L'isola di Lussino

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Panorama dell’Isola a 360°

Per facilitare la Vostra visione panoramica, selezionate la modalità a schermo intero e scoprire maggiori dettagli dell’isola di Lussino grazie al nostro panorama a 360°.

Il Giardin' Retreat

Il Giardin' bellissima villa con la piscina a conduzione familiare situata ai piedi del monte Sveti Ivan.

Dolphin Watching Lošinj

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Casa La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita

Loger Lussignano "Nerezianac" – Centro di interpretazione del patrimonio marittimo

Museo all'aperto!

L' Apoxyómenos sull'isola di Lussino

Noleggiare una barca, parco acquatico del campeggio čikat - prenota biglietti qui, appartamenti sulla nostra isola lussino, la dolce vita **** appartamenti.

Per una piacevole vacanza per le coppie!

Catamarano Mali Lošinj - Rijeka / Pula / Zadar

Mali lošinj - ilovik - susak - unije - martinšćica – cres – rijeka, 01.01. - 30.05. & 30.09. - 31.12.2024..

lun mar mer gio ven sab dom
MALI LOŠINJ6:006:006:006:006:006:0010:00
lun mar mer gio ven sab dom
MALI LOŠINJ19:0517:3018:1017:4020:2018:2519:40

Nota: 01.01., 31.03. & 25.12. - non naviga

31.05. - 29.09.2024.

lun mar mer gio ven sab dom
MALI LOŠINJ6:006:006:006:006:006:0012:00**
lun mar mer gio ven sab dom
MALI LOŠINJ21:5020:0520:5521:5021:3521:1020:55

* Dal 26.08. al 29.09. parte da Rijeka tutti i giorni alle 14:30, e il venerdì e la domenica alle 16:00. ** Dal 26.08. al 29.09. parte da Mali Lošinj la domenica alle 11:00

Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar

01.01. – 30.05.2024 & 30.09. – 31.12.2024.

ven, dom
Mali Lošinj09:30
ven, dom
Mali Lošinj18:25

31.05. – 27.06.2024. & 02.09. - 29.09.2024.

mer, ven, dom
Mali Lošinj09:30
mer, ven, dom
Mali Lošinj18:25

28.06. – 01.09.2024.

lun, ven, dom mer, sab
Mali Lošinj9:309:30
lun, ven, dom mer, sab
Mali Lošinj18:1018:25

Otok Lošinj

Site tagline

Otočna panorama - 360°

Panoramskom mapom otoka pomoći ćemo Vam da se bolje snađete kako bi se pripremili za Vaš odmor bez stresa i brige.

Il Giardin' Reatreat

Il Giardin’ prekrasna villa s bazeon smještena u podnožju brda Sveti Ivan u Velom Lošinju.

Dolphin Watching Lošinj

Promatranje i šaptanje dupinima uz nezaboravno uživanje u moru. Iskustvo koje krojimo po vašoj mjeri!

Pogledajte našu jedinstvenu kolekciju lončića od emajla!

Možete ih kupiti online, slobodno nas pitajte ili nas jednostavno posjetite u našoj agenciji. :)

Surađujte s nama!

Nudite proizvode ili usluge koji bi mogli biti korisni za naše klijente? Želite li svojim idejama i znanjem doprinijeti turističkoj ponudi, te steći nova iskustva i upoznati turistički svijet? Pridružite nam se kao naš poslovni partner!

Kuća La Dolce Vita

Belle Epoque, Casablanca i Il postino

Lošinjski loger Nerezinac- Interpretacijski plovidbeni centar

Muzej na otvorenom!

Apoksiomen na Lošinju

Najam brodica i glisera, aquapark čikat - prodaja ulaznica u našoj agenciji, apartmani iz naše ponude, la dolce vita **** apartmani.

Novi apartmani u našoj ponudi!

Katamaran Mali Lošinj - Rijeka / Pula / Zadar

Mali lošinj - ilovik - susak - unije - martinšćica – cres – rijeka, 01.01. - 30.05. & 30.09. - 31.12.2024..

pon uto sri čet pet sub ned
MALI LOŠINJ6:006:006:006:006:006:0010:00
pon uto sri čet pet sub ned
MALI LOŠINJ19:0517:3018:1017:4020:2018:2519:40

Napomena: Linija se ne održava na blagdane: 01.01. (Nova Godina), 31.03. (Uskrs) i 25.12. (Božić)

31.05. - 29.09.2024.

pon uto sri čet pet sub ned
MALI LOŠINJ6:006:006:006:006:006:0012:00**
pon uto sri čet pet sub ned
MALI LOŠINJ21:5020:0520:5521:5021:3521:1020:55

* Od 26.08. do 29.09. isplovljava iz Rijeke svakog dana u 14:30, a petkom i nedjeljom u 16:00h. ** Od 26.08. do 29.09. isplovljava iz Malog Lošinja nedjeljom u 11:00

Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar

01.01. – 30.05.2024 & 30.09. – 31.12.2024.

pet, ned
Mali Lošinj09:30
pet, ned
Mali Lošinj18:25

31.05. – 27.06.2024. & 02.09. - 29.09.2024.

sri, pet, ned
Mali Lošinj09:30
sri, pet, ned
Mali Lošinj18:25

28.06. – 01.09.2024.

pon, pet, ned sri, sub
Mali Lošinj9:309:30
pon, pet, ned sri, sub
Mali Lošinj18:1018:25

Island Lošinj

Site tagline

Island panorama - 360°

By clicking on the interactive dot you can see the position of your chosen apartment.

Il Giardin' Retreat

Il Giardin’ beautiful villa with the swimming pool located on the foot of mount Sveti Ivan.

Dolphin Watching Lošinj

Dolphin Watching & Whispering and Sea Enjoying Tailor-made Experiences

Check out our unique enamel mug collection!

You can buy them online, feel free to ask us or just visit us in our agency. :)

Work with us!

Do you offer products or services that could be useful to our customers? Do you want to contribute your ideas and knowledge to the tourist offer, and gain new experiences and get to know the tourist world? Join us as our business partner!

La Dolce Vita House

La Dolce Vita

Nerezinac Lugger – Sailing Interpretation Centre

Open-air Museum!

Apoxyomenos on Lošinj

Rent a boat, aquapark čikat - book tickets in our agency, apartments on the island lošinj, la dolce vita **** apartments.

Book your holiday vacation on time!

Catamaran Mali Lošinj - Rijeka / Pula / Zadar

Mali lošinj - ilovik - susak - unije - martinšćica – cres – rijeka, 01.01. - 30.05. & 30.09. - 31.12.2024..

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
MALI LOŠINJ6:006:006:006:006:006:0010:00
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
MALI LOŠINJ19:0517:3018:1017:4020:2018:2519:40

Does not sail on the following holidays: 01.01., 31.03. & 25.12.

31.05. - 29.09.2024.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
MALI LOŠINJ6:006:006:006:006:006:0012:00**
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
MALI LOŠINJ21:5020:0520:5521:5021:3521:1020:55

* From 26.08. to 29.09. departs from Rijeka every day at 14:30, and on Fridays and Sundays at 16:00. ** From 26.08. to 29.09. departs from Mali Lošinj on Sundays at 11:00

Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar

01.01. – 30.05.2024 & 30.09. – 31.12.2024.

Fri, Sun
Mali Lošinj09:30
Fri, Sun
Mali Lošinj18:25

31.05. – 27.06.2024. & 02.09. - 29.09.2024.

Wed, Fri, Sun
Mali Lošinj09:30
Wed, Fri, Sun
Mali Lošinj18:25

28.06. – 01.09.2024.

Mon, Fri, Sun Wed, Sat
Mali Lošinj9:309:30
Mon, Fri, Sun Wed, Sat
Mali Lošinj18:1018:25

catamarano rijeka lussino

  • Trajektna luka Dubrovnik
  • Trajektna luka Makarska
  • Trajektna luka Poreč
  • Trajektna luka Prizna
  • Trajektna luka Pula
  • Trajektna luka Rijeka
  • Trajektna luka Rovinj
  • Trajektna luka Split
  • Trajektna luka Stinica
  • Trajektna luka Šibenik
  • Trajektna luka Umag
  • Trajektna luka Vodice
  • Trajektna luka Zadar
  • Trajektna luka Bol
  • Trajektna luka Brestova
  • Trajektna luka Hvar
  • Trajektna luka Jelsa
  • Trajektna luka Korčula
  • Trajektna luka Milna
  • Trajektna luka Preko
  • Trajektna luka Rogač
  • Trajektna luka Supetar
  • Trajektna luka Stari Grad
  • Trajektna luka Ubli
  • Trajektna luka Vis
  • Trajektna luka Vela Luka
  • Otok Korčula
  • Otok Lastovo
  • Otok Lošinj
  • Otok Ugljan
  • Jadrolinija

Adriatic lines

  • G&V Line Zadar
  • Rapska Plovidba
  • Catamaran Line
  • Krilo Shipping Company
  • Venezia Lines
  • Liberty Lines
  • Gomo Viaggi
  • Manji trajektni prijevoznici

catamarano rijeka lussino

Pronađite Vaš trajekt

Katamaran rijeka → mali lošinj.

  • Uncategorized

Rijeka Mali Lošinj, 2024-09-07

catamarano rijeka lussino

Katamaran Sutivan Split

catamarano rijeka lussino

Katamaran Split Sutivan

catamarano rijeka lussino

Morten Smalby

catamarano rijeka lussino

Zadar (Gaženica) - Ist - Olib - Silba - Premuda - Mali Lošinj

Ferry line 401 Zadar (Gaženica) - Ist - Olib - Silba - Premuda - Mali Lošinj

catamarano rijeka lussino

Sailing schedule

View the year-round sailing schedule and price list

There can be no mistake in choosing between any of five potential destinations – Ist, Olib, Silba, Premuda, and Mali Lošinj. The duration of the trip to the last destination in the series, Mali Lošinj, is seven hours. However, the scenes of sailing through the Zadar archipelago towards the Kvarner Islands cause time to pass quickly.

The ferry departs from the Gaženica ferry port in Zadar.


  • Riva 16, HR-51000 Rijeka
  • Follow the latest news via RSS feed

072 30 33 37

Call price from fixed network is 0,03 EUR/min

catamarano rijeka lussino

Isola di Lussino

Linee catamarani

Il modo migliore per arrivare a Lussino senza la macchina è il catamarano / aliscafo che presta il servizio ogni giorno da Rijeka per Cres e Mali Losinj. Assicuratevi di acquistare il biglietto prima della partenza perché il numero dei posti è limitato. Il prezzo del biglietto è di circa 60 kune a persona per Mali Losinj. La quantità di bagagli è limitata, e gli animali domestici e le biciclette non sono ammessi.

Aliscafo Trieste - Lussino

Dal 29 giugno è operativa la linea aliscafo da Trieste per Lussino con corse che prevedono viaggi di andata e ritorno in giornata.

La compagnia di navigazione è Liberty Lines . Su questo link potete consultare gli orari.

Linea veloce Pesaro-Lussino La rotta Pesaro Lussino collega l'Italia con la Croazia. Al momento, esiste solo una compagnia di navigazione che opera questo servizio: Gomo Viaggi. La corsa viene effettuata fino a 3 volte a settimana e ha una durata di circa 3 ore e 30 minuti. La durata di navigazione della rotta Pesaro Lussino e la frequenza possono variare a seconda della stagionalità. Pertanto, consigliamo di effettuare una ricerca in tempo reale per ottenere informazioni aggiornate.

Linee di traghetti

Sulle isole di Cres e Losinj si arriva con i traghetti della compagnia navale JADROLINIJA. I traghetti hanno la portata di più di 100 macchine e in alcuni casi addirittura 200 machine a seconda delle dimensioni dei veicoli e 300-500 passeggeri. La navigazione sul tratto Valbiska - Merag e Brestova - Porozina dura tra i 20 e 25 minuti. I traghetti sono dotati di aria condizionata, bar e due ponti esterni con panchine, dove si può godere la corsa. I traghetti hanno il proprio orario di partenze, e nell’alta stagione, quando l'afflusso di macchine è rilevante, la corsa dei traghetti prosegue senza interruzione. Purtroppo la prenotazione per i traghetti Valbiska - Merag e Brestova - Porozina non è possibile, mentre per il traghetto Zadar - Mali Losinj si raccomanda la prenotazione del posto macchina, soprattutto in alta stagione.


catamarano rijeka lussino

Con l`automobile

Il collegamento stradale dell’Europa centrale con le destinazioni della costa croata è piuttosto buono. Durante i mesi estivi, il traffico sui valichi di frontiera è intenso, che può provocare brevi trattenute. Per l’entrata e la guida in Croazia, avrete bisogno della Carta Verde e una valida patente di guida. Il pedaggio è a pagamento sulle autostrade e superstrade ed inoltre, su alcuni ponti e gallerie.

da Trieste (Italia)

  • Confine di Pasjak - Opatija - porto di Brestova - Porozina (terraferma - isola di Cres)

da Lubiana (Slovenia)

  • Confine di Rupa - Rijeka (Fiume) - isola di Krk (ponte) - porto di Valbiska - Merag (isola di Krk - isola di Cres)
  • Confine di Rupa - Rijeka (Fiume) - Opatija - porto di Brestova - Porozina (terraferma - isola di Cres)

da Zagabria (Croazia)

  • Rijeka (Fiume) - Isola di Krk (ponte) - porto di Valbiska - Merag (isola di Krk - isola di Cres) Itinerario di navigazione

Ponti mobili

Per il passaggio delle imbarcazioni sono a disposizione due canali, i cui ponti mobili si alzano

  • a OSOR alle 9 e alle 17
  • a PRIVLAKA (Mali Lošinj) alle 9 e alle 18 di ogni giorno.
  • Mali Lošinj - Zagreb: 295 km
  • Mali Lošinj - Ljubljana: 255 km
  • Mali Lošinj - Trieste: 225 km
  • Mali Lošinj - Wien: 630 km
  • Mali Lošinj - München: 790 km

Con la nave

  • VALBISKA (Krk) - MERAG (Cres)
  • BRESTOVA (Istra) - POROZINA (Cres)
  • Traghetti "Lopar (Rab) – Valbiska (Krk)"
  • Catamarano "Mali Lošinj – Rijeka – Mali Lošinj"
  • Traghetto "Zadar – Mali Lošinj – Zadar"

Con l`autobus

La Croazia possiede una sviluppata rete nazionale di linee di pullman, che arrivano fino a piccole località della costa. La linea del pullman Fiume (Rijeka) – Lussinpiccolo (Mali Lošinj) viaggia diverse volte al giorno, la linea Zagabria (Zagreb) – Lussinpiccolo (Mali Lošinj) due volte al giorno, e durante l’estate percorre anche la linea diretta da Lubiana (Ljubljana).

Per informazioni piú detagliate visita:

  • Autostazione Zagreb
  • Autostazione Ljubljana

L`aeroporto sportivo di Lussino ( 900 m di pista asfaltata) è abilitato per il traffico internazionale ( polizia e dogana ) ed è il secondo aeroporto croato per il numero di atterraggi ( dopo Zagabria). Qui possono atterrare aeroplani con capacità fino a 40 posti ( dash 7 - 8, L - 410 Turbolet, Cessna 1500 - 500, King Air 100, King Air 90, King Air 200, Piper e altri aeroplani simili.)

L’Aeroporto di Rijeka (isola di Krk) è collegato con linee aeree regolari con le città tedesche Hannover, Bonn, Stuttgart e München, e con linee aeree regolari della compagnia easyJet con la città di London e Bristol.

  • Mali Lošinj
  • Veli Lošinj ( Lussingrande )
  • Appartamenti
  • Casa vacanza
  • Sveti Jakov

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Samara Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Samara oblast: Samara .

Samara Oblast - Overview

Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the southeastern part of European Russia, in the middle reaches of the Volga River, part of the Volga Federal District. Samara is the capital city of the region.

The population of Samara Oblast is about 3,132,000 (2022), the area - 53,565 sq. km.

Samara oblast flag

Samara oblast coat of arms.

Samara oblast coat of arms

Samara oblast map, Russia

Samara oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

15 February, 2020 / Syzran - the view from above .

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

26 January, 2018 / Samara - the view from above .

4 December, 2017 / Stadiums and Matches of the World Cup 2018 in Russia .

21 November, 2016 / Park of the History of Equipment in Tolyatti .

More posts..

History of Samara Oblast

The territory of the present Samara region became part of the Russian state in the middle of the 16th century, after the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates were conquered by the Russian state. In the 17th-18th centuries, the territory around the middle Volga was colonized by migrants from other regions of Russia and foreigners (in particular, the Volga Germans).

The intensified colonization of the region began only in the second half of the 18th century. From the mid 19th century, this region experienced economic growth. Samara became an important center of the Russian domestic grain market, which led to the development of trade and industry in the city. In 1851, Samara became the center of Samara guberniya (province).

In 1935, Samara was renamed into Kuybyshev (the historical name was returned in 1990). In Soviet times, industrialization had a serious impact on the development of the region. Construction of plants producing explosives, poisonous substances and ammunition began in the town of Chapayevsk.

During the Second World War, the region became one of the centers of the defense industry of the USSR. In 1941, an oil processing plant was put into operation in Syzran providing the army with fuel. Several aviation plants were evacuated to Kuybyshev from Moscow and Voronezh. They started production of “Il-2” attack aircraft.

More Historical Facts…

In 1942, a railway passed through Syzran to supply Soviet troops during the Stalingrad Battle. In 1941-1943, diplomatic missions of foreign countries to the USSR were located in Kuybyshev (Samara). In 1941, there were plans for transferring the capital of the country to Kuybyshev in case the German troops capture Moscow.

In the 1950s-1960s, this region was one of the leading centers of oil extracting in the USSR. In 1945-1951, Kuybyshev and Novokuybyshev oil processing plants were built. At the same time, construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was resumed. It was put into operation in 1955. Because of this construction, the town of Stavropol was flooded and was rebuilt in a new place and received a new name - Tolyatti.

Later, the construction base created during the construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was used to create a series of other large industrial enterprises in Tolyatti - “KuybyshevAzot” mineral fertilizer plant, “Tolyattikauchuk” synthetic rubber plant (1964-1966), the Volga Automobile Plant (1970), and the largest in the country and the world manufacturer of ammonia “TolyattiAzot” (1979).

At the same time, aviation production was expanded. Kuibyshev Aviation Plant began production of the most mass Soviet passenger medium-haul aircraft Tu-154. The Soviet rocket space program orders were also fulfilled at this plant (“Progress” rockets).

In the post Soviet period, due to saved economic potential, Samara oblast has become one of the main economic centers of the country.

Samara Oblast views

Samara Oblast scenery

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Dmitriy Siryachenko

Winter in Samara Oblast

Winter in Samara Oblast

Author: Ochin Vladimir

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Urgalkin

Samara Oblast - Features

Samara Oblast stretches from north to south for 335 km, and from west to east - for 315 km. The climate is moderately continental. The average temperature in July is plus 20.7 degrees Celsius, in January - minus 13.8 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns of the region are Samara (1,137,000), Tolyatti (685,600), Syzran (163,000), Novokuybyshevsk (98,400), Chapaevsk (70,100), Zhigulevsk (50,000), Otradny (47,000).

The main resources of the Samara region are oil, natural gas, shale oil, various building materials, water resources. The local industry is presented by about 400 large and medium plants and over 4,000 small ones. The most developed industries are machine building (automotive industry) and metalworking, fuel, electric power, chemical and petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy.

AvtoVAZ is the largest manufacturer of cars in Russia and Eastern Europe. TogliattiAzot is the largest producer of ammonia in the world (about 8-10%). The 300-kilometer section of the main ammonia pipeline Togliatti-Odessa passes through the territory of the region.

Crop production specializes in the cultivation of wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, sunflower, vegetables, and potatoes. Livestock is represented by production of cattle meat and milk, pigs, poultry.

Tourism in Samara Oblast

There are 19 monuments of archeology, more than 1,200 cultural monuments, 11 theaters, and 58 museums on the territory of the Samara region. The cities of Samara, Syzran and Tolyatti are included in the List of Historical Settlements of the Russian Federation.

The most developed areas of tourism: sightseeing tourism, cruises along the Volga River, medical and recreational, ecological, event, rural, and ethnographic tourism, caving tourism, bicycle and horse routes.

The most interesting sights:

  • The buildings of the Samara Drama Theater and the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater,
  • Stalin’s Bunker, House with Elephants, Klodt Mansion, Zhigulevsky Brewery in Samara,
  • Samara Space Museum,
  • Church of Sergius of Radonezh in Chapaevsk,
  • Kremlin, Sterlyadkin Mansion in Syzran,
  • Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Verhnee Sancheeleevo,
  • Museum of the History of Technology in Tolyatti,
  • House-museum of Ilya Repin in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • Sarbai Center of Folk Crafts in the village of Sarbai,
  • Center for Historical Modeling “Ancient World” with the dwellings of the Stone and Bronze Ages,
  • Zhiguli State Nature Reserve and Samarskaya Luka National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Zhiguli Mountains are the largest mountain range in the region and, at the same time, one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Annual festivals taking place in the Samara region:

  • All-Russia festival of the author’s song named after Valery Grushin (the first weekend of July),
  • “World of Bards” (in the end of August),
  • Festival of electronic music and extreme sports GES FEST (the second week of July),
  • “The Battle of Timur and Tokhtamysh”,
  • “Steppe races in the Samara estate of Leo Tolstoy”,
  • International festival “Drums of the World” (June),
  • Holiday “Syzran tomato” (mid-August),
  • “Holiday of a cherry pie” in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • International festival “Theatrical Circle” in Tolyatti,
  • Festival of Classical Ballet named after Alla Shelest.

Samara oblast of Russia photos

Nature of samara oblast.

Field road in the Samara region

Field road in the Samara region

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Author: Vladimir Baboshin

Samara Oblast landscape

Samara Oblast landscape

Pictures of the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Author: Dyomin Ivan

Church in Samara Oblast

Church in Samara Oblast

Author: B.Yartsev

Churches in the Samara region

Churches in the Samara region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

  • Currently 3.03/5

Rating: 3.0 /5 (257 votes cast)

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Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) - Rijeka: trajekti, katamarani i brodovi

  • Prijevoznik: Jadrolinija , Katamaran ( 9308 ) 06:00 Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) directions_boat ⟶ 4h 35m 10:35 Rijeka 10,40 € (78,36 kn) Cjenik ›
  • new_releases Popularne relacije
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  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Ilovik (Ilovik)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Novalja (Pag)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Olib (Olib)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Otok Krk
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Otok Pag
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Otok Susak
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Otok Unije
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Pula
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Rab (Rab)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Rijeka
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Silba (Silba)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Split
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Susak (Susak)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Unije (Unije)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Valbiska (Krk)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Venecija
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Zadar
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Zadar - Gaženica
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Zadar - Gradska luka
  • directions_boat Povezane relacije
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Cres (Cres)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Kosirača (Ist)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Krijal (Premuda)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Martinšćica (Cres)
  • Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Vele Srakane (Vele Srakane)
  • Trajekt Zadar - Ancona 51
  • Trajekt Split - Ancona 53
  • Trajekt Dubrovnik - Bari 54
  • Trajekt Valbiska (Krk) - Merag (Cres) 332
  • Trajekt Brestova - Porozina (Cres) 334
  • Trajekt Prizna - Žigljen (Pag) 335
  • Trajekt Stinica - Mišnjak (Rab) 337
  • Trajekt Lopar (Rab) - Valbiska (Krk) 338
  • Trajekt Zadar - Kosirača (Ist) - Olib - Silba - Krijal (Premuda) - Mali Lošinj 401
  • Trajekt Zadar - Ošljak - Preko (Ugljan) 431
  • Trajekt Biograd - Tkon (Pašman) 432
  • Trajekt Zadar - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Zverinac - Molat - Zapuntel (Molat) - Kosirača (Ist) 433
  • Trajekt Zadar - Brbinj (Dugi otok) 434
  • Trajekt Zadar - Bršanj (Iž) - Rava - Mala Rava 435
  • Trajekt Šibenik - Zlarin - Obonjan - Kaprije - Žirje 532
  • Trajekt Split - Vis 602
  • Trajekt Split - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Ubli (Lastovo) 604
  • Trajekt Trogir - Drvenik Mali - Drvenik Veli 606
  • Trajekt Split - Supetar (Brač) 631
  • Trajekt Drvenik - Sućuraj (Hvar) 632
  • Trajekt Ploče - Trpanj (Pelješac) 633
  • Trajekt Orebić (Pelješac) - Dominče (Korčula) 634
  • Trajekt Split - Stari Grad (Hvar) 635
  • Trajekt Split - Rogač (Šolta) 636
  • Trajekt Makarska - Sumartin (Brač) 638
  • Trajekt Dubrovnik - Koločep - Lopud - Suđurađ (Šipan) 831
  • Trajekt Prapratno (Pelješac) - Sobra (Mljet) 832
  • Trajekt Split - Ancona
  • Katamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik 651
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar 652
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar (Vira) 653
  • Katamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik 842
  • Katamaran Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar 9141
  • Katamaran Rijeka - Cres - Martinšćica (Cres) - Unije - Susak - Ilovik - Mali Lošinj 9308
  • Katamaran Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag) 9309
  • Katamaran Zadar - Premuda - Silba - Olib 9401
  • Katamaran Zadar - Molat - Brgulje (Molat) - Zapuntel (Molat) - Široka (Ist) 9403
  • Katamaran Zadar - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Zverinac - Božava (Dugi otok) - Brbinj (Dugi otok) 9404
  • Katamaran Zadar - Mali Iž - Veli Iž - Mala Rava - Rava 9405
  • Katamaran Zadar - Sali (Dugi otok) - Zaglav (Dugi otok) - Bršanj (Iž) 9406
  • Katamaran Šibenik - Kaprije - Žirje 9502
  • Katamaran Split - Rogač (Šolta) - Sutivan (Brač) - Milna (Brač) 9601
  • Katamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Vis 9602
  • Katamaran Split - Bol (Brač) - Stari Grad (Hvar) - Jelsa (Hvar) 9603
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Ubli (Lastovo) 9604
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar - Prigradica (Korčula) - Korčula 9608
  • Katamaran Dubrovnik - Šipanska Luka (Šipan) - Sobra (Mljet) - Polače (Mljet) - Korčula - Ubli (Lastovo) 9807
  • Katamaran Dubrovnik - Korčula - Ubli (Lastovo) 9808
  • Katamaran Pula - Rovinj - Poreč - Umag - Venecija
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar 9604s
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar (Vira) 9605s
  • Katamaran Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol (Brač) - Split 9811s
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar
  • Katamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik
  • Katamaran Split - Bol (Brač) - Makarska - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar - Korčula
  • Katamaran Split - Hvar (Vira)
  • Katamaran Split - Bol (Brač) - Jelsa (Hvar)
  • Brod Mali Lošinj - Vele Srakane - Unije - Susak 310
  • Brod Ilovik - Mrtvaška (Lošinj) 311
  • Brod Zadar - Mali Iž - Veli Iž - Mala Rava - Rava 405
  • Brod Zadar - Sali (Dugi otok) - Zaglav (Dugi otok) 406
  • Brod Zadar - Preko (Ugljan) 409
  • Brod Biograd - Pakoštane - Vrgada 415
  • Brod Brodarica - Krapanj 501
  • Brod Šibenik - Zlarin - Prvić Luka - Prvić Šepurine - Vodice 505
  • Brod Komiža (Vis) - Mezuporat (Biševo) - Salbunara (Biševo) - Porat (Biševo) 612
  • Brod Orebić (Pelješac) - Korčula 614
  • Brod Dubrovnik - Koločep - Lopud - Suđurađ (Šipan) 807
  • Brod Biograd - Vrgada
  • Brod Split - Slatine (Čiovo) - Trogir

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39 Facts About Samara (Samarskaya Oblast)

Iolanthe Weiss

Written by Iolanthe Weiss

Modified & Updated: 01 Aug 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

  • Volga River Facts


Samara, located in the Samarskaya oblast of Russia, is a vibrant city with a rich history and mesmerizing landscapes. Nestled along the banks of the Volga River, it is a bustling hub of culture, industry, and innovation. With a population of over 1 million people, Samara boasts a diverse and dynamic community.

From its origins as a prominent trade center in the 16th century to its role as a key aerospace and automotive manufacturing hub in modern times, Samara has undergone significant development and transformation. This article will delve into 39 fascinating facts about Samara, highlighting its landmarks, traditions, and hidden gems that make it a remarkable destination.

Key Takeaways:

  • Samara, also known as Kuybyshev, is a vibrant city on the Volga River, famous for its space exploration, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. It’s a must-visit for history buffs and nature enthusiasts alike.
  • With its iconic Stalin’s Bunker, Zhiguli Mountains, and vibrant nightlife, Samara offers something for everyone. From delicious traditional cuisine to world-class universities, this city is a treasure trove of history, culture, and adventure.

Samara is situated on the banks of the Volga River.

As the largest city on the Volga River, Samara boasts stunning waterfront views and offers various water-based activities for locals and tourists.

It is the sixth-largest city in Russia, with a population of over 1 million people.

Samara is a bustling metropolis with a diverse population and a vibrant urban atmosphere.

The city was founded in 1586 as a fortress.

Samara has a rich history dating back over four centuries, and its founding as a fortress played a significant role in its development.

Samara was known as Kuybyshev from 1935 to 1991.

During the Soviet era, the city was renamed Kuybyshev in honor of Valerian Kuybyshev, a prominent Bolshevik leader.

The iconic Stalin’s Bunker is located in Samara.

This underground complex served as a shelter for Joseph Stalin during World War II and is now open to the public as a museum.

Samara is often referred to as the “Gateway to Space.”

The city houses the renowned TsSKB-Progress Rocket and Space Center , which has played a critical role in Russia’s space exploration efforts.

The renowned Zhiguli Mountains are located near Samara.

This picturesque mountain range offers breathtaking views and countless opportunities for outdoor activities.

Samara is home to the famous Samara Space Museum.

Here, visitors can learn about the history and achievements of Russian space exploration through interactive exhibits.

The Samara Embankment is one of the longest in Europe.

Stretching over 5 kilometers along the Volga River , the embankment offers stunning views, recreational areas, and vibrant nightlife options.

Samara is known for its beautiful beaches.

During the summer months, locals and tourists flock to the sandy shores along the Volga River to enjoy sunbathing and various water sports.

The Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is a cultural gem in the city.

Known for its magnificent performances and stunning architecture, the theater is a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

The Zhiguli Beer Factory is located in Samara.

This famous brewery produces one of Russia’s most beloved beers, known as Zhigulevskoye.

Samara is a major transportation hub in Russia.

The city has a well-developed network of roads, railways , and airports, connecting it to other parts of the country and beyond.

The iconic Samara Square is the geographical center of the city.

Surrounded by historic buildings and bustling shops, the square is a popular gathering place for locals and tourists alike.

Samara is home to several prestigious universities and research institutions.

The city offers excellent educational opportunities, attracting students from all over the world.

The Samara State Aerospace University is renowned for its aerospace engineering programs.

It has produced many accomplished professionals in the field of space exploration.

The Samara State Medical University is one of the top medical institutions in Russia.

It has a strong reputation for its academic excellence and medical research.

Samara has a rich literary heritage.

Many prominent Russian writers, including Maxim Gorky and Alexey Tolstoy, have ties to the city.

The Samara Philharmonic Orchestra is known for its exceptional performances.

It attracts renowned musicians and hosts various concerts throughout the year.

The city’s architectural landmarks include the Samara Academic Drama Theater.

This beautiful theater showcases outstanding performances and boasts a stunning neoclassical design .

Samara is famous for its vibrant nightlife.

The city offers a wide range of bars, clubs, and restaurants that cater to different tastes and preferences.

The Samara Krasnaya Glinka Airport offers domestic and international flights.

It serves as an important gateway to the city and the surrounding region.

The Samara Railway Station is one of the busiest in the country.

It connects Samara with major cities across Russia and neighboring countries.

The Samara State Art Museum houses a diverse collection of artworks.

Visitors can explore various artistic styles and admire masterpieces by both Russian and international artists.

The Zhiguli Hydroelectric Station is located near Samara.

This impressive structure generates electricity and plays a vital role in the region’s energy production.

The Samara Arena hosted matches during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

It is a state-of-the-art stadium that can accommodate over 40,000 spectators .

Samara is a haven for nature enthusiasts.

The city is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, including national parks and forests.

The Samara State Historical and Architectural Museum is a treasure trove of local history.

It showcases artifacts and exhibits that highlight the city’s past and its contributions to Russian history.

Samara is a city of festivals.

Throughout the year, various cultural events and celebrations take place, attracting artists and performers from all over the world.

The iconic Stalin’s House of Culture is a symbol of Soviet architecture.

It is now a popular cultural center that hosts concerts, exhibitions, and theatrical performances.

The Samara Square named after V.V. Kuibyshev is a major gathering place for locals.

Surrounded by shops and cafes, it provides an ideal spot for people-watching and enjoying the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

Samara has a thriving film industry.

The city hosts several international film festivals and has produced many acclaimed Russian filmmakers.

The Kurumoch International Airport serves as a gateway to Samara.

It offers domestic and international flights , connecting the city to destinations around the world.

The iconic Samara State University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Russia.

It has a rich academic heritage and offers a wide range of degree programs .

Samara is known for its delicious traditional cuisine.

Visitors can savor local dishes such as zharkoye, pirozhki, and Samara-style pickles.

The Samarskaya Luka National Park is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.

It boasts diverse ecosystems, stunning landscapes, and numerous hiking trails.

The Samara State Technical University is renowned for its engineering and technical programs.

It prepares students for successful careers in various industries.

Samara is a city of sports.

The city has produced many accomplished athletes and has hosted numerous national and international sporting events .

Samara is a city of bridges.

The city’s numerous bridges, including the iconic Zhiguli Bridge, provide convenient river crossings and add to the city’s architectural charm.

As you can see, Samara (Samarskaya oblast) is a city teeming with history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you are interested in exploring its architectural wonders, immersing yourself in the arts, or enjoying the outdoor adventures it offers, Samara is sure to captivate your heart. Plan a visit and experience the magic of this remarkable city firsthand!

In conclusion, Samara, also known as Samarskaya oblast, is a fascinating city with a rich history and numerous interesting facts. From its iconic landmarks to its vibrant culture, there is so much to discover and explore in this beautiful region of Russia. Whether you are interested in architecture, nature, or simply immersing yourself in the local atmosphere, Samara has something to offer everyone.With its strategic location on the Volga River and its diverse population, Samara has grown into a thriving city that offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition. Its impressive aerospace industry, stunning beaches, and vibrant nightlife make it an ideal destination for both business and leisure travelers. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the warmth and hospitality of the Samara people, who are known for their friendly nature and welcoming spirit.Plan your visit to Samara and prepare to be captivated by its charm and allure. Whether you’re strolling along the iconic promenade, exploring the beautiful parks, or indulging in the local cuisine, you’re sure to create memories that will last a lifetime in this enchanting city.

Q: What is the population of Samara?

A: According to the latest estimates, the population of Samara is around 1.2 million people.

Q: What is the best time to visit Samara?

A: The best time to visit Samara is during the summer months from June to August when the weather is warm, and various outdoor activities can be enjoyed.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Samara?

A: Yes, Samara is home to several iconic landmarks, including the Samara State Philharmonic Hall, the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, and the Samara Embankment.

Q: Can I explore nature in Samara?

A: Absolutely! Samara boasts stunning natural landscapes, including the Samarskaya Luka National Park , Zhiguli Mountains, and the Volga River, where you can enjoy activities such as hiking, boating, and picnicking.

Q: Is it easy to get around in Samara?

A: Yes, Samara has a well-developed transportation system, including buses, trams, and taxis, making it convenient for visitors to navigate the city and explore its attractions.

Q: Are there any traditional festivals or events in Samara?

A: Yes, Samara hosts various festivals throughout the year, including the Samara International Music Festival, the Samara Aerospace Show, and the Samara Summer Festival, showcasing the city’s rich cultural heritage.

Q: What are some popular dishes to try in Samara?

A: Some popular dishes to try in Samara include Zharkoye (meat stew), Pryaniki (gingerbread), Kulesh (a traditional Russian soup), and Blini (thin pancakes served with various fillings).

Q: Is English widely spoken in Samara?

A: While English may not be widely spoken, especially in rural areas, most hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions in Samara have staff members who can communicate in English.

Q: What are some nearby attractions to visit from Samara?

A: Some nearby attractions to visit from Samara include Togliatti, known as the “motor city” of Russia, the Samara Bend, and the historical town of Volgograd .

Q: Are there any shopping opportunities in Samara?

A: Yes, Samara has several shopping malls, street markets, and boutique stores where you can find a variety of goods, from local souvenirs to international brands.

Samara's fascinating history and cultural richness make it a captivating destination for anyone interested in exploring the wonders of Russia. Dive deeper into Russian culture by learning about the intricacies of the Russian language. Discover more about the heart of the Russian Federation with intriguing facts about the Kremlin . And don't forget to explore the natural beauty of the region by uncovering the secrets of the mighty Volga River , which has played a significant role in shaping Samara's identity.

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Ferry Rijeka → Susak (Susak): timetables and prices

  • Operator: Jadrolinija , Catamaran ( 9308 ) 14:30 ⓘ Rijeka directions_boat ⟶ 3h 0m 17:30 ⓘ Susak (Susak) 10,40 € Prices ›
  • new_releases Popular routes
  • Rijeka → Ancona
  • Rijeka → Bari
  • Rijeka → Cres (Cres)
  • Rijeka → Dubrovnik
  • Rijeka → Hvar (Hvar)
  • Rijeka → Korčula (Korčula)
  • Rijeka → Krk (Krk)
  • Rijeka → Lopar (Rab)
  • Rijeka → Mali Lošinj (Lošinj)
  • Rijeka → Martinšćica (Cres)
  • Rijeka → Novalja (Pag)
  • Rijeka → Island of Krk
  • Rijeka → Island of Rab
  • Rijeka → Rab (Rab)
  • Rijeka → Silba (Silba)
  • Rijeka → Split
  • Rijeka → Susak (Susak)
  • Rijeka → Unije (Unije)
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  • Rijeka → Zadar
  • directions_boat Related routes
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  • Rijeka → Island of Lošinj
  • Rijeka → Island of Pag
  • Rijeka → Island of Susak
  • Rijeka → Island of Unije
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Ancona 51
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Ancona 53
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Dubrovnik - Bari 54
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Valbiska (Krk) - Merag (Cres) 332
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Brestova - Porozina (Cres) 334
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Prizna - Žigljen (Pag) 335
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Stinica - Mišnjak (Rab) 337
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Lopar (Rab) - Valbiska (Krk) 338
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Kosirača (Ist) - Olib - Silba - Krijal (Premuda) - Mali Lošinj 401
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Ošljak - Preko (Ugljan) 431
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Biograd - Tkon (Pašman) 432
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Zverinac - Molat - Zapuntel (Molat) - Kosirača (Ist) 433
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Brbinj (Dugi otok) 434
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Bršanj (Iž) - Rava - Mala Rava 435
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Šibenik - Zlarin - Obonjan - Kaprije - Žirje 532
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Vis 602
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Ubli (Lastovo) 604
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Trogir - Drvenik Mali - Drvenik Veli 606
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Supetar (Brač) 631
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Drvenik - Sućuraj (Hvar) 632
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Ploče - Trpanj (Pelješac) 633
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Orebić (Pelješac) - Dominče (Korčula) 634
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Stari Grad (Hvar) 635
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Rogač (Šolta) 636
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Makarska - Sumartin (Brač) 638
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Dubrovnik - Koločep - Lopud - Suđurađ (Šipan) 831
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Prapratno (Pelješac) - Sobra (Mljet) 832
  • Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Ancona
  • Catamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik 651
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar 652
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar (Vira) 653
  • Catamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik 842
  • Catamaran Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar 9141
  • Catamaran Rijeka - Cres - Martinšćica (Cres) - Unije - Susak - Ilovik - Mali Lošinj 9308
  • Catamaran Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag) 9309
  • Catamaran Zadar - Premuda - Silba - Olib 9401
  • Catamaran Zadar - Molat - Brgulje (Molat) - Zapuntel (Molat) - Široka (Ist) 9403
  • Catamaran Zadar - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Zverinac - Božava (Dugi otok) - Brbinj (Dugi otok) 9404
  • Catamaran Zadar - Mali Iž - Veli Iž - Mala Rava - Rava 9405
  • Catamaran Zadar - Sali (Dugi otok) - Zaglav (Dugi otok) - Bršanj (Iž) 9406
  • Catamaran Šibenik - Kaprije - Žirje 9502
  • Catamaran Split - Rogač (Šolta) - Sutivan (Brač) - Milna (Brač) 9601
  • Catamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Vis 9602
  • Catamaran Split - Bol (Brač) - Stari Grad (Hvar) - Jelsa (Hvar) 9603
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Ubli (Lastovo) 9604
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar - Prigradica (Korčula) - Korčula 9608
  • Catamaran Dubrovnik - Šipanska Luka (Šipan) - Sobra (Mljet) - Polače (Mljet) - Korčula - Ubli (Lastovo) 9807
  • Catamaran Dubrovnik - Korčula - Ubli (Lastovo) 9808
  • Catamaran Pula - Rovinj - Poreč - Umag - Venecija
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar 9604s
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar (Vira) 9605s
  • Catamaran Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol (Brač) - Split 9811s
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar
  • Catamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik
  • Catamaran Split - Bol (Brač) - Makarska - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar - Korčula
  • Catamaran Split - Hvar (Vira)
  • Catamaran Split - Bol (Brač) - Jelsa (Hvar)
  • Passenger ferry Mali Lošinj - Vele Srakane - Unije - Susak 310
  • Passenger ferry Ilovik - Mrtvaška (Lošinj) 311
  • Passenger ferry Zadar - Mali Iž - Veli Iž - Mala Rava - Rava 405
  • Passenger ferry Zadar - Sali (Dugi otok) - Zaglav (Dugi otok) 406
  • Passenger ferry Zadar - Preko (Ugljan) 409
  • Passenger ferry Biograd - Pakoštane - Vrgada 415
  • Passenger ferry Brodarica - Krapanj 501
  • Passenger ferry Šibenik - Zlarin - Prvić Luka - Prvić Šepurine - Vodice 505
  • Passenger ferry Komiža (Vis) - Mezuporat (Biševo) - Salbunara (Biševo) - Porat (Biševo) 612
  • Passenger ferry Orebić (Pelješac) - Korčula 614
  • Passenger ferry Dubrovnik - Koločep - Lopud - Suđurađ (Šipan) 807
  • Passenger ferry Biograd - Vrgada
  • Passenger ferry Split - Slatine (Čiovo) - Trogir


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  5. Volo e Soggiorno sull’Isola di Lussino

    catamarano rijeka lussino

  6. Sailing-superyacht di lusso catamarano

    catamarano rijeka lussino


  1. Catamarano Vittoria M esce dal porto di Favignana e si mette in rada

  2. CIAO! Lussino Croazia!!

  3. Catamarano nyx 565

  4. il catamarano Gabriele m in arrivo al porto di Lipari

  5. Partenza del catamarano Snav Aquila dal porto di Casamicciola

  6. Catamarano Federica M in arrivo al porto di Favignana


  1. Catamarano Mali Lošinj

    Catamarano Mali Lošinj - Rijeka / Pula / Zadar Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Susak - Unije - Martinšćica - Cres - Rijeka 01.01. - 30.05. & 30.09. - 31.12.2024. ... è stata scoperta nel 1996 nel mare vicino all'isola di Lussino a una profondità di 45 metri. La statua, vecchia di oltre 2000 anni, raffigura un giovane atleta che pulisce il suo ...

  2. Rijeka → Mali Losinj Catamaran, timetable and prices

    Rijeka Mali Losinj , 2024-09-05 . Older. Search results

  3. Rijeka

    Rijeka - Mali Lošinj (Lošinj): trajekti, katamarani i brodovi - provjerite plovidbeni red i cijene na najdetaljnijoj tražilici hrvatskog pomorskog prometa.

  4. Katamaran Mali Lošinj

    Katamaran Mali Lošinj - Rijeka / Pula / Zadar Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Susak - Unije - Martinšćica - Cres - Rijeka 01.01. - 30.05. & 30.09. - 31.12.2024.

  5. Ferry Rijeka → Mali Lošinj (Lošinj): timetables and prices

    Rijeka → Mali Lošinj (Lošinj): timetable and prices for all the ferries on this route. Search and compare all ferries in Croatia with one click. menu AllFerriesCroatia.com. Menu. ... Catamaran Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag) 9309; Catamaran Zadar - Premuda - Silba - Olib 9401;

  6. Ilovik

    Korisne informacije. Iz Rijeke svakoga dana plovi brzobrodska linija koja povezuje otoke Kvarnera - Cres i Martinšćicu na otoku Cresu, otok Unije, otok Susak, otok Ilovik te Mali Lošinj. Brz i praktičan prijevoz za sve one koji do svojeg odredišta žele stići lagodnom i opuštenom plovidbom. Vremenski okvir cjelokupnog putovanja na ovoj ...

  7. Catamaran Mali Lošinj

    * From 26.08. to 29.09. departs from Rijeka every day at 14:30, and on Fridays and Sundays at 16:00. ** From 26.08. to 29.09. departs from Mali Lošinj on Sundays at 11:00 Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar

  8. Rijeka

    Catamaran Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar 9141 Catamaran Rijeka - Cres - Martinšćica (Cres) - Unije - Susak - Ilovik - Mali Lošinj 9308 Catamaran Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag) 9309

  9. Katamaran Mali Lošinj

    Svakodnevna katamaranska linija povezuje Mali Lošinj s Rijekom i Cresom, koja obilazi i manje otoke Susak, Ilovik i Unije. Također, katamaran plovi i na relaciji Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar. Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Susak - Unije - Martinšćica - Cres - Rijeka. 01.01.-01.06. & 02.10.-31.12.2017.

  10. Rijeka → Mali Lošinj katamaran, vozni red i cijene

    Catamaran Line; Bura Line; Krilo Shipping Company; SNAV; Venezia Lines; Liberty Lines; Gomo Viaggi; Manji trajektni prijevoznici; ... Rijeka Mali Lošinj, 2024-09-05 . Share story. Older. Katamaran Rijeka → Ilovik. Newer. Katamaran Rijeka → Martinšćica. Katamaran Sutivan Split. Jul 16, 2024 Katamaran Split Sutivan. Jul 16, 2024 Morten ...

  11. Ferry Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) → Rijeka: timetables and prices

    Catamaran Split - Hvar 652; Catamaran Split - Hvar (Vira) 653; Catamaran Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik 842; Catamaran Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar 9141; Catamaran Rijeka - Cres - Martinšćica (Cres) - Unije - Susak - Ilovik - Mali Lošinj 9308; Catamaran Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag) 9309

  12. Catamaran Mali Lošinj

    Mali Lošinj Tourist Board Priko 42, HR - 51550 MALI LOŠINJ, Croatia Telephone: +385 51 231 884 E-mail: [email protected] WORKING HOURS: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m ...

  13. Traghetto Rijeka → Mali Lošinj (Lošinj): orari e prezzi

    Catamarano Split - Hvar 652; Catamarano Split - Hvar (Vira) 653; Catamarano Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik 842; Catamarano Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali Lošinj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar 9141; Catamarano Rijeka - Cres - Martinšćica (Cres) - Unije - Susak - Ilovik - Mali Lošinj 9308; Catamarano Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag) 9309

  14. Katamaran Mali Lošinj

    Jadrolinija - Rijeka; Riva 16; +385 72 30 33 37 . Ispiši sadržaj stranice. Prethodna; Red plovidbe; Sljedeća; Kontakti Turistička zajednica Grada Malog Lošinja Priko 42, HR - 51550 MALI LOŠINJ, Hrvatska Telefon: 051 231 884 E-mail: [email protected]. RADNO VRIJEME:

  15. Ist

    There can be no mistake in choosing between any of five potential destinations - Ist, Olib, Silba, Premuda, and Mali Lošinj. The duration of the trip to the last destination in the series, Mali Lošinj, is seven hours. However, the scenes of sailing through the Zadar archipelago towards the Kvarner Islands cause time to pass quickly.

  16. Arrivo a Lussino

    Linee catamarani. Il modo migliore per arrivare a Lussino senza la macchina è il catamarano / aliscafo che presta il servizio ogni giorno da Rijeka per Cres e Mali Losinj. Assicuratevi di acquistare il biglietto prima della partenza perché il numero dei posti è limitato. Il prezzo del biglietto è di circa 60 kune a persona per Mali Losinj.

  17. Samara Oblast, Russia guide

    Samara Oblast - Overview. Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the southeastern part of European Russia, in the middle reaches of the Volga River, part of the Volga Federal District. Samara is the capital city of the region. The population of Samara Oblast is about 3,132,000 (2022), the area - 53,565 sq. km.

  18. Mali Lošinj (Lošinj)

    Mali Lošinj (Lošinj) - Rijeka: trajekti, katamarani i brodovi - provjerite plovidbeni red i cijene na najdetaljnijoj tražilici hrvatskog pomorskog prometa.

  19. Catamarano Mali Lošinj

    CATAMARANO MALI LOŠINJ - ILOVIK - SUSAK - UNIJE - CRES - RIJEKA. . Qui e programma per il 2024! La linea è gestita dalla compagnia di navigazione Jadrolinija. La linea di crociera è soggetta a modifiche. BIGLIETTI ONLINE e PUNTI VENDITA. Precedente. Orari delle navi. Seguente.

  20. 39 Facts about Samara (Samarskaya oblast)

    39 Facts About Samara (Samarskaya Oblast) Samara, located in the Samarskaya oblast of Russia, is a vibrant city with a rich history and mesmerizing landscapes. Nestled along the banks of the Volga River, it is a bustling hub of culture, industry, and innovation. With a population of over 1 million people, Samara boasts a diverse and dynamic ...

  21. Governor of Samara Oblast

    The Governor of Samara Oblast (Russian: Губернатор Самарской области) is the head of government of Samara Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. The position was introduced in 1991 as Head of Administration of Samara Oblast.The Governor is elected by direct popular vote for a term of five years and can hold the position for two consecutive terms.

  22. Ferry Rijeka → Susak (Susak): timetables and prices

    Ferry Rijeka → Susak (Susak): timetables and prices. 28. 08. 24. 29. 08. Rijeka → Susak (Susak): timetable and prices for all the ferries on this route. Search and compare all ferries in Croatia with one click.

  23. Samara Oblast Map

    Neighbors: Orenburg Oblast, Saratov Oblast, Tatarstan and Ulyanovsk Oblast. Categories: oblast of Russia and locality. Location: Volga Region, Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe. View on Open­Street­Map. Latitude of center. 52.6768° or 52° 40' 36" north. Longitude of center. 50.5874° or 50° 35' 15" east. Population.