Sailing the Panama Pacific Ocean Pearl Islands

catamaran las perlas panama

All-inclusive Sailing Trips

Explore this beautiful archipelago: full-day or multi-day cruises

All included: meals, beverages, snorkeling & fishing gears, kayaks

Deluxe 80′ Sailboat Ocean Phoenix

catamaran las perlas panama

The Pearl Islands

catamaran las perlas panama

Just a few hours sail from Panama City

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What other places would you visit? (optional) Panama Canal Indigenous communities Folkloric villages Bocas del Toro Islands Coffee farms Surf at the Pacific Sailing in San Blas

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Archipiélago de las Perlas en Catamarán Day Tour

Archipiélago de las perlas en catamarán.

Paquete Turistico Panamá: Day Tour a Archipiélago de las Perlas en Catamarán!

Precio por persona Desde $88.00

Descubre la belleza natural del archipiélago de las Perlas en Panamá con nuestro emocionante paquete turístico en catamarán. Sumérgete en aguas cristalinas, explora exóticas islas y maravíllate con la abundante vida marina mientras disfrutas de un viaje inolvidable lleno de aventura y relajación. Con salidas desde Flamenco Marina, Amador, te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en esta emocionante travesía que incluye un delicioso almuerzo, actividades de snorkel y paddleboarding, y la oportunidad de avistar delfines y ballenas.

¡Reserva ahora y prepárate para una experiencia única en una de las joyas naturales más impresionantes de Panamá!

El circuito comenzará saliendo de Flamenco Marina, Amador, y nos dirigiremos hacia Boya Arena, Bartolomé y Pacheca (las islas pueden variar dependiendo del clima), ubicados en el archipiélago de las Perlas.

El circuito incluye un delicioso almuerzo, traslado, así como actividades de snorkel y paddleboarding. Esperamos ver delfines, ballenas y visitaremos las 3 islas.

¡Reserva tu cupo con solamente $46 ahora y aprovecha esta increíble oferta, fechas disponibles:

MAYO: 4/5/11/12/18/19/25/26

Precio incluye:

  • Visita ida y vuelta en catamarán hacia el archipiélago de las perlas.
  • Equipo de snorkel y paddleboarding
  • Visita a las 2 Islas

¡Es una oportunidad imperdible para explorar estas hermosas islas y disfrutar de una experiencia inolvidable!


Descubre la belleza natural del archipiélago de las Perlas en Panamá con nuestro emocionante paquete turístico en catamarán. Sumérgete en aguas cristalinas, explora exóticas islas y maravíllate con la abundante vida marina mientras disfrutas de un viaje inolvidable lleno de aventura y relajación. Con salidas desde Flamenco Marina, Amador, te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en esta emocionante travesía que incluye un delicioso almuerzo, actividades de snorkel y paddleboarding, y la oportunidad de avistar delfines y ballenas. ¡Reserva ahora y prepárate para una experiencia única en una de las joyas naturales más impresionantes de Panamá!

¿Qué tipo de paquetes vacacionales ofrecen en su agencia?

En nuestra agencia ofrecemos una variedad de paquetes vacacionales, incluyendo destinos nacionales e internacionales, cruceros, tours culturales y de aventura, entre otros.

¿Puedo personalizar un paquete vacacional de acuerdo a mis preferencias?

Sí, puedes personalizar un paquete vacacional de acuerdo a tus preferencias. Trabajaremos contigo para crear un itinerario que se adapte a tus necesidades y gustos.

¿Cuánto tiempo de anticipación debo reservar un paquete vacacional?

Te recomendamos reservar tu paquete vacacional con al menos 2-3 meses de anticipación, especialmente si planeas viajar en temporada alta.

¿Cuáles son las políticas de cancelación y reembolso?

Nuestras políticas de cancelación y reembolso varían dependiendo del tipo de paquete y proveedor de servicios. Te proporcionaremos información detallada sobre estas políticas al momento de hacer la reserva.

¿Cuáles son los métodos de pago aceptados?

Aceptamos diversos métodos de pago, incluyendo tarjetas de crédito, transferencias bancarias, pagos en efectivo y Club de Viajes. Te informaremos sobre las opciones disponibles al momento de realizar la reserva.

¿Pueden ayudarme con los trámites de visas?

Sí, podemos ayudarte con los trámites de visas. Te proporcionaremos la información necesaria y te asistiremos en el proceso de solicitud de visa, aunque la emisión final depende de las autoridades correspondientes.

¿Cuál es su política en caso de emergencias durante el viaje?

En caso de emergencias durante tu viaje, contamos con un equipo de atención al cliente disponible las 24 horas. Te brindaremos asistencia y orientación para resolver cualquier situación imprevista.

¿Cómo puedo contactar con ustedes en caso de tener alguna pregunta o problema durante mi viaje?

Si tienes alguna pregunta o problema durante tu viaje, puedes contactarnos a través de nuestro número de teléfono de atención al cliente o mediante correo electrónico. Te proporcionaremos los detalles de contacto al momento de hacer la reserva.

¿Puedo obtener asistencia las 24 horas durante mi viaje?

Sí, puedes obtener asistencia las 24 horas durante tu viaje. Estaremos disponibles para atender cualquier consulta o emergencia que surja durante tu estadía.

¿Tienen programas de fidelidad para clientes frecuentes?

Sí, tenemos programas de fidelidad para clientes frecuentes. Se llaman Club de Viajes. Tienes la posibilidad de ahorrar y ganar exclusivamente para realizar el viaje de tus sueños.

¿Qué medidas de seguridad implementan para garantizar la protección de los clientes durante el viaje?

Para garantizar la protección de nuestros clientes durante el viaje, implementamos medidas de seguridad como seleccionar proveedores de confianza, brindar información sobre destinos seguros y recomendar precauciones generales. Además, contamos con asistencia y atención en caso de situaciones de emergencia.

¿Ofrecen seguro de viaje para los paquetes vacacionales?

Sí, ofrecemos opciones de seguro de viaje para los paquetes vacacionales.

¿Cuáles son los destinos turísticos más populares en Panamá?

Algunos de los destinos turísticos más populares en Panamá son la Ciudad de Panamá, el Canal de Panamá, Bocas del Toro, San Blas y Boquete, entre otros.

¿Cuál es la mejor época del año para visitar Panamá?

La mejor época para visitar Panamá depende de tus preferencias y actividades planeadas. En general, la estación seca de diciembre a abril es considerada una buena época para visitar, pero cada región tiene sus propias variaciones climáticas.

¿Qué documentación necesito para viajar a Panamá?

Para viajar a Panamá, generalmente se requiere un pasaporte válido con al menos seis meses de vigencia. Algunos países también necesitan obtener una visa antes de viajar. Te recomendamos verificar los requisitos específicos según tu nacionalidad.

¿Qué incluye generalmente un paquete vacacional?

Los paquetes vacacionales generalmente incluyen transporte (vuelos o transporte terrestre), alojamiento, actividades turísticas y, en algunos casos, comidas y guías turísticos. Los detalles específicos pueden variar según el paquete seleccionado.

¿Qué idiomas hablan en su agencia?

En nuestra agencia, hablamos español e inglés.

¿Ofrecen transporte desde y hacia el aeropuerto?

Sí, ofrecemos transporte desde y hacia el aeropuerto como parte de nuestros paquetes vacacionales. Asegúrate de indicar tu preferencia al hacer la reserva.

¿Los paquetes grupales se pueden pagar poco a poco y hasta qué fecha?

Los pagos para los paquetes grupales pueden ser realizados de manera progresiva hasta una fecha límite que se establecerá al momento de la reserva. Te proporcionaremos información detallada sobre los plazos de pago al seleccionar tu paquete.

¿Cuáles son los destinos de los paquetes grupales y para qué fechas?

Los destinos de los paquetes grupales y las fechas específicas varían. Te recomendamos consultar nuestra página de Salidas Grupales actualizada o contactarnos para obtener información detallada sobre los destinos y fechas disponibles.

¿Cuáles son las salidas de Turquía que tienen?

Ofrecemos salidas a Turquía en diferentes fechas y con distintos itinerarios. Puedes encontrar información detallada sobre nuestras salidas en la sección de Asia.

¿Cuántos paquetes de Turquía son?

El número de paquetes de Turquía es de 5: Turquía Soñada 1 y 2, Turquía y Dubai, Turquía, Dubai y Egipto, y Turquía y Grecia. Te sugerimos consultar nuestra oferta actualizada para obtener información precisa sobre la disponibilidad.

¿Todos los paquetes de Turquía tienen el mismo precio?

Los precios de los paquetes de Turquía pueden variar según las fechas, la duración del viaje, las actividades incluidas y otros factores. Cada paquete tendrá un precio específico que te indicaremos al hacer la reserva.

¿Qué incluye el paquete?

El contenido del paquete puede incluir vuelos, alojamiento, transporte terrestre, visitas turísticas, comidas y guías turísticos, dependiendo del paquete seleccionado. Te proporcionaremos detalles precisos sobre los servicios incluidos en cada paquete.

¿Cuántas veces al año se puede viajar a Disney?

Viajamos a Disney 3 veces al año: en enero, en septiembre durante las vacaciones escolares y en las fechas de Fiestas Patrias.

¿Si aún no tengo visa para viajar a Disney, ¿puedo empezar a pagar el viaje mientras se tramita la visa?

Si aún no tienes visa para viajar a Disney, generalmente es posible comenzar a pagar el viaje mientras se tramita la visa. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que la emisión de la visa es un requisito para ingresar a los Estados Unidos y disfrutar del paquete vacacional. Te recomendamos iniciar los trámites de visa lo antes posible.

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  • Jul 9, 2021

Bocas del Toro, las Perlas or the San Blas Islands. Which is the Best Sailing Destination in Panama?

Exploring panama's premier sailing spots: bocas del toro, las perlas, and san blas islands.

Panama has for long been the favorite yacht charter destination for many of those who seek a true sailing holiday . It’s up to you to choose the location that best suits your needs, either in the Caribbean or the Pacific.

Coconut tress and crystal clear waters of San Blas, a top Panamanian sailing spot.

Panama, located south of the hurricane zone, unlike the rest of the other sailing destinations in the Caribbean such as for example the BVI, Antigua, the Grenadines or St. Martin has never been hit by any major hurricane and is also not on the way of any tropical storm. With this info, it’s no wonder both the Caribbean and Pacific side of Panama are a great year-round attraction for boaters and yacht charter enthusiasts alike.

The main cruising attractions in Panama are the 365 islands of the San Blas region and that is simply because of it’s wondrous uniqueness, but there is more to Panama than just San Blas; Bocas del Toro also in the Caribbean side like San Blas and Las Perlas on the Pacific side, also offer all-inclusive catamaran charters and must be considered as an option when traveling. There are few other sailing areas in Panama that we will not consider in this post and this is because they are either too small, isolated or do not have the minimum safety requirements.

Aerial view of catamaran charter sailing crystal clear waters of San Blas, a top sailing destination.

What are the differences between these 3 main cruising locations in Panama and what should you know before booking a sailing charter in one of them?


Las Perlas : To get to the archipelago of las Perlas on a sailing charter you usually embark the night before in Marina Flamingo in Panama City. Next morning you will start sailing at 6:00 Am and after 12 hours you will reach Las Perlas. From there you can easily sail to the rest of the locations.

Bocas del Toro : Book a one hour flight that departs from Albrook terminal in Panama City to Bocas del Toro’s main island Isla Colon. Once in the main island, you can easily access your catamaran/sailboat with a quick taxi ride. Main cruising grounds in Cayo Zapatilla are around a 2 hours sail.

San Blas islands: Take a 40 min private flight to the heart of San Blas also from Albrook terminal in Panama City or take a 4 hour land/water taxi transfer from Panama City to the catamaran


Las Perlas: Taxi within Panama City to Flamingo marina is cheap but embarking and paying for one more charter night in order to sail 12 hours the next day can easily increase your charter quote by a couple of thousand $, so take that into consideration when booking your sailing charter in las Perlas.

Bocas del Toro: Local flights from Panama City to Bocas del Toro departing from Albrook terminal in Panama City cost around $150/person/way and will put you right on the main island where your catamaran is most likely to be located.

San Blas islands: Road transfers from Panama City cost $75/person/way and the other option of a private plane for up to 8 guests costs $1,337.50/way. If you were 8 guests, then p rice/person/way is $167.

Las Perlas: Food in this archipelago is very similar to the one found in Panama City since the proximity of capital makes it easier to provision there.

Bocas del Toro: The busy main island and the adjacent Bastimentos islands offer a variety of both international and local restaurants

San Blas islands: Cuisine in San Blas is elaborated mainly with the fish and live lobster and other sea delicacies that the Guna indigenous bring us to our catamarans. Tropical fruits grown in the jungles around are also provided to us by the locals.

Las Perlas: the Pacific side of Panama has always been a major spot for whale watching while on season (August - September), but bring a rain coat because those months mark the peak of the raining season. Fish are plenty in las Perlas and snorkeling is a must although visibility can be poor most of the times because of the abundance in plancton and other organisms. Commercial/sport fishing have made their mark in the recent years. Mosquitos are present throughout most of the islands and anchorages

Bocas del Toro: Caribbean tropical fish are abundant in the non fishing areas of this archipelago. Reefs and corals that are outside of the wave breaking zone can be easily visited. Snorkeling is also a must but due to the proximity of the rivers around the sailing area, mud on the water can make water visibility poor at times. Mosquitos are abundant in some places, including anchorages, this is due to the lack of wind and extreme humidity.

San Blas islands: No commercial fishing on the islands make this part of Panama unique. Local nature is abundant both in the water and the close by jungle. Water visibility on the outer cays is perfect. No fresh water makes mosquitos unable to reproduce in the Cays, also the wind blows any mosquito or bug away to the nearby jungle.

Las Perlas: From May to November, the south-west currents predominate, which bring abundant rainfall especially on the southern side exposed to the Pacific Ocean. There is usually little to no wind in both dry and wet seasons. Surf and tides are significantly bigger that any other location in the Caribbean. Expect it to be hot and humid year-round.

Bocas del Toro: The typical Caribbean weather with rain most of the year and high temperatures. Little to no wind most of the times. Squalls hitting sailboats without proper shelter during the rainy season can be a concern. Surf is strong during the dry season and Bocas has become a very well known surfing spot for American and European surfers.

San Blas islands: Unlike Bocas del Toro, the Trade Winds blow throughout the region and almost all the way down to Colombia from November-May. The winds blow away any atmospheric moisture and humidity does not turn into rain most of the times. When the Trades die, humidity comes back and rains show up. Little to no surf and small tides make sailing within the Cays an easy and enjoyable experience.

Las Perlas: Year- round high surf and little to no wind.

Bocas del Toro: Year- round moderate-high surf and little to no wind.

San Blas islands: Dry season (November - May) little to no surf and moderate wind / wet season (May - November) little to no surf and little to no wind.


Las Perlas: Mainly Panamanians and US expats. Culture is Panamanian since the boom of tourism and the proximity to Panama City has greatly influenced the islands.

Bocas del Toro: Mostly Panamanians, US expats and European residents make up for the totality of the population. Culture is mostly Panamanian-Caribbean with an indigenous touch.

San Blas islands: Guna indigenous habitants and culture with little to no Panamanian/international influence. Unlike Bocas del Toro and las Perlas, the San Blas Islands cannot be sold to foreigners and as a consequence, no major hotels or tourist attractions have sprouted.

Las Perlas: Relatively no safety issues apart from normal ones like choosing night anchorages with other boats, locking up the dinghy and other minor preventive details.

Bocas del Toro: There is some civil unrest and protests focusing on domestic issues (students’ rights, labour disputes, indigenous issues) are common and typically non-violent.

San Blas islands: No safety issues. Small communities are perfectly organized to spot any non local intruder.

San Blas islands, an all year round sailing destination in Panama.

Whether you choose Bocas del Toro for its vibrant culture, Las Perlas for its secluded beauty, or the San Blas Islands for their pristine waters and indigenous heritage, each destination offers a unique sailing experience in Panama. Consider your preferences and desired activities to find the perfect paradise for your adventure.

Now you know what to expect: choose your next catamaran sailing holiday wisely.

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What’s The Best Sailing Destination in Panama?

catamaran las perlas panama

Panama has long held the status of being the ultimate sailing destination for those seeking an authentic and exhilarating catamaran sailing vacation . Whether you prefer the Caribbean or the Pacific, the choice is yours, as Panama offers both extraordinary options.

Unlike other popular Caribbean sailing destinations like the BVI, Antigua, the Grenadines, or St. Martin, Panama enjoys a distinct advantage. Located south of the hurricane zone, it has never been struck by a major hurricane or fallen in the path of tropical storms. This exceptional safety record makes both the Caribbean and Pacific sides of Panama highly attractive year-round for boating enthusiasts and yacht charter aficionados.

catamaran las perlas panama

The primary allure of Panama lies in the 365 islands of the captivating San Blas region. Its breath-taking uniqueness is unparalleled. However, Panama has more to offer than just San Blas. Bocas del Toro, also situated in the Caribbean, and Las Perlas on the Pacific side, provide enticing opportunities for all-inclusive catamaran charters. These destinations deserve serious consideration when planning your voyage. There are a few other sailing areas in Panama that we will not delve into in this post, mainly due to their small size, isolation, or failure to meet the minimum safety requirements.

Now, let’s explore the distinctions among these three main cruising locations in Panama and discover what you should know before booking a sailing charter in any of them.


Las Perlas: To embark on a sailing charter to the Las Perlas archipelago, you typically board the previous night at Marina Flamingo in Panama City. The next morning, you set sail at 6:00 AM, and after 12 exhilarating hours, you will arrive at Las Perlas. From there, you can effortlessly explore the surrounding areas.

Bocas del Toro: Book a one-hour flight from Panama City’s Albrook terminal to Isla Colon, the main island of Bocas del Toro. Upon arrival, a quick taxi ride will transport you to your catamaran or sailboat. The main cruising grounds around Cayo Zapatilla are approximately a two-hour sail away.

San Blas Islands: Take a 40-minute private flight from Panama City’s Albrook terminal directly to the heart of San Blas. Alternatively, opt for a four-hour land and water taxi transfer from Panama City to your catamaran. The choice is yours.


Las Perlas: Taxis within Panama City to Flamingo Marina are affordable. However, keep in mind that embarking the night before and paying for an additional charter night to sail 12 hours the next day could significantly increase your overall charter expenses. Consider this factor when booking your sailing charter in Las Perlas.

Bocas del Toro: Local flights from Panama City to Bocas del Toro, departing from the Albrook terminal, cost approximately $150 per person each way and conveniently position you on the main island, where your catamaran is most likely located.

San Blas Islands: Road transfers from Panama City amount to $75 per person each way. Alternatively, if you prefer a more exclusive experience, a private plane for up to eight guests is available at a cost of $1,337.50 per way. In a group of eight guests, the per person price per way would be $167.

Las Perlas: The culinary experience in this archipelago closely resembles that of Panama City. Its proximity to the capital makes provisioning easy, ensuring a wide variety of dining options.

Bocas del Toro: The bustling main island and its neighboring Bastimentos islands boast an array of international and local restaurants, catering to diverse tastes.

San Blas Islands: Indulge in the exquisite cuisine of San Blas, where the Kuna indigenous people provide us with an abundance of fish, live lobster, and other sea delicacies. The surrounding jungles offer tropical fruits, adding a flavorful touch to your dining experience.

catamaran las perlas panama

Las Perlas: The Pacific side of Panama has long been renowned for its exceptional whale-watching opportunities during the season from August to September. However, be prepared for rain showers, as these months mark the peak of the rainy season. The waters of Las Perlas teem with fish, making snorkeling an absolute must. Keep in mind that visibility may be compromised due to the abundance of plankton and other organisms. Commercial and sport fishing have experienced remarkable growth in recent years. Mosquitoes are present throughout most of the islands and anchorages.

Bocas del Toro: The non-fishing areas of this archipelago are home to an abundance of Caribbean tropical fish. Easily accessible reefs and corals, located outside the wave breaking zone, offer captivating opportunities for exploration. Snorkeling is a must, although water visibility can be reduced at times due to the presence of river mud. Mosquitoes are prevalent in some areas, including anchorages, owing to the lack of wind and extreme humidity.

San Blas Islands: The absence of commercial fishing in this part of Panama contributes to its unique appeal. Abundant local wildlife thrives both in the crystalline waters and the adjacent jungles. The outer cays provide perfect water visibility. With no fresh water available, mosquitoes are unable to reproduce on the cays, and the wind effectively disperses any remaining pests towards the nearby jungle.

Las Perlas: From May to November, the southwest currents prevail, bringing abundant rainfall, particularly to the southern side exposed to the Pacific Ocean. During both the dry and wet seasons, the winds are usually minimal. Expect hot and humid weather year-round. Don’t forget to pack a raincoat during your visit.

Bocas del Toro: Experience the quintessential Caribbean climate, characterized by high temperatures and frequent rainfall throughout most of the year. Wind is generally scarce. Beware of squalls during the rainy season, as they can pose a concern for sailboats without proper shelter. Bocas del Toro has become a renowned surfing destination for American and European surfers, boasting strong surf during the dry season.

San Blas Islands: Unlike Bocas del Toro, the Trade Winds consistently blow across the region, reaching as far as Colombia from November to May. These winds effectively disperse atmospheric moisture, preventing it from turning into rain in most instances. However, when the Trade Winds subside, humidity increases, accompanied by occasional showers. With minimal surf and small tides, sailing within the Cays becomes an effortless and enjoyable experience.


Las Perlas: Expect year-round high surf with minimal wind.

Bocas del Toro: Anticipate moderate to high surf throughout the year, accompanied by light winds.

San Blas Islands: During the dry season (November to May), there is little to no surf and moderate wind. In the wet season (May to November), both surf and wind remain minimal.

catamaran las perlas panama


Las Perlas: The islands are primarily inhabited by Panamanians and US expatriates. The cultural influence of tourism and the proximity to Panama City has significantly shaped the local culture.

Bocas del Toro: The population consists mostly of Panamanians, US expats, and European residents. The culture reflects a fusion of Panamanian and Caribbean influences, with an indigenous touch.

San Blas Islands: The Kuna indigenous people are the predominant inhabitants, preserving their unique culture with little to no influence from Panama or the international community. The islands cannot be sold to foreigners, resulting in the absence of major hotels or tourist attractions.

If San Blas is the right location for your next catamaran sailing getaway, don’t hesitate to contact San Blas Catamaran to book an unforgettable adventure today!

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Pasadía Todo Incluido

Este tour es para los amantes del mar, navega por 3 horas aproximadamente hasta llegar al Archipiélago de Las Perlas …. Leer Más


Tour Avistamiento de Ballenas

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Tags: Archipiélago de Las Perlas Panamá, Pasadía Catamarán, Isla Bartolomé, Isla Contadora, Avistamiento de Ballenas Panamá

© 2024 PanamaSailingTours - Mega Catamaran Tours.

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  • Tour por la Bahía 2Hr
  • Pasadía todo incluido
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  • Preg. Frecuentes
  • Sea Las Perlas

Schedules, Fares & Cargo

Daily ferry service

Boarding at 6:45 am Flamenco Marina Dock , Flamenco  Island Travel time 1 hour and 30 minutes to Contadora Island. Loading Contadora, at the Dock at 2:45 PM for return trip. Arriving Flamenco Marina Dock , Flamenco  Island at 5:00 PM We allow only one piece of luggage per person

Important: Passports or Panamanian ID are required.

NOTE: Schedule subject to change, please call in advance for reservations and times, we recommend to buy the tickets in advance.

SEA LAS PERLAS RESERVATIONS Phone Number Contacts: +(507)391-1424 (8 am to  5 pm) +(507)209-4010 (10 am to  7 pm) +(507)6424-8000 Whatsapp

~To contact M/V Island Express VHF radio channel 16~

Panama – Contadora Timetable

DayFrom PanamaFrom Contadora
Monday07:30 AM03:30 PM
Tuesday07:30 AM03:30 PM
Wednesday07:30 AM03:30 PM
Thursday07:30 AM03:30 PM
Friday07:30 AM03:30 PM
Saturday07:30 AM03:30 PM
Sunday07:30 AM03:30 PM

Places of Interest

  • Contadora Island Inn
  • Villa Condesa Del Mar
  • Gerald's Hotel
  • Perla Real Hotel
  • Casa del Sol Isla Contadora
  • Villa Sea Star
  • Coral Dreams
  • Hibiscus B&B
  • Saboga Vacations
  • Pearl Islands Day Tours
  • La Isla Panama
  • Lagoon 470 Gitano del Mar
  • Nautitech 395 Haya
  • Privilege 40 Flying Gitano
  • Lagoon 55 Flying Ginny

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Allow us to treat you to a San Blas Islands Panama journey – and an unforgettable catamaran experience.

El Gitano del Mar

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What's Included

Premium liquor and food selection.

3 delicious meals per day, snacks, drinks, and cocktails

Your Safety is Our Priority

We are dedicated to providing you with a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Snorkeling Gear and Water Toys

Dive into adventure with our Exclusive Water Activities.

Professional Crew

Experience the utmost in service and professionalism with our expert crew.

Border Crossing

Panama Colombia Border Crossing​

Get ready for a 5-day, 5-night escapade across the Panama-Colombia border Dive into 3 days of island hopping in San Blas, where snorkeling, village visits, fishing, and beach barbecues await and 2 days of open sea, a real adventure. Our all-inclusive trip offers a seamless ride from boarding to the other side of the border. Whether you're a first-timer or plotting a return with a cheeky stopover, relish the genuine navigation and freedom. Join us in exploring Panama and Colombia, creating memories that outlast the tan lines. All aboard the laughter-filled voyage, any time of the year! 🌊

Get Best Deals on Private Charters

Book The Best Catamarans in San Blas

catamaran las perlas panama

Know About Us

About Catamaran San Blas

Catamaran San Blas is a company based in Panama. We propose day or week charter in private catamaran cruises to visit the beautiful San Blas Islands Panama. We also propose catamaran trip to cross the Panamanian border and reach Colombia.


Holidays are sacred!

Allow us to treat you to a San Blas Islands Panama journey – and an unforgettable catamaran experience. 

Picture it: Waking up each morning in front of a beautiful new island and enjoying the stunning view. Recline in your chair just above warm, turquoise water and lounge in the sun. Enjoy the quiet or the company of your friends, because catamarans allow enjoying privacy. Without unknown to worry about on this cozy cruise because it is a private charter, only you and your guests. You decide on your timing, when you want to go ashore or change island because it is your private cruise. You can even jump from your breakfast chair into the warm Caribbean waters for a swim!

Even the best hotels or the biggest cruise ship will never be able to compare. With this San-Blas private charter, we propose real vacations.

Ready to try a San Blas Islands, Panama Charter?

We have all the information you need to feel confident, informed, and ready to dive into San Blas, Panama. There are no forms and no lengthy questions for you to answer. We believe holidays should be relaxing!

You can even customize the specifications for your vacation. let us know about your inquiries. Which catamaran size to choose? How much does it cost? How does a private charter work? can we have air conditioning? What is included in the “all-inclusive” pass? How many options can we add? All you have to know about a boat rental in San Blas is online!

You can also, Just click “ email us ” and take the first step toward an unforgettable experience in Guna Yala, Panama. If you want to speak with us directly, simply click on the green WhatsApp icon down below.

Sailing San Blas islands Panama

Sailing the San Blas Islands of Panama is one of the most popular navigations in the Caribbean, the first reason for this is that the San Blas Islands are very close to each other.

The archipelago of the San Blas Islands of Panama includes 365 islands spread over a small territory.

The islands are very low in the water and the seabed is shallow, which gives the archipelago of the San Blas Islands of Panama this magnificent turquoise color. In addition to this, the Kuna practice the cultivation of coconuts on the San Blas islands, resulting in the islands being very rich in coconut palms which combine with the turquoise color of the Caribbean Sea and the geographical proximity of these hundreds of islands, gives those who have sailed the San Blas Islands the impression of being in Polynesia.

Sailing San Blas Island is quite simple, but you should not rely solely on the GPS because many corals and shallows are not listed and every year many sailors (experienced for some of them and require assistance to get out of shoals or worse out of the rocks). That is the reason why we don’t do bareboat charters in San Blas. We trust our captains because they perfectly know the area, and also the secret sailing spots of San Blas islands.

The San Blas Islands are not subject to strong winds like the islands of Sint Maarten or the British Virgin Islands, however, there are some strong gales in the San Blas Islands called ”Culo de Pollo” which requires anchoring have enough chain not to drift. If you are sailing in the San Blas Islands these strong winds will require you to be reactive and to be able to lower the sails quickly.


San blas islands panama map.

A case in point within the San Blas Islands of Panama is the ubiquity of the name “Banedup,” which resurfaces across various archipelagos. Adding to the multifaceted nomenclature, each island often boasts three to four distinct names: one in the native Kuna language, another in Spanish, a colloquial label, and occasionally a personalized moniker. Therefore, when employing a map of the San Blas Islands, it is crucial to rely exclusively on the Kuna designations, as these are the sole appellations depicted.

It is important to acknowledge that most cartographic representations of the San Blas Islands are prone to inaccuracy due to the sheer volume of information encapsulated within limited spatial confines encompassing 365 individual islands. To gain an accurate perception of the dispersion of these islands within the Panamanian panorama, we highly endorse the Eric Bauhaus book, an exemplary resource that presents a comprehensive San Blas Islands map. This guidebook can be an invaluable companion should you embark on a self-guided tour of the San Blas Islands, providing continuous navigational aid throughout your journey.

Should you entertain the idea of engaging a water taxi service to facilitate a tour of the San Blas Islands, the process is remarkably straightforward. The islands boast a network of indigenous water taxi operators, all of whom possess an intimate understanding of the geography. These skilled mariners do not rely on conventional maps for guidance, as their familiarity with the region is unparalleled. This renders them capable of orchestrating an immersive and informed exploration of the San Blas archipelago.

An alternative approach to experiencing the allure of the San Blas Islands is to charter a catamaran or sailboat. This mode of exploration enables a comprehensive exploration of Panama’s San Blas Islands, offering an unimpeded panorama of this captivating expanse.

Luxury San Blas islands

San-Blas is composed of 370 different beautiful islands, boasting of white sand and coconut trees, all surrounded by crystalline water. Whether you’re lounging on the beach or gliding through the water, the beauty is impossible to miss. So why not enjoy an even more immersive experience? Don’t isolate yourself to one island experience – get them all! A San Blas catamaran private charter offers a comfortable, speedy way to navigate between all of the San Blas Islands for maximum luxury. The fun doesn’t stop there. On-board a catamaran, you can:

  • Laze on the front nets
  • Admire the view from on-deck or underneath the cockpit shade
  •  Drink cocktails on the flybridge couch
  • Enjoy large cabins and private bathrooms
  •  Trust in our top-notch security and guided expertise
  •  Enjoy total privacy and ample space to relax


Welcome in Guna yala (known as San-Blas islands) if you ask yourself what can look like a matriarchal community, you should meet the Kuna people. Let me introduce you to one of the few feminist societies of this planet: San Blas. Kuna people is at the beginning a mix between Mayas and Indians of Amazonia. With the arrival of the European inviders they moved from the jungle to the San-Blas islands where they established themselves. They are a matriarchal society. It s may be cliche but it s a fact than their women society is a lot more open minded than the classical patriarchal one. First of all, people of Guna Yala have no idea about what is feminism or matriarchal society, they just live like that since ever. Women never had to fight to have a place and live in real harmony with Male and nature. Women are free to make up, shave or not, wear traditional clothes or not, and breastfeeding where they want because the traditional way of life Kuna, protect them from the sexualization of the women body.

More information about Kunas here


As open minded persons, the San-Blas people also let the kids free to choose their gender without any pression. So it’s common to see the ones that the Kunas call Omeggid,  what literally mean “like a woman” in the village. This men wear clothes, act and work like the other women of the kuna community. Most of the time male become female, the inverse is really rare, but when it happens, the Guna Yala community accept it the same way. What we call ‘third gender’ is just completely normal in San-Blas. When a boy show tendencies to act as a women, the family naturally accepts and allows him to grow up as he want. Most of the time they do sewing Molas as work and as the others women, they take decisions. You have to understand that It’s not about tolerance, cause tolerance mean that something is not normal, it’s just about being who you wanted to be. And it’s interesting to see this from our American and European point of view, because the Guna Yala people live it really naturally, when the third gender always bring polemics in our societies. This acceptation is a specificity of San Blas and it’s not the same in Panama.

How to make Molas Click here!


As the Albinism (San Blas is the highest rate of albinism in the world and albinos people are sacred for Kunas), the third gender also have a specific place in Guna mythology, Wigudum was a leader and also one of the three children of God, and was half men and half women. Hunting the day time and sawing the evening. It’s important to understand that for GunaYala people Fishing and hunting is considered as the same value than cooking sewing or looking after children: the Gunas do not consider what we call women’s labour to be less important and it’s an important step for equality. (If you want to read more about tradition in San-Blas you can read our article on  GunaYala way of life and kuna culture )


So, the women decide for almost everything but are rarely chef or politics. They let this kind of work to men. They prefer working the extraordinary art of sewing Molas (that also, what bring the better income in the family) when a man become an husband, he move from his parent house to the one of his wife, most of the time the men are fisherman and sale their fishing to the tourists to bring back money home, even before the arrival of tourism they were doing the same with pirates and other boats coming from europe. When the couple have their first childs, they raise them in respect of tradition and if the baby is a little girl the whole village make a big ceremony to celebrate the venue of a new women in the community, an other really important Kuna ceremony is also made when a girl pass from teenager to adult, and at the death of the mother, the heritage of land and house will be share between the daughters of the couple. If you want to learn more about Kuna people , traditions of Guna Yala and albinism in San Blas islands you can read our article about the Kuna culture and their history, you will  learn more interesting fact about this surprising community  before to visit them.

The Kuna people are very open-minded, and if they prefer to wear traditional clothes for themselves, it does not mean that they are closed-minded. It is therefore possible to dress as you wish in the San Blas Islands of Panama, however, nudism and topless are prohibited.

Why shouldn’t you pick up fallen coconuts?

Nothing to do with a sanitary or hygienic problem. Until not long ago the currency used by the Kuna was the coconut, its value is $0.25 for a Kuna and $1 for a tourist. Today the dollar has replaced the coconut, but the Kuna of the San Blas islands continue to use this currency among themselves.

The coconut also represents life, in the sense that the Kunas of the San Blas Islands do not have access to water and therefore for centuries their survival was only possible thanks to rainwater and the precious coconuts. .

Therefore, for the Kuna people of the San Blas Islands of Panama; coconuts are considered a highly precious commodity.

Even the coconuts you can find on the desert islands of San Blas belong to someone and are collected regularly to be exchanged for other products.

It is very unwelcome to serve oneself.

Traveling light is best for several reasons.

*Because you will spend ¾ of your time in a swimsuit

*Because the lancha that takes you to San Blas from the port of Carti cannot be overloaded and the maximum size allowed is an airplane cabin type suitcase.

*Because if you go to San Blas by plane, it is also not possible to be too heavy on board and a “cabin type suitcase” is recommended.

What should I pack in my suitcase for the San Blas Panama Islands?

*2 swimsuits (5 if you like fashion)

*1 or 2 beach towels


*1 mosquito repellent spray for the sunset on the islands (on board the boats there are never mosquitoes)

*Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat (an anti-UV T-shirt if your skin is very sensitive)

*Camera and charger

*1 light cotton or linen pants

*1 lightweight long-sleeved cotton or linen shirt

*2 shorts / 2 T-shirts

*Cash money because there is no ATM or bank in the San Blas Islands and your bank card will be useless if you want to buy a souvenir from the Kuna people or go for a drink in a local bar

*Your passport to be able to enter the territory of Guna Yala (San Blas islands Panama)

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    Day Pass [Ferry Tour] Mogo Mogo Island. 5 reviews. 10 Hours. Full-day beach tour from Panama City to Mogo Mogo Island, Pearl Islands. Travel in our powerful 600 horsepower speedboat. Sunday. Departing 7:00 AM. From $125.00 Per Person. Find the best tours and yacht charter for whale watching at the Pearl Islands, Panama.

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    Paquete Turistico Panamá: Day Tour a Archipiélago de las Perlas en Catamarán! Precio por persona Desde $88.00. Descubre la belleza natural del archipiélago de las Perlas en Panamá con nuestro emocionante paquete turístico en catamarán. Sumérgete en aguas cristalinas, explora exóticas islas y maravíllate con la abundante vida marina ...

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  14. Sea Las Perlas

    The Contadora and Saboga Islands. The islands of Contadora and Saboga lay at the northern end of the Pearl Island Archipelago. "The Pearls" as they are known, are Panama's Pacific version of the popular Bocas del Toro and San Blas islands of the Caribbean side. However, where the Caribbean islands are often drenched during the rainy ...

  15. Ferry, flights and tours in Contadora Island

    The cheapest way to travel to Contadora is by sea, using the ferry service from $110.25 per person round trip or with a private plane from $335 per person round trip. Read full article... Discover a wide range of services on Contadora Island, Las Perlas, Panama. We offer ferry transfers, private flights, golf cart rentals, apartments, villas ...

  16. Online Booking

    Sea Las Perlas - Reservation Form. One Way Roundtrip . From To. Departure Date. Return Day. Departure Time. Return Time. Billing Information. First Name. Last Name. Company. Email. Phone Street Address. City ... Ciudad de Panamá . Reservations: +507 391-1424

  17. Ferry Las Perlas

    Private Full Day Boat Trip to Las Perlas and Contadora. 1. Catamaran Cruises. from. $1,600.00. per group (up to 10) Gamboa Wildlife and Sloth Sanctuary Tour with Pickup. 40.

  18. Tours en Isla Contadora

    Encuentra los mejores paquetes y tour a Isla Contadora, Archipiélago de Las Perlas, Panamá. ... Archipiélago de las Perlas en un rápido ferry catamaran de 50 y 90 pasajeros. Todos los días. Partida 7:30 AM. Desde $ 55.25 Por persona Una vía. GOLF1. Carrito de Golf en Isla Contadora - Pasadía.

  19. What's The Best Sailing Destination in Panama?

    Las Perlas: To embark on a sailing charter to the Las Perlas archipelago, you typically board the previous night at Marina Flamingo in Panama City. The next morning, you set sail at 6:00 AM, and after 12 exhilarating hours, you will arrive at Las Perlas. From there, you can effortlessly explore the surrounding areas.

  20. Panama Whale Watching

    Partidas diarias desde la Ciudad de Panamá hasta Contadora, las Perlas. Saliendo 7:30am y regresando a las 3:30pm. $110 por persona. ¡Ver más tours! ¡Experimente inolvidables tours de avistamiento de ballenas en Panamá, disponibles todos los días a precios inmejorables! Ya sea que prefiera paseos en bote compartido económicos o alquiler ...

  21. Archipiélago de Las Perlas

    LAS PERLAS PANAMA. TOURS RESALTADOS. ... Este tour es para los amantes del mar, navega por 3 horas aproximadamente hasta llegar al Archipiélago de Las Perlas ….Leer Más. 9 a 10 Horas aprox. PRECIOS EMPEZANDO DESDE. ... Tags: Archipiélago de Las Perlas Panamá, Pasadía Catamarán, Isla Bartolomé, Isla Contadora, Avistamiento de Ballenas ...

  22. Schedules, Fares & Cargo

    NOTE: Schedule subject to change, please call in advance for reservations and times, we recommend to buy the tickets in advance. SEA LAS PERLAS RESERVATIONS. Phone Number Contacts: + (507)391-1424 (8 am to 5 pm) + (507)209-4010 (10 am to 7 pm) + (507)6424-8000 Whatsapp. ~To contact M/V Island Express VHF radio channel 16~.

  23. Catamaran San Blas

    PRIVATE CHARTER SAN BLAS ISLANDS PANAMA. Allow us to treat you to a San Blas Islands Panama journey - and an unforgettable catamaran experience. $ 1,100 For 2 Persons /day. featured. El Gitano del Mar. San Blas Islands, Porvenir, Porvenir. Catamaran / With Captain and Hostess. $ 900 For 2 Persons /day. featured.