Zur Yachtwerft 58b

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Zur Yachtwerft 58b

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Stadt: Rostock

Postleitzahl: 18147

Letzte Bewertung: 30.07.2022



Der Supermarkt "Netto" ist 1382 Meter von der Haustür entfernt. Die nächste Bushaltestelle heißt "Warnowblick" und liegt in 340 Metern Entfernung. Die Bahnstation "Rostock-Holbeinplatz" erreicht man fußläufig in ca. 45 Minuten .

Mehr Informationen zur Mikrolage finden Sie in der nachfolgenden Übersicht.


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Platz für die ganze Familie

zur yachtwerft 58

Das Rostocker Baugebiet Gehlsdorf gehört zu den begehrtesten und exklusivsten Baustandorten der Hansestadt Rostock. Hier bauen wir für Sie vier stilvoll zeitlose massiv errichtete Reihenhäuser. Die Häuser werden traditionell Stein auf Stein, mit modernster Technik und hervorragender Energieeffizienz realisiert.

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Mietwohnungen in Gehlsdorf

zur yachtwerft 58

Moderne Mietwohnungen in gehobener und idyllischer Wohnlage für Singles, Paare und Familien

In Rostock Gehlsdorf erwartet Sie ein Neubauprojekt, welches in jeder Hinsicht höchste Erwartungen an die Wohnqualität erfüllt. Die modernen 2-, 3- und 4-Raumwohnungen des Neubauprojektes Gehlsdorf sind ideal für alle, die gerne nah zur Stadt und trotzdem möglichst naturnah wohnen. Jede einzelne Mietwohnung überzeugt durch die hohen Standards der attraktiven Ausstattung. Allerdings ist auch die besondere Lage direkt am Ufer der Warnow ein Argument für Ihr zukünftiges Zuhause. Genießen Sie abendliche Sonnenuntergänge über dem Fluß und lange Spaziergänge durch die Natur. Und müssen Sie in die Innenstadt von Rostock, erreichen Sie diese innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu Fuß und mit der Fähre.

2-, 3- und 4-Raum-Wohnungen in Rostock Gehlsdorf

Wohnungen mit Aufzug, Balkon oder Terrasse

Wohnungen direkt am Ufer der Warnow

Kindergärten, Einkaufsmöglichkeite, Banken, Ärzte etc. in direkter Nähe

Moderne 2-Raumwohnung in Gehlsdorf - großzügig gestaltete Wohnlösung für Singles und Paare

Dieser Wohnungstyp ist die ideale Mietwohnung für Singles und kinderlose Paare. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen der immer beliebteren offenen Bauweise mit einer vorwiegend optischen Trennung der Küche vom Ess-und Wohnbereich. Oder Sie entscheiden sich für eine 2-Raumwohnung in geschlossener Bauweise mit voneinander getrennten Räumen. Jede Wohnung bietet zusätzlich einen großen Abstellraum sowie Balkon oder Terrasse.


3-Raumwohnung in idyllischer Lage für junge Familien

Die 3-Raumwohnungen überzeugen durch eine optimale Aufteilung der verfügbaren Fläche. Das Ergebnis ist eine großzügig gestaltete Wohnung, die jedes individuelle Bedürfnis berücksichtigt. Ob Kinderzimmer, Schlafzimmer oder Küche und Wohnbereich. Jeder Raum verleiht Ihnen die Bewegungsfreiheit, die Sie sich wünschen. Die Badezimmer sind teilweise mit Dusche und Badewanne ausgestattet und ein großer Abstellraum bietet praktischen Stauraum. Ein großer Balkon optimiert die Wohnqualität der modern ausgestatteten Wohnung.


Attraktive 4-Raumwohnung für das Familienleben im naturnahen Raum

Neben der großzügigen Aufteilung der verfügbaren Wohnfläche überzeugen die 4-Raumwohnungen durch ihre moderne Ausstattung. Badezimmer mit Dusche und Badewanne überzeugen bei diesen speziell auf die Bedürfnisse eine Familie ausgerichteten Wohnung genauso wie der große Abstellraum und Balkon oder Terrasse. Wie alle Wohnungen des Neubauprojekts präsentieren sich auch die 4-Raumwohnungen mit Fußbodenheizung, Design-Fußbodenbelägen sowie hochwertiger Sanitärausstattung.


Zur Yachtwerft 56-57

Zur yachtwerft 58-58a.

  • Erdgeschoss EG
  • 1. Etage OG 1
  • 2. Etage OG 2
  • Dachgeschoss DG
Wohnung Status Hausnummer Etage Zimmer Größe Kaltmiete Nebenkosten

Energieausweis herunterladen

Wohnen in Rostock GehIsdorf. Idyllische Lage direkt am Ufer der Warnow - wo Sie die Natur noch täglich erleben

Noch zählt das Neubaugebiet am östlichen Ufer der Warnow zu den Geheimtipps unter Wohnung suchenden Menschen, die es in Wohnlagen außerhalb Rostocks Zentrum zieht. Genießen Sie vom Balkon oder der Terrasse Ihrer zukünftigen Wohnung nicht nur den Sonnenuntergang mit Blick auf die Warnow und die Skyline von Rostock, sondern auch das erholsame grüne Umfeld. Hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Freizeitmöglichkeiten. Ob Sie auf dem Fahrrad dem Alltagsstress entfliehen oder auf langen Spaziergängen durch die Natur entspannt durchatmen. Auf Ihrem Weg über die Uferpromenade begegnen Ihnen Yacht- und Segelclubs und zum Teil liebevoll sanierte Villen wechseln sich mit neu erbauten Häusern ab.

Am Umfeld ist zu erkennen, dass Gehlsdorf immer schon ein beliebtes Wohnviertel für wohlhabende Rostocker, wie beispielsweise Reeder oder Schiffskapitäne, war und dies heute noch der Fall ist. Aber auch der Michaelshof Rostock sowie das hier angesiedelte Universitätszentrum für Nervenheilkunde prägen das Umfeld Ihres zukünftigen Lebensmittelpunktes.

Gehlsdorf und Umgebung

Allerdings sind die Komponenten einer rundum zufriedenstellenden Wohnqualität nicht nur idyllische Naturlandschaften und ein traumhafter Blick auf die Rostocker Skyline. Dies gilt vor allem für den Alltag. Die sehr gut ausgebaute Infrastruktur gestaltet diesen in jeder Hinsicht optimal. In unmittelbarer Nähe zur Wohnung finden Sie verschiedenste Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sowie Banken und Ärzte. Die Schule ist genauso einfach zu erreichen wie der Kindergarten. Für die sportliche Freizeitgestaltung erwartet Sie der WIRO Sportpark mit Schwimmhalle.

Die Innenstadt von Rostock liegt am gegenüberliegenden Ufer.

Nutzen Sie einfach die Fährverbindung Kabutzenhof / Kröpeliner-Tor und schon sind Sie in kürzester Zeit zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad am Ziel. Alternativ nutzen Sie die Busverbindungen der RSAG.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse. Rufen Sie uns einfach an oder füllen Sie das Kontaktformular aus. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage.


3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten € 1.156 86 m² 18147 Rostock (Gehlsdorf), Zur Yachtwerft 62

frei werdend Geschoss: Erdgeschoss

1 Stellplatz

Moderner Neubau 2021 mit 9 Wohnungen.

3- Zimmerwohnung mit Terrasse in Süd- Ausrichtung. Ausstattung: Fußbodenheizung, Tageslichtbad mit Wanne und Dusche, Fußboden mit Designbelag, Fahrstuhl und die Fenster haben Rollläden. Ein Kellerersatzraum befindet sich auf dem Grundstück. Eine neuwertige Einbauküche kann vom Vormieter übernommen werden.

Zur Yachtwerft 62 18147 Rostock (Gehlsdorf)

Das haus liegt zentral im ruhigen Ortsteil Gehlsdorf der Hansestadt Rostock, nur wenige Schritte von der Uferpromenade mit den Segel- und Yachthäfen, Gastronomie, Fähranleger, Bushaltestelle und Radwegen entfernt. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Ärzte, Kindergärten und Sporteinrichtungen in unmittelbarer Nähe.

  • 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Rostock
  • 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Ortsbeirat 18 : Gehlsdrf,Hinrichsdorf,Jürgenshof,Krummendorf,Nienhagen,Peez,Stuthof
  • 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Gehlsdorf
  • Archiv: 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Archiv: 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Rostock
  • Archiv: 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Ortsbeirat 18 : Gehlsdrf,Hinrichsdorf,Jürgenshof,Krummendorf,Nienhagen,Peez,Stuthof
  • Archiv: 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten Gehlsdorf

zur yachtwerft 58


45 years of yachting, welcome to the world of bavaria yachts.

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Sailing Yachts

Sailing is the passion to experience the sea and the wind. Discover pure joy of sailing and your personal sailing yacht.

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Motor Boats

Modern design, powerful and safe driving characteristics and plenty of space for the most beautiful hours on the water.

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Catamarans from NAUTITECH combine unforgettable sailing moments and maximum comfort for owners, who love the sea.

News from the world of BAVARIA YACHTS

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From September 10th to 15th the Cannes Yachting Festival rolls out the red carpet for the international yachting industry. Experience French flair on the Côte d'Azur and be inspired by our sailing yachts from the popular C-LINE.

zur yachtwerft 58

Following the great success of the BAVARIA SR36 OPEN TOP, the shipyard from Giebelstadt is now presenting another Open-Top version and, with the BAVARIA SR33 OPEN TOP, is responding to the wishes of many customers for a uniquely open driving experience.

zur yachtwerft 58

With a generous donation of a new set of sails, Bavaria Yachts from Giebelstadt is supporting the training of boat builders at the state vocational school for boat builders in Lübeck-Travemünde. The school, which is attended by students from almost all over Germany, benefits enormously from the support of the renowned Bavarian company.

zur yachtwerft 58

When BAVARIA YACHTS invite you to its DEALER DAYS, everyone comes. This is because it is one of the major highlights of the year for the BAVARIA YACHTS dealer network, even if it largely consists of work.

zur yachtwerft 58

One of the annual highlights for BAVARIA YACHTS for a long time. The cult regatta around the Kornati islands in Croatia. Our press spokesman Marcus Schlichting is also on board!

zur yachtwerft 58

Gaining additional practical experience, learning new things and exchanging ideas with each other - more than 35 service technicians from our dealers were able to do all of this during a week-long BAVARIA service workshop at our shipyard.

zur yachtwerft 58

It is the Oscar of the yachting industry, the European Yacht of the Year Award. The BAVARIA YACHTS team is all the more proud that the BAVARIA C46 was able to beat six competitors in the "Family Cruiser" category

zur yachtwerft 58

Last week, the last BAVARIA VISION 42 was completed in Giebelstadt. On Friday morning, part of the BAVARIA YACHTS team gathered to give her a fitting farewell. The sailing yacht celebrated its premiere at the boot Düsseldorf in 2012 and the almost 13 metre long yacht was built in the shipyard for just over 12 years. 

zur yachtwerft 58

We will answer all your questions about spare parts supply and repairs, and provide tips and assistance.  We will help you to get your yacht back on the water!

28.06.2024 Volos in Greece - a portrait of the beginner-friendly sailing area! Read more

13.06.2024 Something new from the pantry? Read more

14.05.2024 What happens in our Product Development? Read more

It's showtime again in Cannes! Enjoy the French flair from September 10 - 15 and visit our BAVARIA sailing yachts in Port Canto. 

zur yachtwerft 58

BAVARIA YACHTS – 45 Years of Yachting

BAVARIA YACHTS has been a manufacturer of innovative series yachts for 45 years. Over 42,000 sailing yachts and motorboats have been built on the 200,000 m² site since 1978.

What makes us special and what we especially show greatness in, is the experience of our employees. We deliver perfection, for which about 700 employees give their best. 

Every day, with every move - We are BAVARIA!

Experience the pure joy of yachting.

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About Loft 58 - Loft 58

Moscow industrial space in contemporary building Read more

Two-level space, located on 58-59th floors of Moscow City Imperial Tower, the total area is 950 sq.m. Main hall - 620 sq.m., the top floor "Chillout-zone" - 330 sq.m. Make-up rooms. There is a spacious pre-function area with panoramic windows - "Welcome Drink zone". High ceilings, panoramic bird's-eye view.

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The Left Chapter     Socialism:

  • Aug 9, 2022

USSR Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels World's Fair

zur yachtwerft 58

In 1958 the Belgian city of Brussels hosted the World's Fair. The USSR had what was by all accounts a spectacular pavilion from the building itself -- which was nicknamed the Crystal Palace -- to the truly impressive inner staircase to the grand hall with sculptures of an industrial and a farm worker with inscriptions that read "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a Socialist State of the Workers and Farmers"

Here we pay a visit to the pavilion through a number of photos and an article that was first published in USSR Magazine in August, 1958. The pavilion had many different exhibits including about the Soviet space program, automobiles, aircraft, art, stamps, industry and more. Also on display was a "model of towering Moscow University, a vertical , self -contained city with 40,000 rooms -- dorms, classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls -- big enough in area to contain a town of some 50,000 population."

There was, of course, a very large statue of Lenin.

zur yachtwerft 58

At the Brussels World's Fair they call the Soviet Pavilion the crystal palace. It is a luminous structure built of steel, aluminum and glass, 72 feet tall , 492 feet long and 236 feet wide. You ascend the broad stairs to a great open portico where 15 flags, one for each of the Soviet Republics, flutter in the breeze. Above the entrance, the metal letters URSS ( the French abbreviation for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ) glint against the opaque glass.

You enter the huge hall bright with red and silver columns. The eye is drawn everywhere at once, to the brilliant frescoes glorifying labor, to the majestic sculptured figures of a worker and a farm woman, to the big machines, to the models of the first sputniks to be launched into outer space . And at the far end of the hall stands the giant figure of Lenin.

zur yachtwerft 58

Lenin. Note the aircraft cutaway models in the background.

zur yachtwerft 58

Displayed on the three floors of the Pavilion are eighteen major exhibits - samplings of

every aspect of Soviet life.

zur yachtwerft 58

Industry, Farming and Science

The largest is a picture of industry - metallurgy, chemicals, oil, electric power. Models, charts, and complete operating machines and installations show progress in engineering, development in automation, the industrial direction of the future. At every machine stand technicians ready to answer questions in three languages -- French, English and Flemish -- and to give each interested visitor a souvenir a detail turned out by the machine he is looking at.

zur yachtwerft 58

A display of Soviet airliners

The Industry Exhibit spreads outside to the open air. Here is a completely mechanized and operating coal mine, an installation for drilling mine shafts, another for sinking two oil wells simultaneously. This open-air exhibit always draws throngs of visitors even though it is distance removed from the Pavilion.

The Agriculture Exhibit is a dramatic picture of the huge scope of virgin land cultivation, of mechanized farming, of rural electrification. Here is the scale model of a collective farm. A push of a button lights up barns, stables, machinery and the rest of the farm's equipment.

The Science Exhibit is an almost continuous display of great achievements. There are the sputniks, of course, and pictures of the first dog space-traveler, and models of sputniks of the future. But there are also exhibits of comparable scientific achievements in astronomy, optics, automation, computing machine development and a host of other fields.

zur yachtwerft 58

Sputnik and Soviet space display

Education and Art

The most striking display in the exhibit on Soviet education is the model of towering Moscow University, a vertical , self -contained city with 40,000 rooms -- dorms, classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls -- big enough in area to contain a town of some 50,000 population.

The unified educational system of the country is shown, its links from pre-school training through university, illustrating 40 years of progress in which mass illiteracy has been replaced by an annual enrollment of more than 30 million pupils in schools and two million students in colleges and universities.

The Art Exhibit seems like a haven of silence after the bustle of the other display areas. Visitors move slowly from one painting to another, exchange quiet impressions or sit for a while to rest and listen to the music of Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev, or to Russia folk melodies played as harmonious back ground for the vivid imagery of the canvases.

zur yachtwerft 58

On the lower floor one of the centers of attention is a great 280 -pound globe of carved chocolate, a masterpiece of the confectioner's art, surrounded by a tempting display of wines and table delicacies that may be sampled in the restaurant on the first floor.

zur yachtwerft 58

Next- Door Neighbors

The achievements, wealth , talents and skills of the peoples of 50 countries are on view at the Fair. The participation of the two "giants,” as the Belgian press refers to the United States and the Soviet Union, has given the Fair a special character and interest.

Our two countries are next-door neighbors at this world exposition, and perhaps a hopeful forecast for the future -- there is a free flow of visitors from one to the other, of Soviet people through the American Pavilion and the other way round. Comparisons are made, virtues and omissions in one or the other of the displays discussed, but completely without rancor. This is an interested and sympathetic exchange of reactions -- competition of a desirable sort, both Soviet and American visitors seem to be saying.

Alexei Ivanov, an electronics engineer from Leningrad, is impressed with American color

television. Talking to the attendant at the display booth, he says: “We Russians still have some way to go to catch up with you people there."

Soviet film director Roman Grigoriev is very much taken with the American circarama. “ It creates a wonderful illusion of audience participation,” he comments.

Natalia Solovyova, dress designer at the Moscow Fashion House, says of the American

gowns: “They’re a little too extreme for my taste --- put me in mind of 1923 styles. But I did like a number of the less extreme designs, which I hope to present to Soviet women .

Young architect Alexei Knyazev commented on the design of the American Pavilion.“ It's a fine design for display purposes, but I don't think the exhibits give as broad a picture of America as they could if there were more of them and if they were better grouped."

They Liked What They Saw

The Soviet Pavilion is host daily to Americans of the most diverse interests and occupations — tourists on a European vacation, newspaper correspondents, businessmen, engineers, soldiers and officers on duty in Germany.

zur yachtwerft 58

Harold Stewart, president of an Oklahoma radio and television company, went through the Soviet Pavilion with two other Americans who are presidents of oil companies. They were much interested in drilling installations, asked questions, took a bookful of notes, snapped photos, and crawled under and around and over the machines for a closer view.

George Samuelson, a California executive, wrote this comment in the Pavilion's guest book: “I haven't seen such excellent equipment in all my 45 years in the oil industry."

Dr. Raymond Henry of Stamford, Connecticut, is in Europe to see his son, who is in the army. He went through the medical exhibit at the Soviet Pavilion and was much impressed with our free public health system. He hadn't been aware of the extent of free services covering every phase of treatment and was much surprised to learn that a worker gets up to 90 per cent of his pay during illness.

W. Le Baron, a New York student now serving with the American forces in Germany, visited the Fair with his girl friend. They both liked the art exhibit especially. “Doris and I,” said Le Baron, “spent a wonderful day. We came away with an armful of books by modern Russian authors and Russian folk music records."

R. McKinley, a Texas highway construction engineer, spent a lot of time looking over road construction machines, oil drilling derricks, the big atom- smasher model." It was a couple-of-hour trip to the Soviet Union,” he said on leaving. “After seeing the Soviet Pavilion, I must get to see the country itself.”

As you walk from one exhibit to another, you can hear comments on the various displays in the Soviet Pavilion. Some are complimentary, some critical. But on one thing everybody agrees, and that is that this is a good way for people to get to know more about each other.

zur yachtwerft 58

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Shipyard (Werk 213)
Ordered 6 Oct 1914
Laid down 8 Jun 1915
Launched 31 May 1916
Commissioned 9 Aug 1916
9 Aug 1916 - 3 Jun 1917 Kptlt.
4 Jun 1917 - 26 Jun 1917 Kptlt.
27 Jun 1917 - 30 Oct 1917 Kptlt.
31 Oct 1917 - 17 Nov 1917 Kptlt.
16 Oct 1916 - 17 Nov 1917

Location incorrectly given as 51°32’N, 05°21’W in many sources.

There was another U 58 in World War Two That boat was launched from its shipyard on 12 Oct 1938 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 4 Feb 1939. Take a look at U 58 from WWII.

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Boarncruiser 58 Ocean

The 58 Coupe’s lines resemble those of her sistership 58 Fly for a modern classic look on the water, with some of Boarncruiser trademark features, including large salon windows, protected side decks and a signature bulwark aperture at the bow.

The Foldable Shades is an beautiful option in your long top. This in combination with the CanopEasy makes it an multifunctional aft deck. The aft deck and main deck are completely on one level. A view features on main deck are: a spacious pantry with cooking island, comfortable saloon, a clear cockpit with two pilot seats. On lowerdeck the master cabin is situated in the Center Sleeper, in the master cabin you will find spacious wardrobes and an ensuite bathroom, a sofa and multifunctional make-up / desk area. The guests can choose between two spacious bedrooms and connecting bathroom. Like all other Boarncruiser, the 58 Ocean Coupe is customizable.

Boarnstream Yachting

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Industriewei 2 9011 WH Jirnsum

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Schauen Sie in die Boarncruiser 58 Ocean

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Materiaal Aluminium 
Länge 15-18 meter

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Task Force 58 / 38

The following ships participated in at least one TF58/38 Operation:

CARRIERS HEAVY: CV-20 Bennington, CV-31 BonHomme Richard, CV-17 Bunker Hill, CV-6 Enterprise, CV-6 Essex, CV-13 Franklin, CV-19 Hancock, CV-2 Hornet, CV-8 Intrepid, CV-16 Lexington, CV-37 Princeton, CV-15 Randolph, CV-12 Saratoga, CV-38 Shangri-La, CV-14 Ticonderoga, CV-18 Wasp, CV-10 Yorktown

LIGHT: CVL-29 Bataan, CVL-24 Belleau Wood, CVL-31 Cabot, CVL-25 Cowpens, CVL-22 Independence, CVL-32 Langley, CVL-30 Monterey, CVL-23 Princeton, CVL-30 San Jacinto

BATTLESHIPS BB-60 Alabama, *CB-1 Alaska, *CB-2 Guam, BB-58 Indiana, BB-61 Iowa, BB-59 Massachusetts, BB63 Missouri, BB-62 New Jersey, BB-55 North Carolina, BB-57 South Dakota, BB-43 Tennessee, BB-56 Washington, BB-64 Wisconsin  (*=battlecruiser)

CRUISERS HEAVY: CA-68 Baltimore, CA-69 Boston, CA70 Canberra II, CA-27 Chester, CA-29 Chicago, CA-35 Indianapolis, CA-36, CA-28 Louisville, CA-36 Minneapolis, CA-32 New Orleans, CA-24 Pensacola, CA-72 Pittsburgh, CA-33 Portland, CA-39 Quincy, CA-25 Salt Lake City, CA-73 St. Paul, CA-38 San Francisco, CA45 Wichita

LIGHT: CL-101 Amsterdam, CL-90 Astoria II, CL-51 Atlanta, CL-80 Biloxi, CL-62 Birmingham, CL-19 Cleveland, CL-105 Dayton, CL-14 Denver, CL-87 Duluth, CL-97 Flint, CL-81 Houston II, CL-89 Miami, CL-63 Mobile, CL-57 Montpelier, CL-95 Oakland, CL-91 Oklahoma City, CL-65 Pasadena, CL5-4 San Juan, CL-60 Santa Fe, CL-66 Springfield, CL-49 St Louis, CL-86 Vicksburg, CL-64 Vincennes II, CL-103 Wilkes-Barre


DESTROYERS DD-629 Abbott, DD-515 Anthony, DD-698 Ault, DD-570 Charles Ausburne, DD-355 Aylwin, DD-386 Bagley, DD-598 Bancroft, DD-722 Barton II, DD-471 Beale, DD-587 Bell, DD-792 Benham II, DD-473 Bennett, DD-662 Bennion, DD-666 Black, DD-744 Blue II, DD-704 Borie, DD-544 Boyd, DD-630 Braine, DD-545 Bradford, DD-668 Clarence K Bronson, DD-546 Brown, DD-745 Brush, DD-484 Buchanan, DD-660 Bullard, DD-588 Burns DD-605 Caldwell, DD-792 Callaghan, DD-650 Caperton, DD-550 Capps, DD-370 Case, DD-793 Cassin Young, DD-581 Charrette, DD-667 Chauncey, DD-805 Chevalier, DD-651 Cogswell, DD-658 Colahan, DD-730 Collett, DD-582 Conner, DD-509 Converse, DD-371 Conyngham, DD-695 Cooper, DD-659 Cotten, DD-547 Cowell, DD-382 Craven, DD-365 Cummings, DD-797 Cushing DD-353 Dale, DD-519 Daly, DD-659 Dashiell, DD-727 De Haven II, DD-349 Dewey, DD-670 Dortch, DD-375 Downes, DD-384 Dunlap, DD-572 Dyson DD-619 Edwards, DD-398 Ellet, DD-696 English, DD-631 Erben DD-385 Fanning, DD-554 Franks, DD-607 Frazier, DD-491 Farenholt, DD-348 Farragut, DD-474 Fullam DD-671 Gatling, DD-609 Gillespie, DD-435 Grayson, DD-380 Gridley, DD-472 Guest, DD-433 Gwin DD-556 Hailey, DD-480 Halford, DD-556, DD-555 Haggard, DD-642 Hale, DD-675 Lewis Hancock, DD-702 Hank, DD-573 Harrison, DD-700 Haynsworth, DD-531 Hazelwood, DD-672 Healy, DD-532 Heermann, DD-388 Helm, DD-673 Hickox, DD-781 Highbee, DD-475 Hudson, DD-410 Hughes, DD-350 Hull, DD-674 Hunt, DD-781 Robert K. Huntington, DD-610 Hobby DD-652 Ingersoll, DD-694 Ingraham II, DD-794 Irwin, DD-589 Izard DD-661 Kidd, DD-653 Knapp, DD-742 Frank Knox DD-724 Laffey II, DD-399 Lang, DD-487 Lardner, DD-558 Laws, DD-703 Wallace L Lind, DD-559 Longshaw, DD-770 Lowry DD-351 MacDonough, DD-731 Maddox II, DD-728 Mansfield, DD-676 Marshall, DD-401 Maury, DD-400 McCall, DD-488 McCalla, DD-534 McCord, DD-677 McDermut, DD-678 McGowan, DD-575 McKee, DD-679 McNair, DD-602 Meade, DD-680 Melvin, DD-691 Mertz, DD-535 Miller, DD-693 Moale, DD-354 Monaghan, DD-798 Monssen II, DD-747 Samuel K. Moore, DD-560 Morrison, DD-389 Mugford, DD-576 Murray DD-449 Nicholas, DD-442 Nicholson DD-450 O’Bannon, DD-725 O’Brien II, DD-536 Owen, DD-392 Patterson, DD-795 Preston II, DD-561 Pritchett, DD-682 Porterfield, DD-538 Stephen Potter, DD-686 Halsey Powell, DD-757 Putnam DD-446 Radford, DD-688 Remey, DD-500 Ringgold, DD-574 John Rodgers DD-357 Selfridge, DD-501 Schroeder, DD-690 Norman Scott, DD-502 Sigsbee, DD-565 Smalley, DD-743 Southerland, DD-512 Spence, DD-697 Charles S Sperry, DD-406 Stack, DD-478 Stanly, DD-644 Stembel, DD-407 Sterett, DD-683 Stockham, DD-566 Stoddard, DD-537 the Sullivans, DD-692 Allen M. Sumner, DD-729 Lyman K. Swenson DD-390 Ralph Talbot, DD-746 Taussig, DD-468 Taylor, DD-513 Terry, DD-514 Thatcher, DD-647 Thorn, DD-539 Tingey, DD-530 Trathen, DD-540 Twining DD-687 Uhlmann DD-689 Wadleigh, DD-516 Wadsworth, DD-699 Waldron, DD-723 Walke, DD-517 Walker, DD-684 Wedderburn, DD-701 John W Weeks, DD-628 Welles, DD-441 Wilkes, DD-408 Wilson, DD-460 Woodworth DD-541 Yarnall

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  • By George Sass, Jr.
  • Updated: October 4, 2007

Evaluating a new boat is sort of like going on a blind date. Your friend-in this case, a builder or broker-extols the virtues of a new model: how good she looks and the quality of her construction. Sometimes, though, what you find at the end of the dock sends a shiver down your spine. In an effort to cut things short, you spend your time aboard plotting an exit strategy.

I felt confident this would not be the case with the new Symbol 58. Since I was acquainted with her sisters, I knew she came from a gene pool with good roots. In fact, I changed my schedule in order to spend some time with her, knowing I would find a well-designed, soundly constructed, high-quality build. After stepping on board in Ft. Lauderdale, I knew instantly the yard had another success on its hands.

The Jack Sarin-designed 58 nicely fills the slot between Symbol’s 54- and 62-foot models. Her styling elements and features are typical of Sarin’s other designs, giving the line a cohesive, identifiable look.

The 58’s most noticeable profile element is her raised pilothouse, with its raked windshield. The black-painted area breaks up the bulk and carries the eye from the after window to the bridge. The bridge overhang has rounded corners, and their softness lends the 58 a contemporary look. The buyer can choose to have this overhang cover the side decks abaft the pilothouse. This may make the profile a little heavy, but it will reduce direct sunlight into the saloon area and keep away the rain. I would forgo this option in favor of cleaner lines.

This type of option, however, is indicative of how Symbol approaches the building process. The company works closely with a small, knowledgeable network of dealers, as well as with buyers. The 58 has a generous allowance for soft goods and gives the buyer a choice of interior woods, layouts and specifications.

“You name it, and they can pretty much do it”, said Whitten Hall, sales and marketing coordinator for Heart Marine, Symbol’s Southeast dealer. Hall walked me through the interior of a fresh 58 as he bubbled with enthusiasm for Heart Marine’s relationship with Symbol.

On our way from Ft. Lauderdale to West Palm Beach, Hall pointed out the changes Symbol and Heart Marine had made at the owner’s request. Some, such as reconfiguring the pilothouse to accommodate two Stidd helm chairs, were significant. Others, such as protecting the electrical panel with a Plexiglas door, were less complicated but no less important. Both dealer and builder welcome the input.

As on any yacht in this range, a lot of customization goes into the arrangement plan. The standard three-stateroom layout on the Symbol 58 is very workable, but the company is happy to accommodate changes. The buyer of our test boat, for instance, wanted a larger shower stall, so Heart’s project manager tweaked the accommodations to provide one.

In the master stateroom, there is a walkaround berth flanked by shelves, cedar-lined lockers and a vanity. Fit and finish are first class, with near-flawless joinery and matched woodwork.

The owner opted for a portside guest stateroom in lieu of an optional office. Twin berths are standard, along with a hanging locker and sufficient stowage. If you don’t need a large office (the master stateroom’s vanity should be fine for a few hours if you need to use a laptop), this option is reasonable. The outboard berth follows the contour of the hull, so it’s narrower than the inboard berth. But this is seen primarily at the foot of the berth and is not a big deal.

The forward guest stateroom is tucked into the bow and has an island berth, a clever slideaway TV/DVD system, two hanging lockers and access to the shared guest head.

The raised pilothouse has plenty of space for electronics and a fully equipped galley. In the saloon, a 7-foot, 9-inch L-shape settee is opposite two overstuffed barrel chairs. While seated, you can see out the side windows, which is a real plus. A 42-inch flat-screen television pops up from the forward credenza. I would ask for double sliding doors to the afterdeck, which would open the view a bit. In that case, the settee arrangement would be different; I’ve seen it aboard other Symbols and it works well.

A staircase leads from the pilothouse area to the flying bridge. The incline of the steps is gradual, so walking between the bridge and galley with your hands full is easy. The bridge is well laid out with enough seating for captain and guests. An optional second helm chair ($2,095) for the bridge is a must-have, in my opinion. This allows a second person to get comfortable and watch the action ahead. For relaxing, an L-shape settee and a straight settee are abaft the helm. On our test boat, the owner ordered a fiberglass bar unit with refrigerator and grill abaft the starboard settee. Thanks to the raised helm area, the line of sight forward is good. Symbol offers a choice of a bimini top or hardtop over the flying bridge area. The yard and dealer work with each buyer in selecting a tender, ensuring the stanchions, davit and cradle are suitable for her size.

Also worth noting are the 58’s construction and systems. Below the waterline, the hull is solid fiberglass with three layers of vinylester resin. Above the waterline, high-density, closed-cell, foam-cored sandwich construction provides strength while keeping weight in check. The engineroom is smartly arranged and should allow for fairly easy service. Two 425-gallon fiberglass fuel tanks are outboard of the twin 700 hp Caterpillar C-12 diesels. Lead-lined 2-inch foam and powder-coated, perforated aluminum panels provide good sound insulation. At cruising speed, we recorded a very respectable 76 decibels in the saloon. In the pilothouse, sound levels never exceeded 75 decibels.

You would be wrong in thinking the Symbol 58 is just another pretty face suited for dockside entertaining. A northerly wind churned the water along the eastern coast of Florida for several days, so we had the pleasure of testing her in a fairly confused sea state. Would I go offshore on the 58? You bet. Would I add stabilizers for increased comfort? Yes, though the boat did fairly well without them. (Stabilizers were not yet installed on our test boat.) Sarin’s hull is easily driven and tracks well. The angle of the shafts is reduced thanks to deep propeller pockets, which provide an accommodating 4-foot, 2-inch draft. Blazing at 20 knots into a 3- to 4-foot chop, we did take one heavy drenching over the bow. Considering the conditions, though, we weren’t surprised.

One of the real attributes of this moderate V-shape hull is the boat’s resulting ability to run efficiently at low speeds (for when range is an issue) and your ability to push the throttle if you need to. “We have a 58 coming with the 800 hp Cats”, said Hall, referring to the Caterpillar 3406E diesel option. “I’m anxious to see what this is going to do.” As for me, I’m just anxious to get a second date.

Contact: Heart Marine, (800) 457-7888; www.heartmarine.com . West Coast, Holiday Marine Sales, (800) 525-1425; www.holiday-marine.com .

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  21. Ships

    The following ships participated in at least one TF58/38 Operation: CARRIERS. HEAVY: CV-20 Bennington, CV-31 BonHomme Richard, CV-17 Bunker Hill, CV-6 Enterprise, CV-6 Essex, CV-13 Franklin, CV-19 Hancock, CV-2 Hornet, CV-8 Intrepid, CV-16 Lexington, CV-37 Princeton, CV-15 Randolph, CV-12 Saratoga, CV-38 Shangri-La, CV-14 Ticonderoga, CV-18 ...


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  25. Symbol 58

    As for me, I'm just anxious to get a second date. Contact: Heart Marine, (800) 457-7888; www.heartmarine.com. West Coast, Holiday Marine Sales, (800) 525-1425; www.holiday-marine.com. The Symbol 58 is a plush performance motoryacht designed for comfortable cruising.