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Confessions of a Cover Band: Yacht Rock Revue croons the hits you love to hate

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"I never would've guessed I'd be doing what I'm doing now. The 23-year-old me would punch me in the face."

One night in 2012, a man in a Ronald Reagan mask paused beneath a stop sign in the Old Fourth Ward. Armed with a stencil and a can of white spray paint, he transformed the sign into a tribute to a 1978 hit by a mostly forgotten Canadian pop crooner named Gino Vannelli: “I just wanna STOP & tell you what I feel about you, babe.”

“I Just Wanna Stop” is the kind of song whose words most Americans over 40 know despite never consciously choosing to listen to it. After peaking at no. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1978, the tune never quite disappeared, becoming the aural equivalent of a recurring wart. The song found a second life—an endless one, as it turns out—in the musical nether region where the smooth, soft-rock hits of yesteryear remain in heavy rotation. Yes, that’s “Africa” you’re hearing in the dentist’s office. And “What a Fool Believes” in line at CVS. And that faint melody burrowing into your brain while on hold for the next available customer service agent? That’s “Steal Away.” Songs like these, disparaged by critics in their time then jokingly christened “yacht rock” by a comedy web series in 2005, are now the soundtrack to American tedium.

They’ve also become the source of a very good—if conflicted—living for the man who defaced the stop sign: Nick Niespodziani, the singer, guitarist, and de facto leader of the wildly popular cover band Yacht Rock Revue , which tours the country, headlines 1,000-plus capacity venues, and occasionally even plays with the original artists behind these hits.

At the time of the Vannelli vandalism, Yacht Rock Revue had begun to graduate from a local curiosity to a national one. Niespodziani’s sister videotaped the incident and posted it on YouTube. They then printed T-shirts of the sign and, when Vannelli performed at the Variety Playhouse, they got one to him.

On a gray Monday afternoon not long ago, Niespodziani was standing at this crossroads, looking at the sign, trying to explain the motivation behind the prank. “We had this idea, so we videotaped,” he said. “It was definitely guerrilla marketing.” Also, he was pretty drunk.

The episode seems to capture something ineffable about Yacht Rock Revue—part fandom, part joke, part self-promotion, each element infused with irony. When YRR takes the stage at Venkman’s, an Old Fourth Ward restaurant and nightclub co-owned by Niespodziani and bandmate Pete Olson, the band is fully in character, complete with gaudy shirts and sunglasses. They crack jokes about each other’s moms and theatrically highlight multi-instrumentalist Dave Freeman’s one-note triangle solo during America’s “You Can Do Magic.”

“This music isn’t easy to perform,” Olson says. Yacht rock songs tend to be filled with complicated chord changes. All seven band members are accomplished musicians, and Niespodziani, who trained for a spell as an opera singer, is a rangy vocalist, capable of gliding through the high notes in Hall & Oates’s “Rich Girl,” Michael McDonald’s gruff tenor in “I Keep Forgetting,” and Dolly Parton’s amiable twang in “Islands in the Stream,” without seeming to strain. He, Olson, and drummer Mark Cobb first played together in Y-O-U, a band they formed at Indiana University in the late ’90s. They found scant support for original music there, so they relocated to Atlanta in 2002.

Photograph by Mike Colletta

Y-O-U built a buzz in Atlanta, thanks to Niespodziani’s catchy, Beatles-esque songs and the group’s playful gimmicks. They performed, straight-faced, as Three Dog Stevens, a sad-sack trio playing what they called “sandal-rock” (a made-up, synth-heavy genre defined by its purveyors’ predilection for wearing sandals with socks); they covered Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” entirely on keyboards while dressed as the Royal Tenenbaums; they created a YouTube mockumentary series about a competitive jump-roping team. “Comedy has always been part of what we do,” Niespodziani said. “We were doing anything to get noticed because we felt we had good songs but just couldn’t break through with them.”

“I said, ‘That sounds like hell on Earth.’ He was like, ‘But you’re going to make a lot of money.’ So we did it.”

In 2008, Y-O-U was booked every Thursday at the 10 High club in Virginia-Highland. They’d stage “Rock Fights,” playing dueling sets of covers by artists like Bob Seger, John Mellencamp, and INXS, or rejigger Y-O-U songs as soul rave-ups with horns and backing singers, or do a standup comedy night. Yacht Rock Revue was just another of these goofs: Put on silly clothes, and play songs everybody knows but nobody really likes—or claims not to. It was Cobb and guitarist Mark Dannells who came up with the idea. Dannells thought about calling it “A.M. Gold” but Cobb had recently seen a viral web series called Yacht Rock and felt like the term would resonate. Niespodziani went along because his friends needed his vocals. Two band members wore wigs to that first show, and, at one point, Niespodziani stripped off his shirt. People loved it. The club’s booker invited them back the next Thursday. The gig sold out. He asked them to do it every Thursday.

“I said, ‘That sounds like hell on Earth,’” Niespodziani recalls. “He was like, ‘But you’re going to make a lot of money.’ So we did it.”

Most cover bands are awful. But because they play well-known songs, they often secure regular, paying gigs that bands playing original music can’t. Even for the good ones, there’s a ceiling. Few ever perform further than 20 miles from wherever they played their first gig. What’s more, performing other people’s music for a living carries a degree of shame. Cobb has heard the mutterings about Yacht Rock Revue: “Why are these guys playing covers? They could write their own songs. They don’t need to hide behind a gimmick.”

Most of the guys in Yacht Rock Revue—which also includes bassist/vocalist Greg Lee and keyboardist/vocalist Mark Bencuya—had already spent half a lifetime dragging gear into dank basement bars to play for a few bucks and even fewer people. They did this in an era when the music business was cratering. The rise of the internet taught a generation of consumers that music is free, devaluing the dream to which musicians dedicate their lives.

When Yacht Rock Revue started in 2008, Dannells was nearly 40. “It’s not like the world is beating down the door of 40-year-old rock stars,” he says. Today, Yacht Rock is a business, owing its success partially to the corners of the business that haven’t collapsed: live music and merchandising. Besides their public shows, Yacht Rock Revue plays a steady stream of well-paying corporate gigs. They also sell lots of captain’s hats, T-shirts, and other swag. The success of the franchise means it’s been more than five years since any of them had a day job. Niespodziani and Olson created a company, Please Rock , that provides the bandmembers and their families with health insurance, 401Ks, and all the other trappings of comfortable, upper-middle-class stability few musicians ever achieve. All this grants bandmembers some real creative freedoms. “I just released a whole record of orchestral music,” Dannells says. “I don’t care if it sells. I just do it for enjoyment.”

Niespodziani shuttered Y-O-U years ago but still writes elegant power-pop songs for his other band, Indianapolis Jones . But the difference between his two bands’ profiles is stark. Troy Bieser, who has been working on a documentary about Yacht Rock Revue, says he’s seen this in the juxtaposition of the footage he’s compiled. “I’ve seen Nick going through the journey of being thankful for the success but it also feeling ill-fitting,” Bieser says. “That existential dilemma has followed him.”

Niespodziani knows whenever Yacht Rock plays anywhere, that’s a slot a band like Indianapolis Jones can’t get. “We’re a big part of the problem,” he says. As a 39-year-old father of one, who’s worked hard to get what he has, he isn’t about to give it up, but he’s also honest about the compromises he’s made and doesn’t hide from the question that is a natural byproduct of his own success: When a joke becomes your life, how do you keep your life from becoming a joke?

“I never would’ve guessed I’d be doing what I’m doing now,” he says. “The 23-year-old me would punch me in the face and leave me for dead.”

Yacht rock was mostly made in the late ’70s and early ’80s, but the genre wasn’t named until 2005 when JD Ryznar, a writer and actor, created the Yacht Rock web series with a few friends. The video shorts imagined the origins of songs like the Doobie Brothers’ “What a Fool Believes,” Toto’s “Rosanna,” and Steely Dan’s “FM.” The music, Ryznar says, was well-crafted, like a yacht, and recurring nautical imagery in songs like Christopher Cross’s “Sailing” or on Loggins and Messina’s album Full Sail made the term fit. According to Ryznar, true yacht rock has jazz and R&B influences, is usually produced in California, and frequently involves a rotating group of interconnected studio musicians. The term was never intended to be a pejorative—“we never thought it was silly music,” Ryznar says—but the web series is most definitely comedy, and feelings about the music itself tend to be buried under layers of hipster irony, warm nostalgia, and veiled contempt. Yacht rock songs are finely constructed: They’ve got indelible pop hooks, but they’re decidedly professional, not ragged and cool like punk or early hip-hop, which were canonized among the music of that era.

For the first Yacht Rock Revue gig, much of the set list came from a compilation CD that Cobb had burned titled The Dentist’s Office Mix. It included songs like Player’s “Baby Come Back,” Ambrosia’s “The Biggest Part of Me,” and Rupert Holmes’s “Escape (The Piña Colada Song).” “I’d put it on at parties and just see what the reactions would be,” Cobb says. “It was a weird, guilty pleasure.”

Niespodziani’s initial feelings about the music were uncomplicated. “I wasn’t a fan,” he says. “I was really into music that made people feel something, that had some grit and humanity to it. The ethos I thought was important in rock ’n’ roll was rebellious fun crossed with a heart-on-your-sleeve kind of thing. Yacht rock doesn’t do any of that. It doesn’t rebel.” He found a lot of yacht rock to be technical, clinical, and sterile. “Sophisticated for the sake of being sophisticated.”

Onstage, Niespodziani is the picture of unapproachable retro cool. Tall, with shaggy hair and an angular face, he hides behind large, dark sunglasses and frequently surrenders a thin half-smile. In other words, he personifies the classic, arrogant, coked-up, late-’70s rock frontman. In person, he gives off nearly the opposite impression. Over coffee, he’s thoughtful, earnest, and self-deprecating. His sharp facial features are accentuated by wide-lensed prescription glasses, and, having traded the polyester shirts he favors onstage for a camouflage green hoodie, the vibe Niespodziani exudes is hardcore music geek. Olson, who has known Niespodziani since they were in fourth grade in Columbus, Indiana, says when they met, “Nick was the nerdy kid who was good at math and jump-roping.”

Photograph by Emily Butler

Yacht Rock Revue, for Niespodziani, is a part he plays: “I’m almost more an actor than a musician.” He and his bandmates spend hours prowling vintage stores looking for the retro leisure wear that they don onstage—and then a not inconsiderable amount of money getting those old clothes tailored to fit. “It’s a war of attrition,” he says. “You find something that might work, and then it’s itchy or it smells or holes develop because the shirt is older than I am. You have to be shopping at all times.” They once did a gig in street clothes, but it felt wrong. “Polyester,” he says, “is our armor.”

Sometimes that armor hasn’t been enough for Niespodziani. During the band’s first few years, they played weekly at the 10 High. “I would drink a lot and almost sabotage myself, sometimes onstage, and make fun of it,” he says. “People would ask me about the band, and I’d talk down about it and act like I was too cool. I didn’t lash out at people, but it was strange to get well-known for something that didn’t make me feel good about myself. I’d get drunk onstage to deal with it.”

His bandmates certainly noticed, but, for the most part, they let their friend work through it. “He’s been the moodiest about it,” Cobb says. “He just hates Rupert Holmes’s ‘Escape (The Piña Colada Song).’ Hates it. But he knows it goes over well.” So when Niespodziani’s got to play it, he’ll often deadpan an introduction comparing Holmes to da Vinci and Picasso. “By talking about how great it is, it helps me shed that song’s terribleness.”

Niespodziani believes the ironic distance he puts between the guy he is onstage and the guy drinking coffee at Ponce City Market is fundamental to the band’s success. “Because we thought—or at least I thought—I was too cool to be doing this, everything has keyed off what the audience reacts to, whether it’s the clothes we wear, the sidestep dance we do, whatever. The audience has been the head of the snake. We’ve just been following it.” It helps that with more than 500 songs in their repertoire, the band doesn ’ t burn out too badly on any tune. “The only song we have to play is ‘Africa.’” The 1982 hit by Toto, by a band made up of talented but largely anonymous studio musicians, has become something of an Internet meme itself, with multiple think pieces devoted to untangling its allure. “Part of it may be the audacity of the synthesizer sound,” Niespodziani says. “They’re just so cheesy. The chords are fairly complex and pretty unexpected. The way it goes to the minor key in the chorus is kind of a cognitive disconnect. And when you listen to the words, it’s not really about anything. Maybe that’s why it’s so quintessentially yacht rock. It’s not so much what the words are saying, it’s how they make you feel, this combination of pure joy crossed with reminiscing.”

Despite his ambivalence about the music, Niespodziani is first among equals within the band. He sings lead on more songs than anyone else, and it’s his judgment they trust when adding songs to their catalog. He has a system: “Generally, the more a song annoys me, the more likely it makes sorority girls want to eat each other’s brains. Also, almost every song would be an encore for the band we’re covering. So, those are the basics: Does it annoy me? Are girls going to like it? Would it be an encore for the band we’re covering?”

“I’m almost more an actor than a musician.”

Others in the band are more unabashed about the music. “I’ve always loved all this stuff,” says Lee, the bassist. “You have to love it before you can play with it in that comedy sense and do it right.” This ability to walk that line between having fun with the music and making fun of the music has won over many of the original artists. When the band first reached out to guys like Dupree, Gary Wright (“Dream Weaver”), and Player’s Peter Beckett, some artists disdained the term “yacht rock” and feared being treated as a joke. Dupree was an early convert and evangelized about the band to his peers, touting their musicianship and enthusiasm. He says those who eventually performed with Yacht Rock Revue were “staggered that they were playing in front of 4,000 people who knew every word to their songs.”

The genre’s rise as a cultural touchstone—Jimmy Fallon has been a big booster, inviting Dupree, Cross, McDonald, and others to perform on TV, and there’s now a SiriusXM station devoted to it—has benefited these artists. Their Spotify and YouTube streaming numbers have risen noticeably. “It’s made a big impact financially,” Dupree says. “Even the skeptics have seen the power of it.”

For a while, the band had a bit of a good-natured Twitter beef with the creators of the Yacht Rock web series. Ryznar admits he initially felt like the band had hijacked his idea, but now his only real gripe is Yacht Rock Revue’s liberal definition of yacht rock. “Half their set is incredible yacht rock,” Ryznar says. “The other half, they play way too much Eagles, America, and Fleetwood Mac. Those aren’t yacht rock bands.”

The band makes no apologies. As Niespodziani puts it, “Yacht rock is what we say it is now.” That’s not just bravado. Yacht Rock Revue trademarked the term “yacht rock” for live performances, so other acts can’t use it without permission. The maneuver helped snuff out competition from other cover bands but occasionally puts them in conflict with some of the genre’s originators. When Cross’s manager tried to assemble a “Yacht Rock” tour featuring Cross, Orleans, and Firefall, it ran afoul of the trademark.

“We said, ‘If you want to call it Yacht Rock, we’ve got to be the [backing] band,’” Olson says. That compromise collapsed when Cross’s manager “wanted a piece of the trademark and of all our earnings over three years.” Yacht Rock Revue sent a cease-and-desist letter instead.

The band’s set list is anchored in the classic late ’70s, early ’80s yacht-rock era but can stretch to include songs as old as the late ’60s or as recent as the early ’90s. Of course, there’s a balance to be struck: If they go too far afield, they risk becoming just another cover band, but there are other considerations to take into account, too. As Cobb explains, “Nothing about Whitney Houston is in the genre, but when we play ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody,’ the chicks go crazy, everybody orders another round, the bar sells out of Tito’s and Red Bull, and they’re like, ‘When can you come back? You broke alcohol records.’”

The band’s audiences have evolved over time. The earliest shows were heavy on hipsters and fellow musicians. Then, those fans brought their parents. At a Buckhead Theatre gig in March, the crowd leaned toward balding guys in button-down shirts and platinum-blond women wearing expensive-looking jewelry. Niespodziani once called yacht rock “the music of the overprivileged,” which was a joke, but also not. Getting older, wealthier fans out to shows is an impressive accomplishment most artists would envy, but it has changed something fundamental about Yacht Rock’s appeal. “When we started, it was people elbowing each other, laughing at this music,” Niespodziani says. “Now, there’s no irony.”

On a night off during a Vegas stand in 2015, the entire band went to see Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band perform at the Pearl Theater in the Palms Casino. Starr began doing these tours in 1989, fronting a band of aging rockers like Gary Wright, Steve Lukather (Toto), and Gregg Rolie (Santana, Journey), whose names and faces you might not recognize but whose songs you certainly would. Just past the midway point in the show at the Pearl, Lukather stepped to the mic, and Starr began beating out a familiar rhythm on the drums. As Lukather picked out the first few notes on the guitar and the synths pumped out the insistent melody, the song was instantly recognizable: “Africa.” In the theater balcony, Cobb recalls looking across at Niespodziani and seeing something change in his friend. “I just watched Nick’s face and, all of a sudden, it was as if this weight lifted off him.”

The Beatles had always been Niespodziani’s favorite band. “Now, I’m watching Ringo Starr, and he has to play fucking ‘Africa’ every night, too,” Niespodziani says. “He was in the Beatles! That was a life-changing moment for me.” Starr and his band were touching many of the same nerves in the audience at the Pearl Theater that Yacht Rock Revue touches all the time. “When we started Yacht Rock, I didn’t like the music we were playing. I didn’t like myself for being in a cover band. I had some dark times. It’s been a journey for me to get okay with it. That was a pretty key moment. Once you get to a certain point in the music business, everybody’s hustling. I’m not going to look down my nose at anybody for doing anything that makes it possible to feed their family by singing songs.”

Seeing Starr go yacht rock was a significant step that’s made enjoying Yacht Rock Revue’s triumphs a little easier. For years, Olson and Niespodziani waited for interest in yacht rock—and their band—to fade. Opening Venkman’s was a hedge against that. But Yacht Rock Revue’s stock continues to rise. Their touring business has grown 375 percent since 2014. “It’s not a fad,” Niespodziani says. “This is going to be our biggest year by far.” They play increasingly larger venues and have recently started booking dates overseas, including this summer in London.

The question is, where else can they take this, literally and figuratively? Back in 2013, the band quietly released a five-song EP: four original songs and a cover of—what else?—“Africa.” They used to occasionally drop an original tune into their shows, sometimes announcing it as a “Hall & Oates B-side.” The crowds were amenable, kind of. “It’s hard when they know every word to every song,” Niespodziani says. “They don’t come for discovery; they come for familiarity.” That’s a truism any band who has ever had a hit knows all too well. The essential appeal of Yacht Rock Revue—and yacht rock—is a combination of nostalgia and escape, a yearning for the simpler, easier time these songs evoke. Yet Niespodziani has been wondering lately if it’s possible to pivot fans to his own songs, either with Yacht Rock Revue or Indianapolis Jones.

“That’s still my dream,” he says, “to have one song that matters to somebody the way ‘Steal Away’ matters to people. No matter what else I do in life, if I don’t ever get over that bar, part of me will feel like I failed at the one thing I wanted. I don’t know if I can ever let go of that. I don’t know if I’m ready to face that darkness.”

In 2013, during a commencement speech at Syracuse University, the author George Saunders told graduates, “Success is like a mountain that keeps growing as you hike up it.” Niespodziani brought this quote up to me while we were having coffee. He knows his life is nothing to complain about. He lives a rarefied existence where he gets paid a lot of money to play music. But clearly, the mountain grows in front of him, and the hike up isn’t always easy. He’s still prone to self-deprecating asides about his band, he still kinda envies the Robbie Duprees of the world—but, hey, he doesn’t need to get drunk onstage anymore, and he doesn’t lose sleep wondering if he’s a force for good or evil in the world. That stop sign at the crossroads in the Old Fourth Ward isn’t an omen or a cautionary tale. It’s simply a funny story that makes people smile. He’s just working on becoming one of them.

“The way I really made peace with it is, it occurred to me that everywhere we went, everyone was so happy to see me,” he says. “These people, it’s the highlight of their week to come sing along with these tunes. If your job is making people happy, that’s a pretty good calling.” He leans back in his chair and smiles. “My job is to make it okay for everybody else to have fun. That’s kind of cool.” He gets quiet for a moment and shrugs.

This article appears in our  July 2018 issue .


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Best $20 I've spent on a show in years!! The band was absolutely phenomenal!! The closest I could ever get to seeing Led Zeppelin and The Who! The newly renovated Variety Playhouse is now perfection, there isn't a bad seat in the whole venue and the sound quality is perfect! This was the best father daughter concert!

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LOVE LOVE LOVE! We had the BEST time ever! Only wish we got to hear some Phil Collins, and Pina colada song! Prince was a huge bonus :) We will see you again!

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Incredible show at the Gothic in Denver last night! Go see them if you can score a ticket!!! Don't forget to wear a captain's hat and be prepared to dance!

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Yacht Rock Revue

Embark on a nostalgic voyage through the shimmering seas of music with Yacht Rock Revue, the ultimate purveyors of the smooth, yacht rock sound and who many reverently consider the godfathers of Yacht Rock. Hailing from Atlanta, GA this sensational band has captivated audiences worldwide with their immaculate renditions of classic hits from the late '70s and early '80s. Inspired by the golden era of soft rock, Yacht Rock Revue has mastered the art of recreating the breezy and laid-back tunes that defined a generation. From the sun-kissed melodies of Steely Dan and Michael McDonald to the velvety harmonies of Hall & Oates, their repertoire spans an ocean of beloved hits that evoke memories of palm trees, ocean breezes, and carefree summers. Since their formation in 2007, Yacht Rock Revue has amassed a devoted following, drawing fans from all walks of life to their extraordinary live performances. Their attention to detail and devotion to authenticity are unrivaled, transporting audiences to a time when yacht parties and smooth sailing were the order of the day. Yacht Rock Revue's infectious energy extends to their fans, creating a community that celebrates the joy of music and the timeless appeal of yacht rock. Their concerts are not just shows; they're immersive experiences that leave audiences craving more. YACHT ROCK REVUE is. Nicholas Niespodziani - Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Percussion Peter Olson - Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Percussion Greg Lee - Bass, Vocals Mark Dannells - Guitars, Vocals Mark Bencuya - Keyboards, Vocals David B. Freeman - Saxophones, Keyboards, Flute, Piccolo, Percussion, Vocals Keisha Jackson - Vocals, Percussion Kourtney Jackson - Vocals, Percussion Jason Nackers - Drums Ganesh Giri Jaya - Drummer

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sat 07 aug 6:00 pm sat 10:00 pm Yacht Rock Revue on The Stone Pony Summer Stage BUY TICKETS

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Yacht Rock Revue Special late show inside the Pony at 10 pm with Renaissance Blvd

Yacht Rock Revue

(Saturday) 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Stone Pony Summer Stage

913 Ocean Avenue

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Yacht Rock Revue: 70s and 80s Hits, Live from New York

Yacht Rock Revue takes audiences back in time to the soft rock hits of the late '70s and early '80s.

Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. on KPBS TV / Stream now with KPBS Passport + Encores Sunday, Sept. 1 at Noon and Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 1 p.m. on KPBS TV

In a musical voyage like no other, “Yacht Rock Revue” sets sail on the shimmering seas for a nostalgic journey through the hits of the late '70s and early '80s, where soft rock and smooth grooves rule the waves. A talented group featuring exceptional musicianship and tight harmonies, the program pays homage to the golden era of yacht rock, delivering pitch-perfect renditions of iconic classics from artists like Hall & Oates , Steely Dan , Toto , Michael McDonald , and more.

“Yacht Rock Revue” takes audiences back in time with their lush instrumentation, soulful voices, and tight jeans. Their infectious enthusiasm and engaging stage presence create a feel-good atmosphere that encourages everyone to sing along and dance the night away. The music transports viewers to a bygone era of breezy melodies and yacht rock magic.

Yacht Rock Revue is on Facebook / Instagram

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  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-title="yacht rock revue pictures" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/albums" data-duration="61" data-formatted-duration="1:01" data-image-url="https://a4-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/35/78a4a3c463164977bdfe8552fe619fa1/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/299/d27e68865b2c46d291a0be9e5453c927/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="27828456" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_27828456" data-uid="7797081a-93fb-468d-81be-d527359e3298" data-entity-key="song_27828456" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/yacht-rock-radio-spot-27828456-27629666" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/yacht-rock-radio-spot-27828456-27629666" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/299/d27e68865b2c46d291a0be9e5453c927/std.m4a?t=1725122955_b52ea8dfaeacad1d260280aa5f3d6ed0" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/299/d27e68865b2c46d291a0be9e5453c927/std.m4a.m3u8?Ex_nJDjdp0CDoMjZGpvg4G6bczyd8z6L-_2c-lNwGpzmvFnqJEYHM5RCwhLUL1SjahtUdS1WuLmsdtnUFOAfyzS02n4XRM-QyRSapSQDYE--DoaFqXe5XJxbMw8YahX2yR6sLrqe8kQmV6I" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/299/d27e68865b2c46d291a0be9e5453c927/std.m4a"> Yacht Rock Radio Spot 1:01
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="26" data-formatted-duration="0:26" data-image-url="https://a1-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/29/30eeaed5d87f471ab3f30ba8fe8bc410/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/302/9d1cdf6cbb584382a2fd7a5cf8a8e873/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="45937179" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_45937179" data-uid="18dd7ecb-0e3d-490d-8840-7fd34f60cc11" data-entity-key="song_45937179" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/biggest-part-of-me-45937179-49140678" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/biggest-part-of-me-45937179-49140678" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/302/9d1cdf6cbb584382a2fd7a5cf8a8e873/std.m4a?t=1725122955_ea99f4be15369aa66f348ee59bcaf0ec" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/302/9d1cdf6cbb584382a2fd7a5cf8a8e873/std.m4a.m3u8?2oqbbXDNT7PeiZ8Ma6c4GGiIkJCu73WrrHg1EfR4eU5AJ0J17lXRW2MNBB-tMsMibgKMmA5Rsns5MZKupUGxzgMdDzZbJv6sbrzh25qyB5L06fcmlU79k7PIH-IvsHtSuE7mlEPQpUZznAE" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/302/9d1cdf6cbb584382a2fd7a5cf8a8e873/std.m4a"> Biggest Part of Me Live at the 10 High 0:26
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="28" data-formatted-duration="0:28" data-image-url="https://a4-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/28/72f6c1393b2d4cabbc83cbdeede6545c/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/301/76612fe770934cb1b151ddc61f6b9bd1/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="50140464" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_50140464" data-uid="601e8081-2552-485c-a4b4-3b6d79e48b24" data-entity-key="song_50140464" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/summer-breeze-50140464-53995855" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/summer-breeze-50140464-53995855" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/301/76612fe770934cb1b151ddc61f6b9bd1/std.m4a?t=1725122955_3db267d7566174284d571bfad38a5504" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/301/76612fe770934cb1b151ddc61f6b9bd1/std.m4a.m3u8?K1Lbyy4dmrFf6neuwnQOsZSUEFG7EGC1qXWF2aE7vEtd0Lb8EDa12oRPr8J3EN8983J6zCwIZ8LXKqQlfBjIyg_p3aOCNCQhJal9GdqBvkhVKHwnjKECIY38zCJwcs-LnQtAPg-CF0jbzPE" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/301/76612fe770934cb1b151ddc61f6b9bd1/std.m4a"> Summer Breeze Live at the 10 High 0:28
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="11890170" data-album-title="Yacht Rock Revue" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/yacht-rock-revue-11890170" data-duration="18" data-formatted-duration="0:18" data-image-url="https://a1-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/28/0ec5d67a19e045bf9293d12c4936bdeb/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/302/ed25cc56b4874a8abd1c891b64a1e8f9/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="46594473" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_46594473" data-uid="7e962a36-c993-4c82-8463-ed2eecae311d" data-entity-key="song_46594473" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/yacht-rock-theme-46594473-49895793" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/yacht-rock-theme-46594473-49895793" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/302/ed25cc56b4874a8abd1c891b64a1e8f9/std.m4a?t=1725122955_73c2f52d473695d046f24f32a439dd07" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/302/ed25cc56b4874a8abd1c891b64a1e8f9/std.m4a.m3u8?RI5IhIpzH27S1EOW5dwPZthb1b2JqZo7u6_scjDU1A6_QMR8PkobY2sY4dLgtOEOlnqCt0KJ1ycmgtNrwaGDvYtb5jrdUeMeQjgnYXUpO2WVPW3Xbo5xptFPkVmZ6IzYZj20oZ7Vf5hCUv0" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/302/ed25cc56b4874a8abd1c891b64a1e8f9/std.m4a"> Yacht Rock Theme Yacht Rock Revue 0:18
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="27" data-formatted-duration="0:27" data-image-url="https://a3-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/2/fc0e02dcd1e548619efe3909c22f1d69/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/300/1613a0c7c6d844e486a8b0069aeff268/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="45936727" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_45936727" data-uid="1b227edd-af57-433f-aa3e-5f495069b511" data-entity-key="song_45936727" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/i-can-t-go-for-that-45936727-49140098" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/i-can-t-go-for-that-45936727-49140098" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/300/1613a0c7c6d844e486a8b0069aeff268/std.m4a?t=1725122955_fd429ddbf876409a90e1274c3e5634f9" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/300/1613a0c7c6d844e486a8b0069aeff268/std.m4a.m3u8?XHCOl_oukyK2SBlNTzIqJlzA04sQGbzjLBGgLRZrmiqY1nyiD7bAK0m1FocFPztoLkdIq8s8NDVx9ELUOQ2CFg4Q4l3LckzJi-dpKZMn_baRTkjn_J2_7G32zA0pAj7XZQcDliUFmA7ub10" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/300/1613a0c7c6d844e486a8b0069aeff268/std.m4a"> I Can't Go For That Live at the 10 High 0:27
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="29" data-formatted-duration="0:29" data-image-url="https://a1-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/34/21351c960f584a6fb4a4f7490936a175/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/296/bbd8f6b0d329477aa3b5cc0841f0d938/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="45939988" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_45939988" data-uid="cab6671d-0821-4a63-8d05-8cda9efba711" data-entity-key="song_45939988" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/steal-away-45939988-49144259" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/steal-away-45939988-49144259" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/296/bbd8f6b0d329477aa3b5cc0841f0d938/std.m4a?t=1725122955_ebbbe7806659f231fd861acf9c529fe7" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/296/bbd8f6b0d329477aa3b5cc0841f0d938/std.m4a.m3u8?D4H80AIUtYEk37uHFDW0eycYALlZzKHRVwrSy71LbI-iLiJgJMNxbHftnmoW5RAE4kqIfYC8ximEN49TyPwUz5glVYM16mpnGWM7g0vzownrS63pRkeJx5Pw3pOKu0ms_dSE5RapT3PzGxg" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/296/bbd8f6b0d329477aa3b5cc0841f0d938/std.m4a"> Steal Away Live at the 10 High 0:29
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="27" data-formatted-duration="0:27" data-image-url="https://a2-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/31/788fee5fb7574cd5a432066b9b385036/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/299/a6dc3ceaa5824ce2bb90667edd2c22ac/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="45941642" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_45941642" data-uid="e290ede1-a251-4b3e-80bd-8531bddd91db" data-entity-key="song_45941642" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/somebody-s-baby-45941642-49146338" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/somebody-s-baby-45941642-49146338" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/299/a6dc3ceaa5824ce2bb90667edd2c22ac/std.m4a?t=1725122955_d648468c8852cbf258307ae381f913ac" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/299/a6dc3ceaa5824ce2bb90667edd2c22ac/std.m4a.m3u8?ZLI-h5uk3klUWyUIrJlmttEocmY038xADsguvAcSydwjXBqcKE1UMVKCsTYQlTkV4Zrb9eUEDqluN1tH-hOz_dsDFDsfT4pXt5ACo902Q41_Iy0KCqLXwy-Z5fz3V8za13oNl05ZzBWnWo8" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/299/a6dc3ceaa5824ce2bb90667edd2c22ac/std.m4a"> Somebody's Baby Live at the 10 High 0:27
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="27" data-formatted-duration="0:27" data-image-url="https://a2-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/35/31bb13602a6d406497b179d6e623489b/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/297/05a5f56d752747a9995ad0c84c2219a9/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="45941826" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_45941826" data-uid="3da852ae-d914-4978-bf91-56d3f8481577" data-entity-key="song_45941826" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/what-a-fool-believes-45941826-49146648" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/what-a-fool-believes-45941826-49146648" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/297/05a5f56d752747a9995ad0c84c2219a9/std.m4a?t=1725122955_e0c971bec48ba13517af325e851be393" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/297/05a5f56d752747a9995ad0c84c2219a9/std.m4a.m3u8?Iac54xrhsLb5p7crDB3boqFgjq7wdrSTJ7zFmVrtGtS8G7n3hK_7kIjrFiPUzq1SNzJhnZIwr6mlJG3Q-XCuPhwGxOyZFssoBGjaKi-x3juqTZNhDMgMKB4Vum3C9LAZQkbFSLuUj7k_-QQ" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/297/05a5f56d752747a9995ad0c84c2219a9/std.m4a"> What A Fool Believes Live at the 10 High 0:27
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="7999355" data-album-title="Live at the 10 High" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/live-at-the-10-high-7999355" data-duration="27" data-formatted-duration="0:27" data-image-url="https://a4-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/2/22408d9632ee4446b514d9911097f383/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/298/7829d1be94de44d19a4202e95461deef/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="45936489" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_45936489" data-uid="c4c9a4e1-7775-4927-9b46-94492a67d906" data-entity-key="song_45936489" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/peg-45936489-49139642" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/peg-45936489-49139642" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/298/7829d1be94de44d19a4202e95461deef/std.m4a?t=1725122955_45392e79417e2778ce62ddb337982c3e" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/298/7829d1be94de44d19a4202e95461deef/std.m4a.m3u8?Up7YUtWRXHpnSDEOi4dW0c5qZpHm_8mfe340N1qx3fLSIWVz0RVJkDQMYH9bsLFDwI8LY90UVH3oKIh-BIBYidFXKov5e186rVsKPTcmodTf4j4j6cHCNwEmTkooWrCq8-4-hyx4gFImR28" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/298/7829d1be94de44d19a4202e95461deef/std.m4a"> Peg Live at the 10 High 0:27
  • YACHT ROCK REVUE: Best Yacht Rock Band in UNIVERSE " data-album-id="11890170" data-album-title="Yacht Rock Revue" data-album-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/album/yacht-rock-revue-11890170" data-duration="14" data-formatted-duration="0:14" data-image-url="https://a1-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/1/7c3d65bd4db54c3eb7ea650edf94bbb6/300x300.jpg" data-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/300/d76b6d54426b431892fdf309590ceff4/std.m4a" data-is-premium="false" data-is-explicit="false" data-is-full-length="true" data-media-id="54233882" data-media-type="audio" data-radio-station-entity-key="radiostation_song_54233882" data-uid="80fc71ae-a580-40fe-9ae8-527c0edc613c" data-entity-key="song_54233882" data-url="/yachtrockrevue/music/song/mustache-rock-54233882-58692705" data-artist-url="/yachtrockrevue/music" data-video-id="" data-embed-url="/play/song/mustache-rock-54233882-58692705" data-ads-prohibited="false" data-artist-username="yachtrockrevue" data-http-stream-url="http://l-music.myspacecdn.com:80/music02/300/d76b6d54426b431892fdf309590ceff4/std.m4a?t=1725122955_4f5da73ab5cadb7abb56cca2d154909d" data-hls-stream-url="https://hls-music.myspacecdn.com/music02/300/d76b6d54426b431892fdf309590ceff4/std.m4a.m3u8?Q0PAUHJTMgY97YW0-Bx3h16IWRFeOO5m_7M8egSPzRgrZnK88EyM59IugKpzNcRI9kHsW7gDyflPnVBIYmi1g0gIpUWImAnJ915jPiZa-jE2TEjFYiOeBvwYnhBAdFI6cc3aeNIksZKB0PQ" data-rtmp-stream-url="rtmpe://fms.ec-music.myspacecdn.com/;mp4:music02/300/d76b6d54426b431892fdf309590ceff4/std.m4a"> Mustache Rock Yacht Rock Revue 0:14

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Katie Puckrik’s A Yacht Rock Odyssey – reviewed

By david quantick.

By david quantick

Katie Puckrik's A Rock Yacht Oddessy

According to the sleeve notes for this epically-detailed boxed set, “Yacht Rock is a neologism coined decades after the music’s heyday to corral like-minded mellowness into a petting zoo of smooth.” In other words, Yacht Rock doesn’t exist. Like “freakbeat” and other genres designed to make it easier to label music, Yacht Rock is a vague, newishly-minted label that enables people to find a link between apparently unconnected records.

That said, even people who hate labels have to admit that the criteria for what constitutes Yacht Rock are fairly clear: a vague sort of jazzy pop sound, a moderately catchy chorus that leaps out at the listener like a heavily-drugged salmon, a great deal of saxophone, the soft rain of tinkly keyboards, and Michael McDonald. It’s terrifying how often Michael McDonald turns up here: as a songwriter, as a backing vocalist, and as both a solo artist and member of the Doobie Brothers, McDonald is the Zelig of Yacht Rock. It’s tempting to imagine a timeline where Michael McDonald was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald and Yacht Rock never happened.

Not to set the catamaran among the pigeons, but Yacht Rock is one of the most divisive imaginary genres of all time David Quantick

Not to set the catamaran among the pigeons, but Yacht Rock is one of the most divisive imaginary genres of all time. When I mentioned to a few people that I was writing about a Yacht Rock compilation, their reactions were to say the least strong, and involved swearing. For many people, the sweet blandness of Yacht Rock and its associations (the 1970s, cocktails, swimwear, yachts) is infuriating, and the idea that this wafting, somehow heartless music is now being celebrated instead of, say, buried in the earth’s molten core for ever, is horrific to them. It is, as the older generation say, like punk never happened. Session musicians rule the day: instead of fiery passion and musical aggression, everything is the musical equivalent of a Harvey Wallbanger – overly sweet, brightly coloured, and liable to give you a terrible hangover. “Yacht” it may be, “rock” it isn’t. It’s not soul, either, or disco, and quite often it isn’t pop. The words are full of exhortations – ‘Move On’, ‘Hold On’, ‘Back Off’, ‘Turn Your Love Around’ – but the tunes send out the opposite message: stay still, give up, don’t move, leave your love in neutral.

Not every song is like that, of course. There are great songs here – Kool & The Gang’s ‘Too Hot’, Robert Palmer’s ‘Every Kind Of People’, Elkie Brooks’ ‘Fool If You Think It’s Over’ – but these are Yacht Rock in name only, and for many just bring to mind Albert Einstein’s famous line: if it’s good, it’s not Yacht Rock, and if it’s Yacht Rock, it’s not good. The musical range of this compilation is pretty consistent, but there are exceptions (one of which will be discussed imminently).

There’s also the faint reek of irony about Yacht Rock. Many remember the whole “ guilty pleasures ” trend of a few years back in which people celebrated “tacky” music from their youth in a half-genuine, half-raised-eyebrow kind of way. This was, they said, no way to consume music: if you love something, you should just love it without shame, and not be laughing at it at the same time as you are listening to it. And it’s hard not to be vexed by the legions of people with wry tears in their eyes punching the air to Leo Sayer : almost as hard, in fact, as a non-fan of this pseudo-genre to listen to an astonishing four CDs of yacht rock.

As a piece of archive,  A Yacht Rock Odyssey  is up there with the great 1960s garage band compilations, just substituting mellow sax for fuzz guitar David Quantick

But as that non-fan, I am paradoxically full of admiration for this project. It is compiler Katie Puckrik’s labour of love: presenter of a radio show devoted to Yacht Rock, Puckrik knows her stuff, as you might expect from someone who’s spent her entire life working in music, from dancing on a Pet Shop Boys tour to fronting the Lust For Life tribute band to DJing and presenting radio shows. Her research for this collection is mind-boggling: there are acts from all over the world, obscure and otherwise, representing funk, soft rock, jazz and “Japanese City Pop” (genres within genres). The sleeve-notes are fantastically informative, witty and sometimes surprising (apart from the fact that ace blandsman Christopher Cross wrote ‘Ride Like The Wind’ on acid, there’s also the little-known link between Yacht Rock and serial killers). This is far from being an ironic or silly collection: it’s put together with love and knowledge, and that’s all you can ask for. As a piece of archive, A Yacht Rock Odyssey is up there with the great 1960s garage band compilations, just substituting mellow sax for fuzz guitar: it’s a Pebbles for cokeheads. 76 tracks from the sublime – Carole Bayer Sager’ ‘It’s The Falling In Love’, Boz Scaggs’ ‘Lowdown’ – to the ridiculous…

Which brings us to the elephant in the room: well, not so much ‘elephant’ as ‘herd of freakishly large mutant space dino-mammoths” and not so “room” as “very small box.” The track that rises above the others like Olympus above the Serengeti. A song so big that it encompasses an entire continent.

‘Africa’, by Toto.

Calling ‘Africa’ a “Yacht Rock” song is like calling Bob Dylan’s ‘Like A Rolling Stone’ a folk song. It’s like calling The Beatles a Merseybeat group. It’s accurate, but also it doesn’t begin to even hint at the enormousness of the thing. ‘Africa’ isn’t Yacht Rock. If you played ‘Africa’ on an actual yacht, the yacht would explode, taking with it the entire Caribbean Sea and most of Florida. Next to some needle fluff like, say, Michael Sembello’s ‘Lay Back (Menage A Trois)’, ‘Africa’ is a mindless behemoth of a song, crushing everything in its path. Which is probably why it’s been placed, sensibly, at the end of CD1, where it both acts as a powerful finale and also is liable to cause the least amount of damage. Puckrik devotes a whole page of her sleeve-notes to ‘Africa’, detailing both its extraordinary renaissance in the 21st century and what she calls its lyrical “clunkiness.” She makes a great case for ‘Africa”s emotional resonance to a new generation, and points out that Toto thought it was “the weirdest song they ever did” (listening to Toto’s other, equally thrilling but marginally more unimaginative soupfests, you can see their point).

And so ‘Africa’ stands over its charges, like a lion king sworn to protect a lot of, I don’t know, cocktail monkeys and giraffes made of Doritos, safe in the knowledge that, like it or not, Yacht Rock has been anthologised, archived, and praised, definitively.

A Yacht Rock Odessey was reviewed by David Quantick. It’s released on Friday 30 August 2024, via Demon Music.

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Katie Puckrik

A yacht rock odyssey - limited 4cd set with signed print.

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A Yacht Rock Odessey Various Artists /

Some of the most beloved west coast classics this side of malibu..

  • Christopher Cross / Ride Like The Wind [45 Version]
  • Starbuck / Moonlight Feels Right
  • George Benson / Turn Your Love Around
  • Carly Simon / You Belong To Me
  • Kenny Loggins / This Is It
  • Raydio / You Can’t Change That
  • Average White Band / Whatcha Gonna Do for Me
  • Bobby Caldwell / What You Won’t Do For Love
  • Boz Scaggs / Lowdown [Single Version]
  • Robbie Dupree / Steal Away
  • Al Jarreau / Mornin’
  • Pablo Cruise / What’cha Gonna Do?
  • Gino Vannelli / People Gotta Move
  • Ace / How Long
  • Stephen Bishop / Save It For A Rainy Day
  • The Pointer Sisters / He’s So Shy
  • Steve Winwood / Valerie (original 1982 recording)
  • Player / Baby Come Back
  • Chaka Khan / Through The Fire [45 Version]
  • Toto / Africa

Female singer-songwriters and interpreters who broadened the palette of Yacht Rock.

  • Olivia Newton-John / Magic
  • Nicolette Larson / Lotta Love
  • Laura Allan / Opening Up To You
  • Carole Bayer Sager / It’s The Falling In Love
  • Carly Simon / It Keeps You Runnin’
  • Curved Air / Touch Of Tequila
  • Lauren Wood / Save The Man
  • Samantha Sang / Emotion
  • Rajie / Last Chance
  • Evie Sands / Lady Of The Night
  • Maria Muldaur / Open Your Eyes
  • Holly Near / Back Off
  • Kiki Dee / Love Is A Crazy Feeling
  • Akiko Yano / Telephone Line
  • Diane Tell / Tes Yeux
  • Wendy Waldman / Cold Back On Me
  • Karla Bonoff / Someone To Lay Down Beside

Shining a light on rare Yacht treasures.  

  • Maxus / Nobody’s Business
  • Toto / Georgy Porgy
  • Average White Band / Isn’t It Strange
  • Greg Guidry / Show Me Your Love
  • Dane Donahue / Freedom
  • Randy Crawford / That’s How Heartaches Are Made
  • Paul Anka / Walk A Fine Line
  • Robbie Dupree / Brooklyn Girls
  • Little Feat / Red Streamliner
  • Robert Palmer / Every Kinda People
  • Larsen-Feiten Band / Who’ll Be The Fool Tonight
  • Lake / Key To The Rhyme [Album Version]
  • Leo Sayer / Easy To Love
  • Amy Holland / How Do I Survive
  • Pages / The Sailor’s Song
  • Airplay / Nothin’ You Can Do About It
  • Bill Champlin / Keys To The Kingdom

A smoochy set to keep you and the moon company.  

  • The Jones Girls / Nights Over Egypt
  • Michael McDonald / I Keep Forgettin’ (Every Time You’re Near)
  • Grover Washington Jr. And Bill Withers / Just The Two Of Us
  • Kenny Rankin / Creepin’
  • Steve Winwood / Hold On
  • Chicago / Wishing You Were Here
  • Lonette McKee / Maybe There Are Reasons
  • Ned Doheny / Get It Up For Love
  • Loggins & Messina / Move On
  • JD Souther / Midnight Prowl
  • Michael Sembello / Lay Back (Menage À Trois)
  • Robert Palmer / Give Me An Inch
  • Kool & The Gang / Too Hot
  • Pousette-Dart / Band Winterness
  • Bernie Leadon / Glass Off
  • Steve Miller Band / Sacrifice
  • Christopher Cross / Sailing

West Coast sounds to make you feel sexy, happy and rich.

A smoochy set to keep you and the moon company..

  • Michael McDonald I Keep Forgettin’ (Every Time You’re Near)
  • Olivia Newton-John Magic
  • Diane Tell Tes Yeux
  • Kenny Rankin Creepin’
  • Pages The Sailor’s Song
  • Christopher Cross Sailing

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  4. About

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  10. Yacht Rock Revue (@yachtrockrevue) • Instagram photos and videos

    47K Followers, 1,296 Following, 259 Posts - Yacht Rock Revue (@yachtrockrevue) on Instagram: ""Tropical Illusion" out NOW! Touring w @train & @reospeedwagonofficial this summer. As smooth as it gets."

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    The Yacht Rock Revue™ is the Greatest Show on Surf and the finest tribute to '70s light rock to ever perform anywhere. Ever.

  14. Yacht Rock Revue

    Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Email Address. Sign Up

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  16. Yacht Rock Revue Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

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  24. Katie Puckrik's A Yacht Rock Odyssey

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