Enter the slc number on the holder's card or their email address to verify its authenticity and view their sailing resume, how to gain the slc™.

How to gain your SLC Mediterranean Sailing License


The International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC) is a recreational sailing license valid for all yacht charter companies worldwide including Europe and the Seychelles. To gain an SLC, the candidate must take online theroy knowledge self-paced classes, log previous sufficient sailing experience on boats of reasonably similar size, and demonstrate practical sailing skills according to internationally established sailing standards.

  • If you are verifying an SLC document that a client has presented to you, enter their SLC number above
  • NauticEd is a United States Coast Guard recognized Sailing Education Body and recognized under the American National Standards by this official letter of recognition


Sufficient documented and recent experience.

An SLC holder must have logged a minimum of 50 days of sailing, 25 of which must be as master of the vessel. Additionally, the SLC card shows the vessel size endorsement. This size is calculated as the greater of either: 10 feet (3 m) greater than the largest size of vessel the holder has sailed as master of the vessel at least 5 times.

In addition to the above, when issued or re-issued, the holder must have sailed at least 10 times within the past two years or 5 times in the past year.

Practical Competence to Internationally Recognized Standards

Gaining an SLC requires an on-the-water assessment of the candidates sailing skills and knowledge. The requirements for passing the SLC assessment exceeds the requirements for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) as well as the American National Standards. This assessment must be completed by an SLC qualified instructor who verifies the student's competence for international bareboat charter worthiness including navigation. See the SLC Sailing License Assessment rubrics here .

International Sailing Theory Knowledge and Testing

An SLC holder has completed a minimum of 40 hours of international sailing theory education and testing - namely, the NauticEd Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of courses . Topics include Skippering, Docking and Maneuvering a Sailboat Under Power, Coastal Navigation, Electronic Navigation, Anchoring, and Bareboat Chartering. And if the Catamaran vessel type is checked on the SLC, the holder has taken a course on Catamaran sailing and maneuvering and logged at least 1 day of catamaran sailing in addition to the experience requirement listed above.

Verification of Theory Knowledge

In additional to the general sailing education and testing, an SLC holder has recently taken a separate and independent 100-question test to verify their theory knowledge. This test must be taken every 3 years to remain current.

Test modules include:

  • Weather and Sea Conditions
  • Boat Systems
  • Rigging and Sails
  • Collision Prevention
  • Slip Departures and Returns
  • Communication
  • Navigation: Charts and Marks
  • Navigation: Calculations
  • Navigation: Tides and Current
  • Navigation: Plotting
  • Navigation: Electronic
  • Anchoring and Mooring
  • Safety and Emergencies

Logical Safety Restrictions on Vessel Size, Type, Tonnage, and Distance

The SLC states the safety restrictions placed on the holder. These restrictions are based upon the holder's real practical experience of skippering vessels in the past such as: maximum length, type, and gross tonnage of the vessel in addition to the distance allowed off shore.


Quite frankly, there are too many organizations "selling" certifications. This endangers the holder of those certifications, their friends, their family, close by boaters, and charter-boat vessels. This practice raises insurance rates for the responsible sailors, soaks up search and rescue resources, and gives false confidence to poorly trained and inexperienced sailors.

NauticEd takes a stand for quality and ensures its students are confident and competent. Thus, the SLC. It is a verification of the Sailing License and Credentials of a worthy sailor.

This means that the holder of an SLC has:

  • a valid national government boating endorsed license
  • sufficient documented on-the-water sailing experience; on a properly sized vessel
  • recent documented on-the-water sailing experience
  • been assessed to the ICC standard for on-the-water sailing competence
  • completed and passed at least 40 hours of theory study including Coastal and Electronic Navigation
  • completed a 100-question test on all aspects of skippering, sailing, bareboat chartering, and navigation
  • authentic credentials; all data is secured and verified online through this portal

Finally, the SLC exceeds any other international required standard for bareboat chartering. You should extend any bareboat chartering courtesy possible to the holder.

Enter the SLC number of the card holder above to view and verify their Sailing License and Credentials as well their full sailing resume.

Back to Top | How to gain your SLC Mediterranean Sailing License


NauticEd is the only government and US Coast Guard recognized sailing body in the USA.

  • This international proclamation document shows that the authority NASBLA is the sole agency in charge of issuing boating licenses in the USA.
  • This official verification letter shows that NASBLA recognizes and awards NauticEd as meeting the American National Standards for sailing training and assessment.
  • This NASBLA verified course approval website lists the USA sailing bodies (including NauticEd) who conform to the US Coast Guard approved American National Standard.

Thus, as a government recognized sailing body, once NauticEd deems a student has met the licensing and credential requirements above, NauticEd issues the SLC. This SLC serves as a valid Sailing License accepted internationally.

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American Sailing's New IPC

American Sailing's updated IPC now has the convenience, portability, and durability of an ID card. The front of the IPC contains vital information of the holder, this includes their photograph, name, home address, nationality, ASID, birthdate, expiration, as well as a VHF endorsement from American Sailing.

The back of the IPC is designed specifically for charter companies. It summarizes and describes what the IPC is as well as a QR code for this very page for more details.


ASA 101, Basic Keelboat Sailing


ASA 103, Basic Coastal Cruising

ASA 103 Coastal Cruising

ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising

ASA 104 Bareboat Cruising

Missing a certification, what is the ipc.


American Sailing - Who We Are

The American Sailing Association was founded in 1983 with a simply stated mission: to teach people to sail safely and confidently. To achieve that goal, the ASA set out to establish standards against which to measure a sailor's level of knowledge and skill, the first such unified standards in the U.S. to apply to sailors in keelboats.

Today, the ASA is an association of sailing schools, charter companies, professional sailing instructors, and sailors, with over 400+ affiliated sailing schools located throughout the U.S., as well as in the Caribbean, Europe, Central America, and Asia. These accredited schools offer ASA certification to individuals who meet the requirements for a given level. To date, ASA schools have certified over half a million sailors!

The ASA system has eight primary levels of student certification from Basic Keelboat all the way to Offshore Passagemaking. Whether your goal is to skipper a bareboat charter in the Caribbean or to crew confidently on a short weekend sail, the ASA's sailing-education system will guide you as you learn the theory behind sailing, practice the skills needed to handle a sailboat, and build the foundation of knowledge that will enable you to navigate a vessel safely and within the law.

Learning to sail is just the beginning. Through partnerships with environmental organizations, AS is becoming a leader in the fight to protect our oceans. Through ASA initiatives, underrepresented communities are invited to share in the sailing lifestyle. Our members are embarking on sailing adventures around the world while utilizing the knowledge they have gained in ASA classrooms. The American Sailing Association is a model for how a modern-day organization can work to build an inclusive environment for all.

Sailing is for everyone.

Want to apply for the ipc?


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NauticEd Sailing Blog

International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

ICC FAQs and helpful information

What is the ICC?

International Certificate of Competence

The ICC, despite being called a certificate, it is in fact a license and is defined by United Nations Resolution 40 of which 22 member states in Europe have adopted the resolution. Additionally, many countries that are not signatories to the resolution still require the ICC or SLC via local marine laws. In some countries, other licenses are accepted but the user runs the risk of it being not recognized by the port authority.

Why do you need an ICC (or a license)?

By its very nature, sailing is an international recreation. When sailing, you will invariably interact with shipping lanes and internationally bound ships operating under international laws of the ocean as well as lighthouses, lights, buoys etc. One such set of laws is the International Rules of Preventing Collision at Sea. Another is the international agreements on lights and buoys known as IALA-A and IALA-B. As a recreational sailor, YOU MUST adhere to these laws whether educated about them or not. In considering this and remarkably so, enough countries got together and developed a minimum standard of education a sailor must meet to be able to sail in their waters. This standard was then adopted by the United Nations so that the standard would extend internationally. Wow, what a great idea, and huge kudos to the founding diplomats and promoters of this standard. The SLC is modeled on the American National Standards officially accepted by ANSI (Amerian National Standards Institute) which is a member of ISO (International Standards Organization)  thus its acceptance worldwide. NauticEd, however, added into the SLC standard the required international knowledge such as IALA-A, Cardinal Marks for navigation, plus a lot of knowledge on dealing with Mediterranean ports and mooring techniques.

What is the requirement for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC)?

The requirement is a demonstration of competence in all areas of sailing from the rules of preventing collision, navigation techniques, safety of lives at sea, understanding lights and buoys, meteorology, tides and currents, good seamanship etc. You must be able to demonstrate theory knowledge and practical competence.

How do I get an International Certificate of Competence (ICC)?

This can best be achieved in one of two ways but only through an approved ICC issuing training center: (1) A one-day assessment. This is an intensive one-day on-the-water assessment. There is no instruction. The assessor will merely ask theory questions and require practical demonstration in all the areas of requirements above. If you can’t quickly and effortlessly demonstrate how to calculate, plot, and follow a series of courses, determine tidal heights and current flows, answer questions about day markers, cardinal buoys, lights etc etc. – then more than likely you will fail the assessment.

You must know all the theory. Therefore, you should complete the NauticEd RYA Day Skipper course .

(2) Complete the RYA Day Skipper Certification. This is a five-day on the water training combined with extensive theory training. To do the theory training, complete the  NauticEd RYA Day Skipper course online prior to your practical training. At the end of the 5 days and given that you have demonstrated growing competence, you will more than likely be awarded the RYA Day Skipper Certificate which automatically qualifies you for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC).

If you don’t do the Day Skipper Course theory onshore prior to the practical, you will not be able to demonstrate the competence required. For example, during the 5 days on the boat you will be expected to already understand the theory of navigation. On board, you will learn how to apply the theory already known to the practical situation. Simply stated, if the theory takes 40 hours to go through at home, how could you go through this on board while also trying to learn the practical?

Watch this video to understand about the RYA Day Skipper Course and the ICC

Who are approved ICC-issuing training centers and where are they?

Signatory countries to Resolution 40 appoint their sailing governing bodies to issue the ICC to their citizens.

But what about non-signatory countries like the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand?

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) through the government of England is the largest governing body appointed to issue the United Nations ICC. Approved training centers of the RYA worldwide are assessing and training centers able to issue the ICC to English and non-English citizens.  Americans, Canadians, Aussies, and Kiwis then are able to gain the ICC through an approved RYA training center. Strange as it may sound to you but no American sailing association of any type or name or school can issue the ICC.

Why is this? Well simply stated, the United States and Canada did not sign Resolution 40 and thus are not able to appoint any governing body to issue the ICC. This means that there is no certifying body resident in the USA or Canada who can issue the ICC. Other certifying private companies have tried to fake it by making up an international certificate. These are not recognized by the United Nations and are not government-approved or issued and the level of tested competence is not to the standard of the ICC in any case. If there was an accident on your boat and you did not have the right Government Approved Sailing License you can be held personally responsible as the captain of the vessel regardless of the Charter Company who leased it to you.

To gain the SLC, there are many instructors throughout the USA, Canada, and the rest of the world who can perform the necessary assessment. See the NauticEd Sailing Schools list.

So how does NauticEd fit into the ICC equation?

NauticEd through its approved RYA Day Skipper course provides the proper level of theory instruction as required by the standard to pass the theory knowledge portion of the ICC. NauticEd directs its North American students seeking the ICC to RYA practical training schools. Yachting Education in Florida is one such USA-based school – unfortunately, there are not a lot of other schools in North America ( in Toronto and in Halifax). For other countries, after taking and passing the NauticEd theory, NauticEd directs its students to visit an RYA training school in their area to do the practical. As above, you have the choice of 1-day assessment or 5-day training.

Are you considering Europe for Chartering? Contact the NauticEd Yacht Charter Agency  – we can book you a yacht and ensure your licensing requirement is complete. Our agency does not charge a fee for booking with us – you get the same price as going direct but oftentimes we save you money by our access to the many company choices available.

So what about ICC in the Caribbean and Pacific, etc.?

As of now, there is no government-approved certificate required by any country in the Caribbean and equatorial Pacific Islands. NauticEd recommends proper structured education in any circumstance. Our Bareboat Charter Master Certificate is sufficient proof to yacht charter companies of knowledge and experience. The Bareboat Charter Master Certificate is not the easiest to obtain. It requires at least 50 hours of home-based theory study with extensive exams plus it requires 50 days of logged sailing experience on the water – 25 at least of which must be as master of the vessel and 25 at least of which must be on a vessel 28 ft or greater. Other companies will issue a Bareboat Certificate after a weekend on a boat training – but we just say “Come on everyone – really? One weekend? With the potential of all the what-if scenarios at sea one weekend or even two is asking for trouble and is irresponsible” . Fortunately, Yacht Charter Companies require a practical resume even if a student shows up with one of these weekend or two certificates. If the experience is weak then the yacht charter company will not accept the charter reservation despite the “certificate” and will require a captain on board for the duration. This is exactly why NauticEd provides its cloud-based sailing resume built automatically from experience logbook entries and eLearning courses passed in addition to practical instructor electronic signoff and with – CrewMate Authentication whereby your sailing logbook can be fully authenticated and digitally signed.

Practical instructor sign-off can be achieved through a NauticEd-affiliated sailing school where instructors have been socially rated by pier students. After this, there is a simple step up to gain the SLC – a 1-day assessment of your skills (assuming you are experienced already).

Some students have asked us the obvious – if I can get a bareboat charter certificate easier through another company why would I not do that. Our answer is twofold (1) Yacht charter companies go off a resume, not the certificate. Cleverly, NauticEd designed its Bareboat Charter Master Certificate on having an acceptable resume of experience as well as theory knowledge.  (2) our personal belief is that if you have not yet achieved at least our standard of education and experience then we think you should  – prior to risking the lives of friends and family at sea. What if … ?

See our post and video on a Sailing Resume vs. a Sailing Certification

Additionally, NauticEd is the only company in the world that produces a cloud-based authenticated logbook. This gives charter companies the confidence that your stated time is more than just made up. It is living proof of your experience. Learn more about the authenticated sailor’s logbook .

What’s the best ICC alternative?

NauticEd’s International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC) is considered the best North American alternative to the ICC and is more readily accessible to gain in North America because of the number of instructors/assessors available to perform the on-the-water assessment requirement. The SLC is equally accepted worldwide as the ICC – so there is no advantage or disadvantage of either the ICC or SLC. The decision comes down to which is the simpler license to get in terms of cost and travel.  Learn more about the SLC…

The SLC comes in two layout versions – a sheet version and a smaller wallet-size card version. The moment you fulfill all the requirements for the SLC, both versions are simultaneously electronically issued for immediate download.

Card version of the SLC

In Conclusion

Given all the time constraints and directional pulls in our lives, there are few things left for us to be able to achieve on a personal basis. What about achieving for yourself an ICC (International Certificate of Competence) or the SLC (Sailing License and Credentials). It means that you will be approved to sail anywhere in the world. Let’s hang that on the wall in your office. Maybe even your boss might recognize it. But it’s going to take some work and sweat investment.

Start the process through NauticEd now – learn more about ICC and SLC assessments and start by investing in the NauticEd RYA Day Skipper course or the NauticEd Bareboat Charter Master Bundle for the SLC.

Grant Headifen Director of Education

Grant Headifen

My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

international yachting license

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NauticEd Instragram

NauticEd is a fully recognized education and certification platform for sailing students combining online and on-the-water real instruction ( and now VR ). NauticEd offers +24 online courses , a free sailor's toolkit that includes 2 free courses, and six ranks of certification – all integrated into NauticEd’s proprietary platform. The USCG and NASBLA recognize NauticEd as having met the established American National Standards. Learn more at .

NauticEd Sailing Vacations

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International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

International certificate of competence (icc) the comprehensive guide icc will allow you to bareboat charter worldwide, international certificate of competence what is it and where is it accepted, international certificate of competence (icc) - a structured sailing course.

International Certificate of Competence is a Structured Sailing Course developed by the IYT, Accepted for Bareboat Charter Worldwide, including yacht charter in Croatia, Yacht Charter in Greece and yacht charter in the Caribbean.

We have teamed up with one of the world’s biggest charter operators to offer a fun and interesting way to gain your bareboat charter qualifications. The final award is the higher qualification of  INTERNATIONAL BAREBOAT SKIPPER (POWER OR SAIL) with which you automatically qualify for the lower, yet more widely known, “ INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE of COMPETENCE (ICC) .

International Yacht Training Organization (IYT)

Accepted for bareboat charter worldwide.

IYT certificates are accepted worldwide and will allow you to charter a boat on your own upon successful completion of the course.

What, Where, Who?

The 2-week sailing course is held along the Croatian Coast of Mediterranean, starting at Seget Donji, in the glorious Split region. All the sailing instructors are highly professional and experienced skippers. The boats used for the course are new, comfortable and modern.

This specific course is only available for selected dates in April and October, however, if you are only available during another month, please contact us and we will be sure to provide you with information about one of our alternative courses.

The Qualification

On successful completion of the course, you will receive an International Bareboat Skipper License (Power or Sail) , issued by the International Yacht Training Worldwide Organization (IYT).

After obtaining this qualification, you can take the ICC test at the end of the two-week course and only pay the exam fee on spot or in advance.


Top Questions About an International Certificate of Competence

How does a sailing course look in practice, what language is used during the course, certificate limitations, which boats are used.

  • What is the price?

Can I take my family members or friends with me?

What to pack for 2 weeks on board, what does the test entail, how long does the certifcate last.

Courses start on Saturday’s. The Crew meet at Seget Donji, where you get board the yachts and get acquainted with the other members of the crew.

In the evening, you are free to have dinner out in a restaurant or prepare a meal on the yacht.  After that, you can enjoy a walk and maybe buy some souvenirs.

On Sunday morning the safety brief and more about the yacht itself: water system, toilet, what may be and may not be done on board, get to know the safety rules, internal space of the boat and your route for the 2 following weeks. You will, then, do the shopping for the provisioning (victualling)  as a crew.  Having filled in the fridge and ensure there are plenty of drinks aboard enough drinking water, you are ready to embark your sailing adventure.

During the two weeks, your instructor will teach you the rules of sailing and everyone will start speaking in the same terminology. Learn something about  bearing away  on this blog.

Typical Day

A typical sailing day starts by  calling the hands  around 8 am. At 9 you enjoy your breakfast on the deck and prepare for the sailing. Why not rise early and have a walk at the closest coast, swim or a little morning exercise. This will boost your levels of energy and set the mood for a day.

You will enjoy up to 2 hours of theory each day with plenty of opportunities to put new knowledge into practice. During the week, each of the crew will have  time to practice all the tasks and to try themselves in the role of skipper by giving tasks and orders on their own and managing the crew.

Save with your new qualification

At the end of two weeks, after successful completion of the course, you will finally receive your awaited Bareboat Skipper License and a completely new world will be open in front of you. Each of our students will be able to return and receive additional practice or rent a bareboat at a special “Sailing School Student” price with our partners.

Currently, all the courses are held in English, including the sea terminology. However, there is a possibility to hold the courses in Russian or Croatian, as well, in case a Russian or Croatian-speaking group is formed. In this case, English terminology will be added to the programme. English knowledge is not required for learning the terminology in English.

  • Command of a vessel up to a maximum length of 78 ft /24 metres.
  • In daylight hours and in fair conditions with moderate wind and sea conditions.
  • This certificate is the level of competence that one needs when chartering a boat in the Mediterranean or West Indies where there are restrictions in terms of cruising area and distance from the base and the vessel has to be safely moored in a marina or anchored before dark.

The Sailing School provides an opportunity to people of all backgrounds and ages to find out how fun, safe, inspiring and affordable sailing is!

The yachts selected for the courses will vary. In general, they will be the newer more popular models from the fleet.

Take a look at the boats, below:

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 439 - Fama

Jeanneau sun odyssey 439 – malin, beneteau oceanis 43 - kundry, cost: from €2,340 p.p. (excl. flights and provisioning).

The total price excludes your flights and subsistence whilst on board or ashore. Expenses for food do depend on your personal preferences; budget around €25/day.

  • A berth in a cabin for 2 weeks (50% surcharge applicable for single use)
  • Transfer from/to Split airport
  • Free parking at the marina
  • Instructions and learning material for the courses (Introduction to boating & International Crew, International Flotilla Skipper and Bareboat Skipper)
  • Welcome package
  • Full water tanks, electricity, and gas
  • Outboard engine & fuel
  • Mooring fees
  • Bed sheets and towels
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Final cleaning
  • Free Wi-Fi Internet on board
  • IYT Certificate (ID card type)
  • Delivery of the Certificate to your home address
  • Food and provisioning

Optional extras:

  • VHF certificate – €100
  • Logbook – €50
  • Dinner celebration at the end of the course in a restaurant (upon agreement)

Yes! There is an option of booking the whole boat for your family or friends, only. In this case, the group will be closed and no one except for your family or friends will participate in the course. The minimum number of people required is 3, as 3 crew members and the skipper is the optimal number to drive the boat.

Group of 3 – 5 people/

Price:  €5,500/ 2-week course.

You may also invite your partner to join you on board. She/he is welcome either to support you in your beginnings and enjoy the sea or to be a full-time member of the course.

1+1 proposal*

Price: €1,080/ 2-week course (partner’s price)

*Full payment in advance is required.

Try to keep your list as simple and short as possible. The needs vary, depending on the season. During the hot season period (till 15th of Sept.) the following list will be ideal:

  • Personal hygiene products
  • Personal first-aid kit and sunblock cream
  • Sailing gloves
  • Non-slip shoes or boots
  • Windbreaker jacket with a hood
  • Fleece jacket
  • Light t-shirt short sleeved and long sleeved
  • Shorts, swimsuits
  • Flip flops. However, even at warm destinations the open sea can get rough.

You can also find our ultimate guide on what to pack for a sailing holiday  here .

The test for obtaining the IYT Bareboat Skipper Sail is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theory consists of 50 questions which you have to answer in written form. All the questions are based on the knowledge which you have obtained during the course itself. Each question is valued from 1 to 5. The minimum passing number is 75 in total.

All the IYT Certificates have an expiration date according to the international standards and have to be renewed every 5 years. After you have completed the course, we will ask you to register at the IYT website and you will receive your unique code number. Upon 5 years, you will have to update your personal information on the website and order a new certificate, which will arrive at your home address. The price of certificate renewal may vary slightly.

Amazing Sailing Experiences

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I didn't think sailing with my family would be so much fun...

Sailing for the first time.


Everything went smooth, the paper processing, special requests and the specs of tht check-in procedure. Boat was also in good shape, so no complaints and a worry free holiday...

We had a great experience with booking through sailchecker.

Informative and looked for the best value for our family. Very good customer service on this side and in Greece. Great boat and skipper...

Fantastic holiday from start to finish.

They were very responsive and very quick to answer questions via email and instant chat. They had extensive knowledge of the area...

We will most definitely use their services for our next bareboat sailing vacation.

Kirsten W.

Sailchecker were professional from start to finish - and were awesome dealing with a problem! Our first Yacht had serious issues and sail checker helped us to resolve it...

They are easy to deal with, straightforward and honest and I would recommend them to anyone planning a charter holiday.

Kat, H.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, Kate and her colleagues at Sailchecker have performed brilliantly. They have been considerate and highly efficient in re-organising our Turkey charter and also provided lots of assistance in getting our Yacht Security Deposit insurance policy transferred to match our revised charter dates.

Truly worthy of a 5 star rating!

Alan, R.

Would I go sailing again? OMG yes! Sailing is the perfect family holiday. Boys loved the activities, I enjoy relaxing as well... arranged a sailing cruise her family of 2 sons, daughter & hubby in the BVI with their own.


It was sail in the day… party at night. We couldn't have wanted a better skipper or a Spring Break!  Good times...

Arranged for 6 friends to sail Spring Break in the British Virgin Islands for under $500 each.


All bookings and confirmations was always accurate with no delays. Our boat was also fabulously maintained and the Skipper new the area extremely well...

Everything was down to the tee.

Pieter Van R.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 215 reviews on Trustpilot

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International Boat Licenses - ICC, Radio License, CEVNI

ICC - Boat Licensing

Boat Licensing

It is common for hire companies all over the world to assess your competence and experience by looking at your boating resume , and conducting a practical examination when no official documentation is required or supplied.

However, in most European and Mediterranean countries for inland and coastal waters you will need an ICC (International Certificate of Competence) for bareboat charter.  

To charter a boat The International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft , or ICC  ( International Certificate of Competence) , is accepted as evidence of competence in most EU and Mediterranean waters. It proves that the holder has undergone formal training and has the necessary boating skills to manage a vessel in international waters. It serves as evidence of your ability to operate a pleasure craft, including yachts. The requirements to obtain an ICC can vary based on your home country and its affiliation with relevant international agreements.

ICC training includes first aid and VHF radio operator qualifications.

The ICC is formally accepted in the following UNECE countries that have adopted Resolution 14 & 40:

Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

The following UNECE member states have not accepted the Resolution 14 nor the Resolution 40:

Greece, Moldova, Portugal, Spain, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine and United States .

Despite the fact that some countries do not formally accept the ICC, it is very often sufficient documentation to rent or charter a boat, as it meets EU standards and can be seen as an equivalent to national licenses. The ICC can be obtained from the Royal Yachting Association or International Yacht Training Worldwide who have schools all over the globe.  

VHF Radio License

You are required to have a VHF radio licence to operate the on-board radio. If you are chartering a boat and responsible for using the radio, this will have been covered in your competency training. This certificate demonstrates that you are trained to use VHF radios for maritime communication and are familiar with the protocols and procedures. For more informations about VHR Licenses or Permits check Federal Communications Commission Website  

Inland Waterways

To navigate European inland waterways it may be necessary complete the The International Certificate of Competence test CEVNI to prove your knowledge of inland rules and regulations.  

Outside the EU

The USA When sailing in certain areas of the USA, it may be obligatory to hire a Captain who has a Captains License issued by the United States Coast Guard.

The Caribbean Charter companies in the Caribbean normally require an ICC or a qualification from the IYT Worldwide for the bareboat chartering of a yacht.

The Seychelles Charter companies in the Seychelles normally require an ICC or a qualification from the IYT Worldwide for the bareboat chartering of a yacht.

South East Asia Charter companies in South East Asia normally require an ICC or a qualification from the IYT Worldwide for the bareboat chartering of a yacht. Depending on the charter agency you may need to translate these documents.

Which license is required when chartering a boat in Germany?

In general, a boating license of some kind is usually required for boats with an engine capacity of more than 5 hp.  Here are some more information about  boating license in Germany .

In some european countries for houseboat rental  , you do not need any licences. Hier you can find some more information about houseboat-licenses .

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Do You Need a License to Sail Around the World?

When you circumnavigate the world, you will enter many different countries, and some have requirements for skipper competence and safety. You want to be prepared and not run afoul of any local ordinances.

But do you need a license to sail around the world? You do not need a license to sail around the world. However, certain licenses and certifications can help you in local jurisdictions, and it's not a bad idea to get them. Though many countries require licenses for local boat owners and charterers, they do not always apply these rules to visiting sailors on their own yachts.

Some licenses still may help you, and there are administrative details you will need to make sure the paperwork is clear and legal for your trip. We'll give you a rundown on those and more.

international yachting license

On this page:

Who needs a license to sail, vessel documentation, radios and licensing, epirb registrations, passports, visas, and clearances.

Many countries require licensing or certification for resident boat owners. There is much variation between countries, and in some countries like the U.S. or Australia, there is considerable variation from state to state. Licensing often applies to powerboats and personal watercraft and may not be needed for slower sailboats. Most times, short-term visitors bringing their own boats into the country are not asked to provide licensing.

The biggest reason to consider a license is if you plan to charter a vessel. Most charter companies require some proof of competence before they will give you a boat worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. But most people sailing around the world are using their own boats, not a charter.

The other reason to consider a license is that many recognized licenses meet all the local requirements for licensing that a country may have. For example, while they never asked us to show a license in Australia, there is a requirement for boaters to be licensed in every state. But the application to visitors on their private yachts is unclear. If we'd been asked for a license, my USCG 50 Ton Master License would have met any local requirements, as would have several of the ASA courses I'd taken over the years. Showing an internationally recognized license would have answered questions.

Types of Licenses

Many countries issue sailing and boating licenses which are internationally recognized. The most accepted are the International Certificate of Competency (ICC) and the International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC).

The ICC is recognized by the United Nations and used through much of Europe and the Mediterranean, and should qualify you for any charter. If your trip around the world includes extensive time in coastal or inland European waters or the Med, you will need an ICC. The U.S. and Canada did not sign the resolution to adopt this and don't recognize the ICC, and you will need to contact a Royal Yachting Association affiliate to get an ICC in North America before leaving.

We explain the process of getting an ICC in detail for eight different countries in our article.

The SLC is recognized by most charter companies, and may help with local authorities but is not accepted by most EU countries, which require an ICC.

Some nations also issue specific licenses and certifications, like the U.S. Coast Guard Master or the various RYA certifications. Many of these licenses qualify you for testing for and ICC or SLC without taking coursework.

How to get a License

The ICC and SLC involve classroom sailing and passing a practical skills assessment in person. Experienced sailors with other course preparation or certifications (e.g. the A.S.A. Bareboat Charter certificate or a USCG Master's license) can waive the training and just get a test an assessment.

Programs like the RYA Yachtmaster or U.S.C.G. Captain's license will require you to document sea time and experience in addition to passing the tests.

Get your international SLC license online

One online alternative program to take a look at that will offer an internationally recognized certification as well is NauticEd . You can read my full review of NauticEd here (it is good value). Note that this provides an SLC instead of an ICC license, which will work for most situations, but not all (like some European countries).

Most countries require national documentation of your boat to cross their borders. In the U.S., many boats are registered in the state where they are moored, but do not have Federal documentation. Within the U.S., the state registration is proof of ownership, but Federal documentation is accepted for international travel.

Most countries will recognize proper national documentation, but may not accept local proofs of ownership. The means of documenting your vessel will vary by country, so make sure you've checked out all the paperwork you need for national registration.

Though not a sailing and boating license, ship's radios must be licensed in the home country of the vessel. Requirements vary by country. However, all countries which take part in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) will recognize licensing and requirements under treaty. There may be specific regulations on local usage, such as reserved channels or radio band plans.

The two separate marine radio types - VHF and Single Sideband (SSB or 'shortwave') - may require different licensing in your country. The United States, for example, does not require a Ship Station license for pleasure craft to operate a VHF radio in domestic waters. However, if you plan to take your boat out of the country, you will need a ship station license. If you will speak to vessels in foreign waters, they require a license. And it requires a special license to use Medium Frequency/High Frequency (MF/HF) SSB radios under any conditions.

Check with the national and state regulatory authorities in your home country for requirements for international use of radios, as the rules will differ from domestic usage.

Marine SSB and Amateur Radio ("Ham Radio") are NOT the same thing, even though a Marine SSB radio will usually let you access amateur frequencies. You need a separate amateur license to transmit on these bands, though you may listen. Many world cruisers also carry amateur radio licenses, since it gives you additional no-cost communication options.

All boats equipped with an Emergency Positioning Radio Beacon (EPIRB) or a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) should have the EPIRB registered with the proper national authorities. For U.S. vessels, this is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Other countries will have other organizations, refer to your own government web sites to find the proper authority if they do not list it in the materials in the EPIRB or PLB packaging. Most include a registration card or instructions for your country in the box.

The registration information includes details about your vessel and its equipment, and designating emergency contacts on shore in case the EPIRB or PLB is triggered. Pick someone who knows what you are doing who will not panic if contacted by the authorities. A call from the Coast Guard telling you a boat with a loved one on it has triggered a search and rescue can be traumatic, and discuss in advance with your contact what they should do.

Most EPIRBs and PLBs are coded for the country they are sold in and may only be registered with the country where you've purchased them. It's a good idea to register your beacon in the country where your emergency contacts live (presumably your home country). If authorities have to make international calls to notify contacts, it may cause a delayed response.

An up-to-date passport is a must before you leave. Unless you have a set return date in less than two years, renew it right before you leave if possible. Most countries want at least six months left before you passport expires when you arrive, so it's best to have a fresh passport when you start your journey.

A visa is a specific permission to arrive and stay in a country. Visa policies vary by country, and may range from the very permissive visa waiver countries, to the onerous where you may need to use an agent to help you, especially if you don't speak the language. The specific visa you may (or may not) need will depend not only on the country you are visiting, but on the country of your own passport and how long you plan to visit.

Well before you leave for a new country, check for specific country information arrival and departure formalities, and the immigration web site of the countries you plan to visit.

Clearing In and Out

Arriving or leaving a country is always exciting, and it always involves some paperwork. It can be as simple as filling out an online form in the back of a gift shop in Guadeloupe, to a two-day process with an agent and visits to multiple offices in Panama.

But what happens is essentially the same - you are telling the officials who you are, who you are traveling with, and something about the boat you are traveling on. For every check-in/out you will need:

  • Passports for the captain and all crew.
  • Vessel documentation.

Depending on the country and situation, you may be asked for:

  • A crew list or summary page of all crew and guests.
  • Proof of any required advanced visas or travel clearances.
  • Proof of inoculations or vaccines. This is common for longer stays with advance visas and may be done well before arrival.

When checking IN you will be asked for your clearance documents from your last port of call, and for a list of countries you've visited. They may also ask you about any food, alcohol, drugs or weapons on your boats. Do not lie to officials, penalties are severe.

When checking OUT they will give you clearance documents. Save all onward clearance documents and receipts for your next port arrival.

Loved your post, it made things much clearer in regards to international license

However, could not really understand this - say I buy a sailboat in a different country (not my home country) and want to sail it from there around the world can I do so?

Where do I register my boat? My home country or any country I wish to?

Lastly, can I do ASA courses and sail around the world, or I must have a type of license as mentioned above? and can it be a license not from my home country? (the thing is it takes at least a year to get a license here)

Is boat insurance required when visiting countries?

William Porter

You generally register your vessel in your home country. It makes clearing in and out easier in other countries. But not everyone does. If you buy a boat in a different country, you MAY be able to transfer the registry to a non-citizen (you) but you need to check local laws.

You don’t need licenses in most places. In our travels, I was never asked for one, but I did not sail in Europe or the Med.

Boat insurance is not generally required to enter a country. However, many marinas in most countries require you to have liability insurance if you want to come into the marina. Even for a haulout.

I was hoping to get my ICC in Aruba when there in Jan. Is there a credited place here to get my papers to be certified to rent a boat in Greece and join a flotila?

Elina Brooks

Thank you for explaining to us that national documentation is needed for boats to cross borders, so it is important to make sure you have all the necessary paperwork before traveling internationally. My friend has a yacht, and since he plans to cruise past the borders soon, he needs the required documentation. I hope he’ll be able to find the yacht transaction services he needs soon.

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international yachting license

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international yachting license

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  • Boating abroad

You must log in to your personal MyRYA account to apply or renew an ICC.

If you’re looking to operate a pleasure craft or hire a boat outside the UK and need to evidence your competence, then the UK International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (the ICC) issued by the RYA, may be useful.

What is the ICC?

The ICC is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in a country you are visiting (i.e. a country you are not a citizen or a resident of).

It’s an assurance from one government to another that the certificate holder is sufficiently competent to be operating a pleasure craft, despite not holding the visited country’s certificate.

Is the ICC for me?

When you visit another country, in most circumstances (in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) you can be required to comply with the maritime legislation of the visited country (the Coastal State) in addition to that of your vessel’s country of registration.

To know whether the ICC is the right document for your circumstances you need to consider the applicable legislation.

Find out more about applicable legislation and flag and coastal states .

What is Resolution No. 40 and why is it important?

The ICC was developed under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Inland Water Transport Resolution No. 40, the UK Government has accepted Resolution No. 40 and has authorised the RYA to issue a UK ICC on its behalf.

Resolution No. 40 details how and to who the ICC may be issued, the syllabus requirements and the layout of the certificate. The Resolution also lists the countries which have notified the UNECE Secretariat that they have accepted the resolution.

Find out more about ICC Resolution No. 40

your ICC questions answered

Eligibility - nationality based criteria

I’m British. Can I get a UK ICC from the RYA?

Yes. You’ll need to provide a copy of a document or a combination of documents with your ICC application, which allow the RYA to verify your nationality. This will usually be a copy of your passport.

Find out more

I’m a citizen of a country that has accepted Resolution 40. Can the RYA issue me with an ICC?

The RYA will only issue you with an ICC if you are resident in the UK.

I’m a citizen of a country, other than the UK, that has not accepted Resolution 40. Can the RYA issue me with an ICC?

The RYA can issue you with an ICC. However, if the country you are a national of accepts Resolution No. 40 in the future you will not be able to amend or renew your ICC. You must return the certificate to the RYA and you will not be entitled to any refund. You may wish to find out if the country you are citizen of intends to accept the ICC in the future.

Eligibility - competence based criteria

I’ve been boating for a long time but have never taken any formal courses. Can I get a UK ICC issued by the RYA?

Applicants for the UK ICC issued by the RYA, who do not hold an eligible certificate but already have the required level of competence can take ICC assessments to demonstrate their competence for each of the categories they would like to have validated on their ICC.

Read our detailed information on how to evidence your boating competence for the issue of a UK ICC.

I only have a shorebased course completion certificate, I didn’t take a practical course. Can I still apply for a UK ICC from the RYA?

To be issued with a UK ICC by the RYA you must provide evidence of your competence for both the type of vessel categories you would like to be validated on your certificate and the coastal waters and / or inland waters category.

An RYA Day Skipper Shorebased or higher Course Completion Certificate can be used to validate the coastal waters category only. A shorebased certificate on its own is not sufficient. You must also provide evidence of your competence for at least one of the type of vessel categories.

Can I covert non-RYA qualifications into an ICC?

In general, non RYA certificates cannot be used to evidence your competence for the issue of a UK ICC by the RYA. Some certificates issued for or on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) can be used in an ICC application as evidence of competence.

Application process for UK ICC

Do I need to provide a photograph?

Yes, a current passport sized head and shoulders photo of the certificate holder is printed on the ICC. A suitable photo must be submitted with your application.

Photo specifications

Passport style photograph i.e. a photo of the head and shoulders in portrait orientation

  • Clear and in focus
  • Contains no other objects or people
  • Taken against a plain light-coloured background
  • In clear contrast to the background
  • Not have 'red eye' - eyes must be open and visible
  • The applicant must be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera

I’m applying online, how do I upload my passport sized photograph and proof of eligibility?

You’ll be prompted to upload this digitally in a PDF format - we also accept jpg for photos. HEIC format will not be accepted. Documents must not exceed 5MB.

Can my ICC be sent to an alternative address?

No, your ICC must be sent to the address you give on your application form which is the address printed on the certificate.

I’ve downloaded the pdf application form and I’m applying by post. Do I send original documents to support my application or are copies sufficient?

Please DO NOT send original documents.

You should send copies only of your passport, driving licence and any other certificates or documents you need in support of your application.

General ICC questions

Do I need to be an RYA member to apply for my ICC?

No, you are not required to be a member of the RYA. However, the ICC application is free for RYA members.

Which countries accept the ICC?

Please refer to our information on where might the ICC be accepted.

Can I renew my ICC if it has expired?

Yes, expired certificates, issued on or after 1 April 1999 can be renewed. Certificates issued prior to 1st April 1999 were not issued in accordance with Resolution No. 40 and cannot be renewed.

Your new certificate will be issued with the same categories validated as your existing certificate.

Should you require any further categories validated you will need to pass the appropriate ICC assessment or provide the necessary documentary evidence of competence.

Apply now for your ICC renewal

Can I renew early?

Yes. If you renew your ICC no more than three months before the certificate expires, the new certificate will have a validity of 5 years from the date the previous ICC would have expired. You can renew your ICC earlier than that, but it will only be valid for 5 years from the date of issue.

How do I apply for a replacement ICC?

If your ICC is still current and you require a replacement then you will be required to complete the ICC application form and submit as a replacement request.

The replacement is free of charge to current members or the cost for non-members can be found on the form. The expiry date will remain the same.

Apply for an ICC

How do I change the address on my ICC?

You will be required to complete the ICC application form and tick the box for updating details.

This update is free of charge to current members or the cost for non-members can be found on the form. The expiry date will remain the same.

I have Power Yes on my Certificate, what does this mean?

Sometimes an ICC is issued with the validity for Power restricted to vessels up to 10m in length.

Where the applicant has demonstrated that they are competent to drive a larger powerboat, motor cruiser or barge, the 10m restriction is lifted and the ICC says Power - Yes.

What vessels that ICC is valid for is determined by the legislation of the flag and coastal states.

Find out more about flag and coastal states

You can apply for a UK ICC issued by the RYA either online or by using a paper form (which you download from the website and print).

Learn more about the ICC, its history, what is does and doesn't do, and where it and other RYA certificates might be accepted.

Find out if you are eligible to apply and how to evidence your competence for the issue of a UK ICC by the RYA

Skipper licenses: what they are

It is not easy for a beginner to understand skipper licenses, why they are needed, and what is behind the mysterious abbreviations like IYT or ISSA. Let’s try to systematize this confusing topic.

Anastasiia Mosina

Anastasiia Mosina

Read more posts by this author.

All about skipper licenses

A skipper license — do you need it.

This is a reasonable question. Let’s just say that in most countries you need licenses if you charter a yacht. If you own a yacht, then in many cases no one will ask you for a license: you can manage your boat without it, though most likely you will not be able to insure it. In this article, we will consider the first option when you need a license to charter a yacht.

international yachting license

How to get a skipper license

Well, firstly, you need to study. If you studied in a driving school, then you understand the process — there is theory and practice. The situation is similar with yachts, but there are two main approaches. In the first case, you study the theory and all issues related to yachting — from what’s inside a yacht to navigation at sea, usually this happens in your own city with a class schedule several times a week and / or on weekends, which is a big advantage of this training option. Then you need to practice. The practice usually lasts 7-10 days. If you pass it successfully, the instructor will issue you a license. The second approach is usually a two-week intensive course, where the practice begins a few days after you start learning theory and then alternates with the continuation of the theory (often half a day theory, half a day practice). The disadvantage of this approach is the need to learn a huge amount of theoretical material in a very short time, however, you will be able to immediately practice the theory and this is a big advantage.

What kind of skipper licenses are there?

Unfortunately, there are no uniform international sailing licenses, so you need to consider the region in which you plan to sail. However, there are training and licensing systems for skippers that are recognized in most countries of the world, and the International Certificate of Competence, an ICC certificate, is the most common standard.

International systems that are subject to ICC certification are IYT, ISSA, and RYA. Now let’s talk about each of the systems in more detail.

International Yacht Training (IYT) appeared in Canada in 1988. Even though studying is conducted in your native language, you must know the terminology in English. Until 2013, IYT licenses were perpetual. Now, every 5 years you need to update them (the cost of updating is from $ 125). Studying an IYT theory costs between $ 500 and $ 1,300; the practice is about the same price.

The International Sailing School Association (ISSA) appeared earlier — in 1969. ISSA licenses, unlike IYT, are perpetual. Training can also take place in your own language.

Finally, the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the oldest international system. The British Royal Yachting Association was founded in 1875. The difference from the previous two systems is that the training is conducted in English. The price of theoretical courses is 500-600 euros.

international yachting license

The categories of licenses

Yacht licenses are somewhat similar to car licenses — there is also a gradation into different categories. However, in practice, it’s more important not what category of license you have, but what your practical experience is and how many miles there are in your logbook.

In fact, Bareboat Skipper (IYT) / Inshore Skipper (ISSA) / Day Skipper (RYA) license may be enough to charter a yacht in Europe. This is the beginner category that gives you the right to sail 20 miles offshore in the daytime in fine weather. In practice, this means that if you, having such a license, sail further than 20 miles and something breaks on your yacht, then the insurance company most likely will not recognize this as an insurance case. Otherwise, until recently, with such licenses, it was possible to charter a yacht anywhere in the world. However, since last year, some countries, such as Greece, began to impose restrictions on the chartering of yachts for skippers with «day licenses».

The next category is the Coastal Skipper / Offshore Skipper . With this category, you can sail at night 60 miles offshore, also in fine weather.

The highest category of yacht skipper is Yachtmaster / Master of Yacht. Having a license of this category, you can go on difficult sailing expeditions, for example, across the Atlantic. This license is the most honorable among yacht owners.

international yachting license

In general, you need to understand that even charter companies will sometimes look at the miles in your logbook, indicating your experience. So, start your logbook as soon as you seriously think about yachting. But most importantly, of course, responsibly approach the choice of training courses. The study system or what abbreviation will be displayed on your license is not so important, it is important who your teacher will be. On our platform, there are only proven schools and courses in which you can not only get the right license but also gain real practical experience.

Photo materials for the article were provided by the «Sila Vetra» sailing school The author of the article: Rodion Karneev, editor: Anastasia Mosina

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  • Certificate Renewal & Replacement

All IYT Worldwide certificates, including instructor certificates, require renewal (revalidation) every five years.

Two of the most frequent questions we receive are: “How do I replace a lost, stolen or damaged certificate?” and “How do i renew my certificate?”

You will find the instructions for renewing (revalidating) and obtaining a replacement (duplicate) below.

Please note that if you wish to revalidate early you can only revalidate up to 6 months prior to the expiration date of your certificate. Should you choose to revalidate in advance you will not lose any time; your new card will show an issue date matching the expiry of the existing card. The new card will then be valid for another 5 years from this date. If you revalidate after the certificate has expired, your new card will show an issue date from the date that your order is processed.

If your certificate has been lost, damaged or stolen we are happy to provide a duplicate. There is no need to contact the school to do this on your behalf.

“ Please note that IYT are not liable for any incorrect data entered into student profiles. Therefore, please check your profile data thoroughly. If a certificate is issued with incorrect data (e.g. spelling, date of birth), the creator of the profile will be liable for the replacement costs of the corrected certificates.” IMPORTANT NOTE: IYT will not tolerate fraudulent activity, nor the tampering of certificates (IYT or other), and the submission of such will result in the cancellation of your IYT certificate(s). In addition, students found submitting tampered documentation or certificates to IYT will be banned from taking any IYT courses in the future.  If tampered medical or seatime is presented to IYT for Master of Yachts revalidation, IYT will cancel the certificate(s) and may notify the MCA.

PLEASE NOTE: Diveboat Coxswain, Dive Boat Mate & Dive Boat Operations Specialist – we no longer offer these qualification, however, we will revalidate.  Please contact us at [email protected] and tell us that you would like to revalidate and provide your preferred shipping method, airmail which we cannot trace or guarantee or UPS courier which we recommend. 

Diveboat Master – we no longer offer this qualification and will not revalidate. We will substitute with the Diveboat Mate Certificate.  Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to proceed and obtain the Diveboat Mate Certificate and tell us that you would like to revalidate and provide your preferred shipping method, airmail which we cannot trace or guarantee or UPS courier which we recommend.  

Why is renewal required?

As part of our Quality Management System, all command level certificates are now required to be renewed just as one must renew a driver’s license, pilot’s license and passport. Renewal is imperative to ensure that students are still eligible to hold the existing license, and for security purposes to assist in the detection of fraudulent certificates. Students are able to renew their certificates on our website.

Reasons to renew:

  • Most IYT Worldwide certificates are mandated by various governments to be renewed every five years, therefore, it is a requirement that we must adhere to.
  • Students can get updates on new rules or regulations that have come into place since they were certified.
  • E-learning updates will be available through IYT online.
  • Any change of address, email, ID number or other information can be amended when renewing.
  • If a student does not renew we will assume that they are no longer active sailors and can be removed from our database.
  • If a student has been involved in an accident due to their own fault or illegal behaviour, we reserve the right not to renew their certificate.
  • If a national government agency, marine police or administration has good reason for a candidate’s certificate to be withdrawn or asks for it not to be renewed in the interests of public safety, IYT can do so at this time.
  • For security purposes to assist in the detection of fraudulent certificates.

How to Renew or Replace your IYT Certificate

If you already have a profile registered in our system and can view your certificates online. Please follow these directions:

  • IMPORTANT:  A digital signature is now required (as of Feb 28, 2024) in order for IYT to issue the ICC Certificate.  Please see the instructions on how to upload a digital signature to your IYT Account ID here.
  • Headshot: Upload a photo of your face and shoulders. IMPORTANT: This photo will be printed on your ID card. Make sure the photo is straight, bright, clear and contains your entire face and head. No hats or sunglasses. You may smile.
  • Passport or government issued ID: Upload a scan (or take a very clear photo). Be sure the full page is visible as we must be able to clearly see your name, date of birth and photo.
  • Under the Dashboard tab, click View My Profile .
  • Click on the Certificates tab to see your list of certificates.
  • Select each certificate you would like to revalidate (renew) by checking the box on the right, then click Revalidate (or Replace if you want to replace your certificate).
  • Follow the prompts through to the payment process to complete your order. (Keep in mind that you will be required to make a payment at the end of this process. We accept VISA, MC or PayPal).

NOTE: For Master of Yachts certificates, during the checkout process you will be asked to upload documents required for those certificates. See What documents do I need to submit for more info.

Please see information about Shipping & Handling below. If airmail is the chosen method of shipment and the package is lost you will be billed for the full cost of the replacement plus shipping.

international yachting license

No profile? Or is a certificate missing from your online profile?  Or do you only have a hardcover or plastic certificate without a QR code on the back?

Then please follow these instructions:

First, create a profile if you haven’t already.

  • Click the login icon at the top right corner of our homepage, then click Register .
  • Select your gender, birthday, country of birth, and nationality.
  • Once complete, the end screen will provide you with your six digit IYT ID number so you can log in. Keep this information handy. You will need to provide it to us as outlined below.
  • Email [email protected] with the following:
  • State that you wish to revalidate your certificate (so we know how to proceed once we receive your email).
  • Provide your IYT ID number (provided to you after creating a profile).
  • Scan or take a clear photo of the front and back of your certificate that you wish to revalidate and email it to us.
  • We will reply to you with instructions on how you may now login and revalidate.
  • Login and make sure all your profile information is up to date.

international yachting license

Important Notice Regarding Renewal of ICC Certifiicates (Internatiional Certificate of Competency)

IYT has changed our certificates to exclude a signature strip and hologram on the back (as of Feb 28, 2024) Due to this change we now require a digital signature for ICC Certificates as required on certificates under the rules of Resolution 40. 

Please see the instructions on how to upload a digital signature to your IYT Account ID here.

Shipping & Delivery

  • Certificates will be processed and shipped only after payment has been received.
  • Please allow six weeks for processing. This does not include delivery time.
  • All shipments are dispatched from Canada.
  • Airmail may take up to four weeks to reach final destination, if at all. It is not traceable so there is no tracking number. We strongly discourage airmail and are not responsible for lost airmail shipments.
  • If airmail is the chosen method of shipment and the package is lost, you will be billed for the full cost of the replacement plus shipping.
  • Courier (UPS) delivers in approximately one to two days within North America, and approximately three to five business days Internationally; times may vary based on the destination.* Upon shipment of your order, you will receive a tracking number to the email registered to your IYT Profile.

*If you do not receive your UPS shipment within one month of the shipment date, please contact [email protected] with your UPS tracking number so that we can launch an investigation. UPS only retain their shipping records for three months, after which time we may need to charge replacement and reshipping fees.

How to Expedite an Existing Order

Sign into your IYT account at .

international yachting license

Select “ship by courier” if your original order’s shipping method was “ship by airmail” and you would like to change your shipping method from airmail (free) to courier.

Select “courier together with existing order” and enter your invoice number (202X-XXXXX) if your original order’s shipping method was already “ship by courier”.

Select “courier together with existing order” and enter your invoice number (202X-XXXXX) if your original order’s shipping method was “ship by airmail” and you only require fast processing of the online copy/copies of your certificate(s). Please note that airmail can take up to 4-12 weeks to arrive but is unreliable as you are not provided with a tracking number.

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  • Choose your payment method and click “NEXT”.

international yachting license

Renewal/Replacement Costs

See our full revalidation price list here: reval-duplicate-price-list.pdf

Please be aware that late fees apply for Master of Yachts certificate revalidations:

  • Up to one year out of date: a late penalty of $90.00 USD.
  • Up to two years out of date: a late penalty of $180.00 USD.
  • Sit an oral examination (either in-person or virtual over Zoom, Webex, etc.) at an IYT Worldwide-approved Master of Yachts school (subject to examiner costs). In the event of failing the oral, the candidate will be required to re-sit the theory course.
  • A late penalty of $270.00 USD.
  • Practical, oral, and written exam re-sit requirements will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • Please email [email protected] with all sea time from within the last 5 years and copies of all professional licenses (IYT and non IYT) before placing your renewal order.
  • If over 3 years out of date: a late penalty of $360 USD.

Do I have to renew my Master of Yachts Limited if I hold a Master of Yachts Unlimited Certificate of Competency?

Technically the answer is no as the Master of Yachts Unlimited is a higher level than the Master of Yachts Limited.  However , The Master of Yachts Limited is proof that one can command a vessel up to 200 tons, Power or Sail or Power & Sail. The Master of Yachts Unlimited is proof that one can navigate using a sextant offshore but does not state whether it is Power or Sail.  Most insurance companies want to see the Master of Yachts Limited and not the Unlimited which is why both are recommended to be kept current.

Instructor Certificates and Membership

Please refer to this page of our support site for renewal instructions .

Important Notice Regarding VHF Certificate Expiry Dates

It has come to our attention that we haven’t formally addressed the expiry dates of our paper VHF certificates issued before June 1 st , 2013. There was no expiry date printed on the certificates at that time. We have sent out a school notice on April 15, 2013 notifying schools that as of June 1st, 2013 all our certificates will require revalidation every 5 years.

Unfortunately, we neglected to address the fact that prior VHF certificates issued without an expiration date now also expire after 5 years as we have automated our system which now requires expiration.  This is not unlike what the IMO have done with Basic STCW Certificates for professional use.  Prior to January 1 st , 2017, Basic STCW certificates had no expiration date, however, the IMO have now imposed expiration on those certificates.  We are sorry for the inconvenience but all the VHF paper certificates that were issued without an expiry date will now have to be revalidated every 5 years. We hope you understand the necessity of this requirement as we need to have consistency among all our certificates.

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  • Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200 Tons (Power or Sail)
  • Master of Yachts Limited (Power or Sail)
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  • Superyacht Chef
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Tech tycoon Mike Lynch, finance executive Jonathan Bloomer among victims found dead on sunken yacht

Rescue teams operate off Porticello harbor near Palermo, searching for a last missing person on Aug. 22 three days after the British-flagged luxury yacht Bayesian sank.  (Getty Images)

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and Morgan Stanley International chair Jonathan Bloomer were among the victims found dead on a luxury yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily on Monday.

Lynch’s death was confirmed by people with direct knowledge of the matter who asked not to be identified. Bloomer and his wife Judy were among the dead, their children said in a statement Thursday.

They were among the five who have been recovered from inside the sunken ship. One person remains missing after the Bayesian was hit by a tornado near Porticello, Sicily, on Monday. Adding to the complexity of the search mission is the “narrowness of the spaces” inside the sunken yacht and “the presence of many objects,” the coast guard said.

Overall, of the 22 passengers in the boat, 15 were rescued Monday. The body of Recaldo Thomas, the ship’s chef, was found soon after the Bayesian sank.

Lynch’s daughter Hannah, Clifford Chance partner Chris Morvillo and his wife Neda have not been officially accounted for.

Italian authorities are investigating exactly how the Bayesian sank – and why it sank so quickly – in a storm that struck in the early hours of Monday morning. The captain and other survivors have been questioned by the local prosecutor’s office, according to Italian media.

The U.K.’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch said it’s also probing the incident, with questions centered on the expansiveness of the yacht’s mast and the state of the hull.

“Right now, there is no evidence that the mast has been snapped,” coast guard spokesman Vincenzo Zagarola told Bloomberg News. “We can also say that, so far, there is no evidence that the hull has been broken. But we don’t have a clear idea yet of the full damage.”

The head of the company that built the Bayesian said the luxury yacht should have been “unsinkable” given sailboats are built in a way that allows for significant listing without capsizing.

“That ship is unsinkable because it is a sailboat,” Italian Sea Group Chief Executive Officer Giovanni Costantino said in an interview with Bloomberg News. His company bought Perini Navi, the Italian shipbuilder that made the Bayesian, in 2022.

Crews aided by military ships, remote-controlled underwater vehicles and helicopters have been searching for missing passengers since Monday. Six guests, including Lynch’s wife Angela Bacares, and nine crew have been rescued.

Lynch, 59, and his family were celebrating his recent acquittal from fraud charges with a small group of advisers when the violent storm struck. The charges stemmed from Lynch’s sale of his software firm Autonomy Corp. to Hewlett Packard Co. in 2011. The Silicon Valley giant went on to accuse Lynch of accounting failures. He’d spent years working to clear his name in court and restore his reputation as one of Europe’s most successful entrepreneurs .

A little more than two months before the yacht accident, a San Francisco jury found Lynch not guilty of criminal charges that he duped HP into overpaying for his company. He was still fighting HP in a civil case in London, where a British judge held him responsible for creating the illusion of a company much larger and more successful than it was.

Rescue workers have had difficulties gaining access to the yacht some 50 meters, about 160 feet, below the surface, citing the depth and position of the vessel’s hull.

“The search will go on as long as necessary,” Zagarola said. “For sure, the whole hull will need to be inspected meter by meter.”

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  1. SLC Archives

    international yachting license

  2. ORC International Certificate

    international yachting license

  3. International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

    international yachting license

  4. Do I Need a Yachting License to Drive a Yacht

    international yachting license

  5. The Ultimate Guide to Yacht Charter Licensing

    international yachting license

  6. Do you NEED a boating license?

    international yachting license


  1. International Yacht and Maritime Training

    IYT operates more boating courses with more government approvals through more schools, in more countries and in more languages than any other boating organization in the world. We are proudly ISO 9001:2015 approved. International Yacht Training Worldwide is the global leader in International Certificate of Competence, Superyacht Crew training ...

  2. How To Get Your ICC Certification (in 8 Countries)

    How To Get Your International License. The ICC is the International Certificate of Competence for Operator of Pleasure Craft. You'll want to get this if you're planning on sailing international or coastal waters or chartering boats in Europe, for example. The ICC is an internationally accepted sailing license. Most countries accept the ICC.

  3. International Sailing License and Credentials

    The International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC) is a recreational sailing license valid for all yacht charter companies worldwide including Europe and the Seychelles. To gain an SLC, the candidate must take online theroy knowledge self-paced classes, log previous sufficient sailing experience on boats of reasonably similar size, and ...

  4. How to get an International Sailing License

    1. For the issue of an international certificate the applicant must: (a) have reached the age of 16; (b) be physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft, and in particular, must have sufficient powers of vision and hearing; (c) have successfully passed an examination to prove the necessary competence.

  5. What is the International Certificate of Competence?

    An International Proficiency Certificate indicates that you have a certain level of proficiency and competency to safely operate a type/size of vessel. An IPC provides a certification which many Mediterranean charter companies view as equivalent to the ICC. Please note that any certification should also be paired with the appropriate sailing ...

  6. International Certificate of Competence

    An International Certificate of Competence ( ICC) is a certificate that may be issued to anyone who has successfully completed certain national boating licenses or has passed an examination to prove the necessary competence for pleasure craft operation. ICC is the only sailing license approved by United Nations as a legitimate recreational ...

  7. International Proficiency Certificate (IPC) from American Sailing

    The IPC (International Proficiency Certificate) is a document American Sailing designed specifically for charter companies in the Mediterranean as proof of bareboat competency in another format other than our official log book. And it's meant mainly for countries who do not accept the UNECE's ICC (International Certificate of Competency) but ...

  8. International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

    The International Certificate of Competence (ICC) is one such acceptable license. Another popular license is the SLC. Both licenses are fully accepted by port authorities and yacht charter companies worldwide. The ICC, despite being called a certificate, it is in fact a license and is defined by United Nations Resolution 40 of which 22 member ...

  9. International Certificate of Competency (ICC Certificate)

    The International Certificate of Competency, commonly referred to as "ICC" is a certificate of competency, not necessarily a "course". The ICC is a certificate confirming that an individual is competent to the level required to meet the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Inland Water Committee (UNECE IWC) Resolution 40. In 2013, IYT released "courses" […]

  10. International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

    International Certificate of Competence is a Structured Sailing Course developed by the IYT, Accepted for Bareboat Charter Worldwide, including yacht charter in Croatia, Yacht Charter in Greece and yacht charter in the Caribbean. We have teamed up with one of the world's biggest charter operators to offer a fun and interesting way to gain ...

  11. International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC)

    The International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC) issued by NauticEd is a recreational sailing license valid for all yacht charter companies worldwide including Europe and the Seychelles. NauticEd SLC is relatively easy to gain the license and cost effective as long as you are decently experienced, and knowledgeable. It is accepted by ...

  12. Evidence of Competence Abroad

    What is the ICC? The ICC (or to give it its full title International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft) is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries.It was historically known as the International Certificate of Competence. It is issued under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland ...

  13. Courses Archive

    Courses. Whether you are a novice sailor just out to have fun on the water or want to work in the superyacht industry, IYT can help you do it better and safer. IYT is the most internationally accredited global leader and trusted standard of excellence in yacht training, maritime certification, safety, knowledge and sailing adventures.

  14. International Boat Licenses

    The ICC can be obtained from the Royal Yachting Association or International Yacht Training Worldwide who have schools all over the globe. You are required to have a VHF radio licence to operate the on-board radio. If you are chartering a boat and responsible for using the radio, this will have been covered in your competency training.

  15. International Yacht Training (IYT)

    Yacht Training with International Yacht Training (IYT), Fort Lauderdale, Florida - IYT Fort Lauderdale has trained over 14,000 candidates in the last 12 years, ... IYT Commercial Tender License Course: This is a 2-day course to obtain a certificate of competency to command a tender (power vessel) up to 5 meters with maximum 40 HP. This course ...

  16. International Yacht Training Worldwide

    International Yacht Training Worldwide (IYT Worldwide) is an independent sailing and boating training organization which provides education and training standards for professional and recreational boaters and yachtsmen and women. It was originally based entirely in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA; it is now a British Columbia, Canada Corporation based in Kelowna.

  17. The Jaguar Land Rover Sailing Academy opened in Moscow

    The academy provides an opportunity for affordable training in yachting. Theoretical and practical courses are meant for the beginners. After finishing the course one can obtain the international yachting license that in future will enable to take on a charter yacht, take part in international regattas or just to cruise on a sailing yacht.

  18. Sailing schools and courses (ISSA, RYA, IYT) in Russia

    Yacht management training in the Moscow region. In three hours of training, you will learn the basic techniques of managing a yacht, learn some of the specifics of working with a yacht, a helm, sails. €175 Total days: 1. Active days: 1. €175 per active day. There are places in 1 team. Saint Petersburg, Russia.

  19. Do You Need a License to Sail Around the World?

    The most accepted are the International Certificate of Competency (ICC) and the International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC). The ICC is recognized by the United Nations and used through much of Europe and the Mediterranean, and should qualify you for any charter. If your trip around the world includes extensive time in coastal or inland ...

  20. UK ICC issued by RYA

    The ICC is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in a country you are visiting (i.e. a country you are not a citizen or a resident of). It's an assurance from one government to another that the certificate holder is sufficiently competent to be operating a pleasure craft, despite not holding the visited ...

  21. Skipper licenses: what they are

    The International Sailing School Association (ISSA) appeared earlier — in 1969. ISSA licenses, unlike IYT, are perpetual. Training can also take place in your own language. ... The highest category of yacht skipper is Yachtmaster / Master of Yacht. Having a license of this category, you can go on difficult sailing expeditions, for example ...

  22. About PROyachting • PROyachting

    PROyachting yacht club has sailing school where you can get theoretical and practical skills in sailing, as well as get sailing license of Russian Sailing Federation and certificate of International Yacht Training (IYT). Group and individual trainings are also available on J/70, Platu, Elliott and Laser yachts.

  23. Certificate Renewal and Replacement

    Click on the Certificates tab to see your list of certificates. Select each certificate you would like to revalidate (renew) by checking the box on the right, then click Revalidate (or Replace if you want to replace your certificate). Follow the prompts through to the payment process to complete your order.

  24. Tech tycoon Mike Lynch, finance executive Jonathan Bloomer among

    Italian search and rescue teams have retrieved a fifth body from a sunken yacht off Sicily, where British tech tycoon Mike Lynch is among those feared to have died. Morgan Stanley International ...