Aboard the one and only German Volvo Ocean Race Winner

  • September 9th, 2020
  • Sailing Yacht

It was a hot summer´s day back in June this year when I visited Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt in Rostock at his “Speedsailing”-base near the city center. I went there to take a closer look at Dehler´s new 30 OD One Design which had already caught my imagination back in Cannes on her world premiere. Upon walking along the pontoon I noticed three large sailing yacht. True racers for which Speedsailing initially was best know for: Prior to becoming a Sales Agent for Dehler 30 OD this company was founded to keeping alive legendary racing yachts and offer a true racing experience to people. Their crow jewel of course is the GLASHÄGER, better know under her previous name, ILLBRUCK.

illbruck yacht heute

After Oliver showed me around on the Dehler 30 OD for more than two hours in detail, we walked back to the shore and came by the yacht. “Wanna take a look inside?”, he offered. Well, what a question? Of course I wanted! So I climbed aboard that 60 feet behemoth and instantly felt kind of being drawn into the amazing story of that yacht. For me as a German the name ILLBRUCK has a very special tone to it: She is the first, one and to date only German boat to ever win the Volvo Ocean Race. As I said: A true legend.

Inside ex-ILLBRUCK

The boat has been drawn as part of the one-design V.O.60-class and was built prior to the 2001 race. The campaign however was financed by German businessman Michael Illbruck who in turn is the son of Wilhelm Gustav Illbruck, a sailing legend and sponsor of Admiral´s Cupper PINTA who won the race in 1983. So, here we are aboard that classic. When I went down into what on other yachts is called the “saloon” it was almost like a magic moment: How many hundred times must have the crew of 2001/2002 Volvo Ocean Race come down and up the Kevlar-made “steps” of the companionway?

illbruck yacht heute

Down below the boat shines in yellow. The unmistakable hint of the boat´s prime material: Kevlar. Before the Carbon fibres became common sense in boat building it was a class rule of the V.O.60-boats to be built with Kevlar. This was the state-of-the-art stuff as it had a much higher impact resistance – back in those days there haven´t been any route-limitations for the crews, called “ice gates”, and so the boats were made as strong as possible to withstand possible impacts with growlers. The ex-ILLBRUCK weighs in 13.5 tons which is half the displacement of the Oceanis Yacht 62 ! Her bulkheads cling, making a strange sound when I knocked on it. Like being under some kind of tension. The strange yellow color of the unpainted, bare material instills a feeling of raw, naked power. Made for one sole purpose: Going fast.

illbruck yacht heute

The ILLBRUCK – now re-christened GLASHÄGER in honor for her new sponsor, a German mineral water brand – had the top-equipment available back in the days. The early 2000 years, sounds as if they had been passed by just the other day, in reality, that´s twenty years ago. In 5 years that will be a quarter century! A modern boat of her time, the pinnacle of yacht design and materials, today a slight scent of being antiquated – in the best sense of the word!

Unimaginable living conditions

Just like humans in a WW2 uboat , the crew of ILLBRUCK was not the primary concern when the yacht had been conceived. Everything on this boat seems to be envisioned and then made to make her go fast. Living conditions, human demands, comfort – these are words which did not play a single role in construction phase. Simple lightweight, slim and most certainly uncozy berths made of pipes plaster the hull walls.

illbruck yacht heute

A net makes the mattress. That´s it. A simple lashing can adjust the berth to the heeling and tack of the boat, that´s it. The crew probably had simple sleeping bags, most certainly wet and cold, a makeshift pillow, maybe the oilskin . There is no privacy here whatsoever, no cabins nor simple curtains or blankets. It must have been a hard trial being part of ILLBRUCK´s crew for sure.

illbruck yacht heute

I contemplate the water closet, cramped in a somewhat shadowy corner, half shadowed by a bulkhead, recessed into the hull. The ceramics would have been adjusted to counter the heeling as well and – although I cannot see one – I hope the crew would had made up for a blind, a curtain or something: As a guy obsessed with having at least two closed doors between me and civilization when taking a dump, this WC would most certainly have been my “Nope, thanks!” when being asked to join the crew.

A racing veteran

Apart from that, the ILLBRUCK has some pretty impressive features still valid. The nav station for example. Navigation back in the day already had been satellite-driven and digital, weather routing and evaluating weather data the digital way by means of a computer was available. So the navigator had his dedicated “nav station” in front of a screen rather than sitting on an old-fashioned chart table .

illbruck yacht heute

The Diesel-tank which makes up for the seating of the navigator are tilted in a way that when sailing heeled the navigator would sit upright. I took the seat and closed my eyes for a short minute: I tried to imagine the sound of the waves smashing against the hull, the flow of water alongside – ILLBRUCK´s speed record still stays at whopping 39 knots, which is 72 kilometres per hour. Just try to imagine the sound, roaring winds in the rigging from above, crashing waters from below. Around the world!

illbruck yacht heute

Carbon indeed was part of the boat. I spotted the typical matte-black color in form of the power train from the huge grinders to the winches. Again I tried to imagine the sound when two people turn the winches with full power and the clacking and cracking noise of the tubes transmit throughout the boat. It´s a loud awkward sound in normal cruising yachts, just think of it manyfold stranger on this racing machine!

Keeping the legend alive

Oliver is seemingly proud: Along with ex-ILLBRUCK the company owns two more V.O.60, which is ex-SEB (now OSPA) and ex-TOSHIBA (which is now ROSTOCKER). Three V.O.60 yachts identical in construction: The boats can be chartered and match raced under real conditions, skippered by the Speedsailing team. The spirit of racing lives inside the boats, the team around Oliver is creating this worldwide unique atmosphere of high-class offshore racing – and it´s just a one hour drive from my home town!

illbruck yacht heute

When I left Oliver after thanking him for his time, I looked back onto this proud fleet. Well maintained and often raced, these veterans of offshore racing are not rusting on a pier or being put on dry stand, de-masted, de-capitated. They keep the spirit alive and – by judging from the atmosphere I was able to grasp there among the Speedsailing-staff – they all love what they do in providing a unique experience. Sitting in my car, driving back home I make a not to myself: “Ask the boss if we could do a match race on these as a big event for our staff.” Maybe as a company´s birthday present.

illbruck yacht heute

ILLBRUCK at her big time has been under the command of legendary U.S.-skipper John Kostecki. The first, one and only German boat to ever win this highly well endowed race sported a crew of 12 people of which just one had been German. Nobody cared whatsoever: After setting up a world record of 484 miles in 24 hours and winning the toughest offshore race to date, the boat arrived in Kiel in 2002, being frantically greeted by a fascinated nation. I thought I had heard an echo of this down in her hull. What a chilling cool experience!

Thanks for the tour, Oli!

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illbruck Makes it Two Straight

  • By Dave Reed
  • Updated: December 4, 2001

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“We got on to a slow start the first night,” said Kostecki after finishing. “We took on so much water and at times we thought we were sinking. We were coming back to shore at one point and we managed to stop the leak and bailed the water out, it took us an hour and a half and we gave them a 20-mile headstart. Yeah, it was tough, but we battled back and we have a great team and we were able to come out with a victory. I’m very glad it’s over.”

Finishing 1 hour and 13 minutes after illbruck was SEB, the other green machine of the fleet, which had led for much of the closing second half of the leg. Illbruck had been stalking them for the nearly a week, and perhaps it was illbruck’s intimidation that pushed the crew of Gurra Krantz’s SEB to take one step too close to the edge. In a wild broach on Saturday, SEB exploded its masthead-reaching kite, and then flooded their bow compartment. The lead they’d been fighting to hold vanished on Saturday.

“Last night was one of those nights we will never forget,” Krantz wrote the following day. “We wiped out and shattered the spinnaker. It was very disappointing, as we had managed to get through two jibes without crashing. We were monitoring a squall and it was coming closer, just aiming for us. ’No worries,’ we thought. We’ve been clean through two bad ones earlier and saw no reason to back down on this one. This one came in with a lift and forced us to sail higher and with an angle to the waves. One wave was bigger than the other was and, in combination with an extra gust, we just spun out. Not even a chance to make it.”

Krantz added that the situation turned from bad to worse when a spinnaker sheet jammed in the rudder, forcing them to put crewmember Tom Braidwood into the water to free it. Once underway, however, they immediately suffered from the massive gap in their sail inventory. With each position report, illbruck gained, and then there was more bad news. A bow hatch had been accidentally been opened, allowing several hundred gallons of seawater to fill the forward compartment. “A ton of water and all the garbage mixed up in it had to be emptied,” said Krantz. “We used buckets and a tail bag in the cockpit for the mission.”

Ross Field’s Team News Corp was the third team to arrive in Sydney nearly an hour after SEB. Their second third-place finish moves them into second overall in the standings, a position that Field is content with for now. “We’re very happy with third,” he said after finishing. “We’re definitely going better than we were in the first leg and with more improvement we will be there.”

As the first three arrivals enjoyed the fruits of their arrival, a heated battle was underway between Knut Frostad’s djuice dragons and Grant Dalton’s Amer Sports One. The dragons had been slowly reducing Amer’s lead, and as was the story of this leg, a boathandling error on Amer was their undoing. In full view of media helicopters, Amer accidentally jibed, and the boat rolled onto its side. Worse than the humiliation of being caught on film, Dalton, who was belowdecks was injured in the incident. Amer’s navigator and onboard medic Roger Nilson reported that Dalton may have sustained internal injuries and broken ribs.

With their leader man down, Amer was crippled, and djuice immediately capitalized, overtaking them and finish fourth for the leg. “We were pushing a little bit too hard,” said Amer co-skipper Bouwe Bekking. “We were loosing control and it was the first time in my life that we made such a bad broach. It was the worst situation we have been in on this leg. This was a nasty one, one like this and the rig can come down and just especially when we were so close to home and we had such a good leg. We sailed very properly and we just lost control in the flood of the race.”

The final finisher for the leg was Mark Rudiger and Neal McDonald’s Assa Abloy, obviously disappointed with another poor finish. “I told the guys as we were coming in that in my mind they won this leg, they pushed hard; the boat went really fast; and it’s really Neal and I that need to put on the winning positions. It’s an easy thing to fix as we have a good boat and great crew, we just need to work on our side of things.”

The girls on Amer Sports One will continue to fight their uphill battle for several more days. At this morning’s position report, they had 627 miles to sail.

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Illbrück want to win the next America's Cup

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Illbruck crosses Equator

Yachting World

  • October 10, 2001

Illbruck is the first yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race to cross the equator and enter the southern hemisphere

Illbruck is the first yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race to cross the equator and enter the southern hemisphere. The German-flagged yacht is currently 17 miles ahead of Assa Abloy.

On board Illbruck, her crew have been quietly preparing to induct the four crew that have yet to cross from north to south. Richard Clarke (helmsman/trimmer), Ian Moore (navigator), Jamie Gale (mast) and Tony Kolb (bow) will all incur the wrath of King Neptune, who, as justice for past crimes, dishes out punishment in many smelly and sticky forms.

“I saw Stu ‘Waffler’ Bettany busy getting the King Neptune crown ready, and a bucket on deck contains some brew,” explained navigator Juan Vila.

For the rest of the fleet, it’s still plain sailing and a pure test of horse, or rather sail, power in the steady south-east trades as they simply race towards the same waypoint (Fernando de Noronha).

These straight line sailing conditions are the true acid test of every yacht’s sail testing programme and final inventory selection, as News Corp’s Alby Pratt commented: “With a Volvo boat, the yachts have to cover both upwind and downwind plus all the reaching angles in between which can lead to a massive variation in sail designs and sizes. It is easy to see why most teams have seven figure budgets for their sails.”

Still some 300 miles off their equator ceremony, the crew on Amer Sports Too are feeling the immense frustration of falling further behind the fleet with every six hourly report. “We are officially parked, or let’s say, illegally parked,” said navigator Genevieve White. “Our worst fears have been realised – the lead pack of five boats whom we have kept within general striking distance to date have slipped though the doldrums just ahead of us while we have stopped in our tracks just behind by a breezeless, shifty area combined with sloppy confused seas. Nevertheless, the crew is really positive, itching to get moving again and get on with the job.”

Position Report Day 18

illbruck yacht heute

Pinta Husavik sold

De valk sells legendary illbruck yacht.

illbruck yacht heute

De Valk Hindeloopen, a member of the De Valk International brokerage group, has sold Pinta Husavik (ex. Pinta Smeralda), the final private sailing yacht of the late Willy Illbruck. This pioneering vessel, which benefits from the decades of experience built up by Illbruck during his illustrious career, is now being enjoyed by her new Dutch owners.

Launched in 1997 by Marten Marine in New Zealand, the customised Pinta Husavik was a trend-setter in the move towards fast yachts with clean decks and a small crew.

“As one of the industry leaders in Germany, Mr Illbruck shaped much of the German sailing industry by his leading edge in developing and building racing yachts for the German Pinta teams,” explains senior broker Hans Visser from De Valk Hindeloopen, who negotiated the sale.

“Only the best was good enough for this Admiral’s Cup winner and you can see what that meant in practice onboard Pinta Husavik. The fact that the yacht can be sailed at full potential with only two people on board was an enormous plus point for the experienced Dutch couple that now owns her.”

For more information contact Hans Visser at De Valk Hindeloopen on T: +31 (0)514 524000; F: +31 (0)514 524009; E: [email protected]

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Illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race

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Southampton, England, June 9, 2002 - An ocean race of epic proportions reached its final conclusion today (Sunday, June 9), after 32,700 miles of racing. Winners, losers, glory and defeat, this race has seen it all. A script for an ending such as this could not have been written better. Djuice, the boat that struggled all the way around the planet claimed victory in the leg while illbruck took the race in a convincing manner.

Starting a race as the clear favourite was a heavy burden, but illbruck lived up to the highest expectations right from the start. With a conservative approach illbruck took the early lead in the race even though disaster struck on the first day of leg two as the bow section filled with water and for some dramatic hours it was unclear whether the yacht was in danger of sinking. In an impressive team effort the crew around John Kostecki got the yacht going again in last place, but it took them just a few days to sail straight through the whole fleet on a middle course to reclaim dominance on the fleet. They were rewarded with a spectacular victory in Sydney end never returned the lead on the overall table.

The extremely well organized and developed sail program allowed illbruck to save four new sails for the ultimate leg and they went well armed into the final battle they won against Swedish archrival ASSA ABLOY.

The illbruck Challenge crew finished in Kiel to an enthusiastic reception from friends, family, illbruck employees and customers and the thousands of German sailing fans who have been following the team since the around-the-world race started on September 23, 2001. Sail trimmer and sail designer Ross Halcrow from New Zealand, the only crew member on board illbruck who ever won the America's Cup (1995 with Team NZL) exclaimed enthusiastically: "This welcome has been huge and double as big as whatever I have seen in the America's Cup."

Illbruck was the first German yacht to secure victory in a leg and in the overall race, but they are just continuing a strong German tradition in this race. Peter von Danzig sailed the first race in 1973/74 finishing 14th, followed by Walross III in 1981/82 and Schluessel von Bremen in the 1989/90 race. Inspired from the early competitors, professional sailor Timmy Kroeger sailed the 1993/94 race on Intrum Justitia (second) and 1997/98 on Swedish Match (third).

The first place on this ultimate leg of the Volvo Ocean Race is a big reward for the endurance djuice has shown in their difficult sail around the world. Stricken by gear failure on the first leg and slow boat speed in spite of endless hours of two boat sail testing in the remaining legs djuice managed a second place on the fourth leg to Rio as their second top result. Finally they have overtaken Scandinavian rival SEB, who they put to seventh place in the eight-strong fleet after the disastrous losses of their rudder and mast in the Southern Ocean.

Figures about the number of spectators vary from 50000 to 100000 and the boats on the Kieler Foerde were so tightly packed that one could have crossed the water on dry feet.

Volvo Ocean Race Position Report, Day 2, 1708 GMT

PS Yacht Latitude Longitude DTF CMG SMG TFHR DTL ETA PO

3 AART 54 31.12N 010 17.84E 12 229 11 158 12 09/06/02 18:22 55

4 ATOO 54 31.68N 010 18.88E 13 230 10.9 158 13 09/06/02 18:27 16

5 AONE 54 31.84N 010 19.16E 13 230 11.1 157 13 09/06/02 18:31 44

6 TSEB 54 39.84N 010 36.40E 26 223 11.1 145 26 09/06/02 19:56 32

7 TYCO 54 40.68N 010 38.12E 27 226 11 146 27 09/06/02 20:02 42

8 NEWS 54 41.12N 010 39.32E 28 227 11.1 144 28 09/06/02 20:08 41


PS Yacht Points

1 illbruck 61


3 Amer Sports One 44

5 News Corp 41

6 Djuice 33

7 Team SEB 32

8 Amer Sports Too 16

PS - Position; DTF - Distance to Finish; CMG - Course made good; SMG - Speed made good; TFHR - 24 hours run; DTL - Distance to leader; DTL-C - Distance to leader change; ETA - Estimated time of arrival; PO - accumulated Points

ILBK illbruck Challenge

AONE Amer Sports One

ATOO Amer Sports Two


NEWS News Corporation

TYCO Team Tyco


DJCE djuice dragons

Volvo Ocean Race Background

The Volvo Ocean Race is run every four years. It started in Southampton, England on September 23rd 2001 and finished in Kiel, Germany, on June 9th 2002. Over a period lasting some nine months, the Volvo Ocean Race will reach a broad audience around the world via modern communication technology.


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all news : Willi Illbruck is dead

 ·  22.11.2004

Wilhelm Gustav Illbruck, known as "Willi", has died after a long illness. He was the grand seigneur of ocean sailing par excellence, a driving force, doer, committed owner ("Pinta") - and, among other things, two-time Admiral's Cup winner, in 1983 and 1993.

Illbruck was a self-made man who, after returning from Soviet captivity, worked his way up from the bottom to become the head of his plastics factory near Leverkusen. Sailing was the second centre of his life - Willi Illbruck was the first person to be awarded the YACHT Pro navigare award for his sailing achievements.

He was one of the first owners in Germany to subordinate himself to the team spirit and not immediately reach for the tiller to show off as skipper. His success proved him right: in addition to his two victories in the unofficial World Championship in offshore sailing, he also won the One-Ton Cup in 1993 and 1994, which was highly significant at the time.

In 2002, the then Federal President Johannes Rau honoured his entrepreneurial achievements with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Willi Illbruck is survived by his wife Christiane and their two children Michael and Sabine. His son followed a similarly successful path as his father - he led the "Illbruck" to victory in the Volvo Ocean Race in 2001.

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The second owner purchased "Patience" for a two year Caribbean cruise and then sold  her to the  current owner.Current owner has owned this boat for the past 20 years!

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First-Time Buyer?

Read our guide to learn the process for buying this 54' Irwin


  • Yacht Details: 54' Irwin 1990
  • Location: Saint Petersburg, FL
  • Engines: Yanmar
  • Last Updated: Feb 13, 2024
  • Asking Price: $375,000
  • Max Draft: 12' 6''

54' Irwin additional information

  • Beam: 15' 4''
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Displacement: 46,000 lb
  • Fuel Tank: 1 x 340|gallon
  • Fresh Water: 1 x 480|gallon
  • Single Berths: 8

A Rare Gem Refreshing to find a boat that is lavishly maintained and constantly upgraded 

VIEW THE 360 DEGREE VIRTUAL TOUR The Irwin 54 is one of the most popular sailing yachts over 50' ever built. Find out why

For over 20 Years, the current owner had an open check book to continually upgrade and lovingly care for this amazing yacht 

Over 250 Irwin 52’s and 54’s were built. First introduced in 1976, The Irwin 52 quickly became the  most  popular cruising center cockpit sailboat on the market.  In 1988, the boat evolved into the Irwin 54 with a major redesign of the hull, deck and interior. “Patience“ is one of the last Irwin 54’s and possibly the best ever built.

“Patience” was ordered new by her original owner in 1989 and commissioned in 1990. The concept was to utilize the basic clever design and create a vessel of not just outstanding beauty, but also a yacht that is flawlessly executed and engineered to a standard normally seen only in larger vessels. The spectacular result is not only a "go anywhere" yacht, but also one of absolute luxury, total privacy and short-handed style.

The second owner purchased "Patience" for a two year Caribbean cruise and then sold  her to the  current owner. Current owner has owned this boat for the past 20 years!

Interior Description

“Patience” sleeps six persons in three private cabins, excluding the main salon, with optional sleeping space in workroom.

She has a stunning interior that really has to be seen to be fully appreciated. (See the 3D Virtual Tour) She was designed and then customized around luxury, quality and functional elegance. The interior is truly gorgeous and maintained in show condition at all times.

Starting forward is VIP Stateroom with centerline queen berth.

Next aft to starboard is the Guest Cabin with a double berth.

The Guest Head is to port and features a separate shower stall and a separate door to the Vip Stateroom and another door that opens into the hallway. 

The huge raised Main Salon features large fixed ports, offering a panoramic view outside. To starboard is another  “L” shaped settee and dining table. Next aft is a desk and breakfast bar.To port is a  “L” shaped settee followed by a large Chart Table. Here is located the electronic switches for AC and DC Systems. A large flatscreen TV is located above and navigation instuments are outboard. An eight bottle wine cooler is located below.

Next aft and down two steps is the Galley. The galley on “Patience” will appeal to any cruising gourmet and is equivalent in size to what you'd expect on boats much larger. The galley provides ample counter space, cabinets and drawers for storage. Opposite the galley is the separate laundry room and complete walk-in workshop. 

  • Full size upright refrigerator with separate top loading freezer (Grunert  120 volt with holding plates)
  • Force 10 3-burner stove with oven (gimbaled)
  • Toaster Oven
  • G.E. full size microwave
  • Built in automatic coffee maker
  • Built in Ice Maker
  • “Blanco” sink with trash chute and cutting board
  • PG safety solenoid valves with leak detector

Across from the galley is the Workshop and Laundry Room. The work bench has cushions to create another berth. The captain and crew are kept in clean clothes by using the full size Miele, 220V, high quality washer and dryer.

The Owner's Stateroom features a centerline queen berth, large hanging locker and numerous drawers and cabinets.

The en-suite Owner's Head has a separate stall shower/tub.

At Chart Table

  • Garmin GPS with color chart plotter, anemometer and sonar 
  • Built-in ICOM SSB radio
  • Built-in Simrad VF radio with wireless remote
  • Four Midland handheld radios
  • Garmin GPSmap XSV chartplotter with radar and sonar
  • RaymarineWindspeed and Direction
  • Raymarine Depth Sounder
  • Raymarine Multifunction Display
  • Raymarine Autopilot 
  •  Garmin Multifunction Display
  • Fusion Radio Control
  • Garmin Radar with mast mounted closed array antenna
  • Raymarine Steering Pedestal Mounted anemometer
  • Raymarine Steering Pedestal Mounted Repeater
  • TCI TV and Sony DVD in Main Salon
  • Samsung TV in forward VIP stateroom, LG DVD player
  • Polariod TV and LG DVD in forward guest room
  • Haier 120 VDC Wine Cooler
  • Fusion stereo Main Salon
  • Fusion stereo in Cockpit
  • Samsung TV and Insignia DVD in aft stateroom
  • Omnidirectional and Satellite TV antennas
  • Engine: Yanmar  4HL-HTE 140 hp turbo diesel engine was rebult in 2017 and shows about 670 Hours
  • Generator : Phaser K4-15 KW  Generator was replaced
  • Spectra Water maker 
  • Vetus 24 Volt DC Thruster
  • Windlass Lighthouse 24 Volt DC
  • Dinghy Davit TNT 24 Volt DC
  • 120 VAC Miele clothes washer/dryer combination

12 Volt System

  • (2) 31 AGM starting batteries for engine and generator
  • (2) 4D house batteries

24 Volt System

  • Group T105 like 6 Volt batteries connected in series

Promariner Pronautic 1260P 12VDC/60 AMP marine grade battery charger digital display in chart table area

 50 Amp Shore Power cord 

  • Promariner Pronautic 1260P 12 Volt Marine Battery Charger
  • 24 Volt Marine Battery Charger
  • Promariner Promar digital display at the chart table
  • Spectra Cape Horn 12 Volt DC Watermaker
  • Water Heater 20 Gallon

The current owner decided to remove the Hood Stoway mast and upgrade the mast and rigging to a custom Seldon mast with a hydraulic furling system around 2010. He has an impressive above deck rig that rivals vessels of a much larger size and higher price range. A lot of thought by the experienced owner went into making “Patience” easy to sail by a couple and enhance the performance.

  • Hydraulic main sail
  • Hydraulic roller furling on Genoa
  • Roller furling on staysail
  • Running rigging for staysail
  • Navtec hydraulic adjuster
  • Whisker Pole
  • (2) #36 Barient 24V electric primary winches (with controls at winch and helm)
  • #27 Barient hydraulic main sheet (with controls at winch and helm)
  • (2) #21 Barient self tailing halyard winches

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Sit back, relax, and enjoy the most relaxing st. pete boat tours departing from the st. pete pier for sunset cruises and day trips to egmont key..

The Pelican Guest and skyway

Tampa Bay’s Best Boat Trips

The pelican offers an elevated boating experience you won’t find anywhere else around the bay..

  • Board at The St. Pete Pier
  • Enjoy a Spacious, Comfortable Ride
  • Wine & Beer Available for Purchase
  • Spot Dolphins & Wildlife
  • Sightsee & Snorkel
  • Cool Off with Indoor A/C

St. Pete Boat Tours

Hop on The Pelican at the St. Pete Pier for a day trip to the island of Egmont Key or a romantic sunset cruise through Tampa Bay. 

Egmont Key, Florida

Experience the pristine island paradise of Egmont Key. Take a 60-minute ride to the 1.6-mile island and enjoy two hours surrounded by crystal clear water, seashells, and white sand.

Daily - Morning and Afternoon Trips 2 hours round trip | 2 hours of island time

Person: $59 | Children 12 and under: $39

  • Boarding will begin 30 min prior to sailing
  • Please allow at least 30 min to park and arrive at the dock
  • Getting on the island requires walking through potentially waist high water
  • Tax and gratuity not included

illbruck yacht heute

Sunset Cruise

Cruise along the beautiful shorelines of St. Pete, view the stunning Sunshine Skyway bridge, and perhaps see a dolphin or two during this 2-hour romantic sunset boat tour. 

Evenings Approximately 2 hours

Person age 18+: $59

  • Cruises can be booked any time day or night
  • Sunset times will vary
  • Wine and beer for purchase

illbruck yacht heute

Dolphin Sightseeing Cruise​

Depart from the beautiful St. Pete Pier and go on a dolphin site seeing tour directly from downtown. A great, convenient location to view the amazing wildlife Tampa Bay has to offer. You will also have great views of the pier and downtown skyline.

Daily 2 hours round trip​

Person: $45 | Children 12 and under: $39​


On the egmont key tour, depending on the tide and and any waves, you could exit into waist high water before getting onto the island., cruise in comfort along the shores of st. petersburg.

Unlike most other St. Petersburg boat tours, The Pelican isn’t just a mode of transportation. The boat is an experience in itself. Come aboard the 60-foot passenger boat and relax in comfort with:

  • Spacious outdoor or indoor seating
  • Shade and covered areas
  • Indoor air-conditioning 
  • Two full-size bathrooms
  • Big screen TVs
  • Friendly, helpful crew 

Come aboard The Pelican, and enjoy the ride as much as the destination. 

illbruck yacht heute

Book The Pelican for a Your Private Boat Party

Our 60-foot vessel holds up to 49 passengers and is available for special private charter events like weddings, corporate parties, reunions, birthdays, or sunset cruises. Gather your friends, family, or group for an unforgettable experience on the water. Talk to our team about how we can host your special event. 

illbruck yacht heute

What’s It Like on The Pelican? 

Take It From Our Guests

Book your st. pete boat tour today.

Enjoy a day or evening on the most comfortable boat tour in Tampa Bay. Book your sunset cruise or Egmont beach trip with The Pelican St. Pete boat tours today. 


Working hours

Mon - Sun 8 AM - 9 PM

Marina Address

400 2nd Ave NE Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 Dock Q48 - Gate 24 (behind Fresco's restaurant)

866-4EGMONT (866.434.6668)   |   [email protected]

illbruck yacht heute

The logo for Captain Stefan Yacht Charters and ASA Sailing School

Captain Stefan Yacht Charters  AND ASA SAILING School

American Sailing Association logo which is represented by Captain Stefan Yacht Charters and ASA Sailing School

Experience the beauty and tranquility of Florida's waterways with the expertise of Captain Stefan Yacht Charters and ASA Sailing School. Our privately captained boat rentals are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that every detail is taken care of.  Whether you're interested in a full day or half day yacht charter, a relaxing sunset cruise, or an extended multi-day excursion, Captain Stefan has the skills and experience to make your dream trip a reality.

Captain Stefan

Stefan is a highly qualified boating expert with a U.S. Coast Guard Master Captain's License and multiple certifications from the American Sailing Association and Recreational Power Boating Association. In addition to private boat rentals and boat tours in St. Petersburg Florida, he offers personalized sailing and sailboat training where you can choose to earn ASA and RPBA credentials.

sailing yacht used for yacht charter

The St Petersburg Tampa Bay area is a premier location for yacht sailing in Florida.  Superb climate and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and Inter Coastal Waterways make for easy passage planning. The beaches of Anna Maria Island and Egmont Key are just a day sail away.  Marinas and anchorages in the Manatee River, Pine Island Sound, Fort Myers Beach and Key West are within 1 to 2 days sail.  Captain Stefan is flexible and can take you for a few hours out in the bay or he can tailor your charter for single or multi day sailing adventure. The yacht charter options and services listed below are open ended and can be designed exactly to meet your wishes. Simply call to discuss!

Check out the available bookings and rates below and book online or by phone today!

Sunset cruise in St Petersburg Florida


  1. Rund Skagen: "Illbruck" erste Yacht in Kiel

    illbruck yacht heute

  2. Kiels Comeback im The Ocean Race: Das Ocean Race nimmt Kurs auf Kiel

    illbruck yacht heute

  3. Volvo Ocean Race: Deutsche Yachten nehmen Kurs auf das Legends Race

    illbruck yacht heute

  4. Volvo Ocean Race: Illbruck: Wieder im Wind und in Führung

    illbruck yacht heute

  5. Melges-20-WM: Volvo-Ocean-Race-Sieger Illbruck Weltmeister: Michael

    illbruck yacht heute

  6. Yacht Illbruck Challenge Photos and Premium High Res Pictures

    illbruck yacht heute


  1. Předsazená montáž oken v systému illbruck

  2. illbruck TwinAktiv

  3. Yacht News Today |Experience Luxury Aboard the 108m IJE Yacht: Opulence Unleashed-4K UHD VIDEO

  4. Применение клея illbruck PU 700

  5. illbruck_trio_plus.mp4

  6. Nordic Yards Werft Wismar Containerschiff Cap Doukato


  1. illbruck is the fastest

    The illbruck monohull world record also sets a new V.O. 60 class record, previously held by Team SEB. Leg eight of the Volvo Ocean Race will start from La Rochelle at 1700 local time on 25 May 25.

  2. illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race

    Illbruck was the first German yacht to secure victory in a leg and in the overall race, but they are just continuing a strong German tradition in this race. Peter von Danzig sailed the first race in 1973/74 finishing 14th, followed by Walross III in 1981/82 and Schluessel von Bremen in the 1989/90 race. Inspired from the early competitors ...


    Heute dann endlich die nachgeholten TV-Aufnahmen mit dem bei feinstem Segelwetter mit Drohne und allem Pipapo. Ging um die legendäre Geschichte der ILLBRUCK beim The Ocean Race und was aus dem Schiff geworden ist. Da kamen dann wir und Glashäger ins Spiel - und soviel ist klar: der Yacht geht's bestens!

  4. Aboard the one and only German Volvo Ocean Race Winner

    Inside ex-ILLBRUCK. The boat has been drawn as part of the one-design V.O.60-class and was built prior to the 2001 race. The campaign however was financed by German businessman Michael Illbruck who in turn is the son of Wilhelm Gustav Illbruck, a sailing legend and sponsor of Admiral´s Cupper PINTA who won the race in 1983.

  5. Pinta (yacht)

    Pinta in the Solent near "West Lepe" mark, Admiral's Cup 1993. Pinta was a series of racing yachts owned by German industrialist and yachtsman Willi Illbruck. Pinta raced for DYC (Düsseldorfer Yachtclub) [1] [2] and KYC (Kieler Yacht-Club).Willi Illbruck started sailing his first Pinta, a one-ton yacht, in 1969. Pinta had its first international successes at the beginning of the 1970s and was ...

  6. Legends Race : The "illbruck" has not forgotten how to win...

    The "illbruck Challenge" won the Volvo Ocean Race 16 years ago. Now she has won again in a new look as the "Glashäger": the Legends Race in her class ... Parallel to the last spectacular leg of the Volvo Ocean Race, the Legends Race brought former participant yachts to the course from Gothenburg to The Hague. The result was not only a kind of ...

  7. illbruck Makes it Two Straight

    After staging a long, hard, 6,500-mile comeback, John Kostecki s illbruck Challenge won Leg 2 of the Volvo Ocean Race, solidifying the Germany entry s position at the top of the leaderboard.

  8. illbruck Challenge Sails Maiden Voyage with New Race Boat

    illbruck Challenge syndicate chairman Michael Illbruck and skipper John Kostecki shared the helm of the new illbruck during the maiden voyage this weekend of the team's race boat for the Volvo Ocean Race. The illbruck Challenge team launched the new custom-built illbruck Volvo Ocean 60 from their training base in Charleston, S.C.

  9. Illbrück want to win the next America's Cup

    Illbruck, who -- in accordance with a tradition cherished among sailors -- will now rename his illbruck Challenge the Pinta Challenge, wants to keep the core of the crew unchanged. 'I'm mega-proud of the boys,' he said. And anyway, now they have a new goal. 'Winning the America's Cup with Illbruck would fulfill

  10. Willi Illbruck

    Hans-Otto Schumann, Willi and Udo Schütz celebrates Admirals Cup 93. In 1969, Illbruck named his first sailing yacht Pinta.The inspiration for the name was the historical Pinta, the fastest of the ships used by Christopher Columbus on his voyage to America. In the 1980s and 1990s, Illbruck dominated the German offshore yachting scene together with Udo Schütz and Hans-Otto Schumann. [12]

  11. Illbruck crosses Equator

    Illbruck is the first yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race to cross the equator and enter the southern hemisphere

  12. De Valk sells legendary Illbruck yacht

    The fact that the yacht can be sailed at full potential with only two people on board was an enormous plus point for the experienced Dutch couple that now owns her.". For more information contact Hans Visser at De Valk Hindeloopen on T: +31 (0)514 524000; F: +31 (0)514 524009; E: [email protected].


    #LIVESTREAM TODAY FROM 12:00 PM (CEST) - Michael Illbruck, Commodore of Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, and sailing expert Rachele Vitello will commentate...

  14. Illbruck Challenge

    Illbruck Challenge is a Volvo Ocean 60 yacht. [1] She won the 2001-02 Volvo Ocean Race skippered by John Kostecki. [2] Illbruck Challenge was launched in 2001. [3] References This page was last edited on 30 June 2017, at 14:44 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons ...

  15. Illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race

    Illbruck was the first German yacht to secure victory in a leg and in the overall race, but they are just continuing a strong German tradition in this race. Peter von Danzig sailed the first race in 1973/74 finishing 14th, followed by Walross III in 1981/82 and Schluessel von Bremen in the 1989/90 race. Inspired from the early competitors ...

  16. Willi Illbruck

    Mr. Illbruck pushed sailing up to a new level in Germany back in 1970-80 together with Hans-Otto Schürmann. Mr. Illbruck was one of the first german owner who hired foreign professionals as crew. He and his yacht PINTA has been member of the german team which won the Admiral Cup in 1983 and 1993. He also won the One-Ton-Cup in 1993 and 1994.

  17. all news: Christiane Illbruck died

    The mother of the current company owners Michael and Sabina Illbruck was involved in most of her husband's decisions in the company and in sailing. She enjoyed accompanying the "boys" to regattas for the Admiral's or Sardinia Cup, and liked to stay in the local houses or in winter in Lech, where the family still feels at home today.

  18. all news : Willi Illbruck is dead

    The great German deep-sea pioneer died at the age of 77

  19. Yacht for Sale

    Over 250 Irwin 52's and 54's were built. First introduced in 1976, The Irwin 52 quickly became the most popular cruising center cockpit sailboat on the market. In 1988, the boat evolved into the Irwin 54 with a major redesign of the hull, deck and interior. "Patience" is one of the last Irwin 54's and possibly the best ever built.

  20. 2006 Sessa Marine C42 HT Express Cruiser for sale

    As of January 2024, the best interest rates for yacht loans typically start around 7.74%. These rates fluctuate with market conditions, inflation, and supply and demand. Borrowers with the highest credit scores and strongest overall financial profiles usually get the best yacht loan rates.

  21. Boat Tour Service

    Price: Person: $45 | Children 12 and under: $39 . Boarding will begin 30 min prior to sailing. Please allow at least 30 min to park and arrive at the dock. Tax and gratuity not included. Book now. Egmont Key Tour exists into shallow water.

  22. Grille 1909 is now on a WAIT...

    Grille 1909 is now on a WAIT LIST for Valentine's Day dinner. We are offering a special Prix-Fixe dinner at the Downtown Clubhouse for Valentine's Day.... RSVP by calling (727) 822-3873 ext. 211.

  23. Captain Stefan Yacht Charters AND ASA SAILING School

    Our privately captained boat rentals are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that every detail is taken care of. Whether you're interested in a full day or half day yacht charter, a relaxing sunset cruise, or an extended multi-day excursion, Captain Stefan has the skills and experience to make your dream trip a reality.