The Radikal 26, a modern and folding trimaran

The Radikal 26 is a day boat built in infusion by the Strato Compo shipyard. Folding to road size, the trimaran is transportable on a trailer. It will be presented next April, at the multihull show.

Chloé Torterat

Built by the Strato Compo shipyard , the Radikal 26 is a modern design trimaran , foldable, light and fast, with a length of 9 meters. This day boat will be marketed by the Radikal Boat brand, a newcomer to the market. " This brand was created for the implementation of certain products. For the moment, we are marketing the Radikal 26" trimaran explains Patrice Vivient, manager of Radikal Boat. Seeking to create a boat that combines pleasure, speed and safety, Radikal Boat approached the architectural firm Perspective Design.

The first boat built by the shipyard was delivered late last summer in Germany. " Built under epoxy carbon infusion, this first trimaran has exceeded all our expectations" explains Christophe Lair, from the Strato Compo yard.

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

For this second model, which will be launched soon, and presented next April at the multihull show, the owner has chosen " a wiser version". It will therefore be built in polyester, but the link arms, mast and boom will remain in infused carbon, for maximum rigidity, without weighing the boat down.

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

The folded Radikal 26 is in road format. " We can put it on a trailer and hit the road with it." Without a centerboard, it has curved daggerboards on the floats. " They act like foils, but very slightly. They were designed as much for design as to preserve space in the center hull."

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Designed to support 6 people, the central hull can accommodate up to 4 people. Sold empty, it is possible to modify it, in option. Here are, among others, the possible equipments: side seat cushions and mattresses in front point, sink block, portable toilets, motor chairâeuros¦

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

The Radikal 26 is sold ready to sail , with a set of 3 sails but can be delivered in different stages of manufacture.

Manufacturing specifications

  • Central shell with glass sandwich and epoxy infusion carbon reinforcements
  • Sandwich floats epoxy glass with carbon infusion reinforcements
  • Saffron carbon sandwich âeuros 80° c prepeg
  • Curved carbon sandwich ribs âeuros 80° c prepeg
  • Mast, two monolithic carbon parts
  • Carbon sandwich arm âeuros 80° c prepeg
  • Full carbon option for hull and floats

Technical specifications

Overall length 9,00 m
Length Float 7,93 m
Max. width 5,70 m
Width folded 2,54 m
Draft 0,3 / 1,5 m
Length of the mast 12,00 m
Mast height 12,60 m
Upwind area 58m2
Downwind area 80 m2
Lightweight 0,6 T

Price 84,500 euros HT in standard version (polyester hull / aluminium mast / carbon arm)

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Strato Compo: between powerboats, foils and the succession of the Radikal 26

The Gironde shipyard is not abandoning the world of trimarans. It is working on a 35-40 footer. (c) Strato Compo

Located in the heart of the Médoc and founded by a multihull enthusiast, Strato Compo has opted for a strategy of diversification in support of its core business: stratification. It intends to develop a new 35- to 40-foot trimaran, while continuing to build offshore.

 Xavier Eveillé

Founded in 1987, Strato Compo specializes in the use of composite materials in all their forms. Based at Grayan-et-l'Hôpital in Gironde, just outside Port Médoc, the company is one of those shipyards that offer a very wide range of services, from design to the manufacture of composite parts for the nautical industry, but also for industry and even contemporary art, street furniture or the world of advertising signs. To achieve this, the company has 2,000 m² of workshop space on two sites. Jean-Christophe Lair, manager of the 12-strong company, explains: " Our specialties are contact lamination for basic polyester parts, vacuum contact lamination, glass and carbon infusion ." Boating remains our core business: "We are currently manufacturing two types of motorboat, one for pleasure craft, the other for harbor professionals, as well as two carbon foils for a 26-meter catamaran, in order to reduce diesel consumption." .

A l'aise sur des unités plus grandes, le chantier peut pousser les murs. Ici, la préforme d'un mono 60 pieds pour le chantier naval de Bordeaux.

Towards a 35- to 40-foot trimaran

Stato Compo is also considering a follow-up to the Radikal 26, a nine-meter multihull capable of exceeding 20 knots. The yard has built four Radikal 26 trimarans since 2015. Not many. Jean-Christophe Lair notes: "The architect had already designed this boat before we met, and it can only be folded ashore. As a result, it wasn't easy to find places..." Strato Compo is now thinking more along the lines of a 35- to 40-foot trimaran "in the same vein" .

Bigger, more complex

The workshops are also busy with a large number of jobs for private customers: painting, anti-osmosis treatment, electronics, engines, sails, deck fittings, rigging ... "We're looking for qualified laminators, minimum two. The industry is still very active, despite a slight downturn in recent months." And here again: "Boats are getting bigger and more complex to build..." New-builds keep pace with technological developments and move upmarket.

Last but not least, the Aquitaine shipyard also provides a two-hectare enclosed yard for outdoor storage of sailboats or speedboats, with the option of indoor storage .

Le chantier dispose de 2 000 m² de bâti et deux hectares de surface extérieure (c) Strato Compo

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Multihull of the year

Trimarans are known to be well suited for offshore racing: three-hulled boats have dominated the scene for many years. But also for fast cruising, where their liveliness under sail outweighs the issue of living space. The proof is clear with this souped-up Radikal, a 9 meter folding trimaran…

The yard proposes a self-tacking solent. A slightly overlapping genoa is also available.

Practical info

  • Builder : Radikal Boats
  • Finance your Radikal T26
  • Articles about the Radikal T26
  • Available in issue # 147

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The Statocompo boatyard is located in France’s beautiful Médoc region, between forests and vineyards. It was founded in 1987 by Jean-Christophe Lair et Lalou Roucayrol. Both have skimming the water at speed in their DNA, and quickly started specializing in racing multihulls, high-tech composite parts and even technical support for the America’s Cup. In 1994, a little sailing school catamaran was launched, the Clip, but there were only 17 examples built. In 1995, Lalou got involved with Banque Populaire, and Jean-Christophe remained solo at the helm… but all the build projects were done by Stratocompo - including, for example, the very recent Multi 50, Arkema.

Full test Radikal 26

Easily capable of exceeding 20 knots, the Radikal 26 is almost certainly going to be the fastest sailboat on the water!

A unique and racy design

The Radikal 26, exhibited in France at the last La Rochelle Boat Show, has become the second production model offered by Jean-Christophe. It wasn’t technically the yard which launched this little trimaran, but more precisely, Philippe Roulin, its architect - an awesome engineer, equally capable of designing electric barges or foil...

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strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Der Radikal 26, ein moderner und faltbarer Trimaran

Die Radikal 26 ist ein Tagesboot, das von der Strato Compo-Werft in Infusion gebaut wird. Der auf Straßengröße zusammenklappbare Trimaran ist auf einem Anhänger transportierbar. Sie wird im kommenden April auf der Mehrrumpfbootmesse vorgestellt.

Chloé Torterat

Die von der Werft Strato Compo gebaute Radikal 26 ist ein Trimaran mit modernem Design, der zusammenklappbar, leicht und schnell ist und eine Länge von 9 Metern hat. Dieses Day-Boat wird von der Marke Radikal Boat vermarktet, die neu auf dem Markt ist. " Diese Marke wurde für die Einführung bestimmter Produkte geschaffen. Im Moment vermarkten wir den Trimaran Radikal 26" erklärt Patrice Vivient, Geschäftsführer von Radikal Boat. Radikal Boat wollte ein Boot entwerfen, das Spaß, Schnelligkeit und Sicherheit miteinander verbindet.

Das erste von der Werft gebaute Boot wurde im Spätsommer letzten Jahres in Deutschland ausgeliefert. " Dieser erste Trimaran, der im Epoxy-Karbon-Infusionsverfahren hergestellt wurde, hat alle unsere Erwartungen übertroffen" erklärt Christophe Lair von der Werft Strato Compo.

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Für dieses zweite Modell, das in Kürze zu Wasser gelassen und im April auf der Multihull-Messe vorgestellt wird, wählte der Besitzer " eine weisere Version". Es wird also aus Polyester gebaut, aber die Verbindungsarme, der Mast und der Baum werden weiterhin aus infundiertem Kohlenstoff bestehen, um eine maximale Steifigkeit zu erreichen, ohne das Boot schwerer zu machen.

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Die zusammengeklappte Radikal 26 hat Straßenformat. " Man kann es auf einen Anhänger packen und damit auf die Straße gehen" Ohne Mittelschwert besitzt es gebogene Schwerter an den Schwimmern. " Sie wirken wie Foils, aber nur sehr leicht. Sie wurden sowohl aus Designgründen als auch um Platz im Mittelrumpf zu sparen entwickelt."

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Der mittlere Rumpf kann bis zu 4 Personen beherbergen und ist auf 6 Personen ausgelegt. Das Boot wird leer verkauft, kann aber nach Belieben ausgestattet werden. Zu den möglichen Ausstattungsmerkmalen gehören u.a.: Seitensitzkissen und Matratzen in der Bugspitze, Spülbecken, tragbare Toiletten, Motorstuhl, etc

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Die Radikal 26 wird segelfertig mit einem Satz von 3 Segeln verkauft, kann aber in verschiedenen Stadien der Herstellung geliefert werden.

Spezifikationen für die Herstellung

  • Mittelschale Sandwich-Glasverstärkung Carbon Epoxy Infusion
  • Schwimmer Sandwich Epoxidglas Verstärkungen Karbon Infusion
  • Safran Carbon Sandwich âeuros 80° c prepeg
  • Carbon-Sandwich-Kurvenschwerter âeuros 80° c prepeg
  • Mast, zweiteilig monolithischer Kohlenstoff
  • Carbon-Sandwich-Arm âeuros 80° c prepeg
  • Mögliche Option Vollcarbon für Rumpf und Schwimmer

Technische Daten

Länge über alles 9,00 m
Länge Floating 7,93 m
Max. Breite 5,70 m
Breite zusammengeklappt 2,54 m
Tiefgang 0,3 / 1,5 m
Länge des Mastes 12,00 m
Masthöhe 12,60 m
Segelfläche beim Vorwindkurs 58m2
Segelfläche beim Vorwindkurs 80 m2
Leergewicht 0,6 T

Preis : 84.500 Euro ohne MwSt. in der Standardversion (Polyester-Rumpf / Alu-Mast / Karbon-Ausleger)

strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

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strato compo radikal 26 trimaran

Trimaran de type RADIKAL 26 construit en 2016 chantier STRATO COMPO trimaran repliable pour stockage et transportable par la route avec sa remorque fournit. pret à naviguer avec moteur Honda 6 CV , jeu de voiles complet ave foc sur enrouleur FACNOR panneau solaire, centrale de navigation TACTICK sans fils, matelas et housses neuves double safrans avec barre de liaison carbone mat carbone complet Couleur bleu RAL 5015 réalisé en infusion Accastillage HARKEN État neuf,visible à port médoc, Essais possible sur RDV


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  1. The Radikal 26, a modern and folding trimaran

    Built by the Strato Compo shipyard, the Radikal 26 is a modern design trimaran, foldable, light and fast, with a length of 9 meters.This day boat will be marketed by the Radikal Boat brand, a newcomer to the market. " This brand was created for the implementation of certain products. For the moment, we are marketing the Radikal 26" trimaran explains Patrice Vivient, manager of Radikal Boat.

  2. Strato Compo: between powerboats, foils and the succession of the

    Towards a 35- to 40-foot trimaran. Stato Compo is also considering a follow-up to the Radikal 26, a nine-meter multihull capable of exceeding 20 knots. The yard has built four Radikal 26 trimarans since 2015. Not many. Jean-Christophe Lair notes: "The architect had already designed this boat before we met, and it can only be folded ashore. As a ...

  3. Boat Review by Multihulls World of: Trimaran Radikal T26

    Radikal 26. Trimarans are known to be well suited for offshore racing: three-hulled boats have dominated the scene for many years. But also for fast cruising, where their liveliness under sail outweighs the issue of living space. The proof is clear with this souped-up Radikal, a 9 meter folding trimaran…. The yard proposes a self-tacking solent.

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    View pictures and details of this boat or search for more STRATO COMPO boats for sale on United Kingdom GB. United States Canada Australia Spain Germany France Italy Netherlands Boats for Sale ... STRATO COMPO RADIKAL 26 TRIMARAN. £67,064 Listed price: €76,000 Bordeaux, Gironde, France. Close Map. Print; Facebook; Twitter ...

  10. Der Radikal 26, ein moderner und faltbarer Trimaran

    Die von der Werft Strato Compo gebaute Radikal 26 ist ein Trimaran mit modernem Design, der zusammenklappbar, leicht und schnell ist und eine Länge von 9 Metern hat. Dieses Day-Boat wird von der Marke Radikal Boat vermarktet, die neu auf dem Markt ist.Diese Marke wurde für die Einführung bestimmter Produkte geschaffen.


    Find Used STRATO COMPO RADIKAL 26 TRIMARAN in Bordeaux, 33 - Gironde. See more information and images on iNautia. Boats for sale. Power boats; Sailboats; Unpowered boats; ... STRATO COMPO ⁄ / 2016 STRATO COMPO RADIKAL 26 TRIMARAN; 2016 STRATO COMPO RADIKAL 26 TRIMARAN. € 76,000. Bordeaux, 33 - Gironde. 1 / 20.

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    View a wide selection of Used STRATO COMPO radikal 26 trimaran for sale in your area, explore boats details information, compare prices and find Used STRATO COMPO radikal 26 trimaran best deals. 2016 Strato Compo Radikal 26 Trimaran Radikal 26 Type Trimaran Built for sale Strato Compo. Bordeaux

  13. RADIKAL 26'

    description. Trimaran de type RADIKAL 26 construit en 2016 chantier STRATO COMPO. trimaran repliable pour stockage et transportable par la route avec sa remorque fournit. pret à naviguer avec moteur Honda 6 CV , jeu de voiles complet ave foc sur enrouleur FACNOR. panneau solaire, centrale de navigation TACTICK sans fils, matelas et housses neuves.

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  15. Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast

    The street of Krasnogorsk. Krasnogorsk ( Russian: Красногорск) is a city in Moscow Oblast in Russia. It is the administrative center of Krasnogorsky District of Moscow Oblast. As of 2010, Krasnogorsk has 196,896 people. In 2024, Islamic State killed over 130 people in a massacre at Crocus City Hall .

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