yacht cygne prix

Lazzarini « Avanguardia » : Un superyacht de 137 mètres de long en forme de cygne

Le studio de Design Lazzarini vient de dévoiler sa dernière création : un superyacht de 137 mètres arborant une forme originale de… cygne !

Après le Jet Capsule , le studio Lazzarini s’est fait un nom dans l’univers des yachts de luxe avec des créations aux designs tous plus originaux les uns que les autres. Récemment, l’entreprise italienne s’est -une nouvelle fois- distinguée en dévoilant les premières images de son futur projet : un superyacht aux dimensions dantesques (137 mètres de long) et avec un design de cygne, cet animal majestueux qui est aussi le logo de la marque.

yacht cygne prix

Signifiant « avant-garde » en italien, l’Avangardia porte décidément bien son nom. La tête du cygne, fonctionnant comme une sorte de « tour de contrôle » du navire et peut s’abaisser, se plier et se déplier à l’envie pour ainsi devenir un bateau auxiliaire de 16 mètres.

yacht cygne prix

L’Avanguardia est divisé en cinq ponts et peut accueillir jusqu’à 60 passagers à bord. Le navire abrite également une piscine, un garage automobile, deux hélicoptères à bord et est équipée de deux hangars à hélicoptères. Le pont arrière intègre également un port personnel pour deux capsules à jet qui peuvent être fixées à la structure du navire pour devenir une source auxiliaire de propulsion.

yacht cygne prix

Se voulant entièrement électrique, le navire a été pensé pour être propulsé grâce à deux moteurs latéraux électriques ainsi qu’un moteur central MTU Rolls-Royce qui permettrait au yacht d’atteindre une vitesse de croisière maximale de 18 nœuds.

yacht cygne prix

Le coût d’un tel projet ? Environ 500 millions de dollars. Avant de réunir cette somme pour vous offrir ce concept exceptionnel, découvrez les images produites par le Studio Lazzarini à travers la galerie de photos ci-dessous.

yacht cygne prix

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Luxe Infinity

Avanguardia : le superyacht de luxe de Lazzarini en forme de cygne

Le marché des yachts de luxe ne cesse de grandir. En effet, les grands leaders du marché ne semblent avoir aucune limite de créativité, et continueront de nous surprendre davantage. Le design, comme la taille, les performances ou le niveau de confort s’améliorent toujours avec les années. Et cela ne fera que ravir les amateurs de luxe les plus fortunés.

Le designer Pierpaolo Lazzarini a réussi à se faire une place dans cet univers haut de gamme grâce à son concept de Jet Capsule. Cette fois-ci, il nous impression avec son superyacht baptisé Avanguardia. Ce n’est pas l’originalité qui manque à ce dernier né du concepteur. En effet, le navire se distingue par sa forme de cygne épurée, design et raffinée. Tour d’horizon sur ce bateau de luxe, qui fera certainement parler de lui.

Un design qui sort du commun

Les amateurs de luxe sont toujours en quête d’innovation et de nouvelles technologies . Pour se démarquer de la concurrence, les constructeurs se doivent donc d’être créatifs afin de proposer des concepts encore plus impressionnants. Avec l’Avanguardia, Lazzarini ne risque pas de décevoir les amoureux de superyacht. Le design de ce nouveau modèle suffit pour épater ses fans. Il a misé sur un style très épuré, qui fait toute l’élégance du yacht.

Le yacht tire son nom d’« avant-garde », et cette appellation n’a pas été choisie au hasard. Elle se réfère au design avant-gardiste, notamment au poste de pilote installé sur la tête du cygne. Le designer a misé sur un cockpit amovible pour représenter cette tour de contrôle. Ainsi, il est possible de le plier et de le descendre selon les besoins. Cependant, le concepteur a prévu un deuxième poste de pilotage, assurant la navigation lorsque la tête du cygne sera rabaissée à l’eau. Il faut rappeler que le cygne est également le logo de la griffe, d’où le choix de cette configuration.

Outre sa forme qui sort du commun, les dimensions du yacht font aussi toute sa singularité. En effet, l’Avanguardia fait 137 mètres de long, et abrite des espaces volumineux et confortables. Le rabais du cou du cygne à l’eau rajoute 20 mètres de plus à la longueur du navire. Ce bateau ingénieux peut accueillir jusqu’à une soixantaine de passagers pour une aventure unique sur l’eau. Il est doté de cinq ponts avec une hauteur de 18 mètres et une largeur de 22 mètres.

Avanguardia 1

Un aménagement optimisé

Pour procurer un confort optimal aux passagers, l’aménagement du yacht a été pensé avec soin. Le bateau dispose de différents espaces fonctionnels pour le plus grand plaisir de ces derniers. Outre les 5 ponts, de nombreux espaces de détente ont été créés à bord du yacht de luxe. Et évidemment, la piscine est mise à leur disposition pour leur permettre de profiter du beau temps, tout en se laissant bercer par les vagues. Le bateau est équipé d’un garage pouvant abriter les voitures sur les ouvertures latérales, ainsi que de deux hélisurfaces, sur les niveaux supérieurs. Un énorme garage circulaire situé à l’arrière du yacht vient couronner le tout. Il est destiné à garer deux Jet Capsule, pouvant être branchés à la structure du bateau. Le designer Lazzarini a pensé aux moindres détails, car la fixation de ces Jet Capsule au yacht leur permet de charger électriquement.

Qu’en est-il du moteur ?

Avanguardia 1

Lazzarini ne s’est pas limité au design de ce yacht d’exception. En effet, il a également tenu à ce que le bateau soit complètement électrique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il a donc choisi 2 moteurs latéraux électriques pour propulser le navire. Un moteur thermique central MTU Rolls-Royce vient s’ajouter à ces deux moteurs, permettant au yacht d’atteindre une vitesse de 18 nœuds maximum.

Vous l’aurez compris, l’Avanguardia allie design , performances et volume à la fois. Les équipements intérieurs ne devraient pas décevoir le futur propriétaire de ce bijou. Mais pour s’offrir ce magnifique concept sans égal de Lazzarini, il faudra prévoir une somme de 500 000 000 dollars pour la construction. Les milliardaires à la recherche de singularité se laisseront facilement séduire par ce yacht haut de gamme. Une croisière à bord de cette création inédite promettra certainement des sensations exceptionnelles.

Patrick Koune

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Built in 1907 according to the International First Rule.


International Rule FIRST Rule
Year Built 1907
Designer G. Duperron
Builder Ch. G.De Coninck & Co.(Maison Lafitte)
First Owner G. Lacroix
First Name Cygne
First Country France
Original Homeport Meulan
Other Names Ella (1922), Maria (1923)
Current Status / Condition broken-up
Construction Wood
Length Overall 12.88 m. (not homogeneous measurement) m.
Length Waterline 10.85 m.
Beam 4.08 m.
Sail Area 93.6 sq. m.
Engine petrol, 2 cylinders Mietz G. Weiss

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Téléphone principal :

+33 1 64 93 81 56


+33 6 79 82 97 25

Mouici Sofiane :

+33 7 60 25 23 75

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Français Anglais Arabe

Location salle Le Coudray-Montceaux (Essonne) - Le Manoir des Cygnes #1

1001Salles - Location de salle - France - Ile-de-France - Essonne - Le Coudray-Montceaux (91830)

Le Manoir des Cygnes

150 / 152 berges de Seine, 91830 Le Coudray-Montceaux

4 avis clients


Situé à 35 Kms au sud de Paris, sur les bords de Seine, Le Manoir Des Cygnes vous transporte dans un univers complètement dépaysant. La décoration est raffinée avec cheminées et parquet. Une demeure de 1853 qui a su garder tout son charme.

Manoir des Cygnes / Yacht Club

Le Groupe Manoir des Cygnes vous accueille au sein de ses trois établissements de prestige. Au cœur d’un parc aux arbres centenaires de 20.000 m², le Groupe vous propose ses 3 lieux haut de gamme mêlant histoire du second empire avec le Manoir datant de 1853 à la décoration raffinée avec cheminées et parquet mais aussi histoire contemporaine avec le Yacht Club a l’esprit avant gardiste avec sa rotonde, sa piscine à débordement et sa terrasse plongeant vers la Seine telle la proue d’un bateau. Vous pourrez aussi découvrir le Restaurant du Manoir avec son cadre chaleureux et sa gastronomie étonnante.

Lieux - Le Manoir des Cygnes - Le Coudray-Montceaux (91830)

Lieux - Le Yacht Club du Coudray-Montceaux - Le Coudray-Montceaux (91830)

Environnement : bienvenue à Le Coudray-Montceaux

A 25 minutes de la porte d'Orléans, de Rambouillet et de Barbizon, le Manoir se trouve sur un parc arboré de 15000 m². Ses deux terrasses offrent une vue magnifique sur la Seine et son coucher de soleil en été. Un dépaysement total.

Capacité des salles

Le Manoir Des Cygnes vous permet d'accueillir de 40 à 250 personnes. Le Manoir Des Cygnes vous est réservé en exclusivité : - salle Gabrielle d'Estrée d'une surface de 210 m² offrant une capacité de 160 personnes. - 2 salons de 40 m² chacun - 1 terr ... asse sur Seine abritée et chauffée de 170 m² avec vue panoramique sur la seine (180°) - Parc arboré de 3000 m² pour les cocktails avec parasols et tentes En réunissant et privatisant le Manoir Des Cygnes et le Yacht Club, l'établissement vous permet d'accueillir jusqu'à 300 personnes en repas assis et jusqu'à 410 personnes en cocktail.

Location de salle seule possible : oui

Devis personnalisé sur demande


Le tarif se situe entre 105 € (en semaine, basse saison) et jusqu'au 165 € (samedi, haute saison), en fonction du jour de la semaine et des mois concernés. La capacité de notre salle est de 190 convives avec une grande piste de danse, donnant sur un ... salon pouvant accueillir en plus une trentaine d’enfants. Concernant votre cocktail vous pourrez profiter soit de la terrasse (800 m2 ) avec vue panoramique sur la Seine, soit utiliser le parc arboré qui sert également, de par sa taille et ses buis centenaires, de théâtre idyllique pour les cérémonies laïque sous une alcôve de chênes centenaires. Notre tarif comprend : –La location du domaine du Manoir. –Le cocktail de 18h30 à 20h30 avec 14 pièces cocktails par personne 7 alcools au choix et à volonté, dont des cocktails comme mojito, pina colada, punch planteur, soupe champenoise… –Un dîner en quatre temps incluant entrée, plat, les fromages /salade, et trois desserts dont la pièce montée. –Les boissons sont incluses: jus de fruits, sodas, vins blanc et rouge, eaux minérales gazeuses et plates, café, et véritable thé à la menthe à volonté. –Chambre nuptiale avec petit déjeuner. –La mise en place de la table est assurée par nos soins selon la table témoin que vous aurez choisi …(lors du dîner test qui sera offert pour 6 personnes un grand nombre de propositions de nappages de sous nappages et de chemins de table vous seront proposés). IMPORTANT! ……en cas d’un nombre important de convives, une remise tarifaire très sensible peut être consentie, et il en est de même pour les mariages hors saison comme pour les mariages des Vendredis. Pour accéder à nos tarifs veuillez nous consulter directement.

Hébergement : jusqu'à 30 couchages

** Hébergements sur place: 10 chambres à thèmes


- Nous vous proposons notre service traiteur (prestations halal sans alcool possibles) Veuillez nous consulter pour connaître nos menus. - Nous vous proposons également des prestations Casher.

Nos propositions


Le Manoir vous est réservé en exclusivité sur une base de 140-150 personnes le samedi et 120-130 personnes le vendredi. Menus "halal" à disposition. Nous vous proposons également un service d'organisation de réception CASHER.

Période d'ouverture

Ouvert toute l'année.

- En voiture : Par l'A6 (porte d'Orléans ou porte d'Italie), sortie n°11 Le Coudray Montceaux. Puis suivre l'indication "seine". Sur les berges tourner à droite. - Par le train : gare Le Coudray Montceaux. - Par RER : RER D à Chatelet, directio ... n Melun.

Parking gratuit

Questions au prestataire.

Pour combien de personnes puis-je réserver dans votre établissement ?

Vous pouvez réserver pour 1 à 410 personnes assises ou debout au Manoir des Cygnes.

Quelle est la note moyenne dans votre établissement ?

La note moyenne de notre établissement, Le Manoir des Cygnes, est de 4.06 sur 5.

Puis-je réserver complètement votre établissement ?

Non, la réservation totale du Manoir des Cygnes n'est pas possible.

Puis-je coucher dans votre établissement ?

Oui, Le Manoir des Cygnes offre 10 chambres doubles pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 3 personnes chacune.

Où se situe le votre établissement ? (Mer, Montagne, Ville, Campagne)

Notre établissement se situe à la campagne.

Peut-on venir dans votre établissement en train ? En métro ? Ou encore en bus ?

Oui, on peut accéder au Manoir des Cygnes en train via la Gare SNCF. Aucune information n'est disponible concernant l'accès en métro ou en bus.

Quelles configurations sont proposées par votre établissement pour les réceptions ?

Le Manoir des Cygnes peut accueillir de 1 à 410 personnes, que ce soit en configuration assise ou debout.

Votre établissement peut-il recevoir des Personnes à Mobilité Réduite ?

Oui, Le Manoir des Cygnes est accessible aux Personnes à Mobilité Réduite.

Quel est le prix pour un mariage ?

Le prix pour un mariage au Manoir des Cygnes varie entre 105 € et 165 € par personne, selon le jour de la semaine et la saison. Pour des tarifs précis, il est recommandé de consulter directement le Manoir.

Les avis clients (4)

Qualité de la prestation
Professionnalisme du prestataire
Rapport qualité/prix
Temps de réponse

Charline et Eddy

Journée inoubliable

Merci à tous pour cette journée tout était bien organisé et les invités ravis par contre faudrait changer le bateau pr la croisière ou le réparer il laisse à désirer et la climatisation pour la salle en été il faisait au moins 35 degrés...au manoir

Avis déposé en février 2019

Sabia et Amir

Mariage chic et champêtre

Un lieu magique, une salle de réception magnifique, une équipe superbe... Nous sommes vraiment heureux d'avoir choisi cet endroit! Les invités étaient stupéfaits !! On recommande sans hésiter :)

Marilyn et Stéphane

Avis déposé en décembre 2017

Encore merci

Tout était parfait avec une équipe aux petits soins. Mention spéciale à Cherifa qui a été compréhensive et disponible du début à la fin!

Avis déposé en novembre 2017

Contacter le prestataire

Salon Mariage Lille métropole - Marcs en Bareuil - Cité des échanges

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Compagnie des Bateaux du Lac d'Annecy

Compagnie des Bateaux du Lac d'Annecy

© Compagnie des bateaux

Compagnie des Bateaux du Lac d'Annecy

Opening period

All year round.


In the heart of the Alps and Annecy town centre, the Compagnie des Bateaux du Lac d'Annecy invites you on board its 5 boats to discover the sumptuous landscapes and natural beauty of Lake Annecy.

Come aboard the Cygne, Savoie, Belle Etoile and Allobroge for guided cruises lasting 1 hour or 1 hour 30 minutes to discover the beauty of Lake Annecy. Sailing with stopovers in various ports to visit the tourist sites from Annecy to Doussard and its natural lake reserve during the high season. Enjoy an unforgettable 2-hour tasting and visual experience during lunch or dinner, the only restaurant boat on Lake Annecy. Discover the new-generation Libellule, completely renovated and powered by 100% electricity. Individual bookings at the self-service ticket office near the landing stages or on the website www.bateaux-annecy.com Groups of 20 or more booked by email [email protected] Event organisation, weddings and company seminars. Cruise with cocktail reception.

Gestures for the environment

Our boats run on GTL (GAS TO LIQUID) and have reduced their CO2 emissions. Our boats are being electrified. Our latest boat, the Admiral, has a hybrid propulsion (GTL/electric).

  • Pets welcome

Cruise 1h : 18 €/adult; 12,50€/children 4-12 years Cruise 1h30 : 21 €/adult; 14 €/children 4-12 years Children 0-3 years : 2 € Animals : 5 €

Tourism and Disability

  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
  • Site, building totally accessible
  • Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities
  • 2 place aux Bois
  • 74000 Annecy

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Nautor Swan is an iconic name in the sailing world, whose current glory is rooted in its history. Founded in 1966, Nautor Swan is recognised all over the world for its performance sailing yachts. The key elements of the brand are elegance, quality, performance, innovation and reliability. With a state-of-the-art facility based in Pietarsaari, a Global Service with four hubs in the Med and 18 service points, the divisions ClubSwan Racing, Brokerage and Charter, Nautor is a brand with a global presence across all sailing seas.



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By buying a yacht through Nautor Swan Brokerage you gain access to all our know-how and experience, as well as the benefit and comfort that come from dealing with a team that has acquired 50 years of market leadership. As specialists in all matters related to the ownership, charter, technical service, and operation of Swan yachts, the team can support you every step of the way.

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Nautor Swan Charter have the knowledge and experience to ensure your sailing holiday will be unforgettable. Our team of professionals will work with you to find the perfect yacht and crew to explore your preferred sailing destination in the Mediterranean, Caribbean or wherever your heart desires. A luxury yacht charter offers all you could imagine and more, from complete relaxation to breath-taking adventure and treasured family moments.

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Nautor Swan has organised a spectacular 2024 ClubSwan Racing season with an exhilarating globetrotting calendar that offers something for everyone across the entire Swan Rating and One Design range.

Every season the level of competition – passionate but friendly – goes up another notch as the teams gain more experience, and 2024 is showing all the signs that it will be the best year yet.

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By buying a yacht through Nautor Swan Brokerage you gain access to all our know-how and experience, as well as the benefits and comfort that come from dealing with a team that has acquired 50 years of market leadership. As specialists in all matters related to the ownership, charter, technical service, and operation of Swan yachts, the team can support you every step of the way.

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• Swan 88 DreamCatcher with a diesel-electric propulsion, ClubSwan 43 to attract new sailors, and Swan Arrow, the flagship of the Power Yacht Division. • Nautor Swan is entering a new chapter in its story. The yea

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Nautor Swan opens New Offices at Porto Carlo Riva

Nautor Swan will open its new offices at Porto Carlo Riva in Rapallo, marking a return to its historic location in Tigullio, a strategic position covering the central and northern Mediterranean. The official openi

yacht cygne prix

Swan Arrow: Nautor Swan’s power yacht division latest masterpiece set to debut at Cannes Yachting Festival

The highly anticipated Swan Arrow, the flagship of Nautor Swan’s power yacht division, has officially hit the water at Sanlorenzo Shipyard in the Gulf of La Spezia, for her début at the Cannes Yachting Festi

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Ce yacht en forme de cygne est incroyable

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Tous les produits mis en avant dans cet article ont été sélectionnés indépendamment par nos rédacteurs. Les prix mentionnés dans cet article le sont à titre indicatif et susceptibles d’évoluer. Lorsque vous achetez via nos liens de vente, nous pouvons percevoir une commission d’affiliation.

Avec ce yacht baptisé sobrement Avantgardia, le designer italien Pierpaolo Lazzarini, spécialiste des concepts de machines plus dingues les unes que les autres, vient encore de surpasser. Son idée de génie : utiliser un bras télescopique en forme de col de cygne, accueillant la passerelle du bateau, comme une sorte de tour de controle. Un système bien pratique pour diriger ce bel oiseau de  137 m lors des manoeuvres au port. Mais le plus impressionnant, c'est que cette passerelle peut se transformer en bateau annexe de 16 m de long, et se détacher du navire principal, lorsque le bras télescopique la dépose délicatement sur l'eau. 

Cette passerelle, qui a des airs de tête de cygne, servira aussi de tour de contrôle pour le ou les hélicoptères, qui viendront déposer les invités. Car ce yacht peut accueillir jusqu'à 24 passagers qui seront bichonnés par les 22 membres d'équipages dont 10 marins (les autres sont des maitres d'hôtel, responsables du ménage, valets de chambre ou cuisiniers). Evidemment ce navire de luxe à cinq ponts dispose de capsules-jetski, sorte du bulle motorisée pour se promener pendant les escales. Certains regretteront que le designer n'ait pas prévu d'y installer un sous-marin comme sur l'Aquanaut d'Officina Armare , mais rien n'est jamais définitif. 

En effet, d'autres aménagements seront envisageables en fonction des investisseurs qui seront prêts à débourser 500.000.000 $ (422.000.000 €). Ce bateau serait donc plus cher que l' ex-yacht de Paul Allen , mais pas non plus le plus cher du monde comme on peut le voir dans notre grand classement. Quant à la motorisation prévue à l'heure actuelle, elle est constituée de deux moteurs électriques alimentés par des générateurs diesel et d'une turbine Rolls-Royce. pour une vitesse de croisière de 18 noeuds (33 km/h) qui n'a rien d'ébouriffant. Tant pis, le propriétaire du bateau se fera un plaisir d'inviter le chorégraphe Benjamin Millepied et sa compagne Nathalie Portman qui jouait merveilleusement dans Black Swan.

Au repos la passerelle serait presque comme sur tout les yachts.

Au repos la passerelle serait presque comme sur tout les yachts.

Une fois dploye par le bras tlescopique la passerelle devient un annexe.

Une fois déployée par le bras télescopique, la passerelle devient un annexe. 

Dans la soute deux petites capsules Jetski.

Dans la soute, deux petites capsules Jet-ski.

Ce yacht de 137 m de long dispose de 2 hliports et de 2 piscines

Ce yacht de 137 m de long dispose de 2 héliports et de 2 piscines

Les 10 plus belles îles grecques à découvrir hors des sentiers battus (c'est mieux que Mykonos, Corfou et Paros)

Quelques informations techniques supplémentaires. 

Téléchargez le nouveau numéro GQ de septembre en cliquant ici.  

Garmin Fenix 8 : tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la nouvelle montre GPS de randonnée qui vient de sortir

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What It Costs To Moor A Superyacht At The Monaco Grand Prix

Forget the F1 – booking a berth is the real race...

What It Costs To Moor A Superyacht At The Monaco Grand Prix

Image: Gareth Harford

Monaco. The billionaire’s playground. The kleptomaniac’s kryptonite. The ludomaniac’s lair. Superyacht city. Monaco is known as a fabulous place to spend money like wild (and to strut on a treadmill on the deck of your superyacht , whilst watching the F1).

Speaking of which, you might be interested to know how much it costs to moor a superyacht in Monaco during the Monaco Grand Prix. To answer this burning question, DMARGE spoke to Istanbul-based luxury yacht manager Candaş Balci.

Balci told us just to book a fairly average berth in Monaco “for F1 week” was around 30 thousand euros “for a 35-meter motoryacht for a place which had no view of track but inside the port.”

Balci explained: “There are different parts in the marina which have different rates depending on where the yacht will be.”

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“If it sees the track or not, price changes as well,” Bali told us.

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“The berths which directly see the track were around 50-100K euro for the week, which is almost their yearly berth fee in a normal marina.” Candas Balci

Browsing through Reddit’s F1 Technical page, one user posts a link to a photo which purports to give a list of Monaco’s pricing for 2019. The prices which appear in the photo seem more or less consistent with the pricing Balci gave DMARGE.

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Another Reddit user said: “My old landlord used to work on super yachts and also happened to introduce me to f1 so I can at least give you an anecdotal response. He said to rent the slip during the race week was around 100k and there was usually a 20k ‘offering to the port master’ as a separate transaction. He called it a bribe but I’m not sure it’s fair for me to use his characterization.”

RELATED: Hotel Staff Reveal The Wildest Rich Person Requests They’ve Ever Received

Forbes also wrote about this topic a number of years back. They reported: “To moor in one of the world’s most expensive marinas during high season, a superyacht owner can be expected to pay up to $4,130 per night, and during prime time events such as the Monaco Grand Prix rates can skyrocket to $100,000 or more for a five-day stay in Monaco’s prime berths.”

Monaco’s Port Hercules has 700 berths. Ac cording to 212 Yachts , “During the Monaco Grand Prix, the port is filled to capacity, with berths booked well in advance of the event.”

212 Yachts also says that to get yourelf a berth you need to complete a port application form. This is a highly competetive process.

“For the best chance of a successful application, it is essential to submit this form as early as possible,” 212 Yachts states.

“In order to do this, you must first select your charter yacht as technical details of the vessel must be specified on the form. Those directly associated with the Formula One, the Monaco Grand Prix and the event sponsors are fast tracked in the process, contributing to the extremely competitive nature of this process,” ( 212 Yachts ).

There you have it: you can add knowing how much it costs to moor a superyacht in Monaco to your list of superyacht knowledge (which should also include knowing what it costs to spend a week on a superyacht in the medditeranean and why travelling around Europe on a superyacht is more stressful than you think ).

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  • Jaw-Dropping Footage Shows Why Super Yachts Never Open Their Sails 
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CYGNE Boat for Sale

46' nautor swan | 1984 | $175,000.

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  • nautor swan

Last updated Nov 9, 2023

Cygne Boat | 46' Nautor Swan 1984


CYGNE is one of the venerable Nautor SWAN 46's - a design that remains as popular today as it were when new.  

CYGNE has some big advantages going for her - a 2022 GMT carbon mast and park avenue boom, a 7 year old yanmar engine, factory non-skid on the main decks, and a centerboard underbody.  She will need some updating to canvas, interior finishes and soft goods, and perhaps hull paint, but she is a a bit ahead of many of her sister ships with those aforementioned features.

CYGNE is seriously for sale.  We encourage your inspection.

Denison Yachting is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Stonington Yacht Sales.

Denison Yacht Sales offers the details of this yacht in good faith but can’t guarantee the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of this boat for sale. This yacht for sale is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal from that yacht market without notice. She is offered as a convenience by this yacht broker to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a specific yacht for sale.


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  • Yacht Details: 46' Nautor Swan 1984
  • Location: Stonington, CT
  • Engines: Yanmar
  • Last Updated: Nov 9, 2023
  • Asking Price: $175,000
  • Max Draft: 9' 0''

Cygne additional information

  • Beam: 14' 5''
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Displacement: 31,300 lb
  • Fuel Tank: 1 x 100|gallon
  • Fresh Water: 1 x 125|gallon

One of the wonderful German Frers designed Nautor Swan 46's, this one is hull number 21.  She is offered by her third owner who has owned the boat since 2008.  Notable features are as follows:

  • Centerboard - draft is 5.5 feet with board up, 9 feet board down.  This has been electrified but the motor was removed and rebuilt some time ago but not reinstalled. The owner found the manual control of the centerboard to be sufficient and easy to use.
  • 2022 GMT carbon mast and carbon park avenue boom. Seller reports a considerable reduction in pitching motion with this rig.
  • Yanmar 57 hp engine, installed over the winter of 2017/2018.  Other related updates at that time include new shaft, Maxprop feathering propeller, new sound insulation; PYI dripless shaft seal, new hoses, fuel lines, etc.
  • No teak decks on the main decks and cabin top - the only teak is in and around the two cockpits.  The teak around the cockpits is in poor condition - removal or replacement will likely be desired.
  • Dual cockpits/companionways - one aft into the aft cabin, one forward into the main salon.
  • Numerous sails, many in lightly used condition.  This includes at least 5 spinnakers, 8 headsails, three mains, a couple staysails, and a storm trysail.  This owner has used only three sails, including a more recent  (approximately 10 years old) North main and genoa and at the Code 3A asymmetrical spinnaker (seldom flown).
  • New sail cover 2022
  • Both cockpit dodgers in good condition( but the plastic windows will need to be replaced).
  • Winches:  8 winches on the cabin top (four Lewmar  46's and four lewmar 48's, all self tailing) Two large self tailing primary winches - Lewmar 65's, at forward cockpit, with Lewmar coffee grinder operation (or manual winch handle).  Secondary or "aft primaries" adjacent to aft cockpit. Two Lewmar 46 self tailing main sheet winches - split mainsheet can be trimmed port or starboard. Two Lewmar 46 self tailing winches at helm.
  • Recent GMT Carbon spinnaker pole, stored on deck.
  • Original reaching strut, repainted in excellent condition, stored on deck (need to confirm mast is fitted for use of the strut)
  • Stainless steel bowsprit for tacking asymmetric spinnakers.

CYGNE feature the three cabin, 2 companionway layout that many Swan owners prefer.  

The aft cockpit has a companionway into the aft cabin.  The forward cockpit has a companionway into the main living area of the boat.

Both companionways have dodgers.  The canvas appears to be in fine condition but the isinglass is a bit cloudy and should likely be replaced.

There is teak decking only around these cockpits (there was never teak decks on the main decks or coat roof).  This teak decking is ready for renewal.

The aft cockpit is the main area, with the steering station, engine controls, hydraulic controls, sailing electronics, and winch access for working sails.

The second cockpit has the large primary winches, operated by a single coffee grinder (or winch handles)

The deck layout is typical swan with excellent visibility forward from the helm and easy access to all areas of the deck.  There are eight winches on deck aft of the mast, which are used to operate the halyards, pole lift, etc.

Crafted as only nautor can do in beautiful teak.  

Starting forward, the forepeak has been converted to a vee berth from its original sail locker  configuration (with two pipe berths, now out of use, but they will convey to the  buyer).  This adds to the usefulness of the boat for cruising; the work was done in 2007. Sails storage is still available below the fee-berth.  There are beautiful teak hull ceilings in this cabin, and a large overhead hatch for ventilation.  Four storage lockers for your crew's gear have ample space.

Just aft of the forward cabin one will find the second head - with access from the passageway.  The entrance to this head is forward of the door to the forward cabin, so when desired, this head is en-suite.  With the forward cabin door open, this head acts as a day head.  It has a toilet, vanity with sink, and a shower (including teak grate on sole and shower sump). This is a "wet" head.

The main salon is quite commodious and classic Swan.  To port is a large u-shaped settee with a pilot berth outboard.  To starboard is a single settee with lockers and shelves above.  This adds three excellent sea berths (in addition to the aft cabin).  

The main salon table is in the center of the boat, with two drop leafs.  The nmast is keel-stepped (as one would expect), and sits at the forward end of the table.  At the aft end of the table, under a solid teak removable cover, is the manual control for the centerboard.

There is excellent storage, throughout, and of course the lovely Swan varnished cabin sole is a highlight.  

Cushions in the main salon and at the nav station are a pleasant blue "ultra-suede" in nice condition. They were new in 2007 and show well.

The nav station follows to starboard, adjacent to the forward companionway but tucked out of the traffic. There is a usual large nav table with a top that lifts to access storage, and drawers below.  The seat is double wide with a contoured cushion creating support while at sea for two people.  The electrical control panels are here, including the original nautor installed panel and a second, newer panel with many unused switches. Tank gauges, a VHF and navigation instruments and display are all here.

The galley is on the port side, aft of the main salon, primarily outboard in the walkway to the aft cabin. This creates and excellent sea-going galley.  There is a double stainless steel sink and stainless countertop, a three burner Force Ten propane stove and oven (2006), a top loading freezer and a front loading fridge.  The refrigeration system was new in 2005 and is reported to operating well. There is a dedicated trash bin locker aft of thee u-shaped settee

The aft cabin features a double berth to starboard and a single berth to port. An upholstered seat is between the berths.  Significant storage in lockers and drawers. There is an en-suite head with toilet, vanity and shower (including teak grate and sump).  This is a "wet" head.


  • Raymarine E120 chart plotter with radar in Napped at helm. Installed after 2006 Age TBD
  • Raytheon Radar scanner Installed after 2006, age TBD
  • Raymarine ST7002 autopilot, with hydraulic ram, installed sometime after 2006 (date TBD).
  • MARETRON system with repeaters at the nav station (2), and in the aft cockpit (2).  These displays are linked to the GPS, Chart plotter and sailing polars. Three units are DSM 200, one is DSM250.  One DSM200 sat the nav station is not displaying properly.
  • VHF:  Icom IC M602
  • Sony stereo with Kenwood CD changer


  • Two battery banks, house and engine
  • Two engine mounted alternators
  • Magnum charger/Inverter, Model TBD
  • Original Nautor electrical panel for AC and DC power
  • Supplemental DC electrical panel installed at navstation (Installed 2 years ago)


  • GMT Carbon Fiber mast with carbon fiber park avenue boom, 2022
  • All new standing rigging, 2022
  • All new running rigging, 2022
  • Removable inner forestay with hydraulic tension.
  • Baby stay and running backstays removed when new mast installed (not required for this spar)
  • Furlex headsail roller furling
  • Harken mainsheet traveller
  • Double Genoa tracks
  • Two Lewmar 65 self tailing Primaries, adjacent to forward cockpit, Cross linked to a Lewmar coffee grinder.  3 speed.  
  • Two Lewmar 65 self tailing Primaries, adjacent to aft cockpit.
  • Two Lewmar 46 self tailing secondaries at aft cockpit with custom SS platforms
  • Two Lewmar 46 self tailing main sheet chinches, port and starboard
  • Four Lewmar 46 self tailing halyard/ultility winches on deck aft of mass, 2 to port, 2 to starboard.
  • Four Lewmar 48 self tailing halyard/ultility winches on deck aft of mass, 2 to port, 2 to starboard.
  • NOTE:  Deck winches are labeled as follows: Main halyard, Starboard jib, Port jib Starboard spinnaker, Port spinnaker, Foreguy, Pole lift, and Reef
  • Navtec Hydraulic system to control:  Backstay, Inner forestay, and Vang
  • SS bow sprit of asymmetrical spinnakers

Note:  All sails other than the three currently on board have not been used since 2008

  • Main, Banks Sails, Dacron, has cars for current mast track.  2 reefs. 1 full batten
  • Genoa, 135%, North Sails, Approximately 2013
  • Racing mainsail, Kevlar, North Sails, 2003 apparently in very good condition.
  • Light #1, Kevlar, North Sails, 2005
  • Heavy #1, 3DL, North Sails, 2007
  • #2, Kevlar, North Sails, 2005
  • #3, 3DL, new 2003
  • #4, Dacron,North Sails, used twice
  • Staysail, Kevlar, North Sails, 2006
  • 1A/3A asymmetric spinnaker, North Sails, 2004
  • 2A Asymmetric spinnaker, North Sails, 2005
  • 3A/5A Asymmetric spinnaker, North Sails, 2006
  • 5S symmetric spinnaker, North Sails, 2000
  • Jib top reacher, North Sails, 2008
  • Storm Trysail, Dacron, North sails, used once
  • Storm Jim Dacron, North Sails, used twice
  • Riding sail (for flying off backstay at anchor)
  • Numerous turtle bags and spinnaker launcher bags


  • Hull stripped and epoxy barrier coated, 2006
  • Keel modified by Nautor to be more hydro-dynamically efficient, and includes a slight build at the bottom for added stiffness.
  • New Rudder, approximately 7 years ago
  • New centerboard pin, approximately 
  • Complete set of offshore floorboards in light plywood for racing.
  • New holding tank, 2006
  • New toilets, 2006
  • Cockpit cushions
  • Lewmar Ocean Series Electric windlass
  • 45 lb CQR anchor with 60 feet of chain and 150 feet nylon rode
  • 75 lb Danforth storm anchor
  • Danforth "lunch hook" anchor
  • Anchor wash down 
  • Hella interior fans
  • Airconditioning
  • Cockpit table
  • Bimini frame, SS, not is use (no Bimini)
  • Port and starboard lifeline gates
  • Manual davit to lift an outboard
  • Outboard storage on stern rail
  • Fairclough winter cover
  • Original forepeak pipe berths


  • Dinghy and outboard
  • Personal items

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The Fairmont Black Package 2025

Thursday, 22nd may 2025.

Transfers by Mercedes S-Class to Monaco from Nice Airport.

Friday 23rd May 2025

A stunning Italian restaurant on Tabac Corner offers guests a view of the cars as they race past the yachts. The 1st-floor rooftop terrace is open for people to stand and view the race, while a 3-course buffet and open bar are served inside the restaurant. CLICK HERE FOR 360 IMAGE

In the evening, guests can enjoy our Yacht cocktail party'. Enjoy the evening on one of our yachts. Part of the Monaco experience is the 'Yacht Party'! Moored in the heart of Monaco Harbour, our super yachts are the ideal place to soak up the atmosphere of the Grand Prix and kick start your weekend of high octane motor racing!

Saturday, 24th May 2025

Experience an unparalleled day of excitement and luxury as you indulge in race viewing at the renowned 5-star Hotel de Paris. Immerse yourself in the ambience of luxury and sophistication as you step onto the Garden Terrace on the hotel's prestigious ground floor. Here, amidst the lavish surroundings, you'll be treated to unparalleled trackside views of the exhilarating F1 circuit, where the roar of engines and the thrill of speed electrify the air. Prepare your taste buds for a culinary journey of delight as you savour a delectable array of finger foods and tantalizing snacks meticulously prepared by our skilled culinary team. Click here for a 360⁰ view .

Attend the Party in the Port event tonight! Nestled at Tabac Corner in the harbour, it offers breathtaking views of superyachts across the water. With a package with a three-course dinner, an open bar, and live music, it's the perfect spot to immerse yourself in the Grand Prix atmosphere.

Sunday 25th May 2025

The Fairmont Hairpin Suites allow guests to experience the iconic Monaco hairpin from the comfort of a private hospitality suite. The Hairpin bend was formaly known as Loews bend. Senate Grand Prix has inspected every one of the hairpin suites advertised to ensure the view is a good one – capturing the entry, apex and exit of the hairpin. The hairpin is a very technical part of the circuit where the drivers have to concentrate hard – every year there is an incident of significance that happens at the hairpin making in one of the most famous corners in F1™. Click here for a 360⁰ view

Monday 26th May 2025

Chauffeured by Mercedes S-Class to Nice Airport

  • Hotel Option & Package Price

EUR icon

The prices shown above are per person based upon two guests sharing a room and include breakfast. The price includes the race viewing described.  Single-person rates are available upon request.

yacht cygne prix

  • All aspects of the incredible Ultimate Package, as mentioned above
  • Senate Grand Prix personnel are available for the duration of your trip
  • F1® Souvenir lanyards 
  • Dedicated hospitality welcome desks during the racing schedule

Click here to view the Race Schedule

Click here to view the circuit map.

Very professional, customer orientated company - they remember your name when you call. Nothing seems too much trouble. Their packages are excellent - great choices along the Course to see the Cars. Rascasse and the Yachts in the harbour, being the best in my opinion.

Penelope Claire Mann - 2024

The Monaco Grand Prix was an amazing experience thanks to Senate Grand Prix. Senate Grand Prix takes the extra effort to treat all of there clients as if they where family and they make it affordable..

Art Gordon - 2024

From the moment you pick up the tickets , to the event itself, and the goodbye and drop off. I booked with Senate Grand Prix for the Monaco Grand Prix yacht experience and it has been second to none. Picking up your tickets at hotel hermitage with quite the welcome spread. Heading to the event with multiple people stationed in the principality to help you get to where you need (as this can get a little confusing for new timers). And, to the event itself, the Monaco Grand Prix weekend viewed from a beautiful yacht catered excellently, and served by quite the wonderful crew. I’m going again next year and bringing more of my friends and will be booking to senate Grand Prix again.

Mr. Lime - 2024

Absolutely fantastic experience - treated like royalty by the Senate team. Everything went like clock work and the service, food, facilities were great. The package we chose gave us exceptional views and we had a truly amazing experience!.

Stacey - 2024

Amazing trip to Monaco with my family and a few friends! We got to check one off the bucket list sitting on the back of a yacht watching the cars go by. Then moved spots each day for premier viewing and touring of Monaco. What an incredible experience. I would highly recommend this full package with stay at the Famous Fairmont. They even have two Michilin star restaurants in the hotel!

Jake William Thomas - 2024

What a weekend at Silverstone Grand Prix, the whole weekend exceeded my expectations and can’t thank the Senate team enough for providing such great service! The viewing from the legends suite was amazing, the food and drinks were faultless. Big Thankyou to Sian at senate for making it a fantastic experience, not just for me but for everyone that was in our suite. Highly recommend and will be booking with you in the future!

Scott Lonsdale - 2024

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FORCE BLUE Motor yacht for sale

Asking price EUR 24,800,000 (EU VAT paid)
Built 2002 (refitted 2022), Royal Denship, Denmark
Length 70.6m (231.4ft)
Guests 12 guests in 6 cabins

The 70.6m (231.4ft) FORCE BLUE is a commercially registered all-steel explorer yacht built to RINA classification delivered in 2002 by Danish shipyard Royal Denship.

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Last refitted in 2022, this 1,325GT expedition yacht, which has exterior design by H2 Yacht Design and interiors by Michele Bonan. Guest spaces feature spacious lounges, expansive deck spaces and impressive entertainment areas including a cinema and a very large bridge deck bar, BBQ and dining area that converts into a disco.

She accommodates up to 12 guests in six spacious suites. These include an owner’s suite on a dedicated owner’s deck as well as a full-beam VIP suite on the lower deck. An elevator serves all guest decks for multi-generational access and the foredeck is home to three 8-9m (26.2-29.5ft) tenders and assorted watertoys. FORCE BLUE’s extensive wellbeing facilities include a lower deck spa, sauna, massage room and beauty salon and a well-equipped gym, as well as a sun deck jacuzzi.

Main, owner’s and bridge decks all have walkaround sidedecks to help guests appreciate their surroundings. Inside on the main deck there is a saloon, a less formal lounge area and a separate formal dining room, with a large open-air lounge on the main deck aft. The owner’s lounge has wonderful views through full-height windows, three separate seating areas ad a private terrace with banquette seating.

Twin 1,850hp Caterpillar engines give her a top speed of 16 knots, a cruising speed of 14 knots and a remarkable range of 8,000nm.

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Key features

  • High volume conversion expedition yacht
  • Accommodates up to 12 guests in 5 cabins and 1 master suite
  • Capable of carrying 19 crew members on board
  • Amenities include Jacuzzi, cinema room, disco area, and an elevator serving all decks
  • Fully equipped gym and spa including a steam shower, mud bath, sauna, and massage room
  • Impressive range of 11,400nm @ 10 knots, or 8,000nm @ 14 knots
  • RINA class and commercially registered
Asking price EUR 24,800,000 (EU VAT paid)
Length 70.6m (231.4ft)
Built 2002 (refitted 2022), Royal Denship, Denmark
Tenders 8.5m Bat tender with 2 x Mercury engines, 9.5m NorthStar tender with 2 x Mercury engines, 8.75m Pascoe tender with 2 x Yanmar engines
Beam 11.4m (37.4ft)
Draft 3m (9.8ft)
Gross tonnage 1,325
Cruising speed 12.5 knots
Maximum speed 16 knots
Range 8,000 nm
Flag Malta
Lying West Mediterranean
Class RINA Services S.p.A. (RINA)
Exterior designer H2 Yacht Design
Interior designer Michele Bonan
Construction Hull - Steel
Superstructure - Steel
Deck - Teak
Crew 21
Guests 12
Cabins 6 (5 × double, 1 × double/twin)
Engines 2 × 1,850hp Caterpillar
Propulsion Twin screw diesel yacht

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Featured yachts

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EUR 48,500,000†

  • Length: 70m (229.7ft)
  • 14 guests in 7 cabins
  • Built: 2007 (refitted 2024), Neue Jadewerft, Germany

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Yacht Prices

Yacht prices, the difference a flag can make

When it comes to buying a luxury yacht, there’s a lot to know about yacht pricing. Here at Worth Avenue Yachts, our team of brokers will help you with everything you need to know, but here’s a general yacht pricing guide to get you started on your yacht-buying journey.

Yacht prices vary by size, builder, age...

Luxury yacht prices, like the yachts themselves, differ enormously. According to 2014 sales data , the average yacht price for a second-hand yacht for sale is €7.9 million ($8.4 million), but prices of super yachts can start at around $1.5 million for a small or older yacht and rise to a $600 million, which is how much Azzam, the largest yacht in the world at 590 feet cost to build.

Classic yachts prices guide

The size of the yacht and age of the yacht are the obvious starting points for yacht pricing, but many other factors also come into account. The yacht builder, or ‘brand’, can have an extraordinary impact on the asking price- for example, a 200 foot yacht from two different yacht builders can easily see a difference in pricing of around 20 million dollars. Yacht brands also differ in how they hold their value or depreciate relatively rapidly- this is where the wide industry knowledge of your yacht broker will be of enormous value to you when considering what the resale value should be.

Yacht prices also depend on if a yacht is custom built

Also affecting price is whether something is completely custom-built, semi-custom, or chosen from an existing identical range. As the global fleet of superyachts is growing rapidly, with over 10,000 yachts afloat today, there are increasingly good deals to be found on second-hand yachts as existing yacht owners upgrade. You’ll also often find sharp reductions in second-hand yacht pricing announced in the lead-up to yacht shows, making these yachting events a great time to shop around, view lots of different boats and get a good deal.

Which should you buy? Luxury yacht prices explained.

In the US, the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show is the largest event of this kind, while the Monaco Yacht Show is the flagship yacht show of the Mediterranean. There are many other yacht shows around the world; see our events page for details. Yacht pricing is  also affected by global economic fortunes: the yachting industry is now rebounding after the financial crisis but there are still some excellent bargains out there.

The yacht designer’s name- exterior and interior- also affects yacht pricing tremendously: yachts by certain designers such as Bannenberg & Rowell and Espen Oeino will generally attract much higher prices than lesser-known designers. The yacht’s history will also affect resale value accordingly- yachts which have been well-maintained and lightly used will obviously hold a higher second-hand value. The range of the yacht (i.e., how big its fuel tanks are so the distance it can travel) also affects pricing, as does the brand of machinery, electronics and AV systems the yacht carries.

Yacht flag, it can make difference to the yacht's price.

A yacht’s flag registry and tax status will also affect yacht pricing- some yachts will be advertised as ‘tax paid’, representing a good deal for some. Additionally, there are some tax restrictions affecting yacht purchases in certain countries. For instance, in the US a bill has just been introduced to end the prohibitive import taxation on US buyers buying foreign-flagged yachts located in US waters, and that will be watched with interest as it will positively influence yacht pricing for US buyers if it passes.

As you can see, many factors can influence yacht pricing, and it is constantly in flux due to economic and legislative factors. Your yacht broker is up-to-date with industry knowledge and where to find the good deals, so get in touch with a yacht broker at Worth Avenue Yachts to find out more about yacht pricing, alternatively fill in this contact form and we will be in contact shortly.

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2023 Astondoa AS5

The 2023 Astondoa AS5 is currently available for sale in Fort Lauderdale Florida. This boat has a price of $2,499,000. Our team at Seattle Yachts is here to help you find the right boat for your needs, budget, and style. We have access to boats off the market that will never be seen online, so contact us today with your interest.

Price: $2,499,000

Astondoa AS5 Yacht For Sale


Price: $2,499,000
Boat Name: --
Make: Astondoa
Model: AS5
Year: 2023
Condition: Used
Category: Motor Yachts
Construction: Fiberglass
Length: 57 ft
Display Length: 57 ft
Beam: 16 ft 2 in
Max Draft: 3 ft in
Min Draft: --
Fuel Capacity (Gallons): 581
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fresh Water Capacity (Gallons): 158
Max Speed: 29 kn
Displacement: --
Number of Engines: 2
Engine Make MAN
Engine Model i6
Engine Power 800.00 HP
City: Fort Lauderdale
State: Florida
Country: United States

3 Stateroom/ 2 Heads + Crew Layout

This second model in the innovative  As  range inherits the personality of its predecessor, the As8, to satisfy any yachtsman looking for luxury, sporty character and contemporary design in the 57-foot range.

Once again, the Shipyard's design team excels at successfully adapting all the attributes of a large yacht on a mid-length cruise ship.

The  As5  is the result of the combination of the new contemporary design -developed by ASTONDOA for this range-, style and "color & trim" with the handicraft and timeless manufacturing that distinguishes this century-old brand.

But the  As5  also claims its own personality, combining the elegance of its aesthetics with sporty details, taking inspiration from the automotive sector and the best supercars with which the Shipyard shares an innovative spirit. Thus, merging aerodynamics with design to

create beautiful shapes and generous spaces, the  As5  was born as a unique yacht.

  • Three staterooms and two heads
  • Salon, Galley, Dining, and 2 Helm station
  • Storage area at stern
  • White Astondoa colour hull
  • Decoration De Luxe Standard
  • Tender lift swim platform - 400kg weight capacity
  • Aft cockpit roof in white polyester Astondoa
  • Air Conditioning system 60,000 BTU
  • Generator 1 x 17 kW 220V-60Hz
  • Automatic fire fighting system at engine room
  • Appliances (fridge/freezer, oven, hob, microwave)
  • Carpet floor saloon and staterooms
  • Wooden floor galley
  • Multidisplay 1x16" main helm
  • Multidisplay 1x12" flybridge
  • Yamaha sound system saloon
  • FUSION sound system at cockpit
  • Tecma Toilets
  • Electric Water Heater
  • Searchlight
  • Stainless steel light stick
  • Telescopic and foldable bathing ladder
  • Teak floor at cockpit
  • Interceptor systems
  • Fixed fiberglass table at cockpit
  • Fixed fiberglass table at flybridge
  • Aft flybridge handrail
  • Sunpads bow and flybridge
  • Galvanized Steel Anchor
  • Cut-out railings for side entry
  • Lower indirect lighting at sideways
  • Lower indirect lighting at flybridge
  • Antifouling and waterline
  • Shore power
  • Cover - windshield
  • Fenders and Lines
  • Dockside water inlet
  • Bow Windlass 1500W
  • Navigation chart

Main Systems

  • Underwater lights (4) at stern
  • Electric Bow Thruster
  • Electric Stern Thruster
  • Gyroscopic stabilizer Seakeeper 6
  • Glendenning Cable Master
  • Flybridge Hard-Top with LED lights
  • Flybridge Hard-Top painted with Metallic paint (upper side)
  • Side supports flybridge Hard-Top painted metallic paint (External Sides)
  • Navigation GRP lights pole painted metallic paint
  • Luxury aft cockpit roof, upholstered with teak slats
  • Flybridge access hatch
  • Teak floor - flybridge
  • Teak swim platform
  • Retractable lights at bow area (4)
  • Teak table at flybridge
  • Teak table at cockpit
  • Cockpit L-seat with storage
  • Furniture on flybridge with barbeque, sink, and fridge
  • Additional flybridge fridge/freezer, or ice maker at flybridge
  • Ice maker at cockpit under stairs
  • Fridge under cockpit L-seat

Navigation Electronics

  • Domotic management system with 12" display
  • VHF with AIS, radar antenna GMR 24, transducer and autopilot
  • Additional multidisplay 12"
  • CCTV 2 cameras
  • Additional camera

The interior design of the As5 represents a twist on ASTONDOA's handicraft techniques in which sporting details and elements have been integrated into this model that surprise at first glance.

  • Crew cabin, with AC, WC and shower
  • Washer and dryer all-in-one
  • Wine Cellar
  • Dimmers for salon and aft cockpit
  • Wood floor in Salon
  • Set of pillowcases, bedcover pillows, and towels

The company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal without notice.

Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

For more information on this yacht, please contact us..


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Sirocco Charter Yacht

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47m  /  154'2   heesen   2006 / 2013.

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Cabin Configuration

Special Features:

  • African-inspired interior
  • Makassar wood, leather and natural stone throughout
  • Full-beam upper deck master suite
  • Vast alfresco party area
  • 8-person Jacuzzi and gym on sundeck
  • TV multi-media room
Primed for discerning charter guests, luxury yacht Sirocco offers the height of luxury living

The 47m/154'2" 'Sirocco' motor yacht built by the Dutch shipyard Heesen is available for charter for up to 12 guests in 6 cabins. This yacht features interior styling by Dutch designer Omega Architects.

Boasting an array of sumptuous living areas laid out invitingly to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere onboard, motor yacht Sirocco is the perfect luxury charter yacht for friends and family. She has sensational features such as a movie theatre and gym.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 2006, Sirocco offers guest accommodation for up to 12 guests in 6 suites comprising a master suite, one VIP cabin, two double cabins and two twin cabins. There are 6 beds in total, including 1 king, 3 queen and 2 singles. She is also capable of carrying up to 9 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Keeping comfortable and entertained on Sirocco is easy thanks to the available amenities, notably a state-of-the-art movie theatre for movie nights. A gym with all the latest equipment is available for a good work out or sit back with a glass of champagne in the deck jacuzzi.

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you, notably Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to stay connected at all times, should you wish. You can stay comfortable on board whatever the weather, with air conditioning during your charter.

Performance & Range

Built with a aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure, she benefits from a semi-displacement hull to provide exceptional seakeeping and impressive speeds. Sirocco comfortably cruises at 19 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 26 knots with a range of up to 2,100 nautical miles from her 70,310 litre fuel tanks at 15 knots. An advanced stabilisation system on board reduces the side-to-side roll of the yacht and promises guests exceptional comfort levels at anchor or when underway.

Sirocco knows a thing or two about fun on the water, with an extensive selection of action packed water toys and accessories for you and your guests to enjoy whilst on charter. Principle among these are waterslides bringing a sense of fun that all the family can enjoy. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. You'll be loving the huge adrenaline rush as you zip over the water on one of the SeaDoo Bombardier WaveRunners. If that isn't enough Sirocco also features waterskis, scuba diving equipment, a seabob, wakeboards and inflatable water toys. When it comes to Tenders, Sirocco has you covered - with three tenders, including a 6.2m/20'4" Castoldi Tender.

Based in the magical waters of the Mediterranean all year round Sirocco is ready for your next luxury yacht charter. Let Sirocco Discover the magical places, food and experiences of the the Mediterranean.

Luxury motor yacht Sirocco is one of a kind, offering world-class onboard amenities coupled with an overflowing toy box full of the latest water sports gear for unforgettable yacht charters wherever you are.


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Sirocco Photos

Sirocco Yacht 11

Length 47m / 154'2
Beam 8.5m / 27'11
Draft 2.5m / 8'2
Gross Tonnage 495 GT
Cruising Speed 19 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Heesen
Model 4700 Series
Exterior Designer Heesen, Omega Architects
Interior Design Omega Architects

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Sirocco has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Sirocco is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x 6.2m  /  20'4 Castoldi Tender
  • 1 x 5.5m  /  18'1 Nouvurania Tender
  • 1 x 4m  /  13'1 Zodiac ((MCA Approved) Rescue Boat

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

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For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.


Your family and friends could learn to use the water toys on your charter vacation onboard this luxury charter yacht. Motor Yacht Sirocco is a certified RYA Training Centre yacht.

'Sirocco' Charter Rates & Destinations

Mediterranean Summer Cruising Region

Summer Season

May - September

€180,000 p/week + expenses Approx $200,000

High Season

€195,000 p/week + expenses Approx $216,500

Cruising Regions

Mediterranean France, Italy, Monaco

HOT SPOTS:   Amalfi Coast, Corsica, French Riviera, Sardinia

Mediterranean Winter Cruising Region

Winter Season

October - April

HOT SPOTS:   French Riviera

Charter Sirocco

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Below Deck


Charter yacht SIROCCO starred in Below Deck Mediterranean seasons 2 & 4 under her real name. View all  Below Deck yachts, their real names and the cost to rent them . 

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Alta charter yacht

44m | Palmer Johnson

from $185,000 p/week

Big Sky charter yacht

48m | Oceanfast

from $180,000 p/week ♦︎

Bina charter yacht

43m | Mondo Marine

from $161,000 p/week ♦︎

Emerald charter yacht

51m | Codecasa

from $204,000 p/week ♦︎

Excellence charter yacht

46m | Richmond Yachts

from $145,000 p/week

Gladiator charter yacht

45m | Feadship

from $245,000 p/week

Impromptu charter yacht

50m | Trinity Yachts

from $255,000 p/week

Latitude charter yacht

44m | Acico

from $155,000 p/week ♦︎

Milestone charter yacht

45m | Christensen

from $180,000 p/week

Mona Liza charter yacht

43m | Westship

from $106,000 p/week ♦︎

Tanzanite charter yacht

44m | Westship

from $135,000 p/week

Ability charter yacht

42m | Codecasa

from $122,000 p/week ♦︎

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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“Build a work of art”. The brief from the owner of the Spirit 111 Geist had beauty and soul at its heart.

A completely custom project, the design of the yacht began with a collaboration between Spirit Yachts and Rhoades Young. Jonathan Rhoades commented, “The brief was a combination of his love for furniture and organic architecture. The client had recently visited Antelope Canyon in Arizona and this was the catalyst for the idea of the warm soft flowing walls creating unique focal points within the room.”

Spirit Designer Sean McMillan added, “There was to be no straight lines or objects that interrupted the ‘flow’ of the sweeping timber curves. Once the aesthetics were established, the primary design challenge was marrying the beauty of the interior with the operation of the yacht. After Rhoades Young had delivered the initial ‘S’ shaped concept for the interior, it was our task to bring the design to life and ensure it could be accomplished by the build team. The visual side of the brief made the importance of ‘hidden’ technical spaces even more acute given the amount of systems and engineering on such an advanced yacht. The curves of the interior not only had to look seamless, they also had to house the functional elements of the yacht and be accessible. Hidden recesses and sensors became integral for disguising storage and technical spaces (even door handles were replaced with secret hand-activated sensors to ensure the doors remained seamless panels). As well as looking like a “work of art”, the interior of the yacht also had to comply to RINA’s exacting classification requirements. This marriage of practicality, safety and beauty to deliver on the owner’s brief made the project a thrilling challenge.”

Geist’s owner added, “I have owned a Spirit 52 for ten years and during this time I have grown to implicitly trust and respect the team at Spirit Yachts. I knew they would listen to my ideas and I was confident they had the skills to execute the project. The result is Geist: a very special yacht, a dream come true. The aesthetics of the yacht, inside and out, were always of paramount importance. Closely followed by the aim of being as self-sufficient as possible and minimising the impact on the environment. In most larger yachts, space is gained at the cost of detaching yourself from nature. In Geist, I wanted beauty to take precedence over practicality.”


Specification & features.

  • L.O.A 111' 3" / 33.90m
  • L.W.L 78' 9" / 24m
  • Beam 21' 0" / 6.40m
  • Draft 13' 3" / 4.05m
  • Lightship Displacement 75.8 tonnes
  • Ballast Ratio 45%
  • Propulsion 100kW electric shaft drive
  • Upwind Sail Area 450 m2
  • Rig Fractional Bermudan Sloop
  • Keel Iron Blade 8390kg – Lead Bulb 16585kg
  • Classification Society RINA (private use – unrestricted navigation)
  • RINA Suggested Max Persons 10


Spirit Yachts’ contemporary, elegant design style is world renowned. Subtle variations on 1930s classic yacht design with long overhangs, low profiles and smooth lines, married to contemporary underwater profiles, are synonymous with Spirit’s modern classic performance yachts.

Spirit Yachts are designed to be as beautiful in 100 years as they are today.


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