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68′ IRC RACER Prospector

Winning IRC Racer combining good looks and high performance.

Prospector, originally built as Alegre by builder NEB in May 2008, was the culmination of a ten month design and build effort involving some of the best names in the field. This racing design was originally commissioned with a specific bias towards light and medium airs competition, such as the Mediterranean circuit.  In a subsequent upgrade a deeper keel and replacement rig turned her into a very competitive all-rounder.   In addition to winning the 2009 Rolex Middle Sea Race Overall and the Britannia Cup in the UK, Alegre has proven to be very successful in the Grand Prix Mini-Maxi circuit, taking first-to-finish and class titles in both of the most important Med offshores, the Rolex Giraglia and the Middle Sea races, as well as the inshore Rolex Giraglia Trophy.

We started by developing a clear event profile for the boat with the client, on which we built an extensive CFD research program with Dr. Charles Crosby of America’s Cup supplier Cape CFD. The hundreds of runs of the 24 test hulls fed raw data to support in-house VPP trialling of hull, foils, and bulb combinations aiming towards a design which would be strong in light/medium inshore conditions, but was capable of longer and more testing offshore passages. The deck plan is centered around a large inshore cockpit layout which introduces an optimised pit and primary winch layout for sprit-only sailing . The Harken winch package is centred on three linked pedastals driving the primaries and mainsheet winch. The Cariboni AC-derived high pressure hydraulic controls can use a rotary or powered pump to offer the lightest weight fingertip control or by conventional manual pumps.  Engineering for the carbon/nomex structure is by Steve Koopman at SDK (Artemis, Alinghi, Numbers), who has ensured the most optimised structure, materials, and process selection in this build.

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Published on September 2nd, 2014 | by Editor

Mini Maxi fleet not for the fainthearted

Published on September 2nd, 2014 by Editor -->

The appeal of the Mini Maxi Rolex World Championship is clear. Cutting-edge racing yachts crewed by skilled professional sailors, driven by the energy and passion of their owners. “The 72-footers are simply the top boats that exist in monohull racing,” reveals Vasco Vascotto, calling tactics on Robertissima III.

The Mini Maxi Class is in the ascendancy; interest is high, enthusiasm palpable and new designs in the offing. Principally featuring 72-ft length boats, the fifth running of the championship is one of the standout features of this year’s Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, sailing’s annual rendezvous for Maxi yachts in Porto Cervo, Sardinia on September 1-6.

“The boats are powerful, great to sail, versatile and the owner/driver rule allows the owners to go out and win,” explains Niklas Zennström whose Rán crew is the defending champion, winner of three of the four titles to date.

Leaving nothing to chance on water requires dedicated preparation. The working day for the Mini Maxi crews begins in earnest as the sun rises; physical conditioning and mental wellbeing are treated seriously. All teams have their own approach; whether it be hours in the gym, cycling northeast Sardinia’s mountain bike trails, or swimming lengths in the sea.

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Alex Schaerer’s Caol Ila R have their own personal trainer to ensure the crew are in shape to face the demands of each day’s racing. “Exercises and a stretching class help the boys wake up ready for the day’s sailing,” explains the crew’s Swiss fitness coach Andre Winterfield, who runs a beach session each morning. “On the boat you have to sprint quickly in different directions, lift heavy sails, be flexible when the boat is moving. We do a lot of group exercises: this improves spirit, creates trust between teammates.”

The emphasis on physical preparation is embraced by Caol Ila R’s rivals. “It’s a heavy boat so everything you do is loaded, especially for the grinders,” explains Terry Hutchinson, a key member of the afterguard on 2012 champion Bella Mente. “These guys train hard, go to the gym everyday. It’s a balance between physical and cardiovascular strength.”

The Mini Maxi fleet arrived in Porto Cervo in the week ahead of the event, allowing themselves crucial training days. “Time on the water and on the boat is the most valuable thing,” reveals Alegre bowman Matt Cornwell. “The ethos of our team is to keep guys together year on year and build on it. It’s a strength of ours.”

“You need a well-honed crew of professionals, we are racing and practicing for up to 75 days a year,” reveals Bella Mente’s American owner Hap Fauth. “It’s a big programme, we move with 2-3 containers, our travelling crew now is 30 (people); 22 sailing and the rest support crew: cooks, carbon fibre and winch guys, sailmakers. It’s not for the fainthearted; it needs to be organised and orchestrated a year ahead.”

Each training session and race is closely analysed, the boat’s performances assessed, data crunched and analysed, the results shared with the team. The quest is continual improvement. “We have a full time data analysis person who collects information and debriefs on the boat’s performance,” says Hutchinson. “When you get to 100% of the boat’s performance and you still get someone going faster than you that’s when you scratch your head and see what you can do in specific situations to race the boat better. It’s the pinnacle of our sport, you fight for every single inch.” “Each day we will make mistakes,” admits Vascotto, “but every day we try to improve, this is the important part.”

There is widespread belief that this is the toughest Mini Maxi Rolex World Championship to date. Last year’s runner up Alegre, owned by Andres Soriano, appears to have found her ‘sailing legs’ having been the new entry in the 2013 Championship. Meanwhile Zennström is helming a new boat having launched Rán 5 earlier this year. Zennström’s crew can rely on the latest thinking in Mini Maxi design including a wider hull and narrower waterline, but have had little time to adapt; Bella Mente is hungry to regain her crown after disappointment in 2013; Robertissima III and Jethou are consistent performers; Caol Ila R and Shockwave may be the two smaller, older boats but remain highly competitive especially in light air.

“Everyone is strong and has their different modes and conditions they are good in,” adds Cornwell. “We consider Rán the benchmark in this Class, they have won the championship so any times. However, this year all the teams can win races and the championship.” “This is the event that these boats are built for,” explains Bella Mente’s Mike Sanderson, ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year in 2006, “all seven Mini Maxis are slightly different approaches with the same goal. There are some very successful businessmen and multiple world champion sailors racing against each other. Everyone is used to winning.”

“The 2014 Mini Maxi Rolex World Championship is going to be the toughest one ever because competition is getting better every year – we are improving yet so is every team. There’s going to be tight racing,” promises Zennström.

Click here for video.

Source: RegattaNews.com

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News John Hildebrand. From Alice Springs to the ocean wave

John hildebrand. from alice springs to the ocean wave.

Not everyone in our sport started out sailing Opties when they were knee-high. Some didn’t feel the lure of the sea until well into adulthood. One example is Aussie John Hildebrand, whose life, 30 years ago, was about as far from the ocean wave as you can get, running his own engineering company in Alice Springs, in the middle of Australia’s deserty centre. In contrast, today Hildebrand is the ‘go-to guy’ for that increasingly vital area of maxi yacht technology – hydraulics – which has led over the last two decades to his running some of the top maxi programs. 

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Today Hildebrand notably runs Alex Schaerer’s fleet, including Caol Ila R . The silver Maxi 72 had a supreme 2019 season winning the Regata dei Tre Golfi line honours, Rolex Capri Sailing Week and finally Rolex Giraglia overall. However having ridden the crest of the wave, Schaerer has now put Caol Ila R up for sale, although he is far from done with maxi racing and will compete next week at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup on board his Swan 90 Strathisla , on which he usually cruises. 

Part of the amiable Aussie’s success, he acknowledges, has been down to being in the right place, at the right time, and particularly with the right skill set. Originally from Victoria, he had an apprenticeship as an automotive mechanic after which he spent a year cruising around Australia, ending up in Alice Springs. Here he spent the next 10 years, running his own business in electronics, hydraulics and “problem solving stuff”. “I had my pilot’s license and I’d fly out to do repair work.” Some 1,500km from the sea Alice Springs annually hosts the Henley-on-Todd regatta on the dry bed of Todd River with competitors “running around in bottomless boats and drinking lots of beer...” 

Hildebrand admits he only discovered sailing, when, aged 30 and struck by fresh wanderlust, he moved to Queensland and began sailing around the Whitsundays and subsequently travel overseas, much of it going from boat to boat. “When I was in Alice Springs I had done a lot of hydraulic engineering and my mechanical engineering skills got me entry into the yachting scene, because I wouldn’t have had those opportunities based on my sailing skills alone,” he says. 

A fortuitous meeting in the Caribbean with another hardworking Australian, Chris Sherlock, led to Hildebrand joining Mike Slade’s Leopard program. At the time, in the late 1990s, this comprised both the British property developer’s Ocean 80 Ocean Leopard and Longobarda, the ultimate expression in IOR maxis. Due his practical skills, Hildebrand got deeply involved in the build phase of Slade’s new water ballasted Leopard of London maxi launched in 2000 (and subsequently in 2007 with Slade’s next Leopard 3 ). “I was lucky. Because I had my hydraulic engineering experience from Alice Springs, earth moving and mining, etc, I guess I became the mediator between sailors and the systems engineers. The sailors didn’t have any idea of how to operate stuff and how that worked, so, having an understanding of the systems, I was on board for when there were any issues.” 

The early 2000s were a busy time for racing maxi new builds, especially in Australia where Hildebrand became involved with McConaghys, whose facility north of Sydney was on a roll producing 100ft race boats, principally targeting the coveted Rolex Sydney Hobart race line honours. These included Neville Crichton’s Alfa Romeo and Bob Oatley’s Wild Oats on which Hildebrand oversaw the installation of the systems, the winch package and the hydraulics. He then moved across to Cooksons in New Zealand continuing in a similar role in the creation of Alex Jackson’s maxi Speedboat (latterly Rambler 100 and Perpetual Loyal ) before returning to Australia for the Mini Maxis Loki and Limit.  

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Hildebrand’s skills were especially in demand with these yachts being ‘push-button’ and with each new maxi launched, the complexity of their hydraulic package always increased, hydraulics controlling everything from canting keels to the majority of sail controls to winches to propulsion. “The set-up of the winch systems became my forte, from experience having an understanding of the speeds and the [hydraulic] flow rates required and the loads involved.” He became the interface between the sailing crew and the hydraulic system’s engineers, notably Central Coast Hydraulics. Typically these set-ups comprise as many as three ‘variable displacement pumps’, running constantly. These are of differing sizes for different scales of function (from cranking the canting keel up to weather at one extreme to millimetre tweaking of the vang at the other), all operated via a programmable logic controller (PLC).

“In the early days, it was a real learning process – you’d go out sailing and modify and adjust things, change processes and timings. Then after we’d done three or four boats, we could copy and paste a bit. The beauty of the PLC is that you can adjust the system to do what you want it to do; whatever button to do whatever function. The advantage is that you have endless power and the trimmers are happy because they can trim endlessly and they can have endless different speeds.” Perhaps most extreme was one of the big Harken winches on Speedboat which would spit out spinnaker sheet at an impossible-to-tail 225m/minute. “In a gybe you would put it in the tailer and stand back as it would shoot rope horizontally across the cockpit...”

With this experience it was inevitable Hildebrand would be snapped up by an America’s Cup team to work on the entirely hydraulic dependent catamarans of the 34 th and 35 th America’s Cup. Signing with Larry Ellison’s Oracle Team USA he worked with Italian hydraulic specialists Cariboni managing the conversion of Ellison’s DoG maxi-trimaran from pedestal to powered hydraulic winches, and then joined the America’s Cup defender full time for the last America’s Cup in Bermuda, where he was able to work alongside rigging expert Andrew Henderson, long term business partner in their company Dark Horse Yachting. 

Compared to the maxis he’d worked on, hydraulics were almost completely the life blood on the largely rope-free AC50, operating the complex wing and the split-second movement of the daggerboard/lifting foils. “That was a totally different challenge. A lot of the hydraulics we deal with on the big maxis is industrial and off-the-shelf with big engines, plenty of horsepower so you can afford to burn some oil. The Cup stuff was an intricate hydraulic process with a fine balance between efficiency and functionality. We had to supply all the stored [hydraulic] power through human energy so we had to be smart about how we did that because you didn’t want to burn the crew out.” Some of this technology is now filtering into high end maxi yacht projects. 

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Aside from being a hydraulic expert, Hildebrand has also got to use his management skills (no doubt honed working for uber-maxi captain Chris Sherlock) running programs for owners. For a decade he worked in this capacity in Sydney for the Oatley family,  initially project managing the canting keel 60ft Wild Oats (now Wild Joe ) that won the last Admiral’s Cup in 2003, followed by their 66 footer and latterly their serial Rolex Sydney Hobart-winning 100, Wild Oats XI . “It was great to work with Bob and people who are passionate about it. With Wild Oats we did a lot of cool stuff - every year they would come up with a whole concept... The Oatleys loved all that because they were inventors.” 

Hildebrand went on to run Comanche over 2018-19, under the ownership of Australian Jim Cooney, initially managing the VPLP-Verdier design’s conversion from pedestal to hydraulic winches. “ Comanche is a beast! She was another step up, with a lot of French influence. But today there is a whole lot of stuff you could improve on - you’d fit foils - soon a foiling 70 footer will smoke it in the Hobart...” According to Hildebrand, while large foiling monohulls now existed in the IMOCA 60 fleet and the America’s Cup it is a case of ‘when, not if’ they appear on a maxi race boat. “I think we are a year and a half away from seeing a foiling maxi for sure. The foiling IMOCA 60s are driving a massive evolution and once they are allowed elevators on the rudders they will be foiling really well.” 

caol ila r yacht

His longest tenure has been with Alex Schaerer, since managing the build of the Swiss owner’s Martin 67 in 2007. Part of the skill, he maintains, is keeping an owner engaged and providing good value for money. “Often an owner goes ‘I think I’ll buy a yacht’, but they have no idea of how to run it, so a lot of people get involved and then someone goes ‘I can run your yacht for you’, and then their mate is sailmaker and they spend all the owner’s money on sails with no idea of containing a budget or keeping the fun in it for an owner. Then down the track, the owner says ‘it’s costing me all this money and I’ve crashed into a buoy/run aground/haven’t won anything, etc’ and they get tired and sell their yacht. To avoid this, a program needs to be run well.”

Caol Ila R is currently up for sale and if doesn’t change hands, then it may get campaigned again but at a less intense level, says Hildebrand. “It became quite a burden both in budget and intensity for Alex because it was owner-driver. I think he enjoyed most the early days when we had the 68 and it was the Mini Maxi class and a bit less pro. He loved the technology and stepping up into the 72, but the responsibility being the owner-driver at that level probably tipped him over the edge.” 

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In addition to Caol Ila R , Schaerer’s fleet comprises the Marten 67, the Swan 90 plus two sizeable RIBs and a smaller ERYC 30 day sailor in his native Switzerland. Running this, sees Hildebrand under normal circumstances spending the entire summer in Europe. 

Obviously this season, Hildebrand’s movement have been stifled by the pandemic and for example to leave Australia to make it to next week’s Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, he had to get special dispensation from the government to leave Australia. Upon arriving in Porto Cervo, he and Schaerer’s Strathisla crew (slightly shorthanded next week with 10 rather than perhaps the 15 they’d normally have on for racing) have then had to quarantine themselves in their own bubble. Hildebrand will then have to quarantine himself for two weeks again, at his own expense when he decides to return to Australia. 

“Alex’s philosophy is that we all do 10 days in Porto Cervo in a quarantine-type environment, in our own villa and generally being anti-social, containing ourselves to our own group, so that when he arrives we’ll be pure and clean!” Fingers crossed that this is the case. 

(by James Boyd, International Maxi Association)

International Maxi Association Legal Headquarters: c/o BfB Société Fiduciaire Bourquin frères et Béran SA - 26, Rue de la Corraterie - 1204 Genève - Switzerland



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LOA: 20.42 m

Beam: 5.22 m

  • New North Sails 3Di sails
  • Lifting keel for cruising functionality and racing performance
  • Recent refit of Navigation equipment with B&G instruments
  • EC Category A certification
  • Carbon 4 spreader mast and carbon boom

Yanmar 4LHA-HT

Engine Hours: 1205

Horsepower: 150

Fuel Capacity 590 Liter

Fuel Type Diesel

Genset Onan 13.5 MDKAD 50hz. 1017 hours

Propulsion Gori 3 blade folding.

PSS shaft seal.

Hurth ZF gearbox

Thrusters Lewmar retractable bow thruster

The Marten range are truly beautiful performance yachts, renown for their build quality, integrity of design and style.

‘Caol Ila’ is as smooth and sleek as the whisky it is named after. A Raichel/Pugh designed 67 footer is all smooth fast lines outside with a very sleek, stylish interior.

Azzura yachts Australia focused on the production of the ultimate performance cruising/racing yachts.

Full carbon fibre construction and a lift keel for improved draft and performance, uncluttered deck arrangement with concealed sheets, flush hatches and pop up cleats.

A custom interior design by New York designer Ali Tayar makes use of Carbon fiber as a stylish construction material for parts of the fitout including contrasting cupboard doors and the main bathroom sink unit and head.

Classified EC Category A, new E6 Carbon standing rigging for race set up and Nitronic rod rigging for cruising set up. Joystick controlled mainsheet, hydraulic sail trim controls and a full suite of North Sails 3Di offshore sails.

You need to sail this yacht to truly appreciate her stylish simplicity and exceptional sailing qualities.

For the owner who wishes to combine the excitement of a performance racing yacht with the ability to make fast comfortable passages, short-handed or cruising. And look good doing it.

Deck Hardware

Custom Carbon 3 spoke wheels

Custom Carbon quadrant

Emergency tiller

Lifting foot pedestals at helms

6 x flush mounted - pop up deck cleats

Stainless chafe guards at cleats

Double Harken footblocks for jib/staysail

Harken jib tracks

Equiplite snatch blocks

Removable carbon deck protectors

Carbon gangway/passarelle by Exit Engineering

Removable anodized swim ladder

Hot & Cold deck shower

Spray dodger - collapsable

Mast head flag pole - removable

Large lazarette and forepeak storage

Ground Tackle

Folding anchor arm with gas strut assist. 40 kg Delta stainless steel anchor 50 m galvanized chain & rode. Fortress secondary anchor. Lewmar windlass with remote control. Chain counter at helm.

Spray dodger. Boom awning. Sail covers. Helm, Instrument, MOB & Danbuoy covers. Cockpit deck cover. Interior sole covers. Saloon table covers. Nav station covers. Mattress covers. Full set of lightweight race mattresses with covers. Full 3 piece winter boat cover.


CAOL ILA is as impressive below decks as she is above decks. Stylish, adaptable, focused on weight savings and exceptionally well executed.

Aft to port is a large double berth with a generous en suite, a large separate shower with a seat outboard.

Aft to starboard is a single berth that can be converted to a double, with the navigation station forward of the cabin.

Forward of the saloon is the large master cabin suite. To port is an office with seats that can convert to a berth.

Forward is a large double berth on center line with hanging lockers and storage to port and starboard and a large hatch over the berth.

The saloon is full beam with two large settees and an innovative carbon fiber dining table that seats eight.

3 and 2 aft

En suite aft with a large separate shower. Starboard foreward is a spacious bathroom with large stall shower, carbon fiber toilet and elegant vanity sink.

Air Conditioning

Webasto Reverse Cycle HVAC


Fusion marine stereo Flat screen TV in saloon with surround sound

Corian countertops and a double staintess sink with corian covers for added bench space.

Teak paneling with carbon fibre insets and leather ceiling.

Sharp Microwave.

Liquor cabinet.

Isotherm refrigeration

Force 10 two burner cook top with broiler

650 Lt water capacity

Isotherm 50 Lt hot water

Safety Equipment

Safety Gear

Jonbuoy inflatable Dan Buoy. MOM man overboard module. Deck jackstays. Life ring with drogue and light.

Bilge Pumps

Self priming 24VDC centrifugal bilge pumps x 4. Manual bilge pumps x 2. Bilge alarms

8 man Zodiac liferafts x 2 w/ hydrostatic release

ACR 406 EPIRBS x 2

Life Jacket

Spinlock deck vests x 12

Fire Protection

Fire extinguishers ABC x 6. Fireboy Engine room fire suppression system. Gas detector/alarm

Electrics / Electronic s

Panel at Navigation Station

LED interior (dimable) lighting with custom carbon surrounds

Reading lights in the cabins

Lopo nav lights

Boom lights

1 x B&G H3000 processor

4 x B&G displays at mast

2 x B&G H5000 displays in cockpit

2 x B&G Wind direction displays in cockpit

1 x B&G H5000 displays at Nav Station

2 x B&G Zeus 2 displays at helms

1 x B&G Zeus 2 dispaly at Nav Station

1 x B&G H5000 Autopilot

1 x Simrad Radar

1 x Simrad forward looking sonar

1 x Simrad AI 50 AIS

1 x Simrad VHF radio

1 x Thrane & Thrane FB-150 Satellite phone

1 x LocoMarine 4g router/modem

1 x McMurdo Navtex

1 x PC for Navigation and Communication

Sails and Rigging

North Sails 3Di Offshore inventory

Mainsail - 2016

Furling Genoa - 2016

Staysail 3DL - 2013

Non-furling headsails

Jib Med/Hvy - 2012

Jib Light/Med - 2012

A 1.5 - 2009

A5 on Facnor fuler w/cable

With sheets and control lines for all sails


Single point mainsheet with Carboni hydraulic ram

Joystick control at helm for mainsheet

Custom PLC controls for sail functions at helms and both trim stations

Facnor Furler for A-0 sails

Harken 3 speed self-tailing aluminium winches x 4

Harken/Spinlock halyard jammers


24 VDC power pack with 3 x 3.5 kW electric motors

Custom Hydraulic manifold

55 l reservoir

Cariboni Magic Trim Mainsheet

Cariboni Magic Trim Jib car puller

Cariboni Magic Trim Backstay ram

Navtec Genoa Halyard A250-FE-022

Navtec Boom Vang A850-VC-060

Navtec Outhaul A250-LE-022

Navtec Cunningham ram

Navtec Inner Forestay ram

STOP buttons at both helms


Hall Spars High Modulus Carbon Fibre - four spreader mast

Hall Spars Carbon V-Boom

Carbon retractable bow sprit - hydraulic controls

Future Fibre EC6 Carbon standing rigging

Tuff Luff forestay for regatta sailing

Inner forestay lock with tension ram at deck (removable)

Removable check stays


Original Nitronic rod

Harken carbon luff foil extrusion with two grooves

Harken hydraulic headsail furler


Hall Spars High Modulus Carbon Fibre - four spreader mast. Carbon race rigging. Stainless rod cruise rigging.


The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should  instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

KEVIN DAILEY YACHT BROKERAG E  |    203-434-6060   |  N orw alk, CT 06851

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CAOL ILA R (USA) leading SHOCKWAVE (USA) upwind – Image by Rolex Carlo Borlenghi

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This image is featured as part of the article Fabulous Porto Cervo in Sardinia to host 26th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup in September .

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CAOL ILA R (USA) leading SHOCKWAVE (USA) upwind

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Black Jack - en route to line honours victory in June's Loro Piana Giraglia offshore race. She is favourite to repeat this in tomorrow's Palermo-Montecarlo. Photo: Loro Piana / Studio Borlenghi

Black Jack - en route to line honours victory in June's Loro Piana Giraglia offshore race. She is favourite to repeat this in tomorrow's Palermo-Montecarlo. Photo: Loro Piana / Studio Borlenghi

Now optimised for racing offshore, the Balcaen family's former Maxi 72 Balthasar has huge pedigree previously as Alegre, Caol Ila R then as Notorious. Photo: IMA / Studio Borlenghi

Now optimised for racing offshore, the Balcaen family's former Maxi 72 Balthasar has huge pedigree previously as Alegre, Caol Ila R then as Notorious. Photo: IMA / Studio Borlenghi

Record under threat in the Palermo-Montecarlo

By the International Maxi Association

The 19 th  Palermo-Montecarlo yacht race sets sail from Sicily’s capital today (Tuesday 20 August), concluding the International Maxi Association’s 2023-24 Mediterranean Maxi Offshore Challenge, which started with last autumn’s Rolex Middle Sea Race. While the race is typically a light wind affair, this year it may not be so…

Organised by the Circolo della Vela Sicilia (CVS) in partnership with the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM) and Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS), the course as usual will take the yachts through a gate off Porto Cervo, overseen by the YCCS. Competitors then have the option of racing through the Strait of Bonifacio and up the west coast of Corsica or taking the longer route leaving Corsica to port. The distance of the former is around 437 miles.

Among the 51 yacht entered this year are five maxis, competing in the race’s broader IRC fleet.

Favourite for line honours and the Giuseppe Tasca d’Almerita Trophy, is a boat very familiar with the course. The slender 100ft Black Jack won line honours under owner Peter Harburg last year as she did four times before as Igor Simčič’s Esimit Europa II. She returns this year under new Dutch owner Remon Vos. Since changing hands Black Jack won line honours in June’s Loro Piana Giraglia. On that occasion Vos was recovered from an unrelated injury, so Palermo-Montecarlo will be the first time he has sailed on board.

In 2015, as Esimit Europa II, Black Jack set the present race record of 47 hours, 46 minutes and 48 seconds. According to skipper Tristan le Brun their routing shows breaking the record as being possible this time, but warns the forecast is highly uncertain. “The weather is getting more and more interesting: It will be a fast upwind race at the start and a slower race at the end. It will be challenging past Bonifacio to predict what the wind will do – there is a hole in the wind, so right now we don’t know what we’ll have. It looks like it will be quite slow at the end.”

While typically the Palermo-Montecarlo is a mid-summer light airs race, on this occasion there is a strong Mistral blowing in the Golfe du Lion but since this is southeasterly, the navigators will have their work cut out finding the best route through the lee of mountainous Sardinia while the passage between Corsica and the finish is anyone’s bet.

Black Jack is unlikely to have it all her own way. While her crew is largely new to their new steed, the crew on Bryon Ehrhart’s 88ft Lucky not only is packed with former America’s Cup and Volvo Ocean Race winners but they have been campaigning her both as Lucky and as Rambler 88 for almost a decade.

“There will be quite a bit of upwind sailing – definitely for the first part of the race, approaching Porto Cervo,” anticipates Joca Signorini, past Volvo Ocean Race winner and Lucky’s tactician. Getting to the gate could be challenging: “We might have to approach from the east – not ideal because it means more distance and upwind. At the moment it looks like there is a narrow band of wind we’ll have to play on our way up there.

“On the second part, if we are lucky we’ll have wind.” At the moment the approach to Monaco is looking light, giving them a ‘best guess’ ETA as Thursday afternoon.

Black Jack will be their benchmark and Signorini acknowledges that sailing upwind or in light conditions are not ideal for their beamy powerful 88ft speedster, whereas they are for their rival. “It should be a nice race. There will be opportunities for everyone. At the moment the forecast looks like it is a bit more on their side because they are longer and narrower. We are working hard trying to set up the boat in the best way possible so we can give Black Jack a hard time. We’ll wait and see – there are many tricky bits on this course.”

It will also be the first offshore race for the Balcaen family’s former Maxi 72 Balthasar. Since acquiring her, the Balcaens have made the former Alegre/Caol Ila R/Notorious more offshore-orientated, adding one tonne of water ballast, changed to hydraulic winches, plugging the numerous holes in her deck and removing some of her specialist inshore racing kit. While Balthasar competed in the inshores at Loro Piana Giraglia, tactician Bouwe Bekking admits they weren’t firing on all cylinders. Palermo-Montecarlo, in which son Louis Balcaen will skipper Balthasar, will not only be their first offshore but their first time racing at full steam.

As to Tuesday’s race Bekking predicts: “There is 10-14 knots at the start which is more than we’ve ever had before [at the start of this race], at least in the races I’ve done! It looks like there is nice breeze in the gap, but it is the Mediterranean – anything can happen. We had huge thunderstorms here yesterday.”

The other maxis are the 28.27m long 1994 vintage ketch Orsa Maggiore, campaigned by Italy’s Marina Militare under skipper Guiseppe Parrini and the VO65 Sisi.

The first warning signal off the CVS clubhouse in Palermo’s Mondello district will be at 11:55 local time.

The 19 th  Palermo-Montecarlo start can be followed on the  yb tracker .

by James Boyd/International Maxi Association

More information on the Palermo-Montecarlo  here

For more on the International Maxi Association visit  www.internationalmaxiassociation.com  or see the  2024 IMA Yearbook


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  6. Alex Schaerer, skipper of Caol Ila R, discusses Maxi 72 racing

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  7. About

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