand.”


Thomson said his team would make contact with local authorities to assist with the yacht’s removal.

The British skipper abandoned his racing yacht when the keel suffered a structural failure and the boat capsized just 33 days and 7,000 miles into the first leg of the round-the-world Velux 5 Oceans race.

Out of reach from rescue, a thousand miles from land and in the path of a 50-knot storm, Thomson’s only chance of survival was friend and race competitor Mike Golding. Golding turned back and sailed nearly 100 miles in a force eight gale to pull Thomson from a life raft.

When Golding’s mast broke in two places, the pair had to make for Cape Town under jury rig, where Golding ultimately retired from the race.

The video above is Thomson’s chronicling of the rescue as the dramatic events unfolded.

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Alex Thompson Mast Walk Hugo Boss

Alex Thomson’s 30-metre mast walk

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2020 GALION 50

2020 GALION 50


With an amazing use of space, the quality of life aboard the Azimut is enhanced by details that make a difference including an up & down swim platform on the stern and a spectacular sun-pad at the bow. A beautiful inside living area is fitted with sofa/cushions and TV for a break from the sun or to enjoy a meal in the comfort of A/C.

The sleeping area located on the lower deck features two large welcoming cabins that offer a relaxing space with beautiful details. Design, technology and materials provide excellent service and safety for charter guests in pursuit of a high-quality and unique experience at sea.

The Sunseeker Manhattan 69 is well equipped with all the amenities of home. It features a premium stereo system and flat-screen TV's to provide a feel of luxury. This yacht is particularly well arranged for hosting large parties, as it has a wide open and thoughtfully arranged salon area.

The 68 Gianetti is a sleek and fast vessel capable of cruising at around 30 knots. This luxury Miami yacht charter is one of our better party boat rentals because of the open floor plan.

This modern yacht will provide you with an unforgettable experience around Miami Bay. This amazing yacht includes a water matt, Bluetooth audio system, a private restroom, a kitchen and a comfortable state room.

Our 34' Sea Ray Sundancer is the perfect boat for enjoying a day out on the water with friends and family. Its cockpit offers plenty of seating, a wet bar, ice cooler, and lots of cup holders. The sound system is equipped with Bluetooth, making it easy to play your own music.

Below deck, the cabin has a full bathroom, plus all the comfort features you would expect from a luxury cruiser yacht at a great price.

This beautiful luxury yacht offers elegant and comfortable accommodation including the owner's cabin, extending over the full beam.

The vessel also boasts a generous 42-square-metre flybridge, designed for maximum versatility. A water slide and jet ski are available for additional charge.

This modern yacht will provide you with an unforgettable experience around Miami Bay.

This yacht is equipped with two bedrooms, two restrooms, one living room, one kitchen, open areas for Bluetooth audio system and a water matt.

This beautiful yacht is a must rent. It has two state rooms and two bathrooms with a fully equipped kitchen. It also features an updated surround sound system for parties and dancing. This boat features unique ambiance, especially at night when updated lighting makes a statement on the water. A true head turner, you’re going to love this luxury boat for any occasion.

Your private yacht charter on this 50’ Galeon yacht will include features that set a new standard for luxury! When your party of 12 by day or 6 overnight boards, the crew will reveal the first wonder of this boat – Beach Mode! The port and starboard windows retract and the sides fold down parallel with the water’s surface to reveal a port side bar terrace with two stools and a new cockpit width of over 19 feet! The large sun-beds on the foredeck can be converted into facing lounges.

Our favorite feature is the extended swim platform which makes it convenient to enter the water and explore with the included 2017 Sea Doo Spark Jet Ski!

This yatch offers ideal dimensions for comfort and entertaining with family and friends. Designed for cruising, she combines generous spaces, power and speed, while retaining the sizes that make it so easy to maneuver.

Boasting a spacious flybridge, open air atrium, and the most innovative luxury found in nearly 50 years of boating excellence, the 42 Fly is truly in a class of its own. Whether you are looking for a fun day on the water or the ultimate memory-making machine for a trip to uncharted territory, the 42 Fly has you covered.

An evolution of our original design, the VanDutch 40 Walk Around (WA) offers an enhanced cockpit layout to improve flow of movement to the foredeck, delivering additional seating and lounging spaces. Building on the Dutch savoir-faire of Frank Mulder’s design, the VanDutch 40 WA is instantly recognizable as a member of our family of powerful and stylish boats, but with enhanced features.

Whether you are looking for a practical super yacht or a versatile family day boat, the VanDutch 40 WA is a superb choice. Featuring a generous queen-size V-cabin like the original VanDutch 40, the Walk Around model is a multipurpose boat that does not skimp on style or performance.

The beautiful Sea Ray is designed for maximum comfort so a family or a party can create their own adventure with all of the comforts of home.

A generous galley, ample storage, and seamless indoor/outdoor entertainment features will ensure cruising in the 45 Sundancer Yacht is a dream come true.

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BOSS is a 29.0 m Motor Yacht, built in Italy by CNL and delivered in 1992. She is one of 4 Admiral 28 models.

Her top speed is 31.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 1000.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms, with 5 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 140.0 GT and a 7.1 m beam.

She was designed by Paolo Caliari , who also completed the naval architecture. Paolo Caliari has designed 106 yachts and created the naval architecture for 109 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

Her interior was designed by Luca Dini , who has 72 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a Aluminium hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

BOSS is in the top 30% by speed in the world. She is one of 5877 motor yachts in the 24-30m size range, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her cruising speed is 5.81 kn above the average, her top speed 4.5 kn above the average, and her volume 27.6 GT above the average.


  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Model: Admiral 28
  • Builder: CNL
  • Naval Architect: Paolo Caliari
  • Exterior Designer: Paolo Caliari
  • Interior Designer: Luca Dini

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Sea Boss, is an award winning custom built Horizon 60 power catamaran. Sea Boss is crewed by Captain Stu and gourmet chef Hannah. Her sleek, modern, clean lines ensure timeless beauty and will turn heads at every dock she visits. Sea Boss has 3 luxurious staterooms including an enormous full-beam master suite. She can accommodate up to 6 guests and her highly refined hull design make for a remarkably smooth, soft and comfortable ride, regardless of the sea conditions.

Sea Boss, with Stu and Hannah as crew are sure to be a wise choice for your charter vacation.

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  • 60 ft Horizon power catamaran with 20 kts top speed
  • Large 19 ft tender with a 150 hp outboard when in the Virgin Islands
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Standard Bar Menu

Subject to brand changes. Quantities are 1-2 bottles of each on board as standard. Other Types/Brands of beverages may be requested and provided depending on availability. Excessive requests may incur a surcharge.

2 Bottles of complimentary t op Shelf Champagne

White Wines: $15 – $20 per bottle

Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Grigio

Chardonnay Prosecco

Red Wines: $15 – $20 per bottle

Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot

Mixing Spirits:

Rum Extra Dark Rum Dark

Rum White Coconut Rum

Tequila White Tequila Dark

Bourbon Whisky Single Malt Whisky

Irish whisky Crown royal

Sipping rum Baileys

Brandy Sherry

Kahlua Amaretto

Frangelico Tequila White

Tequila Dark Limoncello

Cointreau Grande Marnier

Alcoholic Mixers:

Aperol Vermouth Extra Dry

Vermouth Rosso Triple Sec

Blue Curacao

Non Alcoholic Cocktail Mixers:

Strawberry Daiquiri Mix Margaritas Mix

Grenadine Sour Mixer

Non Alcoholic Mixers

Lemon and Limes Lemon Juice

Lime Juice Orange Juice

Passion Juice Pineapple Juice

Mango Juice Apple Juice

Grapefruit Juice Cranberry Juice

Guava Juice


Ginger Beer Ginger Ales

Sprite Sprite Zero

Coca Cola Diet Coke or Coke Zero

Ting Tonic Water

Soda Water Sparkling Water

Extra Cocktail Ingredients:

Bitters Tabasco Sauce

Horse Radish Sauc Worcestershire Sauce

Coconut Cream Cocktail Olives

Cocktail Onions Maraschino Cherries

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Mike Lynch yacht sinking must be due to 'chain of human errors', boss of boat builder says

Mike Lynch yacht sinking must be due to 'chain of human errors', boss of boat builder says

A body bag is brought ashore at the harbour in Porticello by rescue workers on the fifth day of the search and recovery operation for those lost in the sinking of the Bayesian. Picture: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

The superyacht that capsized off the coast of Sicily this month , in which the tech magnate Mike Lynch and six others died, could only have sunk because of human error, according to the chief executive of the company that owns the vessel’s manufacturer.

It is thought the Bayesian was struck by a downburst — a gusty wind associated with storms — causing the vessel to capsize and sink within minutes. The victims included Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter, Hannah. Fifteen people survived, including Lynch’s wife, whose company owned the Bayesian.

“The first thought when I read the news of the sinking was that there was a problem related to the management of the boat or the fact that the hull may have hit a rock,” said Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which owns the Bayesian’s manufacturer, Perini Navi.

But when the passengers declared they had not heard a loud noise onboard, which would have meant that the yacht had struck a reef, I realised the yacht had taken on water due to a hatch that was left open. Otherwise the Bayesian cannot sink. 

Italian prosecutors have placed three crew members under investigation for manslaughter and shipwreck, including the captain of the yacht, James Cutfield , 51, from New Zealand. Being investigated in Italy does not imply guilt and does not mean formal charges will follow.

The yacht was built by Perini in 2008, and named Salute. Lynch acquired it in 2014 and changed the name to Bayesian, after the 18th-century mathematician Thomas Bayes, whose work on probability informed Lynch’s professional thinking.

Mick Lynch with his daughter Hannah, who both died after the luxury yacht Bayesian sank. Picture: Family Handout/PA Wire

Perini Navi was founded in 1983, and filed for bankruptcy in February 2021. In December of the same year, the Italian Sea Group secured the acquisition of the brand and several Perini properties for €80m. Costantino’s company bears no responsibility for vessels constructed by Perini Navi before its acquisition, including the Bayesian.

Nevertheless, he said he had a sense of duty to show support for and defend the Perini brand. “Seven people have died onboard a vessel with our brand, which is why I want to speak up, also out of respect and closeness to the families who have lost relatives and friends,” said Costantino. 

I imagine the crew is going through the worst moment of their lives. However, something in the way they handled the situation did not work. There was a chain of human errors.

After the incident, Costantino delved into the maritime routes of the Bayesian that night, reviewed the weather bulletin predicting an approaching storm, and examined footage from surveillance cameras capturing the final moments of the sinking ship.

“The strong wind arrived at 3.50am,” he said. “Up until that moment, the Bayesian was still anchored. From 3.50 to 4.03, the ship moved as it was dragged by the wind, tilting towards the side where there is a lateral hatch that leads to the garage [where jetskis, inflatables and other water sports kit is stored]. 

"In the garage, there is another door leading to the engine room. If that door was open, it means that water has also entered the engine room, causing the inevitable sinking.” 

The ship’s engineer, Tim Parker Eaton, who was in charge of the engine room, and sailor Matthew Griffith are also being investigated.

Italian prosecutors have suggested the sinking could have been the result of human error, but officials have also indicated it would be challenging to conduct a thorough inquiry without recovering the wreck.

Costantino said vessels such as the Bayesian must able to float even if a single compartment is flooded. “I can tell you with certainty that the ship took on water in these 13 minutes. It took on water not only flooding the garage but also the engine room,” he said.

In recent days, experts, sailors, and captains have speculated about potential flaws in the management of the incident or the vessel that could have led to the sinking. However, they emphasise these are merely conjectures, and the families of the victims will need to await the conclusion of the investigations to understand what happened.

The local fishermen did not go out that night. These people took the weather conditions seriously. How did the crew of the Bayesian not take the meteorological bulletin seriously? I struggle to explain it.' Picture: Fabio La Bianca/PA Wire

Costantino also said the Sir Robert Baden Powell, a Dutch-flagged sailing vessel built in 1957 and located about 150m from the Bayesian when the storm struck, did not suffer damage.

“A ship from those years cannot have the technology of the Bayesian,” he said. “Yet that ship did not suffer damage. Its crew had prepared it well to face the storm. They even managed to provide assistance to the Bayesian.” 

He added: “The local fishermen did not go out that night. These people took the weather conditions seriously. How did the crew of the Bayesian not take the meteorological bulletin seriously? I struggle to explain it. How did they, when they realised they were losing the ship, not think of rescuing the passengers who were in the cabins? At the moment, only God knows.” 

Cutfield’s lawyers said they were “currently working alongside other legal representatives to evaluate the defence strategy and review the technical aspects of the case”.

Costantino is optimistic the investigation will shed light on tragedy. “I expect the truth to come to light, for the sake of justice for those who have died.”

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Superyacht owned by Liverpool FC boss spotted in Scots harbour on tour of Scotland

The 66-metre-long vessel headed south down the east coast earlier today.

  • 18:54, 26 AUG 2024

The superyacht in Aberdeen.

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A superyacht belonging to billionaire Liverpool owner John W Henry was spotted in Scottish waters this weekend during a trip around the country.

The 10-year-old vessel, which is 66-metres-long, was pictured in Aberdeen , after appearing in the harbour on Saturday, August 24 after leaving Leith.

The boat , which was built in 2014, was bought by the Liverpool FC owner, thought to be worth $5billion, in 2016. And it sailed to the Granite City as the owner took in his side's 2-0 Premier League win over Brentford at Anfield.

The superyacht.

Aberdeen Live reports there was no sign of the American in Aberdeen, and that the yacht departed on Monday, heading south along the east coast.

Henry first took over the English footballing giants back in 2010 when Fenway Sports Group purchased Liverpool, with the group also owning American baseball outfit Boston Red Sox.

Originally built under the name Ester III and delivered in 2014 by German company Lurssen. On its website, Lurssen states "Elysian features strong lines and an extraordinary deck layout and near-vertical bow.

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"Her external profile is unique, distinct and masculine , with a big swimming pool aft, a helicopter landing pad positioned above the wheelhouse and two separate al-fresco outside dining locations.

"E spen Øino International worked closely with the owner to create an individual look. Elysian's interior, by Reymond Langton Design, includes features such as a stunning piece of hand-carved leather artwork that runs the length of the main stairwell."

It also contains "a glass lift that grants access to all levels". The investment management firm boss, 74, also owns the Pittsburgh Penguins ice hockey team and The Boston Globe newspaper, and he is the co-owner of RFK Racing.

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NBC 6 South Florida

Missing revealed as divers search superyacht that sank in storm off Sicily

The missing include british tech magnate mike lynch, a morgan stanley boss and a clifford chance lawyer, a local official told nbc news early tuesday., by claudio lavanga, yuliya talmazan | nbc news • published august 20, 2024 • updated on august 20, 2024 at 4:20 pm.

Rescue teams and divers were searching Tuesday for six missing people, including a British tech magnate and a Morgan Stanley boss,   after  a luxury superyacht sank in a storm off Sicily .

The identity of those still missing emerged after an initial search of the 184-foot sailboat, named the Bayesian, was unsuccessful Monday. The British-flagged tourist vessel had 22 people aboard when it sank because of “a violent storm” off Sicily’s main city, Palermo, around 5 a.m. local time (11 p.m. ET) on Monday, the local coast guard said.

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Fifteen people were rescued by a boat present in the immediate vicinity and then brought ashore by coast guard vessels, but six passengers, including American, British and Canadian citizens, remained missing, it said. They were believed to be trapped in the boat's hull, some 164 feet underwater, posing a challenge to divers who returned to the site Tuesday off Porticello, near Palermo.

Salvatore Cocina, director of Sicily’s Civil Protection Agency, told NBC News early Tuesday that the missing include British tech magnate Mike Lynch and his daughter, Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, as well as Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife.

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Cocina did not specify the nationalities of the missing. He also did not identify Lynch's daughter or the wives of Bloomer and Morvillo.

A spokesperson for Clifford Chance, where Morvillo works as a lawyer, confirmed to NBC News Tuesday that he and his wife Neda were among the missing. 

“Our utmost priority is providing support to the family as well as our colleague Ayla Ronald, who together with her partner, thankfully survived the incident,” the spokesperson said.

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Italy’s national fire department said that its divers were able to get inside the wreck during a late-night dive Monday, inspecting some cabins located under the bridge, but were having trouble navigating because of obstructions and narrow access gates.

Rescuers said that there might be bodies inside the cabins but that they had so far been unable to check through the ship’s portholes.

Divers were working in 12-minute underwater search shifts, while surface searches continued in the area of ​​the shipwreck with a helicopter and a fire brigade boat, it added.

Mike Lynch, who was regularly described in U.K. media as “Britain’s Bill Gates,” was cleared of fraud charges in a blockbuster U.S. trial earlier this summer. Sources told CNBC on Monday that his wife, Angela Bacares, has been rescued. Italian news agency ANSA identified his daughter, missing alongside her father, as Hannah, 18.

Just days before Lynch went missing, his co-defendant, Stephen Chamberlain, died after being “fatally struck by a car” while out running Saturday, his lawyer Gary Lincenberg told NBC News in an emailed statement. Reuters reported that Chamberlain was a former vice president of finance at Autonomy, Lynch’s company at the center of the trial.

The sailing vacation that ended in tragedy appeared to be something of a celebration after Lynch’s acquittal — Morvillo was one of Lynch’s U.S. lawyers and Bloomer testified in his defense.

“We are deeply shocked and saddened by this tragic event. Our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular our Chair, Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife Judy, who are among the missing,” Aki Hussain, the head of insurance company Hiscox, told NBC News in an emailed statement.

Rescue boats operate off Porticello, on August 20, 2024 near Palermo a day after the British-flagged luxury yacht Bayesian sank.

A Morgan Stanley spokesperson also said: “Our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular the Bloomer family, as we all wait for further news from this terrible situation.”

Judy Bloomer was described as “a brilliant champion for women’s health and medical research” by The Eve Appeal, a British cancer charity, in an emailed statement to NBC News.

Britain's Marine Accident Investigation Branch said it was deploying a team of four inspectors to Palermo to conduct a preliminary assessment of the incident.

The coast guard said in a statement Monday that the ship’s cook had died. It did not give his nationality. Reuters identified him as Antiguan citizen Ricardo Thomas.

One of the survivors, identified as Charlotte Emsley, 35, told the Italian news agency ANSA that she had momentarily lost hold of her year-old daughter, Sofia, in the water but managed to retrieve her and hold her up over the waves until a lifeboat inflated and they were pulled to safety.

Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered, Bayesian can carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites.

The yacht’s nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world,  according to  CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters. 

Luca Mercalli, Italian climatologist and president of the country’s meteorological society, told Reuters that the storm could have involved a waterspout, essentially a tornado over water, or a downburst, a more frequent phenomenon that doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

Storms and heavy rainfall have swept Italy in recent days after weeks of scorching heat.

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), which is almost 3 degrees more than normal,” Mercalli said. “This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms.”

Claudio Lavanga reported from Rome, and Yuliya Talmazan from London.

This story first appeared on NBCNews.com . More from NBC News:

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Big Boss Charter Yacht


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BIG BOSS yacht NOT for charter*

36m  /  118'1 | custom | 2013.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

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The 36m/118'1" gulet yacht 'Big Boss' was built by Custom .

Guest Accommodation

Big Boss has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites.

Range & Performance

Big Boss is built with a wood hull and wood superstructure, with teak decks. Big Boss comfortably cruises at 11 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 14 knots. Her water tanks store around 3,000 Litres of fresh water.

Length 36m / 118'1
Beam 8.5m / 27'11
Draft 3.5m / 11'6
Cruising Speed 11 Knots
Builder Custom
Model Custom

*Charter Big Boss Motor/Sailer Yacht

Motor/Sailer yacht Big Boss is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

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Big Boss Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/S Big Boss

Length 36m / 118'1
Built | Refit 2013
Model Custom
Beam 8.5m / 27'11
Draft 3.5m / 11'6
Cruising Speed 11 Knots
Top Speed 14 Knots


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Milliardär feierte spektakuläre Prozess-Wende auf Yacht vor Italien – Vermisster „britischer Bill Gates“ tot

Stand: 29.08.2024, 19:24 Uhr

Von: Martina Lippl

Der britische Tech-Unternehmer Mike Lynch galt zunächst als vermisst, mittlerweile wurde der 59-Jährige tot geborgen. Von seiner Tochter fehlt weiterhin jede Spur.

Update vom 23. August: Nach tagelanger Suche besteht nun Gewissheit: Beim Untergang einer Luxusjacht vor der italienischen Mittelmeerinsel Sizilien ist auch der britische Milliardär Mike Lynch ums Leben gekommen. Der Leichnam des 59-jährigen Unternehmers wurde von Spezialtauchern aus seinem Segelboot „Bayesian“, das in 50 Metern Tiefe auf Grund liegt, an die Oberfläche gebracht. Am Freitagmittag wurde auch seine Tochter Hannah tot geborgen.

Der Skipper Michael Schlecht gibt IPPEN.MEDIA im Interview eine Einschätzung des Unglückshergangs . Demnach seien die Wetterbedingungen „sehr extrem“ gewesen. „Und vermutlich kamen viele geöffnete Luken und Türen hinzu“, fügt der Kapitän hinzu.

Ursprungsmeldung vom 20. August 2024: Palermo – Wie konnte die 56-Meter-Superyacht im Sturm vor der Küste Siziliens überhaupt sinken? Das ist eine der Fragen, die viele nach dem Unglück in Italien beschäftigt. Das Wrack der „Bayesian“ liegt in einer Tiefe von 49 Meter auf dem Meeresboden. Spezialtaucher suchen nach weiter nach den Vermissten. Unter ihnen sind der britische Tycoon Mike Lynch (59) und seine Tochter Hannah (18). Auch der Präsident von Morgan Stanley International Jonathan Bloomer mit seiner Frau und Lynchs Anwalt Chris Morvillo mit seiner Frau Nada gelten laut italienischen Medienberichten als verschollen.

Mike Lynch nach Yacht-Unglück vermisst: „Britischer Bill Gates“ hatte Ärger nach Milliarden-Deal

Der Milliardär Mike Lynch ist schon vor Jahren mit dem Verkauf seiner Firma „Autonomy“ an Hewlett Packard (HP) in die Schlagzeilen geraten. Lynch verkaufte 2011 das Software-Unternehmen für elf Milliarden US-Dollar. Medien feierten ihn als den „britischen Bill Gates“. Für die Amerikaner entpuppte sich der Deal jedoch als Mega-Debakel. Der Computer-Riese schrieb Milliarden ab. Lynch und einem Finanzmanager wurde vorgeworfen, die Umsatzzahlen vor dem Verkauf geschönt zu haben. Der 59-Jährige wurde schließlich in die USA ausgeliefert, ihm drohten bis zu 25 Jahren Gefängnis.

Mike Lynch feierte Freispruch angeblich mit Italien-Segeltörn auf der „Bayesian“

Erst vor wenigen Wochen dann die überraschende Wende: Lynch wurde im Betrugsprozess rund um den „Autonomy“-Deal freigesprochen. Der Freispruch folgte auf eine Niederlage im Zivilprozess in Großbritannien und eine damit verbundenen vier Milliarden Dollar Forderung, der Nachfolgefirmen des früheren Hewlett-Packard-Konzerns. Jahrelang behauptet Lynch, als Sündenbock für eine misslungene Übernahme verantwortlich gemacht worden zu sein. Jetzt galt der Brite als „rehabilitiert“.

Mit dem Segeltörn auf der Luxusyacht sollte das Ende des jahrelangen Rechtsstreits im Juni gefeiert werden, berichtet BBC . Der 59-Jährige war zuvor zu seiner Familie, seiner Ehefrau und seinen beiden Töchtern nach Großbritannien zurückgekehrt. Seine Tochter Hannah (18) wollte nach dem Sommer ein Studium in Oxford beginnen, heißt es.

Milliardärs-Yacht „Bayesian“ versinkt im Mittelmeer

  • Sechs Menschen gelten als vermisst: Milliardär Mike Lynch (59), seine Tochter Hannah (18), der Morgan Stanley Boss Jonathan Bloomer, seine Frau Judy Bloomer und Lynchs Anwalt Chris Morvillo.
  • An Bord der „Bayesian“ waren zum Zeitpunkt des Unglücks am Montagmorgen 22 Menschen – zehn Crew-Mitglieder und zwölf Passagiere.
  • 15 Menschen – darunter Lynchs Ehefrau Angela (57) konnten gerettet werden. Charlotte Golunski und ihr Ehemann James, sowie ihre einjährige Tochter Sophie gehören zu den Überlebenden.

Yacht-Unglück vor Sizilien – Banken-Boss von Morgan Stanley unter den Vermissten

Auch der ver Vorsitzende von Morgan Stanley International, Jonathan Bloomer, ist im Mittelmeer verschollen. Der 70-jährige Brite ist laut BBC auch Vorsitzender der Versicherungsgesellschaft Hiscox. „Wir sind zutiefst schockiert und traurig über diese Tragödie“, zitiert der britische Nachrichtensender einen Sprecher von Morgan Stanley. „Unsere Gedanken sind bei allen Betroffenen, insbesondere bei der Familie Bloomer, während wir alle auf weitere Nachrichten über diese schreckliche Situation warten.“

Lynchs Anwalt Chris Morvillo, war Anwalt der internationalen Top-Kanzlei Clifford Chance. Morvillo war auf „hochkaratige Korruptionsfälle“ spezialisiert und hatte Lynch in seinem jüngsten Prozess vertreten. BBC zufolge war Morvillo von 1999 bis 2005 als stellvertretender US-Staatsanwalt für den südlichen Bezirk von New York an den strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen im Zusammenhang mit den Terroranschlägen auf das World Trade Center im Jahr 2001 beteiligt.

Wer war an Bord der „Bayesian“?

Der gemeinsame Urlaub auf Sizilien sollte für Mike Lynch eine Art Neuanfang sein, wie es heißt. So waren offenbar neun Kollegen und deren Familienangehörige an Bord der „Bayesian“ geladen. Nun sind der Tech-Tycoon, seine Tochter und vier Freunde vermutlich tot.

Morgan Stanley Boss Jonathan Bloomer, Lynchs Anwalt Chris Morvillo mit seiner Frau Nada gehören zu den Vermissten, wie Giornalle di Sicilia berichtet. Auch Bloomers Ehefrau Judy soll sich laut BBC -Informationen unter den Vermissten befinden.

Ihre Leichen sind möglicherweise im Boot am Meeresboden eingeschlossen, heißt es. Die „Bayesian“ liegt laut Feuerwehr in 49 Metern Tiefe . Den Tauchern sei am Montagabend zwar der Zugang zur Kommandobrücke gelungen. Von dort konnten sie jedoch nicht weiter vordringen. Spezialisierte Höhlentaucher waren eigens dazu angefordert worden, berichtet die italienische Feuerwehr Vigili del Fuoco via X. Suchtrupps sind seit Dienstagmorgen wieder im Einsatz. (ml)

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  25. BOSS Yacht Charter Brochure

    Download the full charter brochure for luxury Motor Yacht "BOSS" to explore her beautiful interiors, guest accommodation and full range of amenities as well as outdoor living spaces. This comprehensive overview provides the best way to get a feel for the charter experience on offer and gives detailed and accurate specifications so that you can match them up to your own requirements.

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    Missing revealed as divers search superyacht that sank in storm off Sicily The missing include British tech magnate Mike Lynch, a Morgan Stanley boss and a Clifford Chance lawyer, a local official ...

  27. BIG BOSS Yacht

    The 36m/118'1" gulet yacht 'Big Boss' was built by Custom. Guest Accommodation. Big Boss has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites. Range & Performance. Big Boss is built with a wood hull and wood superstructure, with teak decks. Big Boss comfortably cruises at 11 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 14 knots.

  28. Milliardär feierte spektakuläre Prozess-Wende auf Yacht vor Italien

    Yacht-Unglück vor Sizilien - Banken-Boss von Morgan Stanley unter den Vermissten . Auch der ver Vorsitzende von Morgan Stanley International, Jonathan Bloomer, ist im Mittelmeer verschollen.