
What Is A Catamaran Sailboat? (And What It Looks Like)

What Is A Catamaran Boat? (And What It Looks Like) | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

August 30, 2022

Catamarans are increasingly popular for sailing and commercial use, but what sets them apart from monohulls and other multihulls?

A catamaran is a twin-hull boat with two equally-sized hulls placed side by side. They’re powered by engines, sails, or both—and they’re known for efficiency and speed. Catamarans are the most common kind of multihull boat.

In this article, we’ll go over the characteristics of catamarans and how to differentiate them from other types of boats. Additionally, we’ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of catamarans and compare them to trimarans and monohulls. We’ll also go over the most common types of catamarans and their uses.

We sourced the information in this article from marine design guides, boat identification resources, and the online boating community.

Table of contents

‍ How to Spot a Catamaran

Spotting a catamaran is easy. Simply look at the hulls and count them. Catamarans have two hulls side by side and a relatively large gap between them where you can see light on the other end. Catamarans are distinct from trimarans, which have an additional hull between the two outer hulls.

How do Catamarans Work?

The principle behind the catamaran is simple. You can think of catamarans like cars and monohulls like motorcycles. Catamarans distribute their weight between hulls on either side, whereas monohulls utilize only one hull.

Evidently, cars are much more difficult to tip over and can hold much more weight. Additionally, cars are wider, as they have much more contact with the road. Catamarans work in a similar way, as they have a wide stance and contact with the surface on both sides.

Obviously, that isn’t the most precise comparison. But the basic principle is the same, and catamarans have a few notable benefits over monohulls.

Catamaran Vs Monohull

Catamarans are easy to distinguish from monohulls. A monohull is just a regular old boat with a single hull. The vast majority of boats and ships are monohulls. Catamarans have two hulls, which are usually sleek and narrow.

Here are some comparisons of catamarans and monohulls, along with the advantages twin-hull designs have over most single hull types.

Benefits of Catamarans

Catamarans have numerous benefits. The first is speed. Catamarans produce less drag than monohulls and thus can achieve excessive speeds both under sail and power. They don’t need to plane like monohulls to achieve these high speeds, and they use less fuel.

Catamarans are also much more stable than monohulls. They have a wide stance and shallow draft, and many waves and swells can travel between the hulls instead of below them. This effectively reduces an entire axis of movement and prevents catamarans from rolling excessively.

Drawbacks of Catamarans

Catamarans aren’t advantageous in every way, or else we wouldn’t bother building monohulls. The disadvantages of catamarans limit their use to niche commercial applications and high-end yachts. But what are the drawbacks of a twin-hull design?

Sailing catamarans don’t follow many of the traditional boat handling rules and characteristics that sailors pass down for generations. Some, such as hull speed limitations, are good to do away with—while others, such as responsiveness, are not.

Catamarans aren’t as quick to the helm or responsive as monohulls. There are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, you’ll get a lot more feedback from a single-hull vessel. Additionally, the large section of deck between the hulls of a catamaran is prone to pounding in rough seas, which is loud and uncomfortable.

Catamarans can sometimes be twice the width of an equivalent monohull sailboat, which can increase mooring fees and limit docking options.

The final major drawback of catamarans is a consequence of their stability. Traditional full-keel monohull sailboats have a very low center of gravity, which makes them roll in heavy seas but ensures a recovery.

Catamarans have a higher center of gravity, and they can’t right themselves after a knockdown. And though catamarans are less likely to roll, a severe list on a multihull is a much more serious concern than on a ballasted monohull.

Catamaran Vs Trimaran

Catamarans and trimarans are often lumped together, but they have very different design and performance specifications. Trimarans have three hulls, whereas catamarans have two.

Trimarans look a lot like catamarans from the side, but a quick glance at the bow or stern can set them apart. Trimarans are faster than catamarans, as they distribute their weight across three hulls instead of two. This helps them stay centered and reduces interference from pitching and rolling.

Catamarans are fast, but they lose out to trimarans when going head to head. However, catamarans are much less expensive to build and maintain and often have roomier cabins due to their larger hulls.

Types of Catamarans

There are numerous types of catamarans, and their uses vary widely. The catamaran is one of the oldest and most useful hull types, and some variants have been used for thousands of years. Here are the most common kinds of catamaran boats and their uses.

Sailing Catamaran

Sailing catamarans are probably what you think of when you hear the name. Sailing catamarans are sailboats with two identical hulls connected by a center deck. The largest sailing catamarans are spacious and stable vessels that are capable of serious offshore sailing.

Sailing catamarans have a number of notable advantages over monohulls. Monohulls, which are traditional sailboats with a single hull, are limited by a simple concept called hull speed. As the bow and stern wave of a monohull intersect, they cause drag which limits the top speed of the boat.

Catamarans are not bound by hull speed limitations, as they have two hulls. Catamarans can go twice or even three times as fast as similar monohulls and achieve excellent travel times.

Catamarans are also more stable than monohulls, as their wide stance and shallow draft reduce the effect of rough water. They don’t heel, as the force of the wind is counteracted by the double hulls. Additionally, modern sailing catamarans can ‘wave pierce’ by cutting through swells instead of riding over them.

Sailing catamarans come in many shapes and sizes. Small sailing catamarans, such as those used in races and regattas, are known for their speed and relative stability compared to light racing monohulls. Sometimes, they feature a smaller second hull for stability—these are called outriggers.

Sailing catamarans have spacious interiors thanks to the large cockpit between the hulls. This cockpit usually contains cooking and eating spaces, a place to sit, and a hallway between the hulls. The hulls usually contain living quarters and often mirror each other.

Power Catamarans

Power catamarans have an even greater variety than sailing catamarans. These vessels are used for everything from party platforms to ferries and patrol boats.

Power catamarans are a recent development, as engineers and marine architects now realize they have numerous hydrodynamic advantages over other hull types.

Catamarans are much more efficient than other hull types, as they have less drag relative to their size. Additionally, you can build a much larger catamaran with less material. This makes them popular for car and rail ferries, as builders can construct a very wide vessel with two small hulls rather than a narrower vessel with a large single hull.

Military and Commercial Catamarans

Even the military has found a use for the catamaran hull shape. The Spearhead class EPF is an expeditionary fast transport vessel designed for carrying capacity and speed. It has two sharp hulls and a huge cargo capacity.

The Spearhead class EPF is 337 feet long, which is about the same length as a WW2 escort destroyer. Yet despite having a similar length and displacement, these catamarans can travel more than twice as fast—43 knots, or nearly 50 miles per hour. Their great speed is a direct consequence of their catamaran hull type.

Power catamarans are also used as patrol and utility boats on a much smaller scale, with either outboard or inboard motors. The State of Texas uses catamarans to patrol shallow rivers and lakes. Texas Game Wardens utilize state-of-the-art aluminum catamaran patrol boats, which are fast enough to outrun most fishing boats.

There’s another form of power catamaran that you may not have considered. Pontoon boats are technically catamarans, and they’re enormously popular on lakes and rivers throughout the country. Pontoon boats aren’t known for speed, but they’re a great platform for a fun and comfortable outing.

Catamaran Houseboats

The final common type of power catamaran is the two-hulled houseboat. Houseboats don’t always use the catamaran hull type, but it’s common enough that most major manufacturers offer it as an option.

Catamaran houseboats have a few notable advantages over monohull designs. For one, they’re easier to build—especially when pontoons are chosen. Additionally, they’re better suited for navigating shallow water. These vessels can support more weight across their two hulls, offer increased stability, and they’re also efficient.

Why Aren’t Catamarans More Common?

With all the advantages listed in this article to consider, it may seem strange that the use of catamarans is still somewhat limited. At the end of the day, it comes down to economics—as monohull boats and ships are simply cheaper to build.

Additionally, catamarans have some distinct limitations. Monohulls have lots of storage space in their hulls and can carry thousands of tons of cargo safely in all weather conditions. Catamarans lack this space and low center of gravity, so they’re not ideal for transporting cargo past a certain point.

Additionally, monohulls work, and many people are reluctant to experiment with new designs when old designs work just fine. This rule applies to both large and small boats.

A large monohull sailboat can be constructed at low cost from stock plans and reliably sail almost anywhere. Very little complex structural engineering is involved, and looser tolerances reduce cost and maintenance requirements.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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a catamaran boat

A Complete Catamaran Guide

  • Post Written By: Boater Jer
  • Published: January 26, 2020
  • Updated: November 27, 2020

A family enjoys some leisure time in the waters behind their luxury catamaran.

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There you are, out on the water when a strange craft approaches.  Is it a sailboat? It sure looks like one until it turns to face you.  That’s when you notice this boat doesn’t have just one hull. It has two hulls and it’s called a catamaran.

Catamarans are unique, and highly stable watercraft.  We’ll explore all the ins and outs of sailing the waters in one of these weird, and awesome multi-hulled craft.  Join me as we explore the wild world of sailing catamarans.

A small sailing catamaran sits on a beach.

A History Of The Catamaran

It is believed that the first people to use a catamaran design were those living in Australasia.

A map showing the region where the catamaran originated.

The succession of boat design in this region was actually very interesting.  The beginning of boats in the area was simple, albeit conventional rafts. These were fashioned from logs strewn together with plant fiber lashings such as those formed using bamboo fiber.  

Catamaran Evolution

An info graphic showing the progression of the evolution of the catamaran.

The conventional raft gave way to a minimal raft.  This design was basically a conventional raft with two cross beams added in the form of logs.  These would be eventually hollowed out to improve buoyancy.

The next step in the evolution of boats in the Australasian region was the double canoe.  This proved to be the first real catamarans.  

After some time, the form evolved further into the asymmetrical double canoe design.  In this design, one canoe was large and the other attached canoe was smaller.

The asymmetrical design quickly evolved into the single-outrigger boat like the one shown in the photo below.

A monohull canoe with an attached exterior outrigger is shown in this file photo.

The final stage of the evolution of the catamaran in the region was to gain a second outrigger.  This in effect created the trimaran with the single central hull and dual outriggers.

Eye Witness Accounts Of Catamarans

In 1697, William Dampier wrote of witnessing a type of seafaring vessel off the coast of Coromandel.  He noted how the locals called the type of boat a catamaran. He also noted that it had multiple hulls (logs) and that they were small vessels that the person operating would have to hang partway into the water, straddling the hull (log).

The name catamaran came from the Tamil.  And yet, it was easily applied by the European visitors to the two hulled sailing vessels that sped across the water in the region.

Although Dampier may have described the catamaran in the 1690s, the type of boat was actually used as early as the 5th century by the Tamil Chola dynasty.  They used boats to move their troops from one island to another. Using this design of boat allowed them to travel heavy, travel quickly and was partially responsible for the conquering of neighboring Burma, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Building A Boat – Basics Of Catamaran Construction

A boat is usually thought of as being a single-hulled vessel that travels along the surface of the water.  It can have multiple types, shapes, and designs of the hull. However, it is often only thought of as having a single hull.  But, what if it had two hulls? Would that be like taking two separate boats, and making a raft over both of them? In essence, that is exactly what a catamaran is:  two boats made into one.

Advantages Of Multiple Hulls

  • More stability than a monohull
  • Wide supporting base allows for larger sails than monohull craft of the same length
  • Hull does not require the deep-running keel of a standard monohull sailboat
  • Less hull drag in the water than a monohull
  • Less power required to drive a catamaran forward than a monohull boat

Disadvantages Of Multiple Hulls 

  • Due to multiple hulls, construction is more expensive than a monohull design
  • Catamaran speed relies on lightweight materials to make a lightweight craft.  This also drives up the cost of construction.
  • Extra engineering requirements for multi-hull craft also increase the cost of construction.

Conclusion?  Well, it looks to me like everything about catamarans points towards superiority over monohulls in nearly every way.  But, you get what you pay for. I think the same thing likely applies to cars too. For instance, I have a performance car that cost me about 10k more than the equivalent non-sports car within the same class. 

Yet to drive the vehicle, it performs so much better than the normal version of the car, it really speaks volumes to the difference between a common vehicle, and a performance one.

Speaking of performance vehicles, let’s take a look now at the different kinds and uses of a catamaran.

Catamaran Types

Commercial catamarans – ferries.

Catamarans are often used as a ferry to transport people and vehicles across bodies of water as shown in this photo.

One of the most common uses for a catamaran is the commercial use of the vehicle design when it comes to ferries.  This is likely due to the wide, flat deck possibilities of a catamaran versus a monohulled boat. Not only that, but the catamaran is also a much more stable bodied vessel.  This again makes it a superior design for transporting larger land vessels like trucks and so forth. They can easily drive on the ferry without fear of the ferry tipping over.

Some ferries are designed for taking vehicles, like the one you might find in the city of Toronto.  Where it transports cars from the mainland to Toronto Island. Others are designed specifically with the sole purpose of transporting people. I took a look at one such ferry that operates in Germany.  Take a look at the following case study.

Commercial Use Case Study – The Ferry

The FRS Helgoline is a ferry catamaran operating out of Flensburg, Germany, close to the Danish border.

A map showing Northern Germany, Denmark and Poland.

According to the ferry company’s website, the ferry runs using four main engines which are run to a capacity of 12,182 hp combined.  This blasts this ferry at a speed of 35 knots or 65 km/hour. This is equivalent to 40 miles per hour. That’s pretty good considering the size and weight of the ship body this catamaran can carry.

Speaking of capacity, the ship can carry 680 passengers. At 56.4 meters long (185 feet) by 14 meters wide (45.9 feet), that’s a decent passenger capacity. 

Catamaran Passenger Capacity Versus Monohull Boat Passenger Capacity 

The general rule for calculating passenger capacity for a boat is as follows.

Length x Width / 15 = Passenger Capacity

Therefore, the FRS Helgoline should have a calculated capacity calculated as follows.

185 x 45.9 / 15 = 566  

But it actually has a capacity of 680 which is a 20% increase in capacity over a standard monohull.

For comparison, let’s look at a superyacht.  A 48.5m (159 feet) long by 10.7m (35 feet) beam (width of the boat) Palmer Johnson Supersport 48 (valued at about $28.5 million dollars) should have a capacity calculated as follows.

159 x 35 / 15 = 371

In short, 26 feet of difference in length equates to 309 fewer passengers.  It is almost half of the capacity of the catamaran at 26 feet longer length.

A super yacht sits like a golden blade floating in the water.

Photo courtesy of

Commercial Catamarans – Service Vehicles

In port in Australia, a service catamaran sits docked in this photo.

Although Catamarans are typically used as ferries due to their stability and ability to carry wide loads on their flat decks, there are many different service catamarans out there as well.  From a support vessel to a crew transfer or search and rescue, catamarans are a solid and stable platform to build a ship on.

This is the Ardea which is a 20 meter (65.6 feet) catamaran to be used for crew transport and as a support ship.  This ship was built by the Echo Marine Group and delivered to Western Australia in early 2019. This particular vessel is in the service of the Cape Preston Sino Iron Project.  

Catamarans are used all around the world, for a variety of tasks, not just ferries or support craft.

Commercial Catamarans – Cruise Lines

A large red and white catamaran cruise ship sits idle in the waters in front of a bustling metropolis in this photo.

Now these are the catamarans we all want to be aboard, aren’t they?  Due to the wide stance, these ships can feature massive halls and wide-open interior areas.  These ships are stable, and some would say even more stable and safer than monohull design ships.  

There are many cruise ship catamarans in use today around the world.  Some of the more ‘famous’ catamaran cruises are those which investigate the Galapagos Islands.  There are several high-end, small fleet, cruise lines operating to the Galapagos which utilize catamaran design vessels as their primary ship type. 

These ships can be extremely comfortable and stable and often offer some reprieve to those who may otherwise feel seasick. It won’t stop the feeling, but the more stable the hull, the less the boat rocks around.

Military Catamarans

The USNS Spearhead races forward along the water in this file photo.

Catamarans make excellent military transport vessels.  They are stable and the potential to have a large, flat and wide deck for transporting land craft, troops or acting as a landing pad for vertical take-off aerial craft.  The stability of the two hulls makes the vessel an excellent candidate for military use, and thus it is used for said purpose.

A photo of the rear of the USNS Spearhead - a military catamaran.

As you can clearly see in the image of the USNS Spearhead, the rear of the vessel has a moveable ramp that can be used for loading and unloading land vehicles.  The interior bay of the craft is visible in the image as well, a large area for storage of vehicles, supplies and more. The crane arm on the back of the ship also shows how it is a versatile craft, set up to act as an excellent support craft with a helicopter landing pad and ample storage and freight capacity.

Recreational Catamarans

Siting on a beach, a small catamaran sail is set against the wind swept clouds and blue sky.

Catamaran Personal WatercraftThe wind is in your hair, the warm spray from the hull cutting over the edge of each wave as you skip over the water.  That is life, let me tell you. Personal watercraft have come a long way over the years and the small one, two, three and four-person catamarans have come a long way as well. 

This image shows a homemade catamaran.

Depending on the options, you can get a small one or two-person catamaran for as little as $1500 new.  That might be an inflatable though. There are some very nice, rigid hull designed catamarans for 1-4 people that range from $3500 to $15000.  And these are basically open, personal watercraft like that shown in the image below.

Using a small catamaran can be quite challenging to learn at first.  Sailing is not for the faint of heart. It requires skill, technique, knowledge of the wind and sea, and a bit of hard work.  But it can be fun, rewarding and a great way to catch some sun and fresh air out on the water. It’s a relatively GREEN sport as well.   Given the use of sails over gas-powered motors that is.

‘Sailing Cats’ – Sailing Catamarans – Yacht & Luxury Class

This photo shows a luxury sailing catamaran yacht.

Here’s where we get into the dreamy boats of the rich and famous.  I priced out a small 43’ luxury Leopard 40 sailing catamaran. Even before I added any extras at all, the base price was $399,000 USD.  I imagine if I added a few of the multiple extras available, and some tax, freight and that sort of thing, I’m easily in half a million dollars.  And that’s the smallest base model.

There are all kinds of luxury catamaran shipbuilders across the world.  From Asia to Europe and The Americas, it seems any major boating country has at least one company building luxury catamarans.  It’s weird that you don’t see more of them on the water though, don’t you think?

Being sailing vessels, these luxury cats require some training in sailing before you get behind the wheel.  And considering the price point, I would definitely want to be at least a semi-decent sailor with some good few years experience under my belt before I would comfortable at the helm of a half-million-dollar sailing cat.  It’s all relative I suppose. I imagine a billionaire might bat an eye at the prospect of wrecking a half-million-dollar boat. But to me, and most of you reading this, that’s likely a lot of money.

‘Power Cats’ – Powered Catamarans

A powered catamaran is shown in this file photo.

The powered catamaran is one of my favorite boats.  They have sort of a muscle car appearance with the wide and often tall front end of the boats.  I find it to be reminiscent of a large air intake on the front hood of a rally race car like the Subaru WRX, for instance.  These boats are fast, they are stable and handle very well. Catamarans are often considered the boat of choice for long sea voyages due to their stability.  

A powered catamaran will definitely cost more than a powered monohull boat of the same length.  Why? Well, the powered catamaran has one crucial downside. That is, it needs two engines. One for each of the two hulls.  Otherwise, it’s off balance for propulsion. These two engines or motors have to be in sync with each other or again, the propulsion will be off-balance.  Because they have two motors, they have double the maintenance when it comes to maintaining the propulsion system.

More components also means a greater chance of things breaking down.  In essence, it doubles the chances of the ship having a motor break down. The saving grace is that should one motor break, they have a backup, even if it does mean very unbalanced propulsion.  In contrast, a monohull vessel of the same length may only have half the chance of motor failure due to only having one motor, but if that one motor breaks, then what? Call for help, that’s what.  A cat would have a struggling chance to get itself back to port. A monohull would be dead in the water unless it was carrying spare parts or another motor onboard somewhere.

Catamaran Frequently Asked Questions

What is a catamaran cruise.

a catamaran boat

A catamaran cruise is simply a cruise on a dual hull design boat.  Often used for river cruises, the catamaran which is used as cruise ships are often considerably smaller than their giant monohulled counterparts.

What is the purpose of a catamaran?

A catamaran is a design for a boat that utilizes two hulls.  Due to the flat, platform-like-potential for the deck of the boat, the catamaran is often purposed with transporting materials, vehicles, and people.  For instance, catamarans are quite often used as ferries.

Is catamaran safe?

Catamaran are very safe water craft.   The design of riding on two hulls separated by a gap in between, in essence is like giving a car a double-wide wheel base.  The wider the stance, the more stable the craft, from side to side anyway. And if the length of the boat is proportional to the width, then it becomes an extremely stable craft.  That is why catamarans are often considered the best to be used for long voyages. Yes, catamaran are safe.

What is the difference between a catamaran and a sailboat?

A traditional sailboat is a deep, monohull vessel that has at least one mast extending high into the air above the deck to hold sails.  A catamaran refers to the design of a dual-hull boat and really has nothing to do with sails. Although, catamaran do make excellent sailing boats as well, they are quite capable of acting as power boats and do not require sails if they have the correct amount of powered motors to propel them.  Sailboats, although also able to be powered if a motor is provided, are traditionally monohull and wind-powered exclusively.

Do catamarans have small interiors?

The size of an interior cabin on a boat is typically proportional to the size of the boat itself.  If a catamaran has above-deck cabins, they will likely be able to be of a larger design than those you would find on deck of a monohull boat.  This is because a catamaran has a much wider footprint than a monohull boat of the same length. This extra width would allow for larger on deck cabins.  

How much does a catamaran cost?

A personal watercraft (1-2 person) inflatable catamaran will run you anywhere from $1500-$12000 USD, depending on the quality and features.  The rigid hull catamarans of the same size start at about $4500 USD.

A small cabin cruiser type of catamaran will typically start at about $60000 for a small base model and the price just goes up and up depending on size and features.

For Instance, a 40’, 3 cabin with 1 washroom cat will cost you about $500,000 USD for the base model.  They are considerably more expensive that a monohull of the same length. However, the trade-off is greater stability and a smoother, more comfortable ride.

Is a catamaran more work to maintain?

Technically yes.  Due to having two hulls and if powered, two motors and likely also water jets, this means you have double the oil changes of a boat that would have a single motor.  Once you get past the basic engine and hull maintenance, a catamaran is not that much more work than a monohull ship of the same length.  

The trouble with catamarans in terms of maintenance, is that once they reach a certain length, the width becomes more than a standard lane on the road.  That being said, if you ever need to transport the boat via land, it can be quite the challenge. Especially if you need to pay to have a police escort for an extra-wide trailer.  And special licensing might be involved as well.

What is the difference between a catamaran and a trimaran?

A trimaran is shown in this photo.

A catamaran is a dual hull boat.  In other words, it has two hulls. A trimaran has three hulls.  

Is a catamaran considered a yacht?

According to Oxford dictionary, a yacht is a medium-sized sailboat equipped for cruising or racing.  A catamaran, on the other hand, is a boat with two hulls. Therefore, a catamaran can most certainly also be a yacht.  And likewise, if a yacht has two hulls, then it is a catamaran as well.

Can you get seasick on a catamaran?

Seasickness occurs when a person feels nauseous from the swaying motion of a rocking ship.  These feelings may be lessened on a catamaran, due to their extra stability. However, a catamaran may be slightly more stable than a monohull of the same length, but it is still a boat.  And it will still make someone who experiences seasickness continue to feel the ill effects.

Are catamarans more stable in rough seas?

Catamarans are known to be more stable than monohull ships of the same length.  This is why catamarans are often the ship type of choice for long sea voyages due to their stability.

Why do catamarans capsize?

Catamarans are not known for capsizing.  The larger vessels that is anyway. But, it does happen from time to time.  Catamarans are known for their stability, so typically if a capsize event should occur, it is typical for them to be extreme circumstances.  

Personal watercraft catamarans are a different story though.  These are in fact known for tipping over. Not because they are less stable than their monohull counterparts of the same length.  But instead, because they are able to go considerably faster than monohull personal watercraft of the same length (not including powered craft though).  This is due to the sailing cats being able to have a larger sail than a small monohull sailboat of the same length.

Due to the extra sail, they are able to travel faster than monohull sailboats of the same length.  This allows them to whip around on the water and at higher speeds, whipping your cat about quick can easily send it over sideways. Extra speed means fast turns carry momentum in the direction of travel and that extra speed equates to tipping over if turned too fast.  To sum up, they capsize due to user error or extreme events.

Which is safer, a catamaran or a monohull?

Due to the extra stability of having a wider footprint than a monohull, a catamaran of the same length is the safer vessel.

Are catamarans safer than sailboats?

The same rule applies to stability versus the length of the hull.  A cat will always be the more stable length for length. However, due to their ability to go much faster than a monohull sailboat, this kind of cancels out some of the added safety due to stability.  With that in mind, they may just be about the same but there is one generalization we can make when comparing the safety of catamarans vs sailboats: At the same speed, and of equal length, sailing or power catamaran will be safer than a monohull sailboat.

How fast can catamarans go?

The speed a catamaran can go is entirely dependent upon the hull design, weight of the vessel, the strength of propulsion (be it wind or powered) and so on.  The general rule is that in terms of sailing cats vs monohull sailboats, a cat of equal length can typically go faster than a sailboat.  

In terms of powered cats vs powerboats, a powered catamaran will typically require less energy to move forward than a monohull of the same sort of hull design (but monohull of course) and thus a cat should, in theory, be able to go faster than a monohull when both are using propulsion that is equal in power.


  • Wikipedia – Catamarans
  • Mahdi, Waruno (1999). “The Dispersal of Austronesian boat forms in the Indian Ocean”. In Blench, Roger; Spriggs, Matthew (eds.). Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts languages, and texts . One World Archaeology. 34 . Routledge. pp. 144–179. ISBN 0415100542 .
  • Wikipedia – Spearhead -class expeditionary fast transport

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Catamarans: A Complete Guide to Multihull Boats

Catamarans have been a part of sailing history for centuries and continue to be popular for their stability, spaciousness, and performance. Developed by various cultures around the world, the principles of catamaran design have evolved over time to become optimized for both pleasure cruising and racing. This complete guide will help you understand the essentials of catamarans, their unique characteristics, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

a catamaran boat

From the basic concepts of multihull design, performance, and handling, we will explore the advantages and benefits of a catamaran in terms of safety and comfort on board.

Along the way, we will discuss maintenance considerations, distinctive catamaran brands and models, and how a catamaran lifestyle can compare to more traditional sailing options .

Finally, we will provide learning resources and frequently asked questions tailored to both seasoned sailors and newcomers to the world of catamarans.

Key Takeaways

  • Catamarans are known for their stability, spaciousness, and performance
  • This guide covers aspects like design, handling, safety, and choosing the right catamaran
  • Resources and frequently asked questions provide additional insights for potential catamaran owners

Understanding Catamarans

Design Characteristics

Catamarans are known for their unique design, which features two parallel hulls connected by a deck. This design provides several advantages over traditional monohull boats, such as stability and speed.

With their wide beam, catamarans have a reduced risk of capsizing and can access shallow waters due to their shallow drafts 1 .

One of the notable aspects of a catamaran is its twin hulls, which offer increased living space and comfort compared to a monohull. Additionally, catamarans are often favored by recreational and competitive sailors for their excellent maneuverability 2 .

The materials used for constructing catamarans range from wood to fiberglass, and even aluminum for high-performance vessels. Aluminum catamarans are known for their strength, lightweight structure, and resistance to corrosion 3 .

a catamaran boat

Hulls and Construction

The hulls in a catamaran are crucial to its stability and performance. These hulls help distribute the weight evenly across the water surface, minimizing drag and allowing for smoother sailing.

In general, the hulls can be categorized into two types:

  • Symmetrical Hulls : The hull shape is similar on both sides, which enhances balance and stability in various sailing conditions.
  • Asymmetrical Hulls : One side of the hull is designed differently than the other, which can be advantageous when sailing upwind.

The construction materials used in building catamaran hulls also play a vital role in the boat's performance and durability. Common materials include:

  • Fiberglass : A popular choice due to its lightweight, strength, and ease of maintenance.
  • Wood : Traditional material that offers a classic look, but requires more maintenance than fiberglass or aluminum.
  • Aluminum : Lightweight and strong, aluminum is an excellent choice for high-performance catamarans 4 .

a catamaran boat

Multihulls vs Monohulls

There's often a debate between the benefits of multihull boats, such as catamarans or trimarans, and monohull boats. Here are some key differences between the two:

  • Stability : Due to their wide beam and reduced heeling, catamarans offer improved stability compared to monohulls. This makes them an attractive option for those who want to avoid seasickness or feel more comfortable on the water 5 .
  • Speed : Multihull boats are known for their speed, which results from their ability to minimize drag and maintain a level sail.
  • Living Space : Catamarans and other multihulls generally have more living space, as both the hulls and the connecting deck can be utilized for accommodation and storage.
  • Maneuverability : While monohulls are known for their agility and ability to point close to the wind, catamarans can still offer exceptional maneuverability when properly sailed 6 .

Performance and Handling

Speed and Efficiency

Power catamarans have gained popularity for offering a unique combination of speed, efficiency, and stability. Their dual-hull design allows for less water resistance, which directly translates to higher speeds and better fuel efficiency compared to traditional monohull boats.

In addition, the wide beam provided by the two hulls ensures a stable ride even at higher speeds. This makes power catamarans ideal for cruising, fishing, and watersports ( Boating Beast ).

Sailing Dynamics

When it comes to sailing catamarans , the performance is affected by factors such as keel, rudders, mast, and sails.

Their wide beam and dual-hull design provide inherent stability and reduced heeling effect, making them less likely to capsize compared to monohulls.

I should also note that catamarans have a shallow draft, which gives them the ability to access shallow waters that may be off-limits to other boats ( Navigating the Waters ).

In my experience, the lighter weight of a catamaran and its aerodynamic design can contribute to remarkable sailing performance under different wind conditions.

The larger sail area relative to hull weight allows them to harness more wind power, further enhancing their speed and agility on the water.

Maneuvering and Docking

Maneuvering and docking a power catamaran involves understanding its unique handling characteristics.

The presence of two engines in separate hulls allows for more precise control in confined spaces such as marinas.

The maneuverability of these boats is typically improved by the use of dual rudders that are located close to each powered hull for efficient steering ( BoatUS ).

When docking under power, I find it helpful to carefully assess the wind and current conditions beforehand.

This is because catamarans can be more sensitive to windage due to their larger surface area above the waterline.

By understanding how these forces may affect the boat, I can make adjustments to my approach and successfully dock the catamaran without any incidents.

Safety and Comfort on Board

Safety Features

Safety is a top priority when sailing any type of vessel, including catamarans. A well-built catamaran offers several features aimed at ensuring the safety of those onboard.

First, catamarans have inherent stability due to their wide beam and twin hull design . This makes them less prone to capsizing than monohull boats. This stability allows me to confidently navigate various water conditions .

In addition to stability, catamarans are designed with positive buoyancy, making them almost unsinkable . Of course, safety equipment such as lifejackets, flares, and first aid kits should always be onboard and well-maintained.

Furthermore, you should also stay updated on weather conditions, avoid sailing in high-risk areas, and learn your boat's safe sail limits.

Living Spaces and Comfort

When it comes to living spaces, I value comfort and practicality as essential features for my time on the water. Catamarans offer a unique advantage in this regard, as their dual hulls create spacious living areas.

Most catamarans are designed with separate cabins in each hull, allowing for privacy and comfort when sleeping. Additionally, these boats typically feature shallow drafts , which means I can access shallow waters and anchor close to shore.

The main living area, or salon, is situated on the bridge deck between the hulls. It usually includes a seating area, a dining table, and a galley (kitchen). Large windows provide ample natural light and panoramic views, making the space feel open and bright. Some catamarans even have the option for an additional living area on the upper deck where you can enjoy the sun and breeze.

One aspect of catamaran living I truly appreciate is the ample storage available. Each cabin typically has built-in storage spaces for clothes, gear, and personal items. There are also designated areas for equipment such as spare sails, tools, and water toys. This makes it easy for me to keep my belongings organized and make the most of my time on the water.

Maintaining a Catamaran

Routine Maintenance

In order to keep my catamaran in the best possible shape, I make sure to perform routine maintenance tasks. These tasks are essential to extend the life of the components and ensure smooth sailing:

  • Cleaning : Regularly cleaning the deck, hulls, and sails prevents buildup of dirt, algae, and other debris that could affect performance.
  • Inspection : Periodically inspecting my catamaran allows me to detect any potential issues before they become significant problems. I pay close attention to the rigging, sails, and lines on my boat.
  • Lubrication : Keeping all moving parts lubricated is vital to prevent friction and wear on components such as winches and pulleys.
  • Antifouling : Applying antifouling paint to the hulls of my catamaran helps prevent the growth of marine organisms that can damage the boat and reduce its speed. Make sure to do this at least once a year.

Dealing with Wear and Tear

Despite my best efforts to keep my catamaran well-maintained, wear and tear is inevitable. Here's how I deal with common issues that could arise from regular use:

  • Repairs : When I notice signs of wear on sails, lines, or rigging components, I make it a priority to repair or replace them promptly. Neglecting these issues can lead to more significant problems and affect the boat's performance.
  • Hull maintenance : If I find dents, scratches, or stiff rudders on my catamaran's hulls, I address them immediately. Repairing any damage not only ensures smooth sailing but also prevents further issues from developing.
  • Sail care : Over time, my sails can become stretched, torn, or damaged due to exposure to sun, wind, and saltwater. Regularly inspecting them for signs of wear and making any necessary repairs or replacements helps maintain optimal performance.
  • Rust and corrosion prevention : Since my catamaran is made of various metal components, I need to protect them from rust and corrosion. I routinely check for signs of corrosion and apply anti-corrosive treatments when needed.

Catamaran Brands and Models

High-Performance Models

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in high-performance catamarans. I have seen a variety of brands and models that have impressed me with their performance capabilities. One notable brand is Fountaine Pajot , which has a long history of producing a range of sailing catamarans and power catamarans. Some of their popular models include the Tanna 47 and the Bali 4.4 .

Another high-performance catamaran I've come across is the Leopard 40 . Known for their speed and exceptional handling in various conditions, the Leopard brand started with sailing catamarans and has since expanded to include power catamarans. Their models range from 40 to 53 feet long, offering both power and luxury for those looking for a thrilling experience on the water.

Cruising Catamarans

When it comes to cruising catamarans, the Lagoon brand is synonymous with luxury and comfort. With a range of sailing catamarans from 40 to 70 feet long, Lagoon offers spacious catamarans for extended bluewater cruising. Their 60- and 70-foot power catamarans are equally impressive, providing ample living space and smooth sailing experiences.

I've also found the Aquila 42 PC to be a remarkable cruising catamaran. With a focus on design and innovation, Aquila has produced catamarans perfect for exploring the open sea with friends and family. Their spacious, stable designs allow for a more enjoyable and serene journey, ensuring you arrive at your destination comfortably.

The Catamaran Lifestyle

Anchoring and Cruising

I find catamarans to be a fantastic choice for cruising and anchoring , which is a critical part of living the catamaran lifestyle . Catamarans have several advantages when it comes to anchoring and cruising, such as:

  • Stability : Due to their wide beam and twin hulls, catamarans remain stable during anchoring, which reduces the risk of seasickness.
  • Shallow draft : Thanks to their shallow draft , catamarans can anchor close to shore, enabling better access to protected coves and more beautiful beaches.
  • Speed : Despite their large size for cruising vessels , catamarans are generally faster than monohulls. This is a result of their slim hulls and reduced water resistance.

When it comes to anchoring, catamarans can make use of their shallow draft to anchor in locations that other boats cannot. This allows for a greater range of cruising spots, which makes the overall experience much more enjoyable and unique.

Living on a Catamaran Full-time

For many catamaran enthusiasts, the dream of living full-time on a catamaran is entirely possible. While not without challenges, there are several factors that make living aboard a catamaran an enjoyable experience:

  • Spacious living areas : Catamarans generally have more living area compared to monohulls, providing ample space for the whole crew.
  • Privacy : The separate hulls allow for private cabins, ensuring that everyone on board has their space.
  • Stability : As mentioned earlier, catamarans are stable vessels, making living on them more comfortable than monohulls.

Choosing Your Catamaran

Comparing Models and Features

When I start to look for the perfect catamaran, the first thing I focus on is comparing various models and features .

I determine the key factors that are essential for my needs, such as size, passenger comfort, and performance. By doing so, I can identify which catamaran models are most suitable for me.

For example, if I plan to sail with a large group, I would look for a catamaran that offers ample space both inside and out.

To help me with my comparisons, I usually create a table or list of the different models and their features:


This visual aid makes it easier for me to sort the options and prioritize my considerations, such as price, yacht type, and brand.

New vs. Second-Hand

Another critical aspect of choosing a catamaran is deciding between a new or second-hand boat.

Both options have their pros and cons, and ultimately it depends on my preferences and budget.

If I can afford a new catamaran, I get the advantage of the latest design , features, and technology. Plus, I typically receive better warranty coverage and support from the manufacturer.

However, new catamarans are more expensive and can have long wait times due to high demand.

On the other hand, purchasing a second-hand catamaran can save me a significant amount of money, and I might find a high-quality boat with low mileage or well-maintained by the previous owner.

However, this option carries more risks, as I need to be knowledgeable about potential maintenance issues and conduct a thorough inspection before purchase.

Learning Resources

Books and Manuals

When it comes to learning about catamarans, there are plenty of books and manuals available.

One of the highly recommended books is Multihull Voyaging by Thomas Firth Jones. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of multihulls, including catamarans, and is an essential guide for any beginner sailor.

Another great book to check out is Catamarans: The Complete Guide for Cruising Sailors by Gregor Tarjan.

With a foreword by Charles K. Chiodi, publisher of Multihulls Magazine, this book covers all aspects of cruising catamarans. It includes detailed information on design, construction, and maintenance, as well as tips and tricks for sailing a catamaran.

Here are a few more books that I find valuable:

  • The Catamaran Book by Tim Bartlett, an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced sailors
  • Catamaran Sailing: From Start to Finish by Phil Berman and Lenny Rudow, a comprehensive guide to both catamaran racing and cruising

Online Content and Photography

In addition to books, you can find plenty of online content and photography about catamarans.

Websites like Sailaway Blog and Boating Guide offer tips, techniques, and how-to articles for sailing catamarans.

Many of these sites also include stunning photography, showcasing these beautiful vessels in action.

For those who prefer Kindle or e-books, many of these resources are available in digital format.

This makes it easier for you to access them anytime, anywhere, allowing you to keep learning and improving your catamaran sailing skills.

To further enhance your knowledge, you can also join online forums and communities dedicated to catamarans.

These platforms provide invaluable advice and first-hand experiences shared by fellow sailors, as well as recommendations for additional learning resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should be considered when choosing a catamaran for full-time living?

When choosing a catamaran for full-time living, consider its space and layout , as it will become your home.

Look for a design with a comfortable living area , ample storage, and sufficient berths for the number of people living aboard.

Also, consider fuel efficiency , ease of maintenance, and the catamaran's cruising range .

Lastly, the overall cost of ownership , including insurance and mooring fees, should be considered.

How do catamarans perform in rough sea conditions?

In general, catamarans are known for their stability, which is primarily due to their wide beams. This makes them less prone to capsizing when compared to monohulls.

However, their performance in rough sea conditions will depend on the specific model and design of the catamaran. Some may perform better in certain conditions than others, so researching and selecting the right design is essential.

What are the key differences between sailing a catamaran and a monohull?

One of the main differences between catamarans and monohulls is stability.

Catamarans have a wider beam , which makes them more stable and minimizes the risk of capsizing.

They also have shallower drafts, which allow them to access more shallow waters compared to monohulls.

Additionally, catamarans often have larger living spaces, making them more comfortable and suitable for cruising and full-time living.

What are the advantages of catamarans for long-distance cruising?

Catamarans offer several advantages for long-distance cruising.

Their wide, stable design provides a comfortable ride and reduces the risk of seasickness.

They can also attain higher speeds due to their reduced drag and generally sail faster than monohulls on certain points of sail.

The shallow draft allows them to explore more coastal areas and anchor closer to shore. Lastly, their spacious interiors make them ideal for extended cruises and living aboard.

How does one assess the value of a used catamaran on the market?

Assessing the value of a used catamaran requires thorough research and inspection.

Start by comparing the age, model, and condition of the catamaran to similar listings on the market.

Take note of any upgrades or additions made to the boat, as these can affect the price.

It's essential to inspect the boat in person or hire a professional surveyor to ensure there are no hidden issues that could affect its value.

What essential features should be looked for in a catamaran intended for ocean voyages?

For ocean voyages, look for a catamaran with a strong, well-built hull designed to handle rough conditions.

Safety features such as liferafts, adequate flotation, and sturdy deck hardware are crucial.

A reliable engine and well-maintained rigging and sails are also essential.

In terms of living space, opt for a catamaran with a comfortable, spacious interior and ample storage.

Last but not least, good navigation and communication systems are necessary for long-distance ocean voyages.

a catamaran boat

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What Is A Catamaran Boat? (A Comprehensive Guide)

a catamaran boat

Are you looking for a smooth, stable, and spacious boat? Then a catamaran boat may just be the perfect choice for you! Catamaran boats are becoming increasingly popular for their impressive stability, roomy design, and superior performance.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the facts you need to know about catamaran boats , from the different types available to the advantages and disadvantages, as well as important information about maintenance and care.

By the end, you will be able to make a well-informed decision about whether a catamaran boat is right for you.

So, let’s dive right in and explore the world of catamaran boats!.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

A catamaran boat is a type of vessel with two parallel hulls of equal size.

It is typically used for leisure, sport and racing.

Catamarans are known for their stability and speed in a variety of water conditions.

They are also known for their shallow draft, making them a great choice for cruising in shallow waters.

What is a Catamaran Boat?

A catamaran boat is a type of vessel that is characterized by two parallel hulls.

This unique design provides the boat with exceptional stability and ease of maneuvering.

As a result, catamarans are becoming increasingly popular for leisure and commercial purposes due to their comfort and safety.

The design of a catamaran boat allows it to be much larger and heavier than traditional monohull boats, yet still maintain a higher speed and efficiency.

This makes catamarans an ideal choice for a wide range of activities, including sailing, fishing, and water sports.

Additionally, the two hulls can be configured to provide living spaces that are much larger than those found in monohull boats, making them an ideal option for long-term voyages and other extended trips.

Due to their stability and maneuverability, catamarans have become a popular choice for a variety of commercial purposes, such as ferry services, as well as for recreational activities.

As such, they are available in a wide range of sizes and configurations, from small models designed for sport and recreation to larger vessels designed for commercial use.

No matter what type of activity youre looking to do, a catamaran boat can provide you with the stability and comfort you need to enjoy a safe and enjoyable experience.

With its unique design, a catamaran boat can provide you with an efficient and enjoyable way to explore the seas and waters around you.

Types of Catamaran Boats

a catamaran boat

Catamaran boats come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and styles, making them a great option for a variety of recreational and commercial activities.

There are two main types of catamaran boats: sailing and power catamarans.

Sailing catamarans typically feature two or more hulls connected by a frame and are propelled by the wind in the sails.

These boats are ideal for sailing, fishing, and other leisure activities, and they provide increased stability, speed, and efficiency compared to traditional monohull boats.

Power catamarans, on the other hand, are powered by motors and are designed for speed and efficiency.

These boats are often used for commercial activities such as ferrying passengers and cargo, as well as for leisure activities such as fishing and water sports.

Some power catamarans feature specialized designs for specific purposes, such as dive boats or luxury yacht charters.

No matter what type of catamaran you choose, its important to make sure that it is properly outfitted for your intended activity.

For sailing catamarans, this means checking the sails and rigging for wear and tear, and for power catamarans, making sure that all of the mechanical components are in good working order.

Safety is also a key consideration when choosing a catamaran.

Make sure to check and follow all applicable safety regulations and equipment requirements.

Additionally, its important to make sure that the boat is properly insured and that all of the necessary safety equipment is on board.

By doing your research and making sure that the catamaran you choose is the right one for your intended use, you can ensure that your time on the water is enjoyable and safe.

Advantages of Catamaran Boats

Catamaran boats offer a range of advantages over traditional monohull boats.

For starters, they are much more stable than their monohull counterparts.

This is due to the two separate hulls that provide balance and stability, even in rough water conditions.

This makes them ideal for activities such as sailing, fishing, or water sports.

Additionally, catamarans are much faster and more efficient than monohull boats, which makes them perfect for long-distance sailing trips.

Catamarans also provide more space than traditional vessels.

This is due to the two hulls, which allow for larger decks, cabins, and other amenities.

This makes them ideal for larger groups of passengers and more activities.

They are also much more comfortable than monohulls, as the two hulls provide more cushioning and less rocking.

Finally, catamarans are becoming increasingly popular for both leisure and commercial purposes.

This is due to the fact that they are much more stable, efficient, and comfortable than monohulls.

They are also much more affordable than traditional vessels, making them an attractive option for both recreational and commercial boaters.

With all these advantages, its no wonder why catamarans are becoming increasingly popular.

Disadvantages of Catamaran Boats

a catamaran boat

Catamaran boats are an excellent choice for recreational and commercial use, but there are some disadvantages that must be taken into consideration.

First, catamarans are typically larger and heavier than traditional monohull boats, making them more difficult to store and transport.

Additionally, they can be more expensive to purchase and maintain than other types of boats.

Furthermore, although catamarans are known for their stability, they are not as good at handling rough seas and can be more easily affected by wind and waves.

Finally, catamarans may not be good for people who want to go very fast, as they are not as fast as some other types of boats.

In summary, catamaran boats have some great advantages, such as their stability and comfort, but they also have some drawbacks that must be taken into consideration.

They are more expensive to purchase and maintain, they are heavier and more difficult to store and transport, and they may not be suitable for people who want to go very fast.

How to Select the Right Catamaran Boat

Choosing the right catamaran boat is an important decision.

You need to consider your budget, the size of the boat, and the type of activities you plan on doing.

When selecting a catamaran, you should consider the following: 1.

Budget: How much money do you have to spend on the boat? This includes the purchase price and any additional costs, such as maintenance and repairs.

Size: Catamarans come in a variety of sizes, from small sailboats to large luxury yachts.

Consider the size of the boat and how much space you need for passengers and gear.

Usage: What type of activities do you plan on using the boat for? If you plan on using it for recreational activities such as sailing, fishing, and watersports, you may want to select a boat that is specifically designed for those activities.

If you plan on using it for commercial purposes, such as ferrying passengers or freight, you may want to select a boat that is designed for that purpose.

Design: Catamarans come in a variety of shapes and designs.

Think about the type of boat you want and research the different types of catamarans available.

Performance: Performance is an important factor to consider when selecting a catamaran.

Research the boats speed, fuel efficiency, and maneuverability.

By considering these factors, you can ensure that you select the right catamaran boat for your needs.

Be sure to also research reviews of different models to make sure you are getting a quality boat.

With the right catamaran, you can enjoy a safe and comfortable experience on the water.

Maintenance and Care of Catamaran Boats

a catamaran boat

Maintaining and caring for a catamaran boat is just as important as selecting the right model for your needs.

This type of vessel requires regular care and maintenance to ensure it remains in excellent condition and safe to use.

Proper maintenance and care will also extend the life of the boat and help prevent expensive repairs in the future.

When it comes to maintaining a catamaran boat, the most important step is to inspect it regularly.

This involves looking for any damage, such as cracks in the hull or any other signs of wear and tear.

It is also important to check the rigging and make sure any ropes and lines are not frayed or worn.

If any damage is found, it should be fixed as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

In addition to inspecting the boat, it is important to regularly clean and wax the hulls to prevent a buildup of dirt and grime.

This will also help to maintain the boat’s appearance and protect the surface from UV rays.

It is also important to check the engine regularly to ensure it is running properly and to check the batteries for any damage.

If the engine is not running properly, it is important to have it serviced immediately.

Finally, it is essential to ensure the boat is stored properly when not in use.

This includes covering it with a tarp or boat cover to protect it from the elements.

It is also important to ensure the boat is secured in a dry, well-ventilated area with no direct sunlight.

This will help to protect the boat from corrosion and other damage caused by harsh weather conditions.

By following these simple maintenance and care tips, catamaran boat owners can ensure their vessel remains in excellent condition and safe to use.

Regular maintenance and care will also ensure the boat lasts longer and remains reliable for years to come.

Popular Uses of Catamaran Boats

Catamaran boats are becoming increasingly popular for both leisure and commercial purposes due to their stability and comfort.

They are an excellent choice for those who enjoy recreational activities such as sailing, fishing, water skiing, wakeboarding, and more.

Catamarans are typically larger and heavier than traditional monohull boats but are much faster and more efficient.

Catamaran boats offer superior stability, which makes them ideal for activities where you need to remain steady, such as fishing and water skiing.

For those who want to take it a step further, catamarans are also great for racing, due to their speed and maneuverability.

In terms of luxury and comfort, catamarans are a great choice.

They offer a larger interior space than a traditional monohull boat, meaning you can fit more people and amenities on board.

Catamarans also offer more living space in the form of a larger deck and greater headroom.

This makes them perfect for entertaining and relaxing, as well as providing plenty of space for fishing and other activities.

Catamarans are also becoming increasingly popular for commercial purposes.

They are great for ferrying passengers and cargo, due to their larger capacity and greater stability.

This makes them perfect for island transport and other commercial applications.

Catamarans are also becoming popular for eco-tourism, as they offer a quieter, more eco-friendly way to explore.

Overall, catamaran boats are a great choice for those who want to enjoy recreational activities, entertain, or transport passengers and cargo.

They offer superior stability and comfort, as well as greater speed and efficiency than traditional monohull boats.

Whether youre looking for a recreational boat or a commercial vessel, a catamaran is an excellent choice.

Final Thoughts

Catamaran boats are an increasingly popular choice for leisure and commercial activities due to their stability, speed, and comfort.

There are a variety of catamaran boats to choose from, each offering their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

To make sure you select the right catamaran boat for your needs, its important to consider all factors, such as size, cost, and maintenance.

With proper care and maintenance, catamarans can provide years of reliable and enjoyable service.

Now that you know the basics of what a catamaran boat is, why not take a look at the different types and find the perfect one for your next sailing adventure?.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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  • First time on a catamaran: what you need to know

During your captain training, you'll have learnt how to manoeuvre a monohull sailboat . But what about when you have the opportunity to sail a catamaran?  Find out everything you need to know, including differences from monohulls, important factors to consider, pros and cons, and recommended destinations and catamaran models. If you're new to catamaran sailing, this is the perfect guide for you.

5 reasons to rent a catamaran

What are the main reasons why someone decides to sail on a catamaran? Here are the top benefits of choosing this type of boat.

1. Stability

The double hulls of a catamaran provide exceptional initial stability, allowing it to  remain afloat and stable in rough waters and wind. If you're looking for a smooth and peaceful sailing experience, especially with small children or seasickness-prone individuals, a catamaran is a great option. It's perfect for taking along your grandma or a nervous friend who's never been on a boat before.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Getting seasick is not only a major worry for novice sailors, but also holidaymakers on a boat trip. But it even can affect experienced sailors from time to time. Those with darker humour say it has two phases — in the first phase you become so sick you're afraid you're dying, and in the second, you're afraid you're not going to. The important thing, though, is to understand why it happens and try to prevent it. Although you'll significantly reduce suffering from seasickness on a catamaran, what works best if it does occur? Find out in our guide —  How to cope with seasickness .

A catamaran offers more space than any other boat of similar length. With spacious saloons , plenty of seating and lounging areas , and ample sunbathing spots (such as the netting known as the  trampoline ), you'll never feel cramped. The cabins are roomy and the bathrooms are as big as those in many apartments. People who dislike tight spaces or value their privacy will find a catamaran ideal. On larger models (50+ feet), you'll have so much space, you may have trouble finding each other. Despite its comparable length, a catamaran always feels larger than its monohull counterpart. If you're used to a 50-foot sailboat, try a 45-foot catamaran and you'll still feel like you have more space.

3. Amenities comparable to a hotel room

Not only are the cabins spacious, but they are also comfortable and cosy. They usually come equipped with high-quality bedding, pillows, shelves, reading lamps, and more, making them feel like a proper room. That's why we wrote an article highlighting 9 reasons why a sailing holiday is better than staying at a hotel and it's doubly true with a catamaran.

4. Added extras

Catamarans often come equipped with the latest technology and gadgets. These include solar panels, generator, a seawater desalinator, a modern plotter with GPS, and autopilot . These will make you more self-sufficient at sea without needing the facilities of a marina as often.

5. Shallow draft

The reason why catamarans are so popular with sailors, especially in exotic countries , is the very shallow draft — 0.9 to 1.5 metres, depending on the length of the vessel, which means skippers don't have to concern themselves so much about hitting the seabed. While caution and monitoring charts are still necessary, it provides greater freedom in choosing anchorage spots, allowing you to sail almost right up to the beach and anchor to enjoy the peace and tranquillity.

Yachts and boats in the bay. Beautiful bay with turquoise water.

Only small fishing boats can get as close to the shore as catamarans.

Check out articles about other boats and boating gear

Catamaran vs. sailboat: the main differences.

Sailors have differing preferences, with some sticking to single-hulled boats and others preferring catamarans. In fact, which is best has been a hot topic since sailing began. This makes understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each hull design essential so you can make your own choice.

1. Rental price

One major drawback of catamarans is their higher cost on the charter market. Single-hull sailboats can be rented for 1,000-2,500 euros per week, while a well-maintained catamaran typically starts at 3,000 euros per week. However, this may not be the case for all models.

YACHTING.COM TIP: If you want to save money on your catamaran charter, we recommend booking it in advance. Check out our  8 reasons why Early Bird deals are the best way to rent a boat .

2. Capacity

The higher cost of catamaran charters is offset by the extra space, comfort, and capacity — it can often hold up to 12 guests comfortably. This results in a per-person cost comparable to sailboats and cheaper than coastal hotels, making them popular for island cruising and party boats. However, for a safe and responsible party experience, we recommend checking out our guide — How to enjoy a party on a boat: 10 tips to keep your crew and your boat safe .

YACHTING.COM TIP: Never exceed the maximum capacity of the boat. And remember that even small children count as crew members.

A large number of people resting on catamarans

A large crew can comfortably sail on a catamaran

3. Port charges and marina fees

Keep in mind that having two hulls means a wider boat, leading to higher docking fees . This increased width can take up more space than two smaller sailboats. However, the cost per person can be offset by the fact that more people can be accommodated. 

4. Speed vs. consumption

Catamarans typically feature two high-powered engines , making them faster than similar-sized sailboats. Even without the power of the wind, you can be flying across the waters and with a better fuel efficiency than motor boats.

Catamarans typically have two basic sails: the mainsail and the foresail and operating them follow similar principles as on single-hulled sailboats. Self-tacking jibs can also be used, reducing the work required to trim and manoeuvre the sails. 

For those looking to enhance their sailing experience, a gennaker can often be rented with the catamaran, providing added benefits, especially in light wind conditions. Take a look at our 5 reasons to rent a gennaker .

6. Flybridge

This elevated deck is a common feature on catamarans. Here you'll find the helm station and sometimes additional seating or lounging space. It is a valuable addition that provides extra living space on the boat.

Exterior view of the catamaran's foredeck, cabin and bridge on a sunny day

The catamaran's second deck provides another spot to sit and enjoy views of the ocean

Who is the catamaran suitable for?

Catamarans are the preferred choice for a group of friends wanting a laid-back holiday on the water but are also popular for corporate team-building events  and specialised stays like yoga. As their spacious deck provides a safe play area for children , they are also ideal for multi-family vacations.

YACHTING.COM TIP:  If you are sailing with small children, safety is paramount. So, check out our guidelines for safe boating with kids , our article on how to survive on a boat with kids , the Skipper mom logbook: sailing with a baby and always try to stick to the 4 essential tips for smooth sailing with kids . If you don't have kids or don't want to bring them along, why not take your four-legged friend? Catamarans offer ample space for dogs to run around, and following these 7 tips can help make your pet a true sea dog.

On the other hand, we wouldn't suggest a catamaran to sporty sailors to chase the wind in, as the catamarans for charter aren't intended for racing or regattas. Due to their design, they have limited upwind capabilities (sailing boats can sail up to 30° wind angle, while charter catamarans can only handle up to 50° to 60° wind angle), making them unsuitable for competitive sailing.

YACHTING.COM TIP: If you have doubts about your ability to safely operate the boat, consider hiring a skipper. We can arrange a skipper for you who is knowledgeable about the area and can take care of the navigation for you or teach you any sailing skills you may be lacking. Remember when planning that the skipper will occupy one cabin or berth in the saloon. 

Specifics of sailing on a catamaran

The principles of sailing a catamaran are similar to those of a monohull sailboat, but there are some differences to keep in mind. These may have already been covered in your captain's training course.

Travelling on the engine

A catamaran has two motors , each of which can be controlled separately using its own throttle control. Want to turn on the spot? That's no problem at all with a catamaran — simply add throttle with one motor and reverse with the other. Once you get the hang of this trick, you'll no longer need a bow thruster, although catamarans are sometimes equipped with one. This makes docking your catamaran a breeze compared to single-hulled sailboats.

Travelling on the sails

Sailing varies mainly in what courses you can sail and how strong the winds are. Most charter catamarans perform best on courses at 50 to 60 degrees to the wind. This is a greater angle compared to sailboats. So be prepared to have to adjust your planned route.

If you sail a sailboat too hard, the boat itself will tell you that you've over-steered by heeling. A catamaran won't do that, so you have to be very attentive to when to reef the sails. Usually, you will put in the first reef at a wind speed of 18 to 20 knots and the second reef at 23 to 25 knots.

Best destinations for catamaran sailing

In addition to the more traditional locations of Croatia , Greece , Italy ,  Spain and Turkey , we rent catamarans all over the world. In these destinations, you appreciate plenty of space , comfortable access to the water via steps, stability on the waves and amenities such as a barbecue and air conditioning .

However, catamarans are perfectly suited for more exotic destinations . In remote locations, the low draft comes in particularly handy as the seafloor is often poorly charted and the beaches are stunning. The large water and diesel tanks, along with an electricity generator, a desalinator to produce fresh water from seawater, and solar panels are especially useful in exotic locations where the yachting infrastructure is less developed. These features help sailors to be self-sufficient and avoid the need to find a dock every few days.

Popular destinations for catamaran sailing include the beautiful Seychelles , Thailand , French Polynesia and the Caribbean (Grenada, St. Lucia, Martinique, Antigua, St. Martin, Cuba , British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, and Belize).

YACHTING.COM TIP: Don't be apprehensive about sailing to more tropical destinations! Check out our  guide to exotic sailing holidays . If you are headed to these warmer climes,  you will need to find out when the rainy season or the  hurricane season  starts.

Sunny tropical Caribbean island of Barbados with blue water and catamarans

Views in the Caribbean are picture perfect

The most popular catamarans

Popular charter catamaran brands include Lagoon , Bali , Fountaine Pajot , Nautitech , and Leopard . These are the models that have received positive feedback from our clients for years and that we confidently recommend.

The Lagoon 380 offers a true sailing experience, or the larger Lagoon 46 , where you may end up spending the whole morning lounging in its spacious cabin.

The Bali cat space  provides amazing seating up at the helm.

The Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 where you'll enjoy relaxing at the bow on the seating or the trampoline.

The Nautitech 46 with its huge saloon.

The Leopard 45 with its gorgeous bright interior, or the Leopard 50  that's so luxurious, you'll feel like a king.

YACHTING.COM TIP: For the discerning sailor, the Lagoon 620 and Dream 60 large catamarans are also worth mentioning. However, it's important to note that most captain's licenses are not valid for these giants and you'll need to hire a professional skipper.

Special types of catamarans

Catamarans have been around for quite some time, leading shipyards to continuously innovate and create new models with unique features and characteristics. So, what are some of them?

Power catamaran

The popularity of power catamarans has been increasing lately due to the fact that they provide the stability and spaciousness of a catamaran without the need to handle sails.

Do you believe that more is always better? Not satisfied with just two hulls? Then we have a unique chance for you to rent a trimaran , a three-hulled catamaran that offers an unparalleled sailing experience. Trimarans are still rare, so you're sure to attract attention wherever you go.

All catamarans in our offer:

Not sure if you want a catamaran or a sailboat no problem, we'll be happy to assist you in finding the perfect vessel. just let us know..

Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

Faq sailing on a catamaran.

What are the main differences between a sailboat and a catamaran?

  • Number of hulls = stability
  • More space = higher passenger capacity
  • Higher charter and port charges
  • Speed per engine

a catamaran boat

What Is a Catamaran? Things You Need to Know

a catamaran boat

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Whether you’re a sailing enthusiast or have recently adopted an interest in yachts, you’ve probably heard of catamarans. It can be confusing as the term seems to describe boats, ships, and even massive-cruise vessels. So, what is a catamaran?

A catamaran is a boat with two hulls and a bridge between them. Catamarans can be designed as sailboats or motorboats. A catamaran stays stable since it has a wide base, it does not have a deep keel as on a monohull . Cats are known for not heeling, increased comfort, more space, and faster speeds.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this design, including its origin and its advantages.

Table of Contents

Catamaran: A Basic Overview

The term catamaran comes from a 17th-century Tamil term kaṭṭumaram . The Tamil word stands for “tied wood,” but those vessels do not share the same working principle as catamarans. 

Even though most “tied wood” rafts in the 17th century India used two logs to keep the deck afloat, the logs acted more like pontoons than catamaran hulls. However, the commonality of two logs translated to catamarans, as these vessels generally have two hulls.

a catamaran boat

Since the term refers to the design, it is correct to refer to any vessel with two hulls connected by a bridge as a catamaran. However, technical accuracy doesn’t necessarily mean general-use correctness. While cruise ships can have catamaran design and small rafts may feature two hulls, the term is most often used for yacht-sized cruising sailboats.

Buyers who would not previously afford any vessel close to a mid-sized yacht can easily order a brand-new catamaran. Even investors interested in collecting income from catamaran renting opt for medium scale catamarans to hedge against depreciation and damage. Therefore, the term catamaran has become synonymous with medium-scale yachts with two hulls.

For the rest of this article, we’ll use the term to reflect these vessels, and if a catamaran-style cruise-ship or smaller boats are brought up, the distinction will be highlighted. It is also worth noting that even when dealing with manufacturers and industry literature, the word will refer to medium-sized yachts unless specifically differentiated.

What Are Catamarans Made Of?

One of the most interesting subjects in the overall catamaran conversation is the materials used to manufacture these vessels. That’s because different brands use different technology to compose the materials required for the hulls and other areas of a catamaran. 

Hulls of a Bali catamaran are built with sandwich infusion technology using polyester and closed-cell PVC. The brand’s catamarans are fitted with daggerboards, and material variety includes Kevlar in regions of impact and carbon fiber in the lower-weight areas.

a catamaran boat

Lagoon catamarans have a history of using solid glass below water level , but newer models have a balsa core in the submerged region . While the specifics of composting technology and materials may vary from brand to brand or even model to model within the same brand, the fact that most of these vessels are made of composite material remains consistent.

Parts of a Catamaran

One cannot ask what a catamaran is without getting curious about the various parts of such a vessel. Here is a breakdown of the various parts that go into this vell’s construction:

Unlike monohulls, a catamaran has two of these. They’re usually hollow and fitted out with beds and even a glass window to look out into the water since they’re not submerged. The hulls’ function is to push down on the water, so the water reacts by pushing the vessel up. Therefore, they play an essential role in the catamaran’s buoyancy.

a catamaran boat

Cross Beams

Because the hulls exert force on the water, there needs to be something that ensures the water’s reaction (upwards force) doesn’t break the deck. Crossbeams serve as connectors between the two hulls and hold them together such that water’s upward force is distributed evenly across the surface between the hulls. 

a catamaran boat

Depending on the size of the vessel, the number of cross beams may vary. Some of the critical characteristics of cross beams include high density and low surface area. 

A bridgedeck, as the name suggests, is a deck that serves as a bridge between the hulls. Manufacturers make a compromise between space and sailing efficiency when deciding how to design a bridgedeck for their catamarans. A bridgedeck is given significant clearance to allow for smooth sailing but not too much to leave behind, only the deck for living space. 

a catamaran boat

What you should keep in mind about a bridgedeck is that the smaller its clearance, the more water hits its bottom, causing discomfort for those sailing and dealing damage to the vessel. Also, you can’t minimize the bridgedeck without affecting the hull size, which means you have to compromise between the two.

Bridge deck slamming explained

Other Parts

While the aforementioned parts are key to a catamaran’s construction, they are by no means an exhaustive list of every vessel’s component. 

Catamarans have a topdeck, oftentimes a saloon, and separate chambers depending on the size. The standard vessel will have the interior fitting of a yacht of a similar size. Since none of these parts are specific to catamarans, a detailed breakdown of each isn’t necessary.

Catamaran parts explained

How Long Does a Catamaran Last?

Since catamarans aren’t impulse-buys, you must consider the longevity of the specific model you wish to buy. If you go with a boutique manufacturer without knowing about materials and construction, you may be sold a vessel that may last only seven years. 

On the other hand, brands that list their construction methods with transparency regarding materials used are more confident in their product, which has five times the longevity of a cheaply manufactured catamaran.

a catamaran boat

Suppose you wish to purchase a catamaran you want to have for 15+ years. In that case, you may avoid buying a “performance” catamaran that focuses on lightweight in favor of sailing speed and effortlessness on the waves. This conversation becomes more complicated when you consider sailing frequency and its impact on different vessels.

Generally speaking, expecting your catamaran to remain functional and smooth sailing for fifteen years is reasonable. That doesn’t mean any catamaran you purchase will fit this criterion but only suggests that you will find vessels with this longevity with relative ease.

Is It Easier to Sail a Catamaran?

It is essential to address different sizes of catamarans when this question arises. Sailing a catamaran sailboat is different from captaining a standard (yacht-sized) catamaran. Since yacht-sized catamarans can come with an autopilot, as can their monohull equivalents, the question becomes more about the sailing experience.

a catamaran boat

Your guests are more comfortable in a catamaran as the sailing experience doesn’t translate water resistance and wind to the vessel’s interior as much as it does in a monohull. Monohulls get hit by waves that pass between the two hulls of a catamaran.

As for physically sailing a catamaran-design vessel, the experience is different but not objectively easier. For instance, if you’re a seasoned monohull sailor, you’ll find what you’re used to much easier than adjusting two catamarans. 

Final Thoughts

Catamarans are self-balancing and easy to learn, making them a preferred sailing choice among novices and time-strapped sailing enthusiasts. They have recently become symbols of luxury with comfortable interiors and ample living space.

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Salt Water Sportsman

2023 Boat Buyers Guide: Catamarans

  • By Karl Anderson
  • December 27, 2022

Catamaran spinning circles

The popularity of the multihull (aka catamaran or cat) fishing boats has never been greater, as more and more boatbuilders enter this growing segment of the market. The inherent stability of the catamaran design rolls less with the seas, making fishing offshore less tiresome and more comfortable. Available from 20 to 48 feet, catamarans typically offer a large fishing platform with generous storage and fishing amenities. They are available in a wide variety of deck layouts, including center-consoles, dual-consoles, and even pilothouse and express variants.

Catamaran foredeck

Big Picture

The large deck area of a catamaran enables many large underdeck storage lockers and insulated fish boxes in the sponsons. This gives anglers ample room for gear and the day’s catch. The catamaran’s stability, fishability, and smooth ride in rough seas make it attractive to anglers as well as day-cruisers. A center-console version adds 360 degrees of angler access to the rail. With the dual-console design, generous seating behind a beam-to-beam windshield makes for a great family fishing-friendly setup.

Live bait is one of the most popular types of fishing in virtually every coastal zone. To do it successfully requires optimal water capacity and proper flow. The minimum size of the outflow water plumbing should be twice the size of the inflow. The plumbing should have a drain at the bottom to shed scales at the end of the day, as well as a drain at the top of the well to adjust capacity and allow overflow. Above-deck transom-mounted wells should fully flood to the lids when running to keep baits from getting beat up. 

Tip: A sump box with multiple pumps in case a pump fails is the best setup for first-rate livewells. Conveniently located inflow and outflow valves make it easy to optimize the flow without tiring your bait from swimming too much in the well. 

Catamaran helm

Rod Storage

Having enough rod holders is essential to be successful for opportunity fishing. Look for vertical rod storage along the console and across the back of the T-top. Many models also have rod holders along the outboard transom wall. Having plenty of gunwale rod holders for drift- and kite-fishing is helpful. 

Tip: Placing adjustable swivel rod holders by Gemlux makes deep-dropping, lure-fishing and drifting even easier because they allow your rods to face the direction the baits are fishing, yet they can be swiveled back to keep rods from sticking out of the boat while running and docking. 

Manufacturers often offer multiple choices for horsepower, but whatever the choice, the engines must come in pairs. For example, you might order twin outboards (one for each sponson) or four outboards (two for each sponson), but single- or triple-outboard configurations are not common on a cat. Optimal selection should be made based on user load, weight of the boat, ride comfort , performance desires, and best case for resale. It’s a rare day when you can run wide open, but having more horsepower gives better torque at slower speeds and thus better control. Running larger engines slower gives better fuel efficiency too.

Tip: When possible, choose the highest horsepower offered because it typically leads to a better resale value with a shorter sales cycle. 

Power steering from engine manufacturer Optimus or SeaStar is essential with the higher horsepower required for larger boats, and it makes installing and operating the upper station in a tower far more practical and comfortable.

With the power demands of electronics, livewell pumps, stereo amps and more, it is wise to have at least two house batteries, and for larger boats, a third or fourth with a multibank charger for dockside. Each engine should have its own dedicated battery as well. 


Typically choosing the largest screen or multiple screens that will fit on the console is best-case scenario for ease of use, ergonomics, and visibility. VHF radios, stereo controller, and equipment switches for lighting, pumps, and accessories should all be integrated with greatest visibility and ease of operator reach. 

Catamaran illustration

A Tale of Two Hulls 

A catamaran rides on pair of hulls, or sponsons, each thinner and sharper than  that of a similarly sized monohull boat. The narrow sponsons of the cat tend to slice easily through water to deliver a smooth ride, even in rough seas. At the same time, with the sponsons positioned out to the sides of the boat, cats tend to roll less, thus providing great stability to enhance crew comfort, security and safety. However, cats tend to corner more flatly than a monohull, and some hulls (but not all) tend to lean outward versus inward during a turn.

Catamaran running

Experts Say

Newer designs such as Invincible’s Morelli and Melvin-designed semi-asymmetrical sponsons eliminate some of the negatives of the cat design, such as “sneezing,” where water sprays out the front of the boat when hitting a wave. They’ve also controlled the uncomfortable “outboard lean” ­sensation common in older designs when in a turn. Once transitioned to a ­catamaran, many become true believers and preach the benefits of the design.

Editor Says: Saltwater fishing cats not only offer superb stability and smooth ride, but some also display exceptional speed and range. I recall one trip out of Key West, Florida, aboard an Invincible 40 Cat with four 350 hp outboards to the Dry Tortugas. It was a 60-mile run, and we made it there in 70 minutes. We caught more fish than our arms could bear, and then dashed back to Key West, arriving in time for cocktail hour on the same day. -Jim Hendricks, Staff Editor, Boating and Fishing Group

  • More: 2023 Boat Buyers Guide: More Resources , Boats

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10 Best Catamarans in 2024

Three Sailboats Racing In The Indian Ocean

We gave our Sailing writers one job: Find the best and most popular catamarans and review them.

Our review team always considers durability, price, quality, and value in their reviews.

a catamaran boat

A catamaran is a sailboat that has a multi-hull design. It gives it more stability because it’s wider and that creates more livable space for more people.

Read about the best multihull boats in this article and learn which one is best for your voyages.

The biggest advantages of a multihull are:

  • Multihulls are usually faster than monohulls, especially on downwind runs, reaches and broad reaches. You can travel further per day and outrun inclement weather
  • They are more stable than a monohull. Sailing flat definitely has its advantages
  •  It is less tiring sailing a multihull
  •  More space!
  •  For cruising the draft is less than a monohull which means you can go into shallower water safely

Top 5 Catamarans in 2024

All the catamarans we've tested.

Lagoon Catamarans


Where to buy:

Where to buy lagoon 40:.

Lagoon has always enjoyed a sweet spot in the 38 to 40-foot catamaran market. The Lagoon 380 became one of the most popular cats ever, with nearly 1,000 hulls being produced over a 20-year run. The L400 and L39 attempted to tweak that popular design, but neither caught on to the extent the 380 did.

The new Lagoon 40 is turning heads for many reasons. The Lagoon 380 is officially off the Lagoon website, so it might finally be time for the torch to be handed to a new cat. And the 40 has just the right mix of modern features, small size, and affordability that many cruisers and families seek.

Here’s a go-anywhere boat that looks good, sails easily, and keeps you comfortable.

  • Naval Architects: Van Peteghem-Lauriot Prevost (VPLP Design)
  • Built: CNB Yards, Bordeaux, France
  • Exterior Designer: Patrick le Quément
  • Interior Designer: Nauta Design
  • Length Overall: 11.74 m/ 38 feet, 6 inches
  • Beam: 6.76 m/ 22 feet, 2 inches
  • Draft: 1.35 m/ 4 feet, 5 inches
  • Mast Clearance: 18.42 m/ 60 feet, 5 inches
  • Sail Area: 80 square meters/ 861 square feet
  • Engines: 2 x 29 hp Yanmar 3YM30 (upgradable to 45 hp)
  • Fuel: 2 x 200 liters/ 56 gallons
  • Fresh Water: 300 liters/ 76 gallons
  • CE Certifications: A10/B12/C16/D20

Things we like:

Things we don't like:.

Leopard Catamarans


Where to buy Leopard 42:

The Leopard 42 is the company’s replacement for the 40. It integrates several design elements that were proven on the new 50 and 45-foot models, including an upper lounge area atop the coachroof. The design also has the unique forward salon door that opens for direct access to the foredeck and a sun pad lounging area.

Like all Leopard catamarans, the 42 is not only comfortable to stay on, but it’s also fun to sail. All sailing controls lead to the compact helm. Everything can be handled from this one control station. The full-roach main and overlapping genoa provide plenty of power, and optional electric winches make sail handling a snap.

The Leopard 42 share company in the market for 42-foot cats with some very attractive boats–the Lagoon 42, the Bali 4.2, and the FP Astrea, to name a few.

  • Year Launched: 2021 (There have been several designs to carry the "Leopard 42" name)
  • Designer: Alex Simonis
  • Builder: Robertson and Caine, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Length Overall: 41 feet, 7 inches/12.67 meters
  • Beam: 23 feet, 1 inch/7.04 meters
  • Draft: 4 feet, 7 inches/1.4 meters
  • Mast Height: 67 feet, 10 inches/20.68 meters
  • Power: 2x Yanmar 45 hp diesel engines
  • Fuel: 158 gallons/600 liters
  • Water: 174 gallons/660 liters
  • Holding: 44 gallons/ 166 liters
  • Upwind Total Sail Area: 1,217 square feet/113.1 square meters

Fountain Pajot 80 Catamaran Superyacht

Fountaine Pajot 80 Catamaran Superyacht Rear

Where to buy Fountain Pajot 80 Catamaran Superyacht:

Fountaine Pajot, one of the foremost builders of sailing catamarans, unveiled their biggest “ Super Catamaran ” ever: the Thira 80.

The release comes on the tail of an ever-increasing trend in the catamaran market—the bigger-the- better era . With Sunreef, Lagoon, and Gunboat all making boats in the 70 to 80-foot range, these companies clearly see a market for the catamaran superyacht.

Boats this size are easily comparable to a motor yacht of more than 125 feet long. The very wide beam provides cavernous interiors for more livable space. And they have plenty of room for the toys of the trade—tenders, jet skis, paddleboards, and more.

While sailing is always preferable, its 175 to 300-horsepower engines are more than capable of moving it on calm days. And it’s hard to beat the ride and comfort of a catamaran at sea, with its extra stability and lack of heeling in the wind.

So, is bigger really better? Let’s dive in and tour the new Fountaine Pajot 80 and all that she has to offer.

  • Length: 78.7 feet/23.98 meters
  • Beam: 36.4 feet/11.09 meters
  • Draft: 6.9 feet/2.10 meters
  • Displacement: 66.0 tons (approximate)
  • Sail area Main: 2,153 sqft/200 sqm Genoa 1,507 sqft/140 sqm
  • Power options: 2x 175-hp, 270-hp, or 300-hp

Kinetic Catamarans

Kinetic KC54


Where to buy Kinetic KC54:

The Kinetic may be fresh on the scene of the Super Cats but it is on the cutting edge of the finest fast craft in terms of performance and latest technology while also having features, impeccable finishes and the amenities of stylish cruising.

This has been awarded the Cruising World Best Large Multihull 50ft and Above Boat of the Year 2022 as well as the Special Recognition Award – for Overall Excellence 2022 by Sailing Magazine. Said Gerry Douglas of Sailing Magazine: ‘This was the Tesla of sailboats…in terms of design and execution and technology, it hit all three of those marks. This boat is built without compromise’.

These catamarans are all-carbon construction, an aggressively lightweight construction and set up for short-handed sailing. Mast is coachroof mounted and there are options for centreboards and daggerboard. There are three steering stations (two outside aft on each hull, one inside right behind the working cockpit) to suit weather conditions and personal preference.

  • Length: 54 ft 2 in
  • Beam: 27 ft 7 in
  • Draft: Dagger Boards down 10.2 ft
  • Standard Rudder up 4.5 ft
  • Capacity: 3 or 4 double berths (6-8 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x Yanmar 4JH80 - 80hp Diesel SD80
  • Fuel Capacity: 264 gal
  • Mast height: 85.3 ft (above water)
  • Mainsail area: 1,102 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 264 gal

Xquisite Yachts

Xquisite X5 Plus


Where to buy Xquisite X5 Plus:

2022 saw the Xquisite X5 named the Cruising World magazine’s Best Cruising Catamaran of the year – yet again (it won the Best Multihull over 50ft award in 2017) .

As Ed Sherman said: ‘There are 40,000 man-hours invested in this boat. And you can see it.’ To the bolts that are torqued to the 2 weeks spent with each new owner training them on systems – this is a strong product, well designed by Rudolf Jonker and built by Phoenix Marine incorporating all of Tamas Hamor’s ideas and experience. This really is a well thought out 53 ft cruising sailboat and is another South African-built catamaran loaded with important details, not only the visible ones.

The goal for Xquisite is to supply fully equipped catamarans for long-term live-aboard cruising with comprehensive lifetime service assistance for the owners.

There are so many features from the gutters to catch rain-water on the coachroof to footswitches for the electric winches at the helm. Solid handrails all around the deck for maximum security to the below deck running-rigging network! In terms of the design and construction much thought has gone into weight saving. There is no faulting the systems installations.

All lines lead to the helm through below deck channels that are easily accessible with winches well thought out. The helm is slightly raised to port under a bimini with a sliding fully-battened canvas roof that is easily raised and lowered. There is an overall ambiance of space and light in the berths and galley which opens onto the cockpit.

Sailing performance was impressive with its powerful rig – however a heavy, low-slung cruising cat with keels instead of boards to get to your destination in comfort and style.

See our complete list of the best catamarans here .

  • Length: 53 ft
  • Beam: 26 ft 2in
  • Draft: 4 ft 4’
  • Capacity: 3 double berths (6 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x 80 HP Yanmar
  • Fuel Capacity: 208 gal
  • Mast height: 78 ft 7’ (above waterline)
  • Mainsail area: 1,130 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 227 gal

McConaghy Boats

McConaghy MC60


Where to buy McConaghy MC60:

The MC60 is the fastest and most luxurious flybridge catamaran. ‘Think next-gen fighter jet meets a New York style luxury loft apartment.’

McConagy boats was founded by John McConaghy in 1967 and in 2000 Mark Evans & Jono Morris embraced the opportunity to take over the country. They partnered with Tiger Group Investments and have grown from strength to strength – building the world’s fastest racing yachts , submarines, components for Formula One racing and developing solutions for architects, scientists and others. They have a proven track record on complex composite products which are lightweight, corrosion resistant, have design flexibility, durability and high strength.

In the MC60, designed and engineered with safety as priority, this performance sailing meets stylish living with only finest wood veneers and luxurious materials throughout – the wide saloon which offers a versatile but spacious living area, large windows and retractable glass doors aft, a galley well positioned best suited to socialising. The attention is to detail and innovation even in the storage solutions so that living space is maximised with semi-customisation of interiors too.  She is the perfect blend of sophistication and high tech.

Sailing is in utmost luxury, effortlessly and safely due to meticulous control of weight. She is much lighter than other similar length cats and can approach cruising speeds close to true wind. A professional crew are required. For sailing there are dual helm positions on the streamlined flybridge for best sight lines. The precise hull forms achieve optimum strength to weight ratio with careful use of carbon which means that under full sail she points upwind like a monohull. The M60 has push button centerboards that raise on impact automatically – certainly one of the safest offshore performance catamarans .

  • Length: 60 ft 04 in
  • Beam: 28 ft 2 in
  • Draft: 4 ft 7 in with centreboards up
  • 12 ft 4 in with centreboards down
  • Capacity: 2 double berths & 1 - 2 twin (6 - 8 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x 57 HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 123.19 gal
  • Mast height: 92.85 ft
  • Mainsail area: 2,034 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 123.19 gal

Sunreef Yachts


Where to buy Sunreef 80:

Winner in the 2019 Oceanway China Yachts Award, the 2019 Yacht and Aviation Awards and claiming Best of Show Award in the 2020 Miami International Boat Show this mighty fine catamaran justly deserves all and more.  It is an all-round sailing leisure yacht for exclusive getaways, charter and transocean adventures and is set up for professional crew.

The Sunreef is built in Poland under management of Founder and CEO Francis Lapp who has been producing large vessels from 50-165 ft since 2002 and knows well what semi-custom cruising is all about.

The Sunreef 80 fuses contemporary design with its layout flowing easily one into another area in ultimate luxury. Custom finishes ensure that you have found your ultimate catamaran – the vast central lounging space with panoramic view opens both onto the bow and cockpit. The cleverly designed bridge deck and superstructure facilitates the superior comfort onboard.

The spacious 54sqm flybridge is the epitome of leisure – a jacuzzi, wet bar, barbecue and large sunpads with the main boom well clear overhead ! It also houses all the navigation. Plenty of relaxation and pleasure space.

The sail controls are well laid out for the twin helms with carbon masts built by Sunreef themselves. The rig is built for power on this well equipped and luxury sailing vessel.

The tall bow has a fine entry aimed at reducing drag while the hulls are designed to reduce drag too while having super volume to accommodate the luxurious cabins are airy and impeccable in style. The master cabin is located midships starboard and is an opulent space while the other cabins each have queen sized beds, spacious en-suites and unquestionable privacy.

  • Length: 80 ft
  • Beam: 37 ft 7 in
  • Draft: 7 ft 218 in
  • Capacity: 4 - 5 double berths plus optional crew of 3 (8 - 10 persons plus crew max of 3)
  • Motor: 2 x 280 HP John Deeres
  • Fuel Capacity: 634.01 to 1585.03 gal
  • Mast height: 2185 ft
  • Mainsail area: 2152.78 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 422.68 gal

HH Catamarans

HH50 cruiser


Where to buy HH50 cruiser:

The HH50 is a performance cruiser for the blue water with simple to use but intelligent systems, carbon construction and to top it all luxurious and spacious interior. She offers to best of all worlds – easy to manage sailing vessel which is robustly built, fully equipped and stylishly comfortable for your adventure.

The sailing systems and deck layout are designed for short-handed sailing with dual helm stations each giving the helmsman total sail control from either side and having excellent visibility.  The C daggerboards are curved and are fully retractable. Push button mainsheet and self-tacking jib are standard. Equal-to-Wind speed is normal, this is a performance sailing vessel.

The large saloon has a good sized galley and when at anchor the sail handling area converts easily to a comfortable forward facing seating area. The aft cockpit has an integrated wet bar and barbeque – perfect for al fresco entertaining or dining. Luxury queen size beds await in the cabins.

  • Length: 51 ft 8 in
  • Beam: 24 ft 41 in
  • Draft: 5 ft 43 in Board down
  • 10 ft 83 in Board up
  • Capacity: 2 double berths and 1-2 single (4 - 6 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x Yanmar 40HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 131.98 gal
  • Mast height: 75 ft 36 in
  • Mainsail area: 873.28 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 87.99 gal

Excess Catamarans


Where to buy Excess 11:

This gem earned the title of Cruising World’s Boat of the Year 2021 impressing the judges with its allocation of space all the while offering superior sailing performance. All at a great price.

Using compact space effectively – effectively and seamlessly assimilating working and social areas in a thoughtful, pleasant, workable and innovative way. This is a sure winner for the Excess 11.

The Excess 11 is one of the smallest catamarans as well as the only large-scale production boat of this size, with comfort, space and thrilling sailing. She is comfortable in her simplicity and light style. It is very capable for long passages and meets the needs for life on board, built on the experience of previous models and designs.

Even with her smaller size she offers comfort on deck with a large open cockpit and twin helm stations.

Complete Excess 11 standard features list please email via website

  • Length: 37 ft 5 in
  • Beam: 21 ft 7 in
  • Draft: 3 ft 9 in
  • Capacity: 3 - 4 double berths (6 - 8 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x 29HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 106 gal
  • Mast height: 56 ft 8 in
  • Mainsail area: 592 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 79 gal

Bali Catamarans

BALI Catspace


Where to buy BALI Catspace:

The BALI Catspace is the most successful catamaran in her class with the Catspace being the smallest of the BALI range, combining all the latest innovations in cruising. It was nominated for the Cruising World’s best boat of the year: Catamaran under 50 ft, 2022.

The Catspace was conceived by Olivier Poncin & designed by Lasta Design – combining all the latest innovations in cruising into a really neat vessel.

The sailing quality is not to be faulted for a catamaran of this size, the deck which is efficient for sailing allows smooth movement from the aft platform to the forward cockpit with lounge and sunbathing area. There is, in addition a full-comfort flybridge which has a safe relaxation area and a helm station which is designed for single/short handed use.

The 4 cabins each have private heads and the ability to open up the back end of the cats to create the indoor/outdoor platform is well planned and highly effective.

Complete Catspace standard features list

  • Length: 40 ft 39 in
  • Beam: 21 ft 59 in
  • Draft: 3 ft 91 in Boards up
  • Motor: 2 x 20HP up to 2 x 40HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 107.78 gal
  • Mast height: 58 ft 56 in
  • Mainsail area: 1,087 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 167 gal

Regatta In Indian Ocean, Sailboat And Catamaran. Helicopter View

Big ‘blue water’ Sailing

Blue water sailing refers to the open sea. Non-blue or pond sailing refers to inland waters and coastal areas.

The difference in specific design of a blue water or non-blue water vessel is for the ship captain’s visibility as well as based on the hazards of the area they are to be used.  A bluewater (offshore) catamaran is designed for voyages in very rough seas. They are usually 40ft or longer, designed to be very stable, carry heavy loads and very safe.  Ocean sailing has different dangers to coastal water with different challenges – sailing through storms, longer distances, more maneuvering space, night sailing – and more gear, better technology, skills and sturdier vessels are needed.

When sailing in confined waters it is important to have more reactive steerage, less maneuvering time, you do not need to store multiday provisions as you are more reliant on daytime sailing, do not need so much speed so have smaller sails and lower horsepower engines and perhaps the intention if for pleasure alone so one of the major considerations will be the  layout of the vessel.

For most sailors the choice of size is between 40-50 feet which is manageable for 2 persons with lots of room to spread out and entertain or have friends on board and that is easy to dock both in terms of space and cost.

Three Sailboats Racing In The Indian Ocean

First questions to ask yourself

First up consider these 5 points before you decide on your multihull model, length and manufacturer.

Will you be using your sailing vessel for coastal or blue water adventures? What is your primary objective and then: is this for family pleasure or entertaining or Charter?

For sailing

Must it be suited for single-handed sailing? What proficiency of sailing do I have/need? Degree of technology required? Equipment required?

Functional Use

How many berths do I need? How much privacy? Elegance, comfort and style – what is required? Space for ‘toys’?  If for charter or private use with crew – extra berths.

Your total budget must include the initial cost of the vessel plus survey, transport, upgrading of equipment, insurance, etc – there is a lot to consider. Would a second hand vessel be a consideration? What is the smallest I can go?

Annual Costs

What will my ongoing budget be for Insurance, berthing, maintenance, repairs, haul out fees, etc? This excludes any travel costs

Where do I want to berth my vessel? Or living aboard?

It is said that BOAT is an acronym for: Break Out Another Thousand!

Beautiful Catamaran On A Tropical Beach.

Review of Our Favorite 15 Multihulls 2024

With cutting edge technology and the strive for sail performance this was no easy task – there are many deserving vessels who deserve to be in the Top Reviews such as Privilege 510, Outremer 51, Knysna 500SE and the St Francis 50. There are also other models by manufacturers we have selected that have proven themselves over the years that may be a better size for you.

Here’s our listing!

Related Reviews

Read full review

Final Thoughts

Multihull vessels have a lot of the potential for creature comforts that motor yachts have without the constant thrumming of the engines. But they still require a modicum or rudimentary understanding of sailing.

There’s also a bit of maintenance required, but this is something–like having kids–that you figure out along the way.

Another popular boating segment is the power catamaran. Like their sailing counterparts, power catamaran boats have great living space, but without the need to understand sailing principles. Either way, both multihull markets look to be growing in popularity over the next many years.

The resale market for multihull ships also looks promising, so getting one, trying it out for a couple of seasons and selling it again is a possibility without losing too much on the purchase price.

Before you sign the cheque….

So you’ve located some a catamaran for sale that looks promising. It’s one of the models on the list here and you’re wondering if its in the best shape relative to the price. Here’s what you do:

Take time out to go and view it in person. Book yourself an experience aboard and head over to your closest marina and speak to owners (this may well help you create your shortlist too). Consider these points before purchasing:

  •       Pre-book buyer’s sea trials for your shortlist
  •       Select the perfect sailing vessel for you (and if it’s for your family make sure they agree too!)
  •       Used – get a certified hull survey, safety comes first
  •       Get annual insurance quotes
  •       Calculate dockage – purchase or rent a slip or dock
  •       Calculate monthly upkeep and maintenance
  •       Calculate extra costs like navigational devices & fittings
  •       Draft your own checklist
  •       Draft & sign off sale & purchase contracts
  •       Draft & sign off a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  •       Ensure you are satisfied 100%
  •       Execute payment and take transfer of ownership
  •       Register and insure your vessel

Check all necessary Stock is aboard – Sail away!

Pre-Departure Checklist

Some ideas for you –

  • Always pre-check the weather and wind conditions prior to any excursion on the water
  • Always know the tide table in your head, so you know what the ocean is doing at all times, incoming or outgoing tide, and what is the tidal range if you are in an ocean estuary or channel.
  • Check you have fuel, water, food and all the basics before loading passengers aboard, and follow these easy steps to ensure safety is first at all times.
  • Plan your upcoming voyage, does it feature high swells, rocky shores, and cold water
  • Check Safety equipment, making sure you have enough life jackets for all sea-farers
  • Check sails, sheets and lines. All sailing gear
  • Check your engines – Open fuel lines, check oil and spark plugs
  • Check fuel tank levels and have extra fuel aboard for an emergency
  • Start the motor, make sure water is coming out to cool the motor
  • Test both forward and reverse gears on the engine before guests board
  • Check that you have a working and full battery communications radio, with all correct channels programmed, and that all the vessel lights and electrics are in working order
  • Check for first aid kits , manual hand pump, paddles, lifejackets , additional lines, fresh drinking water and food for passengers plus some spare in case your voyage is longer than expected, necessary repair tools & kit and flags
  • Strap any equipment and gear down safely before you start to motor
  • If you have passengers boarding, ensure you give a proper safety briefing and point out where all the safety gear is on the vessel. Children should be included in the briefing and be secured properly before departure

Catamarans versus Trimarans

Trimarans have limited space in slimmer hull designs generally. This makes Catamarans with their comfortable open leisure space both above and below deck far preferred for leisure sailing.

On the plus side for Trimarans are their speed and seaworthiness.

How Safe are Multihull Boats at Sea?

Probably a close second in terms of questions asked. On a twin hull design the buoyancy is on the outer edges of the boat and their is greater stability and less rolling when drifting or trolling compared to a monohull.

Catamarans are safe in rough seas because of their wide stance which makes them stable with increased motion comfort and excess buoyancy due to lack of ballast. They are easy to maneuver and with high speeds that may help them outrun storms with skilled crew who know the vessel. A trimaran is the safest of multihulls with the 3 hulls, centering of its weight and anti-drift plan. The righting torque between a catamaran and trimaran is significantly different.

An important consideration is this – if your catamaran is anything longer than 45ft, unless specifically modified for single handed sailing, then it probably cannot be sailed alone. At some stage in your journey you may well have to sail alone – can it be done?

As Blue Water Sailing Vessels

Catamarans are more stable and fast and depending on conditions some can distance more than 200 miles in a day.

Cats usually sail faster than monohulls (standard) due to the weight of them and displacement, especially on a run or broad reach when the sails are perpendicular to the wind. There are many variables to consider.

Solo Sailing a Multihull

Most small and medium-sized cruising catamarans can be sailed single-handedly. The skill of the sailor with high tech equipment such as electric winches and powered sail control, layout (such as all lines to the cockpit, roller furling mainsail, autopilot, etc) and safety precautions make it an adventure not to be missed.

If your catamaran is longer than 45ft, unless specifically modified for single-handed sailing, you will not be able to safely sail it alone. Consider:

  • What the minimum length of the vessel would suit your needs to handle on your own
  • Layout planning is essential
  • Space you need
  • The bigger the boat means larger sails which will be harder to raise and repair
  • The bigger the boat means more power and speed – be comfortable with your vessel
  • Update your sailing skills

Finding the Right Size

It is a very personal choice but at the very least the advice would be to buy the smallest catamaran you think would meet your needs – this is because you have many other costs to consider and the bigger the vessel the more the costs of upkeep, dockage, space for crew.

A perfect size for blue water sailing (including around the world) is around 40 ft, small enough to be sailed by one person but big enough to provide safety and speed. The smallest size to consider to cross the ocean safely and in some comfort by consensus is around 30ft. Any smaller and you will possibly have the following problems as dealing with large seas the size of your vessel does count :

  • A smaller vessel is always pitching and yawing and this impacts the crew negatively over a long period of time or in crisis situations
  • Low bridge deck clearance due to the small size of the vessel
  • when sailing upwind the waves are projected with speed and force into the decks understand (between the pontoons) creating bridge deck slamming.  This vibration and noise impacts the crew and is very tiring – sailing downwind to prevent this may not be where you want to go
  • Not having enough space for all the supplies and equipment needed for a long passage
  • Alongside the problem of weight to be carried is the problem of distribution of this weight over the length of the vessel safely

Multihulls best for ponds, slow rivers and calm bodies of inland water benefit from having flat hulls to provide shallow draft with great deck space manufactured from aluminium or fibreglass. Make sure you take extra food and water and all safety supplies just in case of an emergency!

The question everyone wants to know – how much does it cost to live onboard?

There are many variables depending on your lifestyle, where you intend to cruise or berth and how much you want to travel aboard. A good estimate would be between US$2000-US$5000 per month for a family of 4, a little less for a couple/single person plus the maintenance cost of your boat which is on average 5-10% of the cost of the boat. The maintenance of your boat varies depending of equipment, age, condition and size.

What do I need to consider differently to live on-board rather than racing ?

Racing vessels are designed for speed and exhilaration and safe fun.

Living on-board requires space and comfort – space for storage, large-sized comfortable berths, living space, entertaining space, home-space! You need to know your long term goals and what your personal needs are – do you need a dedicated work area or desk space/permanent interconnectivity for work?

Generally cruising catamarans have wider hulls which give you more space as well as creating more drag which slows your boat down and is more costly on fuel.

Many used charter boats are seen as great purchases for living on-board, however make sure that they are suited for blue water sailing and not only for coastal water.

Here’s a list of the Top 15 best Multihulls reviewed in this article: 

  • Leopard Catamarans – 41 ft 7 in – Leopard 42
  • Balance Yachts – 48 ft 26 in – Balance 482
  • Kinetic Catamarans – 54 ft 2 in – Kinetic KC54
  • Xquisite Yachts – 53 ft – Xquisite X5
  • McConaughey – 60 ft 1 in – MC60
  • Sunreef Yachts – 80 ft – Sunreef 80
  • Leopard Catamarans – 50 ft 6 in – Leopard 50
  • Voyage Yachts – 57 ft 42 in – Voyage 590
  • Seawind – 52 ft 8 in – Seawind 1600
  • HH Catamarans – 52 ft – HH50
  • Fountaine Pajot – 39 ft 14 in – Isla 40
  • Lagoon-Beneteau Group – 38 ft 5 in – Lagoon 40
  • Excess Catamarans – 37 ft 2 in – Excess 11
  • Maverick Yachts of SA – 44 ft – Maverick 440
  • Chantier CATANA – 37 ft 5 in – Catspace

Frequently asked questions about Catamarans

This varies greatly, often defined used or new by the design, size, year and finish.  Quality vessels are built to last and retain market-related value if undamaged.

On average a 45-foot catamaran can range from US$250,000-US$1,000,000.

The fully loaded Isla 40 costs around US$527,000. The Balance 42 sail away price fully cruise equipped is US$1,450,000 while the Kinetic 54’s price tag approaches US$3,000,000. The modern styled Sunreef 80 costs around $6.2 million.

We think that the Seawind 1600 is, for its size and quality, a superb priced performance product at US$900,000.

One of the major benefits for a cruising vessel is to be able to enter shallower seas – catamarans have a shallower draft than monohulls and therefore a great appeal to folk for whom this is a major consideration. Most lagoons are only 6-8 feet deep in the South Pacific. The Caribbean and other areas where you have reefs to navigate and shallow sandbanks to cross to enter overnight anchor stops draft is a very important consideration. Always remember to read your tide tables and swell.

A catamaran is lighter on the water and therefore takes less energy to move, however they have 2 engines which drives up fuel costs. They are more fuel-efficient on flat water (compared to equal horsepower and number of engines) but in heavy weather the monohull’s hull design causes less resistance and therefore higher efficiency.

With lighter weight and high buoyancy generally they have low water drag by comparison to the displacement of a monohull of the same length.

The trampoline serves many purposes – primarily to allow water to quickly pass through, allowing the bow to rise and so preventing the vessel from flipping and they are ideal for pleasure purposes.

To sail around the world the vessel needs to be equipped for offshore cruising and have a heavy load capacity.

The bigger Modern blue water cats are built with this in mind – supplies, crew, technology and gear.

A bigger boat has many advantages such as speed (not only to travel longer distance in shorter time but also to outrun potential bad weather) and comfort space, space for crew and friends, storage space for supplies and fun equipment, etc.

It is important to balance price against comforts, maintenance and repair costs as well as any potential income from your vessel (chartering, Air BNB, hosting courses on-board, etc) – generally here the bigger your vessel the higher the potential for greater income.

The larger your vessel the higher your expenses are in all ways – from Insurance to berthing, maintenance, haul out fees and equipment.

On this page

Table of content:, breadcrumbs.

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Gallery of catamarans review.

a catamaran boat

Three sailboats racing in the Indian Ocean

a catamaran boat

  • Waterproof Backpacks
  • Duffel Bags
  • Hiking Backpacks
  • Waterproof Gear
  • Teepee Tents
  • Camping Chairs
  • Heated Socks
  • Marine Binoculars
  • Night Vision Goggles
  • Windbreaker Jackets
  • Collapsible and Folding Wagons
  • Portable Power Stations


  • Dive Computer
  • Scuba Diving BCD
  • Scuba Regulators
  • Freediving Fins
  • Diving Wetsuits
  • Women’s Wetsuits
  • Scuba Diving Drysuits
  • Rebreathers
  • Scuba Diving Masks
  • Snorkel Masks
  • Full Face Diving Mask
  • Full Face Snorkel Masks
  • Prescription Dive Masks
  • Prescription Snorkel Masks
  • Snorkeling Gear
  • Kids Wetsuits
  • Seiko Dive Watches
  • Best Underwater Cameras
  • Waterproof Cameras
  • Underwater Scooters
  • Best Dive Knife
  • Dive Lights
  • Underwater Metal Detector
  • Reef Safe Sunscreen
  • Scuba Tanks
  • Dive Destinations
  • Liveaboards

Wakatobi Resort And House Reef.

  • Paddle boards (SUP)
  • Best Touring Paddle Boards
  • Best Beginner Paddle Boards
  • Motorized paddle boards
  • Electric SUP Pumps
  • Paddles For Paddle Boarding


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a catamaran boat

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Catamaran Boats: Types, Uses & Activities

catamaran boats

Let’s look at some of the types of catamarans and their best uses.

Sailing Catamarans

Sailing catamarans have made great strides over the past several decades. Small daysailing cats are popular because they provide a safe and simple learning platform and you’ll find fleets of them in resorts where they’re used by people with very little sailing experience. These types of small cats are usually made of roto-molded plastic or fiberglass and they typically don’t have auxiliary engines so their sole source of propulsion is sails.

Larger sailing cats have taken over the world of distance cruising and bareboat chartering . Nearly all tropically-based bareboat charter companies offer more sailing catamarans today than monohulls and those numbers are also growing in destinations such as the Mediterranean. Typically, charter cats have two engines, one in each hull, to maneuver as well as a mast that supports a mainsail and at least one headsail.

Explore Sailing Catamarans & Sailboats

Power Catamarans

Power catamarans, often referred to as "multi-hull powerboats" or "power cats," have larger engines than their sailing cousins and no masts or sails. Their bigger motors give them higher top speeds but these cats also need reinforced hulls to handle the weight and power of these engines. Other than pontoon boats (which arguably are also power cats), motorized cats are the fastest growing segment of the boating market.

Power cats come in various shapes and sizes. Numerous smaller power cat brands are marketed for fishing while larger ones are popping up in bareboat charter and as cruising platforms. Many commercial passenger ferries have also turned to the catamaran design for their spaciousness and speed.

Explore Power Catamarans

power catamarans

Advantages of Catamaran Boats

There are some inherent advantages of boats with multiple hulls, which include:

  • More deck and interior space per foot than monohulls. A catamaran has about 1.2 times the space of a monohull. In other words, a 40-foot cat should have the deck and interior space of a 50-foot monohull. Cats also have more interior space with up to four cabins even in a vessel under 40 feet in length. These large cabins usually provide easier berth access and they have hull windows with opening ports for better ventilation and light even in the staterooms, which are usually more separated for privacy.
  • Due to their design with two hulls set wide apart, cats enjoy greater stability under way and at rest in rolly anchorages . Unlike a monohull that can heel under sail or roll when powered, cats stay level, which makes them safer and easier for people and pets to maneuver on the flat deck. Some say cats have an easier motion than monohulls and tend to induce less seasickness.
  • With twin engines, cats’ propellers are set wide apart so these boats have excellent maneuverability. Cats can venture into shallower waters too – especially sailing cats that don’t have deep keels. Because cats don’t drag a massive keel through the water, they’re also on average 20-30 percent more fuel-efficient even with two engines.
  • Larger, more sophisticated power and sailing catamarans have a natural redundancy built into their equipment inventory, which translates to comfort and safety. For example, if a fresh water pump fails in one hull, there’s usually another to provide water for washing up. If one engine fails or one propeller spins off, there’s another to get the vessel to homeport safely. There’s also more room for the installation of additional systems like generators, watermakers, battery banks, and more.

Drawbacks of Catamaran Boats

Like any boat type, there are a few small drawbacks when it comes to catamarans:

  • Catamarans take up more space so it’s often difficult and expensive to find dock space.
  • Due to their design, both power and sailing cats can also slam the bridge deck into oncoming waves when going to weather.
  • Additionally, sailing cats don’t necessarily sail as well upwind as monohulls because with two hulls, they simply can’t point as high into the wind.
  • Finally, it may be tempting to load up a catamaran due to the space it offers but a sure way to damage a power or sailing cat’s performance is to overload them or have uneven weight distribution—something, which is less of a problem on their monohull counterparts.

Catamaran Boats FAQs

Whether used for daysailing, world cruising, chartering or fishing, boats with two hulls are growing in acceptance and appeal. The basic design may be hundreds of years old but today’s updated designs make catamarans a viable option for any boater.

Are catamarans more expensive than monohulls?

Purchasing or chartering a catamaran is usually more expensive than a monohull since there are more accessories and even more fiberglass construction to pay for. Over time, cost of ownership can be higher too since there are two hulls to polish and wax and more equipment to service or replace. It’s also more expensive to haul out a catamaran for bottom work.

What is the typical draft of a catamaran?

Draft (depth below waterline) depends on the size and type of cat. Small daysailing cats can draw mere inches but with a large cruising cat, it may be 3-4 feet. Some cats have dagger boards that are used to improve upwind performance. With the boards down, a cat can draw 10 feet or more but these boards may be lifted to allow access to shallow water.

Can catamarans be raced?

Catamarans make fine racers as has been proven by the America’s Cup contenders. There are also one-design classes in the smaller, open designs.

Read Next: Types of Sailboats, Activities & Uses

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What Is A Catamaran? Does It Have Engines Or Can It Only Sail?

a catamaran boat

Catamarans are a type of boat that has two hulls connected by a platform. They offer many advantages over traditional monohull boats, including increased stability and improved speed. This article will explore what exactly catamarans are and how they can be powered. We’ll also look at the differences between sailing and motor-powered catamarans to help you decide which one is right for you.

What Is A Catamaran?

A catamaran is a type of boat with two hulls connected by beams. It is usually powered by sails, although all modern catamarans come with inboard motors for propulsion. Catamarans are traditionally used for sailing, fishing, and leisure activities . They can be used in both fresh and salt water, and their light weight allows them to travel at high speeds without using much fuel.

Catamarans are known for their stability and durability due to their wide beam and shallow draft. This makes them ideal for traversing shallow waters or areas where the sea is choppy and unpredictable. They also have the advantage of being able to turn quickly and maneuver easily in tight spaces. Additionally, they provide a smooth ride despite rough seas since the two hulls help to reduce wave impact on the boat itself.

Advantages Of Catamarans

Catamarans offer many advantages to sailors and other seafaring travelers. The primary benefit of catamarans is their stability, due to the fact that they have two hulls that are connected by a platform. This design makes them much more resistant to waves than monohull vessels, which makes them ideal for activities such as fishing or leisurely cruises near shore. Catamarans also tend to be lighter, faster and more fuel efficient than monohulls, making them an attractive choice for sportier outings such as racing or overnight trips. In addition, catamarans can either be powered by engines or sails, giving you the flexibility to choose whatever type of propulsion suits your needs best.

Types Of Catamarans

Catamarans come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from luxurious yachts to fast-moving racing boats. They offer a unique sailing experience, with their twin hulls providing stability and comfort while still able to reach high speeds. Catamarans can be powered by engines or sail, enabling them to move swiftly through the water. Some are designed for serious racing, while others are equipped for leisurely cruising on the open waters. With so many options available, there is sure to be a catamaran that will fit any sailor’s needs. Whether it’s speed or comfort that you’re after, a catamaran can provide an unforgettable experience on the seas.

Sailing Vs. Motor-Powered Catamarans

Catamarans offer many advantages over monohulls and have become a popular choice for many reasons.. They are lightweight, stable, and provide ample space onboard. However, there is one major decision to make when purchasing a catamaran: whether to choose a sailing or motor-powered version.

Sailing catamarans have the traditional look of a boat with two hulls and tall sails, while motor-powered catamarans come equipped with engines and resemble more of a powerboat. Both types of catamarans offer their own unique benefits and drawbacks. Sailing versions are cheaper to purchase but require the sailor to be knowledgeable in sailing tactics in order to navigate easily. Motor-powered versions are more expensive but can be easier to operate in certain conditions due to their greater speed and maneuverability. In the end, it comes down to personal preference as both types can provide an enjoyable experience on the water.

Benefits Of Chartering A Catamaran

Catamarans are a type of sailing vessel with two hulls that are connected with a frame. They are typically very stable and have plenty of deck space for passengers and amenities. Catamarans also come equipped with two engines, so they can travel in calm waters even when there’s no wind to power the sails. The engine also allows them to get back quickly against strong winds or tides, making them great for long trips and passages.

The major benefit of chartering a catamaran is the amount of space it provides compared to traditional monohulls (a boat with one hull). This makes them ideal for larger groups, as they can accommodate more people without feeling cramped. Additionally, catamarans offer great stability in the water – even in choppy conditions – allowing you to feel safe and secure while onboard. Plus, since they don’t require as much maintenance as other boats, they’re perfect for longer periods of time on the water. All these factors make catamarans a great choice for any travel vacation with friends and family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are catamarans suitable for excursions.

Catamarans are a popular choice for those looking to charter one for an excursion due to their spaciousness and stability. They provide more than enough room for comfortable traveling as well as plenty of storage space, making them an ideal option for extended cruising. Additionally, all catamarans are equipped with engines, allowing for easy navigation and maneuverability when needed. All in all, catamarans make great vessels for vacations and traveling and can be a great way to explore the waters.

What Is The Best Type Of Catamaran For Ocean Voyaging?

When it comes to ocean voyaging, the best type of catamaran is a modern performance cruiser. These vessels are designed to combine speed and comfort, with a shallow draft for navigating in and out of shallow waters. Modern performance cruising catamarans feature two hulls connected by an open deck, often with engines that give them greater maneuverability. They also generally have larger living spaces than traditional monohulls, so they can provide more comfortable accommodations during long voyages.

How Many People Can Typically Fit On A Catamaran?

A catamaran is a type of boat with two parallel hulls. Depending on the size, it can typically fit anywhere from 4-12 people plus crew. It’s important to note that the number of passengers will depend on the size and design of the boat, so it’s best to check with a manufacturer for more specific details.

A catamaran is a great choice for those looking to explore the ocean in style. They’re spacious and versatile, making them suitable for all sorts of travel plans and excursions. Plus, they can be powered by either engines and/or sails, so you can decide which works best for your needs. Charter prices can vary depending on your vacation needs. All in all, a catamaran is an excellent choice for anyone wanting to explore the open seas!

If you’re considering renting a catamaran, it’s important to do some research first. There are many different kinds to choose from depending on what your entire party has on their travel wish list – and make sure that you have a safe and fun voyage!

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Use our quick contact form to give us the basics about what you’re looking for and we’ll send you ideas and pricing. Don’t worry if it’s not grand enough or should be scaled back; we’ll take care of that too. When you love the plan, we put it into action. All you have to do is show up and enjoy.

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a catamaran boat

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This Speedy 70-Foot Power Catamaran Is Designed to Cut Through Rough Waters

Back in April, Storm Kathleen slammed into the west coast of Ireland as a fearsome Force 10 gale, packing 70 mph winds and 15-foot waves. While locals sandbagged their homes and prepared for the worst, Frank Kowalski decided it was a swell day for a boat ride.

As owner of Safehaven Marine in County Cork, he’d just launched his brand-new, 70-foot T-2000 Voyager all-weather power catamaran. What Kathleen offered was a chance to put the new super-cat through its paces.

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“We knew from scale-model tests that she should be able to tackle waves of more than 65 feet high,” Kowalski tells Robb Report . “But you never know until you’re out there. In the height of the storm, she just shrugged off the waves and weather and performed flawlessly.”

Evolved from Safehaven’s 75-foot XVS20 monohull launched in 2018, Kowalski used his expertise in building commercial, work-boat power catamarans to design the twin-hulled T-2000 Voyager to offer speed with stability.

“The stability in beam seas is what’s key here,” he says. “While we were out recently in a Force 8 with 40-plus knot winds and 12-foot seas, we were able to stop and leave the boat to drift while we retrieved a drone. It just took the waves on the beam with ease. In a monohull, it would have been rolling so badly you couldn’t have stood on the deck.”

Then there’s the sheer velocity that comes with twin, scalpel-thin hulls slicing through waves. With the T-2000’s pair of 1,550 hp MAN V12 diesels driving France Helices SD5 surface drives, the Safehaven can hit a top speed of 57 mph.

“It’s just the most amazing sight, standing on the stern, watching these huge roostertails behind,” Kowalski adds. “We’ve also incorporated retracting swim platforms so you can see the props spinning on the surface, plus valved exhausts that switch between silenced and straight-through. The noise from those V12s is sensational.”

While Safehaven has been building its Wildcat range of 40-, 53-, and 60-foot power cats for everything from oil-rig support, crew transfer, and even as a military cruiser for Britain’s Royal Navy, they were always pure, no-frills work boats. With this new T-2000, Kowalski is looking to appeal to private buyers searching for something a little different.

His hull No. 1 demonstrator boat has all-diamond-quilted marine leather, well-finished cabinetry, colored LED lighting, and below-deck accommodations for six in three cabins. Hull No. 2—already sold and due for completion in the next 18 months—will up the luxury factor.

“It’s going to a client in the Middle East who plans to use it for just himself and his wife,” says Kowalski. The client has specified a full-width owner’s suite with a central, king-size bed and oversized his-and-hers bathrooms and closets in each hull. “He also wants to go fast— very fast,” Kowalski continues. “So we’ll install twin 2,000 hp MAN V12s, again with surface drives, and a central hydrofoil to reduce drag. The plan is for it to hit a top speed in excess of 69 mph.”

The new T-2000 is also designed to go the distance. With the 2,900-gallon tanks, it has a range of more than 1,000 nautical miles at 34.5 mph, and 1,700 nautical miles at 18 mph. Throttle back to 12 mph and range increases to 3,000-plus nautical miles.

Much of this is down to the yacht’s symmetrical, semi-wave-piercing hulls, made of a carbon-fiber-composite construction, with inverted lower bow sections and a double-chine arrangement that projects spray clear of the boat. The hydrofoil in mid position also means that, at speed in calmish seas, the T-2000 rides with half its hull length out of the water.

To eliminate waves slamming into the bridge deck windshield, Kowalski moved the pilothouse farther back. It also makes for a sleeker profile, giving the T-2000 the look of a single-hull sportsyacht.

As for creature comforts, the main, open-plan salon features an L-shaped Corian-topped galley, with a U-shaped dinette opposite. To enjoy the action, there are bucket-style, shock-absorbing seats for the captain and copilot, a wraparound sofa on the port side, and a single bucket seat to starboard.

The entire helm area gets flooded with light courtesy of the four-panel, angled windshield and quartet of fixed skylights above. To see the boat’s hydrofoil in action, the bridge has a glass panel in the floor that’s also designed for viewing marine life below at night. Most of the windows have half-inch-thick toughened panels to shrug off cascading water.

In finer weather than typically found on coastal Ireland, the T-2000 has a small flybridge with a helm station and sun-lounge area up top, plus a covered stern cockpit with sofas and table for alfresco dining.

This storm-tested, metallic-red demonstrator is available for around $3.35 million.

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Paris hilton defends son phoenix, 1, not wearing life jacket on catamaran after backlash: ‘it’s a big boat’.

Paris Hilton

That’s not hot.

Paris Hilton sparked backlash for posting a video of her 19-month-old son Phoenix on a catamaran without wearing a life jacket.

In the TikTok shared Wednesday, Hilton’s baby boy adorably crawled and walked around the boat in a cute burgundy outfit while being filmed by his famous mom.

Paris Hilton's son Phoenix

However, critics in the comments section were more focused on the fact that Hilton didn’t put a life jacket on Phoenix.

“Momma, please have him wear a life jacket always on a boat!!” someone wrote. “Stuff happens. That’s why they’re called accidents.”

“My anxiety not seeing him in a life jacket!! Can never be too safe on the water!” another person wrote.

Paris Hilton's son Phoenix

“Walking on the net over the open water terrified me,” a different fan said.

A fourth person wrote, “It makes me nervous. He needs a life jacket on. I worry so much about him.”

Another comment called Hilton’s video of Phoenix “crazy scary,” while someone else said their “heart palpitated” seeing the 1-year-old without a life jacket on.

Paris Hilton with her son Phoenix

Hilton eventually responded to the concerns in a comment on the video.

“Hey Mamma’s, thank you for the advice & always caring about my #CutesieCrew,” she wrote.

“It’s a big boat & my husband and I are following him around everywhere & watching like hawks,” Hilton continued. “My babies are my world.”

Paris Hilton

The famous socialite shares Phoenix with her husband, Carter Reum. They welcomed Phoenix via surrogate in January 2023.

The couple also share 9-month-old daughter London . She was born via surrogate in November 2023.

Hilton gushed over Phoenix while sharing the 1-minute-long boat video that was played to Ed Sheeran’s song “Photograph.”

“Watching Phoenix explore the world has been so special to me. I am so grateful to be a #SlivingMom,” Hilton’s caption read.

Paris Hilton and Carter Reum with their two children

After Phoenix was born, Hilton had to speak out against haters who were making fun of the newborn’s head.

“There are some sick people in this world,” she commented on a video of her son in October 2023. “My angel is perfectly healthy.”

Paris Hilton with her son Phoenix

She added: “And yes, of course, he has been to a doctor, he just has a large brain.”

In a lengthier message on her Instagram Story, the “Simple Life” alum said that the comments about Phoenix were “unacceptable” but sadly “inevitable” being that she’s in the public eye.

“This hurts my heart more deeply than words can describe,” Hilton wrote.

Paris Hilton with her son and daughter

While Hilton loves being a mom of two, she’s made it clear that she wouldn’t mind having another child — specifically another daughter.

“I would love a sister for London because my sister and I have such a close relationship,” Hilton told E! News in April, referring to her older sister Nicky Hilton, 40.

“I don’t know, I’m just enjoying them both so much right now. But that would be really amazing,” she added.

Paris Hilton's son Phoenix


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15 BEST Playa del Carmen Catamaran Tours in 2024

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Looking for the best catamaran tours in Playa del Carmen? You’ve come to the right guide!

As a travel blogger that lives in Playa del Carmen , I’ve been able to personally experience many of the catamaran tours in Playa del Carmen and the Riviera Maya. 

And without hesitation, I can say it’s a pretty incredible experience!

But with so many Riviera Maya catamaran tours to choose from, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your time and money.


Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail to Isla Mujeres

⌚️ Don’t have time to read the full article?

The best catamaran tour in Playa del Carmen is this Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel with Lunch and Open Bar with over 1,800 5-star reviews!

In this post, I’m sharing my top recommendations for the best catamaran tours in Playa del Carmen , including group catamaran tours and private catamaran charters.

So whether you’re looking for an incredible snorkeling experience, a party boat, a sunset sail, or something private and luxurious, I’ve got you covered!

Ready to find out which of these Playa del Carmen catamaran experiences is right for you? Let’s get started!

Top 3 Picks: Best Playa del Carmen Catamaran Tours

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail to Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel with Lunch and Open Bar

✅ All Inclusive ✅ 1,800+ 5-Star reviews

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail from Puerto Aventuras

Riviera Maya Luxury Catamaran and Snorkeling

✅ Puerto Aventuras ✅ Snorkeling at Inah Reef

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail to Cozumel

El Cielo, Palancar Snorkel & Beach Party Experience

✅ Starfish Snorkeling in Cozumel ✅ Beach Club + Water Activities

Best Playa del Carmen Catamaran Tours

These are the best catamarans tours Playa del Carmen has to offer:

⚠️ Before we begin, it’s important to know that there is not a marina in Playa del Carmen . Catamarans will depart from these nearby towns:

  • Puerto Aventuras
  • Isla Mujeres

Keep in mind this will require a bit of extra travel time (30 min—1 hour)–but it’s definitely worth it as the water and snorkeling are much better in these areas!

Travelista Tip: Group catamaran tours in Playa del Carmen can often be crowded and have mixed reviews. I would highly recommend splurging on one of these private catamaran charters for an epic catamaran experience without the crowds!

1. Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel with Lunch and Open Bar

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail to Isla Mujeres

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 1,800 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 5-7 hours
  • 🎟 HOW TO BOOK: Check prices and availability here →

If I had to choose the best place for a catamaran sail near Playa del Carmen, it would definitely be Isla Mujeres, a tiny island off the coast of Cancun.

The water near Isla Mujeres is honestly the brightest turquoise color I’ve seen in Riviera Maya and so unbelievably clear that it will leave you with a jaw dropping first impression!

This Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel Tour is my top pick for an Isla Mujeres catamaran tour, which will take you sailing around the island’s crystal clear waters.

Experience was great! Snorkeling was fun! A person does need to be a good swimmer but we saw some colorful fish, statues and coral. We had a good lunch and drinks on board. Walked around the island and got some souvenirs. Staff was great!! –Troy ( Read more REVIEWS )

While onboard, you’ll get to enjoy stunning views of Playa Norte and the surrounding areas, while sipping drinks from the open bar and enjoying a gourmet lunch.

You’ll also stop for a bit of snorkeling before getting to enjoy free time on Isla Mujeres. Explore the island on foot and check out some of best things to do in Isla Mujeres like shopping or visiting Playa Norte.

And with roundtrip transportation from your hotel in Playa del Carmen included, this is one of the best Isla Mujeres tours from Playa del Carmen that is convenient and hassle-free!

What’s included in the Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel :

  • Catamaran sail from Cancun to Isla Mujeres
  • Free time to explore Isla Mujeres at leisure
  • Gourmet lunch
  • Open bar while onboard
  • Snorkeling gear
  • Life jacket
  • Docking fee
  • Professional crew
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off from Playa del Carmen hotels

2. Riviera Maya Luxury Catamaran and Snorkeling

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail from Puerto Aventuras

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 475 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 4 hours
  • 📍 DEPARTURE POINT: Puerto Aventuras

Located about half way between Playa del Carmen and Tulum and home to a large marina, Puerto Aventuras is another popular departure point for Playa del Carmen catamaran cruises. 

This half-day Riviera Maya Luxury Catamaran and Snorkeling tour departs from Puerto Aventuras and includes a snorkeling stop at Inah Reef.

This was one of my favorite experiences in Mexico so far! The tour guide was fun, and of course the water was amazing. I had fun snorkeling with a great group of people. Lunch was very good, and the margaritas were delicious! Fabulous! –Rachel ( Read more REVIEWS )

You’ll also get to enjoy stand-up paddleboarding, as well as a gourmet lunch and open bar onboard.

Plus, roundtrip transportation from your hotel in Playa del Carmen is included for added convenience.

I’ve been on a few Puerto Aventuras catamaran tours and they have always been a lot of fun!

What’s included in the Riviera Maya Luxury Catamaran and Snorkelin g :

  • Catamaran sailing tour from Playa del Carmen
  • Guided snorkeling at Inah Reef
  • Snorkel equipment
  • Paddle boards
  • Beverages throughout the tour (alcoholic after water activities)
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off

3. El Cielo, Palancar Snorkel & Beach Party Experience

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail to Cozumel

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 190 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 5 hours
  • 📍 DEPARTURE POINT: Cozumel

This El Cielo, Palancar Snorkel & Beach Party Experience combines a snorkeling excursion, catamaran cruise, and beach party—allowing you to experience multiple island highlights in one day.

Board a 65-foot catamaran and a cruise along the Cozumel coastline where you’ll enjoy reef snorkeling at the renowned Palancar reef before heading to El Cielo .

This was a great experience. We loved every minute of it. You were able to snorkel in beautiful waters and see many different kinds of fish. My family loved it. The crew were very energetic and helpful when asked questions. I would recommend this excursion for anyone that wants a beautiful view of the island. –Susan ( Read more REVIEWS )

A visit to El Cielo is one of the top things to do in Cozumel , where you’ll get to snorkel with giant starfish in unbelievably clear water.

After snorkeling, you’ll be to be treated to drinks, music, and dancing on board before heading to shore for an island-style beach party.

At the private beach club, you’ll enjoy burgers and drinks and there’s also a Cozumel aqua park with water floats, slides, and trampolines–perfect for all ages.

⛴ Note : This Cozumel catamaran tour starts departs from Cozumel so you’ll need to take the ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel. You can read my Cozumel day trip guide for more detailed info–it’s very easy!

Snorkeling with Starfish at El Cielo Cozumel

What’s included in the El Cielo, Palancar Snorkel & Beach Party Experience :

  • Catamaran cruise around Cozumel on a 65 ft sailing catamaran
  • Snorkeling at Palancar Reef
  • Snorkeling at El Cielo
  • Entrance fee to National Parks
  • Certified snorkel and safety guide
  • Snorkel and safety equipment
  • Visit to a private beach club
  • Angus cheeseburger
  • Aqua park with water floats, slides, and trampolines for all ages
  • Private beach cabanas, lounge chairs, and hammocks
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Volleyball, kayak, and stand up paddleboards
  • The best party-on-a boat during your return, with music and dancing!

4. Luxury Sunset Sailing Cruise in the Riviera Maya

Sunset Catamaran Playa del Carmen

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 290 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 2 hours
  • 📍 DEPARTURE POINT: Puerto Morelos

Ideal for couples, this Luxury Sunset Sailing Cruise in Riviera Maya is the perfect evening excursion.

On this 2-hour Playa del Carmen sunset catamaran sail, you’ll get enjoy an open bar and light snacks like fruit, cheese, and meat platters.

Wonderful experience. Friendly staff. The sunset was gorgeous. Food and drinks were good. Great experience and well worth the money. –Margaret ( Read more REVIEWS )

Being on the luxury Playa del Carmen catamaran at night with evening sunset hues will set the perfect scene for a romantic experience.

And roundtrip transportation from your hotel in Playa del Carmen is included so you can get there and back with ease.

What’s included in the Luxury Sunset Sailing Cruise in the Riviera Maya :

  • Sunset catamaran cruise in Riviera Maya

5. Isla Mujeres Unlimited! Fun & Party with Transportation

Catamaran Tour Playa del Carmen Booze Cruise

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 70 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 9 hours

If you’re looking for a party experience, this Isla Mujeres Unlimited! Fun & Party with Transportation catamaran cruise promises to provide a good time!

On this Playa del Carmen booze cruise from Cancun to Isla Mujeres, you’ll get to enjoy an open bar, live entertainment, games and contests, and a buffet lunch.

And two snorkeling stops are included–Punta Sam Reef and Playa Norte –for a chance to see the underwater world up close.

Everything ran smoothly, from the shuttle pickup at our resort to getting on and off the boat at the different stops. I would recommend this to everyone, especially if you enjoy drinking, shopping, snorkeling, and cruising on a boat in beautiful blue water. We really enjoyed it and we would definitely book it again. –Ishan ( Read more REVIEWS )

You’ll also be given free time to explore Isla Mujeres, where you can shop, stroll, or park yourself at a beach club.

Plus, transportation is included from Playa del Carmen, so you can drink all you want and not have to worry about getting back to your hotel.

What’s included in the Isla Mujeres Unlimited! Fun & Party with Transportation :

  • Catamaran cruise around Isla Mujeres
  • 2 snorkeling stops–Punta Sam Reef and Playa Norte
  • Free time on Isla Mujeres
  • Buffet lunch
  • Open bar on board
  • Tequila party
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Round trip transportation from Playa del Carmen

6. Sailing & Snorkeling Cruise with Freshly Grilled Lunch

Catamaran Sail Playa del Carmen

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 135 5-star reviews)

Departing from Puerto Aventuras, this half-day Sailing & Snorkeling Cruise with Freshly Grilled Lunch takes you along the shores of Riviera Maya, offering mesmerizing views from the water.

With the 65-ft catamaran operating at no more than 50% capacity, you’ll have ample space to lounge on the deck or unwind in the comfortable nets.

Along the way, indulge in swimming and snorkeling sessions in the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea, immersing yourself in the vibrant marine world beneath the surface.

We had the absolute best time! The crew was amazing and really matched the vibe of the group! The food was delicious and fresh off the grill. We loved jumping off the boat and swimming around the reef. Highly recommend!!! –Ashlen ( Read more REVIEWS )

If you’re feeling adventurous, you even have the opportunity to try your hand at fishing. Or go down the water slide!

And back on board, you’ll be treated to a freshly grilled lunch such as BBQ steak, burgers, chicken, or fish, along with an open bar serving a wide variety of alcoholic drinks.

Plus, transportation from Playa del Carmen is included so it’s easy to get there and back.

What’s included in the Sailing & Snorkeling Cruise with Freshly Grilled Lunch :

  • 4-hour catamaran sailing tour from Puerto Aventuras
  • Use of snorkeling equipment
  • Freshly grilled lunch
  • Water and soft drinks

7. El Cielo Reef by Catamaran with Beach Club

Catamaran Sail to El Cielo Cozumel

This El Cielo Reef by Catamaran with Beach Club tour is one of the best Cozumel catamaran tours and includes snorkeling at the famous Palancar and Columbia reefs, as well as El Cielo beach.

Located on the southwestern tip of the island, El Cielo offers some of the best snorkeling near Playa del Carmen where you can snorkel with giant starfish in incredibly clear water.

The snorkeling was so awesome, we got to see sea turtles, stingrays, fish and sharks. We felt safe the whole time and the underwater photography provided by the crew was so amazing! We loved the guacamole and ceviche provided for snacks, and the drinks were hitting just right!! –BRITTANY ( Read more REVIEW S)

While onboard, you’ll also get to enjoy beers, margaritas, and drinks, as well as ceviche and guacamole.

Plus, you’ll end the catamaran excursion at a beach club in Cozumel with access to pools, lounge chairs, and amenities.

⛴ Note : This Cozumel catamaran tour departs from the marina in Cozumel. You’ll need to take the ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel , followed by a quick taxi ride.

What’s included in the El Cielo Reef by Catamaran with Beach Club :

  • Guided catamaran snorkeling tour
  • Palancar and Columbia reefs and El Cielo beach stops
  • Guacamole, chips, fish ceviche
  • Drinks aboard – beers and margaritas
  • Bottled water and soft drinks
  • Beach Club access with pools, lounge chairs, umbrellas, showers, dressing rooms
  • Free wifi at beach club

8. Isla Contoy Eco Adventure

Isla Contoy Beach

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 90 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 8 hours

Located just a few miles off the coast of Cancun, Isla Contoy is an uninhabited tropical island that will leave you with a jaw-dropping first impression!

Only allowing 200 visitors per day, Isla Contoy is a protected island that can only be visited by boat, so you’ll need to book a tour to get there.

This Isla Contoy Eco Adventure tour is a large catamaran that includes a visit to both Isla Mujeres and Isla Contoy, as well as reef snorkeling along the way.

This was the most amazing day trip!! The whole day felt surreal and is an experience that we will never forget! The guides and all the people on the boat were amazing and so knowledgeable and made the whole experience brilliant! –Karine ( Read more REVIEWS )

Plus, breakfast, lunch, equipment, and roundtrip transportation from Playa del Carmen is included.

I’ve personally done this Isla Contoy tour and visiting the island is absolutely incredible–you won’t believe your eyes! 

Isla Contoy Beach

What’s included in the Isla Contoy Eco Adventure :

  • Catamaran trip to Isla Mujeres and Isla Contoy
  • Light breakfast
  • 2 snorkeling spots – Ixlache Reef and Contoy Island Beach
  • Sterilized snorkeling gear
  • Tour of the island with certified guide
  • Domestic open bar (water, soft drinks, beer and cocktails)
  • Lunch at Isla Contoy Contoy
  • Free time in Isla Mujeres
  • Roundtrip ground transportation from most hotels in Playa del Carmen

9. Catamaran Cruise in Riviera Maya With Snorkeling & Beach Club

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Sail from Maroma Beach Mexico

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 125 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 3 hours
  • 📍 DEPARTURE POINT: Punta Maroma

This Catamaran Cruise in Riviera Maya with Snorkeling & Beach Club sets sail from Punta Maroma, which is located about 30 minutes north of Playa del Carmen.

Punta Maroma is an absolutely stunning beach, and has consistently been voted as one of the best beaches in Riviera Maya.

You’ll get to enjoy Playa del Carmen catamaran snorkeling at the Great Mayan Reef, where you’ll see colorful coral reefs and marine life.

Great trip! Staff was amazing! Boat was great. They served beer, water and soda during the entire trip. Great service. –Cheri ( Read more REVIEWS )

Then relax at the Maroma Beach Club back on shore, which includes a savory lunch, drinks, and beers.

And convenient hotel pickup and drop off from Playa del Carmen hotels is also included. 

What’s included in the Catamaran Cruise in Riviera Maya With Snorkeling & Beach Club :

  • Guided snorkel adventure and catamaran cruise
  • Live tour commentary provided in English and Spanish
  • Water, soft drinks and beers (beer will be served after snorkeling activity)
  • Free access to Maroma Beach when activity ends
  • Roundtrip transportation from most Playa del Carmen & Riviera Maya hotels

10. Privilege Experience Isla Mujeres Tour

Isla Mujeres Catamaran Tour from Playa del Carmen

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4 out of 5 Stars (with more than 220 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 7 hours

This Privilege Experience Isla Mujeres tour is smaller group experience (25 passenger max), which includes a sail on a catamaran from Playa del Carmen to Isla Mujeres.

While onboard, you’ll get to enjoy a premium open bar, a welcome cocktail, and snacks. And you’ll stop for a bit of snorkeling before docking at a private beach club in Isla Mujeres for a buffet lunch.

Grace and an amazing crew made this a trip to remember. Great drinks, lunch and a fun shopping experience. I would definitely recommend this to anyone considering Isla Mujeres. –TOBY ( Read more REVIEWS )

You’ll also have some free time in Isla Mujeres for shopping or exploring the island on foot.

And since hotel pickup from Playa del Carmen is also included, you won’t have to worry about taking buses, taxis, and ferries if you were to go on an Isla Mujeres day trip on your own.

What’s included in the Privilege Experience Isla Mujeres Tour :

  • Premium open bar
  • Buffet lunch at a private VIP Beach Club (Zama or IXI)
  • Dry snacks on board and welcome cocktail
  • Round-trip transportation from hotels in Playa del Carmen

Best Private Playa del Carmen Catamaran Charters

These are the best private catamaran charters Playa del Carmen has to offer:

11. Private 38′ Catamaran Tour to Paamul Beach

Catamaran Playa del Carmen

  • ⭐️ RATING : 5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 175 5-star reviews)
  • 🛥  BOAT SIZE:  38′
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  CAPACITY: 8

Departing from Puerto Aventuras, board this Private 38 ft Catamaran Tour to Paamul Beach for a private experience without the crowds. 

With this 4-hour catamaran sailing Playa del Carmen excursion, you can choose a morning or afternoon departure and completely customize your itinerary.

I cannot say enough good things about this trip!!! The crew anticipated literally every single need. They were so kind and personable. The food was the best thing we’ve eaten our entire week long trip! The catamaran was so perfect and Mexico scenery delivered! If you’re debating, just do it!!! –TripAdvisor Reviewer ( Read more REVIEWS )

The private Playa del Carmen catamaran rental is perfect for families or larger groups and includes a seafood lunch, open bar, and snorkeling for up to 8 people.

The most popular destination is Paamul Bay, which is a great place to anchor and enjoy some snorkeling before heading back to the marina.

What’s included in the Private 38′ Catamaran Tour to Paamul Beach :

  • 4-hour private catamaran charter from Puerto Aventuras
  • Open Bar w/ unlimited drinks (alcoholic & non-alcoholic)
  • Snorkel gear and life jackets
  • Restroom on board
  • Private captain and crew

12. 5-Hour Private 38′ Luxury Catamaran 2-Stop Tour

Puerto Aventuas Catamaran Sail

  • ⭐️ RATING : 5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 90 5-star reviews)
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  CAPACITY: 15

Embark on an exclusive and luxurious adventure on this 5-Hour Private 38′ Luxury Catamaran 2-Stop Tour .

This half-day tour offers the ultimate Playa del Carmen private tour experience , complete with an open bar and impeccable service.

Step aboard your own private catamaran, where a dedicated crew awaits to cater to your every need.

We traveled with 5 children and the crew went out of their way to make sure every accommodation was made for us. The whole experience was a definite highlight of our vacation and we can’t thank them enough for helping make that a reality. –Chad ( Read more REVIEWS )

As you set sail, you’ll be whisked away to the beautiful In-Ha Reef, where you can snorkel amidst sea turtles and tropical fish.

While you explore the vibrant underwater world, the attentive crew will be preparing snacks, refreshing cocktails, and fresh ceviche for you to enjoy.

You’ll also have the option to fish or swim at your leisure at La Bacona. If you happen to catch a fish, simply request the crew to expertly grill and cook it for you!

What’s included in the 5-Hour Private 38′ Luxury Catamaran 2-Stop Tour :

  • 5-hour private catamaran charter on a 38′ catamaran
  • Snorkeling at In-Ha Reef
  • Open bar with unlimited drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)

13. Lagoon 39ft Private Catamaran in Cozumel

Playa del Carmen Catamaran Private Tour to Cozumel

  • ⭐️ RATING : 5 out of 5 Stars (with more than 350 5-star reviews)
  • 🕘 DURATION : 6 hours
  • 🛥  BOAT SIZE:  39′
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  CAPACITY: 15 people

This Lagoon 39 ft Private Catamaran in Cozumel for up to 15 people is ideal for groups of families or friends.

The 6-hour private charter includes a professional captain and crew where you can design your own sailing itinerary to the prime spots in Cozumel. 

Our experience was fabulous thanks to an incredibly attentive crew and captain. The food and drink was excellent and plentiful…. Highly recommend for large group or family! –Craig ( Read more REVIEWS )

Open bar, lunch, snorkeling equipment, paddle boards, and floating mats are included.

Enjoy the crystal clear waters around Cozumel without the crowds while the dedicated captain and crew take care of your every need!

What’s included in the Lagoon 39ft Private Catamaran in Cozumel :

  • 6-hour private charter around Cozumel on a 39′ catamaran
  • Paddle board

14. Private Isla Mujeres Catamaran Tour From Cancun with Open Bar

Private Catamaran Rental Playa del Carmen

  • 🕘 DURATION : 4-7 hours
  • 🛥  BOAT SIZE:  32′
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  CAPACITY: 9

Set sail on a half-day or full-day completely customizable private catamaran sail to Isla Mujeres and Playa Norte.

This 32-ft private Isla Mujeres Catamaran Tour from Cancun holds up to 9 people and comes with a full crew and open bar. 

Simply WOW! This was an amazing experience, it felt like a dream. Everything about it was perfect. They made this a very, very enjoyable catamaran ride to Isla Mujeres for me and my boyfriend. Book it, you won’t regret it! –Brissa ( Read more REVIEWS )

With a customizable itinerary, you can choose to sail around the bay or head to secluded beaches with the option to snorkel along the way.

Unlimited alcoholic beverages are included and transportation from Playa del Carmen can be quoted for an additional cost.

What’s included in the Private Isla Mujeres Catamaran Tour From Cancun with Open Bar :

  • 4-hour or 7-hour private catamaran charter to Isla Mujeres from Cancun
  • Unlimited drinks (open bar)
  • Captain/guide
  • Hotel pickup (extra charge)

15. Da Vinci 34ft Private Catamaran Rental

Da Vinci Catamaran in Puerto Aventuras Riviera Maya Mexico

  • ⭐️ RATING : 4.9 out of 5 Stars
  • 🛥  BOAT SIZE:  34′
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  CAPACITY: 10
  • 🎟 HOW TO BOOK: Submit booking inquiry here →

Departing from Puerto Aventuras, the Da Vinci 34ft Private Catamaran Rental is perfect for small groups looking for an intimate sailing experience.

This catamaran can hold up to 10 people and includes private sailing, snorkeling, a chef, and an open bar.

Plus, you’ll have a dedicated hostess, crew, and mates to make sure your drinks are refreshed at all times.

This company is absolutely fantastic!! They are attentive, easy to work with and make it a priority to ensure you have an amazing time from booking to coordination and day of. It was a great add to a group trip and overall wonderful experience!! –Jennifer

I personally went on the Da Vinci for a luxury sunset sailing experience in Riviera Maya and it was unforgettable!

It was a Playa del Carmen catamaran dinner experience under the starts and I was so impressed with the service, amenities, and attention to detail. This company truly goes above and beyond to create memorable experiences!

If you fill out this booking form , they’ll know I sent you and will take extra special care of you!

Da Vinci Catamaran in Puerto Aventuras Riviera Maya Mexico

What’s included in the Da Vinci 34ft Private Catamaran Rental :

  • 4-hour private catamaran charter on a 34ft catamaran
  • Hostess, mates, and crew
  • Snorkeling and snorkeling equipment
  • Round-trip transportation (added cost)

More About Playa del Carmen Catamarans

Here are some of the basics on catamarans in Playa del Carmen:

What is a catamaran?

A catamaran is a large boat with two hulls of equal size that are connected by a bridge deck. 

The two-hulled design enhances stability and allows the catamaran to be better balanced in the water and when sailing. It also allows for more deck space than traditional yacht rentals .

As catamarans can venture into shallower waters, they have become very popular in Mexico and the Caribbean and are commonly used for Playa del Carmen sailing and snorkeling or scuba diving tours. 

Catamaran Sail Playa del Carmen Mexico

What can you do on a catamaran?

Catamaran tours from Playa del Carmen are typically a boat tour that will take you sailing around the bright turquoise waters of the Mexican Caribbean. 

Each catamaran experience is different but they most commonly will include:

  • Catamaran sail
  • Paddle boarding
  • Dancing and/or DJ
  • Some food and beverage

Why go on a Playa del Carmen catamaran sail?

Going on a catamaran from Playa del Carmen is one of the most unique things to do in the Riviera Maya and is one of the best ways to see and experience the stunning turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. 

It’s a fun and totally unforgettable experience if you love the ocean and being on a boat.

Private Catamaran Sail in Riviera Maya

Who are catamarans not suited for?

If you tend to suffer from motion or sea sickness, then catamarans are probably not for you.

I know some people that have had luck using these sea sickness bracelets but if you’re not comfortable being on a boat, then it probably won’t be fun for you. 

Where do the Playa del Carmen catamarans leave from?

Catamarans do not leave directly from Playa del Carmen , as Playa del Carmen does not have a marina.

Depending on which catamaran experience you choose, you’ll need to go to the marina in nearby destinations such as Puerto Aventuras, Cozumel, Cancun, or Isla Mujeres.

How much do Playa del Carmen catamarans cost?

There are catamaran tours available for every budget.  You can expect to pay around $60-$150 USD per person for a group catamaran tour.  

On the other hand, Playa del Carmen private catamaran charters can cost anywhere from $900-$2,500 USD depending on the size of the boat and duration.

Keep in mind you’ll also need to factor ground transportation costs into the total cost of the catamaran experience. 

Catamarans don’t leave directly from Playa del Carmen so you’ll still need to pay for a taxi or transfer to get to the marina where the boat is leaving from. 

Transportation is included in some of the Playa del Carmen excursions or can be added for an additional fee so be sure to check for this when booking your catamaran experience. 

How long do catamaran tours in Playa del Carmen last?

You can expect most catamaran tours to last around 4-6 hours.  When you factor transportation time on top of that, it will likely be a full day experience. 

Luxury Catamaran Cruise Riviera Maya Mexico

More About Private Playa del Carmen Catamaran Charters

If you have a larger group or want a more exclusive experience, then definitely consider booking a private catamaran Playa del Carmen rental.  

Why book a private catamaran?

With a private catamaran rental, you’ll be able to completely customize the experience by choosing your desired locations and the amount of time spent at each stop.  

Plus, on private Playa del Carmen boat rentals, you can choose the food and beverage menu and even select all of your favorite food, drinks, and alcohol.  Not to mention, tee up your favorite music and party tunes.

And best of all, the staff and service will be completely dedicated to your group alone so no waiting for drinks or attention.  Sounds pretty great right?!

Who should book a private catamaran?

Private catamarans are the absolute best option for large or multi-generational families, groups of friends, and bachelor and bachelorette parties in Mexico . 

Playa del Carmen Bachelorette Catamaran

How much do private catamarans cost?

Playa del Carmen private catamaran rentals can cost anywhere from $900-$2,500 USD depending on the size of the boat and duration.

Yes, private catamaran rentals are much more expensive than group tours.  But consider this–you have a group of 15 friends and it might only come out to around $100 USD per person, which is around the same price as the group tours. 

And trust me, a private catamaran rental in Playa del Carmen is just so worth it! No dealing with obnoxious, annoying, or over intoxicated strangers ruining your catamaran experience.

Catamaran Trip Playa del Carmen

What to Bring on a Playa del Carmen Catamaran Tour

Here are some of the Mexico travel essentials I would recommend bringing on a catamaran tour:

  • Swimsuit: You will more than likely be getting in the water so you’ll want to wear a swimsuit and coverup. 
  • Sunglasses : Don’t forget sunglasses to wear on the catamaran–it will likely be very bright and sunny! 
  • Beach towel: Bring a beach towel to dry off after you get out of the water. These microfiber beach towels are great options because they are super light weight and dry quickly between the multiple stops.
  • Biodegradable sunscreen: Any time you are going to be swimming in the ocean, it is so important to bring biodegradable sunscreen to protect and preserve the coral reefs. You can pick up my favorite brand on Amazon here .
  • Snorkel set: If you’re concerned about comfort or cleanliness, I would recommend bringing your own snorkel set instead of using the one provided on the tour. I’ve been on snorkeling tours where my snorkel mask didn’t fit well and it totally ruined the experience so now I always bring my own.  
  • GoPro or waterproof camera: I would highly recommend bringing a GoPro or waterproof camera to capture your snorkeling and catamaran experience. I always bring my GoPro and am constantly amazed by the picture quality.
  • Change of clothes: You’ll also want to bring a change of clothes so you can change out of your wet swimsuit before the ride back to your hotel or resort.

Luxury Catamaran Sailing Riviera Maya

Tips for Playa del Carmen Catamarans

Follow these tips to make the most of your Playa del Carmen catamaran experience:

  • Book in advance: I would highly recommend booking online in advance to reserve your spot as Playa del Carmen boat tours can fill up quickly. Most tour companies like Viator offer flexible booking options and allow you to cancel without penalty up to 24 hours before the booking date.
  • Go private if you can: If you have a larger group or are willing to pay more for an exclusive experience, then definitely consider booking a private catamaran tour. The experience will be much more personalized and you won’t have to worry about obnoxious tour-goers ruining your experience. 
  • Bring your own snorkel set: If you plan to snorkel, I would recommend bringing your own snorkel set to ensure the best comfort and cleanliness. 
  • Wear biodegradable sunscreen: As I mentioned, don’t forget to bring biodegradable sunscreen . It’s absolutely essential if you need sun protection.
  • Take lots of pictures: A catamaran is truly a bucket list experience you won’t want to forget! If you don’t have a GoPro or waterproof camera, bring a waterproof phone pouch to protect your phone and still take lots of pictures around the water.  

Isla Mujeres Catamaran at Playa Norte

Playa del Carmen Catamaran: FAQs

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about catamaran excursions in Playa del Carmen:

The best catamaran cruises in Playa del Carmen are: – Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel with Lunch and Open Bar – Riviera Maya Luxury Catamaran and Snorkeling – El Cielo, Palancar Snorkel & Beach Party Experience

Yes, you can absolutely rent a private catamaran in Playa del Carmen for total exclusivity, a private crew, and the ability to customize your entire experience.

Yes, most catamaran sails in Riviera Maya include snorkeling stops and provide snorkel gear.

The best places near Playa del Carmen for a catamaran sail are Isla Mujeres and Cozumel, as these locations have the clearest turquoise water.

Many catamaran sails in Riviera Maya include transportation with hotel pickup for an additional cost.

Conclusion: Playa del Carmen Catamaran Guide

So, what do you think–are you ready to set sail on a catamaran excursion from Playa del Carmen?!

I hope this catamaran guide was helpful if you’re considering a catamaran tour during your vacation in Playa del Carmen or the Riviera Maya.  

There are many different options to choose from whether you’re looking for a snorkeling adventure, party cruise, or sunset sail.

My top pick for the best catamaran trip in Riviera Maya is this Isla Mujeres Luxury Catamaran & Snorkel with Lunch and Open Bar . It has over 1,800 positive reviews and includes hotel pickup!

And if you want to ditch the crowds, then definitely consider booking a private catamaran charter to have your own private crew and for the freedom to customize your entire experience including the itinerary, food, drinks, and music.

No matter which experience you choose, a catamaran sail from Playa del Carmen is is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss!

🇲🇽 Traveling to Mexico soon?

These are the Mexico travel resources I use and recommend:

🏨 Hotels : I always find the best deals for Mexico hotels and resorts on Expedia or . If you prefer a vacation rental, check VRBO as they are often cheaper than AirBnB’s added fees!

✈️ Flights : I recommend using Skyscanner for the best Mexico flight deals. Be sure to sign up for their price alerts for your preferred travel dates.

🚗 Rental Cars : I recommend using Discover Cars because you can compare multiple car rental companies and see detailed ratings for overall value, ease of pick-up, efficiency of agents, car condition, and overall time spent.

🚙 Cancun Airport Transportation : I recommend booking a private transfer with Cancun Airport Transportation for the quickest and most hassle-free option!

🤿 Tours & Activities: I always use Viator or GetYourGuide for booking tours and activities in Mexico. You can cancel up to 24 hours before the tour for a full refund, plus they have excellent customer service if you were to have any issues.

🚨 Travel Insurance: After my Dad broke his hand in a taxi accident in Playa del Carmen, I always recommend buying travel insurance before your trip for added peace of mind! I recommend Travel Insurance Master for short trips or Safety Wing for digital nomads.

☀️ Biodegradable Sunscreen : Don’t forget to add biodegradable sunscreen to your Mexico packing list ! Regular sunscreen is prohibited on most snorkeling tours, so you’ll need to pack some biodegradable sunscreen for sun protection. I recommend Sun Bum Sunscreen , which is reef-friendly, vegan, and cruelty-free.

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Allison Sicking is the founder of Viva La Travelista. After moving to Playa del Carmen, Mexico in 2018, she created her travel blog to empower others to travel safely and confidently in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. Using her Spanish language skills and expertise in Mexico travel, she is passionate about teaching others to travel Mexico like a local.

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Ploshchad Lomonosova (Lomonosov Square)

This square was created by the great architect Carlo Rossi . It is framed by a large architectural ensemble comprising of Ostrovsky Square , Alexandrinsky Theatre , and Theatre Street (now Ulitsa Zodchego Rossi ). Therefore, to get acquainted with Lomonosov Square is to get acquainted with these places as well. Only then will the curious gaze of visiting eyes really capture one of the city's best ensembles of high classicism in all its glory.

In the 18th century this was an empty space serving as the backyard of the Anichkov Palace near Chernyshev Lane. In the 1820s, the reconstruction of the territory was entrusted to Rossi. He designed a semi-circular area surrounded by several similar buildings. They housed the Ministry of Education of the Russian Empire and the Ministry of the Interior. Over Chernyshev Lane Rossi created one of his favorite arcs. The square itself was named Chernyshevsky.

In the late 1870s a park was built in the center of the square that was named in honor of the great Russian polymath and scientist Mikhail Lomonosov . In 1892, a bust of Lomonosov by sculptor Parmenas Zabello was placed in the park. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1948 the square was renamed after Lomonosov, as well as Chernyshev Lane and Chernyshev Bridge over the Fontanka River.

Metro stations:Gostiny Dvor
Directions:Exit Gostiny Dvor metro station and walk along Nevsky Prospekt to Ostrovsky Square, followed by Architect Rossi Street to Lomonosov Square
What's here? Monument to Lomonosov
What's nearby? Architect Rossi Street, Fontanka, Lomonosov Bridge, Anichkov Palace, Apraksin Yard

Accommodation near the Lomonosov Square

Asteria hotel, low-cost standard hotel next to the fontanka river in the historic center, dynasty hotel, centrally located small hotel offering low-cost standard accommodation, fifth corner hotel, small standard hotel with stylish modern rooms in downtown st. petersburg, spbstay - saint petersburg, self-catering accommodation for up to eight guests near nevsky prospekt, kaleydoskop design, charmingly fitted studios to let at great location in central st. petersburg, taiga hostel & hotel, hostel and mini-hotel with artsy atmosphere and cozy accommodation, dining near the lomonosov square, extremely popular downtown russian restaurant with evening show, cheerful restaurant and cocktail bar with cuban theme and live music, popular restaurant boasting tasty armenian cuisine and friendly service.

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  1. Catamaran boats for sale

    Catamaran. Catamaran is a yacht brand that currently has 40 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 14 new vessels and 26 used yachts, listed by experienced boat and yacht brokers mainly in the following countries: United States, Spain, France, French Polynesia and South Africa. The selection of models featured on YachtWorld spans a spectrum ...

  2. Catamaran

    A catamaran (/ ˌkætəməˈræn /) (informally, a "cat") is a watercraft with two parallel hulls of equal size. The distance between a catamaran's hulls imparts resistance to rolling and overturning. Catamarans typically have less hull volume, smaller displacement, and shallower draft (draught) than monohulls of comparable length.

  3. What Is A Catamaran Sailboat? (And What It Looks Like)

    A catamaran is a twin-hull boat with two equally-sized hulls placed side by side. They're powered by engines, sails, or both—and they're known for efficiency and speed. Catamarans are the most common kind of multihull boat. In this article, we'll go over the characteristics of catamarans and how to differentiate them from other types of ...

  4. Sail Catamaran boats for sale

    Built by a wide variety of yacht building companies, YachtWorld presently offers a selection of 1,907 catamaran yachts for sale. Among them, 475 are newly built vessels available for purchase, while the remaining 1,432 comprise used and custom yachts listed for sale. These vessels are all listed by professional brokerages and new boat dealers ...

  5. A Complete Catamaran Guide

    A catamaran is a design for a boat that utilizes two hulls. Due to the flat, platform-like-potential for the deck of the boat, the catamaran is often purposed with transporting materials, vehicles, and people. For instance, catamarans are quite often used as ferries.

  6. Catamarans: A Complete Guide to Multihull Boats

    Catamarans are known for their unique design, which features two parallel hulls connected by a deck. This design provides several advantages over traditional monohull boats, such as stability and speed. With their wide beam, catamarans have a reduced risk of capsizing and can access shallow waters due to their shallow drafts 1.

  7. The Best Power Catamaran Boat Brands

    Photo via World Cat Boats. World Cat is one of the most recognizable brands in the world of power catamarans — in fact, according to the company they're the largest producer of power catamarans in the world. Their line is a mix of center console and dual console fishing and family boats ranging from 23' to 40'.

  8. What Is A Catamaran Boat? (A Comprehensive Guide)

    A catamaran boat is a type of vessel with two parallel hulls of equal size. It is typically used for leisure, sport and racing. Catamarans are known for their stability and speed in a variety of water conditions. They are also known for their shallow draft, making them a great choice for cruising in shallow waters.

  9. A Beginner's Guide to Catamarans

    The Beginner's Guide to Sailing Catamarans. When it comes to sailing, having access to the most innovative, top quality yachts does make a difference. This is how a vacation on the water goes from ordinary to extraordinary. The Moorings catamarans are exclusively designed by renowned boat builders Robertson & Caine, a South African company ...

  10. Guide To Catamaran Boats: Cruising The Seas In Splendor!

    A catamaran boat is a type of watercraft that features two parallel hulls connected by a deck or platform. This design provides stability, speed, and efficiency on the water, making it a popular choice for various purposes such as leisure cruising, racing, fishing, or even luxury yachting. Catamarans have been around for centuries but have ...

  11. Catamarans Guide: The ABCs of Multihull Boats

    Some people think of any multihull boat as a catamaran, but in strict terms a catamaran is a boat with two hulls. A boat with one hull is a monohull and a boat with three hulls is a trimaran. Pontoon boats can be either catamarans or trimarans (sometimes called tri-toons), but can be differentiated from most other multihulls in that their hulls ...

  12. Catamaran sailing for beginners: practical tips

    A catamaran offers more space than any other boat of similar length. With spacious saloons, plenty of seating and lounging areas, and ample sunbathing spots (such as the netting known as the trampoline), you'll never feel cramped.The cabins are roomy and the bathrooms are as big as those in many apartments. People who dislike tight spaces or value their privacy will find a catamaran ideal.

  13. Catamaran boats for sale

    Ideal for overnight cruising and day sailing these Catamaran boats vary in length from 26ft to 80ft and can carry 4 to 40 passengers. There are a wide range of Catamaran boats for sale from popular brands like Fountaine Pajot, Lagoon and Bali with 504 new and 1,549 used and an average price of $549,689 with boats ranging from as little as ...

  14. What Is a Catamaran? Things You Need to Know

    A catamaran is a boat with two hulls and a bridge between them. Catamarans can be designed as sailboats or motorboats. A catamaran stays stable since it has a wide base, it does not have a deep keel as on a monohull. Cats are known for not heeling, increased comfort, more space, and faster speeds. In this article, we will explore everything you ...

  15. Catamarans Vs. Monohulls: Choosing The Right Boat

    Catamarans don't coast well primarily because they don't have a deep keel to track. Relying on coasting to a dock at a shallow angle and then going into reverse and using prop walk to cozy up the stern won't work. It is better to come in at a sharper angle and then pivot the boat into position with the engines.

  16. 2023 Boat Buyers Guide: Catamarans

    2023 Boat Buyers Guide: Catamarans. Cats offer speed, stability, fishability, and a smooth ride in rough seas. By Karl Anderson. December 27, 2022. With engines set wide on each sponson, a catamaran provides exceptional maneuverability, whether fighting a fish or docking in tight quarters. Courtesy Invincible.

  17. 10 Best Catamarans in 2024

    Lagoon Catamarans. Lagoon has always enjoyed a sweet spot in the 38 to 40-foot catamaran market. The Lagoon 380 became one of the most popular cats ever, with nearly 1,000 hulls being produced over a 20-year run. The L400 and L39 attempted to tweak that popular design, but neither caught on to the extent the 380 did.

  18. Catamaran Boats

    Advantages of Catamaran Boats. There are some inherent advantages of boats with multiple hulls, which include: More deck and interior space per foot than monohulls. A catamaran has about 1.2 times the space of a monohull. In other words, a 40-foot cat should have the deck and interior space of a 50-foot monohull.

  19. What Is A Catamaran? Does It Have Engines Or Can It Only Sail?

    A catamaran is a type of boat with two parallel hulls. Depending on the size, it can typically fit anywhere from 4-12 people plus crew. It's important to note that the number of passengers will depend on the size and design of the boat, so it's best to check with a manufacturer for more specific details.

  20. This Speedy 70-Foot Power Catamaran Is Designed to Cut Through ...

    Evolved from Safehaven's 75-foot XVS20 monohull launched in 2018, Kowalski used his expertise in building commercial, work-boat power catamarans to design the twin-hulled T-2000 Voyager to offer ...

  21. Paris Hilton slammed for son Phoenix not wearing life jacket on boat

    Paris Hilton sparked backlash for posting a video of her 19-month-old son Phoenix on a catamaran without wearing a life jacket. In the TikTok shared Wednesday, Hilton's baby boy adorably crawled ...

  22. 15 BEST Playa del Carmen Catamaran Tours in 2024

    Playa del Carmen private catamaran rentals can cost anywhere from $900-$2,500 USD depending on the size of the boat and duration. Yes, private catamaran rentals are much more expensive than group tours. But consider this-you have a group of 15 friends and it might only come out to around $100 USD per person, which is around the same price as ...

  23. Oranienbaum (Lomonosov), St. Petersburg, Russia

    Oranienbaum (Lomonosov) Still commonly known by its post-war name of Lomonosov, the estate at Oranienbaum is the oldest of the Imperial Palaces around St. Petersburg, and also the only one not to be captured by Nazi forces during the Great Patriotic War. Founded by Prince Menshikov, Peter the Great's closest adviser, the Grand Palace is one of ...

  24. Pargolovo Map

    Pargolovo is a municipal settlement in the Vyborgsky District of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Pargolovo has about 81,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  25. Vyborgskoe Highway, 344, Saint Petersburg

    Vyborgskoe Highway, 344, Pargolovo Settlement, St. Petersburg. Coordinates:. 60.091581, 30.257253

  26. Ploshchad Lomonosova (Lomonosov Square)

    Lomonosov Square (Ploshchad Lomonosova) and Lomonosov Bridge. In the 18th century this was an empty space serving as the backyard of the Anichkov Palace near Chernyshev Lane. In the 1820s, the reconstruction of the territory was entrusted to Rossi. He designed a semi-circular area surrounded by several similar buildings.