Rolex Yacht-Master II

Über die Rolex Yacht-Master II

Regatta die zweite – rolex yacht-master ii.

Die Geschichte der Yacht-Master II von Rolex geht zurück bis in die späten 20er-Jahre. Damals stellt Rolex mit seinen Oyster-Gehäusen die ersten wasserdichten Uhrgehäuse vor. Hiermit machen die Schweizer den ersten Schritt auf einem langen Weg, der schlussendlich zu den Submariner-Modellen führt. In den 50ern engagiert sich Rolex darüber hinaus als Sponsor im Segelsport und gibt Submariner-Uhren als Prämien heraus.

Der Segelsport liefert die Basis für eine neue Kollektion, die Anfang der 90er Jahre an den Start geht. In einem Zeitraum von 25 Jahren stellt die Yacht-Master-Kollektion die erste von Grund auf neu gestaltete Modellreihe der Schweizer dar.

Submariner steht allerdings auch hier (zumindest am Anfang) im Hintergrund. Die ersten Yacht-Master-Modelle entstehen auf Basis der bekannten Taucheruhren. Der Tool-Watch-Charakter tritt bei diesen Modellen allerdings in den Hintergrund und macht Platz für einen luxuriöseren Charakter.

Erstling – Die Geschichte der Yacht Master

In Sachen Material kommt bei der Yacht-Master-Kollektion nur Gold zum Einsatz. Das macht die Uhr deutlich kostspieliger als die Submariner-Modelle. Außerdem kommt ein Gehäuse mit einem Durchmesser von 35 Millimetern hinzu. Nur für diese Kollektion entwickelt Rolex sogar ein neues Material.

Rolesium stellt die Verschmelzung von Platin und Stahl dar. Die Yacht-Master sollte allerdings nur den Anfang darstellen. Mit der Yacht-Master II perfektioniert Rolex sein Segel-Modell. Nachfolgend stellen wir den Zweitling vor.

Nachfolger – Die Yacht Master II im Detail

Die Yacht-Master II erscheint im Jahr 2007 und beerbt ihren Vorgänger, ohne sich jedoch auf dessen Gestaltungsmerkmalen auszuruhen. Das neue Modell kommt in einem Gehäuse mit üppigen 44 Millimetern Durchmesser und ist dadurch größer als das Vorgängermodell und andere Rolex-Uhren.

Mehr als das ursprüngliche Modell richtet sich die Yacht-Master II an professionelle Segler, die eine Uhr suchen, die technisch und optisch etwas hermacht. Technisch sorgt beim Erstling die Verwendung des Kalibers 4161 für technische Exzellenz und einen ansprechenden Funktionsumfang. Es handelt sich um ein automatisches Uhrwerk welches in mehr als 35.000 Arbeitsstunden bei Rolex entsteht und einige einzigartige Funktionen mitbringt.

So ist ein Regatten-Countdown an Bord, der auf einen eigens entwickelten Speicher setzt. Damit lässt sich auf Wunsch eine Zeitspanne bis zehn Minuten wählen, die sich mechanisch speichern und immer wieder aufrufen lässt. Die Einstellung der Zeit für den Countdown erfolgt über die Lünette. Sie ist (anders als üblich) mit der Mechanik der Uhr verbunden.

Edel – Die Materialien der Yacht Master II

Auf dem Ziffernblatt ist der Countdown als übersichtliche Skala angebracht. Ein Zeiger mit roter, dreieckiger Spitze weist den Countdown aus. In Rot ist außerdem der Sekundenzeiger der Uhr gehalten, der eine pfeilförmige Spitze besitzt.

Bei sechs Uhr befindet sich außerdem ein Totalisator für die kleine Sekunde. Ziffern für die Stunden finden sich im Übrigen nicht auf dem Ziffernblatt. Stattdessen sind quadratische Indizes mit Leuchtmasse vorhanden. Abschließend sei die Gestaltung der Lünette zu erwähnen. Hier spiegeln sich die Zahlen für den Countdown, um dessen Einstellung zu erleichtern. In Sachen Materialwahl stehen verschiedene Varianten zur Verfügung. So gibt es 18 Karat Gelbgold, 18 Karat Weißgold, 18 Karat Everosegold und 904L Stahl. Allen Modellen ist währenddessen eine Wasserdichtigkeit bei einer Tiefe von 100 Metern gemein.

Yacht-Master II

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Yacht-Master II Stahl / Gold

Rolex Yachtmaster

Rolex Yachtmaster II von Rolex

Rolex Yachtmaster II

Rolex Yacht-Master II von Rolex

Rolex Yacht-Master II

Rolex Yacht-Master II von Rolex

Rolex Yacht-Master

Rolex Yacht-Master von Rolex

Rolex Yacht-master 40

Rolex Yacht-master von Rolex

Rolex Yacht-master

Rolex Yacht-Master von Rolex

Rolex Yacht Master II

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Oyster Perpetual


Den kurs halten, unsichtbaren routen folgen.

Den richtigen Kurs auf See zu halten, stellt eine ständige Herausforderung dar. Ist man den Elementen ausgesetzt, dann ist nichts gewiss und eine stete Reaktion ist notwendig, um die Richtung beizubehalten. Seit ihrer Einführung im Jahr 1992 verfügt die Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master über eine in beide Richtungen drehbare Lünette, die das Kalkulieren und Ablesen der Navigationszeiten vereinfacht. Diese Uhr verbindet auf elegante Weise Funktionalität und nautischen Stil und hat sich auch abseits der nautischen Welt einen Namen gemacht.

Ein gemeinsames Streben nach Präzision

Zu wissen, wo man sich örtlich und zeitlich befindet, einen Kurs festzulegen und diesen zu halten – das ist überlebens­wichtig bei der Navigation auf dem Meer. Im Hinblick auf ihre Funktion ist die Uhr ein unverzichtbares Tool für Segler, um ihre Position zu bestimmen. Marinechronometer gelten als die präzisesten Zeitmesser der Welt und werden seit dem 18. Jahrhundert von astronomischen Observatorien zertifiziert. Damals war das britische Kew-Observatorium die höchste Instanz für chronometrische Präzision.

1914 ließ der Gründer von Rolex, Hans Wilsdorf, eine Uhr der Marke vom jenem Observatorium testen, das sie als Chronometer zertifizierte: eine Premiere in der Welt der Uhrmacherkunst. Seither navigieren renommierte Segler wie Sir Francis Chichester und Bernard Moitessier auf den Meeren mit Rolex Armbanduhren, die ihnen als Bordchronometer dienen.

Für die Rolex Uhrmacherkunst war es von grundlegender Bedeutung, dass sie die Präzision von Marinechronometern erreichte.

Seglern zu Diensten

Der Segelsport nimmt einen besonderen Platz in der Welt von Rolex ein. Im Jahr 1958 ging die Marke eine Partnerschaft mit dem New York Yacht Club ein, der den legendären America’s Cup aus der Taufe gehoben hat. Anschließend wurde Rolex Partner mehrerer prestigeträchtiger Yacht-Clubs weltweit und ging Verbindungen mit großen Segelevents – ob Offshore- oder Küsten-Regatten – ein.

Diese enge Verbindung gipfelte 1992 in der Einführung der Yacht‑Master. Die Armbanduhr zeichnet sich durch die Robustheit und Wasserdichtheit ihres Oyster-Gehäuses aus und besitzt eine in beide Richtungen drehbare Lünette mit 60-Minuten-Graduierung im Relief, wodurch sich die Navigationszeit kalkulieren und ablesen lässt.

.css-1afbye{font-family:var(--quote-font-family);font-style:var(--quote-font-style);font-weight:var(--quote-font-weight);font-size:clamp(1.5rem, 0.6875rem + 2.0313vw, 3.125rem);line-height:1.3;}figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .css-1afbye::before,figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .css-1afbye::after{display:inline;}figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .css-1afbye::before{content:var(--quote-opening);}figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .css-1afbye::after{content:var(--quote-closing);}@media (max-width: 30rem){.css-1afbye{line-height:1.4;}}.short-quote .css-1afbye{font-family:var(--quote-font-family);font-style:var(--quote-font-style);font-weight:var(--quote-font-weight);font-size:clamp(1.875rem, 0.6250rem + 3.1250vw, 4.375rem);line-height:1.3;}figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .short-quote .css-1afbye::before,figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .short-quote .css-1afbye::after{display:inline;}figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .short-quote .css-1afbye::before{content:var(--quote-opening);}figure:not(.removem1epbs8d) .short-quote .css-1afbye::after{content:var(--quote-closing);}@media (max-width: 30rem){.short-quote .css-1afbye{line-height:1.4;}} Diese Yacht-Master 42 ist eine sehr leistungsstarke nautische Armbanduhr und außerdem ein Beweis für das unablässige Engagement der Marke Rolex für die Anforderungen im Segelsport.

Kostbar an Land und auf dem Wasser

Mit drei verschiedenen Durchmessern – 37, 40 und 42 mm – und den unterschiedlichen kostbaren Versionen – in 18 Karat Gelb-, Weiß- oder Everose-Gold sowie in Rolesor Everose und Rolesium – sucht die Yacht‑Master in der Welt der Rolex Professional Uhren ihresgleichen. Als elegante Armbanduhr mit sportlichem Charakter wurde sie 2015 als erstes Modell mit einem Oysterflex-Band ausgestattet.

Nach der Erprobung unter realen Bedingungen durch den berühmten Steuermann Sir Ben Ainslie stellte Rolex 2023 eine neue Version der Yacht‑Master 42 vor. Sie ist aus Titan RLX gefertigt, einem hochwertigen Material, das zugleich leicht, robust und korrosions­beständig ist.

Die Yacht‑Master ist nicht nur eine wahre Verbündete auf hoher See, sondern macht sich auch gut am Handgelenk ihres Trägers auf dem Festland. Mit vielen verschiedenen Versionen ist sie ein Modell, das über seine maritimen Ursprünge hinauswächst. Sie wurde zu einer Armbanduhr für jene, die wissen, wie man den Kurs neu setzt, sich frei bewegt, aber dabei niemals den Horizont aus den Augen verliert.

Yacht-Master 42

Oyster, 42 mm, gelbgold.

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The Rolex Yacht-Master II Reference 116681

Rolex Yachtmaster II 116681

2007 was the year Rolex proved that it could only be taunted so much by detractors for the lack of complications in its lineup before it would come out swinging. It has long been the anti-Rolex league’s favorite go-to criticism, holding up the Swiss giant’s catalog of ruggedly simple, almost minimalist, three-hand watches and sneeringly comparing them to the overtly functional pieces from the likes of Patek Philippe or Vacheron Constantin. Did Rolex lack the imagination to compete with the sky charts and moonphases of other watchmakers? Or was it the technical prowess it was missing? Rolex took it with its usual granite stoicism for decades, with the modesty of the Day-Date’s dual calendar or the Daytona’s chronograph seemingly as extravagant as it was prepared to go. Then, the iconic Swiss watch manufacturer released the Rolex Yacht-Master II series.

Vastly different from the original and less complex Yacht-Master, the Rolex Yacht Master II is a vibrant behemoth that contains one of the most technically impressive complications ever made. As a product, it could also serve as the dictionary definition of the word “niche.” Powered by a new caliber that required more than 35,000 hours to devise, the result was a watch that’s sole purpose was to help yacht skippers coordinate the starting procedure of a sailing regatta. The first models of the collection were available in either yellow or white gold. Then In 2011, the Yacht master II ref. 116681 appeared, which is a striking Rolesor variant that blends tough 904L stainless steel with precious 18k Everose gold. If you’re into big watches that make a bold statement on the wrist, then keep reading for everything you need to know about the Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681

Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681

Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681 Everose Rolesor

Yacht-Master II Reference 116681 Key Features:

  • Reference Number: 116681
  • Year of Introduction: 2011
  • Case Size: 44mm
  • Materials: Everose Rolesor (wo-tone stainless steel and Everose gold)
  • Functions: Time w/ running seconds, regatta chronograph featuring a programmable countdown timer with mechanical memory and on-the-fly synchronization
  • Dial: White w/ Luminous Hour Markers
  • Hands: Straight or Mercedes
  • Luminous Material: Chromalight
  • Bezel: Ring Command Bezel; blue Cerachrom insert w/ 10-minute scale
  • Crystal: Sapphire (Flat)
  • Movement: Rolex Cal. 4161 (automatic w/ 72-hour power reserve)
  • Water Resistance: 100 meters (330 feet)
  • Strap/Bracelet: Oyster Bracelet (two-tone stainless steel and Everose gold)
  • Clasp: Oysterlock with 5mm Easylink extension
  • Approx. Price (USD): $25,350 (Retail); $30,000 – $35,000 (Pre-Owned)

Click here for our Ultimate Buying Guide on the Rolex Yacht-Master II

Rolex Yacht-Master II Everose Gold 116681

Everose Rolesor Yacht Master II Design

While the styles of the Yacht-Master II watches have split opinions and are a world away from the handsome elegance that has been the Rolex hallmark for over 100 years, this technical yet luxurious sports watch has won plenty of fans. Its concept and sheer audacity have also silenced many of the brand’s critics and Rolex has proved that, should it decide to mix it up in the world of complications, it can compete with the best of them.

As mentioned, the first two Rolex Yacht Master II models that debuted in 2007 were in yellow gold (ref. 116688) and white gold (ref. 116689, which was discontinued in 2022). Five years later, Rolex unveiled the Yacht-Master II ref. 116681 as the two-tone Everose gold and stainless steel variant. The combination of the two metals, the bright blue bezel (crafted from Rolex’s ceramic alloy, Cerachrom), and the flashy dial is certainly not the subtlest of Rolex watches, but somehow, the Yacht-Master II 116681 just works.

The Everose gold elements – on the bezel numerals, crown, pushers, snailing around the seconds sub-dial, and center links of the sporty Oyster bracelet – soften some of the brashness of the all-steel or yellow gold versions. As a variant, it’s a definite eye-catcher. It has retained its rather graceful proportions, especially for such a large piece and one that crams in so much functionality. The 44mm case (the biggest case size in the Rolex fleet that’s only shared by the Deepsea) affords a large surface area for the dial designers to play with. And it’s just as well. There is a lot of information displayed on the watch’s face, but the logical placement of each element gives it legible readability.

At the top is a horseshoe-shaped track numbered to ten. The starting gun in a regatta is preceded by a warning signal, often either five or ten minutes beforehand. It informs participants the countdown has begun, and the Yacht-Master II’s curved gauge is there to precisely time the flying start – the long dagger-like hand marks the countdown seconds while the small red arrow-tipped hand displays the countdown minutes.

However, the clever part comes should our yacht skipper need to reset the countdown for any reason. The watch is the first in the world to feature a mechanical memory with both flyback and fly-forward functionality, and it allows the regatta timer to reset to synchronize with the official race timer – either forwards or backwards to the nearest minute. Therefore, should the countdown have been triggered too early or too late, it’s a simple step to bring it back in line.

Rolex Yacht-Master II reference 116681 Everose Gold Chromalight Lume

Rolex Yacht-Master II Dial Update

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Yacht-Master II, Rolex rolled out redesigned dials across the entire collection – including, of course, the Yacht-Master II ref. 116681. So what changed?

First, Rolex replaced the original straight hands with a Mercedes handset, which is much more common across the brand’s sports watches. Also, the hands of the Yacht Master II 116681 went from a dark blue to Everose gold – a nice touch to match the rest of the pink-toned details of the watch. Another dial update that occurred to bring the face of the Yacht-Master II more in line with Rolex’s other sports watches concerns the shape of the hour markers.

Earlier models featured square lume-filled indexes for each hour. However, after the 2017 dial redesign, Yacht-Master II watches now included an inverted triangle and a rectangle at 12 and 6, respectively. Naturally, since the Yacht-Master II 116681 is an Everose Rolesor edition, the hour markers feature Everose gold surrounds.

Two-Tone Rolex Everose Yacht-Master II 116681 Rolesor

Yacht-Master II Ring Command Bezel and In-House Caliber

The key to the impressive functionality of the Rolex Yachtmaster II lies in the model’s most conspicuous component: the bright blue Cerachrom bezel with its oversized, pink golden numerals. More than simply being the watch’s border, the bezel is central to its overall operation.

Directly linked to the internal movement, the Ring Command Bezel, to give it its proper title, unlocks the programmable actions of the watch by rotating it counter-clockwise through 90 degrees. With the bezel activated, the crown can be used to set the countdown duration and the two pushers at the two and four o’clock positions start and stop the chronograph and work the flyback function. It sounds like a convoluted affair, but in reality, there is a beautifully designed intuitiveness to getting the most out of the Yacht-Master II.

The Rolex engineers have pared down the process as much as possible, while still retaining all the necessary performance. Underneath everything lies the movement. The original references were released with the Cal. 4160, a heavily reworked version of the Daytona’s Cal. 4130, complete with the vertical clutch that eliminates backlash on the chronograph seconds hand.

By 2013, Rolex had perfected the purpose-built Cal. 4161 specifically for the Yacht-Master II. At the time, it was the company’s most component-heavy movement to date, and the Caliber 4161 is constructed from 360 separate parts. As well as the improved accuracy and shock resistance provided by including Rolex’s proprietary Parachrom hairspring, the 31-jewel, high-beat movement also has a power reserve of 72 hours.

Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681 Two-Tone Everose Regatta Timer

Over A Decade of the Rolex 116681 Yacht-Master II

The Rolex Yacht-Master II ref. 116681 has been a part of the brand’s catalog for over a decade now. Despite the movement update in 2013 to the Caliber 4131 and the dial update that occurred in 2017, Rolex has retained the same reference number since this two-tone variant’s release in 2011. And that’s quite curious given that Rolex has allocated new reference numbers to other watch models that have undergone much more subtle updates. Rolex truly works in mysterious ways!

It’s also interesting to note that in 2022, Rolex discontinued the white gold and platinum Yacht-Master II ref. 116689, which brings the Yacht-Master II lineup down from four references to only three. Perhaps the end of the Rolex Yacht-Master II ref. 116681 is near? Though we don’t wish for that to happen, it’s not uncommon for the modern-day Rolex to replace models after about a decade (or less) of production.

While the Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681 has an undeniable heft and is ultra-luxurious, it can easily be worn all day. Its watertight Oyster case ensures it’s more than a match for the rigors of life on the ocean and its robust self-winding movement is top-notch. As a skipper’s watch, this Rolex Yacht-Master II is in a class all its own. But even if you don’t sail competitively and only ever use the watch’s innovative timing function in the kitchen (if at all,) the steel and Everose gold Yacht-Master II ref. 116681 is a head-turning luxury sports watch that’s unlike any other in Rolex’s lineup.

Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681 Everose Two-Tone Countdown Timer

About Paul Altieri

Paul Altieri is a vintage and pre-owned Rolex specialist, entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of - the largest and most trusted name in luxury watches. He is widely considered a pioneer in the industry for bringing transparency and innovation to a once-considered stagnant industry. His experience spans over 35 years and he has been published in numerous publications including Forbes, The NY Times, WatchPro, and Fortune Magazine. Paul is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the watch industry and e-commerce, and regularly engages with other professionals in the industry. He is a member of the IWJG, the AWCI and a graduate of the GIA. Alongside running the premier retailer of pre-owned Rolex watches, Paul is a prominent Rolex watch collector himself amassing one of the largest private collections of rare timepieces. In an interview with the WSJ lifestyle/fashion editor Christina Binkley, Paul opened his vault to display his extensive collection of vintage Rolex Submariners and Daytonas. Paul Altieri is a trusted and recognized authority in the watch industry with a proven track record of expertise, professionalism, and commitment to excellence.

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Ryazan Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Ryazan oblast: Ryazan .

Ryazan Oblast - Overview

Ryazan Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the center of the European part of the country, in the Central Federal District. Ryazan is the capital city of the region.

The population of Ryazan Oblast is about 1,085,100 (2022), the area - 39,605 sq. km.

Ryazan oblast flag

Ryazan oblast coat of arms.

Ryazan oblast coat of arms

Ryazan oblast map, Russia

Ryazan oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

8 August, 2017 / Ryazan Kremlin - one of the oldest museums in Russia .

27 February, 2017 / Vvedensky Church in Pet - the gem of the Ryazan region .

15 July, 2010 / The architectural monuments of Ryazan oblast photos .

24 May, 2010 / Ryazan oblast beautiful abandoned cathedral photos .

History of Ryazan Oblast

According to archaeological excavations, the first people settled in what is now the Ryazan region in the Upper Paleolithic (15 - 25 thousand years ago). The first known inhabitants of this area were the tribes of Finno-Ugric group: Mer, Ves, Muroma, Meshchera, Mordvinians and others, who gave a lot of preserved to this day geographical names.

The Slavic tribes moved to the east at the end of the 1st millennium AD. The tribes of Vyatichi and Radimichi settled in the upper and middle reaches of the Oka River. Over time, these lands came under the control of the Kiev principality. Further expansion of the Slavs to the east was stopped by the Kama Bulgars.

According to the latest archaeological data, the town of Staraya (Old) Ryazan was founded in the 10th century (about 50 km south-east of the present Ryazan). The town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky was first mentioned in 1095.

In the 13th century, the Ryazan Principality, with its core in the middle reaches of the Oka, extended south to the Voronezh and Don rivers.

Despite the vast territory of the region and mixed composition of the population, it was gradually exposed to the Christianization, a lot of churches and monasteries were built. In the 12th century, Olgovsky Assumption Monastery was founded (the present village of Lgovo) - one of the oldest monasteries in the North-Eastern Russia.

More Historical Facts…

In 1237, Staraya Ryazan, the capital of the principality, was destroyed during the Mongol invasion. After that, its place in the principality was gradually taken by Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, which, later, inherited the name of the former capital.

The rise of the Ryazan Principality is usually associated with Prince Oleg Ivanovich (1350-1402), who, with varying degrees of success, competed with the Moscow princes. His descendants were not so successful in opposing Moscow and the Ryazan principality ceased to exist in 1521 and became part of the Moscow Principality.

In the 16th-17th centuries, the Ryazan region, being the southern boundary of the Russian state, suffered from frequent devastating raids of nomads. Ryazan guberniya (province) of the Russian Empire was established by the decree of Catherine II in 1778. The town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, the administrative center of the province, received a new name - Ryazan.

In the 18th century, metallurgy (iron foundries, needle factories), textile (cloth, rope, linen factories) and leather industries appeared in the region. In the 19th century, coal mines, cement, brick, tile, match factories were opened. In the north of the province, there were several glass factories.

In the southern districts of the province, agricultural processing industry was developed. Construction of railways, along with the traditional and already well-developed river navigation, was essential for the development of the regional economy.

In 1929, almost the entire territory of the Ryazan region became part of Moscow Oblast. In 1937, a separate Ryazan Oblast was formed. During the Second World War, only the south-western districts of the region (Mikhailov, Skopin) were occupied by the German troops.

In the post-Soviet period, an outflow of population from Ryazan Oblast has begun (due to the proximity to Moscow). In 1991-2015, the population of the region decreased by more than 200 thousand people.

Beautiful nature of Ryazan Oblast

Lake in Ryazan Oblast

Lake in Ryazan Oblast

Author: Mikhail Grizly

Forest stream in Ryazan Oblast

Forest stream in Ryazan Oblast

Ryazan Oblast scenery

Ryazan Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Vasiliev

Ryazan Oblast - Features

Ryazan Oblast is located in the depression between the Central and Volga Uplands, in the central part of the Russian Plain. The region stretches for 220 km from north to south and 259 km from west to east.

The Oka River divides the territory of Ryazan oblast in two parts: the northern with coniferous forests, and the southern with deciduous forests and forest-steppes. In total, forests cover about one third of the territory.

The climate is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is minus 10.6 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.7 degrees Celsius. The region has such natural resources as cement limestone, marl, refractory clay, glass and quartz sand, high-quality peat, phosphorite, lignite.

The most developed industries are engineering and metalworking, oil refining, power engineering, and food industry. Production of construction materials, leather are also developed as well as non-ferrous metallurgy. The main industrial centers are Ryazan, Skopin, Kasimov. Ryazan refinery is one of the largest enterprises in the region. The largest in Europe underground reservoir of natural gas “Kasimovskoye” (8,500 million cubic m) is located in Ryazan oblast.

Agriculture is specialized on cattle-, pig-, sheep-breeding, poultry farming. Barley, wheat, rye, oats, forage crops, sugar beets, fruits, and berries are cultivated in the region.

Two important railways pass through the territory of the Ryazan region: the “historical” branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway and two main lines in the direction of the Caucasus railway. The express “Sergei Yesenin”, a special train of Ryazan Oblast, runs daily between Ryazan and Moscow. Two federal highways cross the territory of the region: M5 “Ural” and M6 “Kaspiy”. The Oka River is navigable with ports in Ryazan and Kasimov.

The radioactive fallout, which spread as a result of the Chernobyl accident, fell on the south-western territories of the region.

Attractions of Ryazan Oblast

Ryazan Oblast is a real reserve of Russian folk culture with its unique music, song and choreography, poetic traditions, multicolor palette of folk costumes, arts and crafts. Eight settlements are included in the list of historic settlements of Russia: Ryazan, Kasimov, Mikhailov, Ryazhsk, Skopin, Spas-Klepiki, Spassk-Ryazansky, Shatsk.

Architectural monuments of the region include monuments of church architecture, manor complexes, industrial buildings, merchants’ mansions. Altogether there are about 1,200 architectural monuments and more than 2,200 archaeological sites. There are more than 100 thousand hectares of protected areas on the territory of the Ryazan region (47 nature reserves and 57 natural monuments).

The main attractions of Ryazan Oblast:

  • Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve “Ryazan Kremlin”,
  • Ryazan Art Museum named after I.P. Pozhalostin,
  • Museum-Estate of the Academician I.P. Pavlov in Ryazan,
  • Solotcha resort village in the suburbs of Ryazan,
  • Museum-Reserve of S.A. Esenin in the village of Konstantinovo,
  • Historical-Landscape Reserve “Staraya Ryazan”,
  • Historical-Landscape Reserve “Glebovo-Gorodishche”,
  • Manor of fon Derviz in Kiritsy (1889) - an amazing beautiful architectural ensemble located 60 km from Ryazan,
  • Historical-Cultural and Natural-Landscape Reserve “Manor of S.N. Khudekov”,
  • Stud farm in Starozhilovo,
  • Museum of the History of Cosmonautics and the Memorial House-Museum of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in Izhevskoye,
  • Museum of Wooden Architecture in the village of Lunkino in Klepikovsky district,
  • Khan’s mosque with a minaret, museum “Russian Samovar” and museum of bells in Kasimov,
  • Svyato-Ioanno-Bogoslovsky Monastery in the village of Poshupovo in Rybnovsky district, on the right bank of the Oka, about 25 km north of Ryazan,
  • Nativity of the Virgin Convent in Solotcha,
  • The first park of S.N.Khudekov in the village of Yerlino in Korablinsky district; later, he created a similar park in Sochi,
  • Oka State Biosphere Reserve with a nature museum and zoo,
  • Meshchyora National Park.

Ryazan oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of the ryazan region.

Ryazan Oblast landscape

Ryazan Oblast landscape

Author: Mikhail Maksimov

Monastery in Solotcha in the Ryazan region

Monastery in Solotcha in the Ryazan region

Abandoned church in Ryazan Oblast

Abandoned church in Ryazan Oblast

Churches in Ryazan Oblast

Wooden church in Ryazan Oblast

Wooden church in Ryazan Oblast

Winter in the Ryazan region

Winter in the Ryazan region

Abandoned cathedral in Ryazan Oblast

Abandoned cathedral in Ryazan Oblast

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  7. Hands-On Rolex Yacht-Master II Review

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  8. Rolex Yacht-Master II

    The bezel of the Yacht-Master II allows the wearer to program a countdown on a whim, either during a race or on the spur of the moment for a practice run. This intuitive interaction between the bezel and the self-winding mechanical regatta chronograph movement is unique to this timepiece. Rolex Yacht-Master II on

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  10. Rolex Yacht-Master II

    Rolex Yacht-Master II Inserat: 17 980 € Rolex Yacht-Master II - Ref. 116681 - bicolor, Referenznummer 116681; Gold/Stahl; Automatik; Zustand Sehr gut; Uhr mit Original-Box; Standort: ... Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master II Referencenumber: 116681 Movement: automatic ... Schneller versand Tolle Kommunikation Uhr neu wie beschrieben Vielen Dank JH ...

  11. Über die Rolex Yacht-Master II

    Die Geschichte der Yacht-Master II von Rolex geht zurück bis in die späten 20er-Jahre. Damals stellt Rolex mit seinen Oyster-Gehäusen die ersten wasserdichten Uhrgehäuse vor. ... In einem Zeitraum von 25 Jahren stellt die Yacht-Master-Kollektion die erste von Grund auf neu gestaltete Modellreihe der Schweizer dar. Submariner steht ...

  12. Rolex Yacht‑Master

    Kostbar an Land und auf dem Wasser. Mit drei verschiedenen Durchmessern - 37, 40 und 42 mm - und den unterschiedlichen kostbaren Versionen - in 18 Karat Gelb-, Weiß- oder Everose-Gold sowie in Rolesor Everose und Rolesium - sucht die Yacht‑Master in der Welt der Rolex Professional Uhren ihresgleichen. Als elegante Armbanduhr mit ...

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  15. The Rolex Yacht-Master II Reference 116681

    Five years later, Rolex unveiled the Yacht-Master II ref. 116681 as the two-tone Everose gold and stainless steel variant. The combination of the two metals, the bright blue bezel (crafted from Rolex's ceramic alloy, Cerachrom), and the flashy dial is certainly not the subtlest of Rolex watches, but somehow, the Yacht-Master II 116681 just works.

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  17. The Rolex Yacht-Master II: How does it work, and why is it so

    The Rolex Yacht-Master II's Mechanical Memory . The key to the adjustable countdown timer on the Rolex Yacht-Master II is the addition of a heart-shaped disc in the minute counter (labeled "9" in the drawing). The disc has an unusual, asymmetrical shape and is referred to as the flyback cam in the patent. This component is also used in ...

  18. Rolex GMT-Master II 126710GRNR

    Rolex GMT-Master II Inserat: 18 150 € Rolex GMT-Master II - 126710GRNR - Oyster - Bruce Wayne - New..., Referenznummer 126710GRNR; Stahl; Automatik; Zustand Neu; Jahr 2024; Uhr mit Original-Box und O. Überspringen. Kennen Sie schon die Chrono24 App? Jetzt entdecken ! Suchen Sie in 601 976 Uhren aus 129 Ländern. ... Rolex Yacht-Master 42.

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  20. Ryazan Region

    I am going to be traveling to Ryazan to adopt a child. I would love to hear from anyone who has been there. Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

  21. Rolex Yacht-Master II

    The bezel of the Yacht-Master II allows the wearer to program a countdown on a whim, either during a race or on the spur of the moment for a practice run. This intuitive interaction between the bezel and the self-winding mechanical regatta chronograph movement is unique to this timepiece. Rolex Yacht-Master II on New offers daily.

  22. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Ryazan Oblast (2024)

    1. Museum of the History of Ryazan Lollipop. 220. Speciality Museums. In the heart of Ryazan city, on the Territory of Ryazan Kremlin, the Museum of Ryazan lollipop history has opened its doors. 2. Ryazan Kremlin. 816. Speciality Museums.

  23. Rolex Yacht-Master II

    116680 Yacht-Master II Rarität 1. Serie Neu + verklebt o. Käufername. Php 1,250,295 + Php77,163 for shipping. DE. Rolex Yacht-Master II. 116688. Php 2,078,653. Free shipping. US. ... The Legendary Rolex Yacht-Master II. The thrilling world of yacht racing finds expression in the Yacht-Master II, a chronograph intended to mark time on the high ...

  24. Pre-Owned Rolex Yacht-Master II Watches for Sale on Chrono24

    2016 MINT Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681 Steel Everose Gold Blue hands 44mm Watch Box $ 18,992 + $129 for shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master II. 44 mm Stainless Steel White Dial Blue Ceramic Bezel Complete Set 2020 $ 17,500. Free shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master II. 18K White Gold and Platinum 44mm Watch 116689

  25. Ryazan Oblast, Russia guide

    Ryazan Oblast is located in the depression between the Central and Volga Uplands, in the central part of the Russian Plain. The region stretches for 220 km from north to south and 259 km from west to east. The Oka River divides the territory of Ryazan oblast in two parts: the northern with coniferous forests, and the southern with deciduous ...

  26. Rolex Yacht-Master II

    Wie neu - Like new. RM 79,541. Excl. shipping. DE. Private Seller. Rolex Yacht-Master II. Bi-Metal 44mm White Dial Ref: 116681 - Full Set - 2014. RM 89,915 + RM294 for shipping. UK. ... The Legendary Rolex Yacht-Master II. The thrilling world of yacht racing finds expression in the Yacht-Master II, a chronograph intended to mark time on the ...

  27. Istleevo Cemetery in Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast

    Find 3 memorial records at the Istleevo Cemetery cemetery in Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast. Add a memorial, flowers or photo.