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Laser Mast step repair

Discussion in ' Sailboats ' started by Bigfork , Jul 26, 2016 .


Bigfork Junior Member

Hi folks. I've got an old 74 Laser that's really hammered and showing it's age. That said, it's still a great learner and she still boogies. It was the boat I learned on. She was owned by my neighbors while growing up. We would pack 5 kids on it, get dropped off at the launch on Flathead Lake, and then smash around on it all day with compulsory dumps, flips, and long paddles... I want my 1.5 year old to thrash around on this thing in a few years . The mast step has been failing for a while. 10 years ago I did a sloppy repair but the time is now to do it right. The pictures show the removal of the old repair and all funky glass on the edge of the sleeve. So I guess I'm looking for process/repair suggestions. My initial thought was to put a plastic wrapped cup in the socket and then glassing a mini "volcano" of filler and glass to basically raise the deck a 1/2 inch or so. Messy, not pretty, but strong. Now though, I think that seems a bit rash...(?) Should I do this: 1. using West 505, tape off underside of deck-sleeve seam (access through the black hatch), make peanut butter filler and goober a fillet in the hole using the tape beneath as a dam. 2. Use a small bit of cloth on the deck surface to cover the newly welded seam. You might be able to see in the picture, the sleeve has a couple of cracks that creep 2 inches down the tunnel. I was thinking of taking a dremel and mining out the crack (cleaning it and opening it a little). More goober in the mined out cracks and wrapping the bits of cloth down the hole a couple of inches to reinforce the sleeve, deck seam. Does this all sound logical? Should I remove the gel coat on the deck to the same measure of the glass fabric to keep things flush, save room for gel coat (likely some white rattle can)? Should I leave my patch filler "square" or do I feather things into the surface. Right now the opening is square-ed off as seen in the pics. I'm a little concerned about how to keep any glass or filler that wraps down the sleeve smooth. If it's a lumpy mess in the sleeve, the mast/sleeve relationship will be compromised...it's got to stay smooth. PS: I can go in through the black port and see my finger in the hole..ie it's open through. Thanks people! (and remember, I'm not after pretty--just strong and functional)  

Attached Files:

P1040687.jpg, p1040683.jpg, p1040684.jpg.


tom28571 Senior Member

Laser used to offer a repair kit for the many mast steps that failed because of poor construction methods. I had to do one of those myself. Nasty job but necessary. Maybe they still offer it.  


bruceb Senior Member

base repair Definitely try to find a repair kit if at all possible as it includes a whole new tube mated to a piece of deck. Check with a laser dealer or maybe someone at APSLTD that sells laser parts. The mast steps from your vintage used to fail when the bottom of the tube became separated from the hull bottom and then the whole tube cracked out of the deck. They could be saved from cracking if an access port was installed forward of the mast and the tube base properly glassed to the hull bottom, and I usually added some glass around the deck/tube from the inside as well. I think you could do about the same thing with yours if you added one other access port and did all the repairs with epoxy from the inside. Of course you will add several pounds, but it should be fine for your use. If your access ports are correctly located, you can also seal the top of the dagger board trunk to the deck and probably stop the usual leak there. B  
Thanks, I'm aware of the mast step replacement kit. I'd rather not go that route as the general shape of the boat is not worth the labor and money for the replacement kit. The foot of the sleeve is still solid, it's just the wear at the top as the pictures show. Can I just fill and glass for a super simple fix that will last a few more years of limited use? thanks.  


CT249 Senior Member

I had a complete mast tube failure that I just fixed by fitting a wooden ring at deck level. Last I heard, the sea scouts were still using that boat years later, so IMHO a simple fill and glass may be fine. However, make very, very sure the rake doesn't change. My boat was an old but goodie I got from someone I was coaching, just to keep my hand in. In the first championship race after I rebuilt the mast step, I scored more points (against me) than I had counted in the whole of my previous two championship series. Having the mast too upright by a couple of degrees had an enormous effect on upwind speed. I'd put the bottom section in and measure the rake before the repair, then check it after the repair and either fill or grind to make sure the rake was back to the right measurement. I basically blew up a great old warhorse by stuffing up my repair; don't make the same mistake. I miss that boat.  


Skyak Senior Member

Bigfork said: ↑ Hi folks. I've got an old 74 Laser that's really hammered and showing it's age. That said, it's still a great learner and she still boogies. It was the boat I learned on. She was owned by my neighbors while growing up. We would pack 5 kids on it, get dropped off at the launch on Flathead Lake, and then smash around on it all day with compulsory dumps, flips, and long paddles... I want my 1.5 year old to thrash around on this thing in a few years . The mast step has been failing for a while. 10 years ago I did a sloppy repair but the time is now to do it right. The pictures show the removal of the old repair and all funky glass on the edge of the sleeve. So I guess I'm looking for process/repair suggestions. My initial thought was to put a plastic wrapped cup in the socket and then glassing a mini "volcano" of filler and glass to basically raise the deck a 1/2 inch or so. Messy, not pretty, but strong. Now though, I think that seems a bit rash...(?) Should I do this: 1. using West 505, tape off underside of deck-sleeve seam (access through the black hatch), make peanut butter filler and goober a fillet in the hole using the tape beneath as a dam. 2. Use a small bit of cloth on the deck surface to cover the newly welded seam. You might be able to see in the picture, the sleeve has a couple of cracks that creep 2 inches down the tunnel. I was thinking of taking a dremel and mining out the crack (cleaning it and opening it a little). More goober in the mined out cracks and wrapping the bits of cloth down the hole a couple of inches to reinforce the sleeve, deck seam. Does this all sound logical? Should I remove the gel coat on the deck to the same measure of the glass fabric to keep things flush, save room for gel coat (likely some white rattle can)? Should I leave my patch filler "square" or do I feather things into the surface. Right now the opening is square-ed off as seen in the pics. I'm a little concerned about how to keep any glass or filler that wraps down the sleeve smooth. If it's a lumpy mess in the sleeve, the mast/sleeve relationship will be compromised...it's got to stay smooth. PS: I can go in through the black port and see my finger in the hole..ie it's open through. Thanks people! (and remember, I'm not after pretty--just strong and functional) Click to expand...


tspeer Senior Member

Besides the deck/cup junction, another problem area on the Laser is the attachment of the mast cup to the bottom of the boat. I had that junction fail while sailing, and the mast ripped up the deck as it came down and levered the cup. It's a tough joint to assess, because there's no access to it. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to drill a hole through the bottom of the cup and hull and insert a bolt, solid rod, or fiberglass bundle that would ensure the shear stress at the bottom of the cup is not entirely reacted by the bond?  
tspeer said: ↑ Besides the deck/cup junction, another problem area on the Laser is the attachment of the mast cup to the bottom of the boat. I had that junction fail while sailing, and the mast ripped up the deck as it came down and levered the cup. It's a tough joint to assess, because there's no access to it. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to drill a hole through the bottom of the cup and hull and insert a bolt, solid rod, or fiberglass bundle that would ensure the shear stress at the bottom of the cup is not entirely reacted by the bond? Click to expand...

Dave Gentry

Dave Gentry Junior Member

IIRC, the tube is somewhat oval at the deck, allowing the mast a bit of both forward and aft rake, depending on the point of sail. It's been a while since I was racing Lasers, though, so you might want to confirm before adding rings or whatnot. For what it's worth, I would likely glass the deck-to-step joint heavily from the inside, fill the exterior holes with thickened epoxy, then sand down any roughness and call it good. As a point of interest, I've actually been inside a Laser hull, entering through a mast step repair kit hole in the deck, to replace some floatation up front. Exiting was made possible by folks pulling on my feet. I was younger then, and a little skinnier.  


BobBill Senior Member

Aolthough I am sure you have "fixed," (been lurking here) but I can offer one tardy but decent piece of advice, since the effort appears set... "Carbon," applied with care as filler and finish edges and would run a bit of tow around step opening. Should do the trick, unless other issues attend the step.  
Hi folks. Haven't posted in a bit but here's my plan. Because this is just a crash-about boat I've decided against big operation-like the mast step repair kit. Since the tube/deck relationship is only about 30% compromised, I got a new plan. Imagine the area of damage is like a "crescent moon" on only one side of the relationship. I've already got it patched and fared. I sourced some 1" HDPE plastic. I'm going to cut a "doughnut" shape that perfectly fits the dimension of the sleeve. The hole is elongated as the exit through the deck is not a truly round hole (not sure if this is factory or just years of wear). I've got access to a CNC that's going to cut the elongated profile of the hole. This will then be stainless bolted thru the deck to a piece of doughnut greentreat ply beneath the deck, ringing the sleeve from underneath. It's essentially a collar that will help to displace the stress and load at the deck/sleeve joint. The mast will press upon the HDPE with equal pressure just like it does as is leaves the sleeve. Shouldn't change mast rake. The HDPE will sit proud of the deck by it's thickness (1") and basically make the mast sleeve an inch taller. So HDPE doughnut, some 3m5200, 5 stainless bolts/nuts, a chunk of marine ply inside, and done...KISS solution that should last years.  
Bigfork said: ↑ Hi folks. Haven't posted in a bit but here's my plan. Because this is just a crash-about boat I've decided against big operation-like the mast step repair kit. Since the tube/deck relationship is only about 30% compromised, I got a new plan. Imagine the area of damage is like a "crescent moon" on only one side of the relationship. I've already got it patched and fared. I sourced some 1" HDPE plastic. I'm going to cut a "doughnut" shape that perfectly fits the dimension of the sleeve. The hole is elongated as the exit through the deck is not a truly round hole (not sure if this is factory or just years of wear). I've got access to a CNC that's going to cut the elongated profile of the hole. This will then be stainless bolted thru the deck to a piece of doughnut greentreat ply beneath the deck, ringing the sleeve from underneath. It's essentially a collar that will help to displace the stress and load at the deck/sleeve joint. The mast will press upon the HDPE with equal pressure just like it does as is leaves the sleeve. Shouldn't change mast rake. The HDPE will sit proud of the deck by it's thickness (1") and basically make the mast sleeve an inch taller. So HDPE doughnut, some 3m5200, 5 stainless bolts/nuts, a chunk of marine ply inside, and done...KISS solution that should last years. Click to expand...
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SamSam Senior Member

You could grind all around the deck where the mast hole is, wrap the mast in plastic or some other resin barrier, insert it and laminate around it. Probably seal the top of the mast/hole with some clay first to keep the resin from running down inside between the mast and the tube. Start with a bigger circle on the deck and then smaller and smaller until it's built up enough. Pull the mast and then sand the repair smooth, ending up with a smoothly tapered reinforcing ring similar to an ant hill. You should wrap the mast with enough stuff above the mast hole to give the same clearance as the original setup has, or give enough clearance to get the mast out and then finish size it by sanding with a tube wrapped in sandpaper.  


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Boat Design Net

laser sailboat mast step repair

Starting the Mast Step Repair

This will be the first in a series of posts about replacing the mast step on our sailboat, a 1989 Sabre 36 named Glendi. The information here is both a summary of dozens of email discussions and phone calls with Sabre owners who have already dealt with this as well as an archival of my experience fixing the issue. My hope is that this can serve as a guide for anyone who encounters this problem to save some frustration and maybe even a few boats.

Distant early warnings

Do you have a Sabre that is keeled stepped? If yes, read on. Note, this is probably more expansive than necessary as the issue does seem to be limited to certain models and years, however better safe than sorry.

The first indication that we had suffered the dreaded mast step rot, or mast step disease, was a cracked mast step plate. We noticed this when launching the boat in the Spring. Note, we had purchased the boat just a year prior and:

  • I knew about the issue when we bought it
  • It was inspected by a surveyor
  • My broker was a fellow Sabre owner

We all missed it.

This issue hides itself very well, and although the symptoms below are early warning signs, the only way to definitively tell is to remove the mast and drill test bores. If the bores come up wet, you’re cooked. If they are dry, thank Poseidon, throw some epoxy in the hole, and go sailing.

What are all the symptoms?

laser sailboat mast step repair

  • Smelly bilge water when on a tack
  • Deflection of the step itself
  • Visible water damage to the sole around the step, usually in front of the head
  • Visible water damage to the bulkhead next to the step
  • Visible water damage to the step itself
  • The step bulging out on the aft side that is visible when the floorboards are removed
  • Cracked mast step plate (this happens because the step is deflected)

Why? Why?!!

Everyone worth their salt knows Sabres are very well made boats. So how could this happen? Why does it happen? Well, plain and simple it is a massive design flaw, and one that could have been very easily avoided. There are differing opinions as to how the water gets into the step itself, but simply put, water comes down the mast, and spreads out over the area around the step in all directions. It is not directed properly into the bilge and over time, finds a way to penetrate the wood inside the step. Since the wood is mostly sealed, it does not rot, but over decades it gets soft and eventually will fail.

Here’s a good photo compliments of another Sabre owner that shows what lies beneath the sole and where the water acculumates.

laser sailboat mast step repair

And here’s a photo that shows just how backed up the water can get inside the bottom of the mast. The owner drilled a hole in the mast and water came flowing out.

laser sailboat mast step repair

This is the most catastrophic failure I have seen which happened while the owner was sailing and ended up in a scrapped boat. You can easily see in this photo the result of the wood softening over time and the mast eventually compressing it into a pulp.

laser sailboat mast step repair

The problem could have easily been avoided is Sabre had installed a three-sided dam around the step to direct the water aft into the bilge and more effectively sealed the step. Something like this.

laser sailboat mast step repair

Not much to explain here. You will have to remove a relatively significant portion of the sole to get to the step and the two stringers that are fore and aft of the step. Some owners have chosen to replace the entire sole. This can easily double or triple the effort involved with this job. In our case the sole is in decent condition. The plywood under layer forward of the step is wet, however it is not structural and the topmost holly and teak cosmetic portion is dry. I’m going to minimize the sole I cut and try to get creative with how it gets covered up. I’m considering making a new floorboard to fit in the space so I can inspect the area in the future to ensure the issue does not happen again.

laser sailboat mast step repair

The next article will be about measuring to ensure I can place the new step, after I rip everything out, exactly where the old one was. I plan on building a jig (suggestion from a listserv member), hanging a plumb bob, and measuring to various fixed points in the boat to ensure I have a number of ways to verify that the new step is exactly where the old one was before.

Here are all the articles about the mast step issue from the Sabre owners group :

  • Mast step question
  • Mast step box fix
  • Cabin Sole Replacement S 34-II
  • Mast step disease - all models?
  • Base of mast protection
  • Mast step rot
  • S34 # 67 Step replacement & bhead repair


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Diversified Fiberglass

Laser Mast Step Repair Kit

Broken laser mast step.

With a Laser Mast Step Repair Kit from Diversified Fiberglass you don’t have to throw out your broken Laser!

Diversified Fiberglass offers high quality, long-term mast step repair kits guaranteed to stand the test of time. In fact, with over 100 Laser mast steps and decks repaired with this method, Ted hasn’t had a single one fail.

The difference between Ted’s technique and other repair kits is that a Diversified Fiberglass repair kit sits flush with the deck, maintaining the same deck pattern as the original mast step with absolutely no loss of strength. Other mast step kits have a flimsy frame that sits up half an inch above the deck; which means more weak areas and places for leaks, not to mention a less attractive profile. Ted’s method also includes pressure testing to ensure a totally watertight seal, as well as colour and surface matching to your Laser’s deck.

Get the high quality mast step repair your Laser deserves

You can order a mast step kit from Diversified Fiberglass to install yourself, or Ted can install your new mast step to guarantee a leak-proof, strong mast step that sits flush with your deck.

mast step repair kit sitting flush with deck

Sits flush with deck  •  Strong and waterproof

Gelcoat matching • Matched to deck surface

Before Repair

broken laser mast step

After Repair

laser mast step repair kit installed by Diversified Fiberglass

Broken Mast Step Base & Replacement

laser sailboat mast step repair

Completed Repair

Diversified Fiberglass Penetanguishene

Learn more about us  and Ted’s experience.

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Mast & Boom Parts

Laser & ilca mast & boom parts & replacement fittings.

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Laser Sailing Tips

Top Laser Sailboat Accessories & Upgrades

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Last Updated on July 14, 2023 by Brendan

  • 1.1.1 Wind Indicator Details:
  • 1.2.1 Wear Strips Details:
  • 1.3 3. Centerboard Wear Strips
  • 1.4.1 Teflon Mast Step Disc Details
  • 1.5.1 Turbo Kit Details
  • 1.6.1 Ronstan RF62100 Block Details:
  • 1.7 7. Laser Clew Strap
  • 1.8.1 Spliced Vectran Laser Traveler Details:
  • 1.9 9. Traveler Blocks
  • 1.10.1 Carbon Tiller Details:
  • 1.11.1 Deck Cover Details:
  • 1.12.1 McLube Sailkote Details:
  • 1.13.1 Laser Dolly Details:
  • 1.14.1 Telltales Details:
  • 1.15.1 Foil Bag Details:
  • 1.16 16. Spar Carriers
  • 2.1 More From My Site

Many casual and beginner sailors buy an older Laser dinghy as their first boat. Older models, often bought second-hand, regularly do not contain much more than a basic setup. This means that they are missing many of the new laser sailboat accessories that are now available.

This is fine as you start your sailing journey, but as you get into Laser sailing more (for example, start racing), you may want to be more competitive and get more out of your sailing.

With this in mind, many boat manufacturers have developed updated accessories so that you can upgrade your sailboat.

The addition of various types of Laser sailboat accessories generally enhances the sailing experience. Plus, when you add new upgrades to your dinghy, you also increase the value of your boat.

Here is a look at some of the most common Laser sailboat parts.

Popular Laser Sailboat Accessories

1. wind indicators.

Laser Sailboat Accessories

Wind indicators are a great addition to any Laser dinghy. They give a quick and easy visual guide to help you when out on the water. Wind indicators are generally mounted low on the mast so that they are always within easy view, or sometimes on top of the mast. It’s important to ensure that they don’t get caught on the mainsheet of your dinghy or another Laser when in a tight position at the start of a race.

Most good wind indicators feature a universal fit for all Laser dinghies, as well as Opti, Topper, Sabot, and others.

Wind Indicator Details:

  • Vane is held in place with a bracket
  • Low Friction
  • Attaches to mast with a rubber boot
  • Velcro secures indicator in place
  • Replacement vanes/straps also available
  • See an example product here .

2. Mast Wear Strips

Made from thin strips of Teflon, Laser Mast Wear Strips are meant to reduce the amount of friction that can build up between the Laser mast and the step. For best results with these Laser dinghy parts, mount these strips in two locations: one at the bottom of the mast and the other just below the deck line.

Wear Strips Details:

  • Made of thin Teflon (approx. 1mm thick)
  • Adhesive on the back of each strip for ease of installation
  • Pre-cut for precision
  • See an example here .

3. Centerboard Wear Strips

This set contains five square-shaped patches that are designed to reduce friction and wear from the centerboard. They come with an adhesive back which requires no glue. You just peel off the protective sheet and add pressure once you have located where you intend to position them. The kit contains more strips than you may need which provides Laser dinghy spares for replacement.

4. Teflon Mast Step Disk

Designed to fit into the mast step hole, this small Teflon disc will help to minimize friction between the bottom of the mast and the Laser dinghy hull. It can be removed for cleaning and as a result, is reusable. The Teflon Mast Step Disk is used primarily to reduce wear on the mast step which is an important area to look after on any Laser.

Teflon Mast Step Disc Details

  • Made from durable Teflon
  • Keeps grit from damaging the bottom of the mast and mast step
  • Class legal for use on any Laser sailboat
  • See an example of this product here .

5. Turbo Kit

If your goal is to be a competitive sailor, you will sooner or later require a Turbo Kit. In fact, it is considered a Laser sailboat accessories necessity for the modern Laser sailor. The kit contains several items including a Harken vang (with blocks), a cam cleat plate, a Cunningham plate, Ronstan blocks, a vang key, and lines – some great Laser dinghy spares.

Turbo Kit Details

  • Increases purchase on most control lines
  • Reduces friction with efficient smooth blocks the system runs through

6. Ronstan RF62100 Block

The makeup of this Block features a patented extruded hole design that provides a very powerful grip thanks to the groove profile of the sheave. The holding power has been rated at up to 20:1 for this exceptionally lightweight but heavy-duty block.

Ronstan RF62100 Block Details:

  • Unmatched holding power of up to 20:1
  • Dual-sided on or off switch which can be operated under load
  • Ball-bearing system provides low friction
  • Easy bearing maintenance due to cheek cut-outs in design
  • See more on this product here .

7. Laser Clew Strap

The clew tie-down strap contains three main parts. There is Spectra webbing, a stainless steel ‘D’ fitting, and Velcro. The strap is used to secure the sail clew tightly against the boom. The design is such that the strap can be attached to the boom so that it can slide to provide smooth outhaul adjustment.

8. Spliced Vectran Laser Traveler

Designed to provide the tightest leech tension, this traveler is manufactured from strong Vectran. The line features Brummell splicing at the load-bearing point. This eliminates additional bulk underneath the tiller while keeping it all class legal.

Spliced Vectran Laser Traveler Details:

  • Extra-long at 11-feet
  • Made with 5mm wide V12 Vectran
  • Rated at zero stretch to enhance feel and tuning ability

9. Traveler Blocks

If you are looking for a suggestion of great sailing accessories that won’t blow a hole through your wallet, this would be it. The Harken Traveler Block features one-piece construction with a hinge that connects the two halves. It also utilizes ball bearings for low friction sheeting and fast main sheet requirements.

10. Carbon Tiller

As far as tillers go, the carbon tiller is considered the gold standard and a popular choice for many to add to their Laser sailboat accessories. That’s because it is lightweight, stiff, and often contains the strength of a titanium wear plate. Designed with a low profile, this tiller is durable and long-lasting.

Carbon Tiller Details:

  • Provides more leech tension by making the mainsheet and traveler tighter
  • Weighs just 500 grams
  • Measures only 110 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm

11. Deck Cover

Protect your Laser sailboat with a dingy Deck Cover. They come in a few different colors and are best if made from water-repellent, breathable 900d fabric which is also UV resistant. You can get a custom fit with dinghy covers by using the included reinforced sewn elastic cord.

Deck Cover Details:

  • Padded corners
  • Reinforced wear points
  • Heavy-duty straps with quick-release buckles
  • Comes complete with a carry bag
  • See laser dinghy covers here .

Known by the brand name of Sailkote, this spray-on dry lubricant is the silver bullet for most sailors. That’s because it is a high-tech, high-performance product that makes anything on your boat run smoother, work more efficiently, and last longer with reduced wear and tear.

McLube Sailkote Details:

  • Popular and effective marine-use dry lubricant
  • Dries in seconds after application
  • Does not attract dirt, water, or other contaminants
  • Lasts longer than wax, oil, or Teflon-based lubricants
  • See McLube here .

13. Laser Dolly

Haul your boat to and from the water by yourself with ease using a specially designed Laser Dolly . The Dolly supports should fit snuggly which protects the gunwale gel coat. Made from aluminum, Dollies are both lightweight and strong and one of the most important of sailboat accessories.

Laser Dolly Details:

  • Aluminum construction with boat-friendly round corners
  • Handle at the bow end of dolly make maneuvering simple
  • Wheel hub features ball bearings for easy rolling
  • See more laser dollies and trailers here .

14. Telltales

Essentially telltales permit easier sail trimming and steering on a sailboat. What the ‘tails’ will ‘tell’ you are a lot of different information related to air movement over the surface of the sail. While the placement of telltales is crucial, there are several configurations commonly used. Each telltale has a disc that is stuck onto the sail. The ‘tail’ is left to flow freely.

Telltales Details:

  • Available in sets of various quantities
  • Made from nylon or wool yarn and are a few inches long
  • See info on wind indicators and tell tales here .

15. Foil Bag

Designed as a protective bag to cover the rudder and fin of your Laser sailboat when not in use or in transport, some Foil Bags are large enough to provide room not only for your foils but also the tiller/extension, sails, ropes, and battens. Made from 600D material with a PU coating for strength and durability.

Foil Bag Details:

  • Fully padded shell and interior pockets
  • Includes a mesh side pocket
  • Zip or Velcro closures
  • Removable shoulder strap, adjustable with a carry handle
  • See a foil bag here .

16. Spar Carriers

A Spar Carrier is intended for use in carrying spars (2-piece mast, and boom). The spar carriers are available in different colors and as Laser sailboat accessories, they allow you to safely transport spars on top of the deck of your Laser.

In Conclusion

For new and seasoned Laser dinghy owners, it is great to know that there are lots of different laser sailboat parts and accessories that you can purchase to help you sail faster, to help protect your gear,  and to make your time out on the water more enjoyable.

For keen sailors, you can increase your chances of being more competitive by updating your gear and adding new laser dinghy accessories to your boat. You don’t necessarily need any of these options, but they are there to add to your Laser sailboat accessories kit as your budget and experience allows.

Previous: Inspecting a Laser Dinghy

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About Brendan

Brendan has over 30 years experience sailing dinghies, yachts, and windsurfers, but has recently started Laser sailing. "I found it difficult to find all the information that I needed when I started sailing my Laser, and I am sure that others have had the same problem. So I combined all the information I could into this website to help other Laser sailors get the most out of this sport. If you have any questions or comments, let me know... I will get back to you as soon as I can."

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Welcome to The Sailing Store | Your Premier Destination for Sailboat Racing | Rigging and Gear


ILCA / Laser® Complete Racing Lines

$ 120.00


This package includes all the lines needed for competitive racing in laser, the lines can be spliced or tied though splicing the control blocks is recommended

Lines included in the kit:

  • 6mm Pro Racing Mainsheet 41ft
  • FSE Robline 3mm Outhaul Control Line
  • FSE Robline 3mm Cunningham Control Line
  • Alpha Ropes 2mm Dyneema for Outhaul Purchase
  • New England Ropes 3mm Dyneema for Cunningham Purchase
  • Alpha Ropes 2mm Dyneema for Daggerboard Downhaul
  • Bungee for Daggerboard Downhaul and Hiking Strap
  • FSE Robline 3mm Vang Cleated Control line
  • Alpha Ropes 2mm Dyneema for Vang Purchase
  • FSE Robline 3mm for Rudder Downhaul
  • Yale Vectrus 4mm for Traveler

These lines will all work with the OEM standard blocks, for the best performance we recommend Harken T18 Series blocks for the controls and Vang and Ronstan 40c for the mainsheet block.

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Laser Dolly Strap


Pro Clew Strap for Laser®


Rooster® Auto Bailer Spring for Laser®


Sailing Gift Certificate

  It's no secret that many of the world's top sailors perfected their skills in the Laser. With over 170,000 boats constructed to date, the Laser is the gold standard in single-handed, one-design sailing. The Laser, designed by Bruce Kirby, was built on the philosophy that the sailor wins the race, not the boat. Every Laser in the world is identical. Laser racing is a true test of skill.

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How to Rig a Laser Sailboat

Last Updated: February 1, 2024

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 25 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 148,987 times. Learn more...

This is a step by step instruction on how to rig the original laser.

Step 1 Get all your parts together.

  • The sail should now be flapping in the wind.

Step 6 Get your boom, and put its front end into the gooseneck (the little pin sticking out of your mast).

  • If you have cleated the outhaul properly, the boom should now stay up on its own.

Step 8 Attach the clew-tie-down...

  • Test it by pulling up on the rudder. Then put on the tiller by sliding it into the space on the top of the rudder. Once it's in, insert the pin to hold it there.
  • Tie the dagger board with a long loop of elastic to the eye at the very front of the boat.
  • Verify the elastic creates enough friction that the daggerboard will stay up or down (even when you invert the boat).

Step 12 Launch.

Community Q&A


  • If this is a new boat, rig it entirely, on land, and test out all the parts. Pull on the mainsheet and such, in order to make sure nothing breaks. This way, you're not stuck on the water when a part of the boat fails. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Flake the main sheet twice, once on hull then lastly inside cockpit so the bitter end is on the bottom..also a weather cane clipped on mast directly across from boom is helpful as well as tell-tales (and a whistle in your life vest and a helmet on your head). Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • When rigging the boat, make sure it is pointed into the wind Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

laser sailboat lines

Things You'll Need

  • The boat itself (the hull)
  • the dagger board and a piece of elastic
  • the rudder and tiller
  • your mainsheet
  • both mast pieces
  • one hull plug

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  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3HsMXwGUNs
  • ↑ https://lasersailingtips.com/rigging-and-launching/
  • ↑ http://marinaaquaticcenter.org/sailing/PDFs/Laser%20Rigging.pdf

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Excellent sail, ideal for training and comes with a sailbag, Our only drawback was the long delivery time (2-3 weeks) and having to pay €90 in customs charges all due to Brexit! If Sailing Chandlery had a outlet here in the Republic or in Northern Ireland, business could get much better.

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The Thrill of Laser Sailing: A Comprehensive Guide

The world of sailing is vast, pulsating with exciting possibilities and various types of boats for every kind of sailor. One such remarkable vessel that has dominated the sailing landscape for its remarkable speed, agility and ease of use is the laser sailboat.

laser sailboat lines

What Exactly is Laser Sailing?

Laser sailing is a popular form of sailing that utilizes a laser class dinghy, a small sailboat designed for one or two people. The term ‘laser’ refers to the specific design and build of the sailboat, which is characterized by its simplicity and affordability. It is often used for training beginners as well as in competitive sailing due to its international recognition as a class of sailboat in the Olympic games.

Why Choose Laser Sailing?

The rising popularity of laser sailing is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the laser class dinghy is one of the most affordable sailboats on the market. This makes sailing more accessible to a wider audience, as the financial barrier is significantly reduced.

Secondly, the simplicity of the laser sailboat design makes it easy for beginners to learn how to sail. The laser sailboat only has two lines to manage; the main sheet and the vang. This allows new sailors to focus on mastering the basics of sailing without getting overwhelmed.

Lastly, laser sailing offers an incredibly thrilling experience. The small size of the boat combined with its impressive speed capacity allows for a unique and exhilarating sailing experience.

The Intricacies of Laser Sailing

Understanding the basics of laser sailing is just the start. To truly master this form of sailing, one must delve deeper into the intricate details. This includes understanding the laser sailboat’s rigging, the sailing techniques, and the rules of competitive laser sailing.

The Rigging of a Laser Sailboat

The rigging of a laser sailboat is simple yet effective. The sailboat consists of a hull, a single sail, a mast, and a rudder. Due to its simplicity, it is quick and easy to rig a laser sailboat. However, rigging the sailboat correctly is crucial. Failure to do so can result in poor performance or even damage to the boat.

Mastering Laser Sailing Techniques

While laser sailing shares many techniques with other forms of sailing, there are a few specific techniques that every laser sailor must master. These include, but are not limited to, mastering the appropriate body positioning, understanding the sail settings for different wind conditions, and executing quick and efficient turns.

Competitive Laser Sailing

If you have mastered laser sailing techniques and are ready to test your skills, competitive laser sailing is the next step. It’s not only about speed, the success in a laser sailing race also depends on your strategy, understanding of wind shifts, and efficient boat handling.

Concluding Thoughts on Laser Sailing

Laser sailing is a thrilling and accessible form of sailing that is beloved by beginners and professional sailors alike. From mastering the elegant simplicity of the laser sailboat to feeling the adrenaline rush as your sailboat glides over the water, laser sailing offers an experience that is unlike any other. Let this comprehensive guide enlighten you about the nuances of laser sailing and encourage you to embark upon this exhilarating journey.

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Vela Sailing Supply

Laser Sailboat Class Legal Parts

When you need a wide range of sailboat gear and hardware, no brand is quite as versatile as Laser. From Laser sailboat parts, spars and Laser sailboat accessories to control systems, lines, blocks, wind indicators, full blown Laser sails, and sailboat covers, you'll find a solution to your boating needs great or small. Laser sails are offered in full rig, radial and 4.7 sizes to meet the needs of your yacht whether it's for cruising or racing.

Grab all your Laser sailboat parts, sails, and accessories from Vela Sailing Supply and save big with free shipping in the Continental United States on all orders over $90!

Laser Accessories

ILCA Laser Hull Cover by Storm

Sunfish 12 in Sail Numbers Letters

Sunfish Sail Numbers & Letters 12 in. (price per digit)

Laser 10 in Sail Numbers Letters

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Laser Performance Laser Hiking Strap by Seitech

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Ronstan Tiller Extension Saddle

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Shoreline Sailboats

  • O’pen Skiff Purchase Page
  • ILCA – Element 6
  • RS Sailboats
  • Sunfish – Recreational
  • Sunfish – Race Version
  • Sunfish Sails
  • LaserPerformance Sunfish Parts Price List
  • 420 – Zim Sailing
  • Finding the Right Laser Rig: Formula
  • Racks by Dynamic Dollies and Racks
  • Load Rite Trailers
  • Load Rite Sunfish Trailer
  • **NEW** LoadRite for Sailboats
  • Sunfish Dolly by Dynamic
  • Optimist Dolly by Dynamic
  • How to Apply Laser Sail Numbers
  • Applying Laser Sail Numbers
  • North Sails for LaserPerformance Dinghies
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Laser – LaserPerformance

$ 5,100.00

Please Contact Us for Availability

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  • Reviews (0)

Laser Class Laser by LaserPerfomance – $6,475.00!


Features Laser sailing is an investment in skills that will last a lifetime, skills that apply to any boat. Laser sailors have access to a community of sailors from around the world who love to race. One Laser sailor in Honolulu recently recorded the first Laser speed record at 16.8 knots, or 28 feet per second. ( Link to our Laser speed record story ) When you are ready to race, get into a Laser.

The International Laser Class hosts more events in more nations than any other one-design class in the world. In North America alone there are more than a thousand events each year. Whether you choose to race in local club events or international championships there is an event for everyone. The International Laser Class magazine,  Laser World  and the North American class magazine  Laser Sailor  will always keep you up-to-date on future events, results, and tips to improve your Laser sailing.

The International Laser Class Association runs a circuit of Masters events for Laser sailors over 35 years of age. The Masters circuit culminates in the Laser Masters World Championship which is held annually. The Laser Masters racing circuit is the largest and most heavily attended masters racing group of any one-design class in the world.

Lasers are available with one of two options, the Race package and the XD package.Laser Race: Allen upgrade powerpack, Allen upgraded vang, gorilla tiller with 42” extension, 60 mm Allen ratchet block, padded hiking strap, rolled sail, upgraded line package, GRP foils with upgraded rudder bolt.Laser XD: XD Harken vang , XD Harken powerpack, XD Carbon tiller, XD Carbon tiller extension, XD padded hiking strap, Harken 57 mm ratchet block, upgraded vectran line package, GRP foils with upgraded rudder bolt. The Laser has a Vela gray hull with a Vela gray deck. The $6,475 list price is for the Laser Race version.  The Laser XD option is available at $6,998


Contact Shoreline Sailboats for more information about the Laser or to order your boat:

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Laser Sailboat

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The world's most popular adult racing class boat. The upgraded Radial Race XD uses the same hull ..

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The world's most popular youth class boat. Recognized as a competitive youth class boat around th..

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The world's most popular adult racing class boat. True to box one-design standards, each Laser in..

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Laser (International)

Laser (International) is a 13 ′ 8 ″ / 4.2 m monohull sailboat designed by Bruce Kirby and Ian Bruce and built by Performance Sailcraft and LaserPerformance starting in 1970.

Drawing of Laser (International)

  • 2 / 25 Jersey City, NJ, US 2021 Laser (International) $4,500 USD View
  • 3 / 25 Deltaville, VA, US 1987 Laser (International) $2,750 USD View
  • 4 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 5 / 25 Traverse City, MI, US 1979 Laser (International) $2,000 USD View
  • 6 / 25 Jersey City, NJ, US 2021 Laser (International) $4,500 USD View
  • 7 / 25 Jersey City, NJ, US 2021 Laser (International) $4,500 USD View
  • 8 / 25 Deltaville, VA, US 1987 Laser (International) $2,750 USD View
  • 9 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 10 / 25 Traverse City, MI, US 1979 Laser (International) $2,000 USD View
  • 11 / 25 Deltaville, VA, US 1987 Laser (International) $2,750 USD View
  • 12 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 13 / 25 Traverse City, MI, US 1979 Laser (International) $2,000 USD View
  • 14 / 25 Jersey City, NJ, US 2021 Laser (International) $4,500 USD View
  • 15 / 25 Jersey City, NJ, US 2021 Laser (International) $4,500 USD View
  • 16 / 25 Deltaville, VA, US 1987 Laser (International) $2,750 USD View
  • 17 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 18 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 19 / 25 Jersey City, NJ, US 2021 Laser (International) $4,500 USD View
  • 20 / 25 Deltaville, VA, US 1987 Laser (International) $2,750 USD View
  • 21 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 22 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 23 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 24 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View
  • 25 / 25 Sloatsburg, NY, US 2014 Laser (International) $3,650 USD View

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

First selected as Olympic class in 1996.

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West Coast Sailing

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Sails & Battens

Shop sails and battens for Laser / ILCA sailboats including Standard / 7 Rigs, Radial / 6 Rigs, and 4.7 / 4 Rigs. West Coast Sailing offers sails from both North and Hyde with Free Sail Numbers and Installation on all new class-legal racing sails. Batten sets and practice/training sails are also available. Our expert team will have your new sail numbered and out the door quickly with fast, free shipping on qualifying orders. Find out why thousands of Laser / ILCA sailors around the world trust West Coast Sailing for all their sail and parts needs.

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ILCA 7 Sail MK2

ILCA 7 Sail MK2 (North)

ILCA 7 Sail MK2 Hyde

ILCA 7 Sail MK2 (Hyde)

ILCA 6 Sail (North)

ILCA 6 Sail (North)

ILCA 6 Sail

ILCA 6 Sail (Hyde)

ILCA 4 Sail

ILCA 4 Sail (North)

Hyde ILCA 4 Sail

ILCA 4 Sail (Hyde)

ILCA Batten Set

ILCA / Laser Batten Set

Laser Mark 2 Practice Batten Set by Rooster

Laser Mark 2 Batten Set (Rooster)

Laser Standard Sail by Rooster

Laser Standard Training Sail (Rooster)

Laser Radial Sail by Rooster

Laser Radial Training Sail (Rooster)

Laser 4.7 Sail by Rooster

Laser 4.7 Training Sail (Rooster)

Laser Batten Set

Laser Batten Set (Rooster)

Ronstan Tell Tales

Ronstan Tell Tales

Yarn Tell Tales

Yarn Tell Tales

Laser / ILCA Rolled Sail Bag

Laser / ILCA Rolled Sail Bag (Fast Canvas)

Sail Number 12" Pre-Cut Euro

Sail Number 12" Pre-Cut Euro

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Laser / ilca sails - standard/7, radial/6, 4.7/4, free sail numbers & installation + free shipping.

West Coast Sailing was the first to provide free sail numbers and we still do! All ILCA / Laser racing sails include free sail numbers and sail number installation . Easily enter your sail number, select your preferred sail number style, and add a country code (if you need one). Enjoy free ground shipping on qualifying orders with expedited shipping options available. We strive to ship sails within one business day so that you can get out on the race course with your new sail quickly.

Laser / ILCA Sail Sizes & Options

Laser Standard / ILCA 7  - The 'standard' sized Laser sail (76 square feet) is the most common, particularly on older boats, and used with the 'standard' lower mast section. Laser Standard Sails are now only available in the new Mark II version, which is a radial cut sail, from both North Sails and Hyde Sails and are ILCA class approved for racing.

Laser Radial / ILCA 6 - The 'radial' sized Laser sail (62 square feet) is used with the 'radial' lower mast section, which is a few feet shorter than the 'standard' lower mast section to accommodate the smaller sail and allow the rig to depower more easily. Laser Radial Sails are also available from North Sails and Hyde Sails and are ILCA class approved for racing.

Laser 4.7 / ILCA 4 - The smallest of the three rig/sail sizes, the '4.7' Laser sail (50 square feet) is used with the 4.7 lower mast section, which is shorter than the 'radial' lower mast section and pre-bent just above the deck line to depower the rig. This sail size is commonly used for youth sailors just getting into the Laser class who are not big enough to manage either the Radial or Standard size rig. Laser 4.7 Sails are also available from North Sails and Hyde Sails and are ILCA class approved for racing.

Laser & ILCA Practice Sails - While not not class legal for racing, these 'practice' sails (sometimes called 'replica' sails) are cut from a slightly heavier cloth for longer life but to the same pattern as class-approved sails. They have a similar feel to using a class-approved sail but are less expensive, making them great for training or for recreational sailors. We currently offer 'practice' sails from Rooster, which include battens and a bag.

North Sails vs Hyde Sails - Myths & Facts

There has been much debate over the years about the 'differences' between North and Hyde Laser sails, most of which is myth. We've sold thousands of Laser sails in the last 14+ years and worked with sailors around the world, so here are some things we've learned.

Myths about Laser Sails

  • Hyde Has More Resin - There are some small physical differences between the two sails. The question is what is 'perceived' different, and what is actually physically different. If you feel both sails side by side, the biggest difference is that, generically speaking, the Hyde sails feel more 'slick'. The rumor is that there is more resin injected into the cloth, so the sail holds a shape better and is more durable.
  • Hyde Sails Have a Tighter Leach - The Laser sail is very low tech compared to any modern sail design/cut/manufacturing. With that, there are some variations observable over a batch of say... 40-50 sails. The panels are uniform, but there could be small variations at the edges of each panel as it is cut. Additionally, as the panels attached to each other, there is a small margin for error that can sometime be seen.
  • Hyde Cost More, so they must be better - Hyde and North's probably cost about the exact same to manufacture. Hyde Sails just seem to have a longer distance to travel as they go through the UK before coming to the US. There was a rumor that the VAT tax added to the price, but that cost should be removed once a product is exported from the UK.

The Facts About Laser & ILCA Sails (Real World Experience)

Many of our customers swear by Hyde for serious racing because they last longer and have a better shape. The flip side is that some of our customers prefer the initial 'setup' of the North, even if it is perceived to have a slightly shorter lifespan. Keep in mind, we are dealing on the fringes of what is real and what is perceived. Top level sailors will go fast with either sail and intermediate sailors get a big boost from a new sail no matter what the brand. If you care for each sail the same, keep it clean and be careful not to flog it needlessly at the dock or while sailing, either brand should deliver solid and very similar results over it's lifespan.


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Repairs Department

laser sailboat mast step repair

Northwest River Supplies

The NRS Repair Department is here to help from our Moscow, Idaho headquarters. Read on for details on general repairs, pump repair options, latex dry wear gasket replacements, pressure testing, and more.

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Does your NRS gear or apparel need a little TLC? Give us a call and we can let you know whether we can repair your stuff!

International Customers: If you are outside of the United States, please contact us before sending anything our way.

General repairs EXCLUDING shipping: $35.00 per hour

For repair needs or questions, please contact us .


If you would like NRS to repair your gaskets or test* for pinholes or potential leaks in your dry suit, please add the desired items below to you cart and checkout.

Agency Customers: If you are sending in multiple dry suits for an agency department, please use our Agency Dry Suit Intake Form .

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Latex Neck Gasket Repair Service for Dry Wear

Image for Latex Wrist Gasket Repair Service for Dry Wear

Latex Wrist Gasket Repair Service for Dry Wear

Image for Latex Sock Repair Service for Dry Suits

Latex Sock Repair Service for Dry Suits

Image for Latex Ankle Gasket Repair Service for Dry Suits

Latex Ankle Gasket Repair Service for Dry Suits

Image for Leak Evaluation and Repair Service for Dry Suits

Leak Evaluation and Repair Service for Dry Suits

*Note: the leak evaluation service is only available for dry suits. Semi-dry suits featuring a neoprene neck closure (e.g.: Explorer, Navigator, Spyn, Nomad, Ascent SAR, Kokatat Supernova) or neoprene wrist closures (e.g.: Ascent SAR) are not compatible with this leak evaluation service.

U.S. customers: shipping is included in the purchase price of the repair. After your order is submitted, you will receive an email with a shipping label and instructions for shipping your dry wear to NRS.

International customers: shipping your dry wear to/from NRS in the United States will be your sole responsibility.

Squeaky-Clean Repair Policy

We are happy to repair your clean NRS gear, so be sure to rinse, dry and remove all dirt/sand/debris from the interior and exterior of your dry suits. (We’re lookin’ at you, sandy socks!) Any gear sent in for repair that has not been cleaned will result in a $30.00 cleaning fee.

For additional dry suit gasket needs or questions, please contact us.

DIY Gasket Repair

Gasket repair kits and an instruction video are available if you’re feeling adventurous.


Looking for some tips on what you can do to fix your own pump? Read about how to maintain and repair NRS Barrel Pumps . Replacement pump parts are available for purchase.

For additional pump needs or questions, please contact us.

Image for Wonder Pump 6 Hose

Wonder Pump 6 Hose

Image for Bravo High Pressure Pump Replacement Hose

Bravo High Pressure Pump Replacement Hose

Image for Scoprega GP 5 Foot Pump Hose

Scoprega GP 5 Foot Pump Hose

Image for Foot Pump Nozzles

Foot Pump Nozzles

Image for Big Blower Nozzle

Big Blower Nozzle

Image for NRS Super Pump Adapter Set

NRS Super Pump Adapter Set

More Pump Parts »


We do not repair boats and SUPs, but are happy to refer you to some awesome folks who do! Visit the state- and region-specific list of NRS suggested boat repair facilities . You can also contact us for additional information.

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laser sailboat mast step repair


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We are a team of electrical engineers and technicians who remanufacture automotive electronics. When your ABS light comes on, or your temperature controls stop working we can help. If the mechanic quotes you a high replacement cost, or you just can't find the part anymore check out our website for a low cost, sustainable alternative. You can remove the part and ship it to us yourself or ask your mechanic to do it for you. Still have questions? Give us a call, we're happy to help!

Black and white photo of blond woman working on circuit board.

Seriously into modules since 2004

From its humble beginnings in 2004 operating out of his parent’s tiny pump house, Gavin Curtis grew ModuleMaster into a leading-edge technology company specializing in the repair of automotive electronics. Today, ModuleMaster operates out of two state-of-the-art facilities in Moscow, Idaho, home of the University of Idaho.

ModuleMaster receives over 1,000 modules a month including ABS controllers, instrument clusters, climate control modules, trip computers, and the list keeps growing.

Customer Testimonials

I have used module master on 2 occasions for my 2004 Chevy Suburban. The first time for the ABS module and the second time for the instrument cluster. In both cases both were repaired and returned quickly, both worked perfectly. I recommend module master without any reservations! Mike D. / Long Beach, CA
I sent Module Masters an instrument cluster to get repaired that had an ignition off draw which was not the normal gauge problems that GM clusters have. They fixed it and rebuilt it and it is working great now. I couldn’t be happier!! They have great communication and very knowledgeable. THANKS!! Jesse K. / K-Tech Automotive
You folks have found the right blend of customer service and quality workmanship at a reasonable price. American trained craftsmen are the only way to go for us in this segment of the auto parts repair industry. ABS Automotive | San Mateo, CA
My motorcycle ABS unit quit. Bought a used one off the web, sent to Module Master, they sent it back with the note that it was in perfect working order with NO Charge. I installed it and it works! How wonderful to experience old school customer service, honesty, and integrity. I am sending the faulty one for repair today! Awesome! Wonderful! Stuart D. | Atlanta, GA
Just a short note to thank Gavin and his team at Module Masters. Just received my second front seat ECU module for my Bentley, fully restored to original operating condition. Incredibly fast service and a massive saving over new factory parts, I literally saved hundreds of dollars!! I highly recommend Module Master and will certainly use their services again for future projects. Ken W.

laser sailboat mast step repair

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2006 S Main St

Moscow, Idaho 83843

Mon - Thurs, 8am - 4pm PST

(208) 892-0764

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  1. Mast step broken: is it repairable?

    Mast step failures are more common in the Laser class and somebody used to market a repair kit composed of a new tube and rather large section of deck that could be glassed into the damaged area. I have seen a few of these repair jobs and they looked like overkill, but at least they got the boat back on the water.

  2. My Laser Mistake (and a specific mast step repair Q)

    If it's more, fill the tube with until it's 14" and then drop a SS wear plate in. Fill the space between the sides of the tube and plywood base with a mix of resin/filler.. peanut butter consistancy. There are a number of good threads on here that explain everything - use the search and search on "Mast Step Repair".

  3. Laser Mast Step Repair (not A Kit)

    This is a short video slide show on a Laser mast step repair. Very easy and very quick. This was a dry older boat that was purchased for $200. It weighed in at just over 130 lbs. Repair took just two days and was sailed the following day. It is a very fast boat. I have three lasers and this boat is my favorite sail! We named it "Open Heart".

  4. Laser Mast step repair

    Because this is just a crash-about boat I've decided against big operation-like the mast step repair kit. Since the tube/deck relationship is only about 30% compromised, I got a new plan. ... Bigger Sail for Laser Pico. fightingtorque, Jul 3, 2018, in forum: Sailboats. Replies: 6 Views: 4,043. fightingtorque Jul 11, 2018. New life for old ...

  5. How to install a new laser mast step

    http://DiversifiedFiberglass.ca offers high quality, long-term mast steprepair kits (for laser 1 series) guaranteed to stand the test of time. In fact, with ...

  6. CBI Laser mast step repair part 1 2012

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  7. Pragmatic Sailor

    Starting the Mast Step Repair. This will be the first in a series of posts about replacing the mast step on our sailboat, a 1989 Sabre 36 named Glendi. The information here is both a summary of dozens of email discussions and phone calls with Sabre owners who have already dealt with this as well as an archival of my experience fixing the issue.

  8. Laser Mast Step Repair Kit

    With a Laser Mast Step Repair Kit from Diversified Fiberglass you don't have to throw out your broken Laser! Diversified Fiberglass offers high quality, long-term mast step. repair kits guaranteed to stand the test of time. In fact, with over 100 Laser mast steps and decks repaired with this method, Ted hasn't had a single one fail.

  9. Laser Sailboat Mast Step Reapir Part 5.mov

    This is the final movie in the series of how we repaired the broken mast step on our Laser. We did not use a kit, but did our best to line up the mast step p...

  10. Need advice on how to repair a Laser deck/hull : r/sailing

    The simple test is to fill the mast step with water. If it holds water then it's probably good but if the water level drops there's a crack and that's a pain to fix. If you sail the boat with a damaged mast step it could blow out and when the mast comes down it rips a big hole in the deck.

  11. Laser Mast Step Replacement

    I finished my mast step repair (my Dad's 1974 Laser) using the Diversified kit, and got the boat back in the water. If anyone is interested to see the process, there are photos (many, many photos) with descriptions at: Laser Mast Step Repair. If you are experienced with fiberglass repair, you will likely get a good laugh - I started with zero ...

  12. Thoughts on how to repair this Laser mast step in a way that ...

    All mast step failings I've seen is when the mast comes down from the whole step cracking/ripping out of older boats. Either way the laser is a popular hull, so odds are it's probably cheaper to buy one used. Especially since you already have an older looking hull, the repair might be close to the worth of the hull.

  13. Laser & ILCA Mast, Boom, and Spars

    Parts for your Laser sail boat mast and boom including top sections, lower section, boom and all the fittings. Gooseneck, top section plugs, laser boom plugs, vang tang and vang straps and more! ... Plastic fitting Fits any ILCA dinghy or Laser sailboat boom Install with a 3/16 x 1/4 rivet (not included) Qty in Cart: 0. Price: $13.50. Subtotal ...

  14. Laser Sailboat Step Reinforcement and Deck Repair

    Refurbishing my Laser. Reinforced the step tube and patching a hole inthe deck.

  15. laser sailboat lines

    Laser and ILCA sailing line and rigging must be able to withstand the elements: moisture, the sun's rays and in some cases, salt or even freezing rain. West Coast Sailing offers a

  16. Repairs Department

    If you would like NRS to repair your gaskets or test* for pinholes or potential leaks in your dry suit, please add the desired items below to you cart and checkout. Agency Customers: If you are sending in multiple dry suits for an agency department, please use our Agency Dry Suit Intake Form. Latex Neck Gasket Repair Service for Dry Wear. $69.95.

  17. Mast Step Dimensions and repair

    The mast tube on my laser new $250 laser has been damaged and poorly repaired. I am looking to replace the mast step tube but the repair kits available seem to replace a huge section of deck and make your boat look as though it had massive damage and was repaired. Are there any places that just sell the mast tube.

  18. Module Master

    Get in touch with us. 2006 S Main St. Moscow, Idaho 83843. USA. Mon - Thurs, 8am - 4pm PST. (208) 892-0764. Module rebuilds for darn near everything: ABS Modules, Climate Control Modules, Instrument Clusters, Power Accessories, Powertrain modules and more.

  19. Mast Step Repair Part 4 Ep. 28 (Sailing)

    The final part in our journey to repair the mast step. We finally get the mast back in and go for a quick shakedown.Connect with us on:Blog: http://lifeatsix...

  20. used laser sailboat

    Where To Look For A New or Used Laser Sailboat For Sale. Are you ready to take on the world of sailing, but not sure where to look for a laser sailboat? Laser sailing provides a t

  21. Help, mast step repair

    This original repair was done many years ago to the mast step, but the mast step started to leak and water was getting in the boat. I found the wood doughnut was also wet, so I had to remove some of the old repaired fibreglass cloth to expose the wet wood doughnut, and it was quite wet.

  22. Mast Step and deck repair

    Wanted to Sail Bought a 4 by 4 piece of 3/8 marine plywood and some West systems products. Made a mast step out of 5 squares, glued together with West, then hole sawed out a 3" hole. Cut a 6 " wide piece with a 3" hole for the upper mast tube support, also glued in. Measured and mounted mast tube in step and upper mount. Cut and installed a 2" wide support from the dagger board to mast step.