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Club Catamaran

Club catamaran - dance on water.

About Club Catamaran

Bodrum, which hosts thousands of people every year with its sea and magnificent nature, is a place where you can have the most enjoyable holiday. You can experience the best moments of entertainment in Bodrum, both during the day and at night. If you are in Bodrum, you can choose Club Catamaran, the world's first floating bar, to have fun in the evenings. You can have fun until the morning with the sea view under your feet. Catamaran is a unique floating club in the world with a capacity of 1000 people. Catamaran Club was specially designed and manufactured.

Catamaran Club, Bodrum's most popular entertainment venue, offers its guests unforgettable moments. The club, which has many visitors not only from home but also from abroad, continues to make its name known more and more every day. The club, which is unlike any entertainment venue in the world with its size and concept that can host up to 1500 guests with its catamaran boat, private pier and clubhouse on the beach, does very successful business. You can come here with your loved ones and have fun until the first light of the morning and enjoy the music and dance.

Catamaran Club, where world-famous DJs and artists have been performing since the past, also produces unforgettable shows with its special animation team.

Catamaran Club Features

There are 4 bars inside the boat. Thus, you can easily find many types of beverages. It provides entertaining moments to its guests with its advanced sound and music systems. Coming to Club Catamaran Bodrum It organizes not only music for its guests but also different and unique shows every night. Catamaran hosts thousands of guests every day and is among the most favorite places not only for tourists but also for celebrities visiting the region. Since the club is a well-known venue, it can be very crowded and it is recommended that you make a reservation before going.

ClubCatamaran departs around 00:00 every day and continues the fun at sea all night long. But before setting out to sea, it hosts visitors on its beach with its music and drinks. If you want to return to the shore after sailing, special free shuttle boats take you from the boat to the shore. Club Catamaran, Europe's largest floating disco, has an increasing audience every day. In addition, hundreds of people come to visit the boat every day to see it as a museum. You can experience the most unforgettable form of entertainment at Club Catamaran, which is considered the heart of entertainment in Bodrum.

Where is Club Catamaran?

You can spend your holiday and have fun moments in Bodrum, one of the most beautiful places of Muğla. You can continue the fun at night while enjoying your holiday among the natural beauties in Bodrum. If you are wondering where Club Catamaran is, you can reach Bodrum bazaar bar street and experience endless entertainment. To come to Catamaran, you must first come to Bodrum. Then, you can come to Bar Street and have a comfortable and easy transportation. You can also make a reservation and reserve your place at Club Catamaran contact number. If you are going with your personal vehicle, you can easily reach the Catamaran Club location. If you want to spend the morning in the sea of ​​Bodrum and enjoy the fun, you can go to Catamaran Club, the largest entertainment boat in the world, and enjoy music and dance with your loved ones.

Founder and Manager DİLEK BİRGEN

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Bodrum Catamaran Night Club

bodrum catamaran nightclub

In addition to having music systems, it has a total of 5 full-fledged bars, 4 of which (Octopus Bar, Sandal Bar, Oyster Bar and VIP Bar) on the boat and one on the beach.Catamaran night club not only offers its guests the opportunity to dance and music in a unique environment, but also offers live shows every night, unique and unlike anywhere else.

What to expect


Exciting experience for locals and tourists!

Tour Schedule

  Every day

What is including

✓  Entrance


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Club Catamaran-Bodrum

Are you ready…to party all night?


Turkey » Mugla » Bodrum

Are you in Bodrum? Are you looking for a place to spend a crazy night in your summer holidays? If your answer is YES, then get on board in CLUB CATAMARAN ! Go offshore and party till dawn with a view of the Aegean at your feet. Here's to the moments we wish we can remember and to the nights we will never forget.

Club Catamaran is a floating nightclub based in Bodrum and is one of the city’s most popular nightlife venues offering weekly dance parties on the decks of a luxury outfitted catamaran. From June through September the ship is a weekend base for media parties, fashion shows and CD releases that recruit some of the biggest names of the DJ world. Most of the dance action takes place on the main deck of the ship, with its laser light system and mighty sound system that must terrify nighttime sea life. Nightly entertainment includes endless go-go boys and girls as well as a drag show with ensemble of Cher, Rhianna and Madonna.

Club Catamaran is specially designed and built as a floating club with a capacity of 1500 guests. Inside Catamaran there are 6 different bars, the huge glass dance floor of Catamaran enables the guests to “dance on water” and see the fish in the sea while dancing. Catamaran is the meeting point of most famous TV, cinema, theatre, magazine, music stars and the people of the high society while they are in Bodrum. When CATAMARAN is partying, out on the sea, for those who are late to join the party or for those who have to go back early there are boats doing shuttles, every 15 minutes, between Catamaran and the land. During the day, CATAMARAN is floating to Bodrum’s best beaches offering you the opportunity to enjoy dancing, swimming and sun burning on a floating beach bar!  

“Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it’s started and leave before it’s finished.” So live your craziest moments and have fun…at CATAMARAN…even if you want to leave before the party is over.... Don’t miss the chance of experiencing a “different, crazy night”!

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Ending of membership is possible at any time by canceling participation through an email complaint to, provided that all of the following conditions have been met: a. The membership account is balanced, i.e. there is no outstanding balance on (due or unpaid), b. the member currently does not offer any product through confirms by email the cancellation of the participation and closes the corresponding account. Any ratings submitted by a member continue to appear after the members' account closure at The same applies to a third party ratings received by the member (for up to one month after deletion) and to their latest offers (for up to one month after deletion) as well as to any other information or data related to the execution of a transaction, any financial dispute with the Company or another member, any other dispute concerning relations with third parties, etc, Also, the General Terms continue to apply after any dissolution of membership in respect of personal data, membership statements upon registration, their offers, the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, the pricing and the completion of transactions, the debts of the members towards the Company, the legal nature of the Company and the prohibited products.

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Club Catamaran

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bodrum catamaran nightclub

Cevat Şakir Cad.

"Vittoria club perfect place for dinner and dance! Food very deliciously and service perfect ! Good quality drinks , wine! Also music fashion! I am visit different place but perfect it's Vittoria !"

Anastasiia S.

Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 28

"Good music good drink.have a nice flight 👍"

Babylon A.

Neyzen Teyfik No:32 (Neyzen Teyfik Cd.)

"Dont miss it, bestt night club everrr!"


Places people like to go after Club Catamaran

bodrum catamaran nightclub

Music Venue

Dr. Alimbey Cad, 1025 Sk. (Mandalin Sokak)

"Nice place in the area. Enjoy the sea view. Recommended"


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Neyzen Tevfik Cad. No:5

"Amazing live band on Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays! Not to be missed! Vespa Café is decent Italian food with friendly staff. They also offer free wifi."

Carl N.

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"Great djs, awsome cocktails, love the vibe, a bit expensive"

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Catamaran Night Club Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews

  • Things To Do In Bodrum

Catamaran Night Club

  • Address: Dr. Alimbey Street Bar Street No: 10, Arcade, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey Map
  • Timings: 12:00 am - 06:00 am Details
  • Phone: +90-2523133600
  • Ticket Price: 50 TRY
  • Time Required: 02:00 Hrs
  • Tags: Club, Nightlife, Adults

Catamaran Night Club, often referred to as the “the biggest floating disco in Europe” is a party club located in Bodrum. This club started in the year 1999 and since then has been a go-to place for party people from around the world. The club is specially designed as a party boat and can accommodate up to 2500 people. With DJs like Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren and David Vendetta performing here, this club is best sun & sea party boat in Bodrum. The barmen and barmaids here are frequently played by the stars of the television, cinema, music. Choose from among the four bars, each one of them have a different concept with VIP booths, customary dance shows, glamorous dancers and famous DJs, the night gets fired up in no time.

Catamaran Night Club Travel Tips

  • Take care of your belongings as the place can get very crowded.

How to Reach Catamaran Night Club

  • By ferry – Bodrum ferry terminal 

Love this? Explore the entire list of places to visit in Bodrum before you plan your trip.

Fancy a good night's sleep after a tiring day? Check out where to stay in Bodrum and book an accommodation of your choice.

  • Catamaran Night Club Address: Dr. Alimbey Street Bar Street No: 10, Arcade, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
  • Catamaran Night Club Contact Number: +90-2523133600
  • Catamaran Night Club Timing: 12:00 am - 06:00 am
  • Catamaran Night Club Price: 50 TRY
  • Best time to visit Catamaran Night Club(preferred time): 10:00 am - 04:00 pm
  • Time required to visit Catamaran Night Club: 02:00 Hrs
  • Try the best online travel planner to plan your travel itinerary!

14.93% of people who visit Bodrum include Catamaran Night Club in their plan

  • 10 AM - 11 AM

30% of people start their Catamaran Night Club visit around 10 AM - 11 AM

People usually take around 2 Hrs to see Catamaran Night Club

86.52% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Catamaran Night Club

People normally club together Castle Of St Peter and Zeki Muren Art Museum while planning their visit to Catamaran Night Club.

Catamaran Night Club Reviews & Ratings

bodrum catamaran nightclub

Attractions Nearby

  • Bitez Beach
  • Bodrum Castle Of St Peter And Museum Of Underwater Archaeology
  • Port Bodrum Yalikavak
  • Mausoleum At Halicarnassus
  • Bodrum Amphitheatre
  • Bodrum Windmills
  • Rabbit Island
  • Marmaris Marina
  • House Of Virgin Mary
  • Marmaris Dolphinarium-aquapark
  • Ancient City Of Ephesus
  • Icmeler Beach
  • Trust Gold And Diamonds
  • Bodrum Itinerary for 2 days
  • Bodrum Itinerary for 3 days
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bodrum catamaran nightclub

Specially designed and manufactured as a floating club with a capacity of 1500 people, CATAMARAN is unique in the world in terms of size and “concept”. The catamaran boat has a total capacity of 2500 guests with its private pier, beach and beachfront club buildings. In addition to state-of-the-art sound and music systems, it has a total of 5 full bars, 4 (Octopus Bar, Sandal Bar, Oyster Bar and VIP Bar) on the boat and one on the beach. The wide glass dance floor by the sea offers the opportunity to watch the sea and the fish while dancing. Catamaran not only offers its guests the opportunity to dance and make music in a unique environment, but also to experience live shows every night that are unique to them, unlike anywhere else. The number of crew, service, security, technical teams, artists and administrative staff of the catamaran exceeds 100 people per season. Catamaran on display (like a museum) hundreds of thousands of times a day just out of curiosity. is visited by tourists. It is also frequented by celebrities from the world of television, cinema, theatre, magazines, music and high society who come to Bodrum.

bodrum catamaran nightclub

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Top Best Night Clubs & Discos in Bodrum to Party

If you are looking for a lively and exciting nightlife scene, Bodrum is the place to be. The city is home to some of the best nightclubs and discos in Turkey, offering a variety of music, drinks, and party atmosphere. In this article, we have compiled a list of the best nightclubs and discos in Bodrum that you should not miss.

Table of Contents

Best Night Clubs in Bodrum for you…

Nightlife in Bodrum offers a wide range of options for party-goers. Whether you’re looking for a laid-back atmosphere or a high-energy dance floor, Bodrum has something to offer. From beach clubs to nightclubs, you can find a variety of venues in different parts of the city.

bodrum catamaran nightclub

Most of the night-time activities in Bodrum takes place on the mile-long Bodrum Bar Street (Cumhuriyet Street) which is swamped with the largest and most extravagant nightclubs in Bodrum .

The Bodrum Bar Street, Bodrum Marina Yacht Club and Bodrum Tekilacilar Street located at the back of the Bodrum Castle are the main nightlife and entertainment zones in Bodrum .

Club Catamaran – in central Bodrum

Club Catamaran is a popular nightclub located in Bodrum Marina. It is known for its energetic atmosphere and live music performances.

Catamaran has an indoor dance floor and an outdoor terrace overlooking the marina. The club plays a variety of music genres, including Turkish pop, house, and electronic music. It is a great place to dance the night away and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Address: Bodrum Marina Yat Limanı, Neyzen Tevfik Cad. No: 19/4, Bodrum

Bodrum Marina Yacht Club – in central Bodrum

Bodrum Marina Yacht Club is a famous entertainment and nightlife center in central Bodrum overlooking the Bodrum port and historical Bodrum Castle. It provides great views of the sea and Bodrum castle. This club offers a great atmosphere with a mix of live DJ performances and great food. It is a perfect spot for a night out with friends, or to celebrate special occasions.

bodrum catamaran nightclub

Bodrum Marina Yacht Club is open for all year round and also the only facility that offers live music performances every day during the year. There are 3 restaurants and 4 bars at the Bodrum Marina Yacht Club. The club is open every day from 7 pm to 3 am. Their menu consists of Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine. It also offers a good selection of cocktails and wine.

No Regrets Booking Advice

Address: Marina Yacht Club, Neyzen Tevfik Str No:5, central Bodrum

Vittoria Club in central Bodrum

Vittoria Club is a popular spot for party-goers, located in the bustling Municipality Square, in the heart of Bodrum Marina. This club regularly hosts famous DJs and musicians, ensuring an unforgettable night of dancing and socializing.

B1-Be One Club in Gumbet

B1-Be One Club Gümbet is a popular spot for those looking for a night out in the Gümbet area. The club has a large dance floor and a variety of seating options, including comfortable couches and tables perfect for groups.

The club plays a mix of different genres of music, from house to Turkish pop, so there is something for everyone to enjoy. The drinks menu is extensive, offering a variety of cocktails and other beverages. B1-Be One Club Gümbet is the perfect spot for those looking for a fun and lively night out in the Gümbet area.

Club Posh in Gumbet

Club Posh is a high-end nightclub located in the heart of Gumbet. It features a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere, with a mix of modern and traditional decor.

bodrum catamaran nightclub

The club has a spacious dance floor and VIP sections, offering a personalized and exclusive experience. Club Posh hosts various theme nights and live music events, making it a perfect place to socialize and dance.

Sapphire Night Club in Gumbet

Sapphire Night Club is a popular spot for partygoers in Gümbet. It’s the place to be if you’re looking for a night filled with great music and a lively atmosphere.

The club plays a mix of Turkish and international hits, ensuring there’s something for everyone. The club also features a spacious dance floor, a VIP area, and a variety of drinks to choose from.

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The 31 best clubs in Bodrum

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bodrum catamaran nightclub

1 Marina Yacht Club Bodrum

bodrum catamaran nightclub

2 Club Catamaran

bodrum catamaran nightclub

4 Club Posh Gümbet

5 kule rock city bar, 6 sapphire night club, 9 korfez bar, 10 gekko cocktails&whisky, 11 shadow bar bodrum, 13 pasha club, 14 mandalin bodrum, 15 elysium beach club, 16 mood bodrum, 17 alora beach club, 18 arena beach club (old sebastian ), 19 (turkish bath ) tarihi bardakçı hamamı, 20 bodrum private tour, 21 the best life hotel center, 22 budget bodrum şehir, 23 eva klein, 24 hadigari, 25 küba by sebastian, 27 helva bar, 28 club x bar, 29 whi̇te house emlak bodrum&yeşi̇lköy, 30 bodrum sobe gaga vip after night club, 31 red lion bar, top searches in bodrum district, explore nearby places.

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All related maps of Bodrum District

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  • Map of Torba
  • Map of Ortakent
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Bodrum District throughout the year

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Nightlife In Bodrum : 10 Best Places To Visit At Night

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Nightlife Experiences In Bodrum

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bodrum catamaran nightclub

Tucked on Turkey's southwestern shores, Bodrum's nightlife is a dynamic fusion of wild energy and coastal tranquillity. Its perpetual warmth enhances its allure, inviting visitors to experience vibrant nights and sun-drenched days. Beyond clubs, indulge in Bodrum's pristine beaches and historic sites, creating unforgettable memories.

Bodrum's nightlife is a vibrant fusion of coastal allure and pulsating energy. As the sun dips below the horizon, the city becomes a haven for nocturnal adventures. Beachfront nightclubs in Bodrum pulse with lively beats, offering a dance under the stars, while chic bars invite intimate gatherings. The moonlit shores of Bodrum become the backdrop for unforgettable moments, creating an atmosphere where every night is a celebration of life.

List Of Top 10 Places That Ensure Nightlife In Bodrum

  • Club Catamaran | Sail into the Night
  • Halikarnas Club | Where Legends Dance Under the Stars
  • Gekko Cocktail and Whiskey | Crafting Memories, One Sip at a Time
  • Dada Salon | Where Quirk Meets Glam in Bodrum
  • Kuba Bar | Unleash the Rhythm in Bodrum
  • Bodrum Marina Yacht Club | Sip, Socialise, Sail
  • Vittoria Dream Club Bodrum | Bodrum's Night of Opulence
  • Moonlight Bar | Under the Moonlight
  • Mandalin Bodrum | Mandalin Magic
  • Club Fink | Fusion of Fun and Fantastic Beats

1. Club Catamaran | Sail into the Night

Sail into excitement at Club Catamaran, a floating disco along the coast since 1999. Nestled beside St Peter’s Castle, this colossal catamaran-turned-nightclub offers an ideal spot for night owls. Boasting four bars, VIP cabins, and daily DJ extravaganzas, it accommodates up to 2500 party enthusiasts. It is one of the must-visit live music venues in Bodrum peninsula that you must check out if you are a party animal. Enjoy a shuttle service from the club to the shore every 15 minutes for your convenience.

  • Address: Çarşı, Barlar Sokağı, 1025. Sk. No:12, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
  • Timings: Open daily from 10:00 PM to 4:00 AM

2. Halikarnas Club | Where Legends Dance Under the Stars

Experience the epitome of entertainment at Turkey's largest club, Halikarnas. Nestled along the mesmerising seafront, it hosts lively live music performances, international DJ nights, and captivating dance shows. Since its inception in 1979, this iconic club has welcomed legends like Mick Jagger and Yves Saint Laurent. After a transformative makeover in 2012, Halikarnas introduced new lounges, enhanced shows, exciting gigs, and a delightful restaurant menu.

  • Address: Dr.Alim Bey Cad. Barlar Sokagi No:10, Bodrum
  • Timings: Open daily from 10:30 PM to 5:00 AM

3. Gekko Cocktail and Whiskey | Crafting Memories, One Sip at a Time

Established in 2016, Gekko Cocktail & Whiskey Bar is a chic haunt in Barlar Sokagi. Ertan Engin owns it, exudes a hipster vibe, and is a haven for handcrafted cocktails. With specialised mixology tools, the bar offers a unique experience. Enjoy slow Turkish music and savour a glass of gin or whiskey for the perfect Bodrum nightlife.

  • Address: Çarsi Mahallesi Dr Alimbey Caddesi 1025 Sokak No:1/1, Bodrum

4. Dada Salon | Where Quirk Meets Glam in Bodrum

Step into the artistic realm of Dada Salon, a unique Art Night Club in the heart of Bodrum. Inspired by the 1920s Dadaism movement, the interior is adorned with original artwork on vibrant walls. The wooden windows and terrace evoke a nostalgic charm. Dada Salon Club offers a lively ambience with lights, live music, and crafted cocktails, showcasing the mixologists' worldwide acclaim. The place is also famous for late-night beach parties in Bodrum .

  • Address: Carsi Mah Dr Alimbey Sok No. 44 Bodrum/Mugla
  • Timings: Open daily from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM

5. Kuba Bar | Unleash the Rhythm in Bodrum

As the sun sets in Bodrum, Kuba Bar near Bodrum Marina comes alive. Welcoming locals and travellers alike, it boasts a vibrant ambience and a live DJ experience until the early hours. Offering everything from classic to ethnic jazz, this bar provides a convenient location, excellent whiskey and gin selections, and a Latin house and club music experience. Sip on a signature cocktail and let the night unfold.

  • Address: Neyzen Tevfik Cd NO: 62, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
  • Timings: 12 pm to 2 am

6. Bodrum Marina Yacht Club | Sip, Socialise, Sail

Nestled by the historic Bodrum Castle, the Bodrum Marina Yacht Club stands as the city's entertainment epicentre. Open year-round, it offers stunning sea views and the enchanting backdrop of Bodrum Castle. One of the most famous jazz bars in Bodrum city centre , it has three significant restaurants, four bars, and the chance to enjoy live music. It caters to hundreds daily, providing an unforgettable experience.

  • Address: Marina Yacht Club Milta Bodrum Marina, Neyzen Tevfik Cd. No:5, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
  • Timings: 9 am to 1 am

7. Vittoria Dream Club Bodrum | Bodrum's Night of Opulence

Indulge in a sinfully delightful experience at Vittoria Dream Club, a Bodrum gem for over two decades. One of the hidden gem bars in Bodrum , the place is known for its warm ambience, renowned quality, and the city's best menu, making it a must-visit. Relish traditional Italian cuisine, from pasta to desserts, and witness Turkey's vibrant nightlife at the bustling bar with live music sessions and an extensive list of cocktails.

  • Address: P.T.T Karsisi Ticaret ve Kultur Merkezi, Bodrum-Town-Center
  • Timings: 7 am to 10 am

8. Moonlight Bar | Under the Moonlight

Since 1989, Moonlight Bar has graced Bodrum's coast with its enchanting seafront setting. It serves locals and tourists year-round and becomes a winter haven, drawing crowds with its romantic ambience. It is one of the best rooftop bars near Bodrum Castle , where you can enjoy the serene atmosphere, perfect for couples, as the bar stays open until dawn.

  • Address: Çarşı, Dr. Alim Bey Cd., 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
  • Timings: Open daily from 10:00 AM to 4:00 AM

9. Mandalin Bodrum | Mandalin Magic

Immerse yourself in the vibrant rhythm of Latin-style live music at Mandalin Bodrum. Nestled on the famed Bar Street, this live music bar offers a refreshing post-day haven. It is famous for themed nightlife events like Bodrum , where you can enjoy blues, funk, jazz, and Latin tunes accompanied by various cocktails. Experience the unique blends and tasty starters that define the essence of Mandalin Bodrum.

  • Address: Çarşı, Taşlık Sk. No:10/A, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
  • Timings: Open daily from 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM

10. Club Fink | Fusion of Fun and Fantastic Beats

Under the Turkish night sky, experience the open-air magic of Club Fink. Established in 2002 within a century-old heritage building, it accommodates up to 800 people. Sip on the finest Bodrum drinks with a twist while enjoying refreshments, music, and the exhilarating ambience that defines the top open-air nightclub in Bodrum, especially during the summer.

  • Address: Çarsi Mahallesi, Neyzen Tevfik Cad. No:32, Bodrum

Bodrum's nightlife is a kaleidoscope of experiences where ancient charm meets contemporary allure. From the legendary Halikarnas Club overlooking the historic castle to the vibrant beats at Club Catamaran, Bodrum Marina Yacht Club's seaside elegance, and the eclectic ambience of Dada Salon, Mandalin Bodrum, Moonlight Bar, Vittoria Dream Club, and the open-air mystique of Club Fink – each venue contributes to the city's dynamic after-dark scene, creating unforgettable nights under the Turkish sky.

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Frequently asked questions.

Q1. What are the popular nightlife venues in Bodrum? A1. Some must-visit and popular nightlife venues in Bodrum are

  • Club Catamaran
  • Halikarnas Club
  • Gekko Cocktail and Whiskey
  • Bodrum Marina Yacht Club
  • Vittoria Dream Club Bodrum
  • Moonlight Bar
  • Mandalin Bodrum

Q2. Are there any beachfront clubs or bars in Bodrum? A2. Bodrum boasts several beachfront clubs and bars, including renowned venues like Club Catamaran, offering a unique seaside disco experience, and Moonlight Bar, an enchanting spot overlooking the sea.

Q3. Do nightclubs in Bodrum have age restrictions? A3. Age restrictions vary, but many nightclubs in Bodrum have a minimum age requirement of 18 or 21. It's advisable to check individual club policies.

Q4. Are there any live music or special events in Bodrum's nightlife scene? A4. Certainly, Bodrum's nightlife scene is vibrant with live music and special events. Venues like Vittoria Dream Club, Dada Salon, and Mandalin Bodrum regularly host live music sessions, adding to the city's dynamic nightlife.

Q5. What are the typical hours of operation for nightlife spots in Bodrum? A5. Nightlife spots in Bodrum usually operate from the evening, around 9:00 PM or 10:00 PM, until the early morning, often closing around 4:00 AM. Timings can vary, so checking specific venues for accurate schedules is recommended.

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  6. Catamaran Bodrum Rakkas Dragqueen 10.08.2008


  1. Club Catamaran

    Bodrum. About Club Catamaran Bodrum, which hosts thousands of people every year with its sea and magnificent nature, is a place where you can have the most enjoyable holiday. You can experience the best moments of entertainment in Bodrum, both during the day and at night. If you are in Bodrum, you can choose Club Catamaran, the world's first ...

  2. Club Catamaran

    Top ways to experience nearby attractions. Çarşı, Barlar Sokağı, 1025. Sk. No:12 Bodrum Kalesi Arkası, Bodrum City 48400 Türkiye. Tis was a real dissapointment. Place was emplty. We have waited like 50 minutes for that drink - it never came. All drinks prices are crazy : 425Euros / Moet Chandon Bottle. 200 Eur / Local Vodka....

  3. 2024 Guide to Nightlife in Bodrum (Hot Spots, Bar Street, Clubs)

    Club Catamaran: This nightclub is situated on a boat and offers a unique party experience. The boat sails around the Bodrum peninsula, allowing guests to enjoy the beautiful views of the town while dancing. Vittoria Club: This is a popular spot for party-goers, located in the bustling Municipality Square, in the heart of Bodrum Marina. This club regularly hosts famous DJs and musicians ...

  4. About

    The Catamaran boat has a total capacity of 1000 guests, including its private pier, beach and club buildings on the beach. It has the most advanced sound and In addition to having music systems, it has a total of 5 full-fledged bars, 4 of which (Octopus Bar, Sandal Bar, Oyster Bar and VIP Bar) are on the boat and one is on the beach.

  5. Club Catamaran

    Aug 2013. Club catamaran party is the best party you can had in bodrum with great value only 50 turkish lira with 1 drink for free and if you want to add drink the prices are very affordable . Club catamaran is large boat with very nice decoration great music and dg in general it is very great experience in night life parties.

  6. CLUB CATAMARAN, Bodrum: Turkey| The biggest floating disco in Europe

    Club Catamaran anchors by Bodrum Castle and is accessible via Bodrum Bar Street. Every night after 1 am the Catamaran nightclub starts to sail and the fun re...

  7. Bodrum Catamaran Night Club

    BOOK. Contact. Atatürk Cad. Dere Sok No :12/A, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla. +90 533 365 59 06. REGISTERED AGENT. [email protected]. Morning Tour Travel is licensed by Association of Turkish Travel Agency. License number 3378.

  8. Bodrum: Club Catamaran Entry Ticket

    14 Izmir. 15 Manavgat. 16 Ürgüp. 17 Kas. 18 Pamukkale. 19 Derinkuyu. 20 Çanakkale. Don't leave Bodrum without experiencing the magic of Club Catamaran! Book your ticket now and get ready for a night of music, dance, and unforgettable memories.


    Club Catamaran Bodrum. Çarşı Mahallesi, Dr.Alimbey Cad.Barlar Sokağı No:10, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla-Τουρκία. +90 2523133600. +90 533 6632729. [email protected] Send Message. Share with. Club Catamaran is a floating nightclub based in Bodrum and is one of the city's most popular nightlife venues offering weekly dance parties on ...

  10. Dancing on the water Catamaran Night Club entry Ticket

    Meeting point. Catamaran night club is next to Burger king in bars street in Bodrum. Open in Google Maps . Save up to 20%. From $31.66 $25.33 per person. Check availability. Reserve now & pay later to book your spot and pay nothing today. Give this as a gift.

  11. Club Catamaran

    club catamaran bodrum photos • club catamaran bodrum location • club catamaran bodrum address • club catamaran bodrum • ... Night Club. Cumhuriyet Cad. (Bodrum Barlar Sokağı) 7.0 "The best club atmosphere in Bodrum!" Olesya Yilmaz. Vittoria. Night Club. Cevat Şakir Cad. 8.3

  12. Club Catamaran, Bodrum, Turkey

    The Club Catamaran is a nightclub with a capacity of 1500 guests that offers an unforgettable experience of disco and night entertainment at sea. The Catamaran boat has 4 bars - clubs, and it is perfect for all kinds of events. ... Places to visit Bodrum Attractions. Club Catamaran.


    Bodrum Catamaran nightclub is one of the only nightclubs on the sea in the world! The catamaran is docked in Bodrum centre until about 1am when it leaves fro...

  14. Catamaran Night Club, Bodrum

    Catamaran Night Club, often referred to as the "the biggest floating disco in Europe" is a party club located in Bodrum. This club started in the year 1999 and since then has been a go-to place for party people from around the world.

  15. The 27 best clubs and nightclubs in Bodrum City

    Taylan Ç — Google review. The best bar in Bodrum with good music and good prices. Haruka N — Google review. Çarşı, Çarşı Mh Cumhuriyet Caddesi, Barlar Sokağı No:55, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Türkiye • +90 555 824 88 34 • Tips and more reviews for Kule Rock City Bar.

  16. Club Catamaran

    The catamaran boat has a total capacity of 2500 guests with its private pier, beach and beachfront club buildings. ... magazines, music and high society who come to Bodrum. +90 533 663 27 29; [email protected]; Share. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print. GO ATIK TURKEY @ 2024 | 1U2G MEDIA. RESORT INFO ...

  17. Top Best Night Clubs & Discos in Bodrum to Party

    The Bodrum Bar Street, Bodrum Marina Yacht Club and Bodrum Tekilacilar Street located at the back of the Bodrum Castle are the main nightlife and entertainment zones in Bodrum.. Club Catamaran - in central Bodrum. Club Catamaran is a popular nightclub located in Bodrum Marina. It is known for its energetic atmosphere and live music performances.

  18. The 31 best clubs in Bodrum

    Taylan Ç — Google review. The best bar in Bodrum with good music and good prices. Haruka N — Google review. Çarşı, Çarşı Mh Cumhuriyet Caddesi, Barlar Sokağı No:55, 48400 Bodrum/Muğla, Türkiye • +90 555 824 88 34 • Tips and more reviews for Kule Rock City Bar.

  19. Catamaran Nightclub

    Answer 1 of 4: Hi Can anyone tell me if this is now open, how good is it and what is the price? Thanks

  20. Club Catamaran (@clubcatamaranbodrum)

    The Official Instagram Account of Club Catamaran Bodrum V.I.P. Rezervasyon +90 533 663 27 29 Dance On The Water " 27K Followers, 11 Following, 3,348 Posts - Club Catamaran (@clubcatamaranbodrum) on Instagram: "Tek Resmi Hesaptır. The Official Instagram Account of Club Catamaran Bodrum V.I.P. Rezervasyon📲 🇹🇷🇬🇧🇫🇷 +90 533 663 ...

  21. Nightlife In Bodrum : 10 Best Places To Visit At Night

    Nestled beside St Peter's Castle, this colossal catamaran-turned-nightclub offers an ideal spot for night owls. Boasting four bars, VIP cabins, and daily DJ extravaganzas, it accommodates up to 2500 party enthusiasts. It is one of the must-visit live music venues in Bodrum peninsula that you must check out if you are a party animal. Enjoy a ...

  22. 10 Best Nightlife Experiences in Bodrum

    Bodrum nightlife is an experience to remember - if you remember to consume responsibly, that is. This perpetually sunny beach resort in southwest Türkiye has earned a reputation as a party town, with scores of vibrant nightspots catering to the constant influx of international visitors. You'll find a watering hole in Bodrum to suit almost every taste. From quaint little beachfront...

  23. bodrum catamaran nightclub

    Answer 1 of 3: I've been on this catamaran before with my friend but it was the animation team at the hotel i was staying at that took us. This year i am returning to gumbet with my boyfriend and was wondering if there is anywhere you can book to take you...

  24. Maxx Royal Bodrum Resort

    Bodrum town is a 30-minute taxi ride away (12 miles) should you wish to go haggling in the bazaar, take a gullet boat trip or visit attractions like the castle and marina. Bodrum airport is a 50 ...