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Opinie o GALEON

Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu utrzymania konta w serwisie (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w Regulaminie.

(usunięte przez administratora)

W sumie to co to znaczy, bo w takich slangach zorientowana to nie jestem?

To jest owieczka .....

I nie będziesz

Narkotyki w pracy ?i nikt z tym nic nie robi ?

Po jednej opinii w to wierzysz? Chyba gdyby tak było i ludzie by tak publicznie gadali o tym to raczej sprawa zostałaby już dawno rozwiązana, nie sądzisz?

3 tys. na rękę to dla osoby bez doświadczenia chyba?

3 bez? To ile daliby z?

Zadzwon do kadr hahaha do sie dowiesz

Co Cię tak bawi?

Aha, czyli ze stawkami żartujecie jednak? Więc ta trójka też wiarygodna to nie jest?

Tak tak oczywiscie awkors si rusz (usunięte przez administratora) to sie dowiesz

No to się nie dowiem, bo klucze info zakryło chyba?

Czy w GALEON zaszły jakieś zmiany od momentu pojawienia się ostatnich opinii?

O co konkretnie chodzi ?

Nic się nie zmieniło a nawet pogorszyło.Zenua

Czy istnieje możliwość rozwoju w GALEON?

Wybij sobie z głowy ta prace. Będziesz zdrowszy

Oczywiście każdego dnia ...bardziej nawet nie dorozwoju

A co w tej pracy jest nie tak, że tak uważasz? Możesz rozwinąć? W sumie Twoja opinia za dużo nie mówi, a sama szukam pracy.

To rusz szanowną i się dowiesz hahaha opowiesz nam później swoje doznania

Jaką liczbę nadgodzin tak naprawdę masz na myśli, żeby można było po pracy tutaj jakoś wyżyć? I zastanawia mnie to całe "bhp" zdarzyła się tam może komuś jakaś długotrwała choroba / krzywda z powodu tych warunków, które opisałeś? :/

Na jakie narzędzia pracy może liczyć pracownik w GALEON?

Na młotek żeby sobie wszystko z głowy wybić

Pod każdym względem firma zasługuje na dobre opinie, praca dla ludzi z otwartą głową, polecam!

Czy firma jest rozwojowa ?

słyszalam @byrzy że sa trakże umowy o dzieło. A teraz jak widze poszukuja do wielu miast w Polsce: do Dynowa, Głogowa Małopolskiego, Iwonicza-Zdroju czy Nowej Dęby. Szukaja na stanowisko Stolarza/monetra mebli

Witam czy ktoś wie jak wygląda dział laminiarzy ile na start i jaka atmosfera panuje

Byłem 2btyg.temu na rozmowie. Na laminacji daja 14 zl na reke

Nie przesadzajcie z narzekaniem, firma ma dobrą opinię jako pracodawca a na to trzeba sobie zapracować.

chciałbym się zorientować czy zatrudniają tam tylko na umowę zlecenie czy na inne umowy

dramat .[usunięte przez admina] przy tym to wczasy .htp ma go uzdrowić.


Kim jest Sygnalista?

Sygnalista w firmie, to osoba, której zadaniem jest zgłaszanie nieprawidłowości i nadużyć w firmie. Zadania i ochronę Sygnalistów opisuje dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego oraz ustawa o Ochronie Sygnalistów, które zapewniają bezpieczeństwo osób zgłaszających naruszenia prawa w przedsiębiorstwach oraz instruują jak chronić sygnalistów przed represjami takimi jak dyskryminacja czy zwolnienie z pracy. To ważny krok w tworzeniu transparentnego i wspierającego środowiska pracy.


Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2019/1937 z dnia 23 października 2019 r. w sprawie ochrony osób zgłaszających naruszenia prawa Unii.


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Zostań Sygnalistą w GALEON - Straszyn

Firma nie ma zarejestrowanego Compliance Officera. GoWork oraz GoWhistle nie zobaczą treści Twojego zgłoszenia! Dzięki nam będziesz miał gwarancję, że firma otrzyma Twoją informację o chęci zgłoszenia sygnału.

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Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu przedstawienia informacji handlowej w odpowiedzi na złożone zapytanie tj. marketingu bezpośredniego (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f) RODO – prawnie uzasadniony cel tj. marketing bezpośredni). Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w Regulaminie.

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Zostaw merytoryczną opinię o GALEON - Straszyn

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Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu umożliwienia ... Czytaj więcej wyrażenia opinii o firmie (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Przysługujące prawa: dostępu do danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, przenoszenia danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w  Regulaminie . Schowaj

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Galeon Yachts 450 HTC Reviewed

  • By Tom Serio
  • August 2, 2024

Galeon 450 HTC

The Galeon Yachts 450 HTS is a yacht designed to enjoy the outdoors. This is even true inside the salon, where panoramic windows exceed 4 feet in height—and are joined by a single-pane windshield, double-folding aft doors, a sunroof, an opening portside window and a starboard helm door. Adding to the sense of openness is 7-foot-8-inch headroom.

Out on deck, the 450 HTC has space to bask in the sunshine forward with a sun pad that has adjustable backrests. There’s also a flip-up backrest, creating a bench seat for cocktail hour. A recessed locker handles the anchor windlass and tackle, keeping the deck clear of clutter. Walk-around side decks are 14 inches wide, allowing for more interior volume. High rails from midship to the bow add safety and include a rail that can open for side boarding.

There’s also sunning space on the aft deck’s L-shaped settee, near a dining table and with a reversible backrest on the side seat. This side seat converts to another sun pad. A sunshade is cleverly housed in the hardtop, with side extensions that make the shade look like part of the hardtop structure.

There’s easy access from here to the water by way of the hydraulic swim platform, which has an extending staircase. An electric Kenyon grill is in the transom station, along with a sink for cooking up the day’s fresh catch.

Galeon 450 HTC

Or dine in the salon, out of the sun. There’s a U-shaped dinette to starboard with an adjustable wood table. A flat-screen TV rises from abaft the portside bench seat for movie nights with the family.

Just forward on the main deck is the galley, which has a two-burner Kenyon cooktop, Corian counters, an undercounter Isotherm fridge with a freezer, a Samsung microwave oven, and a divided sink with a cover. With this galley-up design, cruising couples can stay within proximity of each other while one preps a meal and the other steers. Multiple drawers, overhead cabinets and a pantry are all here to stow provisions.

The helm is to starboard. Twin 12-inch Raymarine Axiom multifunction displays are in the console, along with a 7-inch Volvo Penta electronic vessel control display. There is space for more electronics, such as the autopilot, Side-Power bow and stern thrusters, and an Optimus electronic power-steering controller. Backlit push-button switches are mounted in the dash.

This is a boat that should be easy for a couple or a solo skipper to run. A starboard door next to the helm allows the operator to get on deck and handle lines. For a spouse or crew, a doublewide upholstered seat is close by.

Galeon 450 HTC

Belowdecks and amidships is the full-beam (13-foot-8-inch) master stateroom with a queen-size berth and a ceiling stepped in places, allowing for the main-deck configuration above. With port and starboard dressers and cabinets, along with closets, there’s plenty of stowage for extended cruises. Galeon also included panache by adding a backlit sculpted headboard, satin-finish wood, soft carpeting, a 32-inch TV and hullside windows. The en suite head has a basin sink, Corian countertop, electric toilet and separate shower stall.

The forepeak VIP is also stylish with a centerline berth and inlaid ceiling. In fact, it could be considered a second master stateroom. There’s an option for a third stateroom with twin bunks, which might be handy for cruising with children.

The 450 HTC’s engine room is accessed via a hatch in the cockpit sole. Cleanly finished and painted, it has room to get at the ancillary systems, such as the 12 kW Fischer Panda generator, 11-gallon water heater, battery banks, stainless-steel fuel and water tanks, and filters. It’s nice to see the engine dipsticks centrally located as well. Thanks to the straight-shaft, V-drive transmissions, the engines can be mounted a bit farther aft, creating more interior space.

Galeon 450 HTC

Galeon allows the 450 HTC to be customized, but the standard features already include 316 stainless railings, opening portholes belowdecks, wood cabinetry, window treatments, direct and indirect lighting, and more. Basically, it’s a turnkey vessel. A chilled-water air-conditioning system produces 67,000 Btu of frigid air while operating at a low noise level. Owners can opt for upgraded interior furnishings, electronics, a Seakeeper 5 or other niceties.

A boat can’t be everything to everyone, but the Galeon 450 HTC has a solid pedigree that comes pretty darn close.  

Twin 480 hp Volvo Penta D6 straight-shaft diesel engines get this 41,240-pound fiberglass hull up and going. I saw a wide-open-throttle speed of 27.7 knots. Slow cruising at 2,800 rpm brought a 17.8-knot speed with a range of 290 nautical miles. At 9.1 knots, range is 397 nm. 

Running this express cruiser in a 2- to 3-foot chop was exhilarating yet comfortable. Responses to wheel input were immediate, bow rise during acceleration was minimal, and the low noise level made driving the 450 HTC a pleasure. With slight leans into hard-over turns, there was no feeling of loss of control. The Zipwake trim-control system keeps the ride level at all times. 

Side-Deck Magic

The cockpit’s usable space expands with port and starboard foldout “beach mode” terraces. These 84-by-24-inch platforms are sturdy and have safety railings. With a center cutout window, there’s visibility when the platforms are closed. 

Take the next step: galeonyachts.us

  • More: Galeon , Galeon Yachts , May 2024 , Reviewed , Yacht Reviews , Yachts
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galeon yachts gowork

SJB New Member

Now that Searay is not making big boats (50plus), I am seeking information on Galeon Yachts as one option (I would much prefer a Riv or Viking or Princess but to pricey for me). Anyone have any input on the 50 or 55 Galeon?

Capt J

Capt J Senior Member

Very price point boat and associated quality, in the same league as prestige.
Capt J said: ↑ Very price point boat and associated quality, in the same league as prestige. Click to expand...
SJB said: ↑ Thanks , I don’t feel Prestige is a quality boat? Am I wrong ? Click to expand...


993RSR Senior Member

The greatest expense in boat ownership is depreciation. Buy quality and it pays dividends on resale and ownership experience.
993RSR said: ↑ The greatest expense in boat ownership is depreciation. Buy quality and it pays dividends on resale and ownership experience. Click to expand...


Gratitude Member

Gratitude said: ↑ Capt. J, I have to disagree on your comment. I viewed both brands in detail at the 2019 FLIBS and they are not in the same league. Galeon is far superior in quality than Prestige. While I didn't sea trial a Prestige, I did sea trial the Galeon 500 Fly. A very solid seaworthy boat which is why I purchased the 500 Fly. Granted it is not a Princess or Viking Yacht, but it is currently and affordable quality boat IMHO. Also let me add that the interior is amazing and functional. Doors are solid and do not rattle. Galeon makes almost everything in house when it comes to their interiors. Click to expand...
SJB said: ↑ Thank you for your feedback! How has it been going since your purchase? I noticed the 500 only has 3.5 draft, does that affect the ride when on open ocean? I would feel it gives a bumper ride? Click to expand...


olderboater Senior Member

SJB said: ↑ Now that Searay is not making big boats (50plus), I am seeking information on Galeon Yachts as one option (I would much prefer a Riv or Viking or Princess but to pricey for me). Anyone have any input on the 50 or 55 Galeon? Click to expand...
Gratitude said: ↑ Actually the draft is 4'7" on the 500 Fly. That along with Sea Keeper (standard on this boat) she's quite the solid ride. the best way t make your decision is to get our on one yourself. Click to expand...
olderboater said: ↑ I would just mention one thing. You mentioned Searay and Galeon. I hope you're not confining your shopping to Marine Max. There are plenty of other brands out there to be looked at. It's also very hard for me to get insight into pricing on a Galeon as I see new 2020 500 Fly's priced anywhere from $772k (Poland) to $1.4 million depending on location and dealer. What makes you think Princess is so much more expensive than Galeon? Have you been to a Princess dealer? Or Sunseeker? Or talked to Grand Banks? I'm not saying to not buy a Galeon, just make sure you look at the market well. Click to expand...
I'd look at the 52' Sunseeker manhattan, 55' Princess flybridge.......trying to think of a few more.

Scott Felstad

Scott Felstad Member

SJB said: ↑ Thanks for you insight! I am a used boat buyer not new, let someone else take the depreciation hit. I prefer 2-3 years old this hopefully allows for this new boat issues to be somewhat fixed. As I look for used I would 100% like a Grand Banks or Princess and looking. A Riv be nice too. Have my eye on a 55 fly searay too, way over priced, but it had shafts! I currently have a 51 Fly searay. Again Thanks Click to expand...
Yes, 100% ! Just avoid PODS.


johnnry Member

a beautiful, well made and fast boat,but..check the deadrise, they typically build 16 degree deadrise to get the low hp performance. check your model, you will also note that piece of info not easy to find.Unless they have re-engineered marine engineering, No free lunches yet..


RER Senior Member

johnnry said: ↑ a beautiful, well made and fast boat,but..check the deadrise, they typically build 16 degree deadrise to get the low hp performance. check your model, you will also note that piece of info not easy to find.Unless they have re-engineered marine engineering, No free lunches yet.. Click to expand...
RER said: ↑ What is so sinister about a modifed V deadrise of 16 degrees? You seem to be suggesting the builder is trying to hide that spec. Why? Click to expand...
Correct ob, also original question was on ride quality on rough water...if anyone knows of a flat keel boat that slices thru the rough water please advise
johnnry said: ↑ Correct ob, also original question was on ride quality on rough water...if anyone knows of a flat keel boat that slices thru the rough water please advise Click to expand...
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34 Galeon 2016 Boat For Sale

Asking price: €149,995.

  • Yachts for sale
  • express cruisers
  • 34' Galeon

Last updated Aug 19, 2024

34' Galeon 2016


A rare opportunity to get a float in this spacious and well thought out hard top cruiser. Supplied from new by ourselves to the first and only owner, this boat has seen low usage and high care. Located in one of the best small marinas in the South of France, Beaulieu Sur Mer. 



GALEON 305 HTSCome on board to find a generous aft sundeck that doubles as extra storage or find respite in one of two lounge areas available on the main deck. The manually operated sunroof bathes the interior in natural light – perfect for those sunny summer days. Enjoy perfect visibility from the helm thanks to broad windows all around.

Outside, two side decks lead to the bow area with two mattresses divided by a series of skylights. Select the practical, elongated stern platform, to provide an extra 80cm of space for activities or a small dinghy. Down below the yacht offers accommodation for four passengers, a compact galley and a bathroom.

The saloon has an open layout where the bow rest area can be quickly transformed into a double bed, maximizing the available space during the day time. A walk-in aft cabin offers more privacy thanks to the full sized doors separating it from the main living area. Plenty of natural light inside is a staple of all third generation Galeon yachts.

A selection of diesel and petrol engines is available with both single and twin installations. The compact frame of the Galeon 305 is best suited for day cruising but was designed to handle even harsh weather conditions.

Length of the hull: [m]8,99 [ft]29’6’’Length overall: [m]9,60 / 10,40 [ft]31’6’’ / 34’1”Beam of the hull: [m]2,94 [ft]9’8’’Beam overall: [m]2,99 [ft]9’10’’Draft max. (canoe body): [m]0,72 [ft]2’4’’Fuel tank capacity: [dm3]415 or 600 [US Gal]110 or 158Water tank capacity: [dm3]200 [US Gal]53Mass of Light Craft Condition: [kg]5220 - 5870 [lbs]11508 - 12941Maximum load: [kg]1595 - 1745 [lbs]3516 - 3847Min. engine (-s) power: [kW/HP] 1x191/260Max. engine (-s) power: [kW/HP] 1x294/400 2x191/260Crew limit: 9Category: B

Denison Yachting is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Approved Boats.

Denison Yacht Sales offers the details of this yacht in good faith but can’t guarantee the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of this boat for sale. This yacht for sale is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal from that yacht market without notice. She is offered as a convenience by this yacht broker to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a specific yacht for sale.


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  • Yacht Details: 34' Galeon 2016
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  • Engines: Volvo Penta
  • Last Updated: Aug 19, 2024
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  • Beam: 9' 10''
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Fuel Tank: 1 x 415|liter
  • Fresh Water: 1 x 200|liter
  • Holding: 1 x 105|liter
  • Max Passengers: 9

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Taganrog city, Russia

The city of Rostov oblast .

Taganrog - Overview

Taganrog is a city in Russia, the second largest city of the Rostov region. It is located on the northern shore of the Taganrog Bay (the Azov Sea), about 50 km from the mouth of the Don River and the border with Ukraine, 1,144 km south of Moscow, 77 km west of Rostov-on-Don (the capital of the region).

The population of Taganrog is about 245,600 (2022), the area - 95 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 8634, the postal codes - 347900-347942.

Taganrog city flag

Taganrog city coat of arms.

Taganrog city coat of arms

Taganrog city map, Russia

History of taganrog.

In the 7th-6th centuries B.C., according to archaeological research, there was a Greek settlement on the territory of present Taganrog. Today, there are no remains of this settlement. It was founded in the second half of the 7th century B.C. and destroyed in the second half of the 6th century B.C., probably by nomadic Scythians.

Taganrog was first mentioned in written sources in 1698. It was founded after the capture of Azov by Peter’s I order as a fortress and harbor for the Russian Navy. Taganrog became the first Russian naval base and seaport on the open coast. It was also the first Russian town built on a regular plan.

The fortress was originally called Troyetsk, then Troitsk and finally Taganrog. Peter I even intended to transfer the capital of the country to Taganrog. But Russia lost the war against Turkey and it determined the fate of the town.

More Historical Facts…

Under the terms of the peace treaty, Russia was to destroy the harbor and the town itself. By February 1712, these works were completed. In 1769, during another Russian-Turkish war, the restoration of Taganrog began by Catherine’s the Great order.

Taganrog lost its military importance after the founding of Sevastopol in 1783. The town turned into the largest trade port in the Russian Empire.

In 1820, A.S.Pushkin stayed in Taganrog during his trip to the Caucasus. He spent the night in the house of P.A.Papkov, the mayor of the town. In 1825, the Emperor Alexander I died in this house (corner of Grecheskaya Street, 40 and Dvortsovy (Nekrasovsky) Avenue). Later, the memorial museum of the Emperor Alexander I was opened in the house.

In May 1855, during the Crimean War of 1853-1856, the English-French squadron entered the Sea of Azov, trying to deprive the Russian army in the Crimea its rear bases. The squadron bombarded Taganrog and tried to make a landing. The gunboat “Jasper” was destroyed by Cossacks during the landing operation near Taganrog. In August, the squadron stopped unsuccessful attempts and left the Sea of Azov.

Fertile agricultural regions located close to the town contributed to its development. Taganrog became an important center for the wheat and flax trade. In 1869, the railroad connected the town with Kharkov and Rostov-on-Don.

In the 19th century, Taganrog continued to be a major center of trade. Today, there are several houses of Italian and Greek merchants that retained since that time. At the end of the 19th century, the local industry began to develop quickly; metallurgical, boiler and machine-building plants were constructed. In 1908, the first power station was built.

In 1918-1920, during the Russian Civil War, the General Headquarters of Denikin (the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian South) was located in Taganrog. Since 1937, the city is part of the Rostov region. Taganrog was occupied by the Germans for almost two years during World War II. After the war, the local economy recovered rapidly.

Taganrog views

Taganrog - the view from above

Taganrog - the view from above

Author: Egor Selyanko

On the seafront in Taganrog

On the seafront in Taganrog

Author: Ann Genergart

Taganrog street view

Taganrog street view

Author: Andrey Kholyavkin

Taganrog - Features

Taganrog is a seaside city located in the south-west of the Rostov region. The climate is relatively dry, temperate continental. The average temperature in December - minus 2.6 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 24.6 degrees Celsius.

The city got its name from Taganiy Rog Cape on which it is located. It is a large industrial, scientific, cultural, and historical center, one of the largest seaports in the south of Russia.

The largest enterprise of the city is Taganrog metallurgical plant: steel production, steel pipes for the oil and gas industry. Mechanical engineering is well developed in the city: boiler equipment for power stations, forge and press equipment, harvesters. Also there are military, chemical, light and food industry plants.

Public transport is presented by trams, trolleybuses, buses, and minibuses. Railway connects Taganrog with Rostov-on-Don, the cities and towns of the Donetsk region (Ukraine). The highway Rostov-on-Don - Mariupol (Ukraine) passes through the city.

Taganrog gave Russia and the world a lot of outstanding people: A.P.Chekhov (his 150th anniversary was celebrated in 2010), F.G.Ranevskaya, K.A.Savitsky, A.K.Kuindzhi, K.G.Paustovsky, I.D.Vasilenko, A.A.Durov, Ye.V.Obraztsova, M.I.Tanich.

Attractions of Taganrog

Passenger ships and yachts carry out walks in the Azov and Black Seas, the Don River. The following river cruises are available: Moscow-Taganrog-Moscow, Samara-Taganrog-Samara, Moscow-Taganrog-Yeisk-Moscow. The city has a yacht club, boat stations, piers.

Taganrog stone stairs (Depaldo Stone Steps), connecting Grecheskaya street with Pushkinskaya Embankment, is one of the main attractions of the city (the length - 108 m, the width - 6.5 m). Park of Culture and Rest named after Gorky (Petrovskaya Street, 104) is the main resting place after the sea, a park for a family holiday.

  • Taganrog Local History Museum (Frunze Street, 41),
  • Taganrog Museum of Art (Aleksandrovskaya Street, 54),
  • Museum of Urbanism (Frunze Street, 80),
  • Literary Museum of Anton Chekhov (Oktyabrskaya Street, 9),
  • Museum “House of Anton Chekhov” (Chekhova Street, 69),
  • Museum “Chekhov’s Shop” (Aleksandrovskaya Street, 100),
  • Taganrog Military Museum (Lesnaya Birzha Street, 20b),
  • House-Museum of I.D.Vasilenko (Chekhova Street, 88),
  • House-Museum of A.A.Durov (Glushko Lane, 44),
  • Gallery “Piter” (Chekhova Street, 2),
  • House of Tchaikovsky (Grecheskaya Street, 56),
  • Taganrog Museum of Aviation Technology (Tsiolkovsky Street, 42).

Theaters and other cultural institutions

  • Drama Theater named after Chekhov (Petrovskaya Street, 90),
  • Youth Theater named after N. Malygina (Petrovskaya Street, 89),
  • Theater “SaD” (Petrovskaya Street, 104),
  • Taganrog Circus (Chekhova Street, 100).

Taganrog city of Russia photos

Pictures of taganrog.

Taganrog architecture

Taganrog architecture

Author: A.Levushkin

Egyptian Pyramid Sculpture in Taganrog

Egyptian Pyramid Sculpture in Taganrog

Author: Pavel M. Vasiliev

Taganrog seaport

Taganrog seaport

Author: Alena Amplieva

Taganrog places

Taganrog railway station

Taganrog railway station

Author: Sergey Kholodilnikov

Taganrog university

Taganrog university

Author: Max Ivanuk

Taganrog water park

Taganrog water park

Sights of Taganrog

Chekhov's House in Taganrog

Chekhov's House in Taganrog

Ranevskaya monument in Taganrog

Ranevskaya monument in Taganrog

Peter I monument in Taganrog

Peter I monument in Taganrog

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galeon yachts gowork

Drone strike on Taganrog significantly damages key Russian aviation site

According to reports, 24 drones flew over the city. Russians on social media reported "powerful explosions."

attack on an important Russian target

Media reports indicate that the drones caused damage to the scientific and technical complex in Taganrog named after Beriev.

"It's a facility that specifically equipped the Il-76 aircraft with radar detection equipment. This means that for the A-50 and A-100 aircraft, this factory was responsible for adapting and installing all that equipment on the aircraft," the Unian agency quotes aviation expert Anatoliy Khrapchynsky as saying.

According to the expert, it is "a very important target."

In retaliation against Ukraine, Russian forces were reported to have used drones and missiles. Ukrainian anti-aircraft defences managed to shoot down 35 out of 39 drones that Russia deployed to attack Ukrainian territory overnight from Saturday to Sunday. Additionally, Russians launched four S-300 missiles, which the Ukrainian military has not reported on.

In a message on Telegram, the Ukrainian Air Forces disclosed that Russians launched 39 Shahed-type drones from occupied Crimea and southern Russia, with the Ukrainians successfully shooting down 35 of those drones.

Furthermore, the Russians targeted eastern Ukrainian regions, including Kharkiv and Donetsk, with four S-300 missiles. There has been no confirmation from the Ukrainian military regarding the interception of these missiles.

Republicans craft Ukraine aid package amid internal divisions

An air raid alarm was activated in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions as well as in central Ukrainian areas, including the Kyiv region, overnight from Saturday into Sunday.

Widespread drone attack leaves Kirovohrad region in darkness: no casualties reported

Crimea hit by extensive drone strike as tensions escalate

Ukraine announces Unmanned Systems Forces in significant military evolution

Ukrainian reconnaissance drone unit

Show map of Rostov Oblast Show map of European Russia Show map of Europe
Coordinates: 38°55′E / 47.217°N 38.917°E / 47.217; 38.917
FoundedSeptember 12, 1698
City status since1775
  BodyCity Duma
  Head Mikhail Solonitsin
  Total80 km (30 sq mi)
Elevation 30 m (100 ft)
Population ( Census)
  Estimate  251,100
  Rank in 2010
  Density3,200/km (8,300/sq mi)
  Subordinated toTaganrog
   ofTaganrog Urban Okrug
  Urban okrugTaganrog Urban Okrug
   ofTaganrog Urban Okrug
(   )
+7 8634
City DaySeptember 12

Administrative and municipal status

Higher education, architecture, taganrog in literature, notable people, twin towns – sister cities, external links.

Historical population
Source: Census data

The history of the city goes back to the late Bronze Age –early Iron Age . Later, it became the earliest Greek settlement in the northwestern Black Sea region and was probably mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus as emporion Kremnoi (Κρήμνοι, meaning cliffs). [16] It had contacts as well to the other Greek colonies around the Black Sea as well as to the indigenous communitys of the hinterland. [17]

In the 13th century, Pisan merchants founded a colony, Portus Pisanus, which was however short-lived. [18] Taganrog was founded by Peter the Great on 12 September 1698. [3] The first Russian Navy base, it hosted the Azov Flotilla of Catherine the Great (1770–1783), which subsequently became the Russian Black Sea Fleet . Taganrog was granted city status in 1775. [4]

By the end of the 18th century, Taganrog had lost its importance as a military base after Crimea and the entire Sea of Azov were absorbed into the Russian Empire . In 1802, Tsar Alexander   I granted the city special status , which lasted until 1887. In 1825, the Alexander I Palace in Taganrog was used as his summer residence, and he died there in November 1825. Also in Taganrog is the House of Teacher , a mansion where numerous artists have performed.

Although it had been bombarded and damaged by an Anglo-French fleet in 1855, [18] Taganrog became important as a commercial port, used for the import of grain by the end of the 19th century until the early 20th century. Industrialization increased in the city when Belgian and German investors founded a boiler factory, an iron and steel foundry , a leather factory, and an oil press factory. By 1911, fifteen foreign consulates had opened in the city. [19]

During World War I , Taganrog served as the temporary capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in March-April 1918. [20] Afterwards it was occupied by the troops of the German Army from May to August 1918. In 1919, General Anton Denikin established his headquarters at the Avgerino mansion in the city while commanding White Russian troops fighting in South Russia during the Russian Civil War . When the White Russians were defeated and Bolshevik power was established in the city on 25 December 1919, Denikin's remaining troops and the British Consulate were evacuated by HMS Montrose . Full power was granted to the executive committee of The City Soviet Workers' council on 17 December 1920, and Taganrog joined the Ukrainian SSR as the administrative center of Taganrog Okrug. It was transferred to the Russian SFSR along with Shakhty Okrug on 1 October 1924.

During World War II , Taganrog was occupied by Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1943 during Operation Barbarossa , when two SS divisions entered the city on 17 October 1941, followed by the Wehrmacht . The city suffered extensive damage. Under German occupation the local government system was replaced by a German-style Bürgermeisteramt (Mayor's Office), which governed the city until it was liberated by the Red Army on 30 August 1943. [ citation needed ]

Within the framework of administrative divisions , it is incorporated as Taganrog Urban Okrug —an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts . [1] As a municipal division , this administrative unit also has urban okrug status. [10]

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Taganrog is the leading industrial center of Rostov Oblast. Local industry is represented by aerospace, machine-building, automobile, military, iron and steel industry, engineering, metal traders and processors, timber, woodwork, pulp and paper, food, light, chemical and construction materials. The city is one of the major ports of the Sea of Azov .

The biggest company currently operating in Taganrog is Taganrog Iron & Steel Factory , (publicly traded company Tagmet), which manufactures steel, steel pipe, for oil and gas industry and consumer goods. The other major employer is Taganrog Auto Factory ( TagAZ Ltd. ), which originated from Taganrog Combine Harvester Factory. The plant manufactures automobiles licensed by Hyundai. The production line includes Hyundai Accent compact sedan, mid-size Hyundai Sonata, sport utility vehicle Santa Fe, and Hyundai Porter pickup truck. Taganrog is also home to the aircraft design bureau Beriev .

The area around Taganrog has a large industrial potential, a diversified agricultural industry, production plants, and a modern infrastructure. The location of Taganrog on the intersection of traffic routes and the seaport facilitate access to the emerging CIS markets.

Taganrog's main trading partners are the CIS countries, South Korea , Turkey , Italy , Greece , and Egypt .

Alferaki Palace on Frunze Street Alferaki Palace 2008.jpg

The Taganrog air base is six kilometres (3   nmi) northwest of the city and hosts the Taganrog Aviation Museum . The city also hosts the Taganrog military museum .

  • Taganrog College of Technologies
  • Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
  • Taganrog College of Management and Economy

The climate of Taganrog is temperate ( Köppen climate classification Cfa/Dfa ). Taganrog experiences moderately cold (mild by Russian standards) winters and hot summers.

Climate data for Taganrog (1991–2020, extremes 1905–present)
Record high °C (°F)10.6
Mean daily maximum °C (°F)0.1
Daily mean °C (°F)−2.5
Mean daily minimum °C (°F)−4.5
Record low °C (°F)−32.0
Average mm (inches)58
Average precipitation days13.712.911.
Mean monthly 608012919527129331830523715870442,160
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net
Source 2: Climatebase (precipitation days, sun 1916–2012)

Bishop's House , also known as Kirsanov's house, Shtalberg House and Telegraph House are located in Taganrog.

The Assumption Cathedral in Taganrog, Russia (1818-1938), where Anton Chekhov was christened on February 10, 1860 Assumption Cathedral.jpg

Anton Chekhov featured the city and its people in many of his works, including Ionych , The House with an Attic , The Man in a Shell , Van'ka , Three Years , Mask , and My Life . It is believed that Taganrog may have been the Lukomorye (fairy tale land) in which Alexander Pushkin 's Ruslan and Lyudmila (1820) was set. [23] The city also appeared in the novels of Ivan Vasilenko and Konstantin Paustovsky and in the poems of Nikolay Sherbina and Valentin Parnakh .

The legend of "Elder Fyodor Kuzmich " is cited in the book Roza Mira by Russian mystic Daniil Andreyev . According to this legend, the Russian tsar Alexander I did not die in Taganrog, but instead left his crown and the status of monarch to continue his life as a traveling hermit. [24]

In foreign literature, the city was mentioned in the titles of Der Tote von Taganrog by Eberhard von Cranach-Sichart   [ de ] and Taganrog by Reinhold Schneider .

In 2004 Sabine Wichert published a collection of poems entitled Taganrog .

In Maria Kuncewiczowa 's 1945 novel The Stranger (New York, LB Fischer publisher), the city of Taganrog plays an essential role as a place of nostalgic happiness for the uprooted Polish musician and matriarch, Rose.

Birth house of Faina Ranevskaya House ranevskaya.jpg

Numerous Russian and international aristocrats, politicians, artists, and scientists were born and/or have lived in Taganrog. Taganrog is the native city of

  • Anton Chekhov
  • Faina Ranevskaya
  • Sophia Parnok
  • Alexandre Koyré
  • Isaac Yakovlevich Pavlovsky
  • Witold Rowicki
  • Georgy Sedov
  • Dmitri Sinodi-Popov

It is also associated with:

  • Peter I of Russia
  • Alexander I of Russia
  • Cornelius Cruys
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky
  • Adolph Brodsky
  • Konstantin Paustovsky
  • Nestor Kukolnik
  • Achilles Alferaki
  • Ioannis Varvakis
  • Vasily Zolotarev
  • Sergei Bondarchuk
  • William Frederick Yeames [ citation needed ]

Taganrog alexanderImonument.jpg

Taganrog is twinned with: [25]

  • Apostolopulo House
  • House of Laskin
  • House of Sinodi-Popov
  • Bust of Lenin (Taganrog)
  • Freken Bock (Cafe)
  • Mariupol Cemetery
  • Taganrog Palace of Youth
  • Monument of Cathopoul
  • House of Zolotaryov
  • Memorable sign Barrier
  • House of Skizerl
  • House of the merchant Kudrin
  • House of Rabinovich
  • House of Perestiani
  • House of Lakiyerov
  • House of Lakiyer
  • Korolev and Gagarin Monument

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Milyutinsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the northeast of the oblast. The area of the district is 2,116 square kilometers (817 sq mi). Its administrative center is the rural locality of Milyutinskaya. Population: 15,082 ; 17,847 (2002 Census) ; 19,352 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Milyutinskaya accounts for 16.7% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Neklinovsky District</span> District in Rostov Oblast, Russia

Neklinovsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the west of the oblast, immediately adjacent to the border with Ukraine's Donetsk Oblast. It surrounds the city of Taganrog on that city's landward side. The area of the district is 2,148 square kilometers (829 sq mi). Its administrative center is the rural locality of Pokrovskoye. Population: 88,623 ; 84,915 ; 82,706 (2002 Census) ; 77,775 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Pokrovskoye accounts for 14.6% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Oktyabrsky District, Rostov Oblast</span> District in Rostov Oblast, Russia

Oktyabrsky District is an administrative and municipal district, (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the western central part of the oblast. The area of the district is 1,998.7 square kilometers (771.7 sq mi). Its administrative center is the urban locality of Kamenolomni. Population: 73,224 ; 78,983 (2002 Census) ; 66,566 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Kamenolomni accounts for 15.4% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tatsinsky District</span> District in Rostov Oblast, Russia

Tatsinsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the center of the oblast. The area of the district is 2,411 square kilometers (931 sq mi). Its administrative center is the rural locality of Tatsinskaya. Population: 38,464 ; 43,251 (2002 Census) ; 43,306 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Tatsinskaya accounts for 26.0% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Verkhnedonskoy District</span> District in Rostov Oblast, Russia

Verkhnedonskoy District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the north of the oblast. The area of the district is 2,675 square kilometers (1,033 sq mi). Its administrative center is the rural locality ( stanitsa ) of Kazanskaya. Population: 20,441 ; 23,327 (2002 Census) ; 26,575 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Kazanskaya accounts for 23.1% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Volgodonskoy District</span> District in Rostov Oblast, Russia

Volgodonskoy District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the eastern central part of the oblast. The area of the district is 1,479 square kilometers (571 sq mi). Its administrative center is the rural locality of Romanovskaya. Population: 33,779 ; 30,170 (2002 Census) ; 24,690 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Romanovskaya accounts for 24.4% of the district's total population.

Zavetinsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the forty-three in Rostov Oblast, Russia. The area of the district is 3,000 square kilometers (1,200 sq mi). Its administrative center is the rural locality of Zavetnoye. Population: 17,250 ; 18,508 (2002 Census) ; 18,638 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Zavetnoye accounts for 41.0% of the district's total population.

  • 1 2 3 4 5 Law #340-ZS
  • ↑ Decision #537
  • 1 2 3 Charter of Taganrog, Article   2
  • 1 2 Charter of Taganrog, Article   12
  • ↑ Official website of Taganrog. Mikhail Solonitsin , Head of the Administration of the City of Taganrog (in Russian)
  • ↑ Official website of Taganrog. Information About Taganrog (in Russian)
  • 1 2 Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том   1 [ 2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol.   1 ] . Всероссийская перепись населения 2010   года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Rostov Oblast Territorial Branch of the Federal State Statistics Service . Cities with Populations of 100,000 and Over (in Russian)
  • 1 2 3 Law #190-ZS
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени" . Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011 . Retrieved January 19, 2019 .
  • ↑ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. ( Russian Post ). Поиск объектов почтовой связи ( Postal Objects Search ) (in Russian)
  • ↑ Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Federal State Statistics Service (May 21, 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ Dally, Ortwin; Attula, Regina; Brückner, Helmut; Kelterbaum, Daniel; Larenok, Pavel A.; Neef, Reinder; Schunke, Torsten (2009). " Die Griechen am Don – Ergebnisse der deutsch-russischen Ausgrabungen in Taganrog und Umgebung. Kampagnen 2004-2007. " Archäologischer Anzeiger 1/2009 , pp. 73–119.
  • ↑ Huy, Sabine (2023). Praktiken der Aneignung. Kulturelle Kontakte im nordöstlichen Azovraum vom späten 7.–3. Jh. v. Chr. Wiesbaden: Reichert, ISBN   9783752006285 .
  • 1 2 Chisholm, Hugh , ed. (1911). "Taganrog"   . Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol.   26 (11th   ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp.   355–356.
  • ↑ "taganrogcity.com - Taganrog History in the 19th Century" . taganrogcity.com .
  • ↑ "Границы разделения-3" (in Ukrainian) . Retrieved August 17, 2024 .
  • ↑ "Погода и Климат – Климат Таганрог" (in Russian). Weather and Climate (Погода и климат) . Retrieved November 15, 2021 .
  • ↑ "Taganrog, Rostov, Russia #34720" . Climatebase . Retrieved November 15, 2021 .
  • ↑ Михайлов, В. Д. К локализации пушкинского Лукоморья (in Russian) . Retrieved January 13, 2009 .
  • ↑ Troubetzkoy, Alexis S. Imperial Legend: The Mysterious Disappearance of Tsar Alexander I. New York: Arcade, 2002
  • ↑ "Города - партнеры" . tagancity.ru (in Russian). Taganrog . Retrieved February 5, 2020 .
  • Городская Дума Таганрога.   Решение   №537   от   25 октября 2007 г. «Об официальных символах муниципального образования "Город Таганрог"», в ред. Решения №73 от   31 марта 2015 г   «О внесении изменений в некоторые Решения Городской Думы города Таганрога». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Официальный Таганрог", №35, 10 ноября 2007 г. (City Duma of Taganrog.   Decision   # 537   of   October   25, 2007 On the Official Symbols of the Municipal Formation of the "City of Taganrog" , as amended by the Decision   # 73 of   March   31, 2015 On Amending Various Decisions of the City Duma of the City of Taganrog . Effective as of   the day of the official publication.).
  • Городская Дума города Таганрога.   Решение   №318   от   3 июня 2011 г. «О принятии Устава муниципального образования "Город Таганрог"», в ред. Решения №243 от   29 сентября 2016 г   «О внесении изменений и дополнений в Устав муниципального образования "Город Таганрог"». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования, произведённого после регистрации. Опубликован: "Официальный вестник Таганрога", №16, 25 июля 2011 г. (City Duma of the City of Taganrog.   Decision   # 318   of   June   3, 2011 On Adopting the Charter of the Municipal Formation of the "City of Taganrog" , as amended by the Decision   # 243 of   September   29, 2016 On Amending and Supplementing the Charter of the Municipal Formation of the "City of Taganrog" . Effective as of   the day of the official publication after the registration.).
  • Законодательное Собрание Ростовской области.   Закон   №340-ЗС   от   25 июля 2005 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Ростовской области», в ред. Закона №270-ЗС от   27 ноября 2014 г.   «О внесении изменений в областной Закон "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Ростовской области"». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Наше время", №187–190, 28 июля 2005 г. (Legislative Assembly of Rostov Oblast.   Law   # 340-ZS   of   July   28, 2005 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Rostov Oblast , as amended by the Law   # 270-ZS of   November   27, 2014 On Amending the Oblast Law "On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Rostov Oblast" . Effective as of   the official publication date.).
  • Законодательное Собрание Ростовской области.   Закон   №190-ЗС   от   19 ноября 2004 г. «Об установлении границы и наделении статусом городского округа муниципального образования "Город Таганрог"», в ред. Закона №980-ЗС от   25 октября 2012 г.   «О внесении изменений в областные Законы "Об установлении границы и наделении статусом городского округа муниципального образования "Город Таганрог" и "Об установлении границ и наделении соответствующим статусом муниципального образования "Неклиновский район" и муниципальных образований в его составе"». Вступил в силу   1   января 2005   г. Опубликован: "Наше время", №293–295 (без приложений), 30 ноября 2004 г. (Legislative Assembly of Rostov Oblast.   Law   # 190-ZS   of   November   19, 2004 On Establishing the Border and Granting Urban Okrug Status to the Municipal Formation of the "City of Taganrog" , as amended by the Law   # 980-ZS of   October   25, 2012 On Amending the Oblast Laws "On Establishing the Border and Granting Urban Okrug Status to the Municipal Formation of the "City of Taganrog" and "On Establishing the Borders and Granting an Appropriate Status to the Municipal Formation of "Neklinovsky District" and to the Municipal Formations It Comprises" . Effective as of   January   1, 2005.).
  • Taganrogcity.com: official City of Taganrog website — (in English)
  • Tagancity.ru: official website of Taganrog city — (in Russian)
  • Taganrog.su: unofficial website of Taganrog — (in Russian)
  • Taganrog State − Anton Chekhov Pedagogical Institute — (in Russian)
  • Soviet topographic map 1:100,000
  • Russ-yug.ru: Weather forecasts for Taganrog Archived August 5, 2020, at the Wayback Machine
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  23. Taganrog

    Taganrog ( Russian : Таганрог, IPA: [ təɡɐnˈrok] ) is a port city in Rostov Oblast, Russia, on the north shore of Taganrog Bay in the Sea of Azov, several kilometers west of the mouth of the Don River. It is in the Black Sea region. Population: 245,120 ( 2021 Census); [13] 257,681 ( 2010 Russian census); [8] 281,947 ( 2002 Census); [14] 291,622 ( 1989 Soviet census). [15]